236 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2019
    1. I stopped talking to my neighbors and I would spit on the floor every time I would see them to express my way of showing that they were no longer welcomed in the United States.

      Muslims also face another form of discrimination—the assumption that they're not "real" Americans, says Nadal

  2. May 2018
    1. But Theresa May, I think to -- on the heels of the Skripal attack, of the Russian nerve poison on a former agent and for which she garnered considerable international support, riding that wave into this -- and that response was a surprise to her, I think, in many ways, that going into this without getting parliamentary support, which at best would have been ambiguous, given the level of divisiveness and the precariousness of her position in Parliament, meant that she went along with that, without consulting with lawmakers and the backlash has been not just from Jeremy Corbyn or the opposition but also within her party, where there's a lack of consensus on whether or not she should have gone into this with Donald Trump, with French president Emmanuel Macron without greater consultation with the international community.

      Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.

    1. So, you are talking about a soggy weekend, five, six, 700 upwards of 800 millimeters of rainfall in some of this regions across the northern tier of the island of Kawai.

      Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.

    2. The attack in Douma was horrific attack on civilians using chemical weapons part of a Civil War that has killed hundreds of thousands of people.

      Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.

    3. Again after public outrage grew and the two issues as you say, have come together, one is about the continuing concern about violence against women and people are asking more than five years after that awful rape, gang rape in Delhi in 2012.

      Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.

    1. He ordered a military strike on Syrian chemical weapons facilities but then he hesitated and then reversed direction on advice from his most senior advisers on taking sanctions against companies that helped facilitate that deadly chemical weapons infrastructure by Syria.

      Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.

    1. Well in everything any time that you're talking about Russia and the relationship between the United States and Russia, it's always in the context of this cloud that's over the president about whether or not he's got some kind of ulterior motive for his policies and looked the combination of James Comey going out there over the last several days saying I don't know if the Russians have something that they are using to blackmail the president, and then the sort of abrupt, like hey, I don't want to do sanctions on Russia, you know, yes, there were some sanctions but he was very much pushed in the direction by Capitol Hill and others.

      Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.

    1. $130,000, if that's viewed as a campaign contribution, that is $127,300 above the legal limit.

      Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.

    1. It's $131,000.

      Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.

    1. This was back in 2013 President Obama looked at that chemical attack, and at that point in time, his general was saying, hey, it's not a slam-dunk, because you can detect there were Syrian claims, you can detect Syrians dropped bombs, but it's sometimes hard to know if they dropped an existing vehicle of weapons, and Syria has been known to use chemical weapons, or if the Syrians did it.

      Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.

    2. I will do two things, balance the budget, balances over five years with a 1 percent across the board cut, but also expand health savings accounts larger than anyone has tried in the past.

      Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.

    3. A 1 percent cut each year is about $13 billion, actually balances the budget in five years.

      Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.

    4. I think when you win by three million votes but lose by less than 80,000 votes in three states that decided the election, there's a lot that should be factors, but I think this was a very significant factor.

      Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.

    1. They are originally from bacteria in fungi and they were designed to be much faster, 10 hundred times faster than the original within a period of five to 10 years.

      Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.

    1. But I'll tell you, some of these flexes that we're having here, one story I picked up that I've never told before or written, but William Webster, former head of the CIA, told me that -- it's one of his best stories, he's allowing me to tell it -- that they created a body double for George Herbert Walker Bush at CIA, meaning somebody who looked just like him and it was uncanny how much CIA had created a human that looked like 41.

      Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.

    1. Do you -- do you -- do you -- I'm sorry, do you disagree with the $4 million for school safety -- $4 billion for school safety, the $6 billion for opioids

      Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.

  3. Jul 2017
  4. Jun 2017
  5. Mar 2017
  6. Jan 2017
  7. Dec 2016
  8. Dec 2015
    1. Option II: No reference to loss and damage (no Article 5).]

      TUVALU urged reinsertion of language on loss and damage that preserves the issue as an independent article.

    2. Recognizing that Parties should take action to address climate change in accordance with [[relevant][evolving economic and emission] trends, which will continue to evolve post-2020] [and the principles and provisions of the Convention],

      On purpose (Article 2), VENEZUELA supported “stabilization” of GHG emissions and, with SAUDI ARABIA and PAKISTAN, opposed the inclusion of “decarbonization” and “carbon neutrality.”

    3. [and the Central American Isthmus]

      At the end of a preambular paragraph on special needs, EL SALVADOR requested adding “and the Central American isthmus.”

    4. First communication option for agreement5 Option 167: Each Party’s first [NDMC*][INDC] is that listed in [Annex [x] to the Agreement][the registry][the website]. Option 2: Each Party [shall][should] communicate its first [NDMC*][INDC] no later than upon [ratification or acceptance of] [joining] this Agreement. Option 3: No provision on first communication in agreement and/or decision

      On mitigation (Article 3), the EU, supported by Colombia, for AILAC, Maldives, for AOSIS, and the US called for clarifying the date for the submission of contributions.

    5. socially and environmentally sound technologies.

      MEXICO asked that “socially and environmentally sound technology” be reinserted.

  9. Apr 2015
    1. There are several other important considerations related to LEB. First, there is a risk of capture of legislation by the domestic industry. Once an inefficient industry comes to rely on LEB for survival, the Ukrainian parliament might find it difficult to rescind the ban in the future. Second, LEB and other similar measures underscore that the Ukrainian parliament finds it acceptable to intervene in functioning of the markets based on empirically dubious rationale. The parliament substitutes the market by deciding how resources should be allocated. In doing so, the parliament teaches the businesses and the industry that they should compete through lobbying in the parliament, financial and informational, rather than through innovation and efficiency improvement in the market place.
    1. According to both Ukrainian Armed Forces and Russian Federation Armed Forces officers at the observation point, an unidentified “third party” was provoking the two sides.
    1. Интересно, что в познеровском монологе на путинском ТВ картина дебатов выглядела несколько иначе. Мэтр отечественного телевидения заявил, что дебаты закончились "почти вничью" (49% за "диалог", 51% — против), после чего пустился в рассуждения о невежественной канадской аудитории, будто бы ничего не знающей о России и находящейся во власти пропаганды. Простим господину Познеру, что он — случайно или по старой советской привычке — "подрезал" процентик у оппонентов. Гораздо важнее, что он скромно умолчал о том факте, что изначально аудитория гораздо больше симпатизировала именно его позиции, а изменение настроений аудитории — это результат дебатов, которые Познер с Коэном проиграли, а не мифической антироссийской пропаганды. Подобное поведение иначе как потерей лица не назовешь. В конце концов, нет ничего постыдного в том, чтобы проиграть в честном поединке, а вот заниматься передергиваниями — это действительно позор.