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  1. Last 7 days
    1. 04:30 Question of how these images are now marginalised in the Islamic community. Came from the Ottoman Empire? Safi blames the rise of Salafi and Wahhabi movements. These images seem to portray mainly the mi'raj, ie spiritual and mystical dimensions. And the prophet portrayed in companion with other prophets (ie the universality of Islam).

  2. Mar 2024
    1. In 1554 and again in 1556,[1] Ferdinand named Busbecq ambassador to the Ottoman Empire under the rule of Suleiman the Magnificent. His task for much of the time he was in Constantinople was the negotiation of a border treaty between his employer (the future Holy Roman Emperor) and the Sultan over the disputed territory of Transylvania. He had no success in this mission while Rüstem Pasha was the Sultan's vizier, but ultimately reached an accord with his successor Semiz Ali Pasha.

      Ogier was an ambassador mediating between Ferdinand and Suleyman.

  3. May 2021
    1. Indeed the Portuguese built up their eastern empire with an astonishing speed. They used their naval power to gain control over the Indian Ocean by occupying a number of strategic points and to divert the stream of merchandise - particularly spices - from Asia to Portugal via the Cape of Good Hope by blockading the entrance to the Red Sea and the Gulf,

      Because the Ottoman Empire had a grasp over the Mediterranean Portugal had to occupy the Cape of Africa. For the Portuguese it was another way to trade with India and china without the burden of Ottomans Tariffs.

  4. Jan 2021
    1. Secular Kemalist rhetoric relieved some of the international concerns about the future of Armenians who had survived the 1915 Armenian genocide, and support for Kurdish self determination similarly declined.

      Mustafa Kamal Ataturk wisdom in the defence of Turkey

    1. On 19 February 1915, British and French ships began a naval assault on the Dardanelles. The fighting culminated in a heavy setback for the Allies on 18 March due to large losses from Turkish mines. ... The Dardanelles campaign remains one of the First World War's most controversial episodes.

      Demolition of Ottoman Empire