3 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
George Carlin Gets Dark - Charlie Rose Interview 1996 by [[Charlie Rose]]
ᔥ @lazybear on Mastodon
"This idea goes with that one, and I never suspected it, and then to make something out of it that's bigger than the two of them"
Did #GeorgeCarlin used or knew #zettelkasten
19:10 -> 19:15<br /> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9OhMZYTS4E
- Jun 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
In Carlin’s archives, by contrast, the jokes were “mainly scraps of paper organized into Ziploc baggies then put into a folder by topic.”
quote by Journey Gunderson, the executive director of the National Comedy Center
- Nov 2022
billyoppenheimer.notion.site billyoppenheimer.notion.site
Carlin’s bags of categorized ideas, from the archives of George Carlin
George Carlin kept his slips (miscellaneous scraps of collected paper with notes) sorted by topic name in Ziploc bags (literally that specific brand given the photo's blue/purple signature on the bag locks).
This is similar to others, including historian Keith Thomas, who kept his in labeled envelopes.