7 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2023
    1. Natalie J. Valentino, M.S.W., a social worker in Denver, Colorado, has experienced parental alienation inher own family. She has worked for law firms and a legal services office, and she has experiencein child protection, therapeutic foster care, and adoptions. Ms. Valentino participates regularlyin the Colorado Parental Alienation Support Group. Email: natalie.valentino7@gmail.com

      Not a therapist or lawyer, but is a SOCIAL WORKER of some kind. Is she a child welfare sw? Can she help bridge that gap?

    2. Jonathan M. Ogline, Esq., is an attorney in Westminster, Colorado, who specializes in the representa-tion of fathers in divorce and child custody disputes. He had a case involving severe parental al-ienation, in which another PASG member was brought in to serve as an expert witness on thetopic. Email: jon@brettwmartin.com
    3. David Littman, M.A. J.D., a family law attorney in Denver, Colorado, is a former chair of the Family LawSection of the Colorado Bar Association. He is a member of the Colorado Supreme Court Stand-ing Committee on Family Issues. Mr. Littman currently serves as a child and family investigator, amediator, and an arbitrator, whose cases often deal with parental alienation.Website: www.littmanfamilylaw.com. Email: david@littmanfamilylaw.com

      Top Lawyer Candidate Psych/counseling degree Magistrate Supreme Court CO standing committee Awarded multiple top family law lawyer awards

    4. Albert V. Evans, an attorney in Denver, Colorado, has been practicing law for more than 40 years. Overthe years, he has learned a lot about sociopathy and also parental alienation. He has observedparental alienation dynamics in some of his family law cases.Email: evansalbertv@qwestoffice.net.
    5. Scott J. Goldstone, J.D., is an attorney practicing in Northern Colorado with offices in Erie and Greeley,Colorado. He provides the following services: mediation, legal representation of parents in di-vorce and custody disputes, and legal consultation. Website: www.peekgoldstone.com.Email: scott@peekgoldstone.com
    1. A former part time Magistrate in Denver and Jefferson Counties, he has special insight into the inner working of the courtroom process. David’s background in psychology and mental health counseling assists him in working with your complex family issues.  He has recognized competency in dealing with extremely difficult matters, including those involving sexual abuse, alienation, substance abuse and mental illness. His concern for the unique issues military families face during their service has prompted his interest in working with these families. David’s pro bono work earned him the Foster Parent Association of Colorado Advocate of the Year Award, as well as recognition by the Colorado Supreme Court.  He is a past Chairman of Colorado CASA Board and a strong supporter and participant with Metro Volunteer Lawyers.

      Top candidate lawyer