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  1. Jan 2018
    1. Choose an object to consider.All objects signify; some signify more expressively than others.

      The idea of "choose an object to consider" is directly related with the main thesis in The Secret to Good Writing. Object signify more than just ideas; objects are were the basis of writing is born. I want to remember this as I start researching the NAMES project. We can start with a block of quit and find many ideas and substance that derive from it.

    2. Speaking of pictures, for which we might Substitute objects

      "Material culture takes place in a world of words." I neglected to understand why material culture is vital. However, I now see that material culture is almost a time line. In class, we talked about the type writer. Not only does material culture derive from objects it is a time line and can help one indicate the time period in which some lived which can in my eyes furthermore help one understand a main theme; setting.

    3. we do not analyze objects; we analyze our descriptions of objects●writing constitutesanalysis: we do not really see with clarity what we have not said that we have seen

      This hits the target of how I want to go into researching the NAMES project. The idea that ideas evolve from object is new to me but also sound. If I am able to start with one simple object and let that one object evolve into many other tangible ideas it would be worth while. Examples are vital and too often we forget to provide simple evidence to our ideas and arguments. In short, the article is all about using objects and using them as solid concrete evidence. The author argues that we students overanalyze essay prompts which results in us students forgetting the simplicity of writing. Using simple, clean, and contextual evidence is not a tough skill, in fact it is simple. However, in a world of word count, competition, and grades it a times feels like simple is not good enough.

    4. Only if we slow this process down do we find ourselves enabledto recognize and so to evaluate, indeed question, the myriad conclusions we risk otherwise to draw uncritically; only thus can we control for our own-however well-intended-careless or precipitous or culturally-biased leaps to arguably wrong conclusions. Careful deduction buys at least the opportunity to consider a fuller range of possibilities.

      Take time. While one piece of fabric does not seem like a daunting object to research, one piece of fabric contains a story, a person, a life, a memory, and imagery that all deserve to be studied and illustrated equally.

    5. . How does the object make one feel? Specifically, what in or about the object brings those feelings out? As these will be, to a certain extent at least, personal responses, the challenge-beyond recognizing and articulating-is to account for them materially.

      I think the question "How does the object make one feel " is important to my research. Objects convey ideas but they generate emotion as well. Touching back on the Secret to Good Writing, I find that Haltman ties into it because objects play such a big role in both readings. Objects remind us of how to provide evidence. Providing evidence is going to help me not only be clear in my research but also do as Haltman says; and use my evidence to convey emotion and in my case use the quilt as a purpose.


      The Prownian Analysis ties directly into the Secret to Good Writing. Prownian analysis serve as a "means to a end" and shape the way students are able to find structure in writing. When I read about structure in my other reading it was all about how we forget the simplicity in writing. The Prownian Analysis guilds us back to where we need to be. I will use the Prownian Analysis to use objets to describe emotion which will tie into "interpretive analysis".

    7. nterpretive Analysis

      The final step of "interpretive analysis" is critical to my NAMES research. Not only does it tie into the theme of objects but I would link the idea of final analysis to my other reading in the sense that the road map in which to Prownian Analysis lays out takes us to this final point. I will need to remember Prownian Analysis as almost a road map. In order to write to my fullest potential I must use the steps of "description, deduction, speculation, research" which will help me write a full analysis which will make my research clean and concise.

    8. he method as thus configured works because it works. Neither its constitutive stages nor the sequence itself are ends in themselves, but rather means to the end of helping students “become aware of the historical evidence around them

      I talk so much about a road map but I think that is what both of my readings aim to aid students in. The Secrete to Good Writing asks the question "how can we make students better writers?" and the Haltman artcile responses with an outstanding answer. While my supplimental reading does give us an answer of how to come up with ideas, I see the Haltman article as a way to insure the ideas are formatted well. Haltman and The Secrete to Good Writing remind me that I need to convey emotions and ideas. In short, the quilt itself has all the answers I need to make a good NAMES project.

    9. The Prown method is the perfect analytic tool for what is now called “student centered” learning. Because the method places value on the interpreter's own input

      I talk so much about a road map but I think that is what both of my readings aim to aid students in. The Secrete to Good Writing asks the question "how can we make students better writers?" and the Haltman article responses with an outstanding answer. While my supplimental reading does give us an answer of how to come up with ideas, I see the Haltman article as a way to insure the ideas are formatted well. Haltman and The Secrete to Good Writing remind me that I need to convey emotions and ideas. In short, the quilt itself has all the answers I need to make a good NAMES project.

    10. We begin with the premise that in objects there can be read essential evidence of unconscious as well as conscious attitudes and beliefs, some specific to those objects original makers and users as individuals,

      Yes, the quilt has original meaning and clear intentions. However, it is vital to remember the key factors of "unconscious" and "conscious" evidence. I will find my own meaning and interpretation in my quilt block. Look for the original intent and then form my own questions with the hopes of formulating and discovering more.