814 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2017
    1. I was very unwilling to enter into it, as you may imagine, without the knowledge and approbation of his mother; but I was too young and loved him too well to be so prudent as I ought to have been

      Approbation means the "action of expressing oneself pleased or satisfied with anything; or the mere feeling of such satisfaction; approval expressed or entertained" (OED).

      According to the customs of the time, parents were to be consulted about a marriage and their opinion to be taken in high regard; however, men and women were mostly free to choose their marriage partner. If a young adult did choose someone who their parents disliked, they might be left out of the will or, if they are underaged, they may have permission withheld from them. Parental opinions were often respected by young people. ( Elizabeth Maurer, "Courtship and Marriage in the Eighteenth Century", Web.)

  2. Jan 2017
    1. and when his approbation of Rosamond's engagement was asked for, he gave it with astonishing facility, passing at once to general remarks on the desirableness of matrimony for young men and maidens, and apparently deducing from the whole the appropriateness of a little more punch.

      Again, making light of marriage. Is George Elliot making fun of how quickly people get married and how expected that is?

    2. and speak less incompletely. Rosamond had to make her little confession, and he poured out words of gratitude and tenderness with impulsive lavishment.

      I feel like the narrator is down playing everything to accentuate its haste and rashness. Why? Is it simply to hook in the reader before going back to Featherstone in the next chapter? Or will their marriage be like Dorothea and Casaubon's too?

    1. Because polygamous marriages are not recognized by the state -- imams who conduct them are subject to punishment -- the wives have no legal status, making them vulnerable when marriages turn violent. Yet the local authorities here typically turn a blind eye because the practice is viewed as a tradition.

      In marriages, women have no right to to report or divorce their husband when thay are in a violent situation that's occur ring in the marriage.

  3. Dec 2016
  4. Nov 2016
    1. Not everyone is meant to be in marriage-that is between husband and wife. That is not the appropriate expression of marriage for everybody. However, a relationship based upon Knowledge, recognition and purpose is meant for everyone. When you have experienced that, you will realize that your life is greater than your personality. It will be an experience that will be very confirming for you. Out of this relationship will come devotion, which is the highest expression of love in the world. Devotion is a quality that is very rare. It is not to be confused with obligation or bondage of any kind. It is a free gift that is essential to give.

      Translator's note: cf. EN "marriage" : PT "amarrar" 'to tie, to bind'

    2. True marriage is something that is a source of nourishment for other people as well as for the two people involved.
    3. Chapter 5 MARRIAGE
  5. Jun 2016
  6. ou-expo.nicklolordo.com ou-expo.nicklolordo.com
    1. “Dorian, Dorian,” she cried, “before I knew you, acting was the one reality of my life. It was only in the theatre that I lived. I thought that it was all true. I was Rosalind one night, and Portia the other. The joy of Beatrice was my joy, and the sorrows of Cordelia were mine also.56 I believed in everything. The common people who acted with me seemed to me to be godlike. The painted scenes were my world. I knew nothing but shadows, and I thought them real. You came,—oh, my beautiful love!—and you freed my soul from prison. You taught me what reality really is. To-night, for the first time in my life, I saw through the hollowness, the sham, the silliness, of the empty pageant in which I had always played. To-night, for the first time, I became conscious that the Romeo was hideous, and old, and painted, that the moonlight in the orchard was false, that the scenery was vulgar, and that the words I had to speak were unreal, were not my words, not what I wanted to say. You had brought me something higher, something of which all art is but a reflection. You have made me understand what love really is. My love! my love! I am sick of shadows. You are more to me than all art can ever be.

      Sibyl's dialogue here promotes Wilde's idea that within marriage passion for doing what one loves is lost as Sibyl's recalls her love for acting, and joyfully casting it away in awe of her engagement, blind to the loss of her own passion.

    2. The real drawback to marriage is that it makes one unselfish. And unselfish people are colorless. They lack individuality.

      Wilde utilizes this dialogue to convey a message on individuality when Harry expresses his views on marital commitments, and how they strip one of them. Perhaps this is Wilde's way of addressing the societal expectation of marriage, and presenting the case that in most instances, those married loose themselves to the marriage once life has been consumed by it.

    3. Men marry because they are tired; women, because they are curious: both are disappointed.

      Wilde provides commentary here on the confinement of marriage and the commitment it demands. Through Harry he illustrates a life of playful nature and deviance for men and one of innocence and modesty for women.

  7. Sep 2015
    1. Even marriage itself was regarded as a covenant. Connecticut granted nearly a thousand divorces between 1670 and 1799.

      Very Similar today. If Marriage was supposed to be sacred, then why were they so tolerant?

  8. Jun 2015
    1. But the marriage equality movement has been curiously hostile to polygamy, and for a particularly unsatisfying reason: short-term political need.

      I hope that the focus on prohibition by the drug policy reform movement helps sidestep a similar effect happening with cannabis.

  9. Feb 2014
    1. Cyrus sent a message with a pretence of wanting her for his wife,

      1.205 Cyrus sends a marriage proposal to Queen Tomyris of the Massegetai in order to capture her holdings through political alliance rather than through battle. Tomyris is not feeling it though.