7,947 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2023
    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In their study, Stajich and co-authors present a new 1.03 Gb genome assembly for an isolate of the fungal insect parasite Entomophthora muscae (Entomophthoromycota phylum, isolated from Drosophila hydei). Many species of the Entomophthoromycota phylum are specialised insect pathogens with relatively large genomes for fungi, with interesting yet largely unexplored biology. The authors compare their new E. muscae assembly to those of other species in the Entomophthorales order and also more generally to other fungi. For that, they first focus on repetitive DNA (transposons) and show that Ty3 LTRs are highly abundant in the E. muscae genome and contribute to ~40% of the species' genome, a feature that is shared by closely related species in the Entomophthorales. Next, the authors describe the major differences in protein content between species in the genus, focusing on functional domains, namely protein families (pfam), carbohydrate-active enzymes, and peptidases. They highlight several protein families that are overrepresented/underrepresented in the E. muscae genome and other Entomophthorales genomes. The authors also highlight differences in components of the circadian rhythm, which might be relevant to the biology of these insect-infecting fungi. To gain further insights into E. muscae specificities, the authors identify orthologous proteins among four Entomophthorales species. Consistently with a larger genome and protein set in E. muscae, they find that 21% of the 17,111 orthogroups are specific to the species. To finish, the authors examine the consistency between methods for species delineation in the genus using molecular (ITS + 28S) or morphological data (# of nuclei per conidia + conidia size) and highlight major incongruences between the two.

      Although most of the methods applied in the frame of this study are appropriate with the scripts made available, I believe there are some major discrepancies in the datasets that are compared which could undermine most of the results/conclusions. More precisely, most of the results are based on the comparison of protein family content between four Entomophthorales species. As the authors mention on page 5, genome (transcriptome) assembly and further annotation procedures can strongly influence gene discovery. Here, the authors re-annotated two assemblies using their own methods and recovered between 30 and 60% more genes than in the original dataset, but if I understand it correctly, they perform all downstream comparative analyses using the original annotations. Given the focus on E. muscae and the small sample size (four genomes compared), I believe performing the comparisons on the newly annotated assemblies would be more rigorous for making any claim on gene family variation.

      The authors also investigate the putative impact of repeat-induced point mutation on the architecture of the large Entomophthorales genomes (for three of the eight species in Figure 1) and report low RIP-like dinucleotide signatures despite the presence of RID1 (a gene involved in the RIP process in Neurospora crassa) and RNAi machinery. They base their analysis on the presence of specific PFAM domains across the proteome of the three Entomophthorales species. In the case of RID1, the authors searched for a DNA methyltransferase domain (PF00145), however other proteins than RID1 bear such functional domain (DNMT family) so that in the current analysis it is impossible to say if the authors are actually looking at RID1 homologs (probably not, RID1 is monophyletic to the Ascomycota I believe). Similar comments apply to the analysis of components of the RNAi machinery. A more reliable alternative to the PFAM analysis would be to work with full protein sequences in addition to the functional domains.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The study by Toth et al. investigates the role of RIN4, a key immune regulator, in the symbiotic nitrogen fixation process between soybean and rhizobium. The authors found that SymRK can interact with and phosphorylate GmRIN4. This phosphorylation occurs within a 15 amino acid motif that is highly conserved in N-fixation clades. Genetic studies indicate that GmRIN4a/b play a role in root nodule symbiosis. Based on their data, the authors suggest that RIN4 may function as a key regulator connecting symbiotic and immune signaling pathways.

      Overall, the conclusions of this paper are well supported by the data, although there are a few areas that need clarification.

      Strengths:<br /> • This study provides important insights by demonstrating that RIN4, a key immune regulator, is also required for symbiotic nitrogen fixation.<br /> • The findings suggest that GmRIN4a/b could mediate appropriate responses during infection, whether it is by friendly or hostile organisms.

      Weaknesses:<br /> • The study did not explore the immune response in the rin4 mutant. Therefore, it remains unknown how GmRIN4a/b distinguishes between friend and foe.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This manuscript proposed a new link between the formation of chloroplast budding vesicles (Rubisco-containing bodies [RCBs]) and the development of chloroplast-associated autophagosomes. The authors' previous work demonstrated two types of autophagy pathways involved in chloroplast degradation, including piecemeal degradation of partial chloroplast and whole chloroplast degradation. However, the mechanisms underlying piecemeal degradation are largely unknown, particularly regarding the initiation and release of the budding structures. Here, the authors investigated the progression of piecemeal-type chloroplast trafficking by visualizing it with a high-resolution time-lapse microscope. They provide evidence that autophagosome formation is required for the initiation of chloroplast budding, and that stromule formation is not correlated with this process. In addition, the authors also demonstrated that the release of chloroplast-associated autophagosome is independent of a chloroplast division factor, DRP5b.

      Overall, the findings are interesting, and in general, the experiments are very well executed. Although the mechanism of how Rubisco-containing bodies are processed is still unclear, this study suggests that a novel chloroplast division machinery exists to facilitate chloroplast autophagy, which will be valuable to investigate in the future.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The manuscript by Knights et al set out to identify the specific immune cells and their contribution to the development of osteoarthritis. They performed a comprehensive analysis of scRNA-seq and flow cytometry using different stages of the PTOA model and sought to identify specific synovial macrophages in OA. Computational analysis revealed that M-CSF signaling in synovium plays an important role in stromal-immune crosstalk in OA. They also found that four transcription factors including Pu.1, Cebp-alpha, Cebp-beta, and Jun regulate the differentiation of monocytes into pro-inflammatory synovial macrophages in OA.

      Strengths:<br /> The main strength of this study is the profiling of immune cells which will be a valuable resource for better understanding the pathogenesis of OA. The work is technically sound, and the level of analysis of gene expression, clustering, cell-cell communication, and dynamic changes in gene modules over time is state-of-the-art.

      The reviewer appreciates that the authors uncovered the transcriptional network that regulates the differentiation of synovial macrophages in OA. In addition, the identification of M-CSF signaling as a major crosstalk axis in OA development is also intriguing.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Although the scRNA-seq analysis of immune cells in OA is quite convincing, the data has been rather descriptive and superficial at this stage. The authors did not show the in vivo significance of their findings in OA development.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The study introduces BRAID, a novel approach for targeting drugs to specific cell types, addressing the challenges of pleiotropic drug actions. Unlike existing methods, this one involves breaking a protein drug molecule into inactive parts that are then put back together using a bridging receptor on the target cell. The individual components of this assembly are not required to be together, thereby affording it a degree of flexibility. The authors applied this idea to the WNT/-catenin signaling pathway by splitting a WNT mimic into two parts with FZD and LRP binding domains and bridging receptors. This combined method, which is called SWIFT, showed that WNT signaling was turned on in target cells, showing that cell-specific targeting is. The technique shows promise for the development of therapeutics, as it provides a way to more precisely target signaling pathways.

      The authors have effectively elucidated their strategy through visually appealing diagrams, providing clear and thorough visual aids that facilitate comprehension of the concept. In addition, the authors have provided convincing evidence that the C-terminal region of FGF21 is essential for the binding process. Their meticulous and thorough presentation of experimental results emphasizes the significance of this specific binding domain and validates their findings.


      BRAID, a novel cell targeting method, divides an active drug molecule into inactive components formed by a bridging receptor. This novel approach to cell-specific drug action may reduce systemic toxicity.

      The SWIFT approach successfully targets cells in the WNT/β-catenin signaling pathway. The approach activates WNT signaling only in target cells (hepatocytes), proving its specificity.

      The study indicates that the BRAID approach can target various signaling systems beyond WNT/β-catenin, indicating its versatility. Therapeutic development may benefit from this adaptability.


      The study shows the SWIFT approach works in vitro using cell lines, primary human hepatocytes, and human intestinal organoids, but it lacks in vivo animal model or clinical validation. I believe future studies will determine this aspect.

      The success of SWIFT depends on the presence and expression of the bridging receptor (βKlotho) on target cells. The approach may fail if the target receptor is not expressed.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Zirin, Jusiak, and Lopes et al presented an efficient pipeline for making LexA-GAD and QF2 drivers. The tools can be combined with a large collection of existing GAL4 drivers for a dual genetic control of two cell populations. This is essential when studying inter-organ communications since most of the current genetic drivers are biased toward the expression of the central nervous system. In this manuscript, the authors described the methodology for efficiently generating T2A-LexA-GAD and T2A-QF2 knock-ins by CRISPR, targeting a number of genes with known tissue-specific expression patterns. The authors then validated and compared the expression of double as well as single drivers and found the tissue-specific expression results were largely consistent as expected. Finally, a collection of plasmids for LexA-GAD and QF,2 as well as the corresponding LexAop and QUAS plasmids were generated to facilitate the expansion of these tool kits. In general, this study will be of considerable interest to the fly community and the resources can be readily generalized to make drivers for other genes. I believe this toolkit will have a significant, immediate impact on the fly community.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Chen et al. determined the structural basis for pre-RNA processing by Las1-Grc3 endoribonuclease and polynucleotide kinase complexes from S. cerevisiae (Sc) and C. jadinii (Cj). Using a robust set of biochemical assays, the authors identify that the sc- and CjLas1-Grc3 complexes can cleave the ITS2 sequence in two specific locations, including a novel C2' location. The authors then determined X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM structures of the ScLas1-Grc3 and CjLas1-Grc3 complexes, providing structural insight that is complimentary to previously reported Las1-Grc3 structures from C. thermophilum (Pillon et al., 2019, NSMB). The authors further explore the importance of multiple Las1 and Grc3 domains and interaction interfaces for RNA binding, RNA cleavage activity, and Las1-Grc3 complex formation. Finally, evidence is presented that indicates Las1 undergoes a conformational change upon Grc3 binding that stabilizes the Las1 HEPN active site, providing a possible rationale for the stimulation of Las1 cleavage by Grc3.

      In the revised manuscript, the authors have made significant efforts towards addressing initial reviewer comments. This includes further clarification for key biochemical experiments, significant improvement in structural model quality, and additional structural analysis that further strengthens major conclusions in the manuscript. Overall, the authors conclusions are now well supported by the biochemical and structural data provided.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This manuscript shows evidence from a dataset with awake movie-watching in infants, that the infant brain contains areas with distinct functions, consistent with previous studies using resting state and awake task-based infant fMRI. However, substantial new analyses would be required to support the novel claim that movie-watching data in infants can be used to identify retinotopic areas or to capture within-area functional organization.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors have collected a unique dataset: the same individual infants both watched naturalistic animations and a specific retinotopy task. These data position the authors to test their novel claim, that movie-watching data in infants can be used to identify retinotopic areas.

      Weaknesses:<br /> To claim that movie-watching data can identify retinotopic regions, the authors should provide evidence for two claims:

      - Retinotopic areas defined based only on movie-watching data, predict retinotopic responses in independent retinotopy-task-driven data.

      - Defining retinotopic areas based on the infant's own movie-watching response is more accurate than alternative approaches that don't require any movie-watching data, like anatomical parcellations or shared response activation from independent groups of participants.

      Both of these analyses are possible, using the (valuable!) data that these authors have collected, but these are not the analyses that the authors have done so far. Instead, the authors report the inverse of (1): regions identified by the retinotopy task can be used to predict responses in the movies. The authors report one part of (2), shared responses from other participants can be used to predict individual infants' responses in the movies, but they do not test whether movie data from the same individual infant can be used to make better predictions of the retinotopy task data, than the shared response maps.

      So to be clear, to support the claims of this paper, I recommend that the authors use the retinotopic task responses in each individual infant as the independent "Test" data, and compare the accuracy in predicting those responses, based on:

      - The same infant's movie-watching data, analysed with MELODIC, when blind experimenters select components for the SF and meridian boundaries with no access to the ground-truth retinotopy data.<br /> - Anatomical parcellations in the same infant.<br /> - Shared response maps from groups of other infants or adults.<br /> - (If possible, ICA of resting state data, in the same infant, or from independent groups of infants).

      Or, possibly, combinations of these techniques.

      If the infant's own movie-watching data leads to improved predictions of the infant's retinotopic task-driven response, relative to these existing alternatives that don't require movie-watching data from the same infant, then the authors' main claim will be supported.

      The proposed analysis above solves a critical problem with the analyses presented in the current manuscript: the data used to generate maps is identical to the data used to validate those maps. For the task-evoked maps, the same data are used to draw the lines along gradients and then test for gradient organization. For the component maps, the maps are manually selected to show the clearest gradients among many noisy options, and then the same data are tested for gradient organization. This is a double-dipping error. To fix this problem, the data must be split into independent train and test subsets.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, Mao and co-workers deliver a substantial suite of genetic tools in support of the senior author's recent proposal to create a "chemoconnectomic" tool kit for the expression mapping and conditional disruption of specific neurotransmitter systems with fly neurons of interest. Specifically, they describe the creation of two toolsets for recombination-based and CRISPR/Cas9-based conditional knockouts of genes supporting neurotransmitter and neuromodulator function and Flp-Out and Split-LexA toolkit for the examination of gene expression within defined subsets of neurons. The authors report the creation of conditional genetic tools for the disruption/mapping of approximately 200 chemoconnectomic gene products, an examination of the general effectiveness of these tools in the fly brain, and apply them to the circadian clock network in an attempt to reveal new information regarding the transmitter/modulator systems involved in daily behavioral timing. The authors provide clear evidence of the effectiveness of the new methods along with a transparent assessment of the variability of the tools. In addition, they present evidence that the neuro peptide CNMa influences the morning peak of daily activity in the fly by regulating the timing of activity increases in anticipation of dawn.

      A major strength of the study is the transparent assessment of the effectiveness and variability of the conditional genetic approaches developed by the authors. The authors have largely achieved their aims and the study therefore represents a major delivery on the promise of chemoconnectomics made by the senior author in 2019 (Neuron, Vol. 101, p. 876). Though there are some concerns about the variability of knockout effectiveness, off-target effects of the knockout strategies, and (especially) the accuracy of the gene expression approach, the tools created for this study will almost certainly be useful for the field and support a great deal of future work.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In "Characterization of caffeine response regulatory variants in vascular endothelial cells", Boye et. al. employ a massively parallel reporter assay, bi-allelic targeted STARR-seq (BiT-STARR-seq), to characterize how non-coding variants affect gene expression in HUVECs after treatment with caffeine. After measuring the differential activity of the individual MPRA constructs in their cells, they test for both allele-specific effects (ASE) in each condition. They likewise test for conditional allele-specific effects (cASE). The authors identify an enrichment cASE variants with stronger allelic effects in caffeine vs control conditions and use a combination of transcription factor motif identification, open chromatin enrichment, caffeine response factor binding site identification, and eQTL fine-mapping to identify 25 SNPs that meet their selection criteria. The authors finally highlight one example SNP from this set, rs22871, as a potential candidate for further analysis.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Shaku and colleagues investigated if the deletion of the enzymatic pair MurT-GatD from Mycobacterium bovis BCG leads to more effective immune activation and protection against tuberculosis disease. MurT-GatD are enzymes implicated in the amidation of peptidoglycan sidechains, an immune evasion mechanism used by virulent mycobacteria to avoid recognition by the pathogen recognition receptor NOD-1.<br /> Using CRISPRi, the authors show that D-glutamate diaminopimelate (iE-DAP) gets unmasked in BCG when MurT-GatD are deleted. They call the resulting recombinant BCG strain in which the induction of the CRISPRi construct is achieved via anhydrotetracycline, BCG::iE-DAP.<br /> Subsequently, the authors characterize the growth kinetics of the strain and show that MurT-GatD deletion results in cell wall defects (as expected) and increased susceptibility to antibiotics. They use in vitro assays with bone marrow-derived macrophages to show that rBCG::iE-DAP leads to an enhanced 'training effect' of the macrophages and increased killing of subsequent Mtb infection. They go on to show that the growth of the rBCG strain can be inhibited both in vitro and in vivo via the addition of doxycycline. Finally, the authors vaccinate Balb/c mice with wildtype BCG or their rBCG strain, deliver doxycycline via oral gavage, and challenge mice with Mycobacterium tuberculosis 6 weeks later. At 4 and 8 weeks after M. tuberculosis infection the mice get assessed for bacterial burden and histopathology. They show that rBCG::iE-DAP leads to reduced bacterial burden, but increased pathology in the lung compared to parental BCG.

      The conclusions of this paper are mostly supported by data, but the in vivo protection results against TB need to be clarified and extended.

      Strength:<br /> The authors demonstrate an important new pathway by which to improve immunogenicity of BCG - the unmasking of DAP. This is an exciting finding and could lead to the improvement of multiple existing rBCG strains.<br /> The authors also show a rigorous characterization of the rBCG strain and robust in vitro data, demonstrating the effect of MuRT-GatD deletion on cell wall morphology, antibiotic susceptibility and immune training of macrophages.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The in vivo part of the manuscript is much weaker than the in vitro findings, and the in vivo experiments are only performed with 5 mice per group and time-point in one single experiment. Scientific standards require that each experiment is repeated at least once to show reproducibility and robustness. The low number of mice for the in vivo experiments also don't allow for strong statistical power.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This paper demonstrates that model-free reinforcement learning, with relatively small networks, is sufficient to observe collaborative hunting in predator prey environments. The paper then studies the conditions under which collaborative hunting emerges (namely, difficulty of hunting and sharing of the spoils) which is an interesting question to study and the paper contains a fascinating study in which a human is tasked with controlling the prey. However, the simplicity of the environment, a 2-d particle world with simple dynamics, makes it unclear how generalizable the results are and the results rely heavily on visual interpretation of t-SNE plots rather than more direct metrics.

      Strengths:<br /> - The distinct behaviors uncovered between the predators in shared vs. not-shared reward are quite interesting!<br /> - The realization that the ability of deep RL models to solve predator-prey problems has implication for models of what is needed for collaborative hunting is clever.

      Weaknesses:<br /> - The paper seems to make a claim that since this problem is solvable with model-free learning or a model-free decision tree, complicated cognition is not needed for collaborative hunting. However, the settings under which this hunting is done is exceedingly simple and it is possible that in more complex settings such as more partially observable settings or settings where the capabilities of the partners are unknown then more complicated forms of cognition might still be needed.<br /> - The problem is fully observed (I think), so there may be one uniquely good strategy that the predators can use that will work successfully against all prey. If this is the case, the human studies are of limited value, they are just confirming that the problem has a near-deterministic solution on the part of the predators.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this interesting work on the neuropharmacological effects of ketamine, the authors conducted a pharmacological functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study in 40 healthy participants receiving bolus and constant infusion of ketamine during resting-state fMRI. Data were preprocessed with the human connectome-based standard pipeline previously successfully used by the lab (FS parcellation and application of an atlas published by the group, HCP pipeline, FSL, global brain connectivity with and without global-signal regression). Briefly, GBC and principle component maps of the positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS) were related to somatostatin and parvalbumin cortical gene expression patterns. In addition, the authors compared the effective dimensionality, i.e. eigenvalues of covariance matrices of drug vs. placebo, and found higher complexity of responses in ketamine vs. LSD and psilocybin, which is very interesting. Also, there was substantial inter-individual variation in behavioral and neurobehavioral results, which was captured by PC and GBC maps. In supplementary results, the authors also showed that the principle component PS1 highly correlated with the fMRI global signal.

      Although a complex set of analyses is presented, the paper is written very clearly and understandable. The authors did a good job of outlining the steps of their analyses in supplemental diagrams and the source code is provided. As a general remark, I consider the main strength of this work, to acknowledge the very diverse inter-individual variation of ketamine's effects and to use advanced methodological approaches to disentangle these.

      Since the drug also exhibits strong variation in clinical antidepressant responses, the methodology applied here will very likely yield interesting results applied in clinical datasets of patients with major depressive disorder.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors set out to study the potent HIV capsid inhibitor lenacapavir (LEN) and how it alters capsid stability. They use a previously developed single-molecule fluorescence imaging assay to take two measurements of individual viral particles over time: 1) they track the release of GFP from GFP-loaded particles to determine whether the capsid is intact or open, and 2) they track the disassembly of the capsid lattice by measuring the signal intensity of a capsid binding fluorophore (AF568-CypA), which diminishes as the capsid lattice subunits disassociate.

      As in their previous work, the authors report that most of their capsids are "leaky" and rapidly lose GFP after the viral membrane is permeabilized, followed by disassembly of the capsid lattice. A subset of capsids maintain GFP signal for various periods of time until they spontaneously "open," and a smaller subset remains closed for the entire length of the imaging experiment (typically 30 min). Interestingly, the authors find that LEN has two effects in this assay: it not only promotes a more rapid release of GFP (interpreted to mean loss of capsid integrity), but it also prevents the capsid lattice from disassembling after opening. As expected, the cellular cofactor IP6 (which stabilizes capsids in cells and in vitro) was found to protect against capsid rupture and counteracted the effects of LEN (although high concentrations of LEN could override any protective effects of IP6).

      Their single-molecule experiments are nicely buttressed by in vitro assembly reactions of purified CA protein, with IP6 promoting cone formation and LEN promoting aberrant assembly into tubes. The authors go further to test the kinetics of LEN's effects on HIV infection and reverse transcription, and they perform experiments in comparison to other factors that target the FG binding pocket (BI-2, PF-74, and a peptide from the host factor CPSF6). They find that LEN works differently than these other capsid binders, and stabilizes the lattice structure much more effectively, which the authors suggest is due to how well LEN bridges between CA-CA monomers and rigidifies CA hexamers.

      It's particularly interesting that the results of their kinetic studies indicate that LEN's effects on capsid strain (which may ultimately promote rupture) may not happen immediately, but instead, take time to build as the drug occupies more and more binding sites. The authors estimate that roughly 30% of binding sites need to be occupied by LEN to reach half-maximal inhibition of infection, and based on their binding curves, it may take ~20h to reach this level of occupancy in the presence of sub nM concentrations of LEN. Although other mechanisms in addition to catastrophic rupture of capsids are likely at play during inhibition of infection (such as inhibition of host factor binding), these kinetics support previous reports that the most potent functions of capsid inhibition occur at or between the steps of nuclear entry and integration.

      It is important to note that although in vitro uncoating assays can help us understand the physical nature of HIV capsid and capsid inhibitor interactions, the assays in this paper might not accurately model the capsid dynamics that are experienced in a cell during infection. The authors report that more than half of their capsids are "leaky" at the start of their assay, but this could be an artifact of the experimental system. Several groups have now demonstrated that capsids remain intact or largely intact for several hours after infection. Thus, while their method is valuable to the research community and can provide insight into capsid stability (and how it can be influenced by capsid binding factors), the authors should be cautious about using pore-forming proteins to permeabilize the virion and interpreting the release of GFP in their single-molecule fluorescence system as an accurate reflection of HIV dynamics in vivo.

      In this regard, it would be helpful to establish whether the pore-forming proteins used in vitro to permeabilize the virus membrane have an impact on capsid integrity. It's possible that the concentration of pore-forming proteins used in this paper (200nM) actually promotes "leaky" capsids and rapid opening of capsids in vitro, whereas capsids in their native state in the cytoplasm could remain mostly intact until disrupted by host factors and/or small molecules. Determining whether lower concentrations of DLY/SLO (or PFO as used in Marquez et al., 2018) change the ratio of leaky to closed capsids, or delay the time to capsid opening (either in the presence of IP6 or in the presence of LEN) would be informative. It may be possible to optimize the concentration of pore-forming proteins (and other buffer constituents) to achieve permeabilization of the membrane with minimal disruption to capsid integrity, which could approximate conditions within the cell.

      Experiments with capsid mutations that stabilize or destabilize the lattice structure (and exhibit different sensitivities to IP6) could help support the authors' conclusions, as would testing mutations that confer resistance to LEN (e.g. Q67H+N74D, M66I, etc...). It would be of great interest to find if CA mutations affect either GFP release or the CypA paint signal, and whether resistance mutations mitigate the effects of LEN in single-molecule experiments.

      The discussion section of this paper is expertly written and places the work into the larger context of HIV research. The authors have thoughtfully analyzed their experiments with capsid inhibitors in relation to kinetics, occupancy, the potential for rigidification, and cofactor binding. They offer reasonable explanations for how LEN exhibits opposing effects on the HIV capsid at high occupancy through inducing capsid rupture while simultaneously preventing the dissociation of CA subunits. Many lines of evidence are now converging on the concept that the capsid evolved to be stable enough to protect its contents, yet flexible enough to navigate the steps of reverse transcription, nuclear entry, and uncoating. With this paper, the authors make a strong case that LEN functions as an antiviral, at least in part, through engaging "lethal hyperstabilization" of the capsid, promoting rigid lattice formations that are incompatible with closed cone structures.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The core planar cell polarity (PCP) pathways are known to control tissue morphogenesis in vertebrates and also in a number of developing tissues in the fruitfly Drosophila. However, it has long been observed that beyond effects on hair polarity, core PCP activity does not have dramatic effects on Drosophila wing morphogenesis. Here the authors carry out detailed quantitative studies of cell behaviors in flies mutant for core PCP genes during pupal wing morphogenesis between about 16 to 32 hours of pupal life to further try to determine if core PCP activity affects cell behaviors in the wing.

      Their overall conclusion is that there is no effect on tissue morphogenesis. However, the number of wings looked at for each genotype is low due to the enormous amount of work required to analyze the cell behaviors on an entire wing surface over 16 hours of development. Thus, rigorous statistics cannot be applied to support the statement that there is no change in morphogenesis. Moreover, by eye, the average cell behaviors do appear different and the authors themselves say there are subtle differences. They also note that adult wings have a change in size. Also, a previous publication suggested a change in cell arrangements at the late stages of the period studied (Sugimura & Ishihara 2013).

      Interestingly, the authors do report a change in local mechanical properties of the tissue in flies with altered core PCP pathway activity, by using laser ablation to study tissue rheology. This seems to support the view that there could be a subtle change in tissue morphogenesis.

      Ultimately, this is a valuable set of results that help to clarify core PCP pathway function in Drosophila tissues. It clearly demonstrates effects on tissue mechanics, but also indicates that this does not result in gross changes in tissue morphogenesis - the latter being consistent with previous observations.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In the present study, Liu et al present an analysis of benign and HCC liver samples which were subjected to a new technology (LOOP-Seq) and paired WES. By integrating these data, the authors find isoforms, fusions and mutations which uniquely cluster within HCC samples, such as in the HLA locus, which serve as candidate leads for further investigation. The main appeal of the study is in the potential of LOOP-Seq as a method to present isoform-resolved data without actually performing long-read sequencing.

      Comments on revised version:

      I made several comments on the previous version which have been adequately addressed.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This is a very interesting paper with several important findings related to the working mechanism of the cartwheel cells (CWC) in the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN). These cells generate spontaneous firing that is inhibited by the activation of α2-adrenergic receptors, which also enhances the synaptic strength in the cells, but the mechanisms underlying the spontaneous firing and the dual regulation by α2-adrenergic receptor activation have remained elusive. By recording these cells with the NALCN sodium-leak channel conditionally knocked, the authors discovered that both the spontaneous firing and the regulation by noradrenaline (NA) require NALCN. Mechanistically, the authors found that activation of the adrenergic receptor or GABAB receptor inhibits NALCN. Interestingly, these receptor activations also suppress the low [Ca2+] "activation" of NALCN currents, suggesting crosstalk between the pathways. The finding of such dominant contribution of the NALCN conductance to the regulation of firing by NA is somewhat surprising considering that NA is known to regulate K+ conductances in many other neurons.

      The studies reveal the molecular mechanisms underlying well known regulations of the neuronal processes in the auditory pathway. The results will be important to the understanding of auditory information processing in particular, and, more generally, to the understanding of the regulation of inhibitory neurons and ion channels. The results are convincing and are clearly presented.

      In this revision, the authors have satisfactorily addressed all my previous comments.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This manuscript explores infants' attention patterns in real-world settings and their relationship with autonomic arousal and EEG oscillations in the theta frequency band. The study included 5- and 10-month-old infants during free play. The results showed that the 5-month-old group exhibited a decline in HR forward-predicted attentional behaviors, while the 10-month-old group exhibited increased theta power following shifts in gaze, indicating the start of a new attention episode. Additionally, this increase in theta power predicted the duration of infants' looking behavior.

      Strengths:<br /> The study's strengths lie in its utilization of advanced protocols and cutting-edge techniques to assess infants' neural activity and autonomic arousal associated with their attention patterns, as well as the extensive data coding and processing. Overall, the findings have important theoretical implications for the development of infant attention.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Certain methodological procedures require further clarification, e.g., details on EEG data processing. Additionally, it would be beneficial to eliminate possible confounding factors and consider alternative interpretations, e,g., whether the differences observed between the two age groups were partly due to varying levels of general arousal and engagement during the free play.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this paper, Portillo-Ledesma et al. study chromatin organization in the length scale of a gene, simulating the polymer at nucleosome resolution. The authors have presented an extensive simulation study with an excellent model of chromatin. The model has linker DNA and nucleosomes with all relevant interactions (electrostatics, tails, etc). Authors simulate 10 to 26 kb chromatin with varying linker lengths, linker histones (LH), and acetylated tails. The authors then study the effect of a transcription factor (TF) Myc: Max binding. The critical physical feature of the TF in the model is that it binds to the linker region and bends the DNA to make loops/intra-chromatin contacts. Authors systematically investigate the interplay between different variables such as linker DNA length, LH density, and the TF concentration in determining chromatin compaction and 3D organization.

      The manuscript is well-written and is a relevant study with many useful results. The biggest strength of the work is the fact that the authors start with a relevant model that incorporates well-known biophysical properties of DNA, nucleosomes, linker histones, and the transcription factor Myc:Max. One of the novel results is the demonstration of how linker lengths play an important role in chromatin compaction (measured by computing packing ratio) in the presence of DNA-bending TFs. As the TF concentration increases, chromatin with short linker lengths does not compact much (only a small change in packing ratio). If the linker lengths are long, a higher percentage of TFs leads to an increase in packing ratio (higher compaction). Authors further show that TFs are able to compact Life-like chromatin fiber with linker length taken from a realistic distribution. The authors compute inter-nucleosomal contact maps from their simulated configurations and show that the map has features similar to what is observed in Hi-C/Micro-C experiments. Authors study the compaction of the Eed gene locus and show that TF binding leads to the formation of small domains known as micro-domains. Authors have predicted many relevant and testable quantities. Many of the results agree with known experiments like the formation of the micro-domains. Hence, the conclusions made in this study are justified - they follow from the simulation results.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this paper, the authors explore the role of the Homeodomain Transcription Factor Bsh in the specification of Lamina neuronal types in the optic lobe of Drosophila. Using the framework of terminal selector genes and compelling data, they investigate whether the same factor that establishes early cell identity is responsible for the acquisition of terminal features of the neuron (i.e., cell connectivity and synaptogenesis).

      The authors convincingly describe the sequential expression and activity of Bsh, termed here as 'primary HDTF', and of Ap in L4 or Pdm3 in L5 as 'secondary HDTFs' during the specification of these two neurons. The study demonstrates the requirement of Bsh to activate either Ap and Pdm3, and therefore to generate the L4 and L5 fates. Moreover, the authors show that in the absence of Bsh, L4 and L5 fates are transformed into a L1 or L3-like fates.

      Finally, the authors used DamID and Bsh:DamID to profile the open chromatin signature and the Bsh binding sites in L4 neurons at the synaptogenesis stage. This allows the identification of putative Bsh target genes in L4, many of which were also found to be upregulated in L4 in a previous single-cell transcriptomic analysis. Among these genes, the paper focuses on Dip-β, a known regulator of L4 connectivity. They demonstrate that both Bsh and Ap are required for Dip-β, forming a feed-forward loop. Indeed, the loss of Bsh causes abnormal L4 synaptogenesis and therefore defects in several visual behaviors.

      The authors also propose the intriguing hypothesis that the expression of Bsh expanded the diversity of Lamina neurons from a 3 cell-type state to the current 5 cell-type state in the optic lobe.

      Strengths:<br /> Overall, this work presents a beautiful practical example of the framework of terminal selectors: Bsh acts hierarchically with Ap or Pdm3 to establish the L4 or L5 cell fates and, at least in L4, participates in the expression of terminal features of the neuron (i.e., synaptogenesis through Dip-β regulation).

      The hierarchical interactions among Bsh and the activation of Ap and Pdm3 expression in L4 and L5, respectively, are well established experimentally. Using different genetic drivers, the authors show a window of competence during L4 neuron specification during which Bsh activates Ap expression. Later, as the neuron matures, Ap becomes independent of Bsh. This allows the authors to propose a coherent and well-supported model in which Bsh acts as a 'primary' selector that activates the expression of L4-specific (Ap) and L5-specific (Pdm3) 'secondary' selector genes, that together establish neuronal fate.

      Importantly, the authors describe a striking cell fate change when Bsh is knocked down from L4/L5 progenitor cells. In such case, L1 and L3 neurons are generated at the expense of L4 and L5. The paper demonstrates that Bsh in L4/L5 represses Zfh1, which in turn acts as the primary selector for L1/L3 fates. These results point to a model where the acquisition of Bsh during evolution might have provided the grounds for the generation of new cell types, L4 and L5, expanding lamina neuronal diversity for a more refined visual behaviors in flies. This is an intriguing and novel hypothesis that should be tested from an evo-devo standpoint, for instance by identifying a species when L4 and L5 do not exist and/or Bsh is not expressed in L neurons.

      To gain insight into how Bsh regulates neuronal fate and terminal features, the authors have profiled the open chromatin landscape and Bsh binding sites in L4 neurons at mid-pupation using the DamID technique. The paper describes a number of genes that have Bsh binding peaks in their regulatory regions and that are differentially expressed in L4 neurons, based on available scRNAseq data. Although the manuscript does not explore this candidate list in depth, many of these genes belong to classes that might explain terminal features of L4 neurons, such as neurotransmitter identity, neuropeptides or cytoskeletal regulators. Interestingly, one of these upregulated genes with a Bsh peak is Dip-β, an immunoglobulin superfamily protein that has been described by previous work from the author's lab to be relevant to establish L4 proper connectivity. This work proves that Bsh and Ap work in a feed-forward loop to regulate Dip-β expression, and therefore to establish normal L4 synapses. Furthermore, Bsh loss of function in L4 causes impairs visual behaviors.

      Weaknesses:<br /> ● The last paragraph of the introduction is written using rhetorical questions and does not read well. I suggest rewriting it in a more conventional direct style to improve readability.

      ● A significant concern is the way in which information is conveyed in the Figures. Throughout the paper, understanding of the experimental results is hindered by the lack of information in the Figure headers. Specifically, the genetic driver used for each panel should be adequately noted, together with the age of the brain and the experimental condition. For example, R27G05-Gal4 drives early expression in LPCs and L4/L5, while the 31C06-AD, 34G07-DBD Split-Gal4 combination drives expression in older L4 neurons, and the use of one or the other to drive Bsh-KD has dramatic differences in Ap expression. The indication of the driver used in each panel will facilitate the reader's grasp of the experimental results.

      ● Bsh role in L4/L5 cell fate:<br /> o It is not clear whether Tll+/Bsh+ LPCs are the precursors of L4/L5. Morphologically, these cells sit very close to L5, but are much more distant from L4.<br /> o Somatic CRISPR knockout of Bsh seems to have a weaker phenotype than the knockdown using RNAi. However, in several experiments down the line, the authors use CRISPR-KO rather than RNAi to knock down Bsh activity: it should be explained why the authors made this decision. Alternatively, a null mutant could be used to consolidate the loss of function phenotype, although this is not strictly necessary given that the RNAi is highly efficient and almost completely abolishes Bsh protein.<br /> o Line 102: Rephrase "R27G05-Gal4 is expressed in all LPCs and turned off in lamina neurons" to "is turned off as lamina neurons mature", as it is kept on for a significant amount of time after the neurons have already been specified.<br /> o Line 121: "(a) that all known lamina neuron markers become independent of Bsh regulation in neurons" is not an accurate statement, as the markers tested were not shown to be dependent on Bsh in the first place.<br /> o Lines 129-134: Make explicit that the LPC-Gal4 was used in this experiment. This is especially important here, as these results are opposite to the Bsh Loss of Function in L4 neurons described in the previous section. This will help clarify the window of competence in which Bsh establishes L4/L5 neuronal identities through ap/pdm3 expression.

      ● DamID and Bsh binding profile:<br /> ○ Figure 5 - figure supplement 1C-E: The genotype of the Control in (C) has to be described within the panel. As it is, it can be confused with a wild type brain, when it is in fact a Bsh-KO mutant.<br /> ○ It Is not clear how L4-specific Differentially Expressed Genes were found. Are these genes DEG between Lamina neurons types, or are they upregulated genes with respect to all neuronal clusters? If the latter is the case, it could explain the discrepancy between scRNAseq DEGs and Bsh peaks in L4 neurons.

      ● Dip-β regulation:<br /> ○ Line 234: It is not clear why CRISPR KO is used in this case, when Bsh-RNAi presents a stronger phenotype.<br /> ○ Figure 6N-R shows results using LPC-Gal4. It is not clear why this driver was used, as it makes a less accurate comparison with the other panels in the figure, which use L4-Split-Gal4. This discrepancy should be acknowledged and explained, or the experiment repeated with L4-Split-Gal4>Ap-RNAi.<br /> ○ Line 271: It is also possible that L4 activity is dispensable for motion detection and only L5 is required.

      ● Discussion: It is necessary to de-emphasize the relevance of HDTFs, or at least acknowledge that other, non-homeodomain TFs, can act as selector genes to determine neuronal identity. By restricting the discussion to HDTFs, it is not mentioned that other classes of TFs could follow the same Primary-Secondary selector activation logic.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this work, the authors explore how Notch activity acts together with Bsh homeodomain transcription factors to establish L4 and L5 fates in the lamina of the visual system of Drosophila. They propose a model in which differential Notch activity generates different chromatin landscapes in presumptive L4 and L5, allowing the differential binding of the primary homeodomain TF Bsh (as described in the co-submitted paper), which in turn activate downstream genes specific to either neuronal type. The requirement of Notch for L4 vs. L5 fate is well supported, and complete transformation from one cell type into the other is observed when altering Notch activity. However, the role of Notch in creating differential chromatin landscapes is not directly demonstrated. It is only based on correlation, but it remains a plausible and intriguing hypothesis.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors are successful in characterizing the role of Notch to distinguish between L4 and L5 cell fates. They show that the Notch pathway is active in L4 but not in L5. They identify L1, the neuron adjacent to L4 as expressing the Delta ligand, therefore being the potential source for Notch activation in L4. Moreover, the manuscript shows molecular and morphological/connectivity transformations from one cell type into the other when Notch activity is manipulated.

      Using DamID, the authors characterize the chromatin landscape of L4 and L5 neurons. They show that Bsh occupies distinct loci in each cell type. This support their model that Bsh acts as a primary selector gene in L4/L5 that activates different target genes in L4 vs L5 based on the differential availability of open chromatin loci.

      Overall, the manuscript presents an interesting example of how Notch activity cooperates with TF expression to generate diverging cell fates. Together with the accompanying paper, it helps thoroughly describe how lamina cell types L4 and L5 are specified and provides an interesting hypothesis for the role of Notch and Bsh in increasing neuronal diversity in the lamina during evolution.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Differential Notch activity in L4 and L5:<br /> ● The manuscript focuses its attention on describing Notch activity in L4 vs L5 neurons. However, from the data presented, it is very likely that the pool of progenitors (LPCs) is already subdivided into at least two types of progenitors that will rise to L4 and L5, respectively. Evidence to support this is the activity of E(spl)-mɣ-GFP and the Dl puncta observed in the LPC region. Discussion should naturally follow that Notch-induced differences in L4/L5 might preexist L1-expressed Dl that affect newborn L4/L5. Therefore, the differences between L4 and L5 fates might be established earlier than discussed in the paper. The authors should acknowledge this possibility and discuss it in their model.<br /> ● The authors claim that Notch activation is caused by L1-expressed Delta. However, they use an LPC driver to knock down Dl. Dl-KD should be performed exclusively in L1, and the fate of L4 should be assessed.<br /> ● To test whether L4 neurons are derived from NotchON LPCs, I suggest performing MARCM clones in early pupa with an E(spl)-mɣ-GFP reporter.<br /> ● The expression of different Notch targets in LPCs and L4 neurons may be further explored. I suggest using different Notch-activity reporters (i.e., E(spl)-GFP reporters) to further characterize these differences. What cause the switch in Notch target expression from LPCs to L4 neurons should be a topic of discussion.

      Notch role in establishing L4 vs L5 fates:<br /> ● The authors describe that 27G05-Gal4 causes a partial Notch Gain of Function caused by its genomic location between Notch target genes. However, this is not further elaborated. The use of this driver is especially problematic when performing Notch KD, as many of the resulting neurons express Ap, and therefore have some features of L4 neurons. Therefore, Pdm3+/Ap+ cells should always be counted as intermediate L4/L5 fate (i.e., Fig3 E-J, Fig3-Sup2), irrespective of what the mechanistic explanation for Ap activation might be. It's not accurate to assume their L5 identity. In Fig4 intermediate-fate cells are correctly counted as such.<br /> ● Lines 170-173: The temporal requirement for Notch activity in L5-to-L4 transformation is not clearly delineated. In Fig4-figure supplement 1D-E, it is not stated if the shift to 29{degree sign}C is performed as in Fig4-figure supplement 1A-C.<br /> ● Additionally, using the same approach, it would be interesting to explore the window of competence for Notch-induced L5-to-L4 transformation: at which point in L5 maturation can fate no longer be changed by Notch GoF?

      L4-to-L3 conversion in the absence of Bsh<br /> ● Although interesting, the L4-to-L3 conversion in the absence of Bsh is never shown to be dependent on Notch activity. Importantly, L3 NotchON status is assumed based on their position next to Dl-expressing L1, but it is not empirically tested. Perhaps screening Notch target reporter expression in the lamina, as suggested above, could inform this issue.<br /> ● Otherwise, the analysis of Bsh Loss of Function in L4 might be better suited to be included in the accompanying manuscript that specifically deals with the role of Bsh as a selector gene for L4 and L5.

      Different chromatin landscape in L4 and L5 neurons<br /> ● A major concern is that, although L4 and L5 neurons are shown to present different chromatin landscapes (as expected for different neuronal types), it is not demonstrated that this is caused by Notch activity. The paper proves unambiguously that Notch activity, in concert with Bsh, causes the fate choice between L4 and L5. However, that this is caused by Notch creating a differential chromatin landscape is based only in correlation (NotchON cells having a different profile than NotchOFF). Although the authors are careful not to claim that differential chromatin opening is caused directly by Notch, this is heavily suggested throughout the text and must be toned down.<br /> e.g.: Line 294: "With Notch signaling, L4 neurons generate distinct open chromatin landscape" and Line 298: "Our findings propose a model that the unique combination of HDTF and open chromatin landscape (e.g. by Notch signaling)" . These claims are not supported well enough, and alternative hypotheses should be provided in the discussion. An alternative hypothesis could be that LPCs are already specified towards L4 and L5 fates. In this context, different early Bsh targets in each cell type could play a pioneer role generating a differential chromatin landscape.

      ● The correlation between open chromatin and Bsh loci with Differentially Expressed genes is much higher for L4 than L5. It is not clear why this is the case, and should be discussed further by the authors.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study developed a setup for laminar fMRI at 3T that aimed to get the best from all worlds in terms of brain coverage, temporal resolution, sensitivity to detect functional responses, and spatial specificity. They used a gradient-echo EPI readout to facilitate sensitivity, brain coverage and temporal resolution. The former was additionally boosted by NORDIC denoising and the latter two were further supported by parallel-imaging acceleration both in-plane and across slices. The authors evaluated whether the implementation of velocity-nulling (VN) gradients could mitigate macrovascular bias, known to hamper the laminar specificity of gradient-echo BOLD.

      The setup allows for 0.9 mm isotropic acquisitions with large coverage at a reasonable TR (at least for block designs) and the fMRI results presented here were acquired within practical scan-times of 12-18 minutes. Also, in terms of the availability of the method, it is favorable that it benefits from lower field strength (additional time for VN-gradient implementation, afforded by longer gray matter T2*).

      The well-known double peak feature in M1 during finger tapping was used as a test-bed to evaluate the spatial specificity. They were indeed able to demonstrate two distinct peaks in group-level laminar profiles extracted from M1 during finger tapping, which was largely free from superficial bias. This is rather intriguing as, even at 7T, clear peaks are usually only seen with spatially specific non-BOLD sequences. This is in line with their simple simulations, which nicely illustrated that, in theory, intravascular macrovascular signals should be suppressible with only minimal suppression of microvasculature when small b-values of the VN gradients are employed. However, the authors do not state how ROIs were defined making the validity of this finding unclear; were they defined from independent criteria or were they selected based on the region mostly expressing the double peak, which would clearly be circular? In any case, results are based on a very small sub-region of M1 in a single slice - it would be useful to see the generalizability of superficial-bias-free BOLD responses across a larger portion of M1.

      As repeatedly mentioned by the authors, a laminar fMRI setup must demonstrate adequate functional sensitivity to detect (in this case) BOLD responses. The sensitivity evaluation is unfortunately quite weak. It is mainly based on the argument that significant activation was found in a challenging sub-cortical region (LGN). However, it was a single participant, the activation map was not very convincing, and the demonstration of significant activation after considerable voxel-averaging is inadequate evidence to claim sufficient BOLD sensitivity. How well sensitivity is retained in the presence of VN gradients, high acceleration factors, etc., is therefore unclear. The ability of the setup to obtain meaningful functional connectivity results is reassuring, yet, more elaborate comparison with e.g., the conventional BOLD setup (no VN gradients) is warranted, for example by comparison of tSNR, quantification and comparison of CNR, illustration of unmasked-full-slice activation maps to compare noise-levels, comparison of the across-trial variance in each subject, etc. Furthermore, as NORDIC appears to be a cornerstone to enable submillimeter resolution in this setup at 3T, it is critical to evaluate its impact on the data through comparison with non-denoised data, which is currently lacking.

      The proposed setup might potentially be valuable to the field, which is continuously searching for techniques to achieve laminar specificity in gradient echo EPI acquisitions. Nonetheless, the above considerations need to be tackled to make a convincing case.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary<br /> Song et al investigate the role of the frontal eye field (FEF) and the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) in mediating the shift in ocular dominance (OD) observed after a period of dichoptic stimulation during which attention is selectively directed to one eye. This manipulation has been previously found to transiently shift OD in favor of the unattended eye, similar to the effect of short-term monocular deprivation. To this aim, the authors combine psychophysics, fMRI, and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). In the first experiment, the authors determine the regions of interest (ROIs) based on the responses recorded by fMRI during either dichoptic or binocular stimulation, showing selective recruitment of the right FEF and IPS during the dichoptic condition, in line with the involvement of eye-based attention. In a second experiment, the authors investigate the causal role of these two ROIs in mediating the OD shift observed after a period of dichoptic stimulation by selectively inhibiting with TMS (using continuous theta burst stimulation, cTBS), before the adaptation period (50 min exposure to dichoptic stimulation). They show that, when cTBS is delivered on the FEF, but not the IPS or the vertex, the shift in OD induced by dichoptic stimulation is reduced, indicating a causal involvement of the FEF in mediating this form of short-term plasticity. A third control experiment rules out the possibility that TMS interferes with the OD task (binocular rivalry), rather than with the plasticity mechanisms. From this evidence, the authors conclude that the FEF is one of the areas mediating the OD shift induced by eye-selective attention.

      Strengths<br /> 1. The experimental paradigm is sound and the authors have thoroughly investigated the neural correlates of an interesting form of short-term visual plasticity combining different techniques in an intelligent way.

      2. The results are solid and the appropriate controls have been performed to exclude potential confounds.

      3. The results are very interesting, providing new evidence both about the neural correlates of eye-based attention and the involvement of extra-striate areas in mediating short-term OD plasticity in humans, with potential relevance for clinical applications (especially in the field of amblyopia).

      Weaknesses<br /> 1. Ethics: more details about the ethics need to be included in the manuscript. It is only mentioned for experiment 1 that participants "provided informed consent in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences". (Which version of the Declaration of Helsinki? The latest version requires the pre-registration of the study. The code of the approved protocol together with the code and date of the approval should be provided.) There is no mention of informed consent procedures or ethics approval for the TMS experiments. This is a huge concern, especially for brain stimulation experiments!

      2. Statistics: the methods section should include a sub-section describing in detail all the statistical analyses performed for the study. Moreover, in the results section, statistical details should be added to support the fMRI results. In the current version of the manuscript, the claims are not supported by statistical evidence.

      3. Interpretation of the results: the TMS results are very interesting and convincing regarding the involvement of the FEF in the build-up of the OD shift induced by dichoptic stimulation, however, I am not sure that the authors can claim that this effect is related to eye-based attention, as cTBS has no effect on the blob detection task during dichoptic stimulation. If the FEF were causally involved in eye-based attention, one would expect a change in performance in this task during dichoptic stimulation, perhaps a similar performance for the unattended and attended eye. The authors speculate that the sound could have an additional role in driving eye-based attention, which might explain the lack of effect for the blob discrimination task, however, this hypothesis has not been tested.

      4. Writing: in general, the manuscript is well written, but clarity should be improved in certain sections.

      a. fMRI results: the first sentence is difficult to understand at first read, but it is crucial to understand the results, please reformulate and clarify.

      b. Experiment 3: the rationale for experiment one should be straightforward, without a long premise explaining why it would not be necessary.

      c. Discussion: the language is a bit familiar here and there, a more straightforward style should be preferred (one example: p.19 second paragraph).

      5. Minor: the authors might consider using the term "participant" or "observer" instead of "subject" when referring to the volunteers who participated in the study.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This study by Tünte et al. investigated the development of interoceptive sensitivity in the first year of life, focusing specifically on cardiac and respiratory sensitivity in infants aged 3, 9, and 18 months. The research employed a previously developed experimental paradigm in the cardiac domain and adapted it for a novel paradigm in the respiratory domain. This approach assessed infants' cardiac and respiratory sensitivity based on their preferential-looking behavior toward visuo-auditory stimuli displayed on a monitor, which moved either in sync or out of sync with the infants' own heartbeats or breathing. The results for the cardiac domain showed that infants, across all age groups, preferred stimuli moving synchronously rather than asynchronously with their heartbeat, suggesting the presence of cardiac sensitivity as early as 3 months of age. However, it is noteworthy that the direction of this preference contradicts a previous study, which found that 5-month-old infants looked longer at stimuli moving asynchronously, rather than synchronously, with their heartbeat (Maister et al., 2017). In the respiratory domain, only the younger age group(s) of infants showed a preference for stimuli presented synchronously with their breathing, unlike the 18-month-olds. The authors conducted various statistical analyses to thoroughly examine the obtained data, an effort that provides deeper insights and is valuable for future research in this field.

      Strengths:<br /> Few studies have explored the early development of interoception, making the replication of the original study by Maister et al. (2017) particularly valuable. Beyond replication, this study expands the investigation into the respiratory domain, significantly enhancing our understanding of interoceptive development. The provision of longitudinal and cross-sectional data from infants at 3, 9, and 18 months of age is instrumental in understanding their developmental trajectory.

      Weaknesses:<br /> (1) My primary concern is that this study did not counterbalance the conditions of the first trial in both iBEAT and iBREATH tests for the 9-month and 18-month age groups. In these tests, the first trial invariably involved a synchronous stimulus. I believe that the order of trials can significantly influence an infant's looking duration, and this oversight could potentially impact the results, especially where a marked preference for synchronous stimuli was observed among infants.<br /> (2) The analysis indicated that the study's sample size was too small to effectively assess the effects within each age group. This limitation fundamentally undermines the reliability of the findings.<br /> (3) The authors attribute the infants' preferential-looking behavior solely to the effects of familiarity and novelty. However, the meaning of "familiarity" in relation to external stimuli moving in sync with an infant's heartbeat or breathing is not clearly defined. A deeper exploration of the underlying mechanisms driving this behavior, such as from the perspectives of attention and perception, is necessary.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Wang and colleagues analyze the shapes of cerebral cortices from several primate species, including subgroups of young and old humans, to characterize commonalities in patterns of gyrification, cortical thickness, and cortical surface area. The work builds on the scaling law introduced previously by co-author Mota, and Herculano-Houzel. The authors state that the observed scaling law shares properties with fractals, where shape properties are similar across several spatial scales. One way the authors assess this is to perform a "cortical melting" operation that they have devised on surface models obtained from several primate species. The authors also explore differences in shape properties between the brains of young (~20 year old) and old (~80) humans. My main criticism of this manuscript is that the findings are presented in too abstract a manner for the scientific contribution to be recognized.

      1. The series of operations to coarse-grain the cortex illustrated in Figure 1, constitute a novel procedure, but it is not strongly motivated, and it produces image segmentations that do not resemble real brains. The process to assign voxels in downsampled images to cortex and white matter is biased towards the former, as only 4 corners of a given voxel are needed to intersect the original pial surface, but all 8 corners are needed to be assigned a white matter voxel (section S2). This causes the cortical segmentation, such as the bottom row of Figure 1B, to increase in thickness with successive melting steps, to unrealistic values. For the rightmost figure panel, the cortex consists of several 4.9-sided voxels and thus a >2 cm thick cortex. A structure with these morphological properties is not consistent with the anatomical organization of a typical mammalian neocortex.

      2. For the comparison between 20-year-old and 80-year-old brains, a well-documented difference is that the older age group possesses more cerebral spinal fluid due to tissue atrophy, and the distances between the walls of gyri becomes greater. This difference is born out in the left column of Figure 4c. It seems this additional spacing between gyri in 80-year-olds requires more extensive down-sampling (larger scale values in Figure 4a) to achieve a similar shape parameter K as for the 20-year-olds. A case could be made that the familiar way of describing brain tissue - cortical volume, white matter volume, thickness, etc. - is a more direct and intuitive way to describe differences between young and old adult brains than the obscure shape metric described in this manuscript. At a minimum, a demonstration of an advantage of the Figure 4a and 4b analyses over current methods for interpreting age-related differences would be valuable.

      3. In Discussion lines 199-203, it is stated that self-similarity, operating on all length scales, should be used as a test for existing and future models of gyrification mechanisms. First, the authors do not show, (and it would be surprising if it were true) that self-similarity is observed for length scales smaller than the acquired MRI data for any of the datasets analyzed. The analysis is restricted to coarse (but not fine)-graining. Therefore, self-similarity on all length scales would seem to be too strong a constraint. Second, it is hard to imagine how this test could be used in practice. Specific examples of how gyrification mechanisms support or fail to support the generation of self-similarity across any length scale, would strengthen the authors' argument.

      Some additional, specific comments are as follows:

      4. The definition of the term A_e as the "exposed surface" was difficult to follow at first. It might be helpful to state that this parameter is operationally defined as the convex hull surface area. Also, for the pial surface, A_t, there are several who advocate instead for the analysis of a cortical mid-thickness surface area, as the pial surface area is subject to bias depending on the gyrification index and the shape of the gyri. It would be helpful to understand if the same results are obtained from mid-thickness surfaces.

      5. In Figure 2c, the surfaces get smaller as the coarse-graining increases, making it impossible to visually assess the effects of coarse-graining on the shapes. Why aren't all cortical models shown at the same scale?

      6. Text in Section 3.2 emphasizes that K is invariant with scale (horizontal lines in Figure 3), and asserts this is important for the formation of all cortices. However, I might be mistaken, but it appears that K varies with scale in Figure 4a, and the text indicates that differences in the S dependence are of importance for distinguishing young vs. old brains. Is this an inconsistency?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Yan, Hu, and colleagues introduce BADGERS, a new method for biobank-wide scanning to find associations between a phenotype of interest, and the genetic component of a battery of candidate phenotypes. Briefly, BADGERS capitalizes on publicly available weights of genetic variants for a myriad of traits to estimate polygenic risk scores for each trait, and then identify associations with the trait of interest. Of note, the method works using summary statistics for the trait of interest, which is especially beneficial for running in population-based cohorts that are not enriched for any particular phenotype (ie. with few actual cases of the phenotype of interest).

      Here, they apply BADGERS on Alzheimer's disease (AD) as the trait of interest, and a battery of circa 2,000 phenotypes with publicly available precalculated genome-wide summary statistics from the UK Biobank. They run it on two AD cohorts, to discover at least 14 significant associations between AD and traits. These include expected associations with dementia, cognition (educational attainment), and socioeconomic status-related phenotypes. Through multivariate modelling, they distinguish between (1) clearly independent components associated with AD, from (2) by-product associations that are inflated in the original bivariate analysis. Analyses stratified according to APOE inclusion show that this region does not seem to play a role in the association of some of the identified phenotypes. Of note, they observe overlap but significant differences in the associations identified with BADGERS and other Mendelian randomization (MR), hinting at BADGERS being more powerful than classical top variant-based MR approaches. They then extend BADGERS to other AD-related phenotypes, which serves to refine the hypotheses about the underlying mechanisms accounting for the genetic correlation patterns originally identified for AD. Finally, they run BADGERS on a pre-clinical cohort with mild cognitive impairment. They observe important differences in the association patterns, suggesting that this preclinical phenotype (at least in this cohort) has a different genetic architecture than general AD.

      Strengths:<br /> BADGERS is an interesting new addition to a stream of attempts to "squeeze" biobank data beyond pure association studies for diagnosis. Increasingly available biobank cohorts do not usually focus on specific diseases. However, they tend to be data-rich, opening for deep explorations that can be useful to refine our knowledge of the latent factors that lead to diagnosis. Indeed, the possibility of running genetic correlation studies in specific sub-settings of interest (e.g. preclinical cohorts) is arguably the most interesting aspect of BADGERS. Classical methods like LDSC or two-sample MR capitalize on publicly available summary statistics from large cohorts, or having access to individual genotype data of large cohorts to ensure statistical power. Seemingly, BADGERS provides a balanced opportunity to dissect the correlation between traits of interest in settings with small sample size in which other methods do not work well.

      Weaknesses:<br /> However, the increased statistical power is just hinted, and for instance, they do not explore if LDSC would have identified these associations. Although I suspect that is the case, this evidence is important to ensure that the abovementioned balance is right. Finally, as discussed by the authors, the reliance on polygenic risk scoring necessarily undermines the causality evidence gained through BADGERS. In this sense, BADGERS provides an alternative to strict instrumental-variable based analysis, which can be particularly useful to generate new mechanistic hypotheses.

      In summary, after 15 years of focus on diagnosis that would require having individual access to large patient cohorts, BADGERS can become an excellent tool to dig into trait heterogeneity, especially if it turns out to be more powerful than other available methodologies.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This is an exciting paper that explores the in vitro assembly of recombinant alpha-synuclein into amyloid filaments. The authors changed the pH and the composition of the assembly buffers, as well as the presence of different types of seeds, and analysed the resulting structures by cryo-EM.

      Strengths:<br /> By doing experiments at different pHs, the authors found that so-called type-2 and type-3 polymorphs form in a pH-dependent manner. In addition, they find that type-1 filaments form in the presence of phosphate ions. One of their in vitro assembled type-1 polymorphs is similar to the alpha-synuclein filaments that were extracted from the brain of an individual with juvenile-onset synucleinopathy (JOS). They hypothesize that additional densities in a similar place as additional densities in the JOS fold correspond to phosphate ions.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The paper contains multiple instances of non-scientific language, as indicated below. It would also benefit from additional details on the cryo-EM structure determination in the Methods and inclusion of commonly accepted requirements for cryo-EM structures, like examples of 2D class averages, raw micrographs, and FSC curves (between half-maps as well as between rigid-body fitted (or refined) atomic models of the different polymorphs and their corresponding maps). In addition, cryo-EM maps for the control experiments F1 and F2 should be presented in Figure 9.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, Ninagawa et al., shed light on UGGT's role in ER quality control of glycoproteins. By utilizing UGGT1/UGGT2 DKO cells, they demonstrate that several model misfolded glycoproteins undergo early degradation. One such substrate is ATF6alpha where its premature degradation hampers the cell's ability to mount an ER stress response.

      While this study convincingly demonstrates early degradation of misfolded glycoproteins in the absence of UGGTs, my major concern is the need for additional experiments to support the "tug of war" model involving UGGTs and EDEMs in influencing the substrate's fate - whether misfolded glycoproteins are pulled into the folding or degradation route. Specifically, it would be valuable to investigate how overexpression of UGGTs and EDEMs in WT cells affects the choice between folding and degradation for misfolded glycoproteins. Considering previous studies indicating that monoglucosylation influences glycoprotein solubility and stability, an essential question is: what is the nature of glycoproteins in UGGTKO/EDEMKO and potentially UGGT/EDEM overexpression cells? Understanding whether these substrates become more soluble/stable when GM9 versus mannose-only translation modification accumulates would provide valuable insights.

      The study delves into the physiological role of UGGT, but is limited in scope, focusing solely on the effect of ATF6alpha in UGGT KO cells' stress response. It is crucial for the authors to investigate the broader impact of UGGT KO, including the assessment of basal ER proteotoxicity levels, examination of the general efflux of glycoproteins from ER, and the exploration of the physiological consequences due to UGGT KO. This broader perspective would be valuable for the wider audience. Additionally, the marked increase in ATF4 activity in UGGTKO requires discussion, which the authors currently omit.

      The discussion section is brief and could benefit from being a separate section. It is advisable for the authors to explore and suggest other model systems or disease contexts to test UGGT's role in the future. This expansion would help the broader scientific community appreciate the potential applications and implications of this work beyond its current scope.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      I would like to express my appreciation for the authors' dedication to revising the manuscript. It is evident that they have thoughtfully addressed numerous concerns I previously raised, significantly contributing to the overall improvement of the manuscript.

      My primary concern regarding the authors' framing of their findings within the realm of habitual and goal-directed action control persists. I will try explain my point of view and perhaps clarify my concerns.<br /> While acknowledging the historical tendency to equate procedural learning with habits, I believe a consensus has gradually emerged among scientists, recognizing a meaningful distinction between habits and skills or procedural learning. I think this distinction is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of human action control. While these constructs share similarities, they should not be used interchangeably. Procedural learning and motor skills can manifest either through intentional and planned actions (i.e., goal-directed) or autonomously and involuntarily (habitual responses).

      Watson et al. (2022) aptly detailed my concerns in the following statements: "Defining habits as fluid and quickly deployed movement sequences overlaps with definitions of skills and procedural learning, which are seen by associative learning theorists as different behaviours and fields of research, distinct from habits."<br /> "...the risk of calling any fluid behavioural repertoire 'habit' is that clarity on what exactly is under investigation and what associative structure underpins the behaviour may be lost."<br /> I strongly encourage the authors, at the very least, to consider Watson et al.'s (2022) suggestion: "Clearer terminology as to the type of habit under investigation may be required by researchers to ensure that others can assess at a glance what exactly is under investigation (e.g., devaluation-insensitive habits vs. procedural habits)", and to refine their terminology accordingly (to make this distinction clear). I believe adopting clearer terminology in these respects would enhance the positioning of this work within the relevant knowledge landscape and facilitate future investigations in the field.

      Regarding the authors' use of Balleine and Dezfouli's (2018) criteria to frame recorded behavior as habitual, as well as to acknowledgment the study's limitations, it's important to highlight that while the authors labeled the fourth criterion (which they were not fulfilling) as "resistance to devaluation," Balleine and Dezfouli define it as "insensitive to changes in their relationship to their individual consequences and the value of those consequences." In my understanding, this definition is potentially aligned with the authors' re-evaluation test, namely, it is conceptually adequate for evaluating the fourth criterion (which is the most accepted in the field and probably the one that differentiate habits from skills). Notably, during this test, participants exhibited goal-directed behavior.

      The authors characterized this test as possibly assessing arbitration between goal-directed and habitual behavior, stating that participants in both groups "demonstrated the ability to arbitrate between prior automatic actions and new goal-directed ones." In my perspective, there is no justification for calling it a test of arbitration. Notably, the authors inferred that participants were habitual before the test based on some criteria, but then transitioned to goal-directed behavior based on a different criterion. While I agree with the authors' comment that: "Whether the initiation of the trained motor sequences in experiment 3 (arbitration) is underpinned by an action-outcome association (or not) has no bearing on whether those sequences were under stimulus-response control after training (experiment 1)." they implicitly assert a shift from habit to goal-directed behavior without providing evidence that relies on the same probed mechanism.<br /> Therefore, I think it would be more cautious to refer to this test as solely an outcome revaluation test. Again, the results of this test, if anything, provide evidence that the fourth criterion was tested but not met, suggesting participants have not become habitual (or at least undermines this option).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      SUMMARY:<br /> In this manuscript, Ger and colleagues propose two complementary analytical methods aimed at quantifying the model misspecification and irreducible stochasticity in human choice behavior. The first method involves fitting recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and theoretical models to human choices and interpreting the better performance of RNNs as providing evidence of the misspecifications of theoretical models. The second method involves estimating the number of training iterations for which the fitted RNN achieves the best prediction of human choice behavior in a separate, validation data set, following an approach known as "early stopping". This number is then interpreted as a proxy for the amount of explainable variability in behavior, such that fewer iterations (earlier stopping) correspond to a higher amount of irreducible stochasticity in the data. The authors validate the two methods using simulations of choice behavior in a two-stage task, where the simulated behavior is generated by different known models. Finally, the authors use their approach in a real data set of human choices in the two-stage task, concluding that low-IQ subjects exhibit greater levels of stochasticity than high-IQ subjects.

      STRENGTHS:<br /> The manuscript explores an extremely important topic to scientists interested in characterizing human decision-making. While it is generally acknowledged that any computational model of behavior will be limited in its ability to describe a particular data set, one should hope to understand whether these limitations arise due to model misspecification or due to irreducible stochasticity in the data. Evidence for the former suggests that better models ought to exist; evidence for the latter suggests they might not.

      To address this important topic, the authors elaborate carefully on the rationale of their proposed approach. They describe a variety of simulations - for which the ground truth models and the amount of behavioral stochasticity are known - to validate their approaches. This enables the reader to understand the benefits (and limitations) of these approaches when applied to the two-stage task, a task paradigm commonly used in the field. Through a set of convincing analyses, the authors demonstrate that their approach is capable of identifying situations where an alternative, untested computational model can outperform the set of tested models, before applying these techniques to a realistic data set.

      WEAKNESSES:<br /> The most significant weakness is that the paper rests on the implicit assumption that the fitted RNNs explain as much variance as possible, an assumption that is likely incorrect and which can result in incorrect conclusions. While in low-dimensional tasks RNNs can predict behavior as well as the data-generating models, this is not *always* the case, and the paper itself illustrates (in Figure 3) several cases where the fitted RNNs fall short of the ground-truth model. In such cases, we cannot conclude that a subject exhibiting a relatively poor RNN fit necessarily has a relatively high degree of behavioral stochasticity. Instead, it is at least conceivable that this subject's behavior is generated precisely (i.e., with low noise) by an alternative model that is poorly fit by an RNN - e.g., a model with long-term sequential dependencies, which RNNs are known to have difficulties in capturing.

      These situations could lead to incorrect conclusions for both of the proposed methods. First, the model misspecification analysis might show equal predictive performance for a particular theoretical model and for the RNN. While a scientist might be inclined to conclude that the theoretical model explains the maximum amount of explainable variance and therefore that no better model should exist, the scenario in the previous paragraph suggests that a superior model might nonetheless exist. Second, in the early-stopping analysis, a particular subject may achieve optimal validation performance with fewer epochs than another, leading the scientist to conclude that this subject exhibits higher behavioral noise. However, as before, this could again result from the fact that this subject's behavior is produced with little noise by a different model. Admittedly, the existence of such scenarios *in principle* does not mean that such scenarios are common, and the conclusions drawn in the paper are likely appropriate for the particular examples analyzed. However, it is much less obvious that the RNNs will provide optimal fits in other types of tasks, particularly those with more complex rules and long-term sequential dependencies, and in such scenarios, an ill-advised scientist might end up drawing incorrect conclusions from the application of the proposed approaches.

      In addition to this general limitation, the paper also makes a few additional claims that are not fully supported by the provided evidence. For example, Figure 4 highlights the relationship between the optimal epochs and agent noise. Yet, it is nonetheless possible that the optimal epoch is influenced by model parameters other than inverse temperature (e.g., learning rate). This could again lead to invalid conclusions, such as concluding that low-IQ is associated with optimal epoch when an alternative account might be that low-IQ is associated with low learning rate, which in turn is associated with optimal epoch. Yet additional factors such as the deep double-descent (Nakkiran et al., ICLR 2020) can also influence the optimal epoch value as computed by the authors.

      An additional issue is that Figure 4 reports an association between optimal epoch and noise, but noise is normalized by the true minimal/maximal inverse-temperature of hybrid agents (Eq. 23). It is thus possible that the relationship does not hold for more extreme values of inverse-temperature such as beta=0 (extremely noisy behavior) or beta=inf (deterministic behavior), two important special cases that should be incorporated in the current study. Finally, even taking the association in Figure 4 at face value, there are potential issues with inferring noise from the optimal epoch when their correlation is only r~=0.7. As shown in the figures, upon finding a very low optimal epoch for a particular subject, one might be compelled to infer high amounts of noise, even though several agents may exhibit a low optimal epoch despite having very little noise.

      APPRAISAL AND DISCUSSION:<br /> Overall, the authors propose a novel method that aims to solve an important problem, but whose generality might be limited only to special cases. In the future, it would be beneficial to test the proposed approach in a broader setting, including simulations of different tasks, different model classes, different model parameters, and different amounts of behavioral noise. Nonetheless, even without such additional work, the proposed methods are likely to be used by cognitive scientists and neuroscientists interested in assessing the quality and limits of their behavioral models.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This is an interesting and well-written manuscript that seeks to detail the performance of two human psychophysical experiments designed to look at the relative contributions of transient and sustained components of a multisensory (i.e., audiovisual) stimulus to their integration. The work is framed within the context of a model previously developed by the authors and is now somewhat revised to better incorporate the experimental findings. The major takeaway from the paper is that transient signals carry the vast majority of the information related to the integration of auditory and visual cues, and that the Multisensory Correlation Detector (MCD) model not only captures the results of the current study but is also highly effective in capturing the results of prior studies focused on temporal and causal judgments.

      Strengths:<br /> Overall the experimental design is sound and the analyses are well performed. The extension of the MCD model to better capture transients makes a great deal of sense in the current context, and it is very nice to see the model applied to a variety of previous studies.

      Weaknesses:<br /> My one major issue with the paper revolves around its significance. In the context of a temporal task(s), is it in any way surprising that the important information is carried by stimulus transients? Stated a bit differently, isn't all of the important information needed to solve the task embedded in the temporal dimension? I think the authors need to better address this issue to punch up the significance of their work.

      In a more minor comment, I think there also needs to be a bit more effort into articulating the biological plausibility/potential instantiations of this sustained versus transient dichotomy. As written, the paper suggests that these are different "channels" in sensory systems, when in reality many neurons (and neural circuits) carry both on the same lines.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Maurer et al investigated the contribution of GAD2+ neurons in the preoptic area (POA), projecting to the tuberomammillary nucleus (TMN), to REM sleep regulation. They applied an elegant design to monitor and manipulate the activity of this specific group of neurons: a GAD2-Cre mouse, injected with retrograde AAV constructs in the TMN, thereby presumably only targeting GAD2+ cells projecting to the TMN. Using this set-up in combination with technically challenging techniques including EEG with photometry and REM sleep deprivation, the authors found that this cell-type studied becomes active shortly (≈40sec) prior to entering REM sleep and remains active during REM sleep. Moreover, optogenetic inhibition of GAD2+ cells inhibits REM sleep by a third and also impairs the rebound in REM sleep in the following hour. Despite a few reservations or details that would benefit from further clarification (outlined below), the data makes a convincing case for the role of GAD2+ neurons in the POA projecting to the TMN in REM sleep regulation.

      The authors found that optogenetic inhibition of GAD2+ cells suppressed REM sleep in the hour following the inhibition (e.g. Fig2 and Fig4). If the authors have the data available, it would be important to include the subsequent hours in the rebound time (e.g. from ZT8.5 to ZT24) to test whether REM sleep rebound remains impaired, or recovers, albeit with a delay.

      REM sleep is under tight circadian control (e.g. Wurts et al., 2000 in rats; Dijk, Czeisler 1995 in humans). To contextualize the results, it would be important to mention that it is not clear if the role of the manipulated neurons in REM sleep regulation hold at other circadian times of the day.

      The effect size of the REM sleep deprivation using the vibrating motor method is unclear. In FigS4-D, the experimental mice reduce their REM sleep to 3% whereas the control mice spend 6% in REM sleep. In Fig4, mice are either subjected to REM sleep deprivation with the vibrating motor (controls), or REM sleep deprivations + optogenetics (experimental mice). The control mice (vibrating motor) in Fig4 spend 6% of their time in REM sleep, which is double the amount of REM sleep compared to the mice receiving the same treatment in FigS4-D. Can the authors clarify the origin of this difference in the text?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors examined inherited changes to the olfactory epithelium produced by odor-shock pairings. The manuscript demonstrates that odor fear-conditioning biases olfactory bulb neurogenesis toward more production of the olfactory sensory neurons engaged by the odor-shock paring. Further, the manuscript reveals that this bias remains in first-generation male and female progeny produced by trained parents. Surprisingly, there was a disconnect between the increased morphology of the olfactory epithelium for the conditioned odor and the response to odor presentation. The expectation based on previous literature and the morphological results was that F1 progeny would also show an aversion to the odor stimulus. However, the authors found that F1 progeny were not more sensitive to the odor compared to littermate controls.

      Strengths:<br /> The manuscript includes conceptual innovation and some technical innovation. The results validate previous findings that were deemed controversial in the field, which is a major strength of the work. Moreover, these studies were conducted using a combination of genetically modified animals and state-of-the-art imaging techniques, highlighting the rigorous nature of the research. Lastly, the authors provide novel mechanistic details regarding the remodeling of the olfactory epithelium, demonstrating that biased neurogenesis, as opposed to changes in survival rates, account for the increase in odorant receptors after training.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The main weakness is the disconnect between the morphological changes reported and the lack of change in aversion to the odorant in F1 progeny. The authors also do not address the mechanisms underlying the inheritance of the phenotype, which may lie outside of the scope of the present study.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The work of Volotsky et al presented here shows that adult archerfish are able to adjust their shooting in response to their own visual feedback, taking consistent alterations of their shot, here by an air flow, into account. The evidence provided points to an internal mechanism of shooting adaptation that is independent of external cues, such as wind. The authors provide evidence for this by forcing the fish to shoot from 2 different orientations to the external alteration of their shots (the airflow). This paper thus provides behavioral evidence of an internal correction mechanism, that underlies adaptive motor control of this behavior. It does not provide direct evidence of refractory index-associated shoot adjustance.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors have used a high number of trials and strong statistical analysis to analyze their behavioral data.

      Weaknesses:<br /> While the introduction, the title, and the discussion are associated with the refraction index, the latter was not altered, and neither was the position of the target. The "shot" was altered, this is a simple motor adaptation task and not a question related to the refractory index. The title, abstract, and the introduction are thus misleading. The authors appear to deduce from their data that the wind is not taken into account and thus conclude that the fish perceive a different refractory index. This might be based on the assumption that fish always hit their target, which is not the case. The airflow does not alter the position of the target, thus the airflow does not alter the refractive index. The fish likely does not perceive the airflow, thus alteration of its shooting abilities is likely assumed to be an "internal problem" of shooting. I am sorry but I am not able to understand the conclusion they draw from their data.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this study, the authors wanted to test if using a shared relational structure by a sequence of colors in locations can be leveraged to reorganize and compress information.

      Strength:<br /> They applied machine learning to EEG data to decode the neural mechanism of reinstatement of visual stimuli at recall. They were able to show that when the location of colors is congruent with the semantically expected location (for example, green is closer to blue-green than purple) the related color information is reinstated at the probed location. This reinstatement was not present when the location and color were not semantically congruent (meaning that x displacement in color ring location did not displace colors in the color space to the same extent) and semantic knowledge of color relationship could not be used for reducing the working memory load or to benefit encoding and retrieval in short term memory.

      Weakness:<br /> The experiment and results did not address any reorganization of information or neural mechanism of working memory (that would be during the gap between encoding and retrieval). There was also a lack of evidence to rule out that the current observation can be addressed by schematic abstraction instead of the utilization of a cognitive map.<br /> The likely impact of the initial submission of the study would be in the utility of the methods that would be helpful for studying a sequence of stimuli at recall. The paper was discussed in a narrow and focused context, referring to limited studies on cognitive maps and replay. The bigger picture and long history of studying encoding and retrieval of schema-congruent and schema-incongruent events is not discussed.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Padamsey et al build up on previous significant work from the same group which demonstrated robust changes in the visual cortex in male mice from long-term (2-3 weeks) food restriction. Here, the authors extend this finding and reveal striking sex-specific differences in the way the brain responds to food restriction. The measures included the whole-body measure of serum leptin levels, and V1-specific measures of activity of key molecular players (AMPK and PPARα), gene expression patterns, ATP usage in V1, and the sharpness of visual stimulus encoding (orientation tuning). All measures supported the conclusion that the female mouse brain (unlike in males) does not change its energy usage and cortical functional properties on comparable food restriction.

      While the effect of food restriction on more peripheral tissue such as muscle and bones has been well studied, this result contributes to our understanding of how the brain responds to food restriction. This result is particularly significant given that the brain consumes a large fraction of the body's energy consumption (20%), with the cortex accounting for half of that amount. The sex-specific differences found here are also relevant for studies using food restriction to investigate cortical function.

      Strengths:<br /> The study uses a wide range of approaches mentioned above which converge on the same conclusion, strengthening the core claim of the study.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Since the absence of a significant effect does not prove the absence of any changes, the study cannot claim that the female mouse brain does not change in response to food restriction. However, the authors do not make this claim. Instead, they make the well-supported claim that there is a sex-specific difference in the response of V1 to food restriction.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this paper, the authors generated a comprehensive dataset of human spinal cord transcriptome using single-cell RNA sequencing and the Visium spatial transcriptomics platform. They employed Visium data to determine the spatial orientation of each cell type. Using single-cell RNA sequencing data, they identified differentially expressed genes by comparing human and mouse samples, as well as male and female samples.

      Strengths:<br /> This study offers a thorough exploration of both cellular and spatial heterogeneity within the human spinal cord. The resulting atlas datasets and analysis findings represent valuable resources for the neuroscience community.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The analysis of spatial transcriptomics data was conducted as it is single-cell RNAseq data. However, there are established tools for effectively integrating these two types of data. The incorporation of deconvolution methods could enhance the characterization of each spot's cell type composition.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review)

      Summary and strengths<br /> In this manuscript the authors analyse the trajectory of understudied genes (UGs) from experiment to publication and study the reasons for why UGs remain underrepresented in the scientific literature. They show that UGs are not underrepresented in experimental datasets, but in the titles and abstracts of the manuscripts reporting experimental data as well as subsequent studies referring to those large-scale studies. They also develop an app that allows researchers to find UGs and their annotation state. Overall, this is a timely article that makes an important contribution to the field. It could help to boost the future investigation of understudied genes, a fundamental challenge in the life sciences. It is concise and overall well-written, and I very much enjoyed reading it. However, there are a few points that I think the authors should address.

      Weaknesses<br /> The authors conclude that many UGs "are lost" from genome-wide assay at the manuscript writing stage. If I understand correctly, this is based on gene names not being reported in the title or abstract of these manuscripts. However, for genome-wide experiments, it would be quite difficult for authors to mention large numbers of understudied genes in the abstract. In contrast, one might highlight the expected behaviour of a well-studied protein simply to highlight that the genome-wide study provides credible results. Could this bias the authors' conclusions and, if so, how could this be addressed? For example, would it be worth to normalise studies based on the total number of genes they cover?

      Figure 1B is confusing in its present form. I think the plot and/or the legend need revising. For example, what "numbers to the right of each box plot" are the authors referring to? Also, I assume that the filled boxes are understudied genes and the empty/white box is "all genes", but that's not explained in the legend. In the main text, the figure is referred to with the sentence "we found that hit genes that are highlighted in the title or abstract are strongly over-represented among the 20% highest-studied genes in all biomedical literature ". I cannot follow how the figure shows this. My interpretation is that the y-axis is not showing the number of articles, but represents the percentage of articles mentioning a gene in the title/abstract, displayed on a log scale. If so, perhaps a better axis labels and legend text could be sufficient. But then one would also need to somehow connect this to the statement in the main text about the 20% highest-studied genes (a dashed line?). Alternatively, the authors could consider other ways of plotting these data, e.g. simply plotting the "% of publication in which a gene appears" from 0-100% or so.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this report, the authors used solution-based single-molecule FRET and low-resolution cryo-EM to investigate the interactions between the substrate-binding domains of the ABC-importer OpuA from Lactococcus lactis. Based on their results, the authors suggest that the SBDs interact in an ionic strength-dependent manner.

      Strengths:<br /> The strength of this manuscript is the uniqueness and importance of the scientific question, the adequacy of the experimental system (OpuA), and the combination of two very powerful and demanding experimental approaches.

      Weaknesses:<br /> A demonstration that the SBDs physically interact with one another and that this interaction is important for the transport mechanism will greatly strengthen the claims of the authors. The relation to cooperativity is also unclear.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The Meiri group previously showed that Notch1-activated human T-ALL cell lines are sensitive to a cannabis extract in vitro and in vivo (Ref. 32). In that article, the authors showed that Extract #12 reduced NICD expression and viability, which was partially rescued by restoring NICD expression. Here, the authors have identified three compounds of Extract #12 (CBD, 331-18A, and CBDV) that are responsible for the majority of anti-leukemic activity and NICD reduction. Using a pharmacological approach, the authors determined that Extract #12 exerted its anti-leukemic and NICD-reducing effects through the CB2 and TRPV1 receptors. To determine the mechanism, the authors performed RNA-seq and observed that Extract #12 induces ER calcium depletion and stress-associated signals -- ATF4, CHOP, and CHAC1. Since CHAC1 was previously shown to be a Notch inhibitor in neural cells, the authors assume that the cannabis compounds repress Notch S1 cleavage through CHAC1 induction. The induction of stress-associated signals, Notch repression, and anti-leukemic effects were reversed by the integrated stress response (ISR) inhibitor ISRIB. Interestingly, combining the 3 cannabinoids gave synergistic anti-leukemic effects in vitro and had growth-inhibitory effects in vivo.

      Strengths:<br /> 1. The authors show novel mechanistic insights that cannabinoids induce ER calcium release and that the subsequent integrated stress response represses activated NOTCH1 expression and kills T-ALL cells.

      2. This report adds to the evidence that phytocannabinoids can show a so-called "entourage effect" in which minor cannabinoids enhance the effect of the major cannabinoid CBD.

      3. This report dissects the main cannabinoids in the previously described Extract #12 that contribute to T-ALL killing.

      4. The manuscript is clear and generally well-written.

      5. The data are generally high quality and with adequate statistical analyses.

      6. The data generally support the authors' conclusions. The exception is the experiments related to Notch.

      7. The authors' discovery of the role of the integrated stress response might explain previous observations that SERCA inhibitors block Notch S1 cleavage and activation in T-ALL (Roti Cancer Cell 2013). The previous explanation by Roti et al was that calcium depletion causes Notch misfolding, which leads to impaired trafficking and cleavage. Perhaps this explanation is not entirely sufficient.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1. Given the authors' previous Cancer Communications paper on the anti-leukemic effects and mechanism of Extract #12, the significance of the current manuscript is reduced.

      2. It would be important to connect the authors' findings and a wealth of literature on the role of ER calcium/stress on Notch cleavage, folding, trafficking, and activation.

      3. There is an overreliance on the data on a single cell line -- MOLT4. MOLT4 is a good initial choice as it is Notch-mutated, Notch-dependent, and representative of the most common T-ALL subtype -- TAL1. However, there is no confirmatory data in other TAL1-positive T-ALLs or interrogation of other T-ALL subtypes.

      4. Fig. 6H. The effects of the cannabinoid combination might be statistically significant but seem biologically weak.

      5. Fig. 3. Based on these data, the authors conclude that the cannabinoid combination induces CHAC1, which represses Notch S1 cleavage in T-ALL cells. The concern is that Notch signaling is highly context-dependent. CHAC1 might inhibit Notch in neural cells (Refs. 34-35), but it might not do this in a different context like T-ALL. It would be important to show evidence that CHAC1 represses S1 cleavage in the T-ALL context. More importantly, Fig. 3H clearly shows the cannabinoid combination inducing ATF4 and CHOP protein expression, but the effects on CHAC1 protein do not seem to be satisfactory as a mechanism for Notch inhibition. Perhaps something else is blocking Notch expression?

      6. Fig. 4B-C/S5D-E. These Western blots of NICD expression are consistent with the cannabinoid combination blocking Furin-mediated NOTCH1 cleavage, which is reversed by ISR inhibition. However, there are many mechanisms that regulate NICD expression. To support their conclusion that the effects are specifically Furin-medated, the authors should probe full-length (uncleaved) NOTCH1 in their Western blots.

      7. Fig. S4A-B. While these pharmacologic data are suggestive that Extract #12 reduces NICD expression through the CB2 receptor and TRPV1 channel, the doses used are very high (50uM). To exclude off-target effects, these data should be paired with genetic data to support the authors' conclusions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this work, the authors present a robust genomic dataset profiling 58 isolates of neonatal meningitis-causing E. coli (NMEC), the largest such cohort to be profiled to date. The authors provide genomic information on virulence and antibiotic resistance genomic markers, as well as serotype and capsule information. They go on to probe three cases in which infants presented with recurrent febrile infection and meningitis and provide evidence indicating that the original isolate is likely causing the second infection and that an asymptomatic reservoir exists in the gut. Accompanying these results, the authors demonstrate that gut dysbiosis coincides with the meningitis.

      Strengths:<br /> The genomics work is meticulously done, utilizing long-read sequencing.<br /> The cohort of isolates is the largest to be sampled to date.<br /> The findings are significant, illuminating the presence of a gut reservoir in infants with repeating infection.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Although the cohort of isolates is large, there is no global representation, entirely omitting Africa and the Americas. This is acknowledged by the group in the discussion, however, it would make the study much more compelling if there was global representation.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors tried to characterize the function of the SWI/SNF remodeler family, BAF, in spermatogenesis. The authors focused on ARID1A, a BAF-specific putative DNA binding subunit, based on gene expression profiles. The study has several serious issues with the data and interpretation. The conditional deletion mouse model of ARIDA using Stra8-cre showed inefficient deletion; spermatogenesis did not appear to be severely compromised in the mutants. Using this data, the authors claimed that meiotic arrest occurs in the mutants. This is obviously a misinterpretation. In the later parts, the authors performed next-gen analyses, including ATAC-seq and H3.3 CUT&RUN, using the isolated cells from the mutant mice. However, with this inefficient deletion, most cells isolated from the mutant mice appeared not to undergo Cre-mediated recombination. Therefore, these experiments do not tell any conclusion pertinent to the Arid1a mutation. Furthermore, many of the later parts of this study focus on the analysis of H3.3 CUT&RUN. However, Fig. S7 clearly suggests that the H3.3 CUT&RUN experiment in the wild-type simply failed. Thus, none of the analyses using the H3.3 CUT&RUN data can be interpreted. Overall, I found that the study does not have rigorous data, and the study is not interpretable. If the author wishes to study the function of ARID2 in spermatogenesis, they may need to try other cre-lines to have more robust phenotypes, and all analyses must be redone using a mouse model with efficient deletion of ARID2.

      In this revised manuscript, the authors did not make any efforts to address my major criticisms, and I do not see any improvement. I only found the responses to 4 points, but I do not see any response to other major and minor comments. I understand the challenge (~70 deletion efficiency in the mutants) in this study. However, the inefficient deletion of ARID1A in this mouse model does not allow any detailed analysis in a quantitative manner.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This manuscript by Port and colleagues describes rigorous experiments that provide a wealth of virologic, respiratory physiology, and particle aerodynamic data pertaining to aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2 between infected Syrian hamsters. The data is particularly significant because infection is compared between alpha and delta variants, and because viral load is assessed via numerous assays (gRNA, sgRNA, TCID) and in tissues as well as the ambient environment of the cage. The paper will be of interest to a broad range of scientists including infectious diseases physicians, virologists, immunologists and potentially epidemiologists.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary and strengths<br /> Early career funding success has an immense impact on later funding success and faculty persistence, as evidenced by well-documented "rich-get-richer" or "Matthew effect" phenomena in science (e.g., Bol et al., 2018, PNAS). In this study the authors examined publicly available data on the distribution of the National Institutes of Health's K99/R00 awards - an early career postdoc-to-faculty transition funding mechanism - and showed that although 89% of K99 awardees successfully transitioned into faculty, disparities in subsequent R01 grant obtainment emerged along three characteristics: researcher mobility, gender, and institution. Men who moved to a top-25 NIH funded institution in their postdoc-to-faculty transition experienced the shortest median time to receiving a R01 award, 4.6 years, in contrast to the median 7.4 years for women working at less well-funded schools who remained at their postdoc institutions.

      Amongst the three characteristics, the finding that researcher mobility has the largest effect on subsequent funding success is key and novel. Other data supplement this finding: for example, although the total number of R00 awards has increased, most of this increase is for awards to individuals moving to different institutions. In 2010, 60% of R00 awards were activated at different institutions compared to 80% in 2022. These findings enhance previous work on the relationship between mobility and ones' access to resources, collaborators, or research objects (e.g., Sugimoto and Larivière, 2023, Equity for Women in Science (Harvard University Press)).

      These results empirically demonstrate that even after receiving a prestigious early career grant, researchers with less mobility belonging to disadvantaged groups at less-resourced institutions continue to experience barriers that delay them from receiving their next major grant. This result has important policy implications aimed at reducing funding disparities - mainly that interventions that focus solely on early career or early stage investigator funding alone will not achieve the desired outcome of improving faculty diversity.

      The authors also highlight two incredible facts: No postdoc at a historically Black college or university (HBCU) has been awarded a K99 since the program's launch. And out of all 2,847 R00 awards given thus far, only two have been made to faculty at HBCUs. Given the track record of HBCUs for improving diversity in STEM contexts, this distribution of awards is a massive oversight that demands attention.

      At no fault of the authors, the analysis is limited to only examining K99 awardees and not those who applied but did not receive the award. This limitation is solely due to the lack of data made publicly available by the NIH. If this data were available, this study would have been able to compare the trajectory of winners versus losers and therefore could potentially quantify the impact of the award itself on later funding success, much like the landmark paper by Bol et al. (PNAS; 2018) that followed the careers of an early career grant scheme in the Netherlands. Such an analysis would also provide new insights that would inform policy.

      Although data on applications versus awards for the K99/R00 mechanism are limited, there exists data for applicant race and ethnicity for the 2007-2017 period, which were made available by a Freedom of Information Act request through the now defunct Rescuing Biomedical Research Initiative (https://web.archive.org/web/20180723171128/http://rescuingbiomedicalresearch.org/blog/examining-distribution-k99r00-awards-race/). These results are highly relevant given the discussion of K99 award impacts on the sociodemographic composition of U.S. biomedical faculty. During the 2007-2017 period, the K99 award rate for white applicants was 31% compared to 26.7% for Asian applicants and 16.2% for Black applicants. In terms of award totals, these funding rates amount to 1,384 awards to white applicants, 610 to Asian applicants, and 25 to Black applicants. However, the work required to include these data may be beyond the scope of the study.

      The conclusions are well-supported by the data, and limitations of the data and the name-gender matching algorithm are described satisfactorily.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, He et al. have found that delayed anesthesia induction and early anesthesia emergence were observed in microglia-depleted mice. They also showed that neuronal activities were differentially regulated by microglia depletion, possibly via suppressing the neuronal network of anesthesia-activated brain regions and activating emergence-activated brain regions. Mechanistically, this influence was found to be dependent on the activation of microglial P2Y12 receptors and subsequent calcium influx. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the role microglia play in regulating anesthesia and shed light on the underlying mechanisms involved. Nonetheless, there are still some aspects that require further investigation and clarification.

      1. In Figure 3A the authors used IBA1 to represent microglia, and the corresponding description is 'brain microglia were not influenced'. However, IBA1 is not a specific biomarker for brain resident microglia. It's recommended to use other biomarkers, such as TMEM119 and P2RY12 to better examine the efficiency of microglial depletion.<br /> 2. In Figure 7, 8 and 9 the authors stated that they aim to investigate the impacts microglia exert on neuronal activity. However, using only c-Fos is not sufficient to represent neuron. The authors are supposed to combine c-Fos with other specific biomarkers for neuron to better validate their conclusions.<br /> 3. In Figure 11 the authors use C1qa-/- transgenic mice and draw the conclusion 'microglia mediated anesthesia modulation does not result from spine pruning'. However, as C1q contains multiple subtypes, I have some reservations regarding whether the authors' conclusion is entirely warranted based solely on the knockout of a single subtype of C1q.<br /> 4. In Figure 14E the authors showed that expression levels of Stim1 is significantly down-regulated in CX3CR1CreER::STIM1fl/fl mouse brains. While this is not incorrect, I would suggest the authors sort microglia with FACS or MACS to perform q-RT-PCR and examine the expression levels of Stim1 since the Cre-LoxP system here is microglia specific.<br /> 5. The flow of the manuscript should have been improved. For instance, the results of repopulated microglia in Figure 1B was described even after Figure 2 and 3, which makes the manuscript a little confusing. Additionally, in Figure 14, it would be beneficial to provide a more comprehensive introduction to molecules such as hM3Dq and Stim1 to improve the clarity and readability of the result descriptions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> A bidirectional occasion-setting design is used to examine sex differences in the contextual modulation of reward-related behaviour. It is shown that females are slower to acquire contextual control over cue-evoked reward seeking. However, once established, the contextual control over behaviour was more robust in female rats (i.e., less within-session variability and greater resistance to stress) and this was also associated with increased OFC activation.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors use sophisticated behavioural paradigms to study the hierarchical contextual modulation of behaviour. The behavioural controls are particularly impressive and do, to some extent, support the specificity of the conclusions. The analyses of the behavioural data are also elegant, thoughtful, and rigorous.

      Weaknesses:<br /> My primary concern is that the authors' claim of sex differences in context-dependent discrimination behaviour is not fully supported by their data.

      First, the basic behavioural effect does not seem to replicate across experiments. The authors first show sex differences in the % time in food port and the discrimination ratio (Figures 1 and 2) such that males show better context-dependent discrimination than females (group ctx-dep O1). However, this difference is not observed in the baseline condition group in the next experiment, which investigates the effect of acute stress on context-gated reward seeking: "In Figure 4, we observe no difference between males versus females in group "ctx-dep O1".

      Second, I am not fully convinced by the authors' assertion that the results are specific to the contextual modulation process. The authors' main conclusions are derived from comparing a group trained with the differential outcome procedure (group cxt-dep O1/O2) and a group with the non-differential outcome procedure (group cxt-dep O1). However, importantly, a different number of training sessions was used for ctx-dep O1/O2 and ctx-dep O1. Is it not possible that sex differences could have emerged with additional training in the cxt-dep O1/O2 group? Moreover, the authors also seem to assume that rats are not using a contextual strategy in the context-dep O1/O2 condition (i.e., rats use instead distinct context-outcome associations) but what is the evidence for this? Also, the authors argue that the impact of stress is specific to the hierarchical contextual modulation of behaviour however inspection of Figure 4A suggests that there may also be an effect of stress on the context-dependent O1/O2 group.

      I also had some minor issues with how the authors interpreted some of the findings. First, it is shown that recent rewards disrupt contextual control of reward seeking in male, but not female, rats. That is, in males, prior reward increased the probability of responding on subsequent non-rewarded trials but trial history had no effect in females. How do the authors reconcile this finding with the quicker acquisition and better discrimination that is observed in males? It is not evident to me how males can have difficulty inhibiting responding to non-rewarded cues following recent reward yet still show better discrimination throughout training.

      Finally, the authors argue that the contextual control over behaviour was more robust in female rats as females show less within-session variability and greater resistance to stress. What evidence is there that the restraint stress procedure causes a similar stress response in both sexes?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This work introduces PLMGraph-Inter, a new deep-learning approach for predicting inter-protein contacts, which is crucial for understanding protein-protein interactions. Despite advancements in this field, especially driven by AlphaFold, prediction accuracy and efficiency in terms of computational cost) still remains an area for improvement. PLMGraph-Inter utilizes invariant geometric graphs to integrate the features from multiple protein language models into the structural information of each subunit. When compared against other inter-protein contact prediction methods, PLMGraph-Inter shows better performance which indicates that utilizing both sequence embeddings and structural embeddings is important to achieve high-accuracy predictions with relatively smaller computational costs for the model training.

      The conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by data, but test examples should be revisited with a more strict sequence identity cutoff to avoid any potential information leakage from the training data. The main figures should be improved to make them easier to understand.

      1) The sequence identity cutoff to remove redundancies between training and test set was set to 40%, which is a bit high to remove test examples having homology to training examples. For example, CDPred uses a sequence identity cutoff of 30% to strictly remove redundancies between training and test set examples. To make their results more solid, the authors should have curated test examples with lower sequence identity cutoffs, or have provided the performance changes against sequence identities to the closest training examples.

      2) Figures with head-to-head comparison scatter plots are hard to understand as scatter plots because too many different methods are abstracted into a single plot with multiple colors. It would be better to provide individual head-to-head scatter plots as supplementary figures, not in the main figure.

      3) The authors claim that PLMGraph-Inter is complementary to AlphaFold-multimer as it shows better precision for the cases where AlphaFold-multimer fails. To strengthen the point, the qualities of predicted complex structures via protein-protein docking with predicted contacts as restraints should have been compared to those of AlphaFold-multimer structures.

      4) It would be interesting to further analyze whether there is a difference in prediction performance depending on the depth of multiple sequence alignment or the type of complex (antigen-antibody, enzyme-substrates, single species PPI, multiple species PPI, etc).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this work, Urtecho et al. use genome-integrated massively parallel reporter assays (MPRAs) to catalog the locations of promoters throughout the E. coli genome. Their study uses four different MPRA libraries. First, they assayed a library containing 17,635 promoter regions having transcription start sites (TSSs) previously reported by three different sources. They found that 2,760 of these regions exhibited transcription above an experimentally determined threshold. Second, they assayed a library using sheared E. coli genome fragments. This library allowed the authors to systematically identify candidate promoter regions throughout the genome, some of which had not been identified before. Additionally, by performing experiments with this library under different growth conditions, the authors were able to identify promoters with condition-dependent activity. Third, to improve the resolution at which they were able to identify transcription start sites, the authors assayed a library that tiled all candidate promoter regions identified using the genomic fragments library. Data from the tiled library allowed the authors to identify minimal promoter regions. Fourth, the authors assayed a scanning mutagenesis library in which they systematically scrambled individual 10 bp windows within 2,057 previously identified active promoters at 5 bp intervals. After validation with known promoters, this approach allowed the authors to identify novel functional elements within regulatory regions. Finally, the authors fit multiple machine learning models to their data with the goal of predicting promoter activity from DNA sequences.

      The work by Urtecho et al. provides an important resource for researchers studying bacterial transcriptional regulation. Despite decades of study, a comprehensive catalogue of E. coli promoters is still lacking. The results of Urtecho et al. provide a state-of-the-art atlas of promoters in the E. coli genome that is readily accessible through the website, http://ecolipromoterdb.com. The authors' work also provides an important demonstration of the power of genome-integrated MPRAs. Unlike many MPRA-based studies, the authors use the results of their initial MPRAs to design follow-up MPRAs, which they then carry out. Finally, the scanning mutagenesis MPRAs the authors perform provide valuable data that could lead to the discovery of novel transcription factor binding sites and other functional regulatory sequence elements.

      Below I provide two major critiques and some minor critiques of the paper. The purpose of these critiques is simply to help the authors improve the quality of the manuscript.

      Major points:<br /> 1. Ultimately, a comprehensive atlas of E. coli promoters should include nucleotide resolution TSS data, which is not present in the MPRA datasets reported by Urtecho et al.. The authors do use some methods to narrow down the positions of TSSs, but these methods do not provide the resolution one would ideally like to see in a TSS atlas. I understand that acquiring single-nucleotide-resolution data is beyond the scope of this manuscript, but it still might make sense for the authors to discuss this limitation in the Discussion section.

      2. The authors should clarify which points in the Results section are novel conclusions or observations, and which points are simply statements that prior conclusions or observations were confirmed. This distinction can be unclear at times.

      Minor points:<br /> 1. Line 200-203: "We conclude that inactive TSS-associated promoters lack -35 elements but may become active in growth conditions where additional transcription factors mobilize and facilitate RNAP positioning in the absence of a -35 motif." Making this type of mechanistic observations from the slight difference observed in the enrichment analysis seems too speculative to me. Also, I do not understand how the discrepancies can be explained in terms of transcription factor differences. If the previous studies from which the annotated TSS were extracted were also performed during the log phase in rich media, why would the transcription factors present be different?

      2. Line 224-226: "Active TSSs not overlapping a candidate promoter region generally exhibited weak activity, which may indicate that greater sensitivity is achieved through testing of oligo-array synthesized regions (Figure S3)." The authors should clarify this statement. In particular, it is mechanistically unclear why one library would be more sensitive than another if they contain similar sequences.

      3. Figure 2B. The authors should clarify that the heights of the arrows correspond to TSS activity as assayed by one library and that the pile-up plots represent promoter activity as assayed by a different library.

      4. Line 255-257: "We also observed an enrichment for 150 bp minimal promoter regions, although these were generally weak indicating that our resolution is limited when tiling weaker promoters." The authors should clarify whether the peak at 150 bp is an artifact of using oligos containing 150 bp tiles to construct the library. Also, the authors should clarify why there are some minimal promoters with lengths > 150 bp when the length of the tiles was 150 bp.

      5. Line 262 refers to "Supplementary Table 1", but I was not able to find this table in the supplement.

      6. Line 324-325: "We used a σ70 PWM to identify the highest-scoring σ70 motifs within intragenic promoters and determined their relative coding frames". I find the term "relative coding frame" here to be unclear; the authors should clarify what they mean.

      7. Figure 3 C , D: The authors should use the same terminology in the plots and the methods section describing them. They should also clarify how the values plotted in C and D were computed.

      8. Line 329-332: "The observed depletion of -35 motifs positioned in the +2 reading frame and -10 motifs in the +1 reading frame is likely due to the fact that the canonical sequences for these motifs would create stop codons within the protein if placed at these positions." The definition of the reading frame here is unclear. Do the authors mean that the 0 frame is defined as occurring when the hexamer exactly overlaps 2 codons, the +1 frame is when the hexamer is shifted 1 nt downstream of that position, and the +2 frame is when the hexamer is shifted 2 nt downstream of that position?

      9. Line 538-539: "We performed hyperparameter tuning for a three-layer CNN and achieved an AUPRC =0.44." The authors should explicitly describe the architecture used for the CNN, and perhaps include a diagram of this architecture. In addition, the authors should clarify the mathematical forms of the other methods tested.

      10. Line 1204-1205: "We standardized all datasets as detailed above in 'Universal Promoter Expression Quantification and Activity Thresholding'". That title does not appear before in the text. I believe the appropriate subsection is called "Standardizing Promoter Expression Quantification and Activity Thresholding".

      11. Line 1265-1266: "We include a k-mer if the absolute correlation with expression is greater than the 'random' k-mer frequency, resulting in 4800/5440 filtered k-mers." It is unclear to me which two correlations are being compared. Please clarify. For example, would this be accurate: "We include a k-mer if the absolute correlation of its frequency with expression is greater than the absolute correlation of its 'random' frequency with expression"?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Xie et al presented a new method derived from PORE-C, SCA-seq, for simultaneously measuring chromatin accessibility, genome 3D and CpG DNA methylation. SCA-seq provides a useful tool to the scientific communities to interrogate the genome structure-function relationship.

      The revised manuscript has clarified almost of the concerns raised in the previous round of review, though I still have two minor concerns,

      1) In fig 2a, there is no number presented in the Venn diagram (although the left panel indeed showed the numbers of the different categories, including the numbers in the right panel would be more straightforward).

      2) The authors clarified the discrepancy between sfig 7a and sfig 7g. However, the remaining question is, why is there a big difference in the percentage of the cardinality count of concatemers of the different groups between the chr7 and the whole genome?

    1. Reviewer #2 Public Review

      The authors wish to apply established psychophysical methods to the study of number. Specifically, they wish to test the hypothesis - supported by their previous work - that human sensorimotor processes are tuned to specific number ranges. In a novel set of tasks, they ask participants to tap a button N times (either fast or slow), where N varies between 8 and 32 across trials. As I understood it, they then computed the Weber fraction (WF) for each participant for each number and correlated those values across participants and numbers. They find stronger correlations for nearby numbers than for distant numbers and interpret this as evidence of sensorimotor tuning functions. Two other analyses - cluster analyses and principal component analyses (PCA) - suggest that participants' performance relied on at least 2 mechanisms, one for encoding low numbers of taps (around 10) and another for encoding larger numbers (around 27).


      Individual differences can be a rich source of scientific insight and I applaud the authors for taking them seriously, and for exploring new avenues in the study of numerical cognition.


      Inter-subject-correlation<br /> The experiment "is based on the idea that interindividual variability conveys information that can reveal common sensory processes (Peterzell & Kennedy, 2016)" but I struggled to understand the logic of this technique. The authors explain it most clearly when they write "Regions of high intercorrelation between neighbouring stimuli intensity can be interpreted to imply that sets of stimuli are processed by the same (shared) underlying channel. This channel, while responding relatively more to its preferred stimulus, will also be activated by neighbouring stimuli that although slightly different from the preferred intensity, are nevertheless included in the same response distribution." As I understood it, the correlations are performed "between participants, for all targets values" - meaning that they are measuring the extent to which different participants' WFs vary together. But why is this a good measure of channels? This analysis seems to assume that if people have channels for numerical estimation, they will have the same channels, tuned to the same numerical ranges. But this is an empirical question - individual participants could have wildly different channels, and perhaps different numbers of channels (even in the tested range). If they do, then this between-subject analysis would mask these individual differences (despite the subtitle).

      Different channels<br /> I had trouble understanding much of the analyses, and this may account for at least some of my confusion. That said, as I understand it, the results are meant to provide "evidence that tuned mechanisms exist in the human brain, with at least two different tunings" because of the results of the clustering analysis and PCA. However, as the authors acknowledge, "PCA aims to summarize the dataset with the minimal number of components (channels). We can therefore not exclude the possible existence of more than two (perhaps not fully independent) channels." So I believe this technique does not provide more evidence for the existence of 2 channels as for the existence of 4 or 8 or 11 channels, the upper bound for a task testing 11 different numbers. If we can conclude that people may have one channel per number, what does "channel" mean?

      Several other questions arose for me when thinking through this technique. If people did have two channels (at least in this range), why would they be so broad? Why would they be centered so near the ends of the tested range? Can such effects be explained by binning on the part of the participants, who might have categorized each number (knowingly or not) as either "small" or "large"? Whereas the experiment tested numbers 8-32, numbers are infinite - How could a small number of channels cover an infinite set? Or even the set 8-10,000? More broadly, I was unsure what advantages channels would have - that is - how in principle would having distinct channels for processing similar stimuli improve (rather than impede) discrimination abilities?

      No number perception<br /> I was uncertain about the analogy to studies of other continuous dimensions like spatial frequency, motion, and color. In those studies, participants view images with different spatial frequency, motion, or color - the analogy would be to see dot arrays containing different numbers of dots. Instead, here participants read written numerals (like "19"), symbols which themselves do not have any numerical properties to perceive. How does that difference change the interpretation of the effects? One disadvantage of using numerals is that they introduce a clear discontinuity: Our base-10 numerical system artificially chunks integers into decades, potentially causing category-boundary effects in people's reproductions.

      Sensorimotor<br /> The authors wished to test for "sensorimotor mechanisms selective to numerosity" but it's not clear what makes their effects sensorimotor (or selective to numerosity, see below). It's true they found effects using a tapping task (which like all behavior is sensorimotor), but it's not clear that this effect is specific to sensorimotor number reproduction. They might find similar effects for numerical comparison or estimation tasks. Such findings would suggest the effect may be a general feature of numerical cognition across modalities.

      Specific to numbers<br /> The authors argue that their effects are "number selective" but they do not provide compelling evidence for this selectivity. In principle, their main findings could be explained by the duration of tapping rather than the number of taps. They argue this is unlikely for two reasons. The first reason is that the overall pattern of results was unchanged across the fast and slow tapping conditions, but differences in duration were confounded with numerosity in both conditions, so the comparison is uninformative. (Given this, I am not sure what we stand to learn by comparing the two tapping speeds.) The second reason is that temporal reproduction was less precise in their control condition than numerical reproduction, but this logic is unclear: Participants could still use duration (or some combination of speed and duration) as a helpful cue to numerosity, even if their duration reproductions were imperfect.

      If the authors wish to test the role of duration, they might consider applying the same analytical techniques they use for numbers to their duration data. Perhaps participants show similar evidence for duration-selective channels, in the absence of number, as they do for other non-numerical domains (like spatial frequency).

      Theories of numerical cognition. An expansive literature on numerical cognition suggests that many animals, human children, and adults across cultures have two systems for representing numerosity without counting - one that can represent the exact cardinality of sets smaller than about 4 and another that represents the approximate number of larger sets (but see Cheyette & Piantadosi, 2020). The current paper would benefit from better relating its findings to this long lineage of theories and findings in numerical approximation across cultures, ages, and species.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The interplay between the medial prefrontal cortex and ventral hippocampal system is critical for many cognitive processes, including memory and its consolidation over time. A prominent idea in recent research is that this relationship is mediated at least in part by the midline nucleus reuniens with respect to consolidation in particular. Whereas the bulk of evidence has focused on neuroanatomy and the effects of temproary or permanent lesions of the nucleus reuniens, the current work examined the electrophysiology of these three structures and how they inter-relate, especially during sleep, which is anticipated to be critical for consolidation. They provide evidence from intercellular recordings of the bi-directional functional connectivity among these structures. There is an emphasis on the interactions between these regions during sleep, especially slow-wave sleep. They provide evidence, in cats, that cortical slow waves precede reuniens slow waves and hippocampal sharp-wave ripples, which may reflect prefrontal control of the timing of thalamic and hippocampal events, They also find evidence that hippocampal sharp wave ripples trigger thalamic firing and precede the onset of reuniens and medial prefrontal cortex spindles. The authors suggest that the effectiveness of bidirectional connections between the reuniens and the (ventral) CA1 is particularly strong during non-rapid eye movement sleep in the cat. This is a very interesting, complex study on a highly topical subject.

      Strengths:<br /> An excellent array of different electrophysiological techniques and analyses are conducted. The temporal relationships described are novel findings that suggest mechanisms behind the interactions between the key regions of interest. These may be of value for future experimental studies to test more directly their association with memory consolidation.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Given the complexity and number of findings provided, clearer explanation(s) and organisation that directed the specific value and importance of different findings would improve the paper. Most readers may then find it easier to follow the specific relevance of key approaches and findings and their emphasis. For example, the fact that bidirectional connections exist in the model system is not new per se. How and why the specific findings add to existing literature would have more impact if this information was addressed more directly in the written text and in the figure legends.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Silva et al. describe an experimental study conducted on cerebellar parallel fiber-to-molecular interneuron synapses to investigate the size of the readily releasable pool (RRP) of synaptic vesicles (SVs) per docking site in response to trains of action potentials. The study aims to determine whether there are multiple binding sites for SVs at each docking site, which could lead to a higher RRP size than previously thought.

      The researchers used this glutamatergic synapse to conduct their experiments. They employed various techniques and manipulations to enhance release probability, docking site occupancy, and synaptic depression. By counting the number of released SVs in response to action potential trains and normalizing the results based on the number of docking sites, they estimated the RRP size per docking site.

      The key findings and observations in the manuscript are as follows:

      Docking Site Occupancy and Release Probability Enhancement: The researchers used 4-amidopyridine (4-AP) and post-tetanic potentiation (PTP) protocols to enhance the release probability of docked SVs and the occupancy of docking sites, respectively.

      Synchronous and Asynchronous Release: Synchronous release refers to SVs released in response to individual action potentials, while asynchronous release involves SVs released after the initial release response due to calcium elevation. The study observed changes in the balance between synchronous and asynchronous release under different conditions, revealing the degree of filling of the RRP.

      Modeling of Release Dynamics: The researchers employed a modeling approach based on the "replacement site/docking site" (RS/DS) model, where SVs bind to a replacement site before moving to a docking site and eventually undergoing release. The model was adjusted to experimental conditions to estimate parameters like docking site occupancy and release probabilities.

      Comparison of Different Models: The study compared the RS/DS model with an alternative model known as the "loosely docked/tightly docked" (LS/TS) model. The LS/TS model assumes that a docking site can only accommodate one SV at a time, while the RS/DS model considers the possibility of accommodating multiple SVs.

      Maximum RRP Size: Through a combination of experimental results and model simulations, the study revealed that the maximum RRP size per docking site reached close to two SVs under certain conditions, supporting the idea that each docking site can accommodate multiple SVs.

      Strengths:<br /> The study is rigorously conducted and takes into consideration previous work of RRP size and SV docking site estimation. The study addresses a long-standing question in synaptic physiology.

      Weaknesses:<br /> It remains unclear how generalizable the findings are to other types of synapses.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      SUMMARY: In this study, the authors use the tractable Drosophila embryonic/larval motor circuit to determine how manipulations to activity during a critical period (CP) modify the circuit in ways that persist into later developmental stages. Previously, this group demonstrated that manipulations to the aCC/MN-Ib neuron in embryonic stages enhance (or can rescue) susceptibility to seizures at later larval stages. Here, the authors demonstrate that following enhanced excitatory drive (by PTX feeding), the aCC neuron acquires increased sensitivity to cholinergic excitatory transmission, presumably due to increased postsynaptic receptor abundance and/or sensitivity, although this is not clarified. Although locomotion is not altered at later developmental larval stages, the authors suggest there is reduced "robustness" to induced seizures. The second part of the study then goes on to enhance inhibition during the CP in an attempt to counteract the enhanced excitation, and show that many aspects of the CP plasticity are rescued. The author conclude that "average" E/I activity is integrated during the CP to determine excitability of the mature locomotor network.

      Overall, this study provides compelling mechanistic insight into how a final motor output neuron changes in response to enhanced excitatory drive during a CP to change functionality of the circuit at later mature developmental stages. The first part of this study is strong, clearly showing the changes in the aCC neuron that result from enhanced excitatory input. This includes very nice electrophysiology and imaging data that assess synaptic function and structure onto aCC neurons from pre-motor inputs resulting from PTX exposure during development. However, the later experiments in Figures 6 and 7 designed to counteract the CP plasticity are somewhat difficult to interpret. In particular, the specificity of the manipulations of the ch neuron intended to counteract the CP plasticity is unclear, given the complexities of how these changes impact excitability all neurons during development. It is clear that CP plasticity is largely rescued in later stages, but it is hard to know if downstream or secondary adaptations may be masking the PTX-induced plasticity normally observed. Nonetheless, this study provides an important advance in our understanding of what parameters change during CPs to calibrate network dynamics at later developmental stages.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Golov et al performed the capture of MChIP-C using the H3K4me3 antibody. The new method significantly increases the resolution of Micro-C and can detect clear interactions which are not well described in the previous HiChIP/PLAC-seq method. Overall, the paper represents a significant technological advance that can be valuable to the 3D genomic field in the future.

      Strengths:<br /> 1. The authors established a novel method to profile the promoter center genomic interactions based on the Micro-C method. Such a method could be very useful to dissect the enhancer promoter interaction which has long been an issue for the popular HiC method.

      2. With the MChIP-C method the authors are able to find new genomic interactions with promoter regions enriched in CTCF. The author has significantly increased the detection sensitivity of such methods as PLAC-seq, Micro-C, and HiChIP.

      3. The authors identified a new type of interaction between the CTCF-less promoter and the CTCF binding site. This particular type of interaction could explain the CTCF's function in regulating gene transcription activity as observed in many studies. I personally think the second stripe model of P-CTCF interaction is more likely as this has been proposed for the super-enhancer stripe model before. The author should also discuss this part of the story more.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1. The data presentation should include the contact heat map. The current data presentation makes it hard for the readers to have a comprehensive view of pair-wise interactions between promoters and the PIR. In particular, these maps may directly give answers to the proposed model of promoter-CTCF interactions by the authors in Figure 3a.

      2. In Fig 3D, there seems a very limited increase of power predicting MChIP-C signal for DHS-promoter pairs beyond the addition of CTCF. This figure could be simplified with fewer factors.

      3. The current method seems to have a big fraction of unusable reads. How the authors process the data should be included to allow for future reproduction. Ideally, the authors should generate a package on R or Bioconda for this processing.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The manuscript by Kang et al investigates how the consideration of pairwise encounters (consumer-resource chasing, intraspecific consumer pair, and interspecific consumer pair) influences the community assembly results. To explore this, they presented a new model that considers pairwise encounters and intraspecific interference among consumer individuals, which is an extension of the classical Beddington-DeAngelis (B-D) phenomenological model, incorporating detailed considerations of pairwise encounters and intraspecific interference among consumer individuals. Later, they connected with several experimental datasets.

      Strengths:<br /> They found that the negative feedback loop created by the intraspecific interference allows a diverse range of consumer species to coexist with only one or a few types of resources. Additionally, they showed that some patterns of their model agree with experimental data, including time-series trajectories of two small in-lab community experiments and the rank-abundance curves from several natural communities. The presented results here are interesting and present another way to explain how the community overcomes the competitive exclusion principle.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The authors only explore the case with interspecific interference or intraspecific interference exists. I believe they need to systematically investigate the case when both interspecific and intraspecific interference exists. In addition, the text description, figures, and mathematical notations have to be improved to enhance the article's readability. I believe this manuscript can be improved by addressing my comments, which I describe in more detail below.

      1. In nature, it is really hard for me to believe that only interspecific interference or intraspecific interference exists. I think a hybrid between interspecific interference and intraspecific interference is very likely. What would happen if both the interspecific and intraspecific interference existed at the same time but with different encounter rates? Maybe the authors can systematically explore the hybrid between the two mechanisms by changing their encounter rates. I would appreciate it if the authors could explore this route.

      2. In the first two paragraphs of the introduction, the authors describe the competitive exclusion principle (CEP) and past attempts to overcome the CEP. Moving on from the first two paragraphs to the third paragraph, I think there is a gap that needs to be filled to make the transition smoother and help readers understand the motivations. More specifically, I think the authors need to add one more paragraph dedicated to explaining why predator interference is important, how considering the mechanism of predator interference may help overcome the CEP, and whether predator interference has been investigated or under-investigated in the past. Then building upon the more detailed introduction and movement of predator interference, the authors may briefly introduce the classical B-D phenomenological model and what are the conventional results derived from the classical B-D model as well as how they intend to extend the B-D model to consider the pairwise encounters.

      3. The notations for the species abundances are not very informative. I believe some improvements can be made to make them more meaningful. For example, I think using Greek letters for consumers and English letters for resources might improve readability. Some sub-scripts are not necessary. For instance, R^(l)_0 can be simplified to g_l to denote the intrinsic growth rate of resource l. Similarly, K^(l)_0 can be simplified to K_l. Another example is R^(l)_a, which can be simplified to s_l to denote the supply rate. In addition, right now, it is hard to find all definitions across the text. I would suggest adding a separate illustrative box with all mathematical equations and explanations of symbols.

      4. What is the f_i(R^(F)) on line 131? Does it refer to the growth rate of C_i? I noticed that f_i(R^(F)) is defined in the supplementary information. But please ensure that readers can understand it even without reading the supplementary information. Otherwise, please directly refer to the supplementary information when f_i(R^(F)) occurs for the first time. Similarly, I don't think the readers can understand \Omega^\prime_i and G^\prime_i on lines 135-136.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors developed a tool-set Photo-SynthSeg for the software FreeSurfer which performs 3D reconstruction and high-resolution 3D segmentation on a stack of dissection photographs of brain tissues. The tool-set consists of three modules: the pre-processing module, which performs dissection photography correction; the registration module, which registers corrected dissection photographs based on 3D surface scan, ex vivo MRI or probabilistic atlas; the segmentation module based on U-Net. To prove the performance of the tools, three experiments were conducted, including a volumetric comparison of brain tissues on AD and HC groups from MADRC, a quantitative evaluation of segmentation on UW-ADRC and a quantitative evaluation of 3D reconstruction on HCP digitally sliced MRI data.

      Strengths:<br /> The quantitative evaluation of segmentation and reconstruction on synthetic and real data demonstrates the accuracy of the methodology. Also, the successful application of this toolset on two brain banks with different slice thicknesses, tissue processing, and photograph settings demonstrates its robustness. The toolset also benefits from its adaptability of different 3D references, such as surface scans, ex vivo MRI, and even probabilistic atlas, suiting the needs of different brain banks.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1) The current method could only perform accurate segmentation on subcortical tissues. It is of more interest to accurately segment cortical tissues, whose morphometrics are more predictive of neuropathology. The authors also mentioned that they would extend the toolset to allow for cortical tissue segmentation in the future.

      2) Brain tissues are not rigid bodies, so dissected slices could be stretched or squeezed to some extent. Also, dissected slices that contain temporal poles may have several disjoined tissues. Therefore, each pixel in dissected photographs may go through slightly different transformations. The authors constrain that all pixels in each dissected photograph go through the same affine transform in the reconstruction step probably due to concerns of computational complexity. But ideally, dissected photographs should be transformed with some non-linear warping or locally linear transformations. Or maybe the authors could advise how to place different parts of dissected slices when taking dissection photographs to reduce such non-linearity of transforms.

      3) For the quantitative evaluation of the segmentation on UW-ARDC, the authors calculated 2D Dice scores on a single slice for each subject. Could the authors specify how this single slice is chosen for each subject? Is it randomly chosen or determined by some landmarks? It's possible that the chosen slice is between dissected slices so SAMSEG cannot segment accurately. Also from Figure 3, it seems that SAMSEG outperforms Photo-SynthSeg on large tissues, WM/Cortex/Ventricle. Is there an explanation for this observation?

      4) In the third experiment, quantitative evaluation of 3D reconstruction, each digital slice went through random affine transformations and illumination fields only. However, it's better to deform digital slices using random non-linear warping due to the non-rigidity of the brain as mentioned in 2). So, the reconstruction errors estimated here are quite optimistic. It would be more realistic if digital slices were deformed using random non-linear warping.

      Overall, this is quite useful a toolset that could be widely used in many brain banks without MRI scanners.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The study from Gumaste et al investigates whether mice can use changes of intermittency, a temporal odor feature, to locate an odor source. First, the study tries to demonstrate that mice can discriminate between low and high intermittency and that their performance is not affected by the odor used or the frequency of odor whiffs. Then, they show that there is a correlation between glomerular responses (OSNs and mitral cells) and intermittency. Finally, they conclude that sniffing frequency impacts the behavioral discrimination of intermittency as well as its neural representation. Overall, the authors seek to demonstrate that intermittency is an odor-plume property that can inform olfactory navigation.

      The paper explored an interesting question, the use of intermittency of an odor plume as a behavioral cue, which is a new and intriguing hypothesis. However, it falls short in demonstrating that the animal is actually sensitive to intermittency but not other flow parameters, and is missing some important details.

      Major concerns

      1) One of the cornerstones of this paper consists in showing that mice are behaviorally able to distinguish among different intermittency values (high or low), across a variety of different stimuli and without confounds such as the number of whiffs or concentration. However, I could not find in the paper a convincing explanation of how these confounds were tested. It is clear that the authors repeat their measurements in different conditions (low or high concentration, and different whiff numbers) but it is not specified how: do the authors mix all stimuli in the same session, and so the animals simply generalize across all the stimuli and only consider intermittency for the behavioral choices? Or do authors repeat different sessions for different parameters? For example: do they perform two separate sessions with low concentration and high concentration? If this last one is the case, I would argue that this is not enough proof that animals generalize across concentrations, as the animals might simply use concentration as a cue and change the decision criteria at each session. Please clarify.

      2) It looks to me that the measure of intermittency strongly depends on the set. What is the logic of setting a specific threshold? Do the results hold when this threshold changes within a reasonable range? The same questions (maybe even more important) go for the measure of glomerular intermittence. Unfortunately, a sensitivity analysis for both measures is missing, which makes it hard to interpret the results.

      3) The logic of choosing the decision boundary for the discrimination task is not clear: low intermittency is considered to be below 0.15 and high intermittency is considered to be between 0.2 and 0.8. Do these values correspond to natural intermittency distribution? How were these values chosen?

      4) Only 2 odors were used in the whole study and some results were in disagreement between the two odors. By looking at only two odors it is very difficult to make a general conclusion about intermittency encoding in the OB.

      5) Assuming that all the above issues are resolved, one can conclude that intermittency can be perceived by an animal. The study puts a strong accent on the fact that this feature could be used for navigation. I understand that it is extremely hard to demonstrate that this feature is actually used for navigation, however, the analysis of relevance of this measure is missing. Even if it is used in navigation, most probably this would be in combination with other features, thus its relative importance needs to be discussed, or even better, established.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Investigating the relationship between transcriptomic profiles, their axonal projection and collateralization patterns will help define neuronal cell types in the mammalian central nervous system. The study by Xu et al. combined multiple retrograde viruses with barcodes and single-cell RNA-sequencing (MERGE-seq) to determine the projection and collateralization patterns of transcriptomically defined ventral medial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) projection neurons. They found a complex relationship: the same transcriptomically defined cell types project to multiple target regions, and the same target region receives input from multiple transcriptomic types of vmPFC neurons. Further, collateralization patterns of vmPFC to the five target regions they investigated are highly non-random.

      While many of the biological conclusions are not surprising given recent studies on the collateralization patterns of vmPFC neurons using single neuron tracing and other methods that integrate transcriptomics and projections, MERGE-seq provides validation, at the single cell level, collateralization patterns of individual vmPFC neurons, and thus offer new and valuable information over what has been published. The method can also be used to study collateralization patterns of other neuron types.

      Some of the conclusions the authors draw depend on the efficiency of retrograde labeling, which was not determined. Without quantitative information on retrograde labeling efficiency, and unless such efficiency is close to 100%, these conclusions are likely misleading.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Here, Brown and colleagues report a valuable finding on the function and evolution of the seminal odorant-binding protein Obp56g in Drosophila melanogaster. Previous studies have shown that this family of proteins is highly expressed in olfactory tissues like the antennae and maxillary palps. Some of these proteins have been shown to mediate behavioural responses to specific odorants-hence the general moniker odorant binding proteins. This slightly misleading historical naming convention implies an exclusive role in olfaction-however, many of these proteins are expressed in other tissues of the animal, including the male reproductive system. In addition, seminal fluid proteins exhibit a fascinating evolutionary history, with rapid evolution and turnover across taxa.

      The authors suggest that the Obp56g protein may have been co-opted for a reproductive role in Drosophila melanogaster during evolution. The authors show that Obp56g is required for male fertility and the induction of the post-mating response in females. Mutant males lacking Obp56g fail to form a mating plug in the female reproductive tract-leading to ejaculate loss and reduced sperm storage. The experimental evidence supporting the claims of the authors is solid and compelling. The data were collected and analyzed using solid and validated methodologies. The author's findings can be used as a starting point for understanding the mechanistic roles of this family of proteins in mating plug coagulation. The work will interest biologists studying non-sperm seminal fluid protein function and evolution.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This paper argues for an explanation of sequential effects in prediction based on the computational cost of representing probability distributions. This argument is made by contrasting two cost-based models with several other models in accounting for first- and second-order dependencies in people's choices. The empirical and modeling work is well done, and the results are compelling.

      The main weaknesses of the paper are as follows:

      1. The main argument is against accounts of dependency based on sensitivity to statistics (ie. modeling the timeseries as having dependencies it doesn't have). However, such models are not included in the model comparison, which makes it difficult to compare these hypotheses.

      2. The task is not incentivized in any way. Since incentives are known to affect probability-matching behaviors, this seems important. In particular, we might expect incentives would trade off against computational costs - people should increase the precision of their representations if it generates more reward.

      3. The sample size is relatively small (20 participants). Even though a relatively large amount of data is collected from each participant, this does make it more difficult to evaluate the second-order dependencies in particular (Figure 6), where there are large error bars and the current analysis uses a threshold of p < .05 across a large number of tests hence creating a high false-discovery risk.

      4. In the key analyses in Figure 4, we see model predictions averaged across participants. This can be misleading, as the average of many models can produce behavior outside the class of functions the models themselves can generate. It would be helpful to see the distribution of raw model predictions (ideally compared against individual data from humans). Minimally, showing predictions from representative models in each class would provide insight into where specific models are getting things right and wrong, which is not apparent from the model comparison.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review)

      DNA adenine methylation (6mA) is a rediscovered modification that has been described in a wide range of eukaryotes. However, 6mA presence in eukaryote remains controversial due to low abundance of its modification in eukaryotic genome. In this manuscript, Boulet et al. re-investigate 6mA presence in drosophila using axenic or conventional fly to avoid contaminant from feeding bacteria. By using these flies, they find that 6mA is rare but present in drosophila genome by performing LC/MS/MS. They also find that the loss of TET (also known as DMAD) does not impact on 6mA levels in drosophila, contrary to previous studies. In addition, the authors find that TET is required for fly development in its enzymatic activity-independent manner.

      The strength of this study is, compared to previous studies of 6mA in drosophila, the authors employ axenic or conventional fly for 6mA analysis. These fly strains make it possible to analyze 6mA presence in drosophila without bacterial contaminant. This established method is valuable in this field.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Complexin (Cplx) is expressed at nearly all chemical synapses. Mammalian Cplx comes in four different paralogs which are differentially expressed in different neuron types, either selectively or in combination with one or two other Cplx isoforms. Cplx binds with high affinity to assembled SNARE complexes and promotes AP-evoked release by increasing vesicle fusogenicity. Cplx is assumed to preclude premature SV fusion by preventing full SNARE assembly, thereby arresting subsequent SNARE-driven fusion ("fusion-clamp" theory). The protein has multiple domains, the functions of which are controversially discussed. Cplx's function has been studied in a variety of model organisms including mice, flies, worms, and fish with seemingly conflicting results which led to partly contradicting conclusions.

      Makee et al. study the function of mammalian Cplx2 by making use of chromaffin cells derived from Cplx2 ko mice as a system to overexpress and functionally characterize mutant Cplx2 forms. This work is an important extension of previous studies of the same lab using similar techniques. The main conclusion of the present study are:

      The hydrophobic character of the amphipathic helix in Cplx's C-terminal domain is essential for inhibiting premature vesicle fusion at a [Ca2+]i of several hundreds of nM (pre-flash [Ca2+]i). The Cplx-mediated inhibition of fusion under these conditions does not rely on the expression of either Syt1 or Syt7.

      Slow-down of exocytosis by N-terminally truncated Cplx mutants in response to a [Ca2+]i of several µM (peak flash [Ca2+]i) occurs regardless of the presence or absence of Syt7 demonstrating that Cplx2 does not act as a switch favoring preferential assembly of the release machinery with Syt1,2 rather than the "slow" sensor Syt7.

      Cplx's N-terminal domain is required for the Cplx2-mediated increase in the speed of exocytosis and faster onset of exocytosis which likely reflect an increased apparent Ca2+ sensitivity and faster Ca2+ binding of the release machinery.


      The authors perform systematic truncation/mutational analyses of Cplx2 by making use of chromaffin cells derived from Cplx2 ko mice. They analyze the impact of single and combined deficiencies for Cplx2 and Syt1 to establish interactions of both proteins.

      State-of-the-art methods are employed: Vesicle exocytosis is assayed directly and with high resolution using capacitance measurements. Intracellular [Ca2+] is controlled by loading via the patch-pipette and by UV-light-induced flash-photolysis of caged [Ca2+]. The achieved [Ca2+ ] is measured with Ca2+ -sensitive dyes.

      The data is of high quality and the results are convincing.


      The authors provide a "chromaffin cell-centric" view of the function of mammalian Cplx in vesicle fusion. With the exception of mammalian retinal ribbon synapses (and some earlier RNAi knockdown studies that had off-target effects), there is very little evidence for a "fusion-clamp"-like function of Cplxs in mammalian synapses. At conventional mammalian synapses, genetic loss of Cplx (i.e. KO) consistently decreases AP-evoked release, and generally either also decreases spontaneous release rates or does not affect spontaneous release, which is inconsistent with a "fusion-clamp" theory. This is in stark contrast to invertebrate (D. m. and C. e.) synapses where genetic Cplx loss is generally associated with strong upregulation of spontaneous release, providing support for Cplx acting as a "fusion-clamp".

      The authors use a Semliki Forest virus-based approach to express mutant proteins in chromaffin cells. This strategy leads to a strong protein overexpression (~7-8fold, Figure 3 Suppl. 1). Therefore, experimental findings under these conditions may not necessarily be identical to findings with normal protein expression levels.

      Measurements of delta Cm in response to Ca2+ uncaging by ramping [Ca2+ ] from resting levels up to several µM over a time period of several seconds were used to establish changes in the release rate vs [Ca2+ ]i relationship. It is not clear to this reviewer if and how concurrently occurring vesicle endocytosis together with a possibly Ca2+-dependent kinetics of endocytosis may affect these measurements.

      It should be pointed out that an altered "apparent Ca2+ affinity" or "apparent Ca2+ binding rate" does not necessarily reflect changes at Ca2+-binding sites (e.g. Syt1).

      There are alternative models on how Cplx may "clamp" vesicle fusion (see Bera et al. 2022, eLife) or how Cplx may achieve its regulation of transmitter release without mechanistically "clamping" fusion (Neher 2010, Neuron). Since the data presented here cannot rule out such alternative models (in this reviewer's opinion), the authors may want to mention and briefly discuss such alternative models.

      Some parts of the Discussion are quite general and not specifically related to the results of the present study. The authors may want to consider shortening those parts.

      Last but not least, the presentation of the results could be improved to make the data more accessible to non-specialists, this concerns providing necessary background information, choice of colors, and labeling of diagrams.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Yang et al. recorded the activity of D1- and D2-MSNs in the dorsal striatum and analyzed their firing activity in relation to single-limb gait in normal and 6-OHDA lesioned mice. Although some of the observations of striatal encoding are interesting, the novelty and implications of this firing activity in relation to gait behavior remain unclear. More specifically, the authors made two major claims. First, the striatal D1- and D2-MSNs were phase-locked to the walking gait cycles of individual limbs. Second, dopamine lesions led to enhanced phase-locking between D2-MSN activity and walking gait cycles. The second claim was supported by the increase of vector length in D2-MSNs after unilateral 6-OHDA administration to the medial forebrain bundle. However, for the first claim, the authors failed to convincingly demonstrate that striatal MSNs were more phase-locked to gait with single-limb and step resolution than to the global gait cycles.

      Strengths:<br /> It is a technically advanced study.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1. The authors focused on striatal encoding of gait information in current studies. However, it remains unclear whether the part of the striatum for which the authors performed neuronal recording is really responsible for or contributing to gait control. A lesion or manipulation experiment disrupting the part of the striatum recorded seems a necessary step to test or establish its relationship to gait control.

      2. The authors attributed one of the major novelties to phase-locking of striatal neural activities with single-limb gait cycles. The claim was not clearly supported, as the authors did not demonstrate that phase-locking to single-limb gaits was more significant than phase-locking to global walking gait cycles. In rhythmic walking, the LR and RF limbs were roughly anti-phase with the LF and RR limbs (Fig. 1D, E). In line with this relationship, striatal neurons were mainly in-phase with LR and RF limbs and anti-phase with LF and RR limbs (Fig. 2J, K). One could instead interpret this as the striatal neurons spanned all the phases of the global walking gait cycles (Fig. 3D). To demonstrate phase-locking with individual limb movements, the authors need to show that neural activities were better correlated with a specific limb than to the global gait cycles.

      3. The observation of the enhancement of coupling between D2 MSN firing and the gait cycles was interesting, but the physiological interpretation was not clear (as the authors also noted in the Discussion), which hampers the significance of the observation.

      4. Due to the lack of causality experiments as mentioned in the first comment above, the observations of coupling between striatal neuronal activity and gait control might well result from a third brain region/factor serving as the common source to both, whether in normal or dopamine lesioned brain. If this is the case, the significance and implications of current findings will be greatly limited.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript presents a method for tracking neurons recorded with neuropixels across days, based on the matching of cells' spatial layouts and spike waveforms at the population level. The method is tested on neuropixel recordings of the visual cortex carried over 47 days, with the similarity in visual receptive fields used to verify the matches in cell identity.

      This is an important tool as electrophysiological recordings have been notoriously limited in terms of tracking individual neuron's fate over time, unlike imaging approaches. The method is generally sound and properly tested but I think some clarifications would be helpful regarding the implementation of the method and some of the results.

      1) Page 6: I am not sure I understand the point of the imposed drift and how the value of 12µm is chosen.<br /> Is it that various values of imposed drift are tried, the EMDs computed to produce histograms as in Fig2c, values of rigid drifts estimated based on the histogram modes, and then the value associated with minimum cost selected? The corresponding manuscript section would need some clarification regarding this aspect.

      2) The EMD is based on the linear sum, with identical weight, of cell distance and waveform similarity measures. How performance is affected by using a different weighting of the 2 measures (for instance, using only cell distance and no waveform similarity)? It is common that spike waveforms associated with a given neuron appear differently on different channels of silicon probes (i.e. the spike waveform changes depending on the position of recording sites relative to the neuron), so I wonder if that feature is helping or potentially impeding the tracking.

      3) Fig.5: I assume the dots represent time gaps for which cell tracking is estimated. The 3 different groups of colors correspond to the 3 mice used. For a given mouse, I would expect to always see 3 dots (for ref, putative, and mixed) for a given tracking gap. However, for mouse AL036 for instance, at a tracking duration of 8 days, a dot is visible for mixed but not for ref and putative. How come this is happening?

      4) Matched visual responses are measured by the sum of the correlation of visual fingerprints, which are vectors of cells' average firing rate across visual stimuli, and the correlation of PSTHs, which are implemented over all visual stimuli combined. I believe that some information is lost from combining all stimuli in the implementation of PSTHs (assuming that PSTHs show specificity to individual visual stimuli). The authors might consider, as an alternative measure of matched visual responses, a correlation of the vector concatenations of all stimulus PSTHs. Such a simpler measure would contain both visual fingerprint and PSTH information, and would not lose the information of PSTH specificity across visual stimuli.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Watanabe et al establish a novel method for the activity-dependent labeling of neural circuits in flies. While activity mapping of neurons that are active during specific behaviors is widespread in rodents, the application of this method to fly circuit neuroscience is limited, mainly due to technological challenges. Thus, the present study addresses a timely problem. To do so, they apply the in situ hybridization amplification method called Hybridization Chain Reaction v. 3.0 (Choi et al. 2018) to the adult fly brain in order to visualize the expression changes of the immediate early gene (IEG) Hr38 under different types of social contexts. The conclusions of this paper are mostly very well supported by data but it would strongly benefit from additional methodological details as well as additional controls, in particular for the HI-catFISH experiments.

      Strengths:<br /> The major strength of this method is its versatility and sensitivity. It can be applied to a wide variety of biological questions and assess the dynamic transcriptional regulation of an unlimited number of genes with a high signal-to-noise ratio. It will be therefore useful to many research labs working on different biological questions.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Although the paper has great strengths in principle, the major weakness is the calibration of the temporal resolution of HI-CatFISH in Figure 4 and Figure Supplement 4. According to Figure Supplement 4C, close to 100% of the Hr38-positive cells are already labeled with the exonic probe 30min post-stimulation, which is not reflected in Figure 4B (there, the expression level of the exonic probe peaks 60min post-induction) and may have profound implications for the interpretation of the results. The present manuscript would strongly benefit from additional controls, such as the quantification of the intronic and exonic Hr38 probes after either only the 1st or 2nd social context but at the same timepoint than if two consecutive social contexts were tested.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The large-conductance Ca2+ activated K+ channel (BK) has been reported to promote breast cancer progression, but it is not clear how. The present study carried out in breast cancer cell lines, concludes that BK located in mitochondria reprograms cells towards the Warburg phenotype, one of the metabolic hallmarks of cancer.


      The use of a wide array of modern complementary techniques, including metabolic imaging, respirometry, metabolomics, and electrophysiology. On the whole, experiments are astute and well-designed and appear carefully done. The use of BK knock-out cells to control for the specificity of the pharmacological tools is a major strength. The manuscript is clearly written. There are many interesting original observations that may give birth to new studies.


      The main conclusion regarding the role of a BK channel located in mitochondria appears is not sufficiently supported. Other perfectible aspects are the interpretation of co-localization experiments and the calibration of Ca2+ dyes. These points are discussed in more detail in the following paragraphs:

      1. May the metabolic effects be ascribed to a BK located in mitochondria? Unfortunately not, at least with the available evidence. While it is clear these cells have a BK in mitochondria (characteristic K+ currents detected in mitoplasts) and it is also well substantiated that the metabolic effects in intact cells are explained by an intracellular BK (paxilline effects absent in the BK KO), it does not follow that both observations are linked. Given that ectopic BK-DEC appeared at the surface, a confounding factor is the likely expression of BK in other intracellular locations such as ER, Golgi, endosomes, etc. To their credit, authors acknowledge this limitation several times throughout the text ("...presumably mitoBK...") but not in other important places, particularly in the title and abstract.

      2. MitoBK subcellular location. Pearson correlations of 0.6 and about zero were obtained between the locations of mitoGREEN on one side, and mRFP or RFP-GPI on the other (Figs. 1G and S1E). These are nice positive and negative controls. For BK-DECRFP however, the Pearson correlation was about 0.2. What is the Z resolution of apotome imaging? Assuming an optimum optical section of 600 nm, as obtained by a 1.4 NA objective with a confocal, that mitochondria are typically 100 nm in diameter and that BK-DECRFP appears to stain more structures than mitoGREEN, the positive correlation of 0.2 may not reflect colocalization. For instance, it could be that BK-DECRFP is not just in mitochondria but in a close underlying organelle e.g. the ER. Along the same line, why did BK-RFP also give a positive Pearson? Isn´t that unexpected? Considering that BK-DEC was found by patch clamping at the plasma membrane, the subcellular targeting of the channel is suspect. Could it be that the endogenous BK-DEC does actually reside exclusively in mitochondria (a true mitoBK), but overflows to other membranes upon overexpression? Regarding immunodetection of BK in the mitochondrial Percoll preparation (Fig. S5), the absence of NKA demonstrates the absence of plasma membrane contamination but does not inform about contamination by other intracellular membranes.

      3. Calibration of fluorescent probes. The conclusion that BK blockers or BK expression affects resting Ca2+ levels should be better supported. Fluorescent sensors and dyes provide signals or ratios that need to be calibrated if comparisons between different cell types or experimental conditions are to be made. This is implicitly acknowledged here when monitoring ER Ca2+, with an elaborate protocol to deplete the organelle in order to achieve a reading at zero Ca2+.

      4. Line 203. "...solely by the expression of BKCa-DECRFP in MCF-7 cells". Granted, the effect of BKCa-DECRFP on the basal FRET ratio appears stronger than that of BK-RFP, but it appears that the latter had some effect. Please provide the statistics of the latter against the control group (after calibration, see above).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Singh and colleagues employ a methodic approach to reveal the function of the transcription factors Rela and Stat3 in the regulation of the inflammatory response in the intestine.

      Strengths of the manuscript include the focus on the function of these transcription factors in hepatocytes and the discovery of their role in the systemic response to experimental colitis. While the systemic response to induce colitis is appreciated, the cellular and molecular mechanisms that drive such systemic response, especially those involving other organs beyond the intestine are an active area of research. As such, this study contributes to this conceptual advance. Additional strengths are the complementary biochemical and metabolomics approaches to describe the activation of these transcription factors in the liver and their requirement - specifically in hepatocytes - for the production of bile acids in response to colitis.

      Some weaknesses are noted in the presentation of the data, including a comprehensive representation of findings in all conditions and genotypes tested.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors of this manuscript address an important question regarding how macrophages respond to external stimuli to create different functional phenotypes, also known as macrophage polarization. Although this has been studied extensively, the authors argue that the transcription factors that mediate the change in state in response to a specific trigger remain unknown. They create a "master" human gene regulatory network and then analyze existing gene expression data consisting of PBMC-derived macrophage response to 28 stimuli, which they sort into thirteen different states defined by perturbed gene expression networks. They then identify the top transcription factors involved in each response that have the strongest predicted association with the perturbation patterns they identify. Finally, using S. aureus infection as one example of a stimulus that macrophages respond to, they infect THP-1 cells while perturbing regulatory factors that they have identified and show that these factors have a functional effect on the macrophage response.


      - The computational work done to create a "master" hGRN, response networks for each of the 28 stimuli studied, and the clustering of stimuli into 13 macrophage states is useful. The data generated will be a helpful resource for researchers who want to determine the regulatory factors involved in response to a particular stimulus and could serve as a hypothesis generator for future studies.

      - The streamlined system used here - macrophages in culture responding to a single stimulus - is useful for removing confounding factors and studying the elements involved in response to each stimulus.

      - The use of a functional study with S. aureus infection is helpful to provide proof of principle that the authors' computational analysis generates data that is testable and valid for in vitro analysis.


      - Although a streamlined system is helpful for interrogating responses to a stimulus without the confounding effects of other factors, the reality is that macrophages respond to these stimuli within a niche and while interacting with other cell types. The functional analysis shown is just the first step in testing a hypothesis generated from this data and should be followed with analysis in primary human cells or in an in vivo model system if possible.

      - It would be helpful for the authors to determine whether the effects they see in the THP-1 immortalized cell line are reproduced in another macrophage cell line, or ideally in PBMC-derived macrophages.

      - The paper would benefit from an expanded explanation of the network mining approach used, as well as the cluster stability analysis and the Epitracer analysis. Although these approaches may be published elsewhere, readers with a non-computational background would benefit from additional descriptions.

      - Although the authors identify 13 different polarization states, they return to the M0/M1/M2 paradigm for their validation and functional assays. It would be useful to comment on the broader applications of a 13-state model.

      - The relative contributions of each "switching factor" to the phenotype remain unclear, especially as knocking out each individual factor changes different aspects of the model (Fig. S5).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this study, Huang et al. employed optogenetic stimulation alongside paired whole-cell recordings in genetically defined neuron populations of the medial entorhinal cortex to examine the spatial distribution of synaptic inputs and the functional-anatomical structure of the MEC. They specifically studied the spatial distribution of synaptic inputs from parvalbumin-expressing interneurons to pairs of excitatory stellate cells. Additionally, they explored the spatial distribution of synaptic inputs to pairs of PV INs. Their results indicate that both pairs of SCs and PV INs generally receive common input when their relative somata are within 200-300 ums of each other. The research is intriguing, with controlled and systematic methodologies. There are interesting takeaways based on the implications of this work to grid cell network organization in MEC.

      Major concerns<br /> 1) Results indicate that in brain slices, nearby cells typically share a higher degree of common input. However, some proximate cells lack this shared input. The authors interpret these findings as: "Many cells in close proximity don't seem to share common input, as illustrated in Figures 3, 5, and 7. This implies that these cells might belong to separate networks or exist in distinct regions of the connectivity space within the same network.".

      Every slice orientation could have potentially shared inputs from an orthogonal direction that are unavoidably eliminated. For instance, in a horizontal section, shared inputs to two SCs might be situated either dorsally or ventrally from the horizontal cut, and thus removed during slicing. Given the synaptic connection distributions observed within each intact orientation, and considering these distributions appear symmetrically in both horizontal and sagittal sections, the authors should be equipped to estimate the potential number of inputs absent due to sectioning in the orthogonal direction. How might this estimate influence the findings, especially those indicating that many close neurons don't have shared inputs?

      2) The study examines correlations during various light-intensity phases of the ramp stimuli. One wonders if the spatial distribution of shared (or correlated) versus independent inputs differs when juxtaposing the initial light stimulation phase, which begins to trigger spiking, against subsequent phases. This differentiation might be particularly pertinent to the PV to SC measurements. Here, the initial phase of stimulation, as depicted in Figure 7, reveals a relatively sparse temporal frequency of IPSCs. This might not represent the physiological conditions under which high-firing INs function.

      While the authors seem to have addressed parts of this concern in their focal stim experiments by examining correlations during both high and low light intensities, they could potentially extract this metric from data acquired in their ramp conditions. This would be especially valuable for PV to SC measurements, given the absence of corresponding focal stimulation experiments.

      3) Re results from Figure 2: Please fully describe the model in the methods section. Generally, I like using a modeling approach to explore the impact of convergent synaptic input to PVs from SCs that could effectively validate the experimental approach and enhance the interpretability of the experimental stim/recording outcomes. However, as currently detailed in the manuscript, the model description is inadequate for assessing the robustness of the simulation outcomes. If the IN model is simply integrate-and-fire with minimal biophysical attributes, then the findings in Fig 2F results shown in Fig 2F might be trivial. Conversely, if the model offers a more biophysically accurate representation (e.g., with conductance-based synaptic inputs, synapses appropriately dispersed across the model IN dendritic tree, and standard PV IN voltage-gated membrane conductances), then the model's results could serve as a meaningful method to both validate and interpret the experiments.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The study describes differences in responses to sounds and whisker deflections as well as combinations of these stimuli in different neurochemically defined subsections of the lateral and dorsal cortex of the inferior colliculus in anesthetised and awake mice.

      Strengths:<br /> The main achievement of the work lies in obtaining the data in the first place as this required establishing and refining a challenging surgical procedure to insert a prism that enabled the authors to visualise the lateral surface of the inferior colliculus. Using this approach, the authors were then able to provide the first functional comparison of neural responses inside and outside of the GABA-rich modules of the lateral cortex. The strongest and most interesting aspects of the results, in my opinion, concern the interactions of auditory and somatosensory stimulation. For instance, the authors find that a) somatosensory-responses are strongest inside the modules and b) somatosensory-auditory suppression is stronger in the matrix than in the modules. This suggests that, while somatosensory inputs preferentially target the GABA-rich modules, they do not exclusively target GABAergic neurons within the modules (given that the authors record exclusively from excitatory neurons we wouldn't expect to see somatosensory responses if they targeted exclusively GABAergic neurons), and that the GABAergic neurons of the modules (consistent with previous work) preferentially impact neurons outside the modules, i.e. via long-range connections.

      Weaknesses:<br /> While the findings are of interest to the subfield they have only rather limited implications beyond it. The writing is not as precise as it could be. Consequently, the manuscript is unclear in some places. For instance, the text is somewhat confusing as to whether there is a difference in the pattern (modules vs matrix) of somatosensory-auditory suppression between anesthetized and awake animals. Furthermore, there are aspects of the results which are potentially very interesting but have not been explored. For example, there is a remarkable degree of clustering of response properties evident in many of the maps included in the paper. Taking Figure 7 for instance, rather than a salt and pepper organization we can see auditory responsive neurons clumped together and non-responsive neurons clumped together and in the panels below we can see off-responsive neurons forming clusters (although it is not easy to make out the magenta dots against the black background). This degree of clustering seems much stronger than expected and deserves further attention.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      I thank the authors for considering my comments and think the manuscript has been significantly improved with revision. However while I considered that the analysis employed for predicting tACS effects with linear models was convincing, I am still concerned by a multiple comparison issue for this analysis. An alternative option would be to report the results of a Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis, with the stimulation properties as predictor variables and tACS effects as response variables. The authors could use PLS instead of multiple linear regression models to take into account the multicollinearity in the predictor variables, and also this can be done with only one PLS model. They could then extract the fitted responses values and estimate if the model can significantly fit the tACS effects.

      Then, to determine which variables contribute more to the prediction, they can calculate the variable importance in projection (VIP) scores for the PLS regression model.<br /> An alternative option for the authors would be to temper their conclusions regarding how well field modeling/montage explains the variance observed across subjects.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors conducted a study in which they measured eye movements, pupil diameter, and neural activity in V4 in monkeys engaged in a visual attention task. The task required the monkeys to report changes in the orientation of Gabors' visual stimuli. The authors manipulated the difficulty of the trials by varying the degree of orientation change and focused their analysis on trials of intermediate difficulty where the monkeys' hit rate was approximately 50%. Their key findings include the following: 1) Hit trials were preceded by larger pupil diameter, reflecting higher arousal, and by more stable eye positions; 2) V4 neurons exhibit larger visual responses in hit trials; 3) Superficial and deep layers exhibited greater coherence in hit trials during both the pre-target stimulus period and the non-target stimulus presentation period. These findings have useful implications for the field, and the experiments and analyses presented in this manuscript validly support the authors' claims.

      Strengths:<br /> The experiments were well-designed and executed with meticulous control. The analyses of both behavioural and electrophysiological data align with the standards in the field.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Many of the findings appear to be incremental compared to previous literature, including the authors' own work. While incremental findings are not necessarily a problem, the manuscript lacks clear statements about the extent to which the dataset, analysis, and findings overlap with the authors' prior research. For example, one of the main findings, which suggests that V4 neurons exhibit larger visual responses in hit trials (as shown in Fig. 3), appears to have been previously reported in their 2017 paper. Additionally, it seems that the entire Fig1-S1 may have been reused from the 2017 paper. These overlaps should have been explicitly acknowledged and correctly referenced.

      Previous studies have demonstrated that attention leads to decorrelation in V4 population activity. The authors should have discussed how and why the high coherence across layers observed in the current study can coexist with this decorrelation.

      Furthermore, the manuscript does not explore potentially interesting aspects of the dataset. For instance, the authors could have investigated instances where monkeys made 'false' reports, such as executing saccades towards visual stimuli when no orientation change occurred. It would be valuable to provide the fraction of the monkeys' responses in a session, including false reports and correct rejections in catch trials, to allow for a broader analysis that considers the perceptual component of neural activity over pure sensory responses.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Zhu has generated ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data from sizeable cohorts of SCZ patient samples and controls. The samples include 15 AF-SCZ samples and 15 controls, as well as 14 AT-SCZ samples and 14 controls. The genomics data was generated using techniques optimized for low-input samples: MOWChIP-seq and SMART-seq2 for histone profiles and transcriptome, respectively. The study has generated a significant data resource for the investigation of epigenomic alterations in SCZ. I am not convinced that the hierarchical pairwise design - first comparing AF-SCZ and AT-SCZ with their corresponding controls and secondarily contrasting the two comparisons is fully justified. The authors should repeat the statistical analysis by modeling all three groups simultaneously with an interaction effect for treatment or directly compare AF-SCZ to AT-SCZ groups and evaluate if the main conclusions remain supported.

      Major comments

      1. The manuscript did not discuss (mention) the quality control of RNA-seq data shown in Fig. 1B. The color scheme choice for the heatmap visualization did not provide a quantitative presentation of the specificity of the RNA-seq data. I would recommend using bar plots to present the results more quantitatively.

      2. How does the specificity of this RNA-seq dataset compare to previous studies using a similar NeuN sorting strategy?

      3. I appreciate the effort to assess the ChIP-seq data quality using phantompeakqualtools. However, prior knowledge/experience with this tool is required to fully understand the QC results. The authors should additionally provide browser shots at different scales for key neuronal/glial genes, so readers can have a more direct assessment of data quality, such as the enrichment of H3K4me3 at promoters (but not elsewhere), and H3K27ac at promoters and enhancers. Existing browser views, such as Fig. 2B are too zoomed out for assessing the data quality.

      4. The pairwise regression model should be explicitly reported in methods.

      5. The statistical strategy to compare AF-SCZ and AT-SCZ to their corresponding control groups was unjustified. Why not model all three groups simultaneously with an interaction effect for treatment or directly compare AF-SCZ to AT-SCZ groups? If the manuscript argues that the antipsychotic effect is the main novelty, why not directly compare AF-SCZ and AT-SCZ?

      6. The method of pairwise comparison to corresponding control groups, then further comparing the pairwise results opens the study to a number of statistical vulnerabilities. For example, on page 12, the studies identified 166 DEGs between AF and control, and 1273 DEGs between AT and control. Instead of implicating a greater amount of difference between AT and control, such a result can often be driven by differences in between-group variance, rather than between-group means, that is, are the SCZ-AF and SCZ-treated effect size magnitudes and directionalities similar (but the treated group has lower variance) or are the two groups truly different in terms of means? The result in Fig. 5A suggests effect sizes for the two comparisons (AF-Ctrl and AT-Ctrl) are similar but have lower variability in the treated group.

      7. The pairwise comparison further raised the possibility the results were driven by the difference in the two control cohorts rather than the two SCZ cohorts.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The paper follows a recent study by the same team (Jaroenlak et al Plos Pathogens 2020), which documented the dramatic ejection dynamics of the polar tube (PT) in microsporidia using live-imaging and scanning electron microscopy. Although several key observations were reported in this paper (the 3D architecture of the PT within the spore, the speed and extent of the ejection process, the translocation dynamics of the nucleus during germination), the precise geometry of the PT during ejection remain inaccessible to imaging, making it difficult to physically understand the phenomenon.

      This paper aims to fill this gap with an indirect "data-driven" approach. By modeling the hydrodynamic dissipation for different unfolding mechanisms identified in the literature and by comparing the predictions with experiments of ejection in media of various viscosities, authors shows that data are compatible with an eversion (caterpillar-like) mechanism but not compatible with a "jack-in-the-box" scenario. In addition, the authors observe that most germinated spores exhibit an inward bulge, which they attribute to buckling due to negative pressure difference. They suggest that this buckling may be a mean of pushing the nucleus out of the PT during the final stage of ejection.

      Major strengths:

      The most compelling aspect of the study is the experimental analysis of the ejection dynamics (velocity, ejection length) in medium of various viscosities over 3 orders of magnitudes, which, combined with a modeling of the viscous drag of the PT tube, provides very convincing evidence that the unfolding geometry is not a global displacement of the tube but rather an apical extension, where the motion is localized at the end of the tube.

      The systematic classification of the different unfolding scenarios, consistent with the previous literature, and their confrontation with data in terms of energy, pressure and velocity also constitute an original approach in microbiology, where in-situ and real time geometry is often difficult to access.

      Major weaknesses:

      The revised version has clarified some details of the model, adding a paragraph and a figure in the Sup Mat. However, in my opinion, it remains difficult to understand the precise topology and ejection mechanism from the various sketches presented in the article.

      The article does not address the mechanical driver (force) of ejection, and the role of pressure is unclear. The revised version replaced the term "negative pressure" with "negative pressure difference", arguing that a positive or negative pressure difference could not be differentiated. However, it is not clear how a lower pressure in the spore than in the bath could eject the tube outside.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors examined how maintenance of mitochondrial-associated endoplasmic reticulum membranes (MAM) are critical for the prevention of muscle atrophy under microgravity conditions. They observed, a reduction in MAM in myotubes placed in a microgravity condition; in addition, MFN2-deficient human iPS cells showed a decrease in the number of MAM, similar to in myotubes differentiated under microgravity conditions, in addition to the activation of the Notch signaling pathway. The authors, morover, obsreved that by treatment with the gamma-secretase inhibitor with DAPT preserved from the atrophic phenotype of differentiated myotubes in microgravity and improve the regenerative capacity of Mfn2-deficient muscle stem cells in dystrophic mice.

      The entire study was well conducted, bringing an interesting analysis in vitro and in vivo of aging condition. In my opinion it is necessary to implement the analysis of both genes and proteins for better supporting the conclusions

      The study can contribute to better understand one of the major problems of aging, such as muscle atrophy and inhibition of muscle regeneration, emphasizing the importance of NOTCH patway in these pathological situations. The work will be of interest to all scientist working on aging.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Bestry et al. investigated the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and high methyl donor diet (HMD) on offspring DNA methylation and behavioral outcomes using a mouse model that mimics common patterns of alcohol consumption in pregnancy in humans. The researchers employed whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) for unbiased assessment of the epigenome in the newborn brain and liver, two organs affected by ethanol, to explore tissue-specific effects and to determine any "tissue-agnostic" effects that may have arisen prior to the germ-layer commitment during early gastrulation. The authors found that PAE induces measurable changes in offspring DNA methylation. DNA methylation changes induced by PAE coincide with non-coding regions, including enhancers and promoters, with the potential to regulate gene expression. Though the majority of the alcohol-sensitive differentially methylated regions (DMRs) were not conserved in humans, the ones that were conserved were associated with clinically relevant traits such as facial morphology, educational attainment, intelligence, autism, and schizophrenia. Finally, the study provides evidence that maternal dietary support with methyl donors alleviates the effects of PAE on DNA methylation, suggesting a potential prenatal care option.

      Strengths:<br /> The strengths of the study include the use of a mouse model where confounding factors such as genetic background and diet can be well controlled. The study performed whole-genome bisulfite sequencing which allows a comprehensive analysis of the effects of PAE on DNA methylation. However, some weaknesses and limitations of the study are detected.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1. The low generalizability between mouse and human data alerts the validity of the mouse model designed in the study. On the same note, the authors failed to detect any significant effect on PAE-induced behavioral outcomes. I recognize that it is difficult to model all possible conditions of PAE in mice because the amount, frequency, and duration of alcohol consumption in humans vary significantly. Therefore, if the authors only focus on moderate PAE, it should be emphasized in the title and throughout the paper to avoid misinterpretation. In addition, is it possible to stratify the human data based on the level of PAE and compare it to the mouse data?<br /> 2. A major finding of the study is that PAE affects non-coding genomic regions in mice including enhancers and promoters. To improve the significance of the study, the authors need to back up this finding with transcriptome analysis and determine if these DMRs indeed affect gene expression.<br /> 3. The low generalizability between mouse and human data suggests that the regions affected by PAE may be species-specific. It is critical to analyze if PAE-induced DMRs in humans are also enriched in non-coding genomic regions. Considering the huge difference between mouse and human development, particularly in the brain, it is not surprising that different genomic loci are affected, but the affected loci may share similar features.<br /> 4. The specific brain regions and the lobes of the liver where the samples were taken should be clearly indicated.<br /> 5. I don't fully agree with the authors' interpretation that the two shared genomic regions affected in the brain and the liver "must have arisen before the germ layers separated". To claim so, the authors need to exclude the possibility that the two regions are just a coincidence due to the stochastic effect of PAE on DNA methylation.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors investigate the role of MafB in regulating podocyte genes. Mafb is required for podocyte differentiation and maintenance. Mutations of this gene cause FSGS in mice and humans. They profiled MafB binding genome-wide in isolated glomeruli and defined overlap with Wt1. They provide evidence that Mafb is required for Wt1 binding and H3K4me3 methylation at the promoters of two essential podocyte genes, Nphs1 and Nphs2. Understanding how the action of different transcription factors is coordinated to control gene expression - the main goal of this paper - is an important line of investigation.

      While the main conclusion of the paper is supported by their data, the scope is limited. Additional ChIP-seq experiments and data analysis are needed to solidify and extend their conclusions.

      Strengths:<br /> 1) Performing ChIP-seq for histone modifications on isolated podocytes provides valuable cell-type-specific information. Similarly, profiling Mafb and Wt1 in isolated glomeruli provides podocyte-specific binding patterns because these transcription factors (TFs) are not expressed in other cell types in glomeruli. The significant overlap of their Wt1 binding genome-wide with that of prior published work is reassuring. RNA-seq on isolated podocytes provides the appropriate cell-type specific gene expression data to integrate with ChIP-seq data. Together, the RNA-seq and ChIP-seq data are valuable resources for other investigators examining gene regulation in mouse podocytes.

      2) The phenotype analysis of their FSGS model is convincing and well done.

      3) Testing how Wt1 binding is affected by loss of Mafb provides insight into how these key podocyte TFs may cooperate to regulate genes.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1) The conclusion that Mafb is required for Wt1 binding and H3K4me3 methylation is based solely on ChIP-PCR at two gene promoters (Nphs1, Nphs2). This result should be validated and extended by ChIP-seq. Mafb and Wt1 binding overlap at more than 200 sites. If their model is correct, it is likely that Wt1 binding would be affected at other genomic sites. This result would add strong support to their model of how Wt1 and Mafb cooperate to regulate genes in podocytes. Moreover, ChIP-seq would define whether the dependence of Wt1 on Mafb is also evident at distal regulatory regions (defined H3K4me1, which is typically found at predicted enhancers).

      2) The FSGS model generated by the authors involved conditional deletion of Mafb in podocytes at 8 weeks of age. They found that this resulted in reduced expression of Nphs1 and Nphs2 within 48 hours post-deletion. However, they investigated Wt1 binding and H3K4me3 genomic binding in Mafb homozygous null embryos. While this result provides information about podocyte differentiation, it does not address the maintenance of expression of these essential podocyte genes in the adult kidney. Because post-natal deletion of Mafb led to FSGS and reduced expression of Nphs1/2, ChIP-seq should be performed on the adult conditional mutants in order to provide mechanistic information about the disease.

      3) H3K4me1 binds enhancer regions. The authors performed ChIP-seq to profile H3K4me1 in isolated podocytes. However, there was no analysis reported of these results. It would be valuable to determine if Wt1 and Mafb co-localize at predicted enhancers in podocytes and if Wt1 binding is lost at these regions in Mafb mutant glomeruli.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors address an important outstanding question: what forces are the primary drivers of evolutionary rate covariation? Exploration of this topic is important because it is currently difficult to interpret the functional/mechanistic implications of evolutionary covariation. These analyses also speak to the predictive power (and limits) of evolutionary rate covariation. This study reinforces the existing paradigm that covariation is driven by a varied/mixed set of interaction types that all fall under the umbrella explanation of 'co-functional interactions'.

      Strengths:<br /> Very smart experimental design that leverages individual protein domains for increased resolution.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Nuanced and sometimes inconclusive results that are difficult to capture in a short title/abstract statement.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors present a novel interactome focused on human and fly alpha-arrestin family proteins and demonstrate its application in understanding the functions of these proteins. Initially, the authors employed AP/MS analysis, a popular method for mapping protein-protein interactions (PPIs) by isolating protein complexes. Through rigorous statistical and manual quality control procedures, they established two robust interactomes, consisting of 6 baits and 307 prey proteins for humans, and 12 baits and 467 prey proteins for flies. To gain insights into the gene function, the authors investigated the interactors of alpha-arrestin proteins through various functional analyses, such as gene set enrichment. Furthermore, by comparing the interactors between humans and flies, the authors described both conserved and species-specific functions of the alpha-arrestin proteins. To validate their findings, the authors performed several experimental validations for TXNIP and ARRDC5 using ATAC-seq, siRNA knockdown, and tissue staining assays. The experimental results strongly support the predicted functions of the alpha-arrestin proteins and underscore their importance.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Zhou et al. have revised their previous manuscript, which has greatly improved the quality of the work. Zhou et al. use publicly available GTEx data of 18 metabolic tissues from 310 individuals to explore gene expression correlation patterns within-tissue and across-tissues. Furthermore, they have added an analysis of data from a diverse panel of inbred mouse strains, which allows them to also incorporate data on physiological phenotypes relevant to metabolic signaling between tissues. They now focus on validating their approach to exploring signal in gene co-expression rather than emphasizing unvalidated discoveries. They provide a webtool (GD-CAT) to allow users to explore these data. Focusing more on known biology does result in the study making stronger conclusions from its data. The webtool is also improved, expanded with the mouse data, and of value to the scientific community. Their revision has also corrected key misconceptions from the initial submission and provides greater clarification of the methodologies used.

      Strengths:<br /> GTEx as well as the hybrid diversity mouse panel are powerful resource for many areas of biomedicine, and this study represents a valid use of gene co-expression network methodology. They have greatly improved its description and contextualization within the gene co-expression studies. The authors previously did a good job of providing examples confirming known signaling biology and have further improved these. They have largely removed the sections on discovery of novel biology, which is potentially for the better given a lack of follow-up validation, which could be beyond the scope of this manuscript anyway. The webtool, GD-CAT, is easy to use and allows researchers with genes and tissues of interest to perform the same analyses in the GTEx and HMDP data.

      Weaknesses:<br /> With the previous version, the primary weaknesses for me were key misconceptions and lack of detail in the methods, which have all been greatly improved. The manuscript could be considered more of a "Resource" than "Research", though there is value in showing how the known biology is reflected in the correlation data and could presumably be paired with validation to discover new biology. Finally, there are sentences here and there that could be rephrased to improve clarity, but overall it is greatly improved.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      How the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC) and its subunit Aurora B kinase regulate kinetochore-microtubule attachment, and how the CPC relocates from kinetochores to the spindle midzone as a cell transitions from metaphase to anaphase are questions of great interest. In this study, Ballmer and Akiyoshi take a deep dive into the CPC in T. brucei, a kinetoplastid parasite with a kinetochore composition that varies greatly from other organisms.

      Using a combination of approaches, most importantly in silico protein predictions using alphafold multimer and light microscopy in dividing T. brucei, the authors convincingly present and analyse the composition of the T. brucei CPC. This includes the identification of KIN-A and KIN-B, proteins of the kinesin family, as targeting subunits of the CPC. This is a clear advancement over earlier work, for example by Li and colleagues in 2008. The involvement of KIN-A and KIN-B is of particular interest, as it provides a clue for the (re)localization of the CPC during the cell cycle. The evolutionary perspective makes the paper potentially interesting for a wide audience of cell biologists, a point that the authors bring across properly in the title, the abstract, and their discussion.

      The evolutionary twist of the paper would be strengthened 'experimentally' by predictions of the structure of the CPC beyond T. brucei. Depending on how far the authors can extend their in-silico analysis, it would be of interest to discuss a) available/predicted CPC structures in well-studied organisms and b) structural predictions in other euglenozoa. What are the general structural properties of the CPC (e.g. flexible linkers, overall dimensions, structural differences when subunits are missing etc.)? How common is the involvement of kinesin-like proteins? In line with this, it would be good to display the figure currently shown as S1D (or similar) as a main panel.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors previously generated renal Glut2 knockout mice, which have high levels of glycosuria but normal fasting glucose. They use this as an opportunity to investigate how compensatory mechanisms are engaged in response to glycosuria. They show that renal and hepatic glucose production, but not metabolism, is elevated in renal Glut2 male mice. They show that renal Glut2 male mice have elevated Crh mRNA in the hypothalamus and elevated plasma levels of ACTH and corticosterone. They also show that temporary denervation of renal nerves leads to a decrease in fasting and fed blood glucose levels in female renal Glut2 mice, but not control mice. Finally, they perform plasma proteomics in male mice to identify plasma proteins with a greater than 25% (up or down) between the knockouts and controls.

      Strengths:<br /> The question that is trying to be addressed is clinically important: enhancing glycosuria is a current treatment for diabetes, but is limited in efficacy because of compensatory increases in glucose production.<br /> Also, the mouse line used is an inducible knockout, thus minimizing the impact of compensatory mechanisms engaged in early development.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1) Though the Methods specify that both male and female mice were used, it appears each experiment was performed only on one sex, rather than each experiment being performed on both sexes. For example, renal denervation was performed only on females, whereas all other experiments were performed exclusively on males. This makes it impossible to examine whether there are sex differences in any measures.

      2) This study appears to use an inducible Glut2 knockout with tamoxifen, yet nothing describes when the tamoxifen was delivered relative to the experimental manipulations. Was the knockout performed in young animals? In adult animals? This is important both for the ability of readers to repeat the experiment, but also to interpret the results in light of potential compensatory changes (if the knockout was performed at an early age, for example).

      3) In Methods, please clarify whether littermate controls were WT, het, or both. If het mice were used as controls, this is potentially problematic.

      4) Conclusions like "the HPA axis may contribute to the compensatory increase in glucose production in renal Glut2 knockout mice" (line 215) are premature. All that is shown is that renal Glut2 male mice have elevated HPA activity. There are no experiments establishing causation. For example, the authors could administer a CRF antagonist or a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist in this mouse line, and examine whether this impacts blood glucose. This was not done.

      5) If elevated glycosuria drives HPA activity, one would expect to see elevated HPA activity in humans who take SGLT2 inhibitors. Yet, this does not seem to be the case (Higashikawa et al, 2021; see also Perry et al, 2021 for rodent example). This raises the question of whether the glycosuria observed in the mouse line here is relevant to any human conditions. The relevance of the mechanisms proposed here would be much more convincing if a second model of glycosuria was used here (for example, inducing diabetes in mice and treating with SGLT2 inhibitors). Without these types of experiments, any relevance to human conditions is highly speculative and should be reserved for the Discussion. What the authors are studying here is one mechanism for maintaining blood glucose when glycosuria is induced by a genetic knockout.

      6) The experiment examining the impact of renal denervation is nice but incomplete. For example, what is the relevance to the hepatic glucose production that was reported? It is interesting that the renal denervation normalized the elevated HPA activity in Glut2 female mice, but it is not clear how this signaling would alter HPA activity.

      7) The Methods need to describe the plasma collection procedure for both ELISA and plasma proteomic experiments. What time of day were samples collected? Were samples collected when animals were euthanized from other experiments after experimental manipulations, or in animals without other experimentation?

      8) In general, the links between the disparate mechanisms (signals in the plasma, changes in renal activity, changes in HPA activity) are weak. There are more experiments needed to establish a direct kidney-hypothalamus axis. If renal activity elevates blood glucose in the face of glycosuria, why are there no differences in renal activity between control and Glut2 knockout mice? If the blood glucose levels are regulated by renal activity, it must be the sensitivity to the renal activity that differs between control and knockout mice - perhaps this should be investigated. If one stimulates afferent renal nerves, can one drive HPA activation and elevate blood glucose? How are these measures related to the plasma proteins identified? Without these links, this study is descriptive and correlational.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this manuscript, Petersen et al. aimed for a comprehensive assessment of the relationship between cardiometabolic risk factors and cortical thickness. They found that a latent variable reflecting higher obesity, hypertension, LDL cholesterol, triglyerides, glucose, and lower HDL cholesterol was associated with lower cortical thickness in orbitofrontal, lateral prefrontal, insular, anterior cingulate, and temporal areas. In sensitivity analyses, they showed that this pattern replicated across cohorts and was also consistent with a clinical definition of the metabolic syndrome.

      Further, when including cognition in the multivariate analysis, the pattern remained unchanged and indicated that cardiometabolic risk factors were associated with worse cognitive performance across different tests. The authors investigated the cell types implicated in the regions associated with cardiometabolic risk using the Allen brain atlas and found that the density of excitatory neurons type 8, endothelial cells, and microglia reliably co-located with the pattern of cortical thickness. Furthermore, they showed that cortical regions more strongly associated with MetS were more closely structurally & functionally connected than others.

      Strengths:<br /> This study performed a comprehensive assessment of the combined association of cardiometabolic risk factors and brain structure and investigated micro- and macroscopic underpinnings. A major strength of the study is the methodological approach of Partial Least Squares which allows the authors to not single out risk factors but to take them into account simultaneously. The large sample size from two cohorts allowed for different sensitivity analyses and convincing evidence for the stability of the first latent variable. The authors demonstrated that the component was also reliably related to cognitive performance, replicating multiple previous studies that evidenced associations of different components of the MetS with worse cognitive performance.

      The novel contribution of the study lies in the virtual histology and brain topology investigation of the cortical pattern related to MetS. The virtual histology provided clear evidence of the co-localization of endothelial, glial, and excitatory neuronal cells with the regions of MetS-associated cortical thinning while the brain topology analysis highlighted the disproportionate structural and functional connectivity between associated regions. This analysis provides insights into the role of inflammatory processes and the intricate link between gray matter morphology and microvasculature, both locally and in relation to long-range connectivity. This information is valuable to inform future mechanistic studies.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The study is exclusively cross-sectional which does not allow to the authors to disentangle causes from consequences. While studies indicate that most of the differences seen in middle age are probably consequences of the MetS on the vasculature, blood-brain barrier, or inflammatory processes, differences in cortical morphology might also represent a risk factor for weight gain.

      Another limitation is the omission of subcortical structures and the cerebellum which might have provided additional information on the pattern of GM differences associated with MetS.

      The study is exploratory in nature and for the contextualization analyses it is difficult to judge whether those were selected from a larger pool of analyses. The analysis approach taken to relate the cardiometabolic risk, brain structure, and cognition does not allow the reader to determine whether brain regions most strongly related to the MetS are the ones also most strongly associated with cognitive performance. The cortical pattern arising from the models including cognition is not thoroughly compared to the MetS-only pattern and therefore, it is difficult to estimate to which extent the MetS-related cortical patterns explain variance in cognitive performance.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Smirnova et al. present a cryo-EM structure of human SIRT6 bound to a nucleosome as well as the results from molecular dynamics simulations. The results show that the combined conformational flexibilities of SIRT6 and the N-terminal tail of histone H3 limit the residues with access to the active site, partially explaining the substrate specificity of this sirtuin-class histone deacetylase. Two other groups have recently published cryo-EM structures of SIRT6:nucleosome complexes; this manuscript confirms and complements these previous findings, with the addition of some novel insights into the role of structural flexibility in substrate selection.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, Nguyen et al. showed that cat saliva can robustly induce freezing behavior in mice. This effect is mediated through the accessory olfactory system as it requires physical contact and is abolished in Trp2 KO mice. The authors further showed that V2R-A4 cluster is responsive to cat saliva. Lastly, they demonstrated c-Fos induction in AOB and VMHdm/c by the cat saliva. The c-Fos level in the VMHdm/c is correlated with the freezing response.

      Strength:<br /> The study opens an interesting direction. It reveals the potential neural circuit for detecting cat saliva and driving defense behavior in mice. The behavior results and the critical role of the accessory olfactory system in detecting cat saliva are clear and convincing.

      Weakness:<br /> The findings are relatively preliminary. The identities of the receptor and the ligand in the cat saliva that induces the behavior remain unclear. The identity of VMH cells that are activated by the cat saliva remains unclear. There is a lack of targeted functional manipulation to demonstrate the role of V2R-A4 or VMH cells in the behavioral response to cat saliva.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This study by Sun et al. identifies a novel role for IBTK in promoting cancer protein translation, through regulation of the translational helicase eIF4A1. Using a multifaceted approach, the authors demonstrate that IBTK interacts with and ubiquitinates eIF4A1 in a non-degradative manner, enhancing its activation downstream of mTORC1/S6K1 signaling. This represents a significant advance in elucidating the complex layers of dysregulated translational control in cancer.


      A major strength of this work is the convincing biochemical evidence for a direct regulatory relationship between IBTK and eIF4A1. The authors utilize affinity purification and proximity labeling methods to comprehensively map the IBTK interactome, identifying eIF4A1 as a top hit. Importantly, they validate this interaction and the specificity for eIF4A1 over other eIF4 isoforms by co-immunoprecipitation in multiple cell lines. Building on this, they demonstrate that IBTK catalyzes non-degradative ubiquitination of eIF4A1 both in cells and in vitro through the E3 ligase activity of the CRL3-IBTK complex. Mapping IBTK phosphorylation sites and showing mTORC1/S6K1-dependent regulation provides mechanistic insight. The reduction in global translation and eIF4A1-dependent oncoproteins upon IBTK loss, along with clinical data linking IBTK to poor prognosis, support the functional importance.


      While these data compellingly establish IBTK as a binding partner and modifier of eIF4A1, a remaining weakness is the lack of direct measurements showing IBTK regulates eIF4A1 helicase activity and translation of target mRNAs. While the effects of IBTK knockout/overexpression on bulk protein synthesis are shown, the expression of multiple eIF4A1 target oncogenes remains unchanged.


      Overall, this study significantly advances our understanding of how aberrant mTORC1/S6K1 signaling promotes cancer pathogenic translation via IBTK and eIF4A1. The proteomic, biochemical, and phosphorylation mapping approaches established here provide a blueprint for interrogating IBTK function. These data should galvanize future efforts to target the mTORC1/S6K1-IBTK-eIF4A1 axis as an avenue for cancer therapy, particularly in combination with eIF4A inhibitors.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors seek to vary the integration site of a double-strand break repair reporter and assess how the chromatin state of different reporter integration sites impacts the contribution of various DSB repair pathways.

      Strengths:<br /> It addresses repair in vivo. The reporter improves assay reliability (relative to previous fly DSB repair substrates) by inducing I-SceI within a more narrow and well-defined expression window. The authors' characterization of the spectrum of a-EJ products by sequencing is largely rigorous and thorough, and this often difficult to communicate data is presented in a clear and easily digested manner.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The use of the single euchromatic site undercuts their ability to generalize the impact of chromatin state. This concern is minor when considering repair by HR, as repair efficiency appears to vary little when comparing repair across the 4 different heterochromatic sites. Still, it is possible the single euchromatic site they used is an outlier in its sparing use of HR. The assessment of repair by alt-EJ is more problematic, though, since the character of repair appears to vary as much across the different heterochromatic sites as it does comparing a given heterochromatic site vs. the euchromatic site. For example, focusing on their central argument (decreased deletion during SD-MMEJ at heterochromatic sites), the difference between Het2 and all other sites appears to be more dramatic than the difference between Het1 and the single euchromatic site (Figure 5A, Supp Fig 2).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this work, the authors investigated the pectoralis work loop and the function of the supracoracoideus muscle in the down stroke during slow flight in doves. The aim of this study was to determine how aerodynamic force is generated, using simultaneous high-speed measurements of the wings' kinematics, aerodynamics, and activation and strain of pectoralis muscles during slow flight. The measurements show a reduction in the angle of attack during mid-downstroke, which induces a peak power factor and facilitates the tensioning of the supracoracoideus tendon with pectoralis power, which then can be released in the up-stroke. By combining the data with a muscle mechanics model, the timely tuning of elastic storage in the supracoracoideus tendon was examined and showed an improvement of the pectoralis work loop shape factor. Finally, other bird species were integrated into the model for a comparative investigation.

      The major strength of the methods is the simultaneous application of four high-speed techniques - to quantify kinematics, aerodynamics and muscle activation and strain - as well as the implementation of the time-resolved data into a muscle mechanics model. With a thorough analysis which supports the conclusions convincingly, the authors achieved their goal of reaching an improved understanding of the interplay of the pectoralis and supracoracoideus muscles during slow flight and the resulting energetic benefits.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The study by Li et al. aimed to demonstrate the role of the G𝛾13-mediated signal transduction pathway in tuft cell-driven inflammation resolution and repairing injured lung tissue. The authors showed a reduced number of tuft cells in the parenchyma of G𝛾13 null lungs following viral infection. Mice with a G𝛾13 null mutation showed increased lung damage and heightened macrophage infiltration when exposed to the H1N1 virus. Their further findings suggested that lung inflammation resolution, epithelial barrier, and fibrosis were worsened in G𝛾13 null mutants.

      Strengths:<br /> The beautiful immunostaining findings do suggest that the number of tuft cells is decreased in Gr13 null mutants.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The description of phenotypes, and the approaches used to measure the phenotypes are problematic. Rigorous investigation of the mouse lung phenotypes is needed to draw meaningful conclusions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this work, Song et al. propose a locus-based framework for performing GWAS and related downstream analyses including finemapping and polygenic risk score (PRS) estimation. GWAS are not sufficiently powered to detect phenotype associations with low-frequency variants. To overcome this limitation, the manuscript proposes a method to aggregate variant impacts on chromatin and transcription across a 4096 base pair (bp) loci in the form of a haplotype function score (HFS). At each locus, an association is computed between the HFS and trait. Computing associations at the level of imputed functional genomic scores should enable the integration of information across variants spanning the allele frequency spectrum and bolster the power of GWAS.

      The HFS for each locus is derived from a sequence-based predictive model. Sei. Sei predicts 21,907 chromatin and TF binding tracks, which can be projected onto 40 pre-defined sequence classes ( representing promoters, enhancers, etc.). For each 4096 bp haplotype in their UKB cohort, the proposed method uses the Sei sequence class scores to derive the haplotype function score (HFS). The authors apply their method to 14 polygenic traits, identifying ~16,500 HFS-trait associations. They finemap these trait-associated loci with SuSie, as well as perform target gene/pathway discovery and PRS estimation.

      Strengths:<br /> Sequence-based deep learning predictors of chromatin status and TF binding have become increasingly accurate over the past few years. Imputing aggregated variant impact using Sei, and then performing an HFS-trait association is, therefore, an interesting approach to bolster power in GWAS discovery. The manuscript demonstrates that associations can be identified at the level of an aggregated functional score. The finemapping and pathway identification analyses suggest that HFS-based associations identify relevant causal pathways and genes from an association study. Identifying associations at the level of functional genomics increases the portability of PRSs across populations. Imputing functional genomic predictions using a sequence-based deep learning model does not suffer from the limitation of TWAS where gene expression is imputed from a limited-size reference panel such as GTEx.

      However, there are several major limitations that need to be addressed.

      Major concerns/weaknesses:<br /> 1. There is limited characterization of the locus-level associations to SNP-level associations. How does the set of HFS-based associations differ from SNP-level associations?

      2. A clear advantage of performing HFS-trait associations is that the HFS score is imputed by considering variants across the allele frequency spectrum. However, no evidence is provided demonstrating that rare variants contribute to associations derived by the model. Similarly, do the authors find evidence that allelic heterogeneity is leveraged by the HFS-based association model? It would be useful to do simulations here to characterize the model behavior in the presence of trait-associated rare variants.

      3. Sei predicts chromatin status / ChIP-seq peaks in the center of a 4kb region. It would therefore be more relevant to predict HFS using overlapping sequence windows that tile the genome as opposed to using non-overlapping windows for computing HFS scores. Specifically, in line 482, the authors state that "the HFS score represents overall activity of the entire sequence, not only the few bp at the center", but this would not hold given that Sei is predicting activity at the center for any sequence.

      4. Is the HFS-based association going to miss coding variation and several regulatory variants such as splicing variants? There are also going to be cases where there's an association driven by a variant that is correlated with a Sei prediction in a neighboring window. These would represent false positives for the method, it would be useful to identify or characterize these cases.

      Additional minor concerns:<br /> 1. It's not clear whether SuSie-based finemapping is appropriate at the locus level, when there is limited LD between neighboring HFS bins. How does the choice of the number of causal loci and the size of the segment being finemapped affect the results and is SuSie a good fit in this scenario?

      2. It is not clear how a single score is chosen from the 117 values predicted by Sei for each locus. SuSie is run assuming a single causal signal per locus, an assumption which may not hold at ~4kb resolution (several classes could be associated with the trait of interest). It's not clear whether SuSie, run in this parameter setting, is a good choice for variable selection here.

      3.. A single HFS score is being chosen from amongst multiple tracks at each locus independently. Does this require additional multiple-hypothesis correction?

      4. The results show that a larger number of loci are identified with HFS-based finemapping & that causal loci are enriched for causal SNPs. However, it is not clear how the number of causal loci should relate to the number of SNPs. It would be really nice to see examples of cases where a previously unresolved association is resolved when using HFS-based GWAS + finemapping.

      5. Sequence-based deep learning model predictions can be miscalibrated for insertions and deletions (INDELs) as compared to SNPs. Scaling INDEL predictions would likely improve the downstream modeling.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This manuscript explores the seemingly paradoxical observation that enhanced synaptic plasticity impairs (rather than enhances) certain forms of learning and memory. The central hypothesis is that such impairments arise due to saturation of synaptic plasticity, such that the synaptic plasticity required for learning can no longer be induced. A prior study provided evidence for this hypothesis using transgenic mice that lack major histocompatibility class 1 molecules and show enhanced long-term depression (LTD) at synapses between granule cells and Purkinje cells of the cerebellum. The study found that a form of LTD-dependent motor learning-increasing the gain of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)-is impaired in these mice and can be rescued by manipulations designed to "unsaturate" LTD. The present study extends this line of investigation to another transgenic mouse line with enhanced LTD, namely, mice with the Fragile X gene knocked out. The main findings are that VOR gain increased learning is selectively impaired in these mice but can be rescued by specific manipulations of visuomotor experience known to reverse cerebellar LTD. Additionally, the authors show that a transient global enhancement of neuronal inhibition also selectively rescues gain increases learning. This latter finding has potential clinical relevance since the drug used to boost inhibition, diazepam, is FDA-approved and commonly used in the clinic. The evidence provided for the saturation is somewhat indirect because directly measuring synaptic strength in vivo is technically difficult. Nevertheless, the experimental results are solid. In particular, the specificity of the effects to forms of plasticity previously shown to require LTD is remarkable. The authors should consider including a brief discussion of some of the important untested assumptions of the saturation hypothesis, including the requirement that cerebellar LTD depends not only on pre- and postsynaptic activity (as is typically assumed) but also on the prior history of synaptic activation.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this study, the authors sought to understand how the receptive fields of bipolar cells contribute to direction selectivity in starburst amacrine cell (SAC) dendrites, their post synaptic partners. In previous literature, this contribution is primarily conceptualized as the 'space-time wiring model', whereby bipolar cells with slow-release kinetics synapse onto proximal dendrites while bipolar cells with faster kinetics synapse more distally, leading to maximal summation of the slow proximal and fast distal depolarizations in response to motion away from the soma. The space-time wiring contribution to SAC direction selectivity has been extensively tested in previous literature using connectomic, functional, and modeling approaches. However, the authors argue that previous functional studies of bipolar cell kinetics have focused on static stimuli, which may not accurately represent the spatiotemporal properties of the bipolar cell receptive field in response to movement. Moreover, this group and others have recently shown that bipolar cell signal processing can change directionally when visual stimuli starts within the receptive field rather than passing through it, complicating the interpretation of moving stimuli that start within a bipolar cell of interest's receptive field (e.g. stimulating only one branch of a SAC or expanding/contracting rings). Thus, the authors choose to focus on modeling and functionally mapping bipolar cell kinetics in response to moving stimuli across the entire SAC dendritic field.

      General Comments:

      There have been several studies that have addressed the contribution of space-time wiring to SAC process direction selectivity. This study offers a more complete assessment of potential impact space-time wiring can have on this dendrite computation. The experimental results based on glutamate imaging assess the kinetics of glutamate release under conditions of visual stimulation across a large region of retina largely confirm previous observations. By combining their model with this experiment data, they conclude that even the optimal space-time wiring is not sufficient to explain the SAC process DS. Though there is no conclusion which of the many other proposed cellular and circuit mechanisms could potentially contribute to this computation, the limited role for spacetime wiring is firmly established.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Clarkson et al investigated the impact of in vivo ESR1 gene disruption selectively in preoptic area GABA neurons on the estrogen regulation of LH secretion. The hypothalamic pathways by which estradiol controls the secretion of gonadotrophins are incompletely understood and relevant to a better understanding of the mechanisms driving fertility and reproduction. Using CRISPR-Cas9 methodology, the authors were able to effectively reduce the expression of estrogen receptor (ER)-alpha in GABA neurons located in the preoptic area of adult female mice. The results obtained were rather variable except in the animals with concomitant suppression of kisspeptin in the rostral periventricular region of the third ventricle (RP3V), which displayed interruption of ovarian cyclicity and an altered estradiol-induced LH surge. The experimental approach used allowed for a cell-selective, temporally-controlled suppression of ER-alpha expression, providing further evidence of the critical role of RP3V kisspeptin neurons in the estrogen positive-feedback effect. The preovulatory LH surge is a variable phenomenon and is better evaluated using serial blood sampling. Although the assessment of the estradiol-induced LH surge was performed in one terminal blood collection, c-Fos expression in GnRH neurons was used as a reliable proxy of the LH surge occurrence. The present findings also suggest that GABA neurotransmission in the preoptic area itself is not involved in the positive-feedback effect of estradiol on LH secretion.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors investigate the influence of serotonin on feeding behavior and electrophysiological responses in the antennal lobe of locusts. They find that serotonin injection changes behavior in an odor-specific way. In physiology experiments, they can show that antennal lobe neurons generally increase their baseline firing and odor responses upon serotonin injection. Using a modeling approach the authors propose a framework on how a general increase in antennal lobe output can lead to odor-specific changes in behavior. The authors finally suggest that serotonin injection can mimic a change in a hunger state.

      Strengths:<br /> This study shows that serotonin affects feeding behavior and odor processing in the antennal lobe of locusts, as serotonin injection increases activity levels of antennal lobe neurons. This study provides another piece of evidence that serotonin is a general neuromodulator within the early olfactory processing system across insects and even phyla.

      Weaknesses:<br /> I have several concerns regarding missing control experiments, unclear data analysis, and interpretation of results.

      A detailed description of the behavioral experiments is lacking. Did the authors also provide a mineral oil control and did they analyze the baseline POR response? Is there an increase in baseline response after serotonin exposure already at the behavioral output level? It is generally unclear how naturalistic the chosen odor concentrations are. This is especially important as behavioral responses to different concentrations of odors are differently modulated after serotonin injection (Figure 2: Linalool and Ammonium).

      Regarding recordings of potential PNs - the authors do not provide evidence that they did record from projection neurons and not other types of antennal lobe neurons. Thus, these claims should be phrased more carefully.

      The presented model suggests labeled lines in the antennal lobe output of locusts. Could the presented model also explain a shift in behavior from aversion to attraction - such as seen in locusts when they switch from a solitarious to a gregarious state? The authors might want to discuss other possible scenarios, such as that odor evaluation and decision-making take place in higher brain regions, or that other neuromodulators might affect behavioral output. Serotonin injections could affect behavior via modulation of other cell types than antennal lobe neurons. This should also be discussed - the same is true for potential PNs - serotonin might not directly affect this cell type, but might rather shut down local inhibitory neurons.

      Finally, the authors claim that serotonin injection can mimic the starved state behavioral response. However, this is only shown for one of the four odors that are tested for behavior (HEX), thus the data does not support this claim.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This manuscript expands on previous work from the Haucke group which demonstrated the role of formins in synaptic vesicle endocytosis. The techniques used to address the research question are state-of-the-art. As stated above there is a significant advance in knowledge, with particular respect to Rho/Rac signalling.

      Strengths:<br /> The major strength of the work was to reveal new information regarding the control of both presynaptic actin dynamics and synaptic vesicle endocytosis via Rho/Rac cascades. In addition, there was further mechanistic insight regarding the specific function of mDia1/3. The methods used were state-of-the-art.

      Weaknesses:<br /> There are a number of instances where the conclusions drawn are not supported by the submitted data, or further work is required to confirm these conclusions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The manuscript examines an important question about how an inaccessible, natural forgotten memory can be retrieved through engram ensemble reactivation. It uses a variety of strategies including optogenetics, behavioral and pharmacological interventions to modulate engram accessibility. The data characterize the time course of natural forgetting using an object recognition task, in which animals can retrieve 1 day and 1 week after learning, but not 2 weeks later. Forgetting is correlated with lower levels of cell reactivation (c-fos expression during learning compared to retrieval) and reduction in spine density and volume in the engram cells. Artificial activation of the original engram was sufficient to induce recall of the forgotten object memory while artificial inhibition of the engram cells precluded memory retrieval. Mice housed in an enriched environment had a slower rate of forgetting, and a brief reminder before the retrieval session promoted retrieval of a forgotten memory. Repeated reintroduction to the training context in the absence of objects accelerated forgetting. Additionally, activation of Rac1-mediated plasticity mechanisms enhanced forgetting, while its inhibition prolonged memory retrieval. The authors also reproduce the behavioral findings using a computational model inspired by Rescorla-Wagner model. In essence, the model proposes that forgetting is a form of adaptive learning that can be updated based on prediction error rules in which engram relevancy is altered in response to environmental feedback.

      Strengths:<br /> 1) The data presented in the current paper are consistent with the authors claim that seemingly forgotten engrams sometimes remain accessible. This suggests that retrieval deficits can lead to memory impairments rather than a loss of the original engram (at least in some cases).

      2) The experimental procedures and statistics are appropriate, and the behavioral effects appear to be very robust. Several key effects are replicated multiple times in the manuscript.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1) My major issue with the paper is the forgetting model proposed in Figure 7. Prior work has shown that neutral stimuli become associated in a manner similar to conditioned and unconditioned stimuli. As a result, the Rescorla-Wagner model can be used to describe this learning (Todd & Homes, 2022). In the current experiments, the neutral context will become associated with the unpredicted objects during training (due to a positive prediction error). Consequently, the context will activate a memory for the objects during the test, which should facilitate performance. Conversely, any manipulation that degrades the association between the context and object should disrupt performance. An example of this can be found in Figure 5A. Exposing the mice to the context in the absence of the objects should violate their expectations and create a negative prediction error. According to the Rescorla-Wagner model, this error will create an inhibitory association between the context and the objects, which should make it harder for the former to activate a memory of the latter (Rescorla & Wagner, 1972). As a result, performance should be impaired, and this is what the authors find. However, if the cells encoding the context and objects were inhibited during the context-alone sessions (Figure 5D) then no prediction error should occur, and inhibitory associations would not be formed. As a result, performance should be intact, which is what the authors observe.

      What about forgetting of the objects that occurs over time? Bouton and others have demonstrated that retrieval failure is often due to contextual changes that occur with the passage of time (Bouton, 1993; Rosas & Bouton, 1997, Bouton, Nelson & Rosas, 1999). That is, both internal (e.g. state of the animal) and external (e.g. testing room, chambers, experimenter) contextual cues change over time. This shift makes it difficult for the context to activate memories with which it was once associated (in the current paper, objects). To overcome this deficit, one can simply re-expose animals to the original context, which facilitates memory retrieval (Bouton, 1993). In Figure 2D, the authors do something similar. They activate the engram cells encoding the original context and objects, which enhances retrieval.

      Therefore, the forgetting effects presented in the current paper can be explained by changes in the context and the associations it has formed with the objects (excitatory or inhibitory). The results are perfectly predicted by the Rescorla-Wagner model and the context-change findings of Bouton and others. As a result, the authors do not need to propose the existence of a new "forgetting" variable that is driven by negative prediction errors. This does not add anything novel to the paper as it is not necessary to explain the data (Figures 7 and 8).

      2) I also have an issue with the conclusions drawn from the enriched environment experiment (Figure 3). The authors hypothesize that this manipulation alleviates forgetting because "Experiencing extra toys and objects during environmental enrichment that are reminiscent of the previously learned familiar object might help maintain or nudge mice to infer a higher engram relevancy that is more robust against forgetting.". This statement is completely speculative. A much simpler explanation (based on the existing literature) is that enrichment enhances synaptic plasticity, spine growth, etc., which in turn reduces forgetting. If the authors want to make their claim, then they need to test it experimentally. For example, the enriched environment could be filled with objects that are similar or dissimilar to those used in the memory experiments. If their hypothesis is correct, only the similar condition should prevent forgetting.

      3) It is well-known that updating can both weaken or strengthen memory. The authors suggest that memory is updated when animals are exposed to the context in the absence of the objects. If the engram is artificially inhibited (opto) during context-only re-exposures, memory cannot be updated. To further support this updating idea, it would be good to run experiments that investigate whether multiple short re-exposures to the training context (in the presence of the objects or during optogenetic activation of the engram) could prevent forgetting. It would also be good to know the levels of neuronal reactivation during multiple re-exposures to the context in the absence versus context in the presence of the objects.

      4) There are a number of studies that show boundary conditions for memory destabilization/reconsolidation. Is there any evidence that similar boundary conditions exist to make an inaccessible engram accessible?

      5) More details about how the quantification of immunohistochemistry (c-fos, BrdU, DAPI) was performed should be provided (which software and parameters were used to consider a fos positive neurons, for example).

      6) Duration of the enrichment environment was not detailed.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This paper presents improved, chromosome level assemblies of the hadal snailfish and Tanaka's snailfish. This is an extension and update of previous work from the group on the hadal snailfish genome. The chromosomal assemblies allow comparisons of genome architecture between a shallow water snailfish and the hadal snailfish to aid inference on timing of colonization of trenches and genomic changes that may have been adaptive for that move.

      The comparisons in genomic architecture are compelling: genes present in Tanaka's snailfish that are lost in hadal snailfish that involve whole regions of the genome that no longer map even though adjacent regions do map between the species and across a large evolutionary distance to stickleback. Or genes that are duplicated in hadal snailfish but only appear as single copy in other fishes. The paper focuses on genes in the eye, in hearing, in circadian rythms, and in ROS scavaging. These are all functions that could play a role in adapting to the hadal environment.

      The genomic comparisons all seem sound. Stylistically I would prefer if the authors could introduce the gene product and protein function every time they introduce a gene locus. They introduce a gene and general function, but don't usually note what the protein encoded by the gene is and what it's specific function is.

      I found the paper generally well written, and the data compelling and creatively displayed.

      Upon revision, the authors have commendably addressed all reviewer comments and added a slew of additional analyses. I find the paper stronger, better argued and have no further questions or comments.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this manuscript, Mure et al investigated host-microbe interactions in wild-mimicked settings. They analyzed microbiome composition using bananas that had been fed on by wild larvae and found that the microbiota composition shifted from the early stage of feeding to the later stage of the fermentation process proceeded. They isolated several yeast and bacterial species from the food, and examined larval growth on banana-based food, mimicking natural setting where germ-free larvae cannot grow on it. The authors found that a yeast, Hanseniaspora uvarum, can support larval growth sufficiently, and insists that branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) provided by the yeast may partly be accounted for the growth support. Interestingly, other isolated yeast species, some were non-supportive strains in terms of larval growth, can assist larval development when they were heat-killed. Besides, they showed that acetic acid bacteria, isolated from well-fermented banana (later-stage food), is sufficiently supportive but their presence depended on other microbes, lactic acid bacteria or yeast.

      Strengths:<br /> So far, host-microbe studies using Drosophila melanogaster have relatively less focused on the roles of fungi and many studies used only "model" yeasts. In the experimental setting where natural conditions may be well mimicked, the authors successfully isolated wild yeast species and convincingly showed that wild yeast plays a critical role in promoting host growth. In addition, the authors provided intriguing observations that all of the heat-killed yeast promoted larval growth even though some of the yeast never support the development when they were alive, suggesting that wild yeasts produce the necessary nutrients for larval development, but the nutrients of non-supportive yeasts are not accessible to the host. This might be an interesting indication for further studies revealing host-fungi interactions.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The experimental setting that, the authors think, reflects host-microbe interactions in nature is one of the key points. However, it is not explicitly mentioned whether isolated microbes are indeed colonized in wild larvae of Drosophila melanogaster who eat bananas. Another matter is that this work is rather descriptive. A molecular level explanation is missing in "interspecies interactions" between lactic acid bacteria (or yeast) and acetic acid bacteria that assure their inhabitation.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In the manuscript entitled "The Intricate Relationship of G-Quadruplexes and Pathogenicity Islands: A Window into Bacterial Pathogenicity" Bo Lyu explored the interactions between guanine-quadruplex (G4) structures and pathogenicity islands (PAIs) in 89 bacterial genomes through a rigorous computational approach. This paper handles an intriguing and complex topic in the field of pathogenomics. It has the potential to contribute significantly to the understanding of G4-PAI interactions and bacterial pathogenicity.


      - The chosen research area.<br /> - The summarizing of the results through neat illustrations.


      This reviewer did not find any significant weaknesses.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This manuscript by Musselman and coworkers uses a commercial library of modified histone peptides and mononucleosomes to probe the substrate specificity of the PHD-bromodomain combination of the BPTF protein. They arrive at the conclusion that BPTF preferably binds H3K4me3 and H3K18ac in the H3 tail. By using NMR with lableled H4 protein in nucleosomes they show that the H4 tail interacts with DNA, which may limit its ability to interact with BPTF. Finally, experiments in cells demonstrate that BPTF, H3K4me3, and H3K18ac occupy overlapping regions of chromatin. The authors suggest that recruitment of BPTF to specific regions of chromatin is driven by the co-binding of H3K4me3 and H3K18ac by BPTF. This study is of interest to readers interested in understanding the functions of the BPTF protein in cells.

      In this reviewer's opinion, the manuscript needs some revision and the inclusion of some missing information.

      1) The authors seem to have overlooked the fact that mononucleosome substrates have been in use for determining the substrate specificity and mechanisms of quite a few enzymes that simply do not act on peptide substrates. For example, Dot1L doesn't do anything with peptides nor does COMPASS/Set1, both of which require intact nucleosomal substrates to measure their activity in response to ubiquitylated H2B. Thus, the authors' refinement of the "histone code hypothesis" is unnecessary and overdone. I would suggest that they instead cite examples where nucleosome substrates have provided answers that cannot be obtained from peptide substrates alone. For example, extensive work from the Muir and Allis labs.

      2) Ruthenburg and Allis in Cell 2011 conducted similar experimentation and concluded that H3K4me3-H4K16ac is a modification state bound by BPTF in cells. They also showed co-localization in ChIP-seq experiments and demonstrated preferential pulldowns with BPTF and semisynthetic methylated and acetylated nucleosomes. The authors have entirely ignored these previous results in their own discussions. Readers would benefit from a side-by-side comparison of the two acetylation states to get a sense of which is a stronger interaction and why both seemingly correlate in CUTnRUN or ChIP-seq.

      3) The idea that electrostatics may modulate tail accessibility was reported by Musselman and coworkers for the H3 tail in eLife 2018. Yet the PHD domain of BPTF clearly binds H3K4me3 in nucleosomes. In light of this prior observation, the NMR experiments now with H4 tail seem repetitive and not informative regarding BPTF's bromodomain binding. Also, missing is the effect of H4K16acetylation on H4 tail dynamics, which would be pertinent to addressing the hypothesis regarding the BPTF bromodomain binding H4K16ac

      4) The NMR experiments are all undertaken with 150mM KCl with no NaCl present. While NMR experimental constraints are understandable, the authors should avoid sweeping statements from NMR experiments regarding the dynamism of histone tails in chromatin, unless specific experiments are cited/conducted to demonstrate the same in cells. Many factors may contribute to the exclusion of BPTF from modified histone tails in cells, including the binding of other reader proteins, and the precise genomic localization of these modifications vis-a-vis BPTF. The important role of anchoring proteins must also be taken into account when considering binding/non-binding of substrates by CAPs. Thus, the NMR experiments presented in the manuscript do not report on whether BPTF binds H4K16ac in cells or indeed in vitro. If the PHD domain is capable of ultimately binding the H3 tail despite the tail's fuzzy interaction with DNA, the question remains as to why the bromodomain may not do so for acetylated H4 tails?

      This manuscript reports several interesting elements regarding BPTF regulation, but as presented it is missing some key comparisons with prior information that makes it hard for readers to assess the relevance of the results presented.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study aims to test whether and if so, how cholecystokinin (CCK) from the mice rhinal cortex influences neural activity in the motor cortex and motor learning behavior. While CCK has been previously shown to be involved in neural plasticity in other brain regions/behavioral contexts, this work is the first to demonstrate its relationship with motor cortical plasticity in the context of motor learning. The anatomical projection from the rhinal cortex to the motor cortex is also a novel and important finding and opens up new opportunities for studying the interactions between the limbic and motor systems. I think the results are convincing to support the claim that CCK and in particular CCK-expressing neurons in the rhinal cortex are critical for learning certain dexterous movements such as single pellet reaching. However, more work needs to be done, or at least the following concerns should be addressed, to support the hypothesis that it is specifically the projection from the rhinal cortex to the motor cortex that controls motor learning ability in mice.

      1) Because CCK is expressed in multiple brain regions, as the authors recognized, results from the CCK knock-out mice could be due to a global loss of neural plasticity. In comparison, the antagonist experiment is in my opinion the most convincing result to support the specific effect of CCK in the motor cortex. However, it is unclear to me whether the CCK knock-out mice exhibited an impaired ability to learn in general, i.e., not confined to motor skills. For instance, it would be very valuable to show whether these mice also had severe memory deficits; this would help the field to understand different or similar behavioral effects of CCK in the case of global vs. local loss of function. If the CCK knock-out mice only exhibited motor learning deficits, that would be surprising but also very interesting given previous studies on its effect in other brain areas.

      2) Related to my last point, I believe that normal neural plasticity should be essential to motor skill learning throughout development not just during the current task. Thus, it would be important to show whether these CCK knock-out mice present any motor deficits that could have resulted from a lack of CCK-mediated neural plasticity during development. If not, the authors should explain how this normal motor learning during development is consistent with their major hypothesis in this study (e.g., is CCK not critical for motor learning during early development).

      3) Lines 198-200 and Fig. 2C: The authors found that the vehicle group showed significantly increased "no grasp" behavior, and reasoned that the implantation of a cannula may have caused injuries to the motor cortex. In order to support their reasoning and make the control results more convincing, I think it would be helpful to show histology from both the antagonist and control groups and demonstrate motor cortical injury in some mice of the vehicle group but not the antagonist group. Otherwise, I'm a bit concerned that the methods used here could be a significant confounding factor contributing to motor deficits.

      4) The authors showed that chemogenetic inhibition of CCK neurons in the rhinal cortex impaired motor skill learning in the pellet-reaching task. However, we know that the rhinal cortex projects to multiple brain regions besides the motor cortex (e.g., other cortical areas and the hippocampus). Thus, the conclusion/claim that the observed behavioral deficits resulted from inhibited rhinal-motor cortical projections is not strongly supported without more targeted loss-of-function or rescue experiments.

      It would also be very informative to the field to compare the specific behavioral deficits, if any, of inhibiting specific downstream targets of the rhinal CCK neurons. As a concrete example, the hippocampus may be involved in learning more sophisticated motor skills (as the authors pointed out in the Discussion) besides the motor cortex. It would be a critical result if the authors could either show or exclude the possibility that the motor learning deficits observed in CCK-/- mice were at least partially due to the inhibition of hippocampal plasticity. This echoes my earlier point (point 1) that it is unclear whether the effect of lacking CCK in knock-out mice is specific in the motor cortex or engages multiple brain regions.

      Lastly, because Fig. 4 only showed histology in the rhinal and motor cortices, I am not sure whether the motor cortex solely receives CCK input from the rhinal cortex. A more comprehensive viral tracing result could be important to both supporting the circuit-specificity of the observed behavior in this study and providing a clearer picture of where the motor cortex receives CCK inputs.

      5) I am glad to see the CCK4 rescue experiment to demonstrate the sufficiency of CCK in promoting motor learning. However, the rescue experiment lacked specificity: IP injection did not allow specific "gain of function" in the motor cortex but instead, the improved learning ability in CCK knock-out mice could be a result of a global effect of CCK4 across multiple brain regions. CCK4 injection specifically targeted at the motor cortex would be necessary to support the sufficiency of CCK-regulated neuroplasticity in the motor cortex to promote motor learning.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors provide a nice resource of putative direct BMP target genes in Nematostella vectensis by performing ChIP-seq with an anti-pSmad1/5 antibody, while also performing bulk RNA-seq with BMP2/4 or GDF5 knockdown embryos. Genes that exhibit pSmad1/5 binding and have changes in transcription levels after BMP signaling loss were further annotated to identify those with conserved BMP response elements (BREs). Further characterization of one of the direct BMP target genes (zswim4-6) was performed by examining how expression changed following BMP receptor or ligand loss of function, as well as how loss or gain of function of zswim4-6 affected development and BMP signaling. The authors concluded that zswim4-6 modulates BMP signaling activity and likely acts as a pSMAD1/5 dependent co-repressor. However, the mechanism by which zswim4-6 affects the BMP gradient or interacts with pSMAD1/5 to repress target genes is not clear. The authors test the activity of a zswim4-6 homologue in zebrafish (zswim5) by over-expressing mRNA and find that pSMAD1/5/9 labeling is reduced and that embryos have a phenotype suggesting loss of BMP signaling, and conclude that zswim4-6 is a conserved regulator of BMP signaling. This conclusion needs further support to confirm BMP loss of function phenotypes in zswim5 over-expression embryos.

      Major comments

      1. The BMP direct target comparison was performed between Nematostella, Drosophila, and Xenopus, but not with existing data from zebrafish (Greenfeld 2021, Plos Biol). Given the functional analysis with zebrafish later in the paper it would be nice to see if there are conserved direct target genes in zebrafish, and in particular, is zswim5 (or other zswim genes) are direct targets. Since conservation of zswim4-6 as a direct BMP target between Nematostella and Xenopus seemed to be part of the rationale for further functional analysis, it would also be nice to know if this is a conserved target in zebrafish.

      Related to this, in the discussion it is mentioned that zswim4/6 is also a direct BMP target in mouse hair follicle cells, but it wasn't obvious from looking at the supplemental data in that paper where this was drawn from.

      2. The loss of zswim4-6 function via MO injection results in changes to pSmad1/5 staining, including a reduction in intensity in the endoderm and gain of intensity in the ectoderm, while over-expression results in a loss of intensity in the ectoderm and no apparent change in the endoderm. While this is interesting, it is not clear how zswim4-6 is functioning to modify BMP signaling, and how this might explain differential effects in ectoderm vs. endoderm. Is the assumption that the mechanism involves repression of chordin? And if so one could test the double knockdown of zswim4-6 and chordin and look for the rescue of pSad1/5 levels or morphological phenotype.

      3. Several experiments are done to determine how zswim4-6 expression responds to the loss of function of different BMP ligands and receptors, with the conclusion being that swim4-6 is a BMP2/4 target but not a GDF5 target, with a lot of the discussion dedicated to this as well. However, the authors show a binary response to the loss of BMP2/4 function, where zswim4-6 is expressed normally until pSmad1/5 levels drop low enough, at which point expression is lost. Since the authors also show that GDF5 morphants do not have as strong a reduction in pSmad1/5 levels compared to BMP2/4 morphants, perhaps GDF5 plays a positive but redundant role in swim4-6 expression. To test this possibility the authors could inject suboptimal doses of BMP2/4 MO with GDF5 MO and look for synergy in the loss of zswim4-6 expression.

      4. The zswim4-6 morphant embryos show increased expression of zswim4-6 mRNA, which is said to indicate that zswim4-6 negatively regulates its own expression. However in zebrafish translation blocking MOs can sometimes stabilize target transcripts, causing an artifact that can be mistakenly assumed to be increased transcription (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7162184/). Some additional controls here would be warranted for making this conclusion.

      5. Zswim4-6 is proposed to be a co-repressor of pSmad1/5 targets based on the occupancy of zswim4-6 at the chordin BRE (which is normally repressed by BMP signaling) and lack of occupancy at the gremlin BRE (normally activated by BMP signaling). This is a promising preliminary result but is based only on the analysis of two genes. Since the authors identified BREs in other direct target genes, examining more genes would better support the model.

      6. The rationale for further examination of zswim4-6 function in Nematostella was based in part on it being a conserved direct BMP target in Nematostella and Xenopus. The analysis of zebrafish zswim5 function however does not examine whether zswim5 is a BMP target gene (direct or indirect). BMP inhibition followed by an in situ hybridization for zswim5 would establish whether its expression is activated downstream of BMP.

      7. Although there is a reduction in pSmad1/5/9 staining in zebrafish injected with zswim5 mRNA, it is difficult to tell whether the resulting morphological phenotypes closely resemble zebrafish with BMP pathway mutations (such as bmp2b). More analysis is warranted here to determine whether stereotypical BMP loss of function phenotypes are observed, such as dorsalization of the mesoderm and loss of ventral tail fin.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors asked the question about whether and how changing feature values within the same feature dimensions are tracked. Using a series of behavioral studies combined with modeling approaches, the authors report interesting results regarding a robust, uneven distribution of attentional resources between two changing feature values (in a 2:1 ratio), alternating at 1 Hz. Although the results are clear, it is important to rule out the possible biases due to computational processes. The results advanced our understanding of how parallel tracking of multiple feature values within the same dimension is achieved.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the Chen group aimed to understand the role of FDX1 in vivo. While its role in the biogenesis of steroids and bile acids, Vitamin A/D metabolism, and lipoylation of TCA enzymes has been extensively studied biochemically, its role in physiology and lipid metabolism is still unknown. The authors established a conditional Fdx1 KO mice and performed a series of experiments to demonstrate the physiological role of Fdx1 in mice. The obtained evidence convincingly supports the major conclusion of the study. The manuscript is well and concisely written.

      Strengths:<br /> • Solid data showing that Fdx1+/- mice are prone to steatohepatitis and Fdx1+/- cells accumulate lipids<br /> • Untargeted MS profiling the changes of lipids upon Fdx1 KO.<br /> • Clear evidence indicating that the ABCA1-SREBP1/2 pathway is involved in the function of Fdx1 in lipid metabolism.

      Weaknesses:<br /> • use of Fdx1+/- MEFs, instead of using Fdx1-/- MEFs, could be well justified.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The data generated for this paper provides an important resource for the neuroscience community. The locus coeruleus (LC) is the known seed of noradrenergic cells in the brain. Due to its location and size, it remains scarcely profiled in humans. Despite the physically minute structure containing these cells, its impact is wide-reaching due to the known neuromodulatory function of norepinephrine (NE) in processes like attention and mood. As such, profiling NE cells has important implications for most neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. This paper generates transcriptomic profiles that are not only cell-specific but which also maintain their spatial context, providing the field with a map for the cells within the region.


      Using spatial transcriptomics in a morphologically distinct region is a very attractive way to generate a map. Overlaying macroscopic information, i.e. a region with greater pigmentation, with its corresponding molecular profile in an unbiased manner is an extremely powerful way to understand the specific cellular and molecular composition of that brain structure.

      The technologies were used with an astute awareness of their limitations, as such, multiple technologies were leveraged to paint a more complete and resolved picture of the cellular composition of the region. For example, the lack of resolution in the spatial transcriptomic platform was compensated by complementary snRNA-seq and single molecule FISH.

      This work has been made publicly available and accessible through a user-friendly application such that any interested researcher can investigate the level of expression of their gene of interest within this region.

      Two important implications from this work are 1) the potential that the gene regulatory profiles of these cells are only partially conserved across species, humans, and rodents, and 2) that there may be other neuromodulatory cell types within the region that were otherwise not previously localized to the LC


      Given that the markers used to identify cells are not as specific as they need to be to definitively qualify the desired cell type, the results may be over-interpreted. Specifically, TH is the primary marker used to qualify cells as noradrenergic, however, TH catalyzes the synthesis of L-DOPA, a precursor to dopamine, which in turn is a precursor for epinephrine and norepinephrine suggesting some of the cells in the region may be dopaminergic and not NE cells. Indeed, there are publications to support the presence of dopaminergic cells in the LC (see Kempadoo et al. 2016, Takeuchi et al., 2016, Devoto et al. 2005). This discrepancy is further highlighted by the apparent lack of overlap per given Visium spots with TH, SCL6A2, or DBH. While the single-nucleus FISH confirms that some of the cells in the region are noradrenergic, others very possibly represent a different catecholamine. As such it is suggested that the nomenclature for the cells be reconsidered.

      The authors are unable to successfully implement unsupervised clustering with the spatial data, this greatly reduces the impact of the spatial technology as it implies that the transcriptomic data generated in the study did not have enough resolution to identify individual cell types.

      The sample contribution to the results is highly unbalanced, which consequently, may result in ungeneralizable findings in terms of regional cellular composition, limiting the usefulness of the publicly available data.

      This study aimed to deeply profile the LC in humans and provide a resource to the community. The combination of data types (snRNA-seq, SRT, smFISH) does in fact represent this resource for the community. However, due to the limitations, of which, some were described in the manuscript, we should be cautious in the use of the data for secondary analysis. For example, some of the cellular annotations may lack precision, the cellular composition also may not reflect the general population, and the presence of unexpected cell types may represent the accidental inclusion of adjacent regions, in this case, serotonergic cells from the Raphe nucleus.

      Nonetheless having a well-developed app to query and visualize these data will be an enormous asset to the community especially given the lack of information regarding the region in general.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors set out to discover a developmental pathway leading to functionally diverse mTEC subsets. They show that Ccl21 is expressed early during thymus ontogeny in the medullary area. Fate-mapping gives evidence for the Ccl21 positive history of Aire positive mTECs as well as of thymic tuft cells and postnatally of a certain percentage of cTECs. Therefore, the differentiation potential of Ccl21+ TECs is tested in reaggregate thymus experiments - using embryonic or postnatal Ccl21+ TECs. From these experiments, the authors conclude that at least embryonic mTECs in large part pass through a Ccl21 positive stage prior to differentiation towards an Aire expressing or tuft cell stage.

      The authors are using Ccl21a as a marker for a bipotent progenitor that is detectable in the embryonic thymus and is still present at the adult stage mainly giving rise to mTECs. The choice of this marker gene is very interesting since Ccl21 expression can directly be linked to an important aspect in thymus biology: the expression of Ccl21 by cells in the thymic medulla allows trafficking of T cells into the medulla in order to undergo T cell selection.

      Making use of the Ccl21 detection, the authors can nicely show that cells actively expressing Ccl21 are localized throughout the medulla at an embryonic stage but also in adult thymus tissue. This suggests, that this progenitor is not accumulating at a specific area inside the medulla. This is a new finding.

      Moreover, the finding that a Ccl21+ progenitor population plays a functional role in thymocyte trafficking towards the medulla has not been described. Thus, Ccl21 expression may be used to localize a late bipotent progenitor in the thymic lobes.<br /> In addition, in Fig.8, the authors provide evidence that these progenitor cells have the potential to self-maintain as well as to differentiate in reaggregate experiments at E17 (not at 4 weeks of age). The first point is of great interest and importance since these cells in theory can be of therapeutic use.

      Overall assessment:

      The authors highlight a developmental pathway starting from a Ccl21-expressing TEC progenitor that contributes to a functionally diverse mTEC repertoire. This is a welcome addition to current knowledge of TEC differentiation.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This manuscript describes the study protocol, structure and logic of the PAVE strategy. The PAVE study is a multicentric study to evaluate a novel cervical screen-triage-treat strategy for resource-limited settings as part of a global strategy to reduce cervical cancer burden. The PAVE strategy involves: 1) screening with self-sampled HPV testing; 2) triage of HPV-positive participants with a combination of extended genotyping and visual evaluation of the cervix assisted by deep-learning-based automated visual evaluation (AVE); and 3) treatment with thermal ablation or excision (Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone). The PAVE study has two phases: efficacy (2023-2024) and effectiveness (planned to begin in 2024-2025). The efficacy phase aims to refine and validate the screen-triage portion of the protocol. The effectiveness phase will examine few implementation of the PAVE strategy into clinical practice. In following phases implementation will further explored.

      Strengths and weaknesses

      The Pave Study develops and evaluates a novel strategy that combines HPV self-collection -that has been proven effective to increase screening coverage in different settings-, with genotyping and Automated Visual Evaluation as triage. The proposed strategy combined three key innovations to improve an important step in the cervical cancer care continuum. If the strategy is effective it will contribute to enhance cervical cancer prevention in low resource settings.

      As authors mentioned, despite the existence of effective preventive technologies (e.g., HPV vaccine and HPV test) translation of the HPV prevention methods has not yet occurred in many Low-Middle-Income Countries. So, in this context, new screen-triage-treat strategies are needed and if PAVE strategy were effective, it could be a landmark for cervical cancer prevention.

      The PAVE Study is a solid and important study that is aimed to be carried out in nine countries and recruit tens thousands of women. It is a study with a large and diverse sample that can provide useful information for the development of this new screen-triage-treat strategy. Another strength is the fact that the PAVE project is integrated into the screening activities placed in the selected countries that will allow to evaluate efficacy and effectiveness in real-word context.

      The manuscript does not present results because its aim is to describe the study protocol, structure and logic of the PAVE strategy.

      Phase 1 aims to evaluate efficacy of the strategy. Methods are well described and are consistent with the study aims.

      Phase 2 aims to evaluate the implementation of the PAVE strategy in clinical practice. The inclusion of implementation evaluation in this type of studies is an important milestone in the field of cervical cancer prevention. It has been shown that many strategies that have proven to be effective in controlled studies face barriers when they are implemented in real life. In that sense, results of phase 2 are key to ensure the future implementation of the strategy.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This research involves conducting experiments to determine the role of Fmnl2 during oocyte meiosis I.

      Strengths:<br /> Identifying the role of Fmnl2 during oocyte meiosis I is significant.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The quantitative analysis and the used approach to perturb FMNL2 function are currently incomplete and would benefit from more confirmatory approaches and rigorous analysis.

      1- Most of the results are expected. The new finding here is that FMNL2 regulates cytoplasmic F-actin in mouse oocytes, which is also expected given the role of FMNL2 in other cell types. Given that FMNL2 regulates cytoplasmic F-actin, it is very expected to see all the observed phenotypes. It is already established that F-actin is required for spindle migration to the oocyte cortex, extruding a small polar body and normal organelle distribution and functions.

      2-The authors used Fmnl2 cRNA to rescue the effect of siRNA-mediated knockdown of Fmnl2. It is not clear how this works. It is expected that the siRNA will also target the exogenous cRNA construct (which should have the same sequence as endogenous Fmnl2) especially when both of them were injected at the same time. Is this construct mutated to be resistant to the siRNA?

      3-The authors used only one approach to knockdown FMNL2 which is by siRNA. Using an additional approach to inhibit FMNL2 would be beneficial to confirm that the effect of siRNA-mediated knockdown of FMNL2 is specific.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors solved the crystal structure of CDV H-protein head domain at 3,2 A resolution to better understand the detailed mechanism of membrane fusion triggering. The structure clearly showed that the orientation of the H monomers in the homodimer was similar to that of measles virus H and different from other paramyxoviruses. The authors used the available co-crystal strictures of the closely related measles virus H structures with the SLAM and Nectin4 receptors to map the receptor binding site on CDV H. The authors also confirmed which N-linked sites were glycosylated in the CDV H protein and showed that both wildtype and vaccine strains of CDV H have the same glycosylation pattern. The authors documented that the glycans cover a vast majority of the H surface while leaving the receptor binding site exposed, which may in part explain the long-term success of measles virus and CDV vaccines. Finally, the authors used HS-AFM to visualize the real-time dynamic characteristics of CDV-H under physiological conditions. This analysis indicated that homodimers may dissociate into monomers, which has implications for the model of fusion triggering.

      The structural data and analysis were thorough and well-presented. However, the HS-AFM data, while very exciting, was not presented in a manner that could be easily grasped by readers of this manuscript. I have some suggestions for improvement.

      1) The authors claim their structure is very similar to the recently published croy-EM structure of CDV H. Can the authors provide us with a quantitative assessment of this statement?

      2) The results for the HS-AFM are difficult to follow and it is not clear how the authors came to their conclusions. Can the authors better explain this data and justify their conclusions based on it?

      3) The fusion triggering model in Figure 8 is ambiguous as to when H-F interactions are occurring and when they may be disrupted. The authors should clarify this point in their model.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study provides the proteomic and phosphoproteomics data for our understanding of the molecular alterations in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle from women with PCOS. This work is useful for understanding of the characteristics of PCOS, as it may provide potential targets and strategies for the future treatment of PCOS. While the manuscript presents interesting findings on omics and phenotypic research, the lack of in-depth mechanistic exploration limits its potential impact.

      The study primarily presents findings from omics and phenotypic research, but fails to provide a thorough investigation into the underlying mechanisms driving the observed results. Without a thorough elucidation of the mechanistic underpinnings, the significance and novelty of the study are compromised.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In the study by Hreich et al, the potency of P2RX7-specific positive modulator HEI3090, developed by the authors, for the treatment of Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) was investigated. Recently, the authors have shown that HEI3090 can protect against lung cancer by stimulating dendritic cell P2RX7, resulting in IL-18 production that stimulates IFN-γ production by T and NK cells (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-20912-2). Interestingly, HEI3090 increases IL-18 levels only in the presence of high eATP. Since the treatment options for IPF are limited, new therapeutic strategies and targets are needed. The authors first show that P2RX7/IL-18/IFNG axis is downregulated in patients with IPF. Next, they used a bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis mouse model to show that the use of a positive modulator of P2RX7 leads to the activation of the P2RX7/IL-18 axis in immune cells that limits lung fibrosis onset or progression. Mechanistically, treatment with HEI3090 enhanced IL-18-dependent IFN-γ production by lung T cells leading to a decreased production of IL-17 and TGFβ, major drivers of IPF. The major novelty is the use of the small molecule HEI3090 to stimulate the immune system to limit lung fibrosis progression by targeting the P2RX7, which could be potentially combined with current therapies available. Overall, the study was well performed and the manuscript is clear. However, there is need for more details on the description and interpretation of the adoptive transfer experiments, as well as the statistical analyses and number of replicate independent experiments.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors identified miR-199b-5p as a potential OA target gene using serum exosomal small RNA-seq from human healthy and OA patients. Their RNA-seq results were further compared with publicly available datasets to validate their finding of miR-199b-5p. In vitro chondrocyte culture with miR-199b-5p mimic/inhibitor and in vivo animal models were used to evaluate the function of miR-199b-5p in OA. The possible genes that were potentially regulated by miR-199b-5p were also predicted (i.e., Fzd6 and Gcnt2) and then validated by using Luciferase assays.


      1. Strong in vivo animal models including pain tests.<br /> 2. Validates the binding of miR-199b-5p with Fzd6 and binding of miR-199b-5p with Gcnt2.


      1. The authors may overinterpret their results. The current work shows the possible bindings between miR-199b-5p and Fzd6 as well as bindings between miR-199b-5p and Gcnt2. However, whether miR-199b-5p truly functions through Fzd6 and/or Gcnt2 requires genetic knockdown of Fzd6 and Gcnt2 in the presence of miR-199b-5p.<br /> 2. In vitro chondrocyte experiments were conducted in a 2D manner, which led to chondrocyte de-differentiation and thus may not represent the chondrocyte response to the treatments.<br /> 3. There is a lack of description for bioinformatic analysis.<br /> 4. There are several errors in figure labeling.

  2. Nov 2023
    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this study, Christin Krause et al mapped the hepatic miRNA-transcriptome of type 2 diabetic obese subjects, and identified miR-182-5p and its target genes LRP6 as potential drivers of dysregulated glucose tolerance and fatty acid metabolism in obese T2-diabetics.


      This study contains some interesting findings and is valuable for the understanding of the key regulatory role of miRNAs in the pathogenesis of T2D.


      The authors didn't systemically investigate the function of miR-182 in T2DM or NAFLD.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this paper, Chamness and colleagues make a pioneering effort to map epistatic interactions among mutations in a membrane protein. They introduce thousands of mutations to the mouse GnRH Receptor (GnRHR), either under wild-type background or two mutant backgrounds, representing mutations that destabilize GnRHR by distinct mechanisms. The first mutant background is W107A, destabilizing the tertiary fold, and the second, V276T, perturbing the efficiency of cotranslational insertion of TM6 to the membrane, which is essential for proper folding. They then measure the surface expression of these three mutant libraries, using it as a proxy for protein stability, since misfolded proteins do not typically make it to the plasma membrane. The resulting dataset is then used to shed light on how diverse mutations interact epistatically with the two genetic background mutations. Their main conclusion is that epistatic interactions vary depending on the degree of destabilization and the mechanism through which they perturb the protein. The mutation V276T forms primarily negative (aggravating) epistatic interactions with many mutations, as is common to destabilizing mutations in soluble proteins. Surprisingly, W107A forms many positive (alleviating) epistatic interactions with other mutations. They further show that the locations of secondary mutations correlate with the types of epistatic interactions they form with the above two mutants.

      Strengths:<br /> Such a high throughput study for epistasis in membrane proteins is pioneering, and the results are indeed illuminating. Examples of interesting findings are that: (1) No single mutation can dramatically rescue the destabilization introduced by W107A. (2) Epistasis with a secondary mutation is strongly influenced by the degree of destabilization introduced by the primary mutation. (3) Misfolding caused by mis-insertion tends to be aggravated by further mutations. The discussion of how protein folding energetics affects epistasis (Fig. 7) makes a lot of sense and lays out an interesting biophysical framework for the findings.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The major weakness comes from the potential limitations in the measurements of surface expression of severely misfolded mutants. This point is discussed quite fairly in the paper, in statements like "the W107A variant already exhibits marginal surface immunostaining" and many others. It seems that only about 5% of the W107A makes it to the plasma membrane compared to wild-type (Figures 2 and 3). This might be a low starting point from which to accurately measure the effects of secondary mutations.

      Still, the authors claim that measurements of W107A double mutants "still contain cellular subpopulations with surface immunostaining intensities that are well above or below that of the W107A single mutant, which suggests that this fluorescence signal is sensitive enough to detect subtle differences in the PME of these variants". I was not entirely convinced that this was true. Firstly, I think it would be important to test how much noise these measurements have and how much surface immunostaining the W107A mutant displays above the background of cells that do not express the protein at all. But more importantly, it is not clear if under this regimen surface expression still reports on stability/protein fitness. It is unknown if the W107A retains any function or folding at all. For example, it is possible that the low amount of surface protein represents misfolded receptors that escaped the ER quality control. The differential clustering of epistatic mutations (Fig. 6) provides some interesting insights as to the rules that dictate epistasis, but these too are dominated by the magnitude of destabilization caused by one of the mutations. In this case, the secondary mutations that had the most interesting epistasis were exceedingly destabilizing. With this in mind, it is hard to interpret the results that emerge regarding the epistatic interactions of W107A. Furthermore, the most significant positive epistasis is observed when W107A is combined with additional mutations that almost completely abolish surface expression. It is likely that either mutation destabilizes the protein beyond repair. Therefore, what we can learn from the fact that such mutations have positive epistasis is not clear to me. Based on this, I am not sure that another mutation that disrupts the tertiary folding more mildly would not yield different results.

      With that said, I believe that the results regarding the epistasis of V276T with other mutations are strong and very interesting on their own.

      Additionally, the study draws general conclusions from the characterization of only two mutations, W107A and V276T. At this point, it is hard to know if other mutations that perturb insertion or tertiary folding would behave similarly. This should be emphasized in the text.

      Some statistical aspects of the study could be improved:

      1. It would be nice to see the level of reproducibility of the biological replicates in a plot, such as scatter or similar, with correlation values that give a sense of the noise level of the measurements. This should be done before filtering out the inconsistent data.

      2. The statements "Variants bearing mutations within the C- terminal region (ICL3-TMD6-ECL3-TMD7) fare consistently worse in the V276T background relative to WT (Fig. 4 B & E)." and "In contrast, mutations that are 210 better tolerated in the context of W107A mGnRHR are located 211 throughout the structure but are particularly abundant among residues 212 in the middle of the primary structure that form TMD4, ICL2, and ECL2 213 (Fig. 4 C & F)." are both hard to judge. Inspecting Figures 4B and C does not immediately show these trends, and importantly, a solid statistical test is missing here. In Figures 4E and F the locations of the different loops and TMs are not indicated on the structure, making these statements hard to judge.

      3. The following statement lacks a statistical test: "Notably, these 98 variants are enriched with TMD variants (65% TMD) relative to the overall set of 251 variants (45% TMD)." Is this enrichment significant? Further in the same paragraph, the claim that "In contrast to the sparse epistasis that is generally observed between mutations within soluble proteins, these findings suggest a relatively large proportion of random mutations form epistatic interactions in the context of unstable mGnRHR variants". Needs to be backed by relevant data and statistics, or at least a reference.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Members of the EphB family of tyrosine kinase receptors are involved in a multitude of diverse cellular functions, ranging from the control of axon growth to angiogenesis and synaptic plasticity. In order to provide these diverse functions, it is expected that these receptors interact in a cell-type specific manner with a diverse variety of downstream signalling molecules.

      The authors have used proteomics approaches to characterise some of these molecules in further detail. This molecule, myc-binding protein 2 (MYCBP2) is also known as highwire, has been identified in the context of establishment of neural connectivity. Another molecule coming up on this screen was identified as FBXO45.

      The authors use classical methods of co-IP to show a kinase-independent binding of MYCBP2 to EphB2. They further showed that FBXO45 within a ternary complex increased the stability of the EphB2/MYCBP2 complex.

      To define the interacting domains, they used clearly designed swapping experiments to show that the extracellular and transmembrane domains are necessary and sufficient for the formation of the ternary complex.

      Using a cellular contraction assay, the authors showed the necessity of MYCBP2 in mediating the cytoskeletal response of EphB2 forward signalling. Furthermore, they used the technically challenging stripe assay of alternating lanes of ephrinB-Fc and Fc to show that also in this migration-based essay MYCBP2 is required for EphB mediated differential migration pattern.

      MYCBP2 in addition is necessary to stabilize EphB2, that is in the absence of MYCBP2, EphB2 is degraded in the lysosomal pathway.

      Interestingly, the third protein in this complex, Fbxo45, was further characterized by overexpression of the domain of MYCBP2, known to interact with Fbxo45. Here the authors showed that this approach led to the disruption of the EphB2 / MYCBP2 complex, and also abolished the ephrinB mediated activation of EphB2 receptors and their differential outgrowth on ephrinB2-Fc / Fc stripes.

      Finally, the authors demonstrated an in vivo function of this complex using another model system, C elegans where they were able to show a genetic interaction.

      Data show in a nice set of experiments a novel level of EphB2 forward signalling where a ternary complex of this receptor with multifunctional MYCBP2 and Fbxo45 controls the activity of EphB2, allowing a further complex regulation of this important receptors. Additionally, the authors challenge pre-existing concepts of the function of MYCBP2 which might open up novel ways to think about this protein.<br /> Of interest is this work also in terms of development of the retinotectal projection in zebrafish where MYCBP2/highwire plays a crucial role, and thus might lead to a better understanding of patterning along the DV axis, for which it is known that EphB family members are crucial.

      Overall, the experiments are classical experiments of co-immunoprecipitations, swapping experiments, collapse assays, and stripe assays which all are well carried out and are convincing.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Transposable elements are known to have a strong potential to generate diversity and impact gene regulation, and they are thought to play an important role in plant adaptation to changing environments. Nevertheless, very few studies have performed genome-wide analyses to understand the global effect of selection on TEs in natural populations. Horvath et al. used available whole-genome re-sequencing data from a representative panel of B. distachyon accessions to detect TE insertion polymorphisms (TIPs) and estimate their time of origin. Using a thorough combination of population genomics approaches, the authors demonstrate that only a small amount of the TE polymorphisms are targeted by positive selection or potentially involved in adaptation. By comparing the age-adjusted population frequencies of TE polymorphisms and neutral SNPs, the authors found that retrotransposons are affected by purifying selection independently of their distance to genes. Finally, using forward simulations they were able to quantify the strength of selection acting on TE polymorphisms, finding that retrotransposons are mainly under moderate purifying selection, with only a minority of the insertions evolving neutrally.

      Strengths:<br /> Horvath et al., use a convincing set of strategies, and their conclusions are well supported by the data. I think that incorporating polymorphism's age into the analysis of purifying selection is an interesting way to reduce the possible bias introduced by the fact that SNPs and TEs polymorphisms do not occur at the same pace. The fact that TE polymorphisms far from genes are also under purifying selection is an interesting result that reinforces the idea that the trans-regulatory effect of TE insertions might not be a rare phenomenon, a matter that may be demonstrated in future studies.

      Weaknesses:<br /> TEs from different classes and orders strongly differ in multiple features such as size, the potential impact of close genes upon insertion, insertion/elimination ratio (ie, MITE/TIR excision, solo-LTR formation), or insertion preference. Given such diversity, it is expected that their survival rates on the genome and the strength of selection acting on them could be different. The authors differentiate DNA transposons and retrotransposons in some of the analyses, the specificities of the most abundant plant TE types (ie, LTR/Gypsy, LTR/Copia, MITE DNA transposons) are not considered.

      The authors used a short-read-based approach to detect TIPs and TAPs. It is known that detecting TE polymorphisms is challenging and can lead to false negatives, depending on the method used and the sequencing coverage. The methodology used here (TEPID) has been previously applied to other species, but it is unclear if the sensitivity of the TIP/TAP caller is equivalent to that of the SNP caller and how these potential differences may affect the results.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The Kinesin superfamily motors mediate the transport of a wide variety of cargos which are crucial for cells to develop into unique shapes and polarities. Kinesin-3 subfamily motors are among the most conserved and critical classes of kinesin motors which were shown to be self-inhibited in a monomeric state and dimerize to activate motility along microtubules. Recent studies have shown that different members of this family are uniquely activated by to undergo transition from monomers to dimers.

      Niwa and colleagues study two well-described members of the kinesin-3 superfamily, unc104 and KLP6, to uncover the mechanism of monomer to dimer transition upon activation. Their studies reveal that although both Unc104 and KLP6 are both self-inhibited monomers, their propensities for forming dimers are quite different. The authors relate this difference to a region in the molecules called CC2 which has a higher propensity for forming homodimers. Unc104 readily forms homodimers if its self-inhibited state is disabled while KLP6 does not.

      The work suggests that although mechanisms for self-inhibited monomeric states are similar, variations in the kinesin-3 dimerization may present a unique forms of kinesin-3 motor regulation with implications on the forms of motility functions carried out by these unique kinesin-3 motors.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Hersperger et al. investigated the importance of Drosophila immune cells, called hemocytes, in the response to oxidative stress in adult flies. They found that hemocytes are essential in this response, and using state-of-the-art single-cell transcriptomics, they identified expression changes at the level of individual hemocytes. This allowed them to cluster hemocytes into subgroups with different responses, which certainly represents very valuable work. One of the clusters appears to respond directly to oxidative stress and shows a very specific expression response that could be related to the observed systemic metabolic changes and energy mobilization.

      Using hemocyte-specific genetic manipulation, the authors convincingly show that the DNA damage response in hemocytes regulates JNK activity and subsequent expression of the JAK/STAT ligand Upd3. Silencing of the DNA damage response or excessive activation of JNK and Upd3 leads to increased susceptibility to oxidative stress. This nicely demonstrates the importance of tight control of JNK-Upd3 signaling in hemocytes during oxidative stress. The treatment the authors used is quite harsh, and in such a situation it is simply better not to use upd3 signaling, but it is still worth bearing in mind that upd3 signaling may have a protective role under milder stresses, but Upd3 could require very tight control - this could be an interesting objective for future studies.

      The authors demonstrate that hemocytes play an important role in energy mobilization during oxidative stress, suggesting that control of energy mobilization by hemocytes is essential for the response. They further postulate that "hemocyte-derived upd3 is most likely released by the activated plasmatocyte cluster C6 during oxidative stress in vivo and is subsequently controlling energy mobilization and subsequent tissue wasting upon oxidative stress." It is important to note here that the association of upd3 with the observed changes in energy metabolism has not been tested, and the subsequent tissue wasting allegedly caused by excessive upd3 as a cause of death remains an open question.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors tried to gauge the effect of human activity on three species, (1) the Hooded grow, an urban exploiter, (2) the Rose ring parakeet, an invasive, alien species that has adapted to exploit human resources, and (3) the Graceful prinia, an urban adapter, which is relatively shy of humans. A goal of the study was to increase awareness of the importance of urban parks.

      Strengths:<br /> Strengths of the study include the fact that it was conducted at 17 different sites, including parks, roads and residential areas, and included three species with different habitat preferences. Each species produced relatively loud and repeatable vocalizations. To avoid the effect of seasonal changes, sounds were sampled within a 10 day period of the lockdown as well as post-lockdown. The analysis included a comparison of the number of sound files, binary values indicating emission of a common syllable, and also the total number of syllables emitted as a measurement of bird activity. Ambient temperatures and sound levels of human activity were also recorded. All of these factors speak to the comprehensive approach and analysis adopted in this study. The results are based on a rigorous statistical analysis, ruling out the effects of various extraneous parameters.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Most significant changes may occur near the ambient noise levels and this could lead to a different conclusion, but the authors authors acknowledge this possibility and clarify that they only analyzed vocalizations with high signal-to-noise signals to avoid ambiguity. In the revised version, they also replaced the previous ambient noise parameter with an estimate of ambient noise under 1kHz, assuming that it reflects most anthropogenic noise (not restricted to human speech). This seems reasonable and this new model gave very similar results to the previous one.

      In interpreting the data, the authors mention the effect of human activity on bird vocalizations in the context of inter-species predator-prey interactions; however, the presence of humans could also modify intraspecies interactions by acting as triggers for communication of warning and alarm, and/or food calls (as may sometimes be the case) to conspecifics. The behavioral significance of the syllables used to monitor animal activity could be informative in this context; however, the authors acknowledge this possibility in the Discussion. Most importantly, the authors acknowledge the possibility of the above-noted bias, and the potential of a transient nature of the observed effects.

      Conclusion:<br /> In general, the authors achieved their aim of illustrating the complexity of the affect of human activity on animal behavior notwithstanding the caveats noted above. Their study also makes it clear that estimating such affects is not simple given the dynamics of animal behavior. For example, seasonality, temperature changes, animal migration and movement, as well as interspecies interactions, such as those related to predator-prey behavior, and inter/intra-species competition in other respects can all play into site-specific changes in the vocal activity of a particular species.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Caflisch and coworkers investigate the methyltransferase activity of the complex of methyltransferase-like proteins 3 and 14 (METTL3-14). To obtain a high-resolution description of the complete catalytic cycle they have carefully designed a combination of experiments and simulations. Starting from the identification of bisubstrate analogues (BAs) as binders to stabilise a putative transition state of the reaction, they have determined multiple crystal structures and validated relevant interactions by mutagenesis and enzymatic assays.

      Using the resolved structure and classical MD simulations they obtained a kinetic picture of the binding and release of the substrates. Of note, they accumulated very good statistics on these processes using 16 simulation replicates over a time scale of 500 ns. To compare the time scale of the release of the products with that of the catalytic step they performed state-of-the-art QM/MM free energy calculations (testing multiple levels of theory) and obtained a free energy barrier that indicates how the release of the product is slower than the catalytic step.

      Strengths:<br /> All the work proceeds through clear hypothesis testing based on a combination of literature and new results. Eventually, this allows them to present in Figure 10 a detailed step-by-step description of the catalytic cycle. The work is very well crafted and executed.

      Weaknesses:<br /> To fulfill its potential of guiding similar studies for other systems as well as to allow researchers to dig into their vast work, the authors should share the results of their simulations (trajectories, key structures, input files, protocols, and analysis) using repositories like Zenodo, the plumed-nest, figshare or alike.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this manuscript, the authors reveal that GIF/MT-3 regulates zinc homeostasis depending on the cellular redox status. The manuscript technically sounds, and their data concretely suggest that the recombinant MTs, not only GIF/MT-3 but also canonical MTs such as MT-1 and MT-2, contain sulfane sulfur atoms for the Zn-binding. The scenario proposed by the authors seems to be reasonable to explain the Zn homeostasis by the cellular redox balance.

      Strengths:<br /> The data presented in the manuscript solidly reveal that recombinant GIF/MT-3 contains sulfane sulfur.

      Weaknesses:<br /> It is still unclear whether native MTs, in particular, induced MTs in vivo contain sulfane sulfur or not.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Bates TA. et al. studied the biochemical characteristics of ESAT-6, a major virulence factor of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), as part of the heterodimer with CFP10, a molecular chaperon of ESAT-6, as in homodimer and in homotetramer using recombinant ESAT-6 and CFP10 expressed in E. coli by applying several biochemical assays including Biolayer Interferometry (BLI) assay. The main findings show that ESAT-6 forms a tight interaction with CFP10 as a heterodimer at neutral pH, and ESAT-6 forms homodimer and even tetramer-based larger molecular aggregates at acidic pH. Although the discussion of the potential problems associated with the contamination of ESAT-6 preparations with ASB-14 during the LPS removal step is interesting, this research does not test the potential impact of residual ASB-14 contaminant on the biochemical behavior ESAT-6-CFP10 heterodimer and ESAT-6 homodimer or tetramer and their hemolytic activity in comparison with the ones without ASB-14. The main strength of this study is the generation of ESAT-6 specific nanobodies and the demonstration of its anti-tuberculosis efficiency in THP-1 cell lines infected with Mtb strains with reporter genes.

      Strengths:<br /> Generation and demonstration of the anti-ESAT-6 nanobodies against tuberculosis infection in a cell line based Mtb infection model.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Although the biochemistry studies provide quantitative data about the interactions of ESAT-6 with its molecular chaperon CFP10 and the interaction of ESAT-6 homodimer and tetramers, the novel information from these studies is minimal.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The paper entitled "PAK3 downregulation induces cognitive 1 impairment following cranial irradiation" by Lee et al. aimed at investigating the functional impact of cranial irradiation in mouse and propose PAK3 as molecular element involved in radiation-induced cognitive decrement. The results provided in this paper are problematic as both the irradiation paradigm (5X2 Gy) as well as the timing of investigation (3 to 8 days post-IR) are completely irrelevant to investigate radiation induced neurocognitive impairment. This testifies to the team's lack of knowledge in radiobiology/radiotherapy and the methodology to explore radiation induced neurocognitive damages. It precludes any further relevance of the molecular results.


      First and according to the BED equation a single dose of 10 Gy cannot not be approximated by 5 fractions of 2 Gy, as fractionation is known to decrease normal tissue toxicity. Note that in radiobiology/radio-oncology, the BED stands for "Biologically Effective Dose." This equation is used to compare the effects of different radiation treatments on biological tissues, taking into account the dose, fractionation, and the overall biological response of the tissue to radiation.<br /> The BED equation is commonly used to calculate the equivalent dose of a fractionated radiation treatment, which is the dose that would produce the same biological effect as a single, higher dose delivered in a single fraction.<br /> The general formula for BED is:BED = D * (1 + d / α/β)<br /> D is the total physical dose of radiation delivered in Grays (Gy)<br /> d is the dose per fraction in Gy<br /> α/β is the tissue-specific ratio of the linear (α) and quadratic (β) components of the radiation response. It is measured in Gy and describes how the tissue responds to different fractionation schedules (usually equal to 3 for the normal brain).<br /> Please refer to radiobiology/radiotherapy textbooks by Hall or Joiner.

      Second, the brain is a late responding organ. GBM patients treated with 60 Gy exhibit progressive and debilitating impairments in memory, attention and executive function several month post-irradiation. In mice, neurocognitive decrements after a single dose of 10 Gy delivered to the whole brain does occur at late time point, usually > 2 months post-exposure. Multiple publications such as the one by Limoli C lab, Rossi S lab, Britten R lab or earlier Fike J lab and Robin M lab support this. Next, 5 fractions of 2 Gy will be more protective than a single dose of 10 Gy and neurocognitive decrements will require at least 5-6 months to occur if they ever occur. In Figure 1, the decrement reported is marginal, the number of animals included (4 to 5 at most?) The number of animals is not specified) is too low to draw any significant conclusions. In addition to the timing issue, the strategy described for NOR analysis shows methodological issues with the habituation period being too short and exploration level being very low.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary: In this paper, Portillo-Ledesma et al. study chromatin organization in the length scale of a gene, simulating the polymer at nucleosome resolution. The authors have presented an extensive simulation study with an excellent model of chromatin. The model has linker DNA and nucleosomes with all relevant interactions (electrostatics, tails, etc). Authors simulate 10 to 26 kb chromatin with varying linker lengths, linker histones (LH), and acetylated tails. The authors then study the effect of a transcription factor (TF) Myc: Max binding. The critical physical feature of the TF in the model is that it binds to the linker region and bends the DNA to make loops/intra-chromatin contacts. Authors systematically investigate the interplay between different variables such as linker DNA length, LH density, and the TF concentration in determining chromatin compaction and 3D organization.

      Strengths: The manuscript is well-written and is a relevant study with many useful results. The biggest strength of the work is the fact that the authors start with a relevant model that incorporates well-known biophysical properties of DNA, nucleosomes, linker histones, and the transcription factor Myc:Max. One of the novel results is the demonstration of how linker lengths play an important role in chromatin compaction (measured by computing packing ratio) in the presence of DNA-bending TFs. As the TF concentration increases, chromatin with short linker lengths does not compact much (only a small change in packing ratio). If the linker lengths are long, a higher percentage of TFs leads to an increase in packing ratio (higher compaction). Authors further show that TFs are able to compact Life-like chromatin fiber with linker length taken from a realistic distribution. The authors compute inter-nucleosomal contact maps from their simulated configurations and show that the map has features similar to what is observed in Hi-C/Micro-C experiments. Authors study the compaction of the Eed gene locus and show that TF binding leads to the formation of small domains known as micro-domains. Authors have predicted many relevant and testable quantities. Many of the results agree with known experiments like the formation of the micro-domains. Hence, the conclusions made in this study are justified - they follow from the simulation results.

      Weaknesses: (1) While this has the advantage of a minimal model (model with minimal factors incorporated), it is a disadvantage for predicting in vivo organization; one might need to incorporate the action of many other proteins (for example, PRC, HP1, etc) and several other histone modifications to predict in vivo organization. (2) While this forward model produces features of relevant contact maps, one would need to tune some of the intra-chromatin interaction parameters to obtain an accurate contact map and radius of gyration.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Strengths:<br /> The authors have conducted a large, well-designed experiment to test the response to eCO2. Overall, the experimental design is sound and appropriate for the questions about how a change in CO2 affects the ionome of Arabidopsis. Most of the conclusions in this area are well supported by the data that the authors present.

      Weakness:<br /> While the authors have done good experiments, it is a big stretch from Arabidopsis grown in an arbitrary concentration of CO2 to relevance to human and animal nutrition in future climates. Arabidopsis is a great model plant, but its leaves are not generally eaten by humans or animals.

      The authors don't justify their choice of a CO2 concentration. Given the importance of the parameter for the experiment, the rationale for selecting 900 ppm as elevated CO2 compared to any other concentration should be addressed. And CO2 is just one of the variables that plants will have to contend with in future climates, other variables will also affect elemental concentrations.

      Given these concerns, I think the emphasis on biofortification for future climates is unwarranted for this study.

      Additionally, I have trouble with these conclusions:

      -Abstract "Finally, we demonstrate that manipulating the function of one of these genes can mitigate the negative effect of elevated CO2 on the plant mineral composition. "<br /> -Discussion "Consistent with these results, we show that manipulating TIP2;2 expressions with a knock-out mutant can modulate the Zn loss observed under high CO2."

      The authors have not included the data to support this conclusion as stated. They have shown that this mutant increases the Zn content of the leaves when compared to WT but have not demonstrated that this response is different than in ambient CO2. This is an important distinction: one way to ameliorate the reduction of nutrients due to eCO2 is to try to identify genes that are involved in the mechanism of eCO2-induced reduction. Another way is to increase the concentration of nutrients so that the eCO2-induced reduction is not as important (i.e. a 10% reduction in Zn due to eCO2 is not as important if you have increased the baseline Zn concentration by 20%). The authors identified tip2 as a target from the GWAS on difference, but their validation experiment only looks at eCO2.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors utilize a compendium of public genomic data to identify transcription factors (TF) that can identify their DNA binding motifs in the presence of nuclosome-wrapped chromatin and convert the chromatin to open chromatin. This class of TFs are termed Pioneer TFs (PTFs). A major strength of the study is the concept, whose premise is that motifs bound by PTFs (assessed by ChIP-seq for the respective TFs) should be present in both "closed" nucleosome wrapped DNA regions (measured by MNase-seq) as well as open regions (measured by DNAseI-seq) because the PTFs are able to open the chromatin. Use of multiple ENCODE cell lines, including the H1 stem cell line, enabled the authors to assess if binding at motifs changes from closed to open. Typical, non-PTF TFs are expected to only bind motifs in open chromatin regions (measured by DNaseI-seq) and not in regions closed in any cell type. This study contributes to the field a validation of PTFs that are already known to have pioneering activity and presents an interesting approach to quantify PTF activity.

      For this reviewer, there were a few notable limitations. One was the uncertainty regarding whether expression of the respective TFs across cell types was taken into account. This would help inform if a TF would be able to open chromatin. Another limitation was the cell types used. While understandable that these cell types were used, because of their deep epigenetic phenotyping and public availability, they are mostly transformed and do not bear close similarity to lineages in a healthy organism. Next, the methods used to identify PTFs were not made available in an easy-to-use tool for other researchers who may seek to identify PTFs in their cell type(s) of interest. Lastly, some terms used were not define explicitly (e.g., meaning of dyads) and the language in the manuscript was often difficult to follow and contained improper English grammar.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, Yu and colleagues sought to identify new susceptibility genes for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). Significance for this work is high, especially given the still large knowledge gap of the mechanistic underpinnings for AIS. In this multidisciplinary body of work, the authors first performed a genetic association study of AIS case-control cohorts (combined 9,161 cases and 80,731 controls) which leveraged common SNPs in 1027 previously defined matrisome genes. Two nonsynonymous variants were found to be significantly associated with AIS: MMP14 p.Asp273Asn and COL11A1 p.Pro1153Leu, the latter of which had the more robust association and remained significant when females were tested independent of males. Next, the authors followed a series of functional validation experiments to support biological involvement of COL11A1 p.Pro1153Leu in AIS through expression, biochemical, and histological studies in physiologically relevant cell and mouse models. Together, the authors propose a hitherto unreported model for AIS that involves the interplay of the COL11A1 susceptibility locus with estrogen signaling to alter a Pax1-Col11a1-Mmp3 signaling axis at the growth plate.


      The manuscript is clearly written and follows a series of logical steps toward connecting multiple matrisome genes and putative AIS effectors in a new framework of pathomechanism. The multidisciplinary nature of the work makes it a strong body of work wherein multiple models offer multiple lines of supportive data.


      This manuscript remains an important multidisciplinary study of the genetic and functional basis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). To the benefit of the overall manuscript quality, the reviewers have addressed most concerns to satisfaction. I have a few remaining suggestions:

      1. Regarding the genetic association of the common COL11A1 variant rs3753841, p.Pro1335Leu, please soften this statement to indicate that the variant could be a "risk locus" rather than "causal" in the following sentence on page 7-8: "These observations suggested that rs3753841 itself could be causal, although our methods would not detect deep intronic variants that could contribute to the overall association signal."

      2. Include the list of three rare missense variants mentioned in the response to reviewers as a supplementary table. Please also include methods for the SKATO rare variant burden analysis.

      3. Thank you for addressing the question of whether p.Pro1335Leu is a loss of function, gain of function, or dominant negative variant. The rationale in the response to reviewers was helpful, so please include this line of reasoning, and that there remains uncertainty, in the Discussion of the main text of the manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this article, the authors employed modified CRISPR screens ["guide-only (GO)-CRISPR"] in the attempt to identify the genes which may mediate cancer cell dormancy in the high grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) spheroid culture models. Using this approach, they observed that abrogation of several of the components of the netrin (e.g., DCC, UNC5Hs) and MAPK pathways compromise the survival of non-proliferative ovarian cancer cells. This strategy was complemented by the RNAseq approach which revealed that a number of the components of the netrin pathway are upregulated in non-proliferative ovarian cancer cells and that their overexpression is lost upon disruption of DYRK1A kinase that has been previously demonstrated to play a major role in survival of these cells. Perampalam et al. then employed a battery of cell biology approaches to support the model whereby the Netrin signaling governs the MEK-ERK axis to support survival of non-proliferative ovarian cancer cells. Moreover, the authors show that overexpression of Netrins 1 and 3 bolsters dissemination of ovarian cancer cells in the xenograft mouse model, while also providing evidence that high levels of the aforementioned factors are associated with poor prognosis of HGSOC patients.


      Overall it was thought that this study is of potentially broad interest inasmuch as it provides previously unappreciated insights into the potential molecular underpinnings of cancer cell dormancy, which has been associated with therapy resistance, disease dissemination, and relapse as well as poor prognosis. Notwithstanding the potential limitations of cellular models in mimicking cancer cell dormancy, it was thought that the authors provided sufficient support for their model that netrin signaling drives survival of non-proliferating ovarian cancer cells and their dissemination. Collectively, it was thought that these findings hold a promise to significantly contribute to the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of cancer cell dormancy and in the long term may provide a molecular basis to address this emerging major issue in the clinical practice.


      Several issues were observed regarding methodology and data interpretation. The major concerns were related to the reliability of modelling cancer cell dormancy. To this end, it was relatively hard to appreciate how the employed spheroid model allows to distinguish between dormant and e.g., quiescent or even senescent cells. This was in contrast to solid evidence that netrin signaling stimulates abdominal dissemination of ovarian cancer cells in the mouse xenograft and their survival in organoid culture. Moreover, the role of ERK in mediating the effects of netrin signaling in the context of the survival of non-proliferative ovarian cancer cells was found to be somewhat underdeveloped.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This study seeks to advance our knowledge of how vitamin D may be protective in allergic airway disease in both adult and neonatal mouse models. The rationale and starting point are important human clinical, genetic/bioinformatic data, with a proposed role for vitamin D regulation of 2 human chromosomal loci (Chr17q12-21.1 and Chr17q21.2) linked to the risk of immune-mediated/inflammatory disease. The authors have made significant contributions to this work specifically in airway disease/asthma. They link these data to propose a role for vitamin D in regulating IL-2 in Th2 cells implicating genes associated with these loci in this process.

      Strengths:<br /> Here the authors draw together evidence form. multiple lines of investigation to propose that amongst murine CD4+ T cell populations, Th2 cells express high levels of VDR, and that vitamin D regulates many of the genes on the chromosomal loci identified to be of interest, in these cells. The bottom line is the proposal that vitamin D, via Ikfz3/Aiolos, suppresses IL-2 signalling and reduces IL-2 signalling in Th2 cells. This is a novel concept and whilst the availability of IL-2 and the control of IL-2 signalling is generally thought to play a role in the capacity of vitamin D to modulate both effector and especially regulatory T cell populations, this study provides new data.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Overall, this is a highly complicated paper with numerous strands of investigation, methodologies etc. It is not "easy" reading to follow the logic between each series of experiments and also frequently fine detail of many of the experimental systems used (too numerous to list), which will likely frustrate immunologists interested in this. There is already extensive scientific literature on many aspects of the work presented, much of which is not acknowledged and largely ignored. For example, reports on the effects of vitamin D on Th2 cells are highly contradictory, especially in vitro, even though most studies agree that in vivo effects are largely protective. Similarly other reports on adult and neonatal models of vitamin D and modulation of allergic airway disease are not referenced. In summary, the data presentation is unwieldy, with numerous supplementary additions, that makes the data difficult to evaluate and the central message lost. Whilst there are novel data of interest to the vitamin D and wider community, this manuscript would benefit from editing to make it much more readily accessible to the reader.

      Wider impact: Strategies to target the IL-2 pathway have long been considered and there is a wealth of knowledge here in autoimmune disease, transplantation, GvHD etc - with some great messages pertinent to the current study. This includes the use of IL-2, including low dose IL-2 to boost Treg but not effector T cell populations, to engineered molecules to target IL-2/IL-2R.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This manuscript from Liu et al. examines the role of Fat and Dachsous, two transmembrane proto-cadherins that function both in planar cell polarity and in tissue growth control mediated by the Hippo pathway. The authors developed a new method for measuring growth of the wing imaginal disc during late larval development and then used this approach to examine the effects of disruption of Fat/Dachsous function on disc growth. The authors show that during mid to late third instar the wing imaginal disc normally grows in a linear rather than exponential fashion and that this occurs due to slowing of the mitotic cell cycle as the disc grows during this period. Consistent with their known role in regulating Hippo pathway activity, this slowing of growth is disrupted by loss of Fat/Dachsous function. The authors also observed a previously unreported gradient of Fat protein across the wing blade. However, graded expression of Fat or Dachsous is not necessary for proper growth regulation in the late third instar because ectopic Dachsous expression, which affects gradients of both Dachsous and Fat, has no growth phenotype.


      Although the role of the Hippo pathway in growth control has been extensively studied, our understanding of how the pathway controls growth during normal development remains relatively weak. This work addresses this question by examining normal growth of the wing imaginal disc during part of its development in the larva and characterizing the effects of Fat/Dachsous manipulation on that growth. The authors developed tools for measuring wing growth by measuring wing volume, an approach that could be useful in future studies of tissue growth.


      1) Although the approach used to measure volume is new to this study, the basic finding that imaginal disc growth slows at the mid-third instar stage has been known for some time from studies that counted disc cell number during larval development (Fain and Stevens, 1982; Graves and Schubiger, 1982). Although these studies did not directly measure disc volume, because cell size in the disc is not known to change during larval development, cell number is an accurate measure of tissue volume. However, it is worth noting that the approach used here does potentially allow for differential growth of different regions of the disc.

      2) Related to point 1, a main conclusion of this study, that cell cycle length scales with growth of the wing, is based on a developmentally limited analysis that is restricted to the mid-third instar larval stage and later (early third instar begins at 72 hr - the authors' analysis started at 84 hr). The previous studies cited above made measurements from the beginning of the 3rd instar and combined them with previous histological analyses of cell numbers starting at the beginning of the 2nd instar. Interestingly, both studies found that cell number increases exponentially from the start of the 2nd instar until mid-third instar, and only after that point does the cell cycle slow resulting in the linear growth reported here. The current study states that growth is linear due to scaling of cell cycle with disc size as though this is a general principle, but from the earlier studies, this is not the case earlier in disc development and instead applies only to the last day of larval life.

      3) The analysis of the roles of Fat and Dachsous presented here has weaknesses that should be addressed. It is very curious that the authors found that depletion of Fat by RNAi in the wing blade had essentially no effect on growth while depletion of Dachsous did, given that the loss of function overgrowth phenotype of null mutations in fat is more severe than that of null mutations in dachsous (Matakatsu and Blair, 2006). An obvious possibility is that the Fat RNAi transgene employed in these experiments is not very efficient. The authors tried to address this by doubling the dose of the transgene, but it is not clear to me that this approach is known to be effective. The authors should test other RNAi transgenes and additionally include an analysis of growth of discs from animals homozygous for null alleles, which as they note survive to the late larval stages.

      4) It is surprising that the authors detect a gradient of Fat expression that has not been seen previously given that this protein has been extensively studied. It is also surprising that they find that expression of Nubbin Gal4 is graded across the wing blade given that previous studies indicate that it is uniform (ie. Martín et al. 2004). These two surprising findings raise the possibility that the quantification of fluorescence could be inaccurate. The curvature of the wing blade makes it a challenging tissue to image, particularly for quantitative measurements.

      5) Overall, in my view the impact of these findings is limited. The focus on growth solely at the end of larval development, when there are a number of potentially confounding variables (for example hormonal cues), makes the generality of the findings reported here difficult to judge. Additionally, the functional analysis of Fat/Dachsous function in this process is limited - for example does disruption of other Hippo pathway components have a similar effect?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In the main text, the authors apply their metrics to a data set that was published by Mira et al. in 2015. The data consist of growth rate measurements for a combinatorially complete set of 16 genetic variants of the antibiotic resistance enzyme beta-lactamase across 10 drugs and drug combinations at 3 different drug concentrations, comprising a total of 30 different environmental conditions. In my previous report I had asked the authors to specify why they selected only 7 out of 30 environments for their analysis, with only one concentration for drug, but a clear explanation is still lacking. In the Data section of Material and Methods, the authors describe their criterion for data selection as follows: "we focus our analyses on drug treatments that had a significant negative effect on the growth of wildtype/TEM-1 strains". However, in Figure 2 it is seen that, even for the selected data sets, not all points are significant compared to wild type (grey points). So what criterion was actually applied?

      In effect, for each chosen drug or drug combination, the authors choose the data set corresponding to the highest drug concentration. As a consequence, they cannot assess to what extent their metrics depend on drug concentration. This is a major concern, since Mira et al. concluded in their study that the differences between growth rate landscapes measured at different concentrations were comparable to the differences between drugs. I argued before that, if the new metrics display a significant dependence on drug concentration, this would considerably limit their usefulness. The authors challenge this, saying in their rebuttal that "no, that drug concentration would<br /> be a major actor in the value of the metrics does not limit the utility of the metric. It is simply another variable that one can consider when computing the metrics." While this is true in principle, I don't think any practicing scientist would disagree with the statement that the existence of additional confounding factors (in particular if they are unknown) reduces the usefulness<br /> of a quantitative metric.

      As a consequence of the small number of variant-drug-combinations that are used, the conclusions that the authors draw from their analysis are mostly tentative. For example, on line 123 the authors write that the observation that<br /> the treatment of highest drug applicability is a combination of two drugs "fits intuition". In the Discussion this statement is partly retracted with reference to the piperacillin/tazobactam-combination which has low drug applicability. Being based on only a handful of data points, both observations are essentially anecdotal and it is unclear what the reader is supposed to learn.

      To assess the environment-dependent epistasis among the genetic mutations comprising the variants under study, the authors decompose the data of Mira et al. into epistatic interactions of different orders. This part of the analysis is incomplete in two ways. First, in their study, Mira et al. pointed out that a fairly large fraction of the fitness differences between variants that they measured were not statistically significant. This information has been removed in the depiction of the Mira et al. fitness landscapes in Figure 1 of the present manuscript, and it does not seem to be reflected in the results of the interaction analysis in Figure 4. Second, the interpretation of the coefficients obtained from the epistatic decomposition depends strongly on the formalism that is being used. In a note added on page 15 of the revised manuscript, the authors write that they have used the LASSO regression for their analysis and refer the reader to a previous publication (Guerrero et al. 2019) which however (as far as I could see) also does not fully explain how the method works. To give an example of the difficulty of interpreting the data in Figure 4 without further information: The substitution C (G238S) is well known to have a strong positive effective in cefotaxime, but the corresponding coefficient is essentially zero. So whatever the LASSO regression does, it cannot simply measure the effect on growth.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Gaikwad et al. investigated the role of eIF2A in translational response to stress in yeast. For this purpose, the authors conducted ribosome profiling under SM treatment in an eIF2A-depleted strain. Data analysis revealed that eIF2A did not influence translation from mRNAs bearing uORFs or cellular IRESes, in the stress condition, broadly. The authors found that only a small number of mRNAs were supported by eIF2A. The data should be helpful for researchers in the field.

      Major points:<br /> 1. The weakness of this work is the lack of clarification on the function of eIF2A in general. The novelty of this study was limited.

      2. Related to this, it would be worth investigating common features in mRNAs selectively regulated (surveyed in Figure 3A). Also, it would be worth analyzing the effect of eIF2A deletion on elongation (ribosome occupancy on each codon and/or global ribosome footprint distribution along CDS) and termination/recycling (footprint reads on stop codon and on 3′ UTR).

      3. Regarding Figure 3D, the reporters were designed to include promoter and 5′ UTR of the target genes. Thus, it should be worth noting that reporter design was based on the assumption that eIF2A-dependency in translation regulation was not dependent on 3′ UTR or CDS region. The reason why the effects on ribosome profiling-supported mRNAs could not be recapitulated in reporter assay may originate from this design. This should be also discussed.

      4. Related to the point above, the authors claimed that eIF2A affects "possibly only one" (HKR1) mRNA. However, this was due to the reporter assay which is technically variable and could not allow some of the constructs to pass the authors' threshold. Alternative wording for this point should be considered.

      5. For Figure 3D, it would be worth considering testing the #-marked genes (in Figure 3C) in this set up.

      6. In box plots, the authors should provide the statistical tests, at least where the authors explained in the main text.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors describe the discovery of a filovirus neutralizing antibody, AF03, by phage display, and its subsequent improvements to include NPC2 that resulted in a greater breadth of neutralization. Overall, the manuscript would benefit from considerable grammatical review, which would improve the communication of each point to the reader. The authors do not convincingly map the AF03 epitope, nor do they provide any strong support for their assumption that AF03 targets the NPC1 binding site. However, the authors do show that AF03 competes for MR78 binding to its epitope, and provides good support for the internalization of AF03-NL as the mechanism for improved breadth over the original AF03 antibody.


      This study shows convincing binding to Marburgvirus GP and neutralization of Marburg viruses by AF03, as well as convincing neutralization of Ebolaviruses by AF03-NL. While there are no distinct populations of PE-stained cells shown by FACS in Figure 5A, the cell staining data in Figure 5C are compelling to a non-expert in endosomal staining like me. The control experiments in Figure 7 are compelling showing neutralization by AF03-NL but not AF03 or NPC2 alone or in combination. Altogether these data support the internalisation and stabilisation mechanism that is proposed for the gain in neutralization breadth observed for Ebolaviruses by AF03-NL over AF03 alone.


      Overall, this reviewer is of the opinion that this paper is constructed haphazardly. For instance, the neutralization of mutant pseudoviruses is shown in Figure 2 before the concept of pseudovirus neutralization by AF03 is introduced in Figure 3. Similarly, the control experiments for AF03+NPC2 are described in Figure 7 after the data for breadth of neutralization are shown in Figure 6. GP quality controls are shown in Figure 2 after GP ELISAs / BLI experiments are done in Figure 1. This is disorienting for the reader.

      Figure 1: The visualisation of AF03 modelling and docking endeavours is extremely difficult to interpret. Firstly, there is no effort to orient the non-specialist reader with respect to the Marburgvirus GP model. Secondly, from the figures presented it is impossible to tell if the Fv docks perfectly onto the GP surface, or if there are violent clashes between the deeply penetrating AF03 CDRs and GP. This information would be better presented on a white background, perhaps showing GP in surface view from multiple angles and slices. The authors attempt to label potential interactions, but these are impossible to read, and labels should be added separately to appropriately oriented zoomed-in views.

      Figure 2: The neutralization of mutant pseudoviruses cannot be properly assessed using bar graphs. These data should be plotted as neutralization curves as they were done for the wild-type neutralization data in Figure 3. The authors conclude that Q128 & N129 are contact residues, but the neutralization data for this mutant appear odd as the lowest two concentrations of AF03 show higher neutralization than the second highest AF03 concentration. Neutralization of T204/Q205/T206 (green), Y218 (orange), K222 (blue), or C226 (purple) appears to be better than neutralization of the wild-type MARV. The authors do not discuss this oddity. What are the IC50's? The omission of antibody concentrations on the x-axis and missing IC50 values give a sense of obscuring the data, and the manuscript would benefit from greater transparency, and be much easier to interpret if these were included. I am intrigued that the Q128S/N129S mutant is reported as having little effect on the neutralization of MR78. The bar graph appears to show some effect (difficult to interpret without neutralization curves and IC50 data), and indeed PDB:5UQY seems to suggest that these amino acids form a central component of the MR78 epitope (Q128 forms potential hydrogen bonds with CDRH1 Y35 and CDRL3 Y91, while N129 packs against the MR78 CDRH3 and potentially makes additional polar contact with the backbone). Lastly, since neutralization was tested in both HEK293T cells and Huh7 cells in Figure 3, the authors should clarify which cells were used for neutralization in Figure 2.

      Figure 3: The first two images in Figure 3C showing bioluminescent intensity from pseudovirus-injected mice pretreated with either 10mg/kg or 3mg/kg AF03 are identical images. This is apparent from the location, shape, and intensity of the bioluminescence, as well as the identical foot placement of each mouse in these two panels. Currently, this figure is incomplete and should be corrected to show the different mice treated with either 10mg/kg or 3mg/kg of AF03.

      Figure 4 would benefit from a control experiment without antibodies comparing infection with GP-cleaved and GP-uncleaved pseudoviruses. The paragraph describing these data was also difficult to read and would benefit from additional grammatical review.

      Figure 5: The authors should clarify in the methods section that the "mock" experiment included the PE anti-human IgG Fc antibody. Without this clarification, the lack of a distinct negative population in the FACS data could be interpreted as non-specific staining with PE. If the PE antibody was added at an equivalent concentration to all panels, what does the directionality of the arrowheads in Figure 5A (labelled PE) and 5B (labelled pHrodo Red) indicate?

      Figure 6B: These data would benefit from the inclusion of IC50, transparency of antibody concentrations used, and consistency in the direction of antibody concentrations (increasing to the right or left of the x-axis) when compared to Figure 2.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Mandal et al. use WASP-deficient T cells to study the role of WASP in T cell signaling and activation and tying WASP to mechanosensing in T cells. Using both CD8 and CD4 T cells from WASP-deficient animals, the authors show defects in T cell signaling and function as well as defects in mechanosensing in activated CD8 T cells.


      Confirming findings from many previous studies, Mandal et al. demonstrate that WASP-deficiency in T cells leads to defective T cell function (Figs 1, 2, 3, and 4). Fig 3 shows direct effects of mechanical stress on CD8 T cell signaling in the absence of WASP.


      The title does not reflect the data presented as the only data demonstrating a role for WASP in mechanosensing in this manuscript doesn't directly connect WASP mechanosensing with tumors (Fig 3). The results shown in Fig 1 using an actin inhibitor doesn't directly connect WASP with mechanosensing. Fig 4 uses WASP-deficient animals in a tumor model, but doesn't demonstrate any role for mechanosensing in the WASP-deficient animals. The title should reflect the lack of data connecting WASP in mechanosensing to a tumor context.

      One major oversight is the absence of discussion of a previous publication demonstrating a direct role of WASP in mechanosensing to the actin cytoskeleton in dendritic cells and naive CD4 and CD8 T cells (Gaertner et al. Dev Cell 2022). There should be a discussion of how the findings in Gaertner et al. shed light on the results from this manuscript.

      The use of Myca to disrupt the actin cytoskeleton as a "modulator of stiffness" is problematic. While one of the potential effects of disrupting the actin cytoskeleton is changing stiffness, as shown in Figure 1, many other functions are simultaneously disturbed also. The use of B16 tumor cells is simply for antigen presentation, and not in a tumor context, so generalized statements about "stiffness" or "softness" and "tumor cells" in reference to Figure 1 should be changed to account for these alternative explanations.

      Fig S2 shows Myca treatment of BMDCs leads to decreased functionality of OTII CD4s. Interpretation in the manuscript claims "This indicates that leaching of Myca from treated cells does not cause inhibition of bystander cells". This would not be my interpretation of the data. An alternative interpretation is that if Myca is remaining in the media, then effects on APCS (either BMDCs or B16s) could lead to decreased CD4 or CD8 T cell activation and thus be responsible for effects seen in Fig 1. This possibility should be considered.

      Fig 4 claims that high rigidity leads to downstream effects of WASP-/- T cell function. But there is no demonstration of the role of mechanosensing in Figure 4. To make this claim, the authors would need to compare high and low rigidity conditions.

      Fig 4 also shows that WASP-/- showed higher tumor growth in an implanted tumor model. For 4F, since WASP is deficient in all hematopoietic cells, the finding in 4G may not be due to T cells. In 4H-J, because implantation of tumors occurs within 1 day of lymphodepletion and assessing tumor growth prior to reconstitution of the hematopoietic compartment, there should be control experiments shown to demonstrate that other hematopoietic cell types that remain are not function and thus do not participate in the differences seen in tumor growth. Also, statistical tests need to be done to show the significance of the differences between groups in Fig 4I and 4J (also 4G).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The main purpose of this investigation was to 1) compare the effects of a single knockout (sKO) of Numb or a double knockout (dKO) of Numb and NumbL on ex-vivo physiological properties of the extensor digitorium longus (EDL) muscle in C57BL/6NCrl mice; and 2) analyze protein complexes isolated from C2C12 myotubes via immunoprecipitation and LC/MS/MS for potential Numb binding partners. The main findings are 1) the muscles from sKO and dKO were significantly weaker with little difference between the sKO and dKO lines, indicating the reduced force is mainly due to the inactivation of the Numb gene; and 2) there were 11 potential Numb binding proteins that were identified and cytoskeletal specific proteins including Septin 7.


      Straight-forward yet elegant design to help determine the important role the Numb has in skeletal muscle.


      There were a limited number of samples (3-6) that were used for the physiological experiments; however, there was a very large effect size in terms of differences in muscle tension development between the induced KO models and the controls.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, the authors developed an open-top two-photon light sheet microscopy (OT-TP-LSM) that enables high-throughput and high-depth investigation of 3D cell structures. The data presented here shows that OT-T-LSM could be a complementary technique to traditional imaging workflows of human cancer cells.


      High-speed and high-depth imaging of human cells in an open-top configuration is the main strength of the presented study. An extended depth of field of 180 µm in 0.9 µm thickness was achieved together with an acquisition of 0.24 mm2/s. This was confirmed by 3D visualization of human cancer cells in the skin, pancreas, and prostate.


      The complementary aspect of the presented technique in human pathological samples is not convincingly presented. The traditional hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining is a well-established and widely used technique to detect human cancer cells. What would be the benefit of 3D cell visualization in an OT-TP-LSM microscope for cancer detection in addition to H&E staining?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors provide convincing evidence that optogenetic stimulation of ChR2-expressing motor neurons implanted in muscles effectively restore innervation of severely affected skeletal muscles in the aggressive SOD1 mouse model of ALS, and concluded that this method can be applied to selectively control the function of implicated muscles, which was supported by convincing data presented in the paper.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors use single-cell "multi-comics" to study clonal heterogeneity in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and its impact on treatment response and resistance. Their main results suggest 1) Cell compartments and gene expression signatures both shared in CML cells (versus normal), yet 2) some heterogeneity of multiomic mapping correlated with ELN treatment response; 3) further definition of s unique combination of CD26 and CD35 surface markers associated with gene expression defined BCR::ABL1+ LSCs and BCR::ABL1- HSCs. The manuscript is well-written, and the method and figures are clear and informative. The results fit the expanding view of cancer and its therapy as a complex Darwinian exercise of clonal heterogeneity and the selective pressures of treatments.


      Cutting-edge technology by one of the expert groups of single-cell 'comics.


      Very small sample sizes, without a validation set.<br /> The obvious main problem with the study is that an enormous amount of results and conjecture arise from a very small data set: only nine cases for the treatment response section (three in each of the ELN categories), only two normal marrows, and only two patient cases for the division kinetic studies. Thus, it is very difficult to know the "noise" in the system - the stability of clusters and gene expression and the normal variation one might expect, versus patterns that may be reproducibly study artifact, effects of gene expression from freezing-thawing, time on the bench, antibody labeling, etc. This is not so much a criticism as a statement of reality: these elegant experiments are difficult, time-consuming, and very expensive. Thus in the Discussion, it would be helpful for the authors to just frankly lay out these limitations for the reader to consider. Also in the Discussion, it would be interesting for the authors to consider what's next: what type of validation would be needed to make these studies translatable to the clinic? Is there a clever way to use these data to design a faster/cheaper assay?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This manuscript provides important new findings regarding the connection between inflammation and metabolism. It also identifies a new type of post-translational modification and its connection to protein stability. This finding is expected to be generalizable to other protein targets. In vitro evidence is solid. In vivo evidence needs some additional controls.


      A new connection between inflammation and metabolism.

      A novel type of PTM was identified.

      Findings would be of broad interest and the mechanisms are likely generalizable to related control systems.

      In vitro data are well-supported.

      The authors successfully demonstrated that treatment with 4-octyl Itaconate (4-OI), a prodrug form of itaconate, reduces neutral lipid accumulation in the AML12 cell line and primary hepatocytes. They show that 4-OI promotes fatty acid beta-oxidation through increased stability of CPT1a protein, the rate-limiting step in this process.


      Some conclusions involving the Irg1 knockout mice require important controls and clarifications to be fully convincing and some controls are missing.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The goal of untargeted metabolomics is to identify differences between metabolomes of different biological samples. Untargeted metabolomics identifies features with specific mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) and retention time (RT). Matching those to specific metabolites based on the model compounds from databases is laborious and not always possible, which is why methods for comparing samples on the level of unmatched features are crucial.

      The main purpose of the GromovMatcher method presented here is to merge and compare untargeted metabolomes from different experiments. These larger datasets could then be used to advance biological analyses, for example, for the identification of metabolic disease markers. The main problem that complicates merging different experiments is m/z and RT vary slightly for the same feature (metabolite).

      The main idea behind the GromovMatcher is built on the assumption that if two features match between two datasets (that feature i from dataset 1 matches feature j from dataset 2, and feature k from dataset 1 matches feature l from dataset 2), then the correlations or distances between the two features within each of the datasets (i and k, and j and l) will be similar. The authors then use the Gromov-Wasserstein method to find the best matches matrix from these data.

      The variation in m/z between the same features in different experiments is a user-defined value and it is initially set to 0.01 ppm. There is no clear limit for RT deviations, so the method estimates a non-linear deviation (drift) of RT between two studies. GromovMatcher estimates the drift between the two studies and then discards the matching pairs where the drift would deviate significantly from the estimate. It learns the drift from a weighted spline regression.

      The authors validate the performance of their GromovMatcher method by a validation experiment using a dataset of cord blood. They use 20 different splits and compare the GromovMatcher (both its GM and GMT iterations, whereby the GMT version uses the deviation from estimated RT drift to filter the matching matrix) with two other matching methods: M2S and metabCombiner.

      The second validation was done using a (scaled and centered) dataset of metabolics from cancer datasets from the EPIC cohort that was manually matched by an expert. This dataset was also used to show that using automatic methods can identify more features that are associated with a particular group of samples than what was found by manual matching. Specifically, the authors identify additional features connected to alcohol consumption.


      I see the main strength of this work in its combination of all levels of information (m/z, RT, and higher-order information on correlations between features) and using each of the types of information in a way that is appropriate for the measure. The most innovative aspect is using the Gromov-Wasserstein method to match the features based on distance matrices.

      The authors of the paper identify two main shortcomings with previously established methods that attempt to match features from different experiments: a) all other methods require fine-tuning of user-defined parameters, and, more importantly, b) do not consider correlations between features. The main strength of the GromovMatcher is that it incorporates the information on distances between the features (in addition to also using m/z and RT).


      The first, minor, weakness I could identify is that there seem not to be plenty of manually curated datasets that could be used for validation. The second is also emphasized by the authors in the discussion. Namely, the method as it is set up now can be directly used only to compare two datasets.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors of this study have sought to better understand the timing and location of the attachment of the lpp lipoprotein to the peptidoglycan in E. coli, and to determine whether YafK is the hydrolase that cleaves lpp from the peptidoglycan.


      The method is relatively straightforward. The authors are able to draw some clear conclusions from their results, that lpp molecules get cleaved from the peptidoglycan and then re-attached, and that YafK is important for that cleavage.


      However, the authors make a few other conclusions from their data which are harder to understand the logic of, or to feel confident in based on the existing data. They claim that their 5-time point kinetic data indicates that new lpp is not substantially added to lipidII before it is added to the peptidoglycan, and that instead lpp is attached primarily to old peptidoglycan. I believe that this conclusion comes from the comparison of Fig.s 3A and 3C, where it appears that new lpp is added to old peptidoglycan a few minutes before new lpp is added to new peptidoglycan. However, the very small difference in the timing of this result, the minimal number of time points and the complete lack of any presentation of calculated error in any of the data make this conclusion very tenuous. In addition, the authors conclude that lpp is not significantly attached to septal peptidoglycan. The logic behind this conclusion appears to be based on the same data, but the authors do not provide a quantitative model to support this idea.

      This work will have a moderate impact on the field of research in which the connections between the OM and peptidoglycan are being studied in E. coli. Since lpp is not widely conserved in gram negatives, the impact across species is not clear. The authors do not discuss the impact of their work in depth.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary: CD8+ QFL T cells recognize a peptide, FYAEATPML (FL9), presented on Erap1-deficient cells. QFL T cells are present at a high frequency in the spleen of naïve mice. They express an antigen-experienced phenotype, and about 80% express an invariant TCRα chain Vα3.2Jα21.

      Here, Guan and coll. report that QFL T cells are present not only in the spleen but also in the intestinal epithelium, where they display several phenotypic and functional peculiarities. The establishment of spleen and gut Vα3.2+ QFL T cells is TAP-dependent, and their phenotype is regulated by the presence/absence of Qa-1b and Erap1. Maintenance of gut Vα3.2+ QFL T cells depends on the gut microbiota and is associated with colonization by Pediococcus pentosaceus.


      This article contains in-depth studies of a peculiar and interesting subset of unconventional CD8 T cells, based partly on generating two novel TCR-transgenic models.

      The authors discovered a clear relation between the gut microbiome and the maintenance of gut QFL T cells. One notable observation is that monocolonization of the gut with Pediococcus pentosaceus is sufficient to sustain gut QFL T cells.


      In the absence of immunopeptidomic analyses, the presence or absence of the FL9 peptide on various cell types is inferred based on indirect evidence. Hence, whether the FL9 peptide is presented by some cells that express Qa-1b but not Erap1 remains unknown.

      Analyses of the homology between the FL9 and bacterial peptides were limited to two amino acid residues (P4 and P6). This limitation is mitigated in part by the justifications provided by the authors in the revised preprint.

      The potential function of QFL T cells remains elusive. The present article should provide an incentive for further functional studies.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The paper examines the role L-cysteine metabolism plays in the biology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The authors have preliminary data showing that Mycobacterium tuberculosis has two unique pathways to synthesize cysteine. The data showing new compounds that act synergistically with INH is very interesting.


      RNAseq data is interesting and important.


      The paper would be strengthened if the authors were to add further detail to their genetic manipulations.

      The authors provide evidence that they have successfully made a cysK2 mutant by recombineering. This data looks promising, but I do not see evidence for the cysM deletion. It is also important to state what sort of complementation was done (multicopy plasmid, integration proficient vector, or repair of the deletion). Since these mutants are the basis for most of the additional studies, these details are essential. It is important to include complementation in mouse studies as unexpected loss of PDIM could have occurred.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this paper, the authors have obtained an analytical expression that provides intuition about regimes of interfacial resistance that depend on droplet size. Additionally, through simulations, the authors provide microscopic insight into the arrangement of sticky and non-sticky functional groups at the interface. The authors introduce bouncing dynamics for rationalizing quantity recovery timescales.

      I found several sections that felt incomplete or needed revision and additional data to support the central claim and make the paper self-contained and coherent.

      First, the analytical theory operates with diffusion coefficients for dilute and dense phases. For the dilute phase, this is fine. For the dense phase, I have doubts that dynamics can be described as diffusive. Most likely, dynamics is highly subdiffusive due to crowded, entangled, and viscoelastic environments of densely packed interactive biomolecules. Some explanation and justification are in order here.

      The second major issue is that I did not find a clean comparison of simulations with the derived analytical expression. Simulations test various microscopic properties on the value of k, which is important. But how do we know that it is the same quantity that appears in the expressions? Also, how can we be sure that analytical expressions can guide simulations and experiments as claimed? The authors should provide sound evidence of the predictive aspect of their derived expressions.

      Are the plots in Figure 4 coming from experiment, theory, and simulation? I could not find any information either in the text or in the caption.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary and Major Findings/Strengths:

      Across diverse hosts, microbiota can influence viral infection and transmission. C. elegans is naturally infected by the Orsay virus, which infects intestinal cells and is transmitted via the fecal-oral route. Previous work has demonstrated that host immune defense pathways, such as antiviral RNAi and the intracellular pathogen response (IPR), can influence host susceptibility to virus infection. However, little is known about how bacteria modulate viral transmission and host susceptibility.

      In this study, the authors investigate how diverse bacterial species influence Orsay virus transmission and host susceptibility in C. elegans. When C. elegans is grown in the presence of two Ochrobactrum species, the authors find that animals exhibit increased viral transmission, as measured by the increased proportion of newly infected worms (relative to growth on E. coli OP50). The presence of the two Ochrobactrum species also resulted in increased host susceptibility to the virus, which is reflected by the increased fraction of infected animals following exposure to the exogenous Orsay virus. In contrast, the presence of Pseudomonas lurida MYb11, as well as Pseudomonas PA01 or PA14, attenuates viral transmission and host susceptibility relative to E. coli OP50. For growth in the presence of P. aeruginosa PA01 and PA14, the attenuated transmission and susceptibility are suppressed by mutations in regulators of quorum sensing and the gacA two-component system. The authors also identify six virulence genes in P. aeruginosa PA14 that modulate host susceptibility to virus and viral transmission, albeit to a lesser extent. Based on the findings in P. aeruginosa, the authors further demonstrate that deletion of the gacA ortholog in P. lurida results in loss of the attenuation of viral transmission and host susceptibility.

      Taken together, these findings provide important insights into the species-specific effects that bacteria can have on viral infection in C. elegans. The authors also describe a role for Pseudomonas quorum sensing and virulence genes in influencing viral transmission and host susceptibility.

      Major weaknesses:

      The manuscript has several issues that need to be addressed, such as insufficient rigor of the experiments performed and questions about the reproducibility of the data presented in some places. In addition, confounding variables complicate the interpretations that can be made from the authors' findings and weaken some of the conclusions that are stated in the manuscript.

      1. The authors sometimes use pals-5p::GFP expression to indicate infection, however, this is not necessarily an accurate measure of the infection rate. Specifically, in Figures 4-6, the authors should include measurements of viral RNA, either by FISH staining or qRT-PCR, to support the claims related to differences in infection rate.

      2. In several instances, the experimental setup and presentation of data lack sufficient rigor. For example, Fig 1D and Fig 2B only display data from one experimental replicate. The authors should include information from all 3 experimental replicates for more transparency. In Fig 3B, the authors should include a control that demonstrates how RNA1 levels change in the presence of E. coli OP50 for comparison with the results showing replication in the presence of PA14. In order to support the claim that "P. aeruginosa and P. lurida MYb11 do not eliminate Orsay virus infection", the authors should also measure RNA1 fold change in the presence of PA01 and P. lurida in the context of exogenous Orsay virus. Additionally, the authors should standardize the amount of bacteria added to the plate and specify how this was done in the Methods, as differing concentrations of bacteria could be the reason for species-specific effects on infection.

      3. The authors should be more careful about conclusions that are made from experiments involving PA14, which is a P. aeruginosa strain (isolated from humans), that can rapidly kill C. elegans. To eliminate confounding factors that are introduced by the pathogenicity of PA14, the authors should address how PA14 affects the health of the worms in their assays. For example, the authors should perform bead-feeding assays to demonstrate that feeding rates are unaffected when worms are grown in the presence of PA14. Because Orsay virus infection occurs through feeding, a decrease in C. elegans feeding rates can influence the outcome of viral infection. The authors should also address whether or not the presence of PA14 affects the stability of viral particles because that could be another trivial reason for the attenuation of viral infection that occurs in the presence of PA14.

    1. Ashby's law of requisite variety may also be at play for overloading our system 1 heuristic abilities with respect to misinformation (particularly in high velocity social media settings). Switching context from system 1 to system 2 on a constant basis to fact check everything in our (new digital) immediate environment can be very mentally and emotionally taxing. This can result in both mental exhaustion as well as anxiety.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This work analyses the historical spread and evolution, termed 'population dynamics', of a human bacterial pathogen, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the cause of the sexually transmitted infection, gonorrhoea. N. gonorrhoeae is classified as a high priority pathogen by the World Health Organisation, due to infections numbering in the tens of millions annually, with high levels of antibiotic resistance and no vaccine available, meaning treating and preventing infections is becoming increasingly more difficult. To implement interventions effectively, important resistant lineages and their transmission routes must be identified on a national and international level.

      In this work, Osnes et al. use genomic data, coupled with geographic, temporal and demographic metadata, to analyse the global population dynamics N. gonorrhoeae using 9,732 genomes. The study also includes a granular analysis of transmission between and within four regions of different sizes with high levels of data coverage: USA, Europe, Norway, and Victoria state in Australia.<br /> The authors built a phylogenetic tree including all genomes using a novel computationally efficient method for removing genome regions resulting from recombination, which would otherwise result in incorrect branch lengths and tree topology. Using the tree, the authors show that the effective population size of N. gonorrhoeae, describing population size and diversity, decreased in the period from 2010 to present day, and was not entirely an artefact of sampling bias. The authors then stratified the tree based on isolates that contained alleles that are associated with resistance to antibiotics commonly used to treat gonorrhoea. The authors found resistance was associated with particular lineages, of which most, but not all, underwent shrinking in effective population size in the last decade.<br /> Using the tree, the authors then inferred likely importation, exportation, and local transmission events, finding notable differences in the contribution of imports to local incidence between locations, as well as the likelihood of exportation. As inference of these events relies on sampling density, the authors used a novel method for identifying whether sampling was representative of the population diversity of a given location. Using this approach, they found that the densely sampled regions, Norway and Victoria, were likely representative of the local N. gonorrhoeae population diversity, whilst the larger, less densely sampled regions, Europe and USA, were not. Finally, they investigated the contribution of specific transmission networks to the spread gonorrhoea, finding that the frequency of males within a transmission network may play a role in the rate of N. gonorrhoeae transmission in Norway, but not Victoria.<br /> This work introduces several novel approaches to the analysis of pathogen population dynamics, and highlights notable differences in N. gonorrhoeae transmission between and within distinct geographic locations.

      Strengths:<br /> • The authors have collated a large global collection of N. gonorrhoeae genomes with associated metadata, and in some cases generated assemblies themselves. A dataset of this size and detail is a valuable asset to the public health community, enabling analysis of both national and international population dynamics.<br /> • The stratification of the phylogenetic tree by antimicrobial resistance gene alleles enables the study of how antibiotic usage has shaped global and regional N. gonorrhoeae populations. Analysis of changes in the effective population size of clades harbouring resistance alleles is particularly impactful, as this can be used to show how changes in treatment patterns affect the growth or decline of drug-resistant pathogen populations. This analysis also enables the determination of the frequency of multiple resistance alleles being present in single isolates, important for determining the scale of multidrug resistance within the N. gonorrhoeae global population.<br /> • The use of ancestral trait reconstruction to quantify importation, exportation and local transmission is an important contribution to public health efforts tackling N. gonorrhoeae spread. Understanding the differences in transmission networks within and between different geographic locations provides public health researchers with crucial information to model and implement effective targeted interventions on regional and international scales.

      Weaknesses:<br /> • The method used to generate the phylogenetic tree and mask regions of recombination is likely flawed. The authors repeatedly down-sampled the whole population to 500 genomes, using Gubbins to identify regions that have recombined and therefore would not follow the clonal history of the N. gonorrhoeae population. This small sample size will result in the same ancient internal nodes being sampled repeatedly, whilst more recent internal nodes will not. Therefore, more recent recombination events would not be identified by this method and were therefore likely included in the whole genome alignment used to build the tree. Furthermore, Gubbins was designed to identify recombination between closely related genomes, not across a whole species, where the background mutation rate will be too high to differentiate between recombined regions and the clonal frame. Both of these factors will mean that the amount of the genome predicted to have recombined will likely be underestimated, resulting in inflated branch lengths and incorrect tree topology. This effect is potentially the cause of the observed drop in N. gonorrhoeae effective population size between 2010-present day in Figure 2, which does not align with gonorrhoea incidence, and the elevated estimated mutation rate of 7.41x10-6 substitutions per site per year, which is higher than previous estimates based on N. gonorrhoeae global populations. The result of underestimation of recombined regions will be two-fold. Inclusion of recombined regions in the alignment will result in inflated branch lengths, which will impact all estimates of effective population size in the study. Furthermore, tree topology may be incorrect, which will impact ancestral trait reconstruction and result in incorrect inference of import, export and local transmission events in Figures 3, 4 and 5. Additionally, the clade-specific resistance gene analyses will be affected in Figure 2, as certain isolates may be incorrectly included or excluded within stratified clades. Therefore, the conclusions made about the changes in effective population size for the global population, and individual clades, as well as the differences in transmission dynamics between locations, are likely to be incorrect.<br /> • The method used to identify sampling bias, shown in Figure 4, is a novel and interesting take on the problem. However, it is not clear whether the effect being measured is the presence of sampling bias or an artefact of differences in N. gonorrhoeae diversity between locations. The results in Figure 4 do align with what is known about the population datasets; the data from Norway and Victoria is more comprehensive than that of the USA and Europe due to the difference in size of the respective human populations, meaning the likelihood of sampling bias will be lower in the smaller population. However, with increased human population size, we would also expect a greater amount of pathogen diversity, due to increased within-region transmission and greater numbers of importation events. Supporting this, we see in Figure 3 that the transmission lineages in the USA and Europe are estimated to have emerged earlier than Norway or Victoria, indicative of a greater amount of standing population diversity. Therefore, the reason why convergence is observed when up-sampling from smaller populations may be because a vast majority of isolates will sit within a small part of the tree, whilst from a larger, more diverse population, isolates will be placed all across the tree and so convergence will never be observed. In effect, it is unknown whether increasing the sample size of the USA and Europe to be truly representative of their respective N. gonorrhoeae populations would ever result in convergence between the two methods of up-sampling. Testing this method using simulations could be used to determine whether it is sensitive to sampling bias, or population diversity.<br /> • In Figure 5, a significant difference in transmission lineage size was only found between male-dominated and mixed lineages in Norway and not Victoria. Therefore, the conclusion that sex distribution within transmission networks affects the size of transmission lineages is not supported by the data, and could also be due to geographical and other demographic differences between the datasets which were not accounted for.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Li et al present a method to extract "behaviorally relevant" signals from neural activity. The method is meant to solve a problem which likely has high utility for neuroscience researchers. There are numerous existing methods to achieve this goal some of which the authors compare their method to, though there are notable omissions. However, I do believe that d-VAE is a promising approach that has its own advantages.

      That being said, there are issues with the paper as-is. This could have been a straightforward "methods" paper describing their approach and validating it on different ground truth and experimental datasets. Instead, the authors focus on the neuroscientific results and their implications for brain mechanisms. Unfortunately, while the underlying method seems sound and performs well relative to the assessed competition, the scientific results and presentation they put forward were not sufficiently strong to support these claims, especially given the small amount of data (recordings of one monkey per task, with considerable variability between them).

      Specific comments<br /> - Is the apparently increased complexity of encoding vs decoding so unexpected given the entropy, sparseness, and high dimensionality of neural signals (the "encoding") compared to the smoothness and low dimensionality of typical behavioural signals (the "decoding") recorded in neuroscience experiments? This is the title of the paper so it seems to be the main result on which the authors expect readers to focus.

      - I take issue with the premise that signals in the brain are "irrelevant" simply because they do not correlate with a fixed temporal lag with a particular behavioural feature hand-chosen by the experimenter. As an example, the presence of a reward signal in motor cortex [1] after the movement is likely to be of little use from the perspective of predicting kinematics from time-bin to time-bin using a fixed model across trials (the apparent definition of "relevant" for behaviour here), but an entire sub-field of neuroscience is dedicated to understanding the impact of these reward-related signals on future behaviour. Is there method sophisticated enough to see the behavioural "relevance" of this brief, transient, post-movement signal? This may just be an issue of semantics, and perhaps I read too much into the choice of words here. Perhaps the authors truly treat "irrelevant" and "without a fixed temporal correlation" as synonymous phrases and the issue is easily resolved with a clarifying parenthetical the first time the word "irrelevant" is used. But I remain troubled by some claims in the paper which lead me to believe that they read more deeply into the "irrelevancy" of these components.

      - The authors claim the "irrelevant" responses underpin an unprecedented neuronal redundancy and reveal that movement behaviors are distributed in a higher-dimensional neural space than previously thought." Perhaps I just missed the logic, but I fail to see the evidence for this. The neural space is a fixed dimensionality based on the number of neurons. A more sparse and nonlinear distribution across this set of neurons may mean that linear methods such as PCA are not effective ways to approximate the dimensionality. But ultimately the behaviourally relevant signals seem quite low-dimensional in this paper even if they show some nonlinearity may help.

      - Relatedly, I would like to note that the exercise of arbitrarily dividing a continuous distribution of a statistic (the "R2") based on an arbitrary threshold is a conceptually flawed exercise. The authors read too much into the fact that neurons which have a low R2 w.r.t. PDs have behavioural information w.r.t. other methods. To this reviewer, it speaks more about the irrelevance, so to speak, of the preferred direction metric than anything fundamental about the brain.

      - there is an apparent logical fallacy that begins in the abstract and persists in the paper: "Surprisingly, when incorporating often-ignored neural dimensions, behavioral information can be decoded linearly as accurately as nonlinear decoding, suggesting linear readout is performed in motor cortex." Don't get me wrong: the equivalency of linear and nonlinear decoding approaches on this dataset is interesting, and useful for neuroscientists in a practical sense. However, the paper expends much effort trying to make fundamental scientific claims that do not feel very strongly supported. This reviewer fails to see what we can learn about a set of neurons in the brain which are presumed to "read out" from motor cortex. These neurons will not have access to the data analyzed here. That a linear model can be conceived by an experimenter does not imply that the brain must use a linear model. The claim may be true, and it may well be that a linear readout is implemented in the brain. Other work [2,3] has shown that linear readouts of nonlinear neural activity patterns can explain some behavioural features. The claim in this paper, however, is not given enough

      - I am afraid I may be missing something, as I did not understand the fano factor analysis of Figure 3. In a sense the behaviourally relevant signals must have lower FF given they are in effect tied to the temporally smooth (and consistent on average across trials) behavioural covariates. The point of the original Churchland paper was to show that producing a behaviour squelches the variance; naturally these must appear in the behaviourally relevant components. A control distribution or reference of some type would possibly help here.

      - The authors compare the method to LFADS. While this is a reasonable benchmark as a prominent method in the field, LFADS does not attempt to solve the same problem as d-VAE. A better and much more fair comparison would be TNDM [4], an extension of LFADS which is designed to identify behaviourally relevant dimensions.

      [1] https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0160851<br /> [2] https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.03.31.486635<br /> [3] https://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-017-0028-6<br /> [4] Hurwitz et al, Targeted Neural Dynamical Modeling, NeurIPS 2021.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors propose a computational method based on deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to automatically detect cell divisions in two-dimensional fluorescence microscopy timelapse images. Three deep learning models are proposed to detect the timing of division, predict the division axis, and enhance cell boundary images to segment cells before and after division. Using this computational pipeline, the authors analyze the dynamics of cell divisions in the epithelium of the Drosophila pupal wing and find that a wound first induces a reduction in the frequency of division followed by a synchronised burst of cell divisions about 100 minutes after its induction.

      In general, novelty over previous work does not seem particularly important. From a methodological point of view, the models are based on generic architectures of convolutional neural networks, with minimal changes, and on ideas already explored in general. The authors seem to have missed much (most?) of the literature on the specific topic of detecting mitotic events in 2D timelapse images, which has been published in more specialized journals or Proceedings. (TPMAI, CCVPR etc., see references below). Even though the image modality or biological structure may be different (non-fluorescent images sometimes), I don't believe it makes a big difference. How the authors' approach compares to this previously published work is not discussed, which prevents me from objectively assessing the true contribution of this article from a methodological perspective.

      On the contrary, some competing works have proposed methods based on newer - and generally more efficient - architectures specifically designed to model temporal sequences (Phan 2018, Kitrungrotsakul 2019, 2021, Mao 2019, Shi 2020). These natural candidates (recurrent networks, long-short-term memory (LSTM), gated recurrent units (GRU), or even more recently transformers), coupled to CNNs are not even mentioned in the manuscript, although they have proved their generic superiority for inference tasks involving time series (Major point 2). Even though the original idea/trick of exploiting the different channels of RGB images to address the temporal aspect might seem smart in the first place - as it reduces the task of changing/testing a new architecture to a minimum - I guess that CNNs trained this way may not generalize very well to videos where the temporal resolution is changed slightly (Major point 1). This could be quite problematic as each new dataset acquired with a different temporal resolution or temperature may require manual relabeling and retraining of the network. In this perspective, recent alternatives (Phan 2018, Gilad 2019) have proposed unsupervised approaches, which could largely reduce the need for manual labeling of datasets.

      Regarding the other convolutional neural networks described in the manuscript:

      1) the one proposed to predict the orientation of mitosis performs a regression task, predicting a probability for the division angle. The architecture, which must be different from a simple Unet, is not detailed anywhere, so the way it was designed is difficult to assess. It is unclear if it also performs mitosis detection, or if it is instead used to infer orientation once the timing and location of the division have been inferred by the previous network.

      2) the one proposed to improve the quality of cell boundary images before segmentation is nothing new, it has now become a classic step in segmentation, see for example Wolny et al. eLife 2020.

      As a side note, I found it a bit frustrating to realise that all the analysis was done in 2D while the original images are 3D z-stacks, so a lot of the 3D information had to be compressed and has not been used. A novelty, in my opinion, could have resided in the generalisation to 3D of the deep-learning approaches previously proposed in that context, which are exclusively 2D, in particular, to predict the orientation of the division.

      Concerning the biological application of the proposed methods, I found the results interesting, showing the potential of such a method to automatise mitosis quantification for a particular biological question of interest, here wound healing. However, the deep learning methods/applications that are put forward as the central point of the manuscript are not particularly original.

      Major point 1: generalisation potential of the proposed method.

      The neural network model proposed for mitosis detection relies on a 2D convolutional neural network (CNN), more specifically on the Unet architecture, which has become widespread for the analysis of biology and medical images. The strategy proposed here exploits the fact that the input of such an architecture is natively composed of several channels (originally 3 to handle the 3 RGB channels, which is actually a holdover from computer vision, since most medical/biological images are gray images with a single channel), to directly feed the network with 3 successive images of a timelapse at a time. This idea is, in itself, interesting because no modification of the original architecture had to be carried out. The latest 10-channel model (U-NetCellDivision10), which includes more channels for better performance, required minimal modification to the original U-Net architecture but also simultaneous imaging of cadherin in addition to histone markers, which may not be a generic solution.

      Since CNN-based methods accept only fixed-size vectors (fixed image size and fixed channel number) as input (and output), the length or time resolution of the extracted sequences should not vary from one experience to another. As such, the method proposed here may lack generalization capabilities, as it would have to be retrained for each experiment with a slightly different temporal resolution. The paper should have compared results with slightly different temporal resolutions to assess its inference robustness toward fluctuations in division speed.

      Another approach (not discussed) consists in directly convolving several temporal frames using a 3D CNN (2D+time) instead of a 2D, in order to detect a temporal event. Such an idea shares some similarities with the proposed approach, although in this previous work (Ji et al. TPAMI 2012 and for split detection Nie et al. CCVPR 2016) convolution is performed spatio-temporally, which may present advantages. How does the authors' method compare to such an (also very simple) approach?

      Major point 2: innovatory nature of the proposed method.

      The authors' idea of exploiting existing channels in the input vector to feed successive frames is interesting, but the natural choice in deep learning for manipulating time series is to use recurrent networks or their newer and more stable variants (LSTM, GRU, attention networks, or transformers). Several papers exploiting such approaches have been proposed for the mitotic division detection task, but they are not mentioned or discussed in this manuscript: Phan et al. 2018, Mao et al. 2019, Kitrungrotaskul et al. 2019, She et al 2020.

      An obvious advantage of an LSTM architecture combined with CNN is that it is able to address variable length inputs, therefore time sequences of different lengths, whereas a CNN alone can only be fed with an input of fixed size.

      Another advantage of some of these approaches is that they rely on unsupervised learning, which can avoid the tedious relabeling of data (Phan et al. 2018, Gilad et al. 2019).

      References :<br /> Ji, S., Xu, W., Yang, M., & Yu, K. (2012). 3D convolutional neural networks for human action recognition. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 35(1), 221-231. >6000 citations

      Nie, W. Z., Li, W. H., Liu, A. A., Hao, T., & Su, Y. T. (2016). 3D convolutional networks-based mitotic event detection in time-lapse phase contrast microscopy image sequences of stem cell populations. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (pp. 55-62).

      Phan, H. T. H., Kumar, A., Feng, D., Fulham, M., & Kim, J. (2018). Unsupervised two-path neural network for cell event detection and classification using spatiotemporal patterns. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 38(6), 1477-1487.

      Gilad, T., Reyes, J., Chen, J. Y., Lahav, G., & Riklin Raviv, T. (2019). Fully unsupervised symmetry-based mitosis detection in time-lapse cell microscopy. Bioinformatics, 35(15), 2644-2653.

      Mao, Y., Han, L., & Yin, Z. (2019). Cell mitosis event analysis in phase contrast microscopy images using deep learning. Medical image analysis, 57, 32-43.

      Kitrungrotsakul, T., Han, X. H., Iwamoto, Y., Takemoto, S., Yokota, H., Ipponjima, S., ... & Chen, Y. W. (2019). A cascade of 2.5 D CNN and bidirectional CLSTM network for mitotic cell detection in 4D microscopy image. IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics, 18(2), 396-404.

      Shi, J., Xin, Y., Xu, B., Lu, M., & Cong, J. (2020, November). A Deep Framework for Cell Mitosis Detection in Microscopy Images. In 2020 16th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS) (pp. 100-103). IEEE.

      Wolny, A., Cerrone, L., Vijayan, A., Tofanelli, R., Barro, A. V., Louveaux, M., ... & Kreshuk, A. (2020). Accurate and versatile 3D segmentation of plant tissues at cellular resolution. Elife, 9, e57613.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This manuscript by Port and colleagues describes rigorous experiments that provide a wealth of virologic, respiratory physiology, and particle aerodynamic data pertaining to aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2 between infected Syrian hamsters. The data is particularly significant because infection is compared between alpha and delta variants, and because viral load is assessed via numerous assays (gRNA, sgRNA, TCID) and in tissues as well as the ambient environment of the cage. The paper will be of interest to a broad range of scientists including infectious diseases physicians, virologists, immunologists and potentially epidemiologists. The strength of evidence is relatively high but limited by unclear presentation in certain parts of the paper.

      Important conclusions are that infectious virus is only detectable in air samples during a narrow window of time relative to tissue samples, that airway constriction increases dynamically over time during infection limiting production of fine aerosol droplets, that variants do not appear to exclude one another during simultaneous exposures and that exposures to virus via the aerosol route lead to lower viral loads relative to direct inoculation suggesting an exposure dose response relationship.

      While the paper is valuable, I found certain elements of the data presentation to be unclear and overly complex.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Tian et al. performed a meta-analysis of 113 genome-wide origin profile datasets in humans to assess the reproducibility of experimental techniques and shared genomics features of origins. Techniques to map DNA replication sites have quickly evolved over the last decade, yet little is known about how these methods fare against each other (pros and cons), nor how consistent their maps are. The authors show that high-confidence origins recapitulate several known features of origins (e.g., correspondence with open chromatin, overlap with transcriptional promoters, CTCF binding sites). However, surprisingly, they find little overlap between ORC/MCM binding sites and origin locations.

      Overall, this meta-analysis provides the field with a good assessment of the current state of experimental techniques and their reproducibility, but I am worried about: (a) whether we've learned any new biology from this analysis; (b) how binding sites and origin locations can be so mismatched, in light of numerous studies that suggest otherwise; and (c) some methodological details described below.

      -- I understand better the inclusion/exclusion logic for the samples. But I'm still not sure about the fragments. As the authors wrote, there is both noise and stochasticity; the former is not important but the latter is essential to include. How can these two be differentiated, and what may be the expected overlap as a function of different stochasticity rates?

      -- Many of the major genomic features analyzed have already been found to be associated with origin sites. For example, the correspondence with TSS has been reported before:

      https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6320713/<br /> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6547456/

      -- Line 250: The most surprising finding is that there is little overlap between ORC/MCM binding sites and origin locations. The authors speculate that the overlap between ORC1 and ORC2 could be low because they come from different cell types. Equally concerning is the lack of overlap with MCM. If true, these are potentially major discoveries that butts heads with numerous other studies that have suggested otherwise.

      The key missing dataset is ORC1 and ORC2 CHiP-seq from the same cell type. This shouldn't be too expensive to perform, and I hope someone performs this test soon. Without this, I remain on the fence about how much existing datasets are "junk" vs how much the prevailing hypothesis about replication needs to be revisited. Nonetheless, the authors do perform a nice analysis showing that existing techniques should be carefully used and interpreted.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this study, Mu Qiao employs a bilinear modeling approach, commonly utilized in recommendation systems, to explore the intricate neural connections between different pre- and post-synaptic neuronal types. This approach involves projecting single-cell transcriptomic datasets of pre- and post-synaptic neuronal types into a latent space through transformation matrices. Subsequently, the cross-correlation between these projected latent spaces is employed to estimate neuronal connectivity. To facilitate the model training, connectomic data is used to estimate the ground-truth connectivity map. This work introduces a promising model for the exploration of neuronal connectivity and its associated molecular determinants. However, it is important to note that the current model has only been tested with Bipolar Cell and Retinal Ganglion Cell data, and its applicability in more general neuronal connectivity scenarios remains to be demonstrated.

      Strengths:<br /> This study introduces a succinct yet promising computational model for investigating connections between neuronal types. The model, while straightforward, effectively integrates single-cell transcriptomic and connectomic data to produce a reasonably accurate connectivity map, particularly within the context of retinal connectivity. Furthermore, it successfully recapitulates connectivity patterns and helps uncover the genetic factors that underlie these connections.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1. The study lacks experimental validation of the model's prediction results.<br /> 2. The model's applicability in other neuronal connectivity settings has not been thoroughly explored.<br /> 3. The proposed method relies on the availability of neuronal connectomic data for model training, which may be limited or absent in certain brain connectivity settings.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors investigate the effect of oscillatory activity on the chaotic dynamics of high-dimensional networks. The network oscillations are internally generated by synaptic delays which are known to produce oscillations. The authors demonstrate that the intensity of the chaos and the dimension of the chaotic attractor picks at a delay value. A similar effect is found when an external input drives the network. In this case, these quantities pick at the network's resonant frequency. This shows that the intensity of the chaotic dynamics can be boosted by internally or externally generated oscillations.

      Strengths:<br /> The paper is technically solid. They introduce a novel method to perform calculations of the Lyapunov spectrum in networks with delays, which have infinite dimensions, effectively transforming it into a network of finite dimensions. The conclusions of the paper are supported by strong analytical calculations and novel and intensive numerical methods.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The main weakness is that is difficult to find the relevance of the paper's findings to neuroscience. It is not clear to me that measures such as the rate of production of entropy of a chaotic attractor in spiking networks, its dimension, and its Lyapunov spectra are experimentally relevant. Moreover, the authors make little to no attempt to provide interpretations for these quantities nor put their work in a broader context in the field of systems neuroscience. The paper also is written in an overly technical way with sometimes the use of technical jargon which might be difficult to follow for a non-expert in mean field theories and statistical physics.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study by Adelus et al. profiled the transcriptome and chromatin accessibility in cultured human aortic endothelial cells (ECs) at single-cell resolution. They also stimulated these cells with EC-activating agents, such as IL1b, TGFB2, or si-EGR, to knock down this master transcription factor in ECs. The results show a subpopulation, EC3, with the highest plasticity and sensitivity to perturbations. The authors also reviewed and meta-analyzed three independent publicly available scRNA-seq datasets, identifying two distinct EC subpopulations. Additionally, they aligned CAD-related SNPs with open chromatin regions in EC subpopulations. This study provides fundamental evidence to enrich our understanding of vascular ECs and highlights potential subpopulations that may contribute to health and diseases. The work exhibits the potential impact in the field. While the manuscript is comprehensive, there are some concerns that should be addressed.

      1. My major concern is whether EC4 is derived from ECs. It seems that EC4 showed a lesser reaction to those perturbations and had lower expression levels of EC marker genes. Did the authors evaluate the purity of their isolated HAECs? Please discuss the potential cell lineage mapping of EC4.

      2. Although all the donors are de-identified, is there any information about the severity of their vascular impairment, particularly in the case of patient 5, who exhibits the unique EC5?

      3. The meta-analysis of the published datasets is comprehensive. The identified EC heterogeneity corresponds to their in vitro data. I am wondering, in terms of transcriptome, is there any similarity between endo1 and EC1/EC2, and also endo2 and EC3/EC4?

      4. The in vitro data indicates that EC3 shows the highest plasticity and sensitivity to perturbations, which may act as the major subtype of ECs responding to risk factors. It's very interesting that CAD-related SNPs do not seem to be enriched in EC3. Please discuss this discrepancy.

      5. The last sentence in the legend of Figure 1 seems incomplete: 'Module scores are generated for each cell barcode with Seurat function AddModuleScore().'

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors present a theoretical study of the length dynamics of bundles of actin filaments. They first show a "balance point model" in which the bundle is described as an effective polymer. The corresponding assembly and disassembly rates can depend on bundle length. This model generates a steady-state bundle-length distribution with a variance that is proportional to the average bundle length. Numerical simulations confirm this analytic result. The authors then present an analysis of previously published length distributions of actin bundles in various contexts and argue that these distributions have variances that depend quadratically with the average length. They then consider a bundle of N-independent filaments that each grow in an unregulated way. Defining the bundle length to be that of the longest filament, the resulting length distribution has a variance that scales quadratically with the average bundle length.

      Strengths:<br /> The manuscript is very well written, and the computations are nicely presented. The work gives fundamental insights into the length distribution of filamentous actin structures. The universal dependence of the variance on the mean length is of particular interest. It will be interesting to see in the future, how many universality classes there are, and which features of a growth process determine to which class it belongs.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1) You present the data in Fig. 3 as arguments against the balance point model. Although I agree that the data is compatible with your description of a bundle of filaments, I think that the range of mean lengths you can explore is too limited to conclusively argue against the balance point model. In most cases, your data extend over half an order of magnitude only. Could you provide a measure to quantify how much your model of independent filaments fits better than the balance point model?

      2) Concerning your bundled-filament model, why do you consider the polymerizing ends to be all aligned? Similarly to the opposite end, fluctuations should be present. Furthermore, it is not clear to me, where the presence of crosslinking proteins enters your description. Finally, linked to my first remark on this model, why is the longest filament determining the length of the bundle in all the biological examples you cite? I am thinking in particular about the actin cables in yeast.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The replication of information-coding polymers and the emergence of catalytic ribozymes pose significant challenges, both experimentally and theoretically, in the study of the RNA world hypothesis. In this context, Tkachenko et al. put forth a novel hypothesis regarding a replication oligomer system based on a cleavage ribozyme. They initially highlighted that the breakage of oligomers could contribute to self-replication, provided that these fragments function as primers for subsequent replications. Next, they proposed a self-replicating system of oligomers founded on a hammerhead structure that catalyzes cleavage. By a simple dynamical model, they demonstrated that such a system is self-sustainable in certain parameter regimes. Furthermore, they delved into discussions regarding the potential emergence of such a system and the evolution toward further optimized ribozymes.

      Strengths:<br /> Although the cleavage (hammerhead) ribozyme has been discussed in the context of the origins of life, the authors are the first to discuss how they could be selected using a mathematical model as far as I know. The idea is simple: ribozyme activity creates fragments by breakage of an oligomer, which works as a primer for the ribozyme itself, resulting in a positive feedback system (i.e., autocatalytic sets in a broader sense). This potentially enables us to resolve at the same time problems on the (i) supply of new primers (but note that there is a major concern on this as described in the 'weakness'), and (ii) the sustaining of the cleavage ribozyme.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The major weakness of their theory is that the ends of the new primers, formed through the breakage/cleavage of polymers, must be chemically active (as the authors have already emphasized in the last paragraph of their discussion) to enable further elongation. Reactivating the ends of preexisting oligomers without enzymes, to the best of our current knowledge, could be a challenging task. Although their model heavily relies on this aspect, the authors do not elaborate on it.

      Another weakness is in the setup of their discussion on evolutionary dynamics. While they claim that their model is robust against replication errors, their approach to evolutionary dynamics appears unconventional, and it remains unclear under what conditions their assumptions are founded. They treat a whole set of oligos as a subject of evolution, rather than each individual oligo. This may necessitate more complex assumptions, such as the encapsulation of sets of oligos inside a protocell, to be adequately rationalized. Thus, it remains uncertain whether the system is indeed robust against replication errors in a more natural context. For example, if a mutant oligo, denoted as b', arises due to an error in the replication of oligo b, and if b' has lower catalytic activity but replicates more rapidly than b, it may ultimately come to dominate the system.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Overall: This paper describes new material of Acanthomeridion serratum that the authors claim supports its synonymy with Acanthomeridion anacanthus. The material is important and the description is acceptable after some modification. In addition, the paper offers thoughts and some exploration of the possibility of multiple origins of the dorsal facial suture among artiopods, at least once within Trilobita and also among other non-trilobite artiopods. Although this possibility is real and apparently correct, the suggestions presented in this paper are both surprising and, in my opinion, unlikely to be true because the potential homologies proposed with regard to Acanthomeridion and trilobite-free cheeks are unconventional and poorly supported.

      What to do? I can see two possibilities. One, which I recommend, is to concentrate on improving the descriptive part of the paper and omit discussion and phylogenetic analysis of dorsal facial suture distribution, leaving that for more comprehensive consideration elsewhere. The other is to seek to improve both simultaneously. That may be possible but will require extensive effort.

      Major concerns

      Concern 1 - Ventral sclerites as free cheek homolog, marginal sutures, and the trilobite doublure

      Firstly, a couple of observations that bear on the arguments presented - the eyes of A. serratum are almost marginal and it is not clear whether a) there is a circumocular suture in this animal and b) if there was, whether it merged with the marginal suture. These observations are important because this animal is not one in which an impressive dorsal facial suture has been demonstrated - with eyes that near marginal it simply cannot do so. Accordingly, the key argument of this paper is not quite what one would expect. That expectation would be that a non-trilobite artiopod, such as A. serratum, shows a clear dorsal facial suture. But that is not the case, at least with A. serratum, because of its marginal eyes. Rather, the argument made is that the ventral doublure of A. serratum is the homolog of the dorsal free cheeks of trilobites. This opens up a series of issues.

      The paper's chief claim in this regard is that the "teardrop" shaped ventral, lateral cephalic plates in Acanthomeridion serratum are potential homologs of the "free cheeks" of those trilobites with a dorsal facial suture. There is no mention of the possibility that these ventral plates in A. serratum could be homologs of the lateral cephalic doublure of olenelloid trilobites, which is bound by an operative marginal suture or, in those trilobites with a dorsal facial suture, that it is a homolog of only the doublure portions of the free cheeks and not with their dorsal components.

      The introduction to the paper does not inform the reader that all olenelloids had a marginal suture - a circumcephalic suture that was operative in their molting and that this is quite different from the situation in, say, "Cedaria" woosteri in which the only operative cephalic exoskeletal suture was circumocular. The conservative position would be that the olenelloid marginal suture is the homolog of the marginal suture in A. serratum: the ventral plates thus being homolog of the trilobite cephalic doublure, not only potential homolog to the entire or dorsal only part of the free cheeks of trilobites with a dorsal facial suture. As the authors of this paper decline to discuss the doublure of trilobites (there is a sole mention of the word in the MS, in a figure caption) and do not mention the olenelloid marginal suture, they give the reader no opportunity to assess support for this alternative.

      At times the paper reads as if the authors are suggesting that olenelloids, which had a marginal cephalic suture broadly akin to that in Limulus, actually lacked a suture that permitted anterior egression during molting. The authors are right to stress the origin of the dorsal cephalic suture in more derived trilobites as a character seemingly of taxonomic significance but lines such as 56 and 67 may be taken by the non-specialist to imply that olenelloids lacked a forward egression-permiting suture. There is a notable difference between not knowing whether sutures existed (a condition apparently quite common among soft-bodied artiopods) and the well-known marginal suture of olenelloids, but as the MS currently reads most readers will not understand this because it remains unexplained in the MS.

      With that in mind, it is also worth further stressing that the primary function of the dorsal sutures in those which have them is essentially similar to the olenelloid/limulid marginal suture mentioned above. It is notable that the course of this suture migrated dorsally up from the margin onto the dorsal shield and merged with the circumocular suture, but this innovation does not seem to have had an impact on its primary function - to permit molting by forward egression. Other trilobites completely surrendered the ability to molt by forward egression, and there are even examples of this occurring ontogenetically within species, suggesting a significant intraspecific shift in suture functionality and molting pattern. The authors mention some of this when questioning the unique origin of the dorsal facial suture of trilobites, although I don't understand their argument: why should the history of subsequent evolutionary modification of a character bear on whether its origin was unique in the group?

      The bottom line here is that for the ventral plates of A. serratum to be strict homologs of only the dorsal portion of the dorsal free cheeks, there would be no homolog of the trilobite doublure in A. serratum. The conventional view, in contrast, would be that the ventral plates are a homolog of the ventral doublure in all trilobites and ventral plates in artiopods. I do not think that this paper provides a convincing basis for preferring their interpretation, nor do I feel that it does an adequate job of explaining issues that are central to the subject.

      Concern 2. Varieties of dorsal sutures and the coexistence of dorsal and marginal sutures

      The authors do not clarify or discuss connections between the circumocular sutures (a form of dorsal suture that separates the visual surface from the rest of the dorsal shield) and the marginal suture that facilitates forward egression upon molting. Both structures can exist independently in the same animal - in olenelloids for example. Olenelloids had both a suture that facilitated forward egression in molting (their marginal suture) and a dorsal suture (their circumocular suture). The condition in trilobites with a dorsal facial suture is that these two independent sutures merged - the formerly marginal suture migrating up the dorsal pleural surface to become confluent with the circumocular suture. (There are also interesting examples of the expansion of the circumocular suture across the pleural fixigena.) The form of the dorsal facial suture has long figured in attempts at higher-level trilobite taxonomy, with a number of character states that commonly relate to the proximity of the eye to the margin of the cephalic shield. The form of the dorsal facial suture that they illustrate in Xanderella, which is barely a strip crossing the dorsal pleural surface linking marginal and circumocular suture, is comparable to that in the trilobites Loganopeltoides and Entomapsis but that is a rare condition in that clade as a whole. The paper would benefit from a clear discussion of these issues at the beginning - the dorsal facial suture that they are referring to is a merged circumcephalic suture and circumocular suture - it is not simply the presence of a molt-related suture on the dorsal side of the cephalon.

      Concern 3. Phylogenetics<br /> While I appreciate that the phylogenetic database is a little modified from those of other recent authors, still I was surprised not to find a character matrix in the supplementary information (unless it was included in some way I overlooked), which I would consider a basic requirement of any paper presenting phylogenetic trees - after all, there's no a space limit. It is not possible for a reviewer to understand the details of their arguments without seeing the character states and the matrix of state assignments.

      The section "phylogenetic analyses" provides a description of how tree topology changes depending on whether sutures are considered homologous or not using the now standard application of both parsimony and maximum likelihood approaches but, considering that the broader implications of this paper rest of the phylogenetic interpretation, I also found the absence of detailed discussion of the meaning and implications of these trees to be surprising, because I anticipated that this was the main reason for conducting these analysis. The trees are presented and briefly described but not considered in detail. I am troubled by "Circles indicate presence of cephalic ecdysial sutures" because it seems that in "independent origin of sutures" trilobites are considered to have two origins (brown color dot) of cephalic ecdysial sutures - this may be further evidence that the team does not appreciate that olenelloids have cephalic ecdysial sutures, as the basal condition in all trilobites. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding their views, but from what's presented it's not possible to know that. Similarly, in the "sutures homologous" analyses why would there be two independent green dots for both Acanthomeridion and Trilobita, rather than at the base of the clade containing them both, as cephalic ecdysial sutures are basal to both of them? Here again, we appear to see evidence that the team considers dorsal facial sutures and cephalic ecdysial sutures to be synonymous - which is incorrect.

      This point aside, and at a minimum, that team needs to do a more thorough job of characterizing and considering the variety of conditions of dorsal sutures among artiopods, their relationships to the marginal suture and to the circumocular suture, the number, and form of their branches, etc.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this work the authors describe the shape and interconnectedness of intracellular structures of malaria blood stage parasites by taking advantage of expansion microscopy. Compared to previous microscopy work with these parasites, the strength of this paper lies in the increased resolution and the fact that the NHE ester highlights protein densities. Together with the BodipyC membrane staining, this results in data that is somewhere in between EM and standard fluorescence microscopy: it has higher resolution than standard fluorescence microscopy and provides some points of reference of different cellular structures due to the NHE ester/BodipyC.

      This study makes many interesting and useful observations and although it is somewhat "old school descriptory" in its presentation, researchers working in many different areas will find something of interest here. This ranges from mitosis, to organisation and distribution of major cellular structures, endocytosis and invasion, overall providing a rich and interesting resource. The results section is long but by taking the space to explain everything in detail, it has the advantage that it clearly transpires how things were done and on how many cells a conclusion is based on. Further the authors often also included a brief interpretation of their findings with a very open assessment what it does and what it does not show, highlighting interesting questions left by the data.

      Overall this is a very nice and useful paper that will be of interest to many, particularly those working on nuclear division, cytokinesis, endocytosis or invasion in malaria parasites. The spatiotemporal arrangement and interconnection of subcellular structures will also give a framework for specific functional studies.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The manuscript by Liu et al. reports a task that is designed to examine the extent to which "past" and "future" information is encoded in working memory that combines a retro cue with rules that indicate the location of an upcoming test probe. An analysis of microsaccades on a fine temporal scale shows the extent to which shifts of attention track the location of the location of the encoded item (past) and the location of the future item (test probe). The location of the encoded grating of the test probe was always on orthogonal axes (horizontal, vertical) so that biases in microsaccades could be used to track shifts of attention to one or the other axis (or mixtures of the two). The overall goal here was then to (1) create a methodology that could tease apart memory for the past and future, respectively, (2) to look at the time-course attention to past/future, and (3) to test the extent to which microsaccades might jointly encode past and future memoranda. Finally, some remarks are made about the plausibility of various accounts of working memory encoding/maintenance based on the examination of these time courses.

      Strengths:<br /> This research has several notable strengths. It has a clear statement of its aims, is lucidly presented, and uses a clever experimental design that neatly orthogonalizes "past" and "future" as operationalized by the authors. Figure 1b-d shows fairly clearly that saccade directions have an early peak (around 300ms) for the past and a "ramping" up of saccades moving in the forward direction. This seems to be a nice demonstration the method can measure shifts of attention at a fine temporal resolution and differentiate past from future-oriented saccades due to the orthogonal cue approach. The second analysis shown in Figure 2, reveals a dependency in saccade direction such that saccades toward the probe future were more likely also to be toward the encoded location than away from the encoded direction. This suggests saccades are jointly biased by both locations "in memory".

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1. The "central contribution" (as the authors characterize it) is that "the brain simultaneously retains the copy of both past and future-relevant locations in working memory, and (re)activates each during mnemonic selection", and that: "... while it is not surprising that the future location is considered, it is far less trivial that both past and future attributes would be retained and (re)activated together. This is our central contribution." However, to succeed at the task, participants must retain the content (grating orientation, past) and probe location (future) in working memory during the delay period. It is true that the location of the grating is functionally irrelevant once the cue is shown, but if we assume that features of a visual object are bound in memory, it is not surprising that location information of the encoded object would bias processing as indicated by microsaccades. Here the authors claim that joint representation of past and future is "far less trivial", this needs to be evaluaed from the standpoint of prior empirical data on memory decay in such circumstances, or some reference to the time-course of the "unbinding" of features in an encoded object.

      2. The authors refer to "future" and "past" information in working memory and this makes sense at a surface level. However, once the retrocue is revealed, the "rule" is retrieved from long-term memory, and the feature (e.g. right/left, top/bottom) is maintained in memory like any other item representation. Consider the classic test of digit span. The digits are presented and then recalled. Are the digits of the past or future? The authors might say that one cannot know, because past and future are perfectly confounded. An alternative view is that some information in working memory is relevant and some is irrelevant. In the digit span task, all the digits are relevant. Relevant information is relevant precisely because it is thought be necessary in the future. Irrelevant information is irrelevant precisely because it is not thought to be needed in the immediate future. In the current study, the orientation of the grating is relevant, but its location is irrelevant; and the location of the test probe is also relevant.

      3. It is not clear how the authors interpret the "joint representation" of past and future. Put aside "future" and "past" for a moment. If there are two elements in memory, both of which are associated with spatial bindings, the attentional focus might be a spatial average of the associated spatial indices. One might also view this as an interference effect, such that the location of the encoded location attracts spatial attention since it has not been fully deleted/removed from working memory. Again, for the impact of the encoded location to be exactly zero after the retrieval cue, requires zero interference or instantaneous decay of the bound location information. It would be helpful for the authors to expand their discussion to further explain how the results fit within a broader theoretical framework and how it fits with empirical data on how quickly an irrelevant feature of an object can be deleted from working memory.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This MEG study used co-registered eye-tracking and Rapid Invisible Frequency Tagging (RIFT) to track the effects of semantic parafoveal preview during natural sentence reading. Unpredictable target words could either be congruent or incongruent with sentence context. This modulated the RIFT response already while participants were fixating on the preceding word. This indicates that the semantic congruency of the upcoming word modulates visual attention demands already in parafoveal preview.<br /> The quest for semantic parafoveal preview in natural reading has attracted a lot of attention in recent years, especially with the development of co-registered EEG and MEG. Evidence from dynamic neuroimaging methods using innovative paradigms as in this study is important for this debate.

      Major points:<br /> 1) The authors frame their study in terms of "congruency with sentence context". However, it is the congruency between adjective-noun pairs that determines congruency (e.g. "blue brother" vs "blue jacket", and examples p. 16 and appendix). This is confirmed by Suppl Figure 1, which shows a significantly larger likelihood of refixations to the pre-target word for incongruent sentences, probably because the pre-target word is most diagnostic for the congruency of the target word. The authors discuss some possibilities as to why there is variability in parafoveal preview effects in the literature. It is more likely to see effects for this simple and local congruency, rather than congruency that requires an integration and comprehension of the full sentence. I'm not sure whether the authors really needed to present their stimuli in a full-sentence context to obtain these effects. This should be explicitly discussed and also mentioned in the introduction (or even the abstract).

      2) The authors used MEG and provided a source estimate for the tagging response (Figure 2), which unsurprisingly is in the visual cortex. The most important results are presented at the sensor level. This does not add information about the brain sources of the congruency effect, as the RIFT response probably reflects top-down effects on visual attention etc. Was it necessary to use MEG? Would EEG have produced the same results? In terms of sensitivity, EEG is better than MEG as it is more sensitive to radial and deeper sources. This should be mentioned in the discussion and/or methods section.

      3) The earliest semantic preview effects occurred around 100ms after fixating the pre-target word (discussed around l. 323). This means that at this stage the brain must have processed the pre-target and the target word and integrated their meanings (at some level). Even in the single-word literature, semantic effects at 100 ms are provocatively early. Even studies that tried to determine the earliest semantic effects arrived at around 200 ms (e.g. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3382728/, https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2013-17451-002). The present results need to be discussed in a bit more detail in the context of the visual word recognition literature.

      4) As in previous EEG/MEG studies, the authors found a neural but no behavioural preview effect. As before, this raises the question of whether the observed effect is really "critical" for sentence comprehension. The authors provide a correlation analysis with reading speed, but this does not allow causal conclusions: Some people may simply read slowly and therefore pay more attention and get a larger preview response. Some readers may hurry and therefore not pay attention and not get a preview response. In order to address this, one would have to control for reading speed and show an effect of RIFT response on comprehension performance (or vice versa, with a task that is not close to ceiling performance). The last sentence of the discussion is currently not justified by the results.

      5) L. 577f.: ICA components were selected by visual inspection. I would strongly recommend including EOG in future recordings when the control of eye movements is critical.

      6) The authors mention "saccade planning" a few times. I would suggest looking at the SWIFT model of eye movement control, which is less mechanistic than the dominant EZ-Reader model (https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2005-13637-003). It may be useful for the framing of the study and interpretation of the results (e.g. second paragraph of discussion).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors combined inhibitory neurostimulation (continuous theta-burst stimulation, cTBS) with subsequent MRI measurements to investigate the impact of inhibition of the left anterior temporal lobe (ATL) on task-related activity and performance during a semantic task and link stimulation-induced changes to the neurochemical level by including MR spectroscopy (MRS). cTBS effects in the ATL were compared with a control site in the vertex. The authors found that relative to stimulation of the vertex, cTBS significantly increased the local GABA concentration in the ATL. cTBS also decreased task-related semantic activity in the ATL and potentially delayed semantic task performance by hindering a practice effect from pre to post. Finally, pooled data from their previous MRS study suggest an inverted U-shape between GABA concentration and behavioral performance. These results help to better understand the neuromodulatory effects of non-invasive brain stimulation on task performance.

      Strengths:<br /> Multimodal assessment of neurostimulation effects on the behavioral, neurochemical, and neural levels. In particular, the link between GABA modulation and behavior is timely and potentially interesting.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The analyses are not sound. Some of the effects are very weak and not all conclusions are supported by the data since some of the comparisons are not justified. There is some redundancy with a previous paper by the same authors, so the novelty and contribution to the field are overall limited. A network approach might help here.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This study examined the longitudinal brain-behaviour link between attentional neural filtering and listening behaviour among a sample of aging individuals. The results based on the latent change score modeling showed that neither attentional neural filtering at T1 nor its T1-T2 change predicted individual two-year listening performance change. The findings suggest that neural filtering and listening behaviour may follow independent developmental trajectories. This study focuses on an interesting topic and has the potential to contribute a better understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms of successful communication across the lifespan.

      Strengths:<br /> Although research suggests that speech comprehension is neurally supported by an attention-guided filter mechanism, the evidence of their causal association is limited. This study addresses this gap by testing the longitudinal stability of neural filtering as a neural mechanism upholding listening performance, potentially shedding light on translational efforts aiming at the preservation of speech comprehension abilities among aging individuals.

      The latent change score modeling approach is appropriately used as a tool to examine key developmental questions and distinguish the complex processes underlying lifespan development in brain and behaviour with longitudinal data.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Although the paper does have strengths in principle, the weaknesses of the paper are that the findings are merely based on a single listening task. Since both neural and behavioral indicators are derived from the same task, the results may be applicable only to this specific task, and it is difficult to extrapolate them to cognitive and listening abilities measured by the other tasks. Therefore, more listening tasks are required to comprehensively measure speech comprehension and neural markers.

      The age span of the sample is relatively large. Although no longitudinal change from T1 to T2 was found at the group-level, from the cross-sectional and longitudinal change results (see Figure 3), individuals of different age groups showed different development patterns. Particularly, individuals over the age of 70 show a clear downward trend in both neural filtering index and accuracy. Therefore, different results may be found based on different age groups, especially older groups. However, due to sample limitations, this study was unable to examine whether age has a moderating effect on this brain-behaviour link.

      In the Dichotic listening task, valid and invalid cues were manipulated. According to the task description, the former could invoke selective attention, whereas the latter could invoke divided attention. It is possible that under the two conditions, the neural filtering index may reflect different underlying cognitive processes, and thus may differ in its predictive effect on behavioral performance. The author could perform a more in-depth data analysis on indicators under different conditions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary: The authors tried to identify novel adult functions of the classical Drosophila juvenile-adult transition axis (i.e. ptth-ecdysone). Surprisingly, larval ptth-expressing neurons expressed the sex-specific doublesex gene, thus belonging to the sexual dimorphic circuit. Lack of ptth during late larval development caused enhanced female sexual receptivity, an effect rescued by supplying ecdysone in the food. Among many other cellular players, pC1 neurons control receptivity by encoding the mating status of females. Interestingly, during metamorphosis, a subtype of pC1 neurons required Ecdysone Receptor A in order to regulate such female receptivity. A transcriptomic analysis using pC1-specific Ecdyone signaling down-regulation gives some hints of possible downstream mechanisms.

      Strengths: the manuscript showed solid genetic evidence that lack of ptth during development caused enhanced copulation rate in female flies, which includes ptth mutant rescue experiments by over-expressing ptth as well as by adding ecdysone-supplemented food. They also present elegant data dissecting the temporal requirements of ptth-expressing neurons by shifting animals from non-permissive to permissive temperatures, in order to inactivate neuronal function (although not exclusively ptth function). By combining different drivers together with a EcR-A RNAi line authors also identified the Ecdysone receptor requirements of a particular subtype of pC1 neurons during metamorphosis. Convincing live calcium imaging showed no apparent effect of EcR-A in neural activity, although some effect on morphology is uncovered. Finally, bulk RNAseq shows differential gene expression after EcR-A down-regulation.

      Weaknesses: the paper has three main weaknesses. The first one refers to temporal requirements of ptth and ecdysone signaling. Whereas ptth is necessary during larval development, the ecdysone effect appears during pupal development. ptth induces ecdysone synthesis during larval development but there is no published evidence about a similar role for ptth during pupal stages. Furthermore, larval and pupal ecdysone functions are different (triggering metamorphosis vs tissue remodeling). The second caveat is the fact that ptth and ecdysone loss-of-function experiments render opposite effects (enhancing and decreasing copulation rates, respectively). The most plausible explanation is that both functions are independent of each other, also suggested by differential temporal requirements. Finally, in order to identify the effect in the transcriptional response of down-regulating EcR-A in a very small population of neurons, a scRNAseq study should have been performed instead of bulk RNAseq.

      In summary, despite the authors providing convincing evidence that ptth and ecdysone signaling pathways are involved in female receptivity, the main claim that ptth regulates this process through ecdysone is not supported by results. More likely, they'd rather be independent processes.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The sleep patterns of animals are adaptable, with shorter sleep durations in the winter and longer sleep durations in the summer. Chen and colleagues conducted a study using Drosophila (fruit flies) and discovered that a circadian photoreceptor called cryptochrome (cry) plays a role in reducing sleep duration during day/night cycles resembling winter conditions. They also found that cry functions in specific GABAergic circadian pacemaker cells known as s-LNvs inhibit these neurons, thereby promoting wakefulness in the animals in the winter. They also identified l-LNvs, known as arousal-promoting cells, as the downstream neurons.

      Strengths:<br /> Detailed mapping of the neural circuits cry acts to mediate the shortened sleep in winter-like day/night cycles.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The supporting evidence for s-LNvs being GABAergic neurons is not particularly strong. Additionally, there is a lack of direct evidence regarding changes in neural activity for s-LNvs and l-LNvs under varying day/night cycles, as well as in cry mutant flies.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Klug et al. use monosynaptic rabies tracing of inputs to D1- vs D2-SPNs in the striatum to study how separate populations of cortical neurons project to D1- and D2-SPNs. They use rabies to express ChR2, then patch D1-or D2-SPNs to measure synaptic input. They report that cortical neurons labeled as D1-SPN-projecting preferentially project to D1-SPNs over D2-SPNs. In contrast, cortical neurons labeled as D2-SPN-projecting project equally to D1- and D2-SPNs. They go on to conduct pathway-specific behavioral stimulation experiments. They compare direct optogenetic stimulation of D1- or D2-SPNs to stimulation of MCC inputs to DMS and M1 inputs to DLS. In three different behavioral assays (open field, intra-cranial self-stimulation, and a fixed ratio 8 task), they show that stimulating MCC or M1 cortical inputs to D1-SPNs is similar to D1-SPN stimulation, but that stimulating MCC or M1 cortical inputs to D2-SPNs does not recapitulate the effects of D2-SPN stimulation (presumably because both D1- and D2-SPNs are being activated by these cortical inputs).

      Strengths:<br /> Showing these same effects in three distinct behaviors is strong. Overall, the functional verification of the consequences of the anatomy is very nice to see. It is a good choice to patch only from mCherry-negative non-starter cells in the striatum.

      Weaknesses:<br /> One limitation is that all inputs to SPNs are expressing ChR2, so they cannot distinguish between different cortical subregions during patching experiments. Their results could arise because the same innervation patterns are repeated in many cortical subregions or because some subregions have preferential D1-SPN input while others do not. There are also some caveats with respect to the efficacy of rabies tracing. Although they only patch non-starter cells in the striatum, only 63% of D1-SPNs receive input from D1-SPN-projecting cortical neurons. It's hard to say whether this is "high" or "low," but one question is how far from the starter cell region they are patching. Without this spatial indication of where the cells that are being patched are relative to the starter population, it is difficult to interpret if the cells being patched are receiving cortical inputs from the same neurons that are projecting to the starter population. Convergence of cortical inputs onto SPNs may vary with distance from the starter cell region quite dramatically, as other mapping studies of corticostriatal inputs have shown specialized local input regions can be defined based on cortical input patterns (Hintiryan et al., Nat Neurosci, 2016, Hunnicutt et al., eLife 2016, Peters et al., Nature, 2021). A caveat for the optogenetic behavioral experiments is that these optogenetic experiments did not include fluorophore-only controls. Another point of confusion is that other studies (Cui et al, J Neurosci, 2021) have reported that stimulation of D1-SPNs in DLS inhibits rather than promotes movement.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors investigate replay (defined as sequential reactivation) and clustered reactivation during retrieval of an abstract cognitive map. Replay and clustered reactivation were analysed based on MEG recordings combined with a decoding approach. While the authors state to find evidence for both, replay and clustered reactivation during retrieval, replay was exclusively present in low performers. Further, the authors show that reactivation strength declined with an increasing graph distance.

      Strengths:<br /> The paper raises interesting research questions, i.e., replay vs. clustered reactivation and how that supports retrieval of cognitive maps. The paper is well-written, well-structured, and easy to follow. The methodological approach is convincing and definitely suited to address the proposed research questions.

      The paper is a great combination between replicating previous findings (Wimmer et al. 2020) with a new experimental approach but at the same time presenting novel findings (reactivation strength declines as a function of graph distance).<br /> What I also want to positively highlight is their transparency. They pre-registered this study but with a focus on a different part of the data and outlined this explicitly in the paper.

      The paper has very interesting, individual findings but there are some shortcomings.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Even though the individual findings are interesting, it is not easy to grasp how they are related. For example, the authors show that replay is present in low but not in high performers with the assumption that high performers tend to simultaneously reactivate items. But then, the authors do not investigate clustered reactivation (= simultaneous reactivation) as a function of performance (due to ceiling effects for most participants).

      Unfortunately, the evidence for clustered reactivation is not well supported by the analysis approach and the observed evidence. The analysis approach still holds the possibility of replay driving the observed clustered reactivation effect.

      A third shortcoming is that at least some analyses are underpowered (very low number of trials, n = ~10, and for some analyses, very low number of participants, n = 14). In both cases (low trial number and low participant number) the n could be increased by including the learning part in the analyses as well. It is not clear to me why the authors restricted their analyses to the retrieval period only (especially given that participants also have to retrieve during learning).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This work provides a novel design of implantable and high-density EMG electrodes to study muscle physiology and neuromotor control at the level of individual motor units. Current methods of recording EMG using intramuscular fine-wire electrodes do not allow for isolation of motor units and are limited by the muscle size and the type of behavior used in the study. The authors of myomatrix arrays had set out to overcome these challenges in EMG recording and provided compelling evidence to support the usefulness of the new technology.

      Strengths:<br /> • They presented convincing examples of EMG recordings with high signal quality using this new technology from a wide array of animal species, muscles, and behavior.<br /> • The design included suture holes and pull-on tabs that facilitate implantation and ensure stable recordings over months.<br /> • Clear presentation of specifics of the fabrication and implantation, recording methods used, and data analysis

      I am satisfied with the authors' response to my previous concerns on the weaknesses of the study.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary: The authors provide a nice summary on the possibility to study genetic heterogeneity and how to measure the dynamics of stem cells. By combining single cell and bulk sequencing analyses, they aim to use a stochastic process and inform on different aspects of genetic heterogeneity.

      Strengths: Well designed study and strong methods.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> An article with lots of interesting ideas and questions regarding the evolution of timing of dormancy, emphasizing mammalian hibernation but also including ectotherms. The authors compare selective forces of constraints due to energy availability versus predator avoidance and requirements and consequences of reproduction in a review of between and within species (sex) differences in the seasonal timing of entry and exit from dormancy.

      Strengths:<br /> The multispecies approach including endotherms and ectotherms is ambitious. This review is rich with ideas if not in convincing conclusions.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The differences between physiological requirements for gameatogenesis between sexes that affect the timing of heterothermy and the need for euthermy during mammalian hibernator are significant issues that underlie but are under-discussed, in this contrast of selective pressures that determine seasonal timing of dormancy. Some additional discussion of the effects of rapid climate change on between and within species phenologies of dormancy would have been interesting.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study focuses on the eco-morphology, the feeding behaviors, and the co-evolution of feeding organs of longirostrine gomphotheres (Amebelodontidae, Choerolophodontidae, and Gomphotheriidae) which are characterised by their distinctive mandible and mandible tusk morphologies. They also have different evolutionary stages of food acquisition organs which may have co-evolve with extremely elongated mandibular symphysis and tusks. Although these three longirostrine gomphothere families were widely distributed in Northern China in the Early-Middle Miocene, the relative abundances and the distribution of these groups were different through time as a result of the climatic changes and ecosysytems.

      These three groups have different feeding behaviors indicated by different mandibular symphysis and tusk morphologies. Additionally, they have different evolutionary stages of trunks which are reflected by the narial region morphology. To be able to construct the feeding behavior and the relation between the mandible and the trunk of early elephantiformes, the authors examined the crania and mandibles of these three groups from the Early and Middle Miocene of northern China from three different museums and also made different analyses.

      The analyses made in the study are:<br /> 1. Finite Element (FE) analysis: They conducted two kinds of tests: the distal forces test, and the twig-cutting test. With the distal forces test, advantageous and disadvantageous mechanical performances under distal vertical and horizontal external forces of each group are established. With the twig-cutting test, a cylindrical twig model of orthotropic elastoplasity was posed in three directions to the distal end of the mandibular task to calculate the sum of the equivalent plastic strain (SEPS). It is indicated that all three groups have different mandible specializations for cutting plants.

      2. Phylogenetic reconstruction: These groups have different narial region morphology, and in connection with this, have different stages of trunk evolution. The phylogenetic tree shows the degree of specialization of the narial morphology. And narial region evolutionary level is correlated with that of character-combine in relation to horizontal cutting. In the trilophodont longirostrine gomphotheres, co-evolution between the narial region and horizontal cutting behaviour is strongly suggested.

      3. Enamel isotopes analysis: The results of stable isotope analysis indicate an open environment with a diverse range of habitats and that the niches of these groups overlapped without obvious differentiation.

      The analysis shows that different eco-adaptations have led to the diverse mandibular morphology and open-land grazing has driven the development of trunk-specific functions and loss of the long mandible. This conclusion has been achieved with evidence on palaecological reconstruction, the reconstruction of feeding behaviors, and the examination of mandibular and narial region morphology from the detailed analysis during the study.

      All of the analyses are explained in detail in the supplementary files. The 3D models and movies in the supplementary files are detailed and understandable and explain the conclusion. The conclusions of the study are well supported by data.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study addresses the catalytic activity of a Ras-like ROC GTPase domain of LRRK2 kinase, a Ser/Thr kinase linked to Parkinson's disease (PD). The enzyme is associated with gain-of-function variants that hyper-phosphorylate substrate Rab GTPases. However, the link between the regulatory ROC domain and activation of the kinase domain is not well understood.

      It is within this context that the authors detail the kinetics of the ROC GTPase domain of pathogenic variants of LRRK2, in comparison to the WT enzyme. Their data suggest that LRRK2 kinase activity negatively regulates the ROC GTPase activity and that PD variants of LRRK2 have differential effects on the Km and catalytic efficiency of GTP hydrolysis.

      Based on mutagenesis, kinetics, and biophysical experiments, the authors suggest a model in which autophosphorylation shifts the equilibrium toward monomeric LRRK2 (locked GTP state of ROC). The authors further conclude that T1343 is a crucial regulatory site, located in the P-loop of the ROC domain, which is necessary for the negative feedback mechanism. Unfortunately, the data do not support this hypothesis, and further experiments are required to confirm this model for the regulation of LRRK2 activity.

      Specific comments are below:

      - Although a couple of papers are cited, the rationale for focusing on the T1343 site is not evident to readers. It should be clarified that this locus, and perhaps other similar loci in the wider ROCO family, are likely important for direct interactions with the GTP molecule.

      - Similar to the above, readers are kept in the dark about auto-phosphorylation and its effects on the monomer/dimer equilibrium. This is a critical aspect of this manuscript and a major conceptual finding that the authors are making from their data. However, the idea that auto-phosphorylation is (likely) to shift the monomer/dimer equilibrium toward monomer, thereby inactivating the enzyme, is not presented until page 6, AFTER describing much of their kinetics data. This is very confusing to readers, as it is difficult to understand the meaning of the data without a conceptual framework. If the model for the LRRK2 function is that dimerization is necessary for the phosphorylation of substrates, then this idea should be presented early in the introduction, and perhaps also in the abstract. If there are caveats, then they should be discussed before data are presented. A clear literature trail and the current accepted (or consensus) mechanism for LRRK2 activity is necessary to better understand the context for these data.

      - Following on the above concepts, I find it interesting that the authors mention monomeric cyotosolic states, and kinase-active oligomers (dimers??), with citations. Again here, it would be useful to be more precise. Are dimers (oligomers?) only formed at the membrane? That would suggest mechanisms involving lipid or membrane-attached protein interactions. Also, what do the authors mean by oligomers? Are there more than dimers found localized to the membrane?

      - Fig 5 is a key part of their findings, regarding the auto-phosphorylation induced monomer formation of LRRK2. From these two bar graphs, the authors state unequivocally that the 'monomer/dimer equilibrium is abolished', and therefore, that the underlying mechanism might be increased monomerization (through maintenance of a GTP-locked state). My view is that the authors should temper these conclusions with caveats. One is that there are still plenty of dimers in the auto-phosphorylated WT, and also in the T1343A mutant. Why is that the case? Can the authors explain why only perhaps a 10% shift is sufficient? Secondly, the T1343A mutant appears to have fewer overall dimers to begin with, so it appears to readers that 'abolition' is mainly due to different levels prior to ATP treatment at 30 deg. I feel these various issues need to be clarified in a revised manuscript, with additional supporting data. Finally, on a minor note, I presume that there are no statistically significant differences between the two sets of bar graphs on the right panel. It would be wise to place 'n.s.' above the graphs for readers, and in the figure legend, so readers are not confused.

      - Figure 6B, Westerns of phosphorylation, the lanes are not identified and it is unclear what these data mean.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> HCN-4 isoform is found primarily in the sino-atrial node where it contributes to the pacemaking activity. LRMP is an accessory subunit that prevents cAMP-dependent potentiation of HCN4 isoform but does not have any effect on HCN2 regulation. In this study, the authors combine electrophysiology, FRET with standard molecular genetics to determine the molecular mechanism of LRMP action on HCN4 activity. Their study shows that parts of N- and C-termini along with specific residues in C-linker and S5 of HCN4 are crucial for mediating LRMP action on these channels. Furthermore, they show that the initial 224 residues of LRMP are sufficient to account for most of the activity. In my view, the highlight of this study is Fig. 7 which recapitulates LRMP modulation on HCN2-HCN4 chimera. Overall, this study is an excellent example of using time-tested methods to probe the molecular mechanisms of regulation of channel function by an accessory subunit.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1. Figure 5A- I am a bit confused with this figure and perhaps it needs better labeling. When it states Citrine, does it mean just free Citrine, and "LRMP 1-230" means LRMP fused to Citrine which is an "LF" construct? Why not simply call it "LF"? If there is no Citrine fused to "LRMP 1-230", this figure would not make sense to me.

      2. Related to the above point- Why is there very little FRET between NF and LRMP 1-230? The FRET distance range is 2-8 nm which is quite large. To observe baseline FRET for this construct more explanation is required. Even if one assumes that about 100 amino are completely disordered (not extended) polymers, I think you would still expect significant FRET.

      3. Unless I missed this, have all the Cerulean and Citrine constructs been tested for functional activity?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary and strengths:

      O'Brien et al. present a compelling strategy to both understand rare disease that could have a neuronal focus and discover drugs for repurposing that can affect rare disease phenotypes. Using C. elegans, they optimize the Brown lab worm tracker and Tierpsy analysis platform to look at the movement behaviors of 25 knockout strains. These gene knockouts were chosen based on a process to identify human orthologs that could underlie rare diseases. I found the manuscript interesting and a powerful approach to making genotype-phenotype connections using C. elegans. Given the rate at which rare Mendelian diseases are found and candidate genes suggested, human geneticists need to consider orthologous approaches to understand the disease and seek treatments on a rapid time scale. This approach is one such way. Overall, I have a few minor suggestions and some specific edits.

      Weaknesses:<br /> (1) Throughout the text on figures, labels are nearly impossible to read. I had to zoom into the PDF to determine what the figure was showing. Please make text in all figures a minimum of 10-point font. Similarly, the Figure 2D point type is impossible to read. Points should be larger in all figures. Gene names should be in italics in all figures, following C. elegans convention.

      (2) I have a strong bias against the second point in Figure 1A. Sequencing of trios, cohorts, or individuals NEVER identifies causal genes in the disease. This technique proposes a candidate gene. Future experiments (oftentimes in model organisms) are required to make those connections to causality. Please edit this figure and parts of the text.

      (3) How were the high-confidence orthologs filtered from 767 to 543 (lines 128-131)? Also, the choice of the final list of 25 genes is not well justified. Please expand more about how these choices were made.

      (4) Figures 3 and 4, why show all 8289 features? It might be easier to understand and read if only the 256 Tierpsy features were plotted in the heat maps.

      (5) The unc-80 mutant screen is clever. In the feature space, it is likely better to focus on the 256 less-redundant Tierpsy features instead of just a number of features. It is unclear to me how many of these features are correlated and not providing more information. In other words, the "worsening" of less-redundant features is far more of a concern than the "worsening" of 1000 correlated features.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This manuscript builds from the interesting observation that local recruitment of the DHPH domain of the RhoGEF PRG can induce local retraction, protrusion, or neither. The authors convincingly show that these differential responses are tied to the level of expression of the PRG transgene. This response depends on the Rho-binding activity of the recruited PH domain and is associated with and requires (co?)-activation of Cdc42. This begs the question of why this switch in response occurs. They use a computational model to predict that the timing of protein recruitment can dictate the output of the response in cells expressing intermediate levels and found that, "While the majority of cells showed mixed phenotypes irrespectively of the activation pattern, in few cells (3 out of 90) we were able to alternate the phenotype between retraction and protrusion several times at different places of the cell by changing the frequency while keeping the same total integrated intensity (Figure 6F and Supp Movie)."


      The experiments are well-performed and nicely documented. However, the molecular mechanism underlying the shift in response is not clear (or at least clearly described). In addition, it is not clear that a prediction that is observed in ~3% of cells should be interpreted as confirming a model, though the fit to the data in 6B is impressive.

      Overall, the main general biological significance of this work is that RhoGEF can have "off target effects". This finding is significant in that an orthologous GEF is widely used in optogenetic experiments in drosophila. It's possible that these findings may likewise involve phenotypes that reflect the (co-)activation of other Rho family GTPases.


      The manuscript makes a number of untested assumptions and the underlying mechanism for this phenotypic shift is not clearly defined.

      This manuscript is missing a direct phenotypic comparison of control cells to complement that of cells expressing RhoGEF2-DHPH at "low levels" (the cells that would respond to optogenetic stimulation by retracting); and cells expressing RhoGEF2-DHPH at "high levels" (the cells that would respond to optogenetic stimulation by protruding). In other words, the authors should examine cell area, the distribution of actin and myosin, etc in all three groups of cells (akin to the time zero data from figures 3 and 5, with a negative control). For example, does the basal expression meaningfully affect the PRG low-expressing cells before activation e.g. ectopic stress fibers? This need not be an optogenetic experiment, the authors could express RhoGEF2DHPH without SspB (as in Fig 4G).

      Relatedly, the authors seem to assume ("recruitment of the same DH-PH domain of PRG at the membrane, in the same cell line, which means in the same biochemical environment." supplement) that the only difference between the high and low expressors are the level of expression. Given the chronic overexpression and the fact that the capacity for this phenotypic shift is not recruitment-dependent, this is not necessarily a safe assumption. The expression of this GEF could well induce e.g. gene expression changes.

      The third paragraph of the introduction, which begins with the sentence, "Yet, a large body of works on the regulation of GTPases has revealed a much more complex picture with numerous crosstalks and feedbacks allowing the fine spatiotemporal patterning of GTPase activities" is potentially confusing to readers. This paragraph suggests that an individual GTPase may have different functions whereas the evidence in this manuscript demonstrates, instead, that *a particular GEF* can have multiple activities because it can differentially activate two different GTPases depending on expression levels. It does not show that a particular GTPase has two distinct activities. The notion that a particular GEF can impact multiple GTPases is not particularly novel, though it is novel (to my knowledge) that the different activities depend on expression levels.

      These descriptions are not precise. What is the nature of the competition between RhoA and Cdc42? Is this competition for activation by the GEFs? Is it a competition between the phenotypic output resulting from the effectors of the GEFs? Is it competition from the optogenetic probe and Rho effectors and the Rho biosensors? In all likelihood, all of these effects are involved, but the authors should more precisely explain the underlying nature of this phenotypic switch. Some of these points are clarified in the supplement, but should also be explicit in the main text.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Although Trabid missense mutations are identified across a range of neurodevelopmental disorders, its role in neurodevelopment is not understood. Here the authors study two different patient mutations and implicate defects in its deubiquitylating activity and interactions with STRIPAK. Knockin mice for these mutations impaired trafficking of APC to microtubule plus ends, with consequent defects in neuronal growth cone and neurite outgrowth.

      The authors focus on R438W and A451V, two missense mutations seen in patients. Recombinant fragments showed R438W is nearly completely DUB-dead whereas A451V showed normal activity but failed to efficiently precipitate STRIPAK. Knockin of these mutations showed a partially penetrant reduced cortical neuronal and glial cell numbers and reduced TH+ neurons and their neuronal processes. Cell culture demonstrated that both DUB and STRIPAK-binding activities of Trabid are required for efficient deubiquitylation of APC in cells, and alter APC transport along neurites. APC-tdTomato fluorescent reporter mice crossed with the Trabid mutants confirmed these results. The results suggest that Trabid's mechanism of action is to suppress APC ubiquitylation to regulate its intracellular trafficking and neurite formation.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The present work addresses the mechanisms linking the sex-dependent temporal GH secretion patterns to the robust sex differences in chromatin accessibility and transcription factor binding that ultimately regulate sexually dimorphic liver gene expression. Using DNAseq analysis genomic sites hypersensitive to cleavage by DNase I, DNase hypersensitive sites [DHS] were studied in hepatocytes from male and female mice. DHS in the genome correspond to accessible chromatin regions and encompass key regulatory elements, including enhancers, promoters, insulators, and silencers, often flanked by specific histone modifications, and all of these players were described in different settings of GH action. Importantly, the dynamics of sex-dependent and independent chromatin accessibility linked to STAT5 binding were evaluated. For that purpose, hepatic samples from mice were divided into STAT high and STAT low binding by EMSA screening. With this information changes in DHS related to STAT binding were calculated in both sexes, giving an approximation of chromatin opening in response to STAT5, or alternatively to hypophsectomy, or a single GH pulse. More the 800 male-biased DHS (from a total of more than 70000 DHS) regions were identified in the STAT5 high groups, implying that the binding of a plasma GH pulse activates STAT5, and evokes a dynamic cycle of male liver chromatin opening and closing at sites that comprised 31% of all male-biased DHS. This proves that the pulsatility of plasma GH stimulation confers significant male bias in chromatin accessibility, and STAT5 binding at a fraction of the genomic sites linked to sex-biased liver gene expression and liver disease. As a proof of concept, authors show that a single physiological replacement dose or pulse of GH given to hypophysectomized mice recapitulate, within 30 min, the pulsatile re-opening of chromatin seen in pituitary-intact male mouse liver.

      In another male-biased DHS set (69% of male-biased DHS), chromatin accessibility was static, that is unchanged across the peaks and valleys of GH-induced liver STAT5 activity and mapped to a set of target genes and processes distinct though sometimes overlapping those of the dynamic male-biased DHS.

      In view of these distinct dynamic and static DHS in males, authors evaluated key epigenetic features distinguishing the dynamic STAT5-driven mechanism of chromatin opening from that of static male-biased DHS, which are constitutively open in the male liver but closed in the female liver. The analysis of histone marks enriched at each class of sex-biased DHS indicated exquisite differences in the epigenetic mechanisms that mediate sex-specific gene repression in each sex. For example, H3K27me3 and H3K9me3, two widely used repressive histone marks, are used in a unique way in each sex to enforce sex differences in chromatin states at sex-biased DHS.

      Finally, the work recapitulates and explains the classifications of sex dimorphic genes made in previous works. Sex-biased and pituitary hormone-dependent DHS act as regulatory elements with a positive enhancer potential, to induce or maintain gene expression in the intact liver by sustaining an open chromatin in the case of class I male-biased DHS and class I male-biased genes in the male liver. Contrariwise DHS may participate in the inhibition of gene expression by maintaining a closed chromatin state, as in the case of class II male-biased DHS and class II female-biased genes in male liver.

      These results as a whole present a complex mechanism by which GH regulates the sexual dimorphism of liver genes in order to cope with the metabolic needs of each sex. In a complete story, the information on chromatin accessibility, histone modification, and transcription factor binding was integrated to elucidate the complex patterns of transcriptional regulation, which is sexually dimorphic in the liver.

      Strengths:<br /> The work presents a novel insight into the fundamental underlying epigenetic mechanisms of sex-biased gene regulation.<br /> Results are supported by numerous Tables, and Supplementary Tables with the raw data, which present the advantage that they may be reanalyzed in the future to prove new hypotheses.

      Weaknesses<br /> It is a complicated work to analyze, even though the main messages are clearly conveyed.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The manuscript by Morel et al. aims to identify some potential mechano-regulators of transendothelial cell macro-aperture (TEM). Guided by the recognized role of caveolar invaginations in buffering the membrane tension of cells, the authors focused on caveolin-1 and associated regulator PTRF. They report a comprehensive in vitro work based on siRNA knockdown and optical imaging approach complemented with an in vivo work on mice, a biophysical assay allowing measurement of the mechanical properties of membranes, and a theoretical analysis inspired by soft matter physics.


      The authors should be complimented for this multi-faceted and rigorous work. The accumulation of pieces of evidence collected from each type of approach makes the conclusion drawn by the authors very convincing, regarding the new role of cavolin-1 as an individual protein instead of the main molecular component of caveolae. On a personal note, I was very impressed by the quality of STORM images (Fig. 2) which are very illuminating and useful, in particular for validating some hypotheses of the theoretical analysis.


      While this work pins down the key role of caveolin-, its mechanism remains to be further investigated. The hypotheses proposed by the authors in the discussions about the link between caveolin and lipids/cholesterol are very plausible though challenging. Even though we may feel slightly frustrated by the absence of data in this direction, the quality and merit of this paper remain.

      - The analogy with dewetting processes drawn to derive the theoretical model is very attractive. However, although part of the model has already been published several times by the same group of authors, the definition of the effective membrane rigidity of a plasma membrane including the underlying actin cortex, was very vague and confusing. Here, for the first time, thanks to the STORM analysis, the authors show that HUVECs intoxicated by ExoC3 exhibit a loose and defective cortex with a significantly increased mesh size. This argues in favor of the validity of Helfrich formalism in this context. Nonetheless, there remains a puzzle. Experimentally, several TEMs are visible within one cell. Theoretically, the authors consider a simultaneous opening of several pores and treat them in an additive manner. However, when one pore opens, the tension relaxes and should prevent the opening of subsequent pores. Yet, experimentally, as seen from the beautiful supplementary videos, several pores open one after the other. This would suggest that the tension is not homogeneous within an intoxicated cell or that equilibration times are long. One possibility is that some undegraded actin pieces of the actin cortex may form a barrier that somehow isolates one TEM from a neighboring one. Could the authors look back at their STORM data and check whether intoxicated cells do not exhibit a bimodal population of mesh sizes and possibly provide a mapping of mesh size at the scale of a cell? In particular, it is quite striking that while bending rigidity of the lipid membrane is expected to set the maximal size of the aperture, most TEMs are well delimited with actin rings before closing. Is it because the surrounding loose actin is pushed back by the rim of the aperture? Could the authors better explain why they do not consider actin as a player in TEM opening?

      - Instead of delegating to the discussion the possible link between caveolin and lipids as a mechanism for the enhanced bending rigidity provided by caveolin-1, it could be of interest for the readership to insert the attempted (and failed) experiments in the result section. For instance, did the authors try treatment with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin that extracts cholesterol (and disrupts caveolar and clathrin pits) but supposedly keeps the majority of the pool of individual caveolins at the membrane?

      - Tether pulling experiments on Plasma membrane spheres (PMS) are real tours de force and the results are quite convincing: a clear difference in bending rigidity is observed in controlled and caveolin knock-out PMS. However, one recurrent concern in these tether-pulling experiments is to be sure that the membrane pulled in the tether has the same composition as the one in the PMS body. The presence of the highly curved neck may impede or slow down membrane proteins from reaching the tether by convective or diffusive motion. Could the authors propose an experiment to demonstrate that caveolin-1 proteins are not restricted to the body of the PMS and can access to the nanometric tether?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In the manuscript "Recall-Gated Consolidation: A Model for Learning and Memory in Neural Systems," the authors suggest a computational mechanism called recall-gated consolidation, which prioritizes the storage of previously experienced synaptic updates in memory. The authors investigate the mechanism with different types of learning problems including supervised learning, reinforcement learning, and unsupervised auto-associative memory. They rigorously analyse the general mechanism and provide valuable insights into its benefits.


      The authors establish a general theoretical framework, which they translate into three concrete learning problems. For each, they define an individual mathematical formulation. Finally, they extensively analyse the suggested mechanism in terms of memory recall, consolidation dynamics, and learnable timescales.

      The presented model of recall-gated consolidation covers various aspects of synaptic plasticity, memory recall, and the influence of gating functions on memory storage and retrieval. The model's predictions align with observed spaced learning effects.

      The authors conduct simulations to validate the recall-gated consolidation model's predictions, and their simulated results align with theoretical predictions. These simulations demonstrate the model's advantages over consolidating any memory and showcase its potential application to various learning tasks.

      The suggestion of a novel consolidation mechanism provides a good starting point to investigate memory consolidation in diverse neural systems and may inspire artificial learning algorithms.


      I appreciate that the authors devoted a specific section to the model's predictions, and point out how the model connects to experimental findings in various model organisms. However, the connection is rather weak and the model needs to make more specific predictions to be distinguishable from other theories of memory consolidation (e.g. those that the authors discuss) and verifiable by experimental data.

      While the article extensively discusses the strengths and advantages of the recall-gated consolidation model, it provides a limited discussion of potential limitations or shortcomings of the model, such as the missing feature of generalization, which is part of previous consolidation models. The model is not compared to other consolidation models in terms of performance and how much it increases the signal-to-noise ratio. It is only compared to a simple STM or a parallel LTM, which I understand to be essentially the same as the STM but with a different timescale (so not really an alternative consolidation model). It would be nice to compare the model to an actual or more sophisticated existing consolidation model to allow for a fairer comparison.

      The article is lengthy and dense and it could be clearer. Some sections are highly technical and may be challenging to follow. It could benefit from more concise summaries and visual aids to help convey key points.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors report the results of QM/MM simulations and kinetic measurements for the phosphoryl-transfer step in adenylate kinase. The main assertion of the paper is that a wide transition state ensemble is a key concept in enzyme catalysis as a strategy to circumvent entropic barriers. This assertion is based on the observation of a "structurally wide" set of energetically equivalent configurations that lie along the reaction coordinate in QM/MM simulations, together with kinetic measurements that suggest a decrease in the entropy of activation.

      Strengths:<br /> The study combines theoretical calculations and supporting experiments.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The role(s) of entropy in enzyme catalysis has been discussed extensively in the literature, from the Circe effect proposed by Jencks and many other works. The current paper hypothesizes a "wide" transition state ensemble as a catalytic strategy and key concept in enzyme catalysis. Overall, it is not clear the degree to which this hypothesis is supported by the data. The reasons are as follows:

      1. Enzyme catalysis reflects a rate enhancement with respect to a baseline reaction in solution. In order to assert that something is part of a catalytic strategy of an enzyme, it would be necessary to demonstrate from simulations that the activation entropy for the baseline reaction is indeed greater and the transition state ensemble less "wide". Alternatively stated, when indicating there is a "wide transition state ensemble" for the enzyme system - one needs to indicate that is with respect to the non-enzymatic reaction. However, these simulations were not performed and the comparisons were not demonstrated.

      2. The observation of a "wide conformational ensemble" is not a quantitative measure of entropy. In order to make a meaningful computational prediction of the entropic contribution to the activation of free energy, one would need to perform free energy simulations over a range of temperatures (for the enzymatic and non-enzymatic systems). Such simulations were not performed, and the entropy of activation was thus not quantified by the computational predictions.

      3. The authors indicate that lid-opening, essential for product release, and not P-transfer is the rate-limiting step in the catalytic cycle and Mg2+ accelerates both steps. How is it certain that the kinetic measurements are reporting on the chemical steps of the reaction, and not other factors such as metal ion binding or conformational changes?

      4. The authors explore different starting states for the chemical steps of the reaction (e.g., different metal ion binding and protonation states), and conclude that the most reactive enzyme configuration is the one with the more favorable reaction-free energy barrier. However, it is not clear what is the probability of observing the system in these different states as a function of pH and metal ion concentration without performing appropriate pKa and metal ion binding calculations. This was not done, and hence these results seem somewhat inconclusive.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this work, the authors sought to 1) establish a method for measuring muscle fiber subcellular structure (myofibrils) using common, non-specialized laboratory techniques and equipment, and 2) use this method to provide evidence on whether loading-induced muscle fiber growth was the result of myofibril growth (of existing myofibrils) or myofbrillogenesis (creation of new myofibrils) in mice and humans. The latter is a fundamental question in the muscle field. The authors succeeded in their aims and provided useful methods for the muscle field and detailed insight into muscle fiber hypertrophy; specifically, that loading-induced muscle fiber hypertrophy may be driven mostly by myofibrillogenesis.

      Strengths:<br /> 1) The usage of murine and human samples to provide evidence on myofibril hypertrophy vs myofibrillogenesis.<br /> 2) A nice historical perspective on myofibrillogenesis in skeletal muscle.<br /> 3) The description of a useful and tractable IHC imaging method for the muscle biology field supported by extensive validation against electron microscopy.<br /> 4) Fundamental information on how myofiber hypertrophy ensues.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1) The usage of young growing mice (8-10 weeks) versus adult mice (>4 months) in the murine mechanical overload experiments, as well as no consideration for biological sex. The former point is partly curtailed by the adult human data that is provided (male only). Still, the usage of adult mice would be preferable for these experiments given that maturational growth may somehow affect the outcomes. For the latter point, it is not clear whether male or female mice were used.

      2) Information on whether myofibrillogenesis is dependent on hypertrophy induced by loading, or just hypertrophy in general. To provide information on this, the authors could use, for instance, inducible Myostatin KO mice (a model where hypertrophy and force production are not always in lockstep) to see whether hypertrophy independent from load induces the same result as muscle loading regarding myofibrillogenesis.

      3) Limited information on Type 1 fiber hypertrophy. A "dual overload" model is used for the mouse where the soleus is also overloaded, but presumably, the soleus was too damaged to analyze. Exploring hypertrophy of murine Type 1 fibers using a different model (weight pulling, weighted wheel running, or forced treadmill running) would be a welcome addition.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      With the data presented in this manuscript, the authors help complete the set of high-resolution HER2-associated complex heterodimer structures as well as HER4 homodimer structures in the presence of NRG1b and BTC. Purification of HER2-HER4 heterodimers appears to be inherently challenging due to the propensity of HER4 to form homodimers. The authors have used an effective scheme to isolate these HER2-HER4 heterodimers and have employed graphene-oxide grid chemistry to presumably overcome the issues of low sample yield for solving cryo-EM structures of these complexes. The authors conclude HER2-HER4 heterodimers with either ligand are conformationally homogeneous relative to the HER4 homodimers. The HER2-HER4 heterodimers also appear to be better stabilized compared to other published HER2 heterodimers. The ability to model glycans in the context of HER4 homodimers is exciting to see and provides a strong rationale for the stability of these structures. Overall, the work is of great interest and the methods described in this work would benefit a wide variety of structural biology projects.

      Major comments-<br /> 1. The HER2-HER4 heterodimer with BTC appears to be the lowest resolution of the reported structures. Although the authors claim the overall structure is similar to the HER2-HER4 heterodimer with NRG1b, it is therefore unclear whether the lower resolution of the BTC is due to challenging data collection conditions, sample preparation, or conformational dynamics not discernible due to the lower resolution. The authors should minimally clarify where they see the possible issues arising for the lower resolution as this is a key aspect of the work.

      2. For all maps, authors should display Euler angle plots from their final refinements to assess the degree of preferred orientation. Judging by the sphericity, it appears all the structures, except HER2-HER4-BTC, have well-sampled projection distributions. However, a formal clarification would be useful to the reader.

      3. The authors should also include map-model FSCs to ascertain the quality of the map with respect to model building, as this is currently missing in the submission.

      Minor comments-<br /> 1. With respect to complex formation, is there a reason why HER2 expression is dramatically lower than HER4?

      2. Figures S1e authors should clarify if HER2 substitutions are VR alone or do these include GD substitutions as well. These should be suitably clarified in the main text.

      3. The validation reports for all 4 reported structures suggest the user-provided FSC-derived resolutions are different from those calculated by the deposition server. Are the masks deposited significantly different compared to the ones generated within cryoSPARC?

      4. For interpretation regarding activation through phosphorylation in Figure 2e, have the authors considered HER4 could homodimerize as well? It appears from the data presented in Figure 4 and S12 that the propensity to form homodimers is greater for HER4 than to heterodimerize with HER2, despite the VR/IQ substitutions. This also appears to be supported by the reasonable amount of signal for pERK in lanes with HER4-IQ alone in the presence of NRG1b. It is recommended that the authors comment on this possibility.

      5. In the following line, "NRG1b-induced phosphorylation of HER2, HER4, ERK and AKT was not notably affected by substitution of the HER4 dimerization arm to a GS-arm relative to wild type receptors", it is unclear what the authors mean by wild-type receptors? There is presently no wild-type HER2 and/or HER4 tested in this blot.

      6. Considering the asparagine residues can potentially mediate stabilization of HER2-HER4 dimers through glycosylation, the authors should include western blot data for receptor-activation for mutants where glycosylation can be disrupted. This could minimally instruct the reader on how functionally relevant the identified interactions like N576-N358 are.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In bacteria and mammals, metabolically generated aldehydes become toxic at high concentrations because they irreversibly modify the free amino group of various essential biological macromolecules. However, these aldehydes can be present in extremely high amounts in archaea and plants without causing major toxic side effects. This fact suggests that archaea and plants have evolved specialized mechanisms to prevent the harmful effects of aldehyde accumulation.

      In this study, the authors show that the plant enzyme DTD2, originating from archaea, functions as a D-aminoacyl-tRNA deacylase. This enzyme effectively removes stable D-aminoacyl adducts from tRNAs, enabling these molecules to be recycled for translation. Furthermore, they demonstrate that DTD2 serves as a broad detoxifier for various aldehydes in vivo, extending its function beyond acetaldehyde, as previously believed. Notably, the absence of DTD2 makes plants more susceptible to reactive aldehydes, while its overexpression offers protection against them. These findings underscore the physiological significance of this enzyme.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The manuscript entitled "A 2-HB-mediated feedback loop regulates muscular fatigue" by the Johnson group reports interesting findings with implications for the health benefits of exercise. The authors use a combination of metabolic/biochemical in vivo and in vitro assays to delineate a metabolic route triggered by 2-HB (a relatively stable metabolite induced by exercise in humans and mice) that controls branched-chain amino transferase enzymes and mitochondrial oxidative capacity. Mechanistically, the author shows that 2-HB is a direct inhibitor of BCAT enzymes that in turn control levels of SIRT4 activity and ADp-ribosylation in the nucleus targeting C/EBP transcription factor, affecting BCAA oxidation genes (see Fig 4i in the paper). Overall, these are interesting and novel observations and findings with relevance to human exercise, with the potential implication of using these metabolites to mimic exercise benefits, or conditions or muscular fatigue that occurs in different human chronic diseases including rheumatic diseases or long COVID.

      Weaknesses:<br /> There are several experiments/comments that will strengthen the manuscript-

      1- A final model in Figure 6 integrating the exercise/mechanistic findings, expanding on Fig 4i) will clarify the findings.

      2- In some of the graphs, statistics are missing (e.g Fig 6G).

      3- The conclusions on SIRT4 dependency should be carefully written, as it is likely that this is only one potential mechanism, further validation with mouse models would be necessary.

      4- One of the needed experiments to support the oxidative capacity effects that could be done in cultured cells, is the use of radiosotope metabolites including BCCAs to determine the ability to produce CO2. Alternatively or in combination metabolite flux using isotopes would be useful to strengthen the current results.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Jojoa-Cruz et al. determined a high-resolution cryo-EM structure in the Arabidopsis thaliana (At) OSCA3.1 channel. Based on a structural comparison between OSCA3.1 and OSCA1.2 and the difference between these two paralogs in their mechanosensitivity to poking and membrane stretch, the authors performed structural-guided mutagenesis and tested the roles of three structural domains, including an amphipathic helix, a beam-like domain, and a lipid fenestration site at the pore domain, for mechanosensation of OSCA channels.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors successfully determined a structure of the AtOSCA3.1 channel reconstituted in lipid nanodiscs by cryo-EM to a high resolution of 2.6 Å. The high-resolution EM map enabled the authors to observe putative lipid EM densities at various sites where lipid molecules are associated with the channel. Overall, the structural data provides the information for comparison with other OSCA paralogs.

      In addition, the authors identified OSCA1.2 mutants that exhibit differential responses to mechanical stimulation by poking and membrane stretch (i.e., impaired response to poke assay but intact response to membrane stretch). This interesting behavior will be useful for further study on differentiating the mechanisms of OSCA activation by distinct mechanical stimuli.

      Major weakness:<br /> 1. The major weaknesses of this study are the mutagenesis design and the functional characterization of the three structural domains - an amphipathic helix (AH), a beam-like domain (BLD), and the fenestration site at the pore, in OSCA mechanosensation.

      1) First of all, it is confusing to the reviewer, whether the authors set out to test these structural domains as a direct sensor(s) of mechanical stimuli or as a coupling domain(s) for downstream channel opening and closing (gating). The data interpretations are vague in this regard as the authors tend to interpret the effects of mutations on the channel 'sensitivity' to different mechanical stimuli (poking or membrane stretch). The authors ought to dissect the molecular bases of sensing mechanical force and opening/closing (gating) the channel pore domain for the structural elements that they want to study.

      Furthermore, the authors relied on the functional discrepancies between OSCA1.2 (sensitive to both membrane poking and stretch) and OSCA3.1 (little or weak sensitivity to poking but sensitive to membrane stretch). But the experimental data presented in the study are not clear to address the mechanisms of channel activation by poking vs. by stretch, and why the channels behave differently.

      2) The reviewer questions if the "apparent threshold" of poke-induced membrane displacement and the threshold of membrane stretch are good measures of the change in the channel sensitivity to the different mechanical stimuli.

      3) Overall, the mutagenesis design in the various structural domains lacks logical coherence and the interpretation of the functional data is not sufficient to support the authors' hypothesis. Essentially the authors mutated several residues on the hotspot domains, observed some effects on the channel response to poking and membrane stretch, then interpreted the mutated residues/regions are critical for OSCA mechanosensation. Examples are as follows.

      In the section "Mutation of key residues in the amphipathic helix", the authors mutated W75 and L80, which are located on the N- and C-terminal of the AH in OSCA1.2, and mutated Pro in the OSCA1.2 AH to Arg at the equivalent position in OSCA3.1 AH. W75 and L80 are conserved between OSCA 1.2 and OSCA3.1. Mutations of W75 and/or L80 impaired OSCA1.2 activation by poking, but not by membrane stretch. In comparison, the wildtype OSCA3.1 which contains W and L at the equivalent position of its AH exhibits little or weak response to poking. The loss of response to poking in the OSCA1.2 W/L mutants does not indicate their roles in poking-induced activation.

      Besides, the P2R mutation on OSCA1.2 AH showed no effect on the channel activation by poking, suggesting Arg in OSCA3.1 AH is not responsible for its weak response to poking. Together the mutagenesis of W75, L80, and P2R on OSCA1.2 AH does not support the hypothesis of the role of AH involved in OSCA mechanosensation.

      In the section "Replacing the OSCA3.1 BLD in OSCA1.2", the authors replaced the BLD in OSCA 1.2 with that from OSCA3.1, and only observed slightly stronger displacement by poking stimuli. The authors still suggest that BLD "appears to play a role" in the channel sensitivity to poke despite the evidence not being strong.

      OSCA1.2 has four Lys residues in TM4 and TM6b at the pore fenestration site, which were shown to interact with the lipid phosphate head group, whereas two of the equivalent residues in OSCA3.1 are Ile. In the section "Substitution of potential lipid-interacting lysine residues", the authors made K435I/K536I double mutant for OSCA1.2 to mimic OSCA3.1 and observed poor response to poking but an intact response to stretch. Did the authors mutate the Ile residues in OSCA3.1 to Lys, and did the mutation confer channel sensitivity to poking stimuli resembling OSCA1.2? The reviewer thinks it is necessary to perform such an experiment, to thoroughly suggest the importance of the four Lys residues in lipid interaction for channel mechanoactivation.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Nucleosome structures inside cells remain unclear. Tan et al. tackled this problem using cryo-ET and 3-D classification analysis of yeast cells. The authors found that the fraction of canonical nucleosomes in the cell could be less than 10% of total nucleosomes. The finding is consistent with the unstable property of yeast nucleosomes and the high proportion of the actively transcribed yeast genome. The authors made an important point in understanding chromatin structure in situ. Overall, the paper is well-written and informative to the chromatin/chromosome field.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Nucleosome structures inside cells remain unclear. Tan et al. tackled this problem using cryo-ET and 3-D classification analysis of yeast cells. The authors found that the fraction of canonical nucleosomes in the cell could be less than 10% of total nucleosomes. The finding is consistent with the unstable property of yeast nucleosomes and the high proportion of the actively transcribed yeast genome. The authors made an important point in understanding chromatin structure in situ. Overall, the paper is well-written and informative to the chromatin/chromosome field.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors describe five-year outcomes of an internship program for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at their institution spurred by pilot funding from an NIH BEST grant. They hypothesized that such a program would be beneficial to interns, internship hosts, and research advisors. The mixed methods study used surveys and focus groups to gather qualitative and quantitative data from the stakeholder groups, and the authors acknowledge the limitation that the study subjects were self-selected and also had research advisors who agreed to allow them to participate. Thus the generally favorable outcomes may not be applicable to students such as those who are struggling in the lab and/or lack career focus or supportive research advisors. Nonetheless, the overall findings support the hypothesis and also suggest additional benefits, including in some cases positive impact for the lab, improved communication between the intern and their research advisor, and an advantage for recruitment of students to the institution. The data refute one of the principal concerns of research advisors: that by taking students out of the lab, internships reduce individual and overall lab productivity. Students who did internships were significantly less likely to pursue postdoctoral fellowships before entering the biomedical workforce and were more likely to have science-related careers versus research careers than control students who did not do internships, although the study design cannot determine whether this was due to selection bias or to the internship.


      1. The sample size is good (123 internships).

      2. The internship program is well described. Outcomes are clearly defined.

      3. Methods and statistical analyses appear to be appropriate (although I am not an expert in mixed methods).

      4. "Take-home" lessons for institutions considering implementing internship programs are clearly stated.


      1. It is possible that interns, hosts, and research advisers with positive experiences were more likely to respond to surveys than those with negative experiences. The response rate and potential bias in responses should be discussed in the Results, not just given in a table legend in Methods.

      2. With regard to the biased selection of participants, do the authors know many subjects requested but were not permitted to do internships?

      3. While the authors mention internships in professional degree programs in fields such as law and business, some mention of internship practices in non-biomedical STEM PhD programs such as engineering or computer science would be helpful. Is biomedical science rediscovering lessons learned when it comes to internships?

      4. Figure 1 k, l - internships did not appear to change career goals, but are the 76% who agreed pre-internship the same individuals as the 75% who agreed post-internship? What percentage gave discordant responses?


      Overall the authors achieve their aims of describing outcomes of an internship program for graduate career development and offering lessons learned for other institutions seeking to create their own internship programs.


      The paper will be very useful for other institutions to dispel some of the concerns of research advisers about internships for PhD students (although not necessarily for postdoctoral fellows). In the long run, wider adoption of internships as part of PhD training will depend not only on faculty buy-in but also on the availability of resources and changes to the graduate school funding model so that such programs are not viewed as another "unfunded mandate" in graduate education. Perhaps the industry will be motivated to support internships by the positive outcomes for hosts reported in this paper. Additionally, NIH could allow a certain amount of F, T, or even RPG funds to be used to support internships for purposes of career development.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this paper, the authors point out that the standard approach of estimating LD is inefficient for datasets with large numbers of SNPs, with a computational cost of O(nm^2), where n is the number of individuals and m is the number of SNPs. Using the known relationship between the LD matrix and the genomic-relatedness matrix, they can calculate the mean level of LD within the genome or across genomic segments with a computational cost of O(n^2m). Since in most datasets, n<<br /> Strengths:<br /> Generally, for computational papers like this, the proof is in the pudding, and the authors appear to have been successful at their aim of producing an efficient computational tool. The most compelling evidence of this in the paper is Figure 2 and Supplementary Figure S2. In Figure 2, they report how well their X-LD estimates of LD compare to estimates based on the standard approach using PLINK. They appear to have very good agreement. In Figure S2, they report the computational runtime of X-LD vs PLINK, and as expected X-LD is faster than PLINK as long as it is evaluating LD for more than 8000 SNPs.

      Weakness:<br /> While the X-LD software appears to work well, I had a hard time following the manuscript enough to make a very good assessment of the work. This is partly because many parameters used are not defined clearly or at all in some cases. My best effort to intuit what the parameters meant often led me to find what appeared to be errors in their derivation. As a result, I am left worrying if the performance of X-LD is due to errors cancelling out in the particular setting they consider, making it potentially prone to errors when taken to different contexts.

      Impact:<br /> I feel like there is value in the work that has been done here if there were more clarity in the writing. Currently, LD calculations are a costly step in tools like LD score regression and Bayesian prediction algorithms, so a more efficient way to conduct these calculations would be useful broadly. However, given the difficulty I had following the manuscript, I was not able to assess when the authors' approach would be appropriate for an extension such as that.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Xiaoxuan Lin and colleagues provide new insights into the dynamics of prestin using H/D exchange coupled with mass spectrometry. The authors aim to reveal how local changes in folding upon anion binding sustain the unique electro-transduction capabilities of prestin.

      Prestin is an unusual member of the SLC26 family, that changes its cross-sectional area in the membrane upon binding of a chloride ion. In contrast to SLC26 homologs, prestin is not an anion transporter per se but requires an anion to sense voltage. Binding of Cl- at a conserved binding site located between the end of TM3 and TM10 drives the displacement of a conserved arginine (R399), that causes major conformational changes, transmitting the voltage sensing into a mechanical force exerted on the membrane.

      Cryo-EM structures are available for the protein bound to various anions, including Cl-, but these structures do not explain how a conserved couple of positive (R399) and negative (the Cl- anion) charge pair transforms voltage sensitivity into mechanical changes in the membrane. To address this challenge, the authors explore local dynamics of the anion binding site and compare it with that of a "real" anion transporter SLC26A9. The authors make a convincing case that the differences in local dynamics they measure are the molecular basis for voltage sensing and its translation into electromotility.

      Practically the authors make a thorough HDX-MS investigation of prestin in the presence of different anions Cl-, SO4-, salicylate as well as in the apo form, and provide insight mostly on local dynamics of the anion binding site. The experiments are well-designed and conducted and their quality and reproducibility allows for quantitative interpretation by deriving ΔΔG values of changes in dynamics at specific sites. Furthermore, the authors show by comparing the apo condition with Cl- bound condition that the absence of Cl- causes fraying of the TM3 and TM10 helices. They deduce that Cl- binding allows for directional helix structuration, leading to local structural changes that cause a rearrangement of the charge configuration at the anion binding site that lays the molecular basis for voltage sensitivity. They demonstrate based on a detailed analysis of their HDX data that such helix fraying is a specific feature of the binding site and differs from the cooperative unfolding happening elsewhere on the prestin.

      However, the main question that the authors are addressing is how voltage sensitivity translates at the molecular level in the requirement for a negative-positive charge pair. The interpretation that the binding site instability observed only for prestin is a feature required for this voltage dependent is a bit speculative. Could other lines of evidence support the claim that the charge ion gap is reduced upon Cl- binding and that this leads to cross-section area expansion? An obvious option that comes to mind is MD simulations There are differences in time-scale between HDX and simulations, but the propensity for H-bond destabilization can be quantified even at short timescales. It might be that such data is already available out there but it should be explicit in the discussion. The discussion section itself is a bit narrow in scope at the moment. Discussing the data in the context of the available structures would help the non-specialist reader.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Bian et al studied creatine (Cr) in the context of central nervous system (CNS) function. They detected Cr in synaptic vesicles purified from mouse brains with anti-Synaptophysin using capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry. Cr levels in the synaptic vesicle fraction were reduced in mice lacking the Cr synthetase AGAT, or the Cr transporter SLC6A8. They provide evidence for Cr release within several minutes after treating brain slices with KCl. This KCl-induced Cr release was partially calcium-dependent and was attenuated in slices obtained from AGAT and SLC6A8 mutant mice. Cr application also decreased the excitability of cortical pyramidal cells in one third of the cells tested. Finally, they provide evidence for SLC6A8-dependent Cr uptake into synaptosomes, and ATP-dependent Cr loading into synaptic vesicles. Based on these data, the authors propose that Cr may act as a neurotransmitter in the CNS.

      Strengths:<br /> 1. A major strength of the paper is the broad spectrum of tools used to investigate Cr.<br /> 2. The study provides strong evidence that Cr is present in/loaded into synaptic vesicles.

      Weaknesses:<br /> (in sequential order)<br /> 1. Are Cr levels indeed reduced in Agat-/-? The decrease in Cr IgG in Agat-/- (and Agat+/-) is similar to the corresponding decrease in Syp (Fig. 3B). What is the explanation for this? Is the decrease in Cr in Agat-/- significant when considering the drop in IgG? The data should be normalized to the respective IgG control.<br /> 2. The data supporting that depolarization-induced Cr release is SLC6A8 dependent is not convincing because the relative increase in KCl-induced Cr release is similar between SLC6A8-/Y and SLC6A8+/Y (Fig. 5D). The data should be also normalized to the respective controls.<br /> 3. The majority (almost 3/4) of depolarization-induced Cr release is Ca2+ independent (Fig. 5G). Furthermore, KCl-induced, Ca2+-independent release persists in SLC6A8-/Y (Fig. 5G). What is the model for Ca2+-independent Cr release? Why is there Ca2+-independent Cr release from SLC6A8 KO neurons?<br /> How does this relate to the prominent decrease in Ca2+-dependent Cr release in SLC6A8-/Y (Fig. 5G)? They show a prominent decrease in Cr control levels in SLC6A8-/Y in Fig. 5D. Were the data shown in Fig. 5D obtained in the presence or absence of Ca2+? Could the decrease in Ca2+-dependent Cr release in SLC6A8-/Y (Fig. 5G) be due to decreased Cr baseline levels in the presence of Ca2+ (Fig. 5D)?<br /> 4. Cr levels are strongly reduced in Agat-/- (Fig. 6B). However, KCl-induced Cr release persists after loss of AGAT (Fig. 6B). These data do not support that Cr release is Agat dependent.<br /> 5. The authors show that Cr application decreases excitability in ~1/3 of the tested neurons (Fig. 7). How were responders and non-responders defined? What justifies this classification? The data for all Cr-treated cells should be pooled. Are there indeed two distributions (responders/non-responders)? Running statistics on pre-selected groups (Fig. 7H-J) is meaningless. Given that the effects could be seen 2-8 minutes after Cr application - at what time points were the data shown in Fig. 7E-J collected? Is the Cr group shown in Fig. 7F significantly different from the control group/wash?<br /> 6. Indirect effects: The phenotypes could be partially caused by indirect effects of perturbing the Cr/PCr/CK system, which is known to play essential roles in ATP regeneration, Ca2+ homeostasis, neurotransmission, intracellular signaling systems, axonal and dendritic transport... Similarly, high GAMT levels were reported for astrocytes (e.g., Schmidt et al. 2004; doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddh112), and changes in astrocytic Cr may underlie the phenotypes. Cr has been also reported to be an osmolyte: a hyperosmotic shock of astrocytes induced an increase in Cr uptake, suggesting that Cr can work as a compensatory osmolyte (Alfieri et al. 2006; doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2006.115006). Potential indirect effects are also consistent with a trend towards decreased KCl-induced GABA (and Glutamate) release in SLC6A8-/Y (Fig. 5C). These indirect effects may in part explain the phenotypes seen after perturbing Agat, SLC6A8, and should be thoroughly discussed.<br /> 7. As stated by the authors, there is some evidence that Cr may act as a co-transmitter for GABAA receptors (although only at high concentrations). Would a GABAA blocker decrease the fraction of cells with decreased excitability after Cr exposure?<br /> 8. The statement "Our results have also satisfied the criteria of Purves et al. 67,68, because the presence of postsynaptic receptors can be inferred by postsynaptic responses." (l.568) is not supported by the data and should be removed.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study the authors sought to understand the extent of similarity among species in intraspecific adaptation to environmental heterogeneity at the phenotypic and genetic levels. A particular focus was to evaluate if regions that were associated with adaptation within putative inversions in one species were also candidates for adaptation in another species that lacked those inversions. This study is timely for the field of evolutionary genomics, due to recent interest surrounding how inversions arise and become established in adaptation.

      Major strengths

      Their study system was well suited to addressing the aims, given that the different species of sunflower all had GWAS data on the same phenotypes from common garden experiments as well as landscape genomic data, and orthologous SNPs could be identified. Organizing a dataset of this magnitude is no small feat. The authors integrate many state-of-the-art statistical methods that they have developed in previous research into a framework for correlating genomic Windows of Repeated Association (WRA, also amalgamated into Clusters of Repeated Association based on LD among windows) with Similarity In Phenotype-Environment Correlation (SIPEC). The WRA/CRA methods are very useful and the authors do an excellent job at outlining the rationale for these methods.

      Major weaknesses

      The study results rely heavily on the SIPEC measure, but I found the values reported difficult to interpret biologically. For example, in Figure 4 there is a range of SIPEC from 0 to 0.03 for most species pairs, with some pairs only as high as ~0.01. This does not appear to be a high degree of similarity in phenotype-environment correlation. For example, given the equation on line 517 for a single phenotype, if one species has a phenotype-environment correlation of 1.0 and the other has a correlation of 0.02, I would postulate that these two species do not have similar evolutionary responses, but the equation would give a value of (1+0.02)*1*0.02/1 = 0.02 which is pretty typical "higher" value in Figure 4. I also question the logic behind using absolute values of the correlations for the SIPEC, because if a trait increases with an environment in one species but decreases with the environment in another species, I would not predict that the genetic basis of adaptation would be similar (as a side note, I would not question the logic behind using absolute correlations for associations with alleles, due to the arbitrary nature of signing alleles). I might be missing something here, so I look forward to reading the author's responses on these thoughts.

      An additional potential problem with the analysis is that from the way the analysis is presented, it appears that the 33 environmental variables were essentially treated as independent data points (e.g. in Figure 4, Figure 5). It's not appropriate to treat the environmental variables independently because many of them are highly correlated. For example in Figure 4, many of the high similarity/CRA values tend to be categorized as temperature variables, which are likely to be highly correlated with each other. This seems like a type of pseudo replication and is a major weakness of the framework.

      Below I highlight the main claims from the study and evaluate how well the results support the conclusions.

      * "We find evidence of significant genome-wide repeatability in signatures of association to phenotypes and environments" (abstract)<br /> * Given the questions above about SIPEC, I did not find this conclusion well supported with the way the data are presented in the manuscript.

      * "We find evidence of significant genome-wide repeatability in signatures of association to phenotypes and environments, which are particularly enriched within regions of the genome harbouring an  inversion in one species. " (Abstract) And "increased repeatability found in regions of the genome that harbour inversions" (Discussion)<br /> * These claims are supported by the data shown in Figure 4, which shows that haploblocks are enriched for WRAs. I want to clarify a point about the wording here, as my understanding of the analysis is that the authors test if *haploblocks* are enriched with *WRAs*, not whether *WRAs* are enriched for *haploblocks*. The wording of the abstract is claiming the latter, but I think what they tested was the former. Let me know if I'm missing something here.<br /> * Notwithstanding the concerns about highly correlated environments potentially inflating some of the patterns in the manuscript, to my knowledge this is the first attempt in the literature to try this kind of comparison, and the results does generally suggest that inversions are more likely capturing, rather than accumulating adaptive variation. However, I don't think the authors can claim that repeated signatures are enriched with haploblock regions, and the authors should take care to refrain from stating the relative importance of different regions of the genome to adaptation without an analysis.

      * "While a large number of genomic regions show evidence of repeated adaptation, most of the strongest signatures of association still tend to be species-specific, indicating substantial genotypic redundancy for local adaptation in these species." (Abstract)<br /> * Figure 3B certainly makes it look like there is very little similarity among species in the genetic basis of adaptation, which leaves the question as to how important the repeated signatures really are for adaptation if there are very few of them. (Is 3B for the whole genome or only that region?). This result seems to be at odds with the large number of CRAs and the claims about the importance of haploblock regions to adaptation, which extend from my previous point.

      * "we have shown evidence of significant repeatability in the basis of local adaptation (Figure 4, 5), but also an abundance of species-specific, non-repeated signatures (Figure 3)"<br /> * While the claim is a solid one, I am left wondering how much of these genomes show repeated vs. non-repeated signatures, how much of these genomes have haploblocks, and how much overlap there really is. Finding a way to intuitively represent these unknowns would greatly strengthen the manuscript.

      Overall, I think the main claims from the study, the statistical framework, and the results could be revised to better support each other.

      Although the current version of the manuscript has some potential shortcomings with regards to the statistical approaches, and the impact of this paper in its present form could be stifled because the biology tended to get lost in the statistics, these shortcomings may be addressed by the authors.

      With some revisions, the framework and data could have a high impact and be of high utility to the community.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Reward and punishment learning have long been seen as emerging from separate networks of frontal and subcortical areas, often studied separately. Nevertheless, both systems are complimentary and distributed representations of rewards and punishments have been repeatedly observed within multiple areas. This raised the unsolved question of the possible mechanisms by which both systems might interact, which this manuscript went after. The authors skillfully leveraged intracranial recordings in epileptic patients performing a probabilistic learning task combined with model-based information theoretical analyses of gamma activities to reveal that information about reward and punishment was not only distributed across multiple prefrontal and insular regions, but that each system showed specific redundant interactions. The reward subsystem was characterized by redundant interactions between orbitofrontal and ventromedial prefrontal cortex, while the punishment subsystem relied on insular and dorsolateral redundant interactions. Finally, the authors revealed a way by which the two systems might interact, through synergistic interaction between ventromedial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.


      Here, the authors performed an excellent reanalysis of a unique dataset using innovative approaches, pushing our understanding on the interaction at play between prefrontal and insular cortex regions during learning. Importantly, the description of the methods and results is truly made accessible, making it an excellent resource to the community.

      This manuscript goes beyond what is classically performed using intracranial EEG dataset, by not only reporting where a given information, like reward and punishment prediction errors, is represented but also by characterizing the functional interactions that might underlie such representations. The authors highlight the distributed nature of frontal cortex representations and propose new ways by which the information specifically flows between nodes. This work is well placed to unify our understanding of the complementarity and specificity of the reward and punishment learning systems.


      The conclusions of this paper are mostly supported by the data, but whether the findings are entirely generalizable would require further information/analyses.

      First, the authors found that prediction errors very quickly converge toward 0 (less than 10 trials) while subjects performed the task for sets of 96 trials. Considering all trials, and therefore having a non-uniform distribution of prediction errors, could potentially bias the various estimates the authors are extracting. Separating trials between learning (at the start of a set) and exploiting periods could prove that the observed functional interactions are specific to the learning stages, which would strengthen the results.

      Importantly, it is unclear whether the results described are a common feature observed across subjects or the results of a minority of them. The authors should report and assess the reliability of each result across subjects. For example, the authors found RPE-specific interactions between vmPFC and lOFC, even though less than 10% of sites represent RPE or both RPE/PPE in lOFC. It is questionable whether such a low proportion of sites might come from different subjects, and therefore whether the interactions observed are truly observed in multiple subjects. The nature of the dataset obviously precludes from requiring all subjects to show all effects (given the known limits inherent to intracerebral recording in patients), but it should be proven that the effects were reproducibly seen across multiple subjects.

      Finally, the timings of the observed interactions between areas preclude one of the authors' main conclusions. Specifically, the authors repeatedly concluded that the encoding of RPE/PPE signals are "emerging" from redundancy-dominated prefrontal-insular interactions. However, the between-region information and transfer entropy between vmPFC and lOFC for example is observed almost 500ms after the encoding of RPE/PPE in these regions, questioning how it could possibly lead to the encoding of RPE/PPE. It is also noteworthy that the two information measures, interaction information and transfer entropy, between these areas happened at non overlapping time windows, questioning the underlying mechanism of the communication at play (see Figures 3/4). As an aside, when assessing the direction of information flow, the authors also found delays between pairs of signals peaking at 176ms, far beyond what would be expected for direct communication between nodes. Discussing this aspect might also be of importance as it raises the possibility of third-party involvement.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary: This manuscript addresses what rapid molecular events underly the earliest responses after gravity-sensing via the sedimentation of starch-enriched amyloplasts in columella cells of the plant root cap. The LAZY or NEGATIVE GRAVITROPIC RESPONSE OF ROOTS (NGR) protein family is involved in this process and localizes to both the amyloplast and to the plasma membrane (PM) of columella cells.

      The current manuscript complements and extends Nishimura et al., Science, 2023. Kulich and colleagues describe the role of the LZY2 protein, also called NGR1, during this process, imaging its fast relocation and addressing additional novel points such as molecular mechanisms underlying NGR1 plasma membrane association as well as revealing the requirement of NGR1/LZY2, 3,4 for the polar localization of the AGCVIII D6 protein kinase at the PM of columella cells, in which NGR1/LZY2 acts redundantly with LZY3 and LZY4.

      The authors initially monitored relocalization of functional NGR1-GFP in columella cells of the ngr1 ngr2 ngr3 triple mutant after 180-degree reorientation of the roots. Within 10 -15 min NGR1-GFP signal disappeared from the upper PM after reorientation and reappeared at the lower PM of the reoriented cells in close proximity to the sedimented amyloplasts. Reorientation of NGR1-GFP occurred substantially faster than PIN3-GFP reorientation, at about the same time or slightly later than a rise in a calcium sensor (GCaMP3) just preceding a change in D2-Venus auxin sensor alterations. Reorientation of NGR1-GFP proved to be fast and not dependent on a brefeldin A-sensitive ARF GEF-mediated vesicle trafficking, unlike the trafficking of PIN proteins, like PIN3, or the AGCVIII D6 protein kinase. Strikingly, the PM association of NGR1-GFP was highly sensitive to pharmacological interference with sterol composition or concentration and phosphatidylinositol (4)kinase inhibition as well as dithiothreitol (DTT) treatment interfering with thioester bond formation e.g. during S-acylation. Indeed, combined mutation of a palmitoylation site and polybasic regions of NRG1 abolished its PM but not its amyloplast localization and rendered the protein non-functional during the gravitropic response, suggesting NRG1 PM localization is essential for the gravitropic response. Targeting the protein to the PM via an artificially introduced N-terminal myristoylation and an ROP2-derived polybasic region and geranylgeranylation site partially restored its functionality in the gravitropic response.

      Strengths: This timely work should be of broad interest to plant, cell and developmental biologists across the field as gravity sensing and signaling may well be of general interest. The point that NGR1 is rapidly responsive to gravistimulation, polarizes at the PM in the vicinity to amyloplast and that this is required for repolarization of D6 protein kinase, prior to PIN relocation is really compelling. The manuscript is generally well-written and accessible to a general readership. The figures are clear and of high quality, and the methods are sufficiently explained for reproduction of the experiments.

      Weaknesses: Statistical analysis has been performed for some figures but is lacking for most of the quantitative analyses in the figure legends.

      The title claims a bit more than what is actually shown in the manuscript: While auxin response reporter alterations are monitored, "rapid redirection of auxin fluxes" are not really directly addressed and, while D6PK can activate PIN proteins in other contexts, it is not explicitly shown in the manuscript that PIN3 is a target in the context of columella cells in vivo. A title such as "Rapid redirection of D6 protein kinase during Arabidopsis root gravitropism relies on plasma membrane translocation of NGR proteins" would reflect the results better.

      Fig. 4: The point that D6PK is transcytosed cannot be made here based on the data of these authors. They should have used a photoswitchable version of NGR1 to show that the same molecules observed at the upper PM are translocated to the lower PM. Nishimura and colleagues actually did that for NGR4. However, this is a lot of work and maybe for NGR1 that fusion would have too low fluorescence intensity (as it was the case for NGR3). So, I think a rewording would be sufficient such as NGR-dependent reorientation of D6PK plasma membrane localization" as this does not say, from where it comes to the lower PM. Theoretically, the signal could also be amyloplast-derived or newly synthesized (or just folded) NGR1-GFP.

      The authors make a model in which D6PK AGCVIII kinase-dependent on NGRs activates PIN3 to drive auxin fluxes. However, alterations in auxin responses are observed prior to PIN3 reorientation. They should explain this discrepancy better and clearly describe that this is a working hypothesis for the future rather than explicitly proven, yet.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This study presents data from a broad range of methods (biochemical, EPR, SAXS, microscopy, etc.) on the large disordered protein FRQ relevant to circadian clocks and its interaction partners FRH and CK1, providing novel and fundamental insight into oligomerization state, local dynamics, and overall structure as a function of phosphorylation and association. Liquid-liquid phase separation is observed. These findings have bearings on the mechanistic understanding of circadian clocks, and on functional aspects of disordered proteins in general.

      Strengths:<br /> This is a thorough work that is well presented. The data are of overall high quality given the difficulty of working with an intrinsically disordered protein, and the conclusions are sufficiently circumspect and qualitative to not overinterpret the mostly low-resolution data.

      Weaknesses:<br /> None

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors use a dual optical trap instrument combined with 2-color fluorescence imaging to analyze the diffusion of RSC and ISW2 on DNA, both in the presence and absence of nucleosomes, as well as long-range nucleosome sliding by these remodelers. This allowed them to demonstrate that both enzymes can participate in 1D diffusion along DNA for rather long ranges, with ISW2 predominantly tracking the DNA strand, while RSC diffusion involves hopping. In an elegant two-color assay, the authors were able to analyze interactions of diffusing remodeler molecules, both of the same or different types, observing their collisions, co-diffusion, and bypassing. The authors demonstrate that nucleosomes act as barriers for remodeler diffusion, either repelling or sequestering them upon collision. In the presence of ATP, they observed surprisingly processive unidirectional nucleosome sliding with a strong bias in the direction opposite to where the remodeler approached the nucleosome from for ISW2. These results have fundamentally important implications for the mechanism of nucleosome positioning at promoters in vivo, will be of great interest to the scientific community, and will undoubtedly spark exciting future research.

      Strengths:<br /> The mechanism of target search for chromatin-interacting protein machines is a 'hot' topic, and this manuscript provides extremely important and timely new information about how RSC and ISW2 find the nucleosomes they slide. Intriguingly, although both remodelers analyzed in this study can diffuse along DNA, the diffusion mechanisms are substantially different, with extremely interesting mechanistic implications.<br /> The strong directional preference in nucleosome sliding by ISW2 dictated by the direction it approaches the nucleosomes from during 1D sliding on DNA is a very intriguing result with interesting implications for the regulation of nucleosome organization around promoters. It will be of great interest to the scientific community and will undoubtedly inspire future research.<br /> Relatively little is known about nucleosome sliding at longer ranges (>100bp), and this manuscript provides a unique view into such sliding and also establishes a versatile methodology for future studies.

      Weaknesses:<br /> All measurements were conducted at 5pN tension, which induces unwrapping of the outer DNA gyre from nucleosomes. This could potentially represent a limitation for experiments involving nucleosomes, since partial nucleosome unwrapping could affect the behavior of remodelers, especially their sliding of nucleosomes.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In the manuscript the authors conduct a series of in vitro experiments using N-terminal and C-terminal BRAF fragments (SPR, HDX-MS, pull-down assays) to interrogate BRAF domain-specific autoinhibitory interactions and engagement by H- and KRAS GTPases. Of the three RAF isoforms, BRAF contains an extended N-terminal domain that has yet to be detected in X-ray and cryoEM reconstructions but has been proposed to interact with the KRAS hypervariable region. The investigators probe binding interactions between 4 N-terminal (NT) BRAF fragments (containing one more NT domain (BRS, RBD, and CRD)), with full-length bacterial expressed HRAS, KRAS as well as two BRAF C-terminal kinase fragments to tease out the underlying contribution of domain-specific binding events. They find, consistent with previous studies, that the BRAF BSR domain may negatively regulate RAS binding and propose that the presence of the BSR domain in BRAF provides an additional layer of autoinhibitory constraints that mediate BRAF activity in a RAS-isoform-specific manner. One of the fragments studied contains an oncogenic mutation in the kinase domain (BRAF-KDD594G). The investigators find that this mutant shows reduced interactions with an N-terminal regulatory fragment and postulate that this oncogenic BRAF mutant may promote BRAF activation by weakening autoinhibitory interactions between the N- and C-terminus.

      The manuscript is now significantly improved. The inclusion of additional controls and new experiments with KRAS strengthen the manuscript and aid in establishing RAS isoform-specific BRAF interactions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Huchede et al investigates the BMP pathway in H3K27M-mutant gliomas carrying or not activating mutations in ALK2 (ACVR1). Their results in cell lines and in datasets acquired from the literature on patient tumors indicate that the BMP signaling pathway is activated at similar levels between ACVR1 wild-type and mutant tumors. The group further identifies BMP2 and BMP7 as possibly the main activators of the pathway in cells. They then show that BMP2 and 7 crosstalk with the H3 mutation and synergize to induce transcriptomic rewiring leading to an invasive cell state.

      The paper is well-written and easy to follow with a robust experimental plan and datasets supporting the claims. While previous work (acknowledged by the authors) indicated activation of BMP in H3K27M tumors, wild type for the ACVR1 mutation this paper is a nice addition and provides further mechanistic cues as to the importance of the BMP pathway and specific members in these deadly brain cancers. The effect of these BMPs in quiescence and invasion is of particular interest.

      A few suggestions to clarify the message are provided below<br /> 1- In thalamic diffuse midline gliomas, the BMP pathway should not be activated as it is in the pons. The authors should identify thalamic tumors in the datasets they explored and patients-derived cell lines from thalamic tumors available to investigate whether this pathway is active across all H3.3K27M mutants in the brain midline or specifically in tumors from the pons.

      2- There are ~20% H3.3K27M tumors that carry an ACVR1 mutation and similar numbers of H3.1K27M that are wild type for this gene. Can the authors identify these outliers in their datasets and assess the activation of BMP2 and 7 or other BMP pathway members in this context?

      In all this is an interesting paper that provides meaningful data to pursue clinical targeting of the BMP pathway, which would be a nice addition to the field.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The study demonstrated that GABRD was significantly overexpressed in breast cancer tissues and had correlations with disease progression and patient survival rates. When GABRD was downregulated in breast cancer cells, it resulted in reduced cell growth, increased apoptosis, and hindered cell migration and invasion. The study has identified CDK1 as a downstream target of GABRD in mediating its effects on breast cancer. These findings suggest that GABRD is a promising target for therapies related to cell cycle regulation in breast cancer, potentially enhancing the effectiveness of CDK1 inhibitors.

      Strengths:<br /> The study identifies GABRD as a potential target in breast cancer and provides a new direction for developing breast cancer treatments. The study presents strong clinical correlations of GABARD and the functional studies show that CDK1 is a downstream target of GABARD. The in-vivo studies highlight its therapeutic potential for breast cancer.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The data heavily relies on cell lines and the results lack the mechanistic details on GABARD/CDK1 regulation.