- Mar 2021
danielriggins.com danielriggins.com
Hostility filling the vacuum.
It's not just the quantity of relationships, but also the strength and/or degree of trust.
It would be helpful in the statement of work to define revitalization in more concrete terms.
I think it's important to ask what defines revitalization, and how that process has impacted different stakeholder groups (e.g. gentrification).
RosaNew,MalloryMalczewski,AlexandriaEdmondson,Kahfii King and Quintin Lee
Authors of the Indiana Ave District Strategic Action Plan
luukvdmeer.github.io luukvdmeer.github.io
Note that an edge is not subdivided when it crosses another edge at a location that is not an interior point or endpoint in the linestring geometry of any of the two edges.
But isn't that happening in the example below?
aspe.hhs.gov aspe.hhs.gov
studies with side-by-side comparisons of various housing models to serve people with OUD
Hypothesis: Seems like most people think Housing First would have the best outcomes, but maybe flexible pathways would be better for long-term success?
Additionally, we did not find programs that were specifically developed to meet the special needs of youth who were experiencing homelessness and OUD.
Hypothesis: More intensive support services needed, but population overall more plastic?
describe the pathway by which OUD may lead to homelessness
Hypothesis: Multiple mechanisms like erosion of income and loss of social supports
understanding which models and which types of housing arrangement (scattered-site or single-site) might work best for individuals and families with OUD
Hypothesis: Single-site better for services that require regular, frequent contact, like methadone.
The treatment model follows three main pillars: Recognizing that complex prior trauma lies at the root of clients' addiction, and that clients need to be able to define recovery on their own terms in order to avoid re-traumatizing them in the housing system. Making MAT easier to get than heroin and other illegal opioids. Not penalizing people for showing symptoms of a disease for which they are seeking help.
Research has shown high rates of abstinence and treatment adherence, and locating such programs close to underserved communities and existing supportive services can improve access.
How rigorously was the proximity factor measured?
Individuals receiving MAT to support their recovery are protected by the ADA if the housing residence receives state or local government funding, and by the Rehabilitation Act if the residence receives federal financial assistance.
What proportion of housing options does this apply to?
Integrated health care with specialty addiction and mental health services, including MAT, as well as supported employment, are offered on-site and nearby.
Does Chicago have anything like this?
PSH is targeted to households that have at least one member with a chronic disabling condition that requires ongoing support in order for the household to live independently
I wonder what conditions are most common in any given population. SUD? What else? ESRD?
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Second, due to high need and the enabling characteristic of HUD-VASH case management, we hypothesized that HUD-VASH Veterans had the greatest primary and other ambulatory care utilization among the groups.
Plugging into support services may increase cost to the health system if they were previously disengaged, but the need itself has not changed.
- Feb 2021
www.feinberg.northwestern.edu www.feinberg.northwestern.eduCourses17
PH 422
Methodology selective
PH 560 Culminating Experience in Public Health (1)
PH 444
Methodology selective
PH 439
Methodology selective
PH 438
Methodology selective
PH 435
Methodology selective
PH 425
Methodology selective
PH 421
Methodology selective
PH 420 Introduction to Health Management (1)
PH 315 Topics in Public Health (1)
PH 314 Topics in Public Health (1)
PH 313 Topics in Public Health (1)
PH 310-311-312 Foundations in Public Health Courses (1)
PH 304 Introduction to Epidemiology (1)
PH 303 Environmental Health Sciences
PH 301 Behavior, Society, & Health (1)
PH 302 Introduction to Biostatistics (1)
- Dec 2020
jrnold.github.io jrnold.github.io
var(1:10) #> [1] 9.17 variance(1:10) #> [1] 9.17
Concordance with var() breaks down if you introduce an NA to the vector. As written, the function will return NA if there an NA is in the vector no matter what na.rm is set to.
The commenter above asked if you need to add na.rm to the sum function. In that case it will return a number but not the same as var because length is still counting NA, which can't be overridden. E.g. If you have x <- c(1:10, NA), variance(x) will return 8.25, but var(x, na.rm = TRUE) will return 9.166667.
To fix concordance with NA values in vectors, I wrote the function as such:
variance <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE) { if (na.rm == TRUE) { x <- x[!is.na(x)] } n <- length(x) m <- mean(x) sq_err <- (x - m)^2 sum(sq_err) / (n - 1) }
Then if you use x <- c(1:10, NA) both variance(x, na.rm = TRUE) and var(x, na.rm = TRUE) return 9.166667 and both variance(x, na.rm = FALSE) and var(x, na.rm = FALSE) return NA.
- Nov 2020
newamerica.org newamerica.org
“In fact, as social and commercial services disappear from the neighborhood, tenants and homeowners are asking if the City and the University are not making the area so barren that people are forced to move out rather than ‘die on the vine.’ Institutions are behaving in ways which look like the same old obstacles which poor Black folk have experienced over past years. There is some local bitterness about the ‘paternalistic’ approach common to organizations purporting to serve the neighborhood. The white or ‘giving’ group usually selects the local leadership it will work with, and secondly the group selects the service it thinks the neighborhood needs.
Underscoring the need for community representation in decision-making processes.
democracycollaborative.org democracycollaborative.org
“anchor mission”—their commitment to intentionally and comprehen-sively apply an institution’s assets in partnership with community to mutual-ly benefit the long-term well-being of both
Additionally, states and municipalities that receive bank settlement funds tied to lawsuits associated with the housing crisis or discriminatory lending
Policy Idea: Should funnel those dollars to community control of land/housing
Burlington, Vermont’s Housing Trust Fund also stands out as a model given that it requires all trust fund dollars be spent on permanently affordable housing.382
Policy Idea
Those interested in how municipalities can explicitly link housing trust fund programs to community control efforts can look to Washington, D.C. where trust fund dollars are made available to residents interested in developing cooperatives under the city’s TOPA policy.381
Policy Idea
For instance, a 2015 report by Center on Budget and Policy Priorities found that funding for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership Program—two of the most relevant federal programs for community control of land and housing strategies—had fallen by 63 percent and 61 percent, respectively, since inception.379
Federal funding sources decline
Grounded Solutions Network (GSN)
Specific tools available for data efforts
This might include partnerships with or anchor institutions, nonprofits, and governments, all of whom could provide both the funding and the technical expertise to help organizations and com-munities collect and disseminate data.
Anchor institutions supporting research efforts
More specifically, the ability to regularly obtain reliable data related to, for instance, demographics, finances, scale, innovations, and partners/supporters is essential to further adoption and development.
Informatics: Specific data needs for community control of land/housing
Acronym: Trauma-informed community building
DSNI also invests heavily in youth development. Four seats on the board are reserved for youth between the ages of 15 and 17, and youth membership dues are discounted. Longtime Executive Di-rector John Barros (now Chief of Economic Development for the City of Boston) first joined DSNI at age 14 and later was elected as a youth board member.
Youth Involvement
This includes expanding EAH programs to existing residents, focusing efforts on low-income employees, and ensuring community oversight to “help ensure that EAH does not become a force of displacement.”300
Policy idea
EAH programs run by anchor institutions are sometimes controversial because of their potential to exacerbate the dynamics of displacement brought about by anchor development and expansion.
Important point to highlight with Indy Chamber
Acronym: Limited-equity cooperatives
Acronym: Resident-owned communities
Acronym: Community benefit agreements
Acronym: Employer-assisted housing
Some municipalities, such as Pittsburgh, have filed lawsuits chal-lenging the tax-exempt status of large anchor institutions, while others have pressured them to make payments in lieu of taxes (PILOTs) either directly to the municipality or to specific projects or programs (so-called services in lieu of taxes—SILOTs).287
Policy Idea
For instance, as Emily Thaden, Kim Graziani, and Annie Stup suggest, “a land bank-CLT ‘property pipeline’ can achieve both lasting stabilization and affordability despite fluc-tuations in the market.”254 Such linkages could solve the “acquisition” prob-lem for CLTs (the cost of acquiring new properties) and the “disposition” problem of land banks (the difficulty of ensuring community control and long-term affordability after a property is sold).255
CLT Strategies
Acronym: Kingsbridge National Ice Center
Acronym: Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition
Acronym: Figueroa Corridor Coalition for Economic Justic
For instance, Detroit’s recent adoption of a community benefits ordinance represents a victory for community members as it will require major developers to setup a CBA for developments that cost more than $75 million and receive more than one million dollars in public investment.
Policy Idea: Community Benefits Ordinance
Acronym: Neighborhood Stabilization Program through HUD
Longtime CLT researchers and advocates Jeffrey Lowe and Emily Thaden have found that CLTs leverage their governance structure and membership engagement tools to support community-control of land.
Researchers to follow
“I think a lot of co-ops or land trusts set up in San Francisco and in other places, too, are all focused on acquisition and maintenance, and the most important leg of the stool is the technical assistance to the residents. [...] If you resource the third leg as well as the other two, then the model gets the best chance for success.”
Don't forget the sustained community outreach and support!
Increased access to data from LEC financiers or from LECs themselves might help to increase aware-ness of LEC financial needs and could also provide advocates and policy-makers with the information needed to advocate for increased LEC adop-tion in local municipalities.
Informatics opportunity
Furthermore, the Nixon administration adopted a stance of “benign neglect” with respect to conditions in urban cities, withdrawing essential public ser-vices from poor neighborhood and neighborhoods of color under the no-tion that such communities were irreparable.86 This led cities like New York to institute “planned shrinkage” policies that sought to hasten population decline in underserved communities so that property could eventually be reclaimed for other uses (including industry).
Step 5
urban renewal projects demolished the physical and social fabric of communities of color, displacing thousands of people without rebuilding to meet their needs.8
Step 4
“redlining” by assisting with the creation of residential “security maps” that were used by mortgage lenders, developers, and real estate appraisers in nearly 250 cities to maintain racial and economic segregation.75
Step 3
private property owners and real estate professionals continued to use racially restrictive covenants in housing contracts to keep people of color from purchasing homes in White communities for another 30 years.
Step 2
racialized local zoning policies and racist real estate industry practices created con-ditions whereby the millions of people of color migrating into urban communities throughout the country during the first part of the 20thcentury were concentrated and segregated into ghettos and slums.71
Step 1 around the Ave
Community development practitioners, anchor institutions, and government leaders should understand that the broad legacies of displacement and
Rationale for my project.
HUD has experimented with establishing fair market rents at the zip code level,which would alleviate this problem.An analysis of a demonstration of this approach in Dallas concludedthat“tilting the rent ceiling in Dallas causes voucher families to move to safer and less impoverished neighborhoods at zero net cost to the government”(Collinson and Ganong, forthcoming).The approach has been recommended for national implementation.
Policy priority: Change setting of fair market rent to the zip code level.
The emphasis on preservation will continue,with attempts to transfer the ownership of potential opt-out properties to entities more likely to sustain affordability over the long term and developing some new units under programs where doing so is feasible.
A strategy for CLT's to acquire property.
With or without RAD, however, there are no proposals to make net additions to the public housing inventory,and, as such, its quantity will likelycontinue to dwindle
We need other contributors to affordable housing inventory.
The database does not permit us to calculate this overlap precisely, but other information suggests asubstantialoverlap
Informatics need: identifying overlap between Low-Income Housing Tax Credit tenants (US Treasury => State Housing Agencies) vs deep-subsidy programs of HUD
When those contracts expire, they are often renewed, but owners can also opt outat that time.In markets where property values are rising and the surrounding neighborhood is in demand, owners may have strong financial incentives to let their subsidy commitments expire.HUD records show that, primarily for this reason, the number of households living in privatelyowned subsidized properties suffered a large net decline between 1993 and 2007from 1.72 million to 1.34 million, a 22 percent drop over 14 years.
Justification for CLT's rather than privately-owned subsidized housing
- Apr 2020
mailchi.mp mailchi.mp
Since people over 65 account for about 80% of Covid-19 deaths, Sweden asked only seniors to shelter in place rather than shutting down the rest of the country; and since Sweden had no pediatric deaths, it didn’t shut down elementary and middle schools…
As time passes, I do think there is a place for more targeted interventions such as these as we ease restrictions.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
The U.S. government isn’t disclosing which companies receive aid under a troubled $349 billion loan program that was part of a rescue package signed into law last month. That makes a full accounting of the Paycheck Protection Program impossible.
If we as tax payers are to foot the bill for this bill, I view it as vital that we be able to track where those dollars go and to what end. How else can we expect accountability?
- Aug 2019
bmcmedinformdecismak.biomedcentral.com bmcmedinformdecismak.biomedcentral.com
General Thoughts:
- Purpose of this study is to avoid bias, but it can still seep in because the parameters being used are ultimately defined by humans still.
- In such a system, how would you handle manual referrals as well?
- Doesn't really mention how it performs in comparison to these other models
- How comfortable are we with the black box nature of machine learning?
The KM-plot of censor lengths
Not really understanding this
2 million adult and pediatric patients
CARING is a tool that was developed to identify patients who could benefit from palliative care [21]. The goal was to use six simple criteria in order to identify patients who were at risk of death within 1 year
Most intriguing to me.
Constructing a dataset for supervised learning
Train a neural network to identify differences between:
- Positive cases:
- Prediction Date to Time of Death
- Negative cases:
- Prediction Date to 12 months later
Criteria for defining each type of prediction date is listed
- Positive cases:
Related work
Curious what tools people have specific experience with.
less than half of the 7-8% of all hospital admissions that need palliative care actually receive it
The problem ^
We train a Deep Neural Network model on the EHR data of patients from previous years, to predict mortality of patients within the next 3-12 month period. This prediction is used as a proxy decision for identifying patients who could benefit from palliative care.
Study Objective ^