17 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2018
    1. The information is organized in map form (the spatial mode), which positions the color-coded points according to US counties. The visual and spatial modes work together to help us make comparisons between locations.

      The spacial mode is relating to space and if you click the link below there will be an image of the spatial mode of the journey to work involving car. each color code goes with something on the map and according to that we can understand it and make comparisons. https://chartingtransport.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/car.png

    2. A text should be composed so that readers with limited vision, hearing, or touch-among other possible differ-ences within an audience-can still inter-act with the text

      This relates to one of the readings we did earlier this semester the description of the basket is so specific that a reader can vision they can interact with the text. "The Mohegan manu'da, or basket, pictured here is in the collection of the Connecticut Historical Society, It is 12 inches wide, 17 inches long, and 11 inches high. It is rectangular in shape, with sides that curve slightly inward. The rim is double reinforced and single wrapped, creating a sturdy durable frame. The cover is slightly concave, perhaps from age, with sharply defined comers. The warp and weft of the splits are of medium width. The basket is decorated on three sides in Mohegan pink and green, and it is fully lined with pages .from an 1817 Hartford, Connecticut, newspaper. " In this text there are a lot of word choices which means the author used the linguistic mode. The author also used the visual mode by putting a picture a the basket. http://spring2018.robinwharton.net/engl1102/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/1103U1G2.pdf

    3. affi1rda11c

      "Affordance refers to the potentialities and constraints of different modes – what it is possible to express and represent or communicate easily with the resources of a mode, and what is less straightforward or even impossible – and this is subject to constant social work. From this perspective, the term ‘affordance’ is not a matter of perception, but rather refers to the materially, culturally, socially and historically developed ways in which meaning is made with particular semiotic resources.The affordance of a mode is shaped by its materiality, by what it has been repeatedly used to mean and do (its ‘provenance’), and by the social norms and conventions that inform its use in context – and this may shift, as well as through timescales and spatial trajectories." https://multimodalityglossary.wordpress.com/affordance/

    4. A text should be composed so that readers with limited vision, hearing, or touch-among other possible differ-ences within an audience-can still inter-act with the text.

      When most readers are reading, they like to be able to picture and feel like they are actually in the reading. A reader should be able to picture and even draw an author or anyone's work. Just like we did in class we had to do a primary description, on our peer review day our partner had to read our description and try to draw it .

    5. ·1 he gestural mode refers to the way movement, such as body lan-guage, can make meaning. When we interact with people in real life or watch them on-screen, we can tell a lot about how they arc feel-ing and what they arc trying to communicate. The gestural mode includes: • facial expressions • hand gestures • body language • interaction between people

      When reading the word gestural you think of gesture and gestural mode refers to movement. My supplement reading is "Deaf community outraged after interpreter signed gibberish before Irma" In the supplement reading there is a good example of gestural mode. The man interpreter signing is using hand gesture and facial expressions in the video even tough all these gestures were "gibberish"..https://nypost.com/2017/09/16/deaf-community-outraged-after-interpreter-signed-gibberish-before-irma/

    6. Linguistic Mode ~ The linguistic mode refers to the use of language, which usually ~ means written or spoken word~. When we think about the ways ~ the linguistic mode is used to make or understand meaning, we can consider: ~ • word choice ~ • the delivery of spoken or written text !) • the organization of writing or speech into phrases, sentences, ~ paragraphs, etc. ~ • the development and coherence of individual words and ideas

      A good example of linguistic mode could be the Martin Luther king speech " I Have a Dream" he was making his audience understand him where he is coming from he was explaining his dream t o his speaker. He also used word choices like " negro", "smaller guetto". http://www.let.rug.nl/usa/documents/1951-/martin-luther-kings-i-have-a-dream-speech-august-28-1963.php**

    7. The word multimoda

      When I hear the word Multi- Modal without even continuing the reading I would think of Multiple modes because when you hear the word multi you think of many or multiple. Modal you think of modes you think of way. could be "Many ways " or " different ways ". And mode is a way of communicating, people can communicate in many ways it could be through pictures, text, etc...

    8. The visual mode refers to the use of images and other characteris-tics that readers see. Billboards, flyers, television, Web sites, lighted advertising displays, even grocery store shelves bombard us with visual information in an effort to attract our attention. We can u-;e this mode to communicate representations of how something look~ or how someone is feeling, to instruct, to persuade, and to entertain, among other things. ·1 he visual mode includes: • color • layout • style • size • perspective

      Visual mode has to do with vision, what you see. This also relates to the video because the deaf community was watching the news even tough they cant hear anything they were watching it what the interpreter was signing and realize that it was all wrong. Most could already tell there was something wrong because of the nervous look on his face and how he kept on looking at the speaker. This picture below is also an example of visual mode because it has visual information that will attract someone's attention . Walking by these mannequin with those fancy, colorful outfits on will definitely catch your attention. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/489555421982453374/

  2. Jan 2018
  3. spring2018.robinwharton.net spring2018.robinwharton.net
    1. Jules Prown

      https://arthistory.yale.edu/sites/default/files/styles/228x269/public/pictures/picture-82-1443720101.jpg Jules David Prown, a graduate of Lafayette College and of the Winterthur Program in Early American Culture (University of Delaware), received his doctorate from Harvard University. He has been a member of the faculty of the Department of the History of Art since 1961 and is currently the Paul Mellon Professor Emeritus of the History of Art. During this period he has also been Curator of American Art at the Yale University Art Gallery and the founding Director of the Yale Center for British Art. He has received numerous professional and other honors including the Distinguished Teaching of Art History Award from the College Art Association of America (1995), Yale’s William Clyde DeVane Award for teaching and scholarship, and Distinguished Scholar at the 2010 College Art Association Annual Conference. Professor Prown has served on a number of editorial and other boards including the Board of Governors of Yale University Press and the Board of Governors of The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art (London) as well as the Board of Trustees of the Whitney Museum of American Art. source (https://arthistory.yale.edu/people/jules-prown)

    2. Prownian analysis

      Prownian Analysis is a means of identifying, and examining objects through detailed physical description, guessing at uses of the object, and treating the object as a fiction as a way of relating the object to more broad concepts. By applying Prownian Analysis to the examination of an object, the examiner should end with a rich description of the object, as well as a vivid idea of why the object was produced, and for whom. source (https://gregcotter.wordpress.com/prownian-analysis-2/)

    3. The supplement reading I chose is The secret to a good writing its about objects not ideas. This reading talks about how students don't know how to write and when the professor actually tries to help he tell them to be specific in their writings to write physically with physical objects which is something Kenneth Haltman talk about in his reading "The key to good description is a rich, nuanced vocabulary. Technically accurate language (nominative, for the most part) plays an important role in this, but ultimately not the most important role which is reserved, per-haps somewhat counter-inruitively, to descriptive modifiers (adjectives) and, most crucially, to terms expressive of the dynamics of interrelation (verbs, adverbs, prepositions)". But then Bernadette another teacher disagree with him and told him that only ideas matter when writing, "Getting them to define and handle ideas is what's important, not things." In the 10th paragraph, at first I disagreed with the author when he stated that "... all abstract ideas derive from objects." because when defining an abstract idea it is a concept that needs to be vizualized, they cant be illustrated through concrete examples, it refers to the ideas which are not concerned with worldly things. For example education, knowledge, happiness, cowardice, freedom, self expression, peace of mind. They are the things that you cannot touch but you can feel them.Looking at this picture right there in this link (https://www.viewbug.com/contests/abstract-ideas-photo-contest/4607259) How would you describe this abstract picture? it is something someone drew from their mind and i am pretty sure only the person who drew this can tell the meaning and give you an idea of what this is. But then when I kept reading the way he say that we could describe and use those abstract ideas by using objects related to it.

    4. Concrete noun can be identified through one of the five senses (taste, touch, sight, hearing, or smell). so that's why he answered the student that way when they ask him what a concrete noun was in the supplement text " The secret to good writing: its about objects not ideas." source (https://www.grammarly.com/blog/concrete-vs-abstract-nouns/)

    5. The fruits of one's research are not co he presented as some-how self-explanatory, but rather as evidence introduced in support of claims. The object, in other words, must not be seen as a good illustration of something outside of itself-an historical milieu, for instance, or maker's intent-but rather such contextual phenomena be introduced into evidence as illuminating some aspect of the object's own intrinsic interest or mean-ing.

      Adding evidence to ones writing is one of the best way to support you claims and it is something that most student fail to do when writing a paper. source (https://www.lib.uoguelph.ca/get-assistance/writing/writing-disciplines/using-evidence-effectively)

    6. Interpretive analysis

      Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) is an approach to psychological qualitative research with an idiographic focus, which means that it aims to offer insights into how a given person, in a given context, makes sense of a given phenomenon. source (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interpretative_phenomenological_analysis)

    7. Rather than saying what a visual image means, description tells us how an image has opened itself up to an interpretation.

      Anyone can try to describe an object, thing or person but if you don't be specific no one will understand or will know what you are talking about. For example, if you were to describe a cat you can't just say that it has 4 legs, it has fur, two eyes you will need to add more descriptions to this because there are plenty of animals with fur, four legs and two eyes. when you give a good description the person can visualize it better. Just like he stated on " The key to a good description is a rich, nuance vocabulary."

    8. Imbue

      to impregnate or inspire, as with feelings, opinions, source (http://www.dictionary.com/browse/imbue?s=t)

    9. The key to good description is a rich, nuanced vocabulary. Technically accurate language (nominative, for the most part) plays an important role in this, but ultimately not the most important role which is reserved, per-haps somewhat counter-inruitively, to descriptive modifiers (adjectives) and, most crucially, to terms expressive of the dynamics of mterrelation (verbs, adverbs, prepositions).

      I totally agree with the author in that part but it is also the key to becoming a good writer. Without vocabulary one would not be able to write, they would not find the word to describe an object for one to understand.