32 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
    1. .rights1 { text-align: center; color: black; background-color: white; padding: 40px 0px; }

      You have to set "clear: both" to fix the footer to the center.

    2. nav { width: 100%; }

      The nav should be float to the right.

    3. display: inline-block;

      You don't really need the inline block for this assignment.

    1. <div class="rights"> <p class="rights1">Copyright © 2022. All rights reserved North Island College DIGITAL Design + Development </p> </div>

      This should be the footer.

    2. article2

      You need to separate the name's classes with a "-".

    3. <p class="image-set"></p>

      That class should be for an image element instead of a paragraph

    4. "one"

      It's better if you have more appropriate names for classes, it helps you to organize the code.

    5. <article class="aligning"> <h1> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h1> <p>Vestibulum pulvinar tincidunt placerat. Nulla porta porttitor sem, a ultrices magna feugiat quis. Nam ac diam ac libero posuere lacinia eget et libero.</p> <p>Cras pretium odio eget felis consequat, ut adipiscing enim suscioit. Suspendisse hendrerit sapien blandit nisi sagittis dictum</p> <button class="button1" onclick="window.location.href='services.html';">Find out how we can help you</button> </article> <figure> <img src="images/distance-and-inclass-students.png" alt=" inclass and online discussion among tutor and students." width="600"> </figure>

      This should be a section instead an article.

  2. Oct 2022
    1. > AscentPhysioTherapy <

      Try not to leave spaces between the tags.

    2. <img src="images/web_screenshot.png" alt="This is the screenshot of the webpage">

      It could be better if you add a width attribute.

    1. <article class="card-three"> <h2>Arts</h2> </article> <article class="card-four"> <h2>Technology</h2>

      You missed a lot of content in the last two cards.

    2. <br>

      I think that break in text is not necessary.

    1. </html>

      Overall, you did a great job using embedded styles. My only recommendation is to format the code in a different way so that it looks clean and easy to read.

    1. <small> Content taken from <a href="https://www.hairpins.ca/">https://www.hairpins.ca/</a>. Used for educational purposes only. </small> </p>

      It is easier to read if you put everything on the same line.

    2. Offering talented stylists with varied personalities, outgoing customer service, and an eclectic, fun atmosphere, Hairpins is striving to be one of a kind.

      That content should be start next to the p open element.

    3. </figcaption>

      That closing tag should be closed on the same line.

    4. /></a>

      The closing tags must be closed on the same line and not on a different line, it is more organized to format in that way.

    5. src="images/hairpins-salon-logo.png" alt="hairpins Logo" width="300"

      Those attributes should be next to each other because it is easier to read.

  3. Sep 2022
    1. </f

      You missed the p element after the footer element

    2. <li>

      You should change the format document to give it more organization because you have a lot of lines that can be less if you close the tags next to the end of the content.

    3. <h3>

      Again, that it's a paragraph instead of a h

    4. </p>

      It would be better if you place the content next to the opening tag and the close it there, not in a new line.

    5. <h3>

      I would change it to a paragraph, I think the h3 it could be works better for the questions.

    6. </html>

      You missed include one or more HTML comments, you could place them to explained why you left so many spaces or highlight interesting things about your coding.

    7. </p>

      Why do you have so many spaces between each paragraphs and elements?