45 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2016
    1. acknowledge the varied models ofauthorship

      Shouldn’t this be done when copying/rewriting something that will be shared throughout schools? Do administrators themselves, professors, and teachers break code when copying and pasting text from rules without citing it?

    2. Teaching about plagiarism

      Plagiarism is never taught in depth once you hit a certain grade point within schooling. As some point I feel it become “read this statement” which, as seen in studies is not always done. One in four individuals actually take the time to read through an entire agreement, states NPR. You could agree to sign away your first born, but few read the statements so they would be unaware of that.

    3. ecausethey are publicly acknowledged and accepted as true

      At what point does information become publicly accepted and common knowledge? This has always been confusing to me because it feels like it hits certain generations, and skips others. For example some information that is public knowledge to me, is not to my father, and vise versa. Do generation gaps and lack of minor information being shared affect this acceptance of public knowledge as true?

    4. Plagiarism policies on our campuses

      I find it humorous that the plagiarism policies, or handbooks between campuses, and even high schools are copied and plagiarized from one another. There is no form of reference to another work, instead it becomes the school, or institutions handbook…which fits into the definition of plagiarism.

    5. As a result, many students of professionalwriting fear that they may be “stealing,” or com-mitting intellectual “theft,” whenever they make use of anyexisting material in their writing.

      Another form of stealing is known as patchwriting, a failed attempt as paraphrasing. Rather than copying something word for word, rearranging phrases and changing tensed occurs. This is another fear that is had about intellectual dishonesty.

  2. techwritingf16.robinwharton.net techwritingf16.robinwharton.net
    1. the Court did not completely close the door on FirstAmendment restriction to copyright.

      This places a focus on the person, or corporation dealing with the copyright. A simple example of this could be YouTube and its copyright law that you may not have a song more than ten seconds on your channel because it violates the creators work. Another way of looking at it can be censoring, and how certain agencies choose what to sensor, v. others.

    2. certiorari

      An order by which a higher court reviews a lower courts decision, this does not infer that the Supreme court disagrees with the decision made, but instead that at least four justices have determined that the circumstances are warrant to review.

    3. inhibition of content-based speech is scrutinized with much stricterstandards

      Courts are faced with balancing freedom of speech and freedom of the press against other personal rights of society. This is one of the two used mainly in media cases. The court in this case has to ask if the content furthers a compelling gov interest, and if the means used narrowly tailored, meaning it only fulfills its intended goals.

    4. CTEA

      This Extension Act was signed into law by POTUS Clinton in 1998 which extended all copyrights by 20 years in order to be on par with Europe.

    5. intellectual property provision and its goals,then deconstructs the Supreme Court’s decision inEldred v. Ashcroftas a means tounravel the pieces in the complex relationship among the constitutional provision,the First Amendment, and copyright.

      Given Ashcroft favorable outcome, some may expect the Eldred decision to deconstitutionalize the intellectual property law and reduce it to a discourse about limits.

    6. favoring greater public access in the future

      Eldred v. Ashcroft and the debate to regulate should, and will continue to this day, and that the advocates could enjoy some successes in the future, even if they did not do so in this case. Because some state that the CTEA is unconstitutional and will have the boldness to be outright that they believe that the Supreme Court was wrong.

    7. interpreted by the Supreme Court’s decision inEldredv. Ashcroft

      I took this decision as a means to unravel the pieces and complex relationships the first amendment, constitutional provisions, and copyright have.

    8. intellectual property

      This includes technical communication, know-how, copyrights, models, drawings, prototypes, inventions and more.

    9. intellectual property clause

      Also referred to as the patent and copywriter clause, it is simply defined as any form of knowledge created with ones intellect with various forms of statutory protection.

    10. “The Congress shallhave the power...toPromote the Progress of Science and the useful Arts, by secur-ing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respec-tive writings and Discoveries

      This can be an issue for technical communicators and their ability to access information that could better the documents they are writing.

  3. Nov 2016
    1. typeface

      (Font) may looks are included, the most popular being Times New Roman.

    2. heading

      Headings are also called level heads

    3. ding (white space

      Use you white space:

      -the portion of the page that is blank can be filled with headings, margins, one and paragraph spacing, lists, tabs/indents, and columns.

    4. Use graphical design principles:• Contrast• Repetition• Alignment• Proximity• Establish a color scheme that complements content

      -Contrast: Using different styles/fonts to distinguish information/elements -Repetition: Driving home a point, for example starting and ending a presentation with the same line -Alignment: Items that are related should line up in order to create overall coherence. -Proximity: Related items should be visualized close to each other -Color Scheme:

    5. white paper

      White paper is a type of report that has a clear purpose, audience, and organization about it.

    6. audience

      Audience analysis builds information about your readers and discusses communication plans for complex audiences. It allows you, through questioning, to determine readers needs, values, and attitude.

    7. Document Design and Presentation.

      This presentation is used to outline things such as headings, access, typography, and state in professional documents.

  4. techwritingf16.robinwharton.net techwritingf16.robinwharton.net
    1. Dragga,

      He continued Scott's research on communication-ethics pedagogy that believes in the disciplined action of theory education.

    2. ethical challenges

      Dragga questions educators ability to prep students for these challenges that are faced by communicators.

    3. study

      Based on Dragga’s analysis he thinks that case studies are the best means/method that reinforces instruction upon the working tech. comm. class.

    4. is it because teachers ignore the subject of ethics

      He ends his article with a call for further research, or if the answer is already provided by professionals and needs to be communicated.

    5. Characteristics

      Ethical statements about character play off of questions like “Who will I be?” and “What will I do?”. Studies like this article are analyzing behavior and choosing their (the authors side) on these dilemmas. Maybe feelings, intuition, and conscience should be in play more when looking at ethics.

    6. statistically

      In his article Dragga goes about presenting his survey and its results solely on return statistics. There are no opinions or though processes of his own present throughout his work, but instead as a sample from an audience.

    7. Ethical

      The fact that he doesn’t define ethical throughout the entirety only allows the readers to see ethics from peers eyes and viewpoints.

    8. actions.

      His writing presents his concept so that the reader becomes more aware of, and conscious of their daily actions.

    9. document design

      Drag used technical communicators’ perspectives on the ethics of various senecrious as the substance of his article.

    10. students a genuine disservice.

      The Academic Theory here met the workplace. He wanted better his students by teaching them to emphasize ethics, make 'it’ (his work) sufficient, prepare them for real world, and guide them through disputes.

  5. Sep 2016
    1. success at getting started does not imply later ease of use, and testing of a working system in a natural environment has radically different requirements than a test of mockups for a new text design

      The idea of building a framework (later stated) should include the use of multiple test group/subjects within that individual study

    2. how to measure using, what to consider successful, or where in the development cycle to conduct the test

      In order to measure factors such as these there needs to be standards as to what using, successfulness, and where look like/appear as

    3. usability testing of documentation

      How to measure usability:

      1. Heuristic Technique
      2. Defining approach: Availability, sustainability, accessibility, readability.
      3. Wilsons Technique

      Source: http://www.slideshare.net/VidishaB/documentation-usability

  6. Aug 2016
    1. pedagogy is a complex integration of four factors: Situated Practice based on the world of learners' Designed and Designing experiences; Overt Instruction through which students shape for themselves an explicit metalanguage of Design; Critical Framing, which relates meanings to their social contexts and purposes; and Transformed Practice in which students transfer and re-create Designs of meaning from one context to another. We will briefly develop these themes below.

      Pedagogy Four Factors:

    2. political correctness

      The GREAT importance of being politically correct is something some professors greatly overlook and should be discussed more (even in this article). "People understand that there’s this general expectation, but there’s no real guidance on how to actually do that" -NYT

    3. pedagogy

      the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept.

    4. multimodal

      gestural -sign language

      visual -writing

      spatial -configure of elements in a space creating meaning

  7. techwritingf16.robinwharton.net techwritingf16.robinwharton.net
    1. I think this is a very interesting concept. As student we will never know more than older generations, but will always have the ability to be more knowledgeable than they are. The reiteration that students have direct resources and pipelines to information, versus the teacher shows the lack of weaving student and teacher knowledge/abilities. It is as if one is teaching, and one is learning, when in actuality it should be a two way street there any back (as a open forum for communication).

    1. Editors

      Copy editor vs Technical editor

    2. Technical Writers & Editors

      Technical editing today covers far more than printed materials.

    3. Communicating about technical or specialized topics, such as computer applications, medical procedures, or environmental regulations. Communicating by using technology, such as web pages, help files, or social media sites. Providing instructions about how to do something, regardless of how technical the task is or even if technology is used to create or distribute that communication.


    4. They make information more useable and accessible to those who need that information, and in doing so, they advance the goals of the companies or organizations that employ them.


    5. Technical communication
