- Dec 2016
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
The author of this paper is making an extended discussion of production and export of Cretan wine in the Roman period, based on the published amphora evidence from urban sites, with some further reflections on the consumption of this product mainly based on written sources.
While this is by far one the best reflections on the amphora=content dilemma that haunts all studies on ancient trade, it seems a shortcoming not to consider all studies on residue analysis that can provide direct and unbiased data on amphora content.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com新しいタブ1
The author of this paper is making an extended discussion of production and export of Cretan wine in the Roman period, based on the published amphora evidence from urban sites, with some further reflections on the consumption of this product mainly based on written sources.
While this is by far one the best reflections on the amphora=content dilemma that haunts all studies on ancient trade, it seems a shortcoming not to consider all studies on residue analysis that can provide direct and unbiased data on amphora content.
archeologiamedievale.unisi.it archeologiamedievale.unisi.it
La ceramica acroma grezza di V-VI secolo, ad impasto vacuolare o semivacuolare, è rappresentata soprattutto da olle e ciotole, infine tegami o bacini. Le olle sono distinguibili in diversi tipi sulla base dell’orlo che propone molte varianti minori. Prevalenti sembrano le olle con brevissimo collo nettamente distinto dal corpo e orlo estroflesso; presentano ingrossamenti all’esterno dell’orlo con profili piatti o ad arpione o a sezione quadrata; il corpo è approssimativamente sferoidale, il fondo piano e sabbiato. Sono anche attestate le olle a collo non distinto sia dritto che estroflesso.
Attestation of “ceramica vacuolare” or “vacuolata” that is common in Central and Eastern Liguria and Lunigiana in the late Roman, Byzantine and Early Medieval period.
- May 2016
archeologiamedievale.unisi.it archeologiamedievale.unisi.it
This website is a very comprehensive resource about medieval pottery in Italy. It is rather difficult to navigate properly since part of the original navigation was implemented with some scripting method that is now obsolete, but all pages should be reachable by means of normal
links. It was updated until circa 2004.
openarchaeologydata.metajnl.com openarchaeologydata.metajnl.com
Due to the difficulties associated with distinguishing between the osteology of sheep and goat
There are now established methods for separating sheep and goat http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/jasc.1997.0204 but it's certainly true that most published data will not take these methods into account since they are relatively recent.
- Apr 2016
mediterraneanceramics.blogspot.com mediterraneanceramics.blogspot.com
the transition from Çandarli to ESC
I think it was intended as "from Çandarli to PRS”, since Çandarli and ESC (Eastern Sigillata C) are basically the same thing.
www.gortinabizantina.it www.gortinabizantina.it
Hayes 104A (530-580)
Bonifay proposed a distinction of 3 variants for Hayes 104A, of which only A2 is dated
deuxième quart - milieu du VIe s.
whereas variant A3 is dated at the end of the 6th and early 7th, more in line with this context.
- Dec 2015
www.iosa.it www.iosa.itIOSA.it1
Of course there have been other workshops in the next years. This website stopped being updated in 2012 and is kept for its reference value.