1 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2023
    1. We know the information. But information is not changing our minds. Most people make decisions on the basis of feelings, including the most important decisions in life – what football team you support, who you marry, which house you live in. That is how we make choices.”  “Thought is at the basis of our feelings, and before we have ideas we have feelings that lead to those ideas. So how do we change minds? A change in feelings changes minds.”

      !- "So how do we change minds? A change in feeling changes minds" : Comment - Brian Eno's comment is very well aligned with Deep Humanity praxis, which can be summed up as: The heart feels, the mind thinks, the body acts, an impact appears in our shared reality. - Also see the related story: - Storytelling will save the Earth: https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wired.com%2Fstory%2Fenvironment-climate-change-storytelling%2F&group=world