- Dec 2015
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
Users publish coursework, build portfolios or tinker with personal projects, for example.
Useful examples. Could imagine something like Wikity, FedWiki, or other forms of content federation to work through this in a much-needed upgrade from the “Personal Home Pages” of the early Web. Do see some connections to Sandstorm and the new WordPress interface (which, despite being targeted at WordPress.com users, also works on self-hosted WordPress installs). Some of it could also be about the longstanding dream of “keeping our content” in social media. Yes, as in the reverse from Facebook. Multiple solutions exist to do exports and backups. But it can be so much more than that and it’s so much more important in educational contexts.
teachonline.ca teachonline.ca
What is needed is an edit / design network – similar to the thousands who edit the pages of Wikipedia on a voluntary basis
Sounds like a job for Wikity.
- Nov 2015
chronicle.com chronicle.com
now evolving into Federated WordPress
Thanks in part to David Wiley… Could be a neat thing to show off at WPcampus.