- Mar 2018
www.citejournal.org www.citejournal.org
The TPACK framework for teacher knowledge is described in detail, as a complex interaction among three bodies of knowledge: Content, pedagogy, and technology.
All 3 need to be to be understood to work together for a solid outcome.
clalliance.org clalliance.org
When workplaces and our civic and educational institutions draw from and connect to young people’s peer culture, communities and interest-driven pursuits, learners flourish and realize their true potential.
Academically Oriented
Connected learning environments link learning in school, home and community because learners achieve best when their learning is reinforced and supported in multiple settings. Online platforms can make learning resources abundant, accessible and visible across all learner settings.
Open Networks
The most engaged learning happens while doing something for a meaningful goal or purpose, whether that is creating something, contributing to a community, or engaging in a friendly competition.
Shared Purpose, Having a real purpose behind what the students are doing can make things alot more interesting for them.
Powered with possibilities made available by today’s social media, this peer culture can produce learning that’s engaging and powerful.
Peer Supported
Connected learning prizes the learning that comes from actively producing, creating, experimenting and designing because it promotes skills and dispositions for lifelong learning and for making meaningful contributions to today’s rapidly changing work and social conditions.
Production Centered
Interests foster the drive to gain knowledge and expertise. Research has repeatedly shown that when the topic is personally interesting and relevant, learners achieve much higher-order learning outcomes. Connected learning views interests and passions that are developed in a social context as essential elements.
The more interesting the student finds the subject, the more they will be engaged in learning about it.
While wealthy families are embracing the potential of new technologies for learning, and investing more and more in out-of-school and connected learning, less privileged kids are being left behind. Access to specialized, interest-driven and personalized learning used to be difficult and scarce. But in today’s networked world, there’s no reason why all children should not have the opportunity to pursue connected learning.
Schools where the wealthy families live have better programs, supplies, opportunities for children because of how our funding works. The federal government and state gov't could work together to fill this gap.
Traditional education is failing to engage many students as they enter their middle school, high school, and college years. The culture clash between formal education and interest-driven, out-of-school learning is escalating in today’s world where social communication and interactive content is always at our fingertips. We need to harness these new technologies for learning rather than distraction.
This recaps what I previously just wrote about how the traditional classroom is proving to not be as effective as PBL.
The “connected” in connected learning is about human connection as well as tapping the power of connected technologies. Rather than see technology as a means toward more efficient and automated forms of education, connected learning puts progressive, experiential, and learner-centered approaches at the center of technology-enhanced learning.
This is a totally different form of learning then what is considered a traitional style of learning. This method seems to work much better.
Connected learning is when someone is pursuing a personal interest with the support of peers, mentors and caring adults, and in ways that open up opportunities for them
Define connected learning
- Jan 2018
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
The perfor-mance tasks ask students to apply their learning to a new and authentic situation as means of assessing their understand-ing and ability to transfer their learning.
This will help to students have a better understanding of what they learned when they look at it in a different situation and have to think about how they relate. This is where students could be using problem solving to understand a concept.
Six facets of under-standing—the capacity to explain, interpret, apply, shift perspective, empa-thize, and self-assess—can serve as indicators of understanding.
These are crucial skills students need to know and feel comfortable doing in order to understand and learn a concept.
mozilla.github.io mozilla.github.io
The 21C Skills, combined with the web literacy skills, are the nexus for entry-level digital-age skills. They are a set of abilities such as problem-solving, creativity, collaboration, or communication that people need to develop in order to succeed in the information age.
This means that for the future generations, technology is only going to grow and change the traditional style of learning. Students will need to understand how to use and keep up with the changing technology in todays world.
Good online readers know the tools and strategies that can be used to search for and locate people, resources, and information. They then know how to judge the credibility of these sources
This is important for students to lean especially in college when annotating and marking your sources is required very often.
www.ascd.org www.ascd.org
The classroom culture should value questioning, hypothesizing, and openness to new ideas and perspectives.
This is important for students to learn and think differently to solve problems.
A project should give students opportunities to build such 21st century skills as collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and the use of technology, which will serve them well in the workplace and life
PBL is a big assistance for students to be successful in the future.
Teachers can powerfully activate students' need to know content by launching a project with an "entry event" that engages interest and initiates questioning.
This is a good way to get the students engaged and motivated to start their projects.
But it is the process of students' learning and the depth of their cognitive engagement— rather than the resulting product—that distinguishes projects from busywork.
Does this mean that we should be grading students more on the process of what they did to produce this poster or just the end result?
www.cultofpedagogy.com www.cultofpedagogy.com
closes the achievement gap for underserved populations, improves understanding and retention of content, and increases motivation for all students.
Its important for students to be motivated in the classroom otherwise it may be more difficult for the to retain new material.
In the top 10 were qualities like the ability to work on a team, problem-solving skills, written and verbal communication skills, and initiative.
This proves that earning a college degree is more then just memorizing facts and passing tests, the skills mentioned above need to be learned to achieve success in todays workforce.
Because our default setting is to teach our material out of context, students rarely see its relevance.
This is a stereotypical mentality of young students and is something we should expect in the classroom.
In a traditional classroom, we deliver content to students, give them opportunities to practice or apply what they learned, and eventually conduct a summative assessment—this could take the form of a test or it could be more of a performance assessment, like an essay, a speech, or a project of some kind.
This is a good definition of PBL.