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- Last 7 days
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Sayyid Qutb was a prolific writer. Roots for Islamic terrorism seems to come from intellectual discourse?
- Oct 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
in your view sadguru what is the direct antidote to Jihadi terrorism an 00:01:19 immediate and quick solution to it uh what is the direct antidote that's what I'm doing that's my work but quick solution I don't have one there's no 00:01:32 quick solution individual transformation is the only solution but that's not a quick solution but a lasting solution
for: solution to Islamic terrorism, quote, quote - solution to Islamic terrorism
- Individual transformation is the only solution but that's not a quick solution, but a lasting solution
- author: Sadhguru
date: Sept 2023