214 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2017
    1. ion from light to darkness, arid also, in;;the transition from darkness to .light, If he,t-0ok the same facts intci consider1:1tion 'wh

      A theme continuing from in my first essay, being how easily the eyes are tricked, and in this passage "confused". For prisoners who have spent time in the cave and above it, will question, and be suspicious all things now that they have two different experiences to pull from. Having a constant in ones mind, which one is the truth, which one ins'? This debate can go on and on and on, in every aspect of our world.

    1. No doubt you have had the experience of walking at night over rough ground without a light, and finding it necessary to use a stick in order to guide yourself.

      I think this says something about humans ability to adapt when most needed to, in the simplest of forms. More focused on sight, when we cannot see something we go for the next 'best' thing, in this instance touch. However I also think that certain times call for certain senses.

    2. inventions which serve to increase its power are undoubtedly among the most useful there can be

      This is true, these inventions based off of our most basic senses, have unlocked many doors in science and have caused many revelations. That without understanding the basis of our senses in the first places would not have been imagined.

    1. how vision can be understood following that method and it alone, which was based on the prior existence of ideas innate in the mind.

      So do we "see" things before we really "see" them? Do we have these pre-existing thoughts that only become when we are faced with them involving our physical senses? and then only then do we recognize and understand them?

    1. If it isn't what "they say" then it is wrong and holds no validity. You are not allowed to even have any opinion against "Holy doctrine"

  2. Jan 2017
    1. Overall I thought this reading was interesting. Plato, gives the eyes a certain power that struck me really hard. You can look at these organs from many angles and on the surface, and biologically they are just organs but in this reading Plato's explanation dove deeper into the creation of our human bodies, subsequently giving them much more meaning. I really liked that specific angle.