- Oct 2021
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This is the kind of thing I tell myself while I practice.
I just which I had logged the hours I’ve already put towards my 10 000, there is no way of knowing. What I can know if I assume it’s 0, the longest it will take me the get to mastery is 10 years, if I do my 3 hours daily. And faster if I spend more time. 3h a day is not much dude, I'm doing way more than than in making permanent notes and I guess it will be a great idea to keep a tab on my progress, how many hours are left in reaching that 10000 hour mark, Any idea Wasiq?
20 hours a week every week for 10 years roughly gives you 10000 hours.
That’s 3 hours a day, 7 days a week of focused practice, the equivalent of half a work week.
Mastery means sacrifice. You can buy it with time and focus. That is the price So basically the price of mastery is focused practice and devotion of time
If you want something, find out the price and pay it. - Scott Adams
What is the price of mastery?
Malcom Gladwell popularised the idea of 10 000 hours of practice to gain mastery. It’s really hard to fathom what 10 000 hours of practice feels like. Unless we break it down
So, the team began testing a co-founder matching platform with some early users in January this year and it went live in July. When aspiring founders come to the platform, they describe themselves and the kind of co-founder they need. The platform then offers a pool of candidates who might be a good fit for the aspiring founder. If their requirements overlap and mutual interest exist on both ends, a connection is made
that looks like a novel approach
If I went to Stanford and worked with some YC-backed startups, chances are that I’ll find it relatively easy to find one or two co-founders, get millions in funding and build a billion-dollar company. However, as someone who grew up in Lagos, Nigeria, and studied at the University of Nigeria, those chances are much slimmer, and it’ll be hard to find the same resources to build a successful company.
this makes me remind of my current place, there seems to be no co founders to find in India, no one wants to do business or innovate
Whatever goals you want to achieve, attaching a commitment device to it will greatly increase your motivation to take action.Commitment devices cut through ambiguity.Often there are no immediate repercussions for procrastinating until much later. By self-imposing consequences such as a financial loss or damage to your reputation, the consequences of inaction become clearer.
Since there are no immediate consequences, but only in the long term, we need to concoct some artificial immediate consequences
You can tell your friends and family of your plans to become healthier so they can give you encouragement and keep you accountable. There are no real consequences to breaking your pledge other than letting other people down.But a commitment that comes with only a psychological price tag for failure is surprisingly effective for two reasons:We don’t want to be seen contradicting ourselves in front of people we respect and love.We want to be consistent with our past pronouncements. Cognitive dissonance, where we say one thing but do another, can cause unpleasant feelings within us.Through soft commitment devices, you are using the power of social pressure to promote behaviors you want to change in your life. And if your goals are made to show, they are made to grow.
this is just leveraging the basic desires of human for social bonding and recognition and also satisfying the ego, we will not break the commitments for the fear of being ostracized by the public
If every time you missed a workout you had to donate $50 to a political party you don’t like, how much more motivated would you be to exercise?This is an example of a financial commitment device that is paired with one of your goals. You can apply this to waking up early or eating healthy. You are creating your own personal tax system.As a human, you are primed for loss aversion. Losing money stings more than gaining money, especially when your hard-earned dollar goes to an organization you don’t like.By levying a financial cost for your inaction, you are creating immediate consequences to your procrastination, which can be the motivating factor to get you moving.
this reminds me of the experiments that Daniel Kahneman and Tversky did to understand the rationality of people and since we hate losses more than gains, why not use that to make ourselves disciplined This also reminds me of what Jordan Peterson said about improving your life and routines before you blame others and criticize the world. Blaming others mean that there's nothing you can do to change your circumstances but that's not true. You need to take responsibility of what's happening around you before curse the God for all the mishappenings that you underwent
We are overly optimistic about our ability to use willpower to overcome temptation. After a long and tiring day, the option to binge Netflix becomes more appealing than exercising.Commitment devices force you to create consequences for inaction.
I think it might be better for me to have some consequence that I impose on myself when I'm lax of don't do what I intended to be, but make sure you're not too harsh on yourself.
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To thrive in the new world of work, focus on learning timeless horizontal skills to support your core skill. Build other competencies around your expertise.People with a host of interdependent skills can build meaningful and lasting careers in the 21st century. In our increasingly connected and interdependent world, your wealth of knowledge can make you indispensable.
But how do we find these timeless skills, I guess we just have to wait or do our research before learning any skill and check if it's timeless or else, we're wasting the time because it will soon become obsolete
Successful generalists master a few domains and build complementary skills to thrive. They use the t-shaped approach to learn better.“A T-shaped person has deep knowledge/skills in one area and a broad base of general supporting knowledge/skills,” writes Ransom Patterson of College Info Geek.People who have t-shaped skills learn broad base general skills to support their core knowledge. For example, a t-shaped marketer knows just enough about content marketing, email marketing, search marketing and social marketing to stay relevant.
I guess that's an interesting approach to learning and exploring and this kind of goes with the 50-50 rule
The point is, being good at many things and fabulous at a few save you time and help you thrive in a rapidly changing world. You don’t have to be the best at everything, but you can creatively learn a few complementary skills that can make your work easier.History is full of people who combined many domains and changed the course of history. Influential people like Isaac Newton, Galileo, Aristotle, Ben Franklin, Thomas Edison and Leonardo Da Vinci were generalists.
this makes me think of the 50 -50 shift that Brandon Hakim said, where he said that we should spend 50% time in going deep into any subject and 50% time in exploring because the exploration is as important as learning
Today, cross-domain knowledge can save your career. If you a writer, learn how to market your content. Your success depends on it. If you are an entrepreneur, don’t just launch products; learn how to lead, delegate, relate better with people, use better technology and connect with the right people.With limited knowledge and skills, progress can take twice as long. You need experts to get great results. But basic knowledge can significantly improve how you work.
that really makes sense, if you don't have the basic knowledge of things, you will need to seek help and that means progress will be slow and you will have to invest money into making other people do that. If you really want to spend money, why not just spent the money to acquire the skills in the 1st place, you will be thankful for like as it will save you tons of money and time in the future
But what if things change? What if your skills are no longer needed?Being a specialist pays for a while until change happens. And then you are forced to adapt. The bad news is, if you don’t have another skill, you could quickly become obsolete unless you are at the top 10% percent of specializations society need to function.
That's the point, the world is changing so rapidly that we can't get by just with one or some skills
Specialization is common knowledge — learn a popular discipline and build a career around it.Society is designed to function based on specialization. “…career advisors advocate specializing as much as possible — the more narrow the specialty, the better, writes Josh Kaufman.A greater percentage of people commit to a single skill. If you get good at it, you become indispensable to your employer as long as business is good.
that's exactly what Cal Newport says, make the skills so much better that they can't ignore you
Our culture made a virtue of living only as extroverts. We discouraged the inner journey, the quest for a center. //Anaïs Nin
I guess that makes sense, if you take time to spend alone, people usually consider you selfish and self seeking and they want you to be outgoing and this is what the world wants right now, basically
- Sep 2021
People looking to lose weight are often told to snack or have frequent, small meals, as it’s “good for the metabolism”.However, as with a lot of topics in the sphere of nutrition, this is a complicated matter, and the current literature is leaning towards avoiding snacks if we want to not only lose weight, but also be healthy.
of course, this is a complicated and confounding matter, some "experts" say eat small and on short intervals and some say eat a lot but on long intervals and eat at the same time daily, I mean I don't know what and whose advice do I need to follow
With our current knowledge, the idea that frequent snacking is better for weight loss and the metabolism is untrue.In fact, frequent snacking actually leads to greater fat gain due to the body constantly remaining in fat-making mode from the constant influx of food. Therefore, for optimal health, we want to avoid eating between meals. This allows our fat-making processes to switch off, and also gives the digestive system a well-needed break.If you’re looking to lose weight, or optimize your health in general, try to take breaks between meals by avoiding snacking.
that's the bottom line, going fucking eat all the time
Aim to take a break from any calories for at least 2 hours at a time, but ideally closer to 3–4 hours. Ensure your meals are nutrient-dense and filling so that this 3 hour break isn’t difficult. Eating adequate healthy fats, protein, and fiber will ensure you stay full between meals.Another trick I like to use is having a cup of black coffee. It has zero calories and also acts as an appetite suppressant. If you’re feeling hungry, try this.
I guess this could work, if I can't resist the food and I am feeling hungry as fuck, then I can simply have a cupt of cofffee, but not in the evening, just water in the evenining
When the digestive system gets a break from digesting, it is allowed to perform other necessary functions, such as:A sweeping out of the small intestine to rid the system of bad bacteriaInsulin levels decrease:“Between meals, as long as we don’t snack, our insulin levels will go down and our fat cells can then release their stored sugar, to be used as energy. We lose weight if we let our insulin levels go down.” — Harvard Medical School
I guess this might be one of the reasons for my weight loss, I am losing weight even though I am not exercising as I used to
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Simon estimated chess masters learn between 25,000 and 100,000 of these chunks during their training, and that learning the chunks was a key element in becoming a first-rate chess player. Such players really see chess positions very differently from beginners.
I'll probably need to have appox the same amount of chunks in the form of concepts to make sure I can execute and comprehend anything
With that said, I've found the transfer process relatively easy. In the case of the command line, I use it often enough that I have plenty of opportunities to make real use of my Ankified knowledge of the command line. Over time, that declarative knowledge is becoming procedural knowledge I routinely use in context. That said, it'd be good to better understand when the transfer works and when it doesn't. Even better would be a memory system that integrates into my actual working environment. For instance, it could query me on Unix commands, while placing me at an actual command line. Or perhaps it would ask me to solve higher-level problems, while at the command line
This shows that remembering the concepts does not mean that we really learn that , we still need to apply them as much as possoble
Why not use more of Anki's features? Part of the reason is that I get an enormous benefit from just the core features. Furthermore, learning to use this tiny set of features well has required a lot of work. A basketball and hoop are simple pieces of equipment, but you can spend a lifetime learning to use them well. Similarly, basic Anki practice can be developed enormously. And so I've concentrated on learning to use those basic features well.
That gives me a reason not to go too deep into any subject and although he says that, I feel like we should explore, albeit not at the expense of learning time
For instance, it's possible to try to remember as an isolated fact that 1962 was the year the first telecommunications satellite, Telstar, was put into orbit. But a better way of remembering it is to relate that fact to others. Relatively prosaically, you might observe that Telstar was launched just 5 years after the first Soviet satellite, Sputnik. It didn't take long to put space to use for telecommunications. Less prosaically – a richer elaboration – I personally find it fascinating that Telstar was put into orbit the year before the introduction of ASCII, arguably the first modern digital standard for communicating text. Humanity had a telecommunications satellite before we had a digital standard for communicating text! Finding that kind of connection is an example of an elaborative encoding
We need to make sure that we are using the related concepts and events and kinda weird facts about something to encode that well
Indeed, I believe the act of constructing the cards actually helps with memory. Memory researchers have repeatedly found that the more elaborately you encode a memory, the stronger the memory will be. By elaborative encoding, they mean essentially the richness of the associations you form.
That is why it is always said not to simply put down the facts or concepts, but elaborate on those and that is what we should do in the fleeting and lit notes
I should say at the outset: I have no reason to think this paper is misleading! But it's also worth being cautious. As an example of that caution, one of the questions I added to Anki was: “What does Jones 2011 claim is the average age at which physics Nobelists made their prizewinning discovery, over 1980-2011?” (Answer: 48). Another variant question was: “Which paper claimed that physics Nobelists made their prizewinning discovery at average age 48, over the period 1980-2011?” (Answer: Jones 2011). And so on
this is what we try to do when we are reading the opinion and perception of other people. It is better to remember and read that as the author's perception and not our perception as it is good to know what the author claims but it should not become into something that we claim.
As mentioned above, I'm usually doing such reading as part of the background research for some project. I will find a new article (or set of articles), and typically spend a few minutes assessing it. Does the article seem likely to contain substantial insight or provocation relevant to my project – new questions, new ideas, new methods, new results? If so, I'll have a read.
what I see is that you need to have a purpose of reading and retaining information and you always need to spend a few minutes assessing the article and try to anticipate what u might encounter or will this contain a substantial amount of information that will be useful to you? I see that has been the problem with me some times, I just jump to the article only to finish it to realize that it was full of crap or was too dense for me to finish in one go and so I might need to spend some time in the meta reading.
Despite the fact that I'd thought little about AlphaGo or reinforcement learning in the intervening time, I found I could read those followup papers with ease. While I didn't attempt to understand those papers as thoroughly as the initial AlphaGo paper, I found I could get a pretty good understanding of the papers in less than an hour. I'd retained much of my earlier understanding!
this is because he had the background and the fundamentals clear when he was reading alpha go and so all the similar papers were based around the same terminologies.
Of course, instead of using Anki I could have taken conventional notes, using a similar process to build up an understanding of the paper. But using Anki gave me confidence I would retain much of the understanding over the long term.
This also goes to show that we need to make flash cards instead of making notes as they do not make us remember and take a lot of time as said by mike and matty
After five or six such passes over the paper, I went back and attempted a thorough read. This time the purpose was to understand AlphaGo in detail. By now I understood much of the background context, and it was relatively easy to do a thorough read, certainly far easier than coming into the paper cold. Don't get me wrong: it was still challenging. But it was far easier than it would have been otherwise.
The probable reason why this was easy after the 6th or 7th pass is the fact that our brain worked very well in [[diffused mode]] and also he was able to build chunks and memorize those chunks in the meantime and he could then execute all that little chunks during the comprehensive read and that is like using all the dance steps at once at a performance while learning little moves before the performance.
I began with the AlphaGo paper itself. I began reading it quickly, almost skimming. I wasn't looking for a comprehensive understanding. Rather, I was doing two things. One, I was trying to simply identify the most important ideas in the paper. What were the names of the key techniques I'd need to learn about? Second, there was a kind of hoovering process, looking for basic facts that I could understand easily, and that would obviously benefit me. Things like basic terminology, the rules of Go, and so on.
That is something that I need to do as and when I am trying to learn something new about which I have no background knowledge, I need to skim the material and that is why we see the value of pre reading. This is where most of the people lose it, they try to get a comprehensive understanding of the text and the end result is that they mess up and they are not able to learn all of it again and they give up too quickly and that is something that was also said in [[How to read a book]] and [[learning how to learn]]
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Procrastination is avoidance due to emotional discomfort. The activities that prompt procrastination differ for everyone. Telling bad news might be difficult for everyone but, for some, it is also having to buy a present or to call a friend. If you’re unsure what drives your procrastination, try keeping a daily journal for a week or more, to help you become more aware.
It makes sense to write out if you are delaying any task and ask if you are really procrastinating and seek of any reasons why you are delaying and if the reasons are genuine and legitimate, then you're good
That last part is probably the most problematic. I advise starting on small tasks and working on them in a regimented way: set a short time-frame, take a break, then register how much you got done (or if you ended up doing something else instead). Let’s say you choose to work on an essay for 15 minutes. If you succeed in staying focused for that time, then you could consider doubling the session next time. The point of this approach is that it makes you realise what targets are actually doable, rather than setting yourself a burdensome load of work that discourages you from even starting on it.
Just start small. This is something that I could have done with the micro economics course and that would have saved me from having that eerie feeling that the course expires in 4 days
Unfortunately, avoidance does not make the obligation or necessary action go away; it is still there, of course. So procrastination is a way of coping that might help you feel better for a while, but it is no solution. The activities that were done instead of the intended one mostly do not make you feel better in the long run. They were just temporary and easy distractions, often not a productive activity or something that makes you feel proud, accomplished, or at least worthwhile spending time on. Some might brush this off, but for others this can then prompt further angst – now they feel they wasted time. And therefore, procrastination can lead to many negative emotions, such as feeling guilty, ashamed, nervous or depressed. The realisation of not having completed a vital task might get worse over time and, at some point, the barriers to completing the task might seem unsurmountable (for instance, after a deadline has passed).
No wonder why procrastination is a vicious cycle, you feel bad and hence you procrastinate and when you do procrastinate you that feeling is aggravated seeing that deadline is getting closer
Of course, at different times, some people might use both strategic delay and procrastination, depending on the particular activity. The key difference between them is the emotional connotations – that is, putting pressure on oneself purposefully versus irrational avoidance that runs counter to one’s intentions.
Both types of delays are different in the sense that we have different intentions in both of them and in the former, we plan on doing it and in latter, it is an automatic reaction to the stimulus and is irrational
The psychological explanation for this common but irrational behaviour is that, by avoiding the emotional discomfort of engaging in the behaviour, procrastination provides a temporary relief or escape. The task might go undone, but at least the confrontation with the negative emotion is avoided. Easier and more fun things encourage us to stay away, at least momentarily, from what needs to be done. This is the main problem: procrastination is avoidance behaviour. It is the avoidance of something aversive by occupying your thoughts with something you would rather do and that is available right now, not taking into account the future. It can be seen as a conflict between what you want to do now versus what you should be doing for your future self. In short, it is a self-regulation problem.
whenever there's a choice between what we wanna do now for our current selves and what we wanna do for our future selves, we should always choose the latter. Novices and uneducated choose for the current selves
Procrastination is arguably even more irrational than strategic delay because the person will often be fully aware that delaying a task will have bad consequences, yet they still choose to delay. This is puzzling from a psychological perspective. For instance, even if someone has intended many times to finally file their taxes, and they fully recognise it would be in their best interest to do so, they still don’t do it. Instead, they start to watch their favourite TV series, perhaps thinking that they might feel more like it after one episode. But when the next episode is suggested, they start watching that one. After that, they think to themselves: ‘It is really too late to start on the taxes now. Tomorrow I will feel more like it,’ and then they go to bed. Procrastination describes this type of delay, where there is a striking gap or mismatch between your intention and the actual action you take, and you feel incapable of overcoming it
The idea that we will do something when we will feel like doing it is quite ambiguous. It has been said that the work should be fun and we should do something when we want and not force them, on the other hand, it might be the case what we don't do it because we think we will do it when we feel like doing it but actually we are procrastinating. Thus we need to have that self awareness, about what we are actually doing and even be more deliberate about what is the delineation between the two
We in the West are used to thinking of the mind and the body as separate. But a burgeoning field called “embodied cognition” is demonstrating that thinking is actually a full-body experience. This is true in a few different ways.First, the internal sensations of the body—our “gut feelings”—guide our perceptions and our reactions. When we learn to tune in to these inner signals, we can use them to make sounder decisions, and even to connect more effectively with other people.Second, the movements our bodies make affect the way we think. We’ve come to believe that serious thinking entails sitting still, but research shows that moving—walking, exercising, acting things out—enhances our mental processes in ways that don’t happen when we’re sitting down.Third, a specific kind of movement—the gestures we make with our hands—extends our thinking by capturing and expressing concepts that we can’t yet put into words. Research shows that our most advanced, most cutting-edge ideas often show up first in the motions of our hands—motions that we then use to inform and construct a verbal account of what we’re thinking.It’s common in our culture to compare the brain to a computer, but this is a deeply flawed analogy. A laptop operates the same whether it is open on a desk in an office or on a bench in a park. But human brains aren’t like that—they are exquisitely sensitive to context. One of the most fertile and fruitful places to “think with” is nature. That’s because, over eons of evolution, our brains were tuned to the kind of sensory information available in the natural world. Spending time in a hard-edged, highly designed, built environment drains our mental resources, while spending time in nature actually replenishes them. We can also deliberately arrange the interior spaces we occupy in ways that extend our thinking. Research shows that it’s especially important that we feel a sense of control and ownership over the space in which we do our learning or working. It’s also important to incorporate into these spaces cues of identity—that is, objects or symbols of who you are, what you’re doing in that space—and also cues of belonging—objects or symbols that represent your membership in a group that’s meaningful to you.
I feel like maybe I should start thinking in the nature and I also feel like I need to design my environment in such a way that it facilitates thinking
More than 20 years ago, two philosophers, Andy Clark and David Chalmers wrote a journal article that opened with a question: “Where does the mind stop and the rest of the world begin?” Now, that question would seem to have an obvious answer, right? The mind stops at the head. It’s contained within the skull. But Clark and Chalmers maintained that this assumption—as common as it is—is wrong. The mind, they said, takes elements from outside the head and draws them into the thinking process. These mental “extensions” allow us to think in ways our brains couldn’t manage on their own. They called this phenomenon “the extended mind.”
This is certainly true, a lot of things that we see and come across affect our thinking and is also highlights that some seemingly obvious answers are wrong when seen in a superficial manner, every question needs to be thought deeply.
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We hear a lot about how amazing the brain is, but the lesser-known scientific story from the past 20 years is how much researchers have learned about the brain’s limits. These limits are not a matter of individual differences in intelligence; they are common to all our brains. They’re a product of the brain’s status as a biological organ, one that evolved to do things that are very different from what we ask of it in our complex, knowledge-centric modern world.Drawing on the resources of the extended mind allows the brain to “overachieve,” to do more than would be possible on its own. In fact, we can think of experts among us as those people who have mastered the art of thinking outside the brain. Research shows that top performers don’t do it all in their heads; they achieve their superior results by integrating internal and external resources.When we intentionally cultivate the capacity to think outside the brain, a new world of possibility opens up; we gain access to reserves of intuition, memory, attention, and motivation that are not available to the naked brain. In order to think the intelligent, informed, original thoughts we’re capable of, we can’t rely on the brain alone. We have to think outside the brain.
This vindicates the idea of [[Zettelkasten]], if I need to be an expert, I need to think outside the brain, I really cried when I read that line, I mean even I can feel like after externalizing my thinking, I can connect seemingly different concepts with one another.
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Tagging can also be helpful for your own research purposes. In the above example, the student has tagged some thematic elements that may come up later in the text under study or other texts that are part of the course. Having marked these themes might make it easier to gather evidence and quotes for analysis in a final paper.
tagging can also help you link the idea to a book or to a top level page or bullet or even to any other note in your system
Have students explore the Internet on their own with some limited direction (find an article from a respectable source on a topic important to you personally), exercising traditional literacy skills (define difficult words, identify persuasive strategies, etc.). Many of the above exercises presume that students are annotating for the most part together on a shared course text. But the nature of web annotation is that we can see the notes of others even if we are not reading the same text. In this way, we can attend to annotations as texts themselves.
This means that annotation is not limited to shared text and can be tracked as well
Annotation is typically perceived as a means to an end. As marginal note-taking it often is the basis for questions asked in class discussion or points made in a final paper. But annotation can also be a kind of end in itself, or at least more than a rest-stop on the way to intellectual discovery.
Yes, annotation (when done effectively) provides opportunities for critical thinking. They are not just seeing words on a page, but thinking about what they mean, how they mean. I also see annotation as a means to an end and a component of an overarching workflow, what I see is that if I just annotate, it will not make the info stick for much long time, although it helps us to engage in something actively, we also need to perform spaced repetition and connect the annotation to our previous knowledge.