73 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
    1. width: 1335px;

      There is a white space on the right of the header because different width. (header : 1335px, others : 1520px )

    2. height: 270px;

      This div need more height because I cannot see a sentence in "Latest news".

    3. padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px;

      You can combine these codes. And you may want to add more padding around this button.

    1. <button class="B" type="button"></button>

      Add more CSS to express this button as a rectangle.

    2. <img src="/images/dgl-logo.png" width="128" height="142" alt="logoimage"><

      I cannot see all images on your page.

    3. <p class="p7"> Copyright 2022. All rights reserved North Island College DIGITAL Design + Development </p>

      This footer is shown on the top of your page.

    1. <button class="square"></button>

      This is alternative of img, so div may be better for it.

    2. <img src="images/dgl-logo.png" alt="DGL Logo" width="100" >

      You can include img into nav, and add div so that the header has side margin and background-color like below.

      <nav> <div class="wrapper">
      </div> </nav>
    3. Copyright &copy; 2022 All Rights Reserved North Island College Digital Design and Development

      You may want to add small tag to this sentence.

    1. padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 30px; padding-right: 30px;

      You can shorten these code like below. padding: 10px 30px;

    2. font-size: 17px;

      Unify the font-size with other paragraphs.

    3. font-size: 20px;

      Unify the font-size with other paragraphs.

    4. font-size: 30px;

      This font size is too big comapared to other ones.

    1. <p class="footerheading">About us:</p>

      You can use h tag instead of p.

    2. <p class="latestp">Our Latest projects includes:</p>

      You can change this to h2 tag.

    3. <div class="main-div">

      You may want to change this content to article and add h2 tag, so user can understand what the content describes.

    4. src="/logo.webp

      I cannot see all the images in your page. You may want to use jpeg file for them.

    5. <title>Assignment E</title>

      You may want to input your name in this comment.

    1. aside { width: 30%; margin-right: 15px; margin-left: 15px; padding:20px; float: right; font-style: italic; background-color:#0A5400; color:white; border-radius: 40px; }

      You can delete these codes because there is no aside in your html.

    2. font-size: 6rem;

      This size may be too big.

    3. position: sticky;

      I like this because I can see the title anytime. But smaller header may be better because it accounts for one quarter of the screen.

    1. <p>Created by Janelle 30/10/2022</p>

      You can use small tag to make this sentence smaller.

    2. <p><strong>They can be more professional.</strong> </p>

      You can use h3 tag instead of strong tag.

    3. <p><strong>Some of the images are too large and have no caption.</strong></p>

      You can use h3 tag instead of strong tag.

    4. <p><strong>The most noticeable areas are not the most important.</strong></p>

      You can use h3 tag instead of strong tag.

    5. <p><strong>There are too many sizes of font.</strong> </p>

      You can use h3 tag instead of strong tag.

    6. <p><strong>The most noticeable areas are not the most important.</strong> </p>

      You can use h3 tag instead of strong tag.

    7. <p><strong>The larger font size is not used for the heading</strong> </p>

      You can use h3 tag instead of strong tag.

    8. <strong>The page elements are too distracting</strong>

      You can use h3 tag instead of strong tag.

    9. <strong>The current link on the navigation menu is not clearly discernible</strong>

      You can use h3 tag instead of strong tag.

    10. <strong>The header is too large</strong>

      You can use h3 tag instead of strong tag.

    11. <article class="card"> </article>

      These code is no meaning, so you can delete.

    12. Fig.1

      This is Fig.4.

    13. Fig.1

      This is Fig.3.

    14. Fig.1

      This is Fig.2.

  2. Oct 2022
    1. margin:0px;

      It needs some margin.

    2. .card-two{

      There are some ".card-two" selector. I think you can unite them.

    3. width: 500px;

      Card two has different width from card one when I see in browser.

    1. h2:not(.silk)

      I didn't know this code. Thank you.

    2. .card-two:hover { filter: grayscale(0%); transition: 500ms ease-in-out; cursor: pointer;

      I like this hover effect.

    1. Need to add an appropriate background image (not provided) to an element on one of the pages.

    2. There is no hexidecimal colour value.

    3. Need to add an ID selector.

    4. Need some code in the footer 1.Change the background colour 2.Add the declaration padding: 40px; 3.Change the colour of the links in the footer

    5. nav

      Need to change the background colour of the nav.

    6. font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

      Only one kind of font-family is applied. Two kind of font-family are needed to apply.

    1. <a href="services.html"> Check out our services </a>

      Need to change the background colour of the content “Time for a new do? Check out our services”.

    2. <!-- DGL 103 DLU1 - Sukhdeep Singh - Assignment C -->

      This comment is needed to put in the head section.

    1. welcome.

      The sentence "Contact us today to book an appointment!" with a link to Contact page has been deleted under this sentence.

    2. Check out our <a href="services.html"> services</a>

      Only "services" has the link. "Check out our services" needs the link.

    3. "footerContacts"

      This class can delete because it isn't used in your CSS.

    4. <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/images/favicon.ico">

      I can't see logo on the website’s browser tab.

    5. Hairpins Salon | Home

      The title may change to "Home | Hairpins Salon" because I cannot see all the title because of the tab size.

    1. <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/images/favicon.ico">

      I can't see logo on the website’s browser tab.

    2. Hairpins Salon | Our Services

      The title may change to "Our Services | Hairpins Salon" because I cannot see all the title because of the tab size.

    1. <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/images/favicon.ico">

      I can't see logo on the website’s browser tab.

    2. Hairpins Salon | Contact Us

      The title may change to "Contact Us | Hairpins Salon" because I cannot see all the title because of the tab size.

  3. Sep 2022
    1. <li>email: jbenson1@northislandcollege.ca</li>

      It's better to add hyperlink of your email.

    2. <h4><u>How to get hold of me.</u></h4>

      This line may be changed to h2. Because this doesn't seem to be a child of the h2 above.

    3. <h3><u>What would I like to get from this course?</u></h3>

      This line may be changed to h2. Because this doesn't seem to be a child of the h2 above.

    4. <h3><u>Do I know any coding languages?</u></h3>

      This line may be changed to h2. Because this doesn't seem to be a child of the h2 above.

    5. <p>My name is Jules and this is how I like to introduce myself.<br><br><!--I used the self closing in-line break element to add space between my first sentence and the rest of the paragraph to add visual interest-->I was born in Toronto, Ontario but spent the majority of my formative years, from age 6, in England. When I returned to Canada in 1992, I came to Vancouver Island where I have lived on and off for almost 30 years. From 1992-1996, my work was primarily service industry and then I found <strong>treeplanting</strong>. I spent the next 16 years pounding trees into the ground and had a baby during that time also. I <em>loved</em><!--I italisized loved to show how important planting was in my life--> treeplanting. I was priviledged to see and work in some of the most outstandingly beautiful and remote areas of BC. Truly breathtaking! After planting I switched to gardening and landscaping so I could be home with my kid and they could attend school.</p>

      This line may be long. You can write each sentence new line. If they are in the same p element, I think it does not effect your code structure.

    1. HTMLCSS

      This name can be seen when a user cannot see the image. So it may better to change this name to 'HTML'.

    2. <title>Assignment A</title>

      You need a comment below this line.(in the head section) like

    1. loki-1080408.jpg

      In the 14th line, the image title "loki-1080408.jpg" may be be changed better. Because it can be seen as a tab title when we open the image.

    2. In the 14th line, the image title "loki-1080408.jpg" may be be changed better. Because it can be seen as a tab title when we open the image.