7 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2022
    1. This was because dynamic typing doesn’t give the safety net that static typing does. So you write more tests. Which is a good thing.

      Tests are a good thing, but not all devs are even aware of the loss of safety net and so there's no guarantee that using a dynamic language results in more tests.

      Using tests and static-types together would mean that there's whole categories of bugs that get eliminated while also getting more coverage for less lines of test-code.

  2. Jul 2020
    1. dynamic

      A dynamic language (Lisp, Perl, Python, Ruby) is designed to optimize programmer efficiency, so you can implement functionality with less code. A static language (C, C++, etc) is designed to optimize hardware efficiency, so that the code you write executes as quickly as possible. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20563433/difference-between-static-and-dynamic-programming-languages#:~:text=A%20dynamic%20language%20(Lisp%2C%20Perl,executes%20as%20quickly%20as%20possible.

  3. Mar 2017
  4. awjin.github.io awjin.github.io
    1. Dynamic Programming

      Here's another article, with a different point-of-view on this subject.

    1. Check out

      Some other problems can be found in the quoted works section, for this paper/web page. For example, have a look here.

    2. In this solution, we used memoization to recursively calculate the solutions for subproblems which we then used to calculate the solutions to larger problems. Alternatively, tabulation could have been used to build up solutions from the bottom up.

      So, from the whole thing I take it that the problem has actually two parts: i.) a pre-processing part in which all paths have been explored (via memoization), and, ii). discover the optimal path to take, given the memoization table.