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  1. Dec 2016
    1. acknowledge the varied models ofauthorship

      Shouldn’t this be done when copying/rewriting something that will be shared throughout schools? Do administrators themselves, professors, and teachers break code when copying and pasting text from rules without citing it?

    2. Teaching about plagiarism

      Plagiarism is never taught in depth once you hit a certain grade point within schooling. As some point I feel it become “read this statement” which, as seen in studies is not always done. One in four individuals actually take the time to read through an entire agreement, states NPR. You could agree to sign away your first born, but few read the statements so they would be unaware of that.

    3. ecausethey are publicly acknowledged and accepted as true

      At what point does information become publicly accepted and common knowledge? This has always been confusing to me because it feels like it hits certain generations, and skips others. For example some information that is public knowledge to me, is not to my father, and vise versa. Do generation gaps and lack of minor information being shared affect this acceptance of public knowledge as true?

    4. Plagiarism policies on our campuses

      I find it humorous that the plagiarism policies, or handbooks between campuses, and even high schools are copied and plagiarized from one another. There is no form of reference to another work, instead it becomes the school, or institutions handbook…which fits into the definition of plagiarism.

    5. As a result, many students of professionalwriting fear that they may be “stealing,” or com-mitting intellectual “theft,” whenever they make use of anyexisting material in their writing.

      Another form of stealing is known as patchwriting, a failed attempt as paraphrasing. Rather than copying something word for word, rearranging phrases and changing tensed occurs. This is another fear that is had about intellectual dishonesty.