16 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2021
    1. n Rebecca Elinich

      The content of Elinich’s course on VR through UE and Unity is available on OER Commons.

      What if UE4 and Unity assets were made available as OER?



  2. Apr 2016
    1. A TSet stores a collection of unique values, similar to std::set. With the AddUnique and Contains methods, TArrays can already be used as sets. However, TSet has faster implementations of these operations, at the cost of not being able to use them as UPROPERTYs like TArrays. TSets are also do not index their elements like TArrays do.
    2. Containers

      I wonder if these would be good for storing metadata with prototype support (see near the end of Prototype in Game Programming Patterns).

    3. Actor

      Should be AActor

    4. Object

      Should be UObject?

    5. UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Found UObject named: %s"), *CurrentObject.GetName());

      Should be:

      UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Found UObject named: %s"), *(CurrentObject->GetName()));
    6. Using object iterators in PIE (Play In Editor) can lead to unexpected results. Since the editor is loaded, the object iterator will return all UObjects created for your game world instance, in addition to those that are just being used by the editor. Actor iterators work in much the same way as object iterators, but only work for objects that derive from AActor. Actor iterators do not have the problem noted below, and will only return objects being used by the current game world instance.
    7. MyUObject

      Shouldn't this be UMyObject?

    8. You'll first notice the inclusion of "MyClass.generated.h". Unreal will generate all the reflection data and put it into this file. You must include this file as the last include in the header file that declares your type.
    9. To use a UStruct, you do not have to extend from any particular class, you just have mark the struct with USTRUCT() and our build tools will do the base work for you. Unlike a UObject, UStructs are not garbage collected. If you create dynamic instances of them, you must manage their lifecycle yourself. UStructs are meant to be plain old data types that have the UObject reflection support for editing within the Unreal Editor, Blueprint manipulation, serialization, networking, etc.
    10. Use inheritance when you want to customize an existing AActor or UActorComponent. Use composition when you want many different AActor types to share the functionality.

      At this high level, it almost sounds as if components are a way to implement mixins in C++, though perhaps more loosely coupled in terms of class type.

    11. UActorComponents have their own behaviors and are usually responsible for functionality that is shared across many types of AActors, e.g. providing visual meshes, particle effects, camera perspectives, and physics interactions. While AActors are often given high-level goals related to their overall roles your game, UActorComponents usually perform the individual tasks that support those higher-level objectives. Components can also be attached to other Components, or can be the root Component of an Actor. A Component can only attach to one parent Component or Actor, but it may have many child Components attached to itself. Picture a tree of Components. Child Components have location, rotation, and scaling relative to their parent Component or Actor.
    12. Unreal Engine calls the creation of an AActor at runtime spawning. Spawning an actor is a bit more complicated than creating a normal object in the game. The reason is that an AActor needs to be registered with a variety of runtime systems in order to serve all of its needs. The initial location and rotation for the actor need to be set. Physics may need to know about it. The manager responsible for telling an actor to tick needs to know. And so on. Because of this, we have a method devoted to the spawning of an actor, UWorld::SpawnActor(). Once that actor is spawned successfully, its BeginPlay() method is called, followed by Tick() the next frame.
    13. AActors have their own behaviors (specialization through inheritance), but they also act as containers for a hierarchy of UActorComponents (specialization through composition). This is done through the AActor's RootComponent member, which contains a single UActorComponent that, in turn, can contain many others. Before an AActor can be placed in a level, that AActor must contain at least a USceneComponent which contains the translation, rotation, and scale for that AActor.
      • USceneComponent inherits UActorComponent
    14. An AActor is an object that is meant to be part of the gameplay experience. AActors are either placed in a level by a designer or created at runtime via gameplay systems. All objects that can be placed into a level extend from this class. Examples include AStaticMeshActor, ACameraActor, and APointLight actors. AActor derives from UObject, so enjoys all of the standard features listed in the previous section. AActors can be explicitly destroyed via gameplay code (C++ or Blueprints) or via the standard garbage collection mechanism when the owning level is unloaded from memory. AActors are responsible for the high-level behaviors of your game's objects. AActors are also the base type that can be replicated during networking. During network replication, AActors can also distribute information for any UActorComponents owned by that AActor that require network support.
  3. Mar 2016
    1. Now that our designers can call our C++ code, let us explore one more powerful way to cross the C++/Blueprint boundary. This approach allows C++ code to call functions that are defined in Blueprints. We often use the approach to notify the designer of an event that they can respond to as they see fit.