14 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
    1. Glyph 0 must be assigned to a .notdef glyph. The .notdef glyph is very important for providing the user feedback that a glyph is not found in the font. This glyph should not be left without an outline as the user will only see what looks like a space if a glyph is missing and not be aware of the active font’s limitation.
    2. It is recommended that the shape of the .notdef glyph be either an empty rectangle, a rectangle with a question mark inside of it, or a rectangle with an “X”
    1. You need .notdef, unicode value undefined: microsoft.com/typography/otspec/recom.htm Characters are assigned in blocks of the same kind. Most blocks have some unassigned points at the end to start the next block on a round number. These points allow Unicode Consortium to add new glyphs to a block. New glyphs don't come into existence often. See typophile.com/node/102205. Maybe you can ask your question in the Typophile forum. They can tell you more about how this exactly works and how to render .notdef
    2. I wasn't aware of 'missing character glyph', some Googling suggests that U+0000 can/should be used for missing characters in the font. However in at least one font I've tested with U+0000 is rendered as whitespace while missing characters are rendered as squares (similar to U+25A1).
    1. At one time the replacement character was often used when there was no glyph available in a font for that character. However, most modern text rendering systems instead use a font's .notdef character, which in most cases is an empty box (or "?" or "X" in a box[5]), sometimes called a "tofu" (this browser displays 􏿾). There is no Unicode code point for this symbol.
    1. No, there is no “glyph not found” character. Different programs use different graphic presentations. An empty narrow rectangle is a common rendering, but not the only one. It could also be a rectangle with a question mark in it or with the code number of the character, in hexadecimal, in it.
    2. The glyph-not-found character is specified by the font engine and by the font; there is no fixed character for it.
    3. By the way, I am not talking about � (replacement character). This one is displayed when a Unicode character could not be correctly decoded from a data stream. It does not necessarily produce the same glyph:
  2. Feb 2021
  3. Dec 2018
  4. Sep 2018
  5. www.ukoln.ac.uk www.ukoln.ac.uk
    1. Type the URL of the page you want to describe...

      The requested URL /cgi-bin/dcdot.pl was not found on this server.

  6. Oct 2016