8 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2019
    1. Derek Boogaard loved that part of hockey.

      I really like this line. It is short and simple, and it really shows that there is a sweet, innocent part of him, instead of that fighting, nose breaking guy.

    2. “I think the best part of playing hockey for ages 3 until 16 was the little road trips with dad,”

      This quote shows that there are some really fun, happy times that Boogaard had despite the bad parts of his life.

    3. It meant stopping after school for gas and a Slurpee as the winter dusk settled early on the prairie. It meant a postgame meal of rink burgers, the snack-stand staple that warmed the belly against the bitter cold. It meant a radio usually tuned to hockey — maybe the Toronto Maple Leafs, Derek’s favorite team, or the hometown junior league team, the Melfort Mustangs. And it meant falling asleep in the dark of a winter’s night, awakened by the warm light of the family garage.

      In this part of the article, I noticed that Branch repeats "It meant" when using repetition, it is to build on an idea. Normally when building on an idea especially in this article, I would have assumed that it was going to be unhappy, or unsettling, knowing how rough his life was. But, I think that Branch uses repetition to show that his life was not all that bad.

    4. His fist smacked the opponent’s face and broke his nose. Coaches and scouts laughed as they congratulated Boogaard.

      I don't know a lot about hockey, but I do happen to know that there is a lot of violence. Although some may say that is is "a part of the game" I still do not think that it should be encouraged or taught at a young age.

    1. ou cry together at enough funerals, you figure you can bleedtogether on a football field, too.

      This is a great way to end out the article. The reason being is that because it can relate back to something so touching previously stated earlier in the article.

    2. You cry together at enoughfunerals, you figure you can bleed together on a football field,too. One thing about firemen, they don't let each other fightbattles alone.

      This part really stood out to me when I read it. Not, only is it a change in tone, but this just stood out to me, knowing how tough they seem, that they're also very close and have these special bonds. On or off the field, their connections are so strong and because of the facet they were teammates, they now have this unbreakable bond.

    3. Butthe guys are playing. "Damn right," says fullback Tom Narducci."It's tradition."

      Again, here the teammates are in full favor of the game, even after a tragedy. This, showing commitment and determination throughout all the players.

    4. 'We'll have a team if weonly have 10 guys. We're playing.'"

      Right here, even after a devastating time, this part shows the determination of the speaker. He seems so confident and very to committed the idea of playing their game.