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en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Émile Borel
- De Natura Deorum
- statistical mechanics
- dactylographic monkeys
- accidental art
- Aristotle
- infinite monkey theorem
- Jonathan Swift
- Blaise Pascal
- On Generation and Corruption
- R. G. Collingwood
- Mécanique Statique et Irréversibilité
- Thomas Huxley
- Jorge Luis Borges
- William Shakespeare
- Arthur Eddington
- Cicero
- Jan 2023
thebaffler.com thebaffler.com
Mutual Aid grew from a series of essays written in response to Thomas Henry Huxley, a well-known Social Darwinist, and summarized the Russian understanding of the day, which was that while competition was undoubtedly one factor driving both natural and social evolution, the role of cooperation was ultimately decisive.