- Dec 2022
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Sharing the works of Frank Bisse
reply to: https://www.reddit.com/r/antinet/comments/zo96qs/sharing_the_works_of_frank_bisse/
I'm curious where you found the surname Bisse? Frank gives his name as Frank Antonson in his first video and uses it in places throughout some of the videos and references I've found. It's also the name used in this relatively good overview of his work: https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/nation/2017/08/18/z-youtube-retired-humanities-teacher/553192001/. I know he used the pen name Wedge in the past, so perhaps Bisse is just another of his pen names?
I'm also curious where you've pulled the idea that "All videos have the numbering of the cards as the prefix in the video title." In 7.106.1 of 5 State of the School 2019, at the opening of the video he describes his numbering system: 7.106.1 is shorthand for 7th year, 106th day, video number 1. This seems to be a chronological numbering for tracking things and not a relational sort of numbering often seen in zettelkasten contexts. When describing his index cards he indicates that he hasn't opened or looked through them in decades. If someone finds more evidence of his use of cards, I'd love pointers to those videos.
In one of his videos Frank called himself Mr. A. which I suspect is a reference to his name Frank Antonson and not Frank Bisse. Not sure where Bisse came from as I've only seen it on this page. It also appears in this document he references in another video with his co-author: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cE-Ku9nqmidD-IfIXDmRgsJ6PAwZGR06/view
www.azcentral.com www.azcentral.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
He does mention Mr. Bisse at the end...
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
8th grade teacher
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I made it through the first four and a bit, but wasn't quite sure what was going on at all to be interested to continue on... Still not sure what the point was...