5 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. German theologian and picked up quite independently, some 150 years later, by John Calvin and Ignatius of Loyola, each of who incorporated it into the practice of his followers. In fact, the steadfast focus on performance and results that this habit produces explains why the institutions these two men founded, the Calvinist church and the Jesuit order, came to dominate Europe within 30 years.

      That's a weird fact

  2. Dec 2020
    1. Brebeuf commenced his letter when he described the conversion , baptism, and happy death of some Hurons. At a council of the Huron chiefs, Brébeuf produces letters from Champlain and Duplessis-Bochart, who exhort the tribesmen to follow the teaching of the missionaries. The Hurons are in constant dread of hostile incursions from the Iroquois. In August, Mercier and Pijart arrive from Quebec. Brébeuf recounts the many perils of the journey hither, and the annoyances and dangers to which apostles of the faith are continually exposed among the savages. But he offers much encouragement. Brébeuf closes his account with an expression of much hope for the future success of their labors. Mingled, however, with fear lest these savage neophytes may grow restive when placed under greater restrictions on their moral and social conduct, than have thus far seemed advisable to the cautious missionaries.

  3. Apr 2017
    1. Reflection’s central role in current rhetorical practices is echoed by recent studies

      Although I wouldn't overstate it's importance to contemporary rhetorical practice, "Reflection" is the third, and kind of also the final, step in the Ignatian paradigm of teaching. It's very much a process of looking back at past experiences and actions and reassessing them, and I'm interested in how those practices work with Boyles' warning that excess metacognition can become a bad habit of division.

  4. Jan 2017
    1. Complementary aids

      Interesting, this seems like a cura personalis-ish approach that sees the value of literature and the liberal arts for scientists alongside the advancement of communications technology (printing press) and intellectual organization (the university).

    1. oneself

      This sounds super Jesuit: intense training, bettering the self, process