- Oct 2024
Local file Local file
No Writer seems to be going off the point, and tobe violating the Law of ' Unity ' and Economy, morethan Carlyle does. As we read his "Frederick theGreat", the characters at first appear to us to have nomore connexion with one another than the characters
- Sep 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Class 1, Why Does the Civil War and Reconstruction Have a Hold on American Historical Imagination? by David Blight for [[YaleCourses]]
- Jul 2024
songmeanings.com songmeanings.com
"So the ones in the west Will never move east And feel like they could be at home Dem get tricked by the beast But a where dem ago flee when the monster is fully grown?" commenting on the conflict between western and eastern nations. particularly the conflict between the U.S./Britain with Islamic nations of the Middle East. once again, the "beast" referring to satan, devil who exploits our differences to keep us fighting amongst eachother, destroying eachother. we don't come from the east, west, north or safe. we come from God, the source, from EARTH. Earth is our home and we're all earthers. by the time they realise this and understnd that they were pawns of the satanic occult groups such as the freemasons, elites or satanic illuminati, who generate order from choas - "as above so below", they can't hide or run from the problems they've helped to create in the first place. the beast is also synomynous with the "ego" - shadow/false self, you yourself are your own greatest enemy. here's a commentary on the ego, from the film "revolver": "The ego is the worst confidence trickster we could ever figure. "I am you". The problem is that the ego hides in the last place that you'd ever look within itself. It disguises its thoughts as your thoughts, its feelings as your feelings. "You think it's you". Peoples' need to protect their own egos knows no bounds. They will lie, cheat, steal, kill, do whatever it takes to maintain what we call ego boundaries. People have no clue that they're imprisoned. They don't know that there is an ego, they don't know the distinction. At first, it's difficult for the mind to accept that there's something beyond itself, that there's something of greater value and greater capacity for discerning truth than itself. In religion, the ego manifests as the devil. And of course no one realizes how smart the ego is, because it created the devil so you could blame someone else. In creating this imaginary external enemy, it usually made a real enemy for ourselves, and that becomes a real danger to the ego, but that's also the ego's creation. There is no such thing as an external enemy no matter what the voice in your head is telling you. All perception of an enemy is a projection of the ego as the enemy. In that sense, you could say that 100 percent of our external enemies are of our creation. "Your greatest enemy is your own inner perception, is your own ignorance, is your own ego"."
We are all united in being human and should act that way. Find common ground rather than focusing on differences. Don't be biased. A house divided will surely fall. A house united is strong.
When humanity is united as one, true societal advancement can happen.
- Jun 2024
- openai use LiveKit to deliver realtime voice
- playground: https://cloud.livekit.io/projects/
- May 2024
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Global, deep synchronization is the hashtag#philosophersStone and hashtag#HolyGrail that we are all after, in our silo'd, fragmented attempts at unity
for - post comment - LinkedIn - global synchronization and unity - holy grail
- Oct 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Alter's translation puts into practice his belief that the rules of biblical style require it to reiterate, artfully, within scenes and from scene to scene, a set of "key words," a term Alter derives from Buber and Franz Rosenzweig, who in an epic labor that took nearly 40 years to complete, rendered the Hebrew Bible into a beautifully Hebraicized German. Key words, as Alter has explained elsewhere, clue the reader in to what's at stake in a particular story, serving either as "the chief means of thematic exposition" within episodes or as connective tissue between them.
lawliberty.org lawliberty.org
The reader should keep in mind that, for Alter, the Hebrew Bible is not one seamless book but a haphazard collection of texts.
Perhaps not "haphazard", but they are definitely written by different authors over a large span of time, often each with their own political point of view. Bruce seems to be playing at the common misconception that the books were written as a cohesive whole supporting only one outcome.
There is some massive historical contextual collapse going on here, particularly in a broader culture in which multiple gods were the norm. Each author certainly had their own idea of what "God" was when writing.
delong.typepad.com delong.typepad.com
Aunity can be variously stated
Every book, while holding the same words, will be different based on the context and needs of the individual reader.
"This," says Aristotle, "is the essence of the plot; the rest isepisode."
Aristotle on the unity of a work.
You have not graspeda complex unity if all you know about it is how it is one. Youmust also know how it is many, not a many that consists of alot of separate things, but an organized many. If the partswere not organically related, the whole that they composedwould not be one. Strictly speaking, there would be no wholeat all but merely a collection.
This is also an art of putting notes together to make an article or book.
If it requires too many words, you have not seen theunity but a multiplicity.
How are they defining "multiplicity" here? There seems to be a tacit definition with respect to being in opposition to "unity" (of a work), but not an explicit one. It also seems to be a shaded meaning with respect to the more common one.
unity: essence, core, coherence, oneness
They use the word "multiplicity" in the usual sense of large number or multitude on p55: "The multiplicity of the rules indicates the complexity of the one habit to be formed, not a plurality of distinct habits."
They also revisit it in the upcoming section: "Mastering the Multiplicity: The Art of Outlining a Book" on p88
Perhaps its just me but there's a linguistic "softness" of the uses of unity and multiplicity here with respect to 2023. Though these two opposites fit the dictionary definitions of their words, is it possible that this softness is the result of a sort of historical linguistic shift I'm feeling in these words? I can't quite put my finger on it, but perhaps it's the relationship of unity to religion? Neither seem to be frequently used these days.
The Ngram Viewer shows peaks for the use of unity in 1660 and 1960 of almost 75% higher usage compared to a broader historical average. It is generally waning since. Multiplicity has about 1/4 the use of unity and has remained flat over time. What caused the peaks in the use of "unity" during these periods? This 1972 use was on the downslope of the 1960s peak. Was it used in the 1940 version?
The 20th century increase in the use of unity begins around 1914 and may have been related to political shades of meaning going into WWI with another marked rise in the lead up to WW2.
Youmust apprehend the unity with definiteness. There is only oneway to know that you have succeeded. You must be able totell yourself or anybody else what the unity is, and in a fewwords. ( If it requires too many words, you have not seen theunity but a multiplicity. ) Do not be satisfied with "feeling theunity" that you cannot express. The reader who says, "I knowwhat it is, but I just can't say it," probably does not even foolhimself.
Adler/Van Doren use the statement of unity of a work as an example of testing one's understanding of a work and its contents.
(Again, did this exist in the 1940 edition?)
Who do McDaniel and Donnelly 1996 cite in their work as predecessors of their idea as certainly it existed?
Examples in the literature of this same idea/method after this: - https://hypothes.is/a/TclhyMfqEeyTkQdZl43ZyA (Feynman Technique in ZK; relationship to Ahrens) - explain it to me like I'm a 5th grader - https://hypothes.is/a/BKhfvuIyEeyZj_v7eMiYcg ("People talk" in Algebra Project) - https://hypothes.is/a/m0KQSDlZEeyYFLulG9z0vw (Intellectual Life version) - https://hypothes.is/a/OyAAflm5Ee6GStMjUMCKbw (earlier version of statement in this same work) - https://hypothes.is/a/iV5MwjivEe23zyebtBagfw (Ahrens' version of elaboration citing McDaniel and Donnelly 1996, this uses both restatement and application to a situation as a means of testing understanding) - https://hypothes.is/a/B3sDhlm5Ee6wF0fRYO0OQg (Adler's version for testing understanding from his video) - https://hypothes.is/a/rh1M5vdEEeut4pOOF7OYNA (Manfred Kuenh and Luhmann's reformulating writing)
p. 75-76
The unity of a novel is not the sameas the unity of a treatise on politics; nor are the parts of thesame sort, or ordered in the same way. But every book without exception that is worth reading at all has a unity and anorganization of parts.
first appearance of "unity" in the book (outside of community and opportunity).
- testing understanding
- pedagogy
- reading practices
- World War II
- unity
- definitions
- unity of a work
- writing advice
- plot
- elaboration
- historical linguistics
- Feynman Technique
- perspective
- writing for understanding
- loglines
- writing to test understanding
- knowledge scaffolding
- organization
- elaborative rehearsal
- quotes
- reformulating writing
- Aristotle
- art of note making
- people talk (pedagogical device)
- maintenance rehearsal versus elaborative rehearsal
- analytical reading
- multiplicity
- context
- World War I
- organizing force of wars
- Sep 2023
delong.typepad.com delong.typepad.com
the obligation of finding the unity belongs finally to the reader, as much as the obligation of having one belongs to the writer.
- Jun 2023
www.churchofjesuschrist.org www.churchofjesuschrist.org
“The purpose of our life should be to build up the Zion of our God, to gather the House of Israel, … store up treasures of knowledge and wisdom in our own understandings, purify our own hearts and prepare a people to meet the Lord when he comes. … “We have no business here other than to build up and establish the Zion of God. It must be done according to the will and law of God [see D&C 105:5], after that pattern and order by which Enoch built up and perfected the former-day Zion, which was taken away to heaven. … We, through our faithfulness, must prepare ourselves to meet Zion from above when it shall return to earth, and to abide the brightness and glory of its coming” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young [1997], 111–12).
a couple things:
as social creatures, human beings rely on establishing relationships with those around us. our existence begins within families, through the union of a mother and a father, and this pattern repeats throughout generations
these communal relationships form the foundation for unity, creating a shared purpose and principles. any discord within these relationships can result in separation
death serves as the most explicit form of separation: firstly, physical death separates the body from the spirit, and finally, spiritual death represents the separation of men from god.
another explicit instance of separation found in the scriptures is the scattering of Israel. our current work involves gathering israel, which requires severing our ties with our brothers and sisters across the globe. this gathering process is vital in building the zion we are commanded to establish before the second coming of christ
[[the church is one body]]
"1 Corinthians 12:12-14 emphasizes the idea that all individuals, regardless of their background or status, are united as one body through the Spirit of Christ. Paul teaches the importance of unity and care for one another within this body to avoid any divisions or schisms. It also emphasizes the interconnectedness of all individuals within the body, such that if one member suffers, all members suffer, and if one member is honored, all members rejoice." - The Doctrine of Belonging - Elder D. Todd Christofferson
The Lord explained in a revelation to the Prophet Joseph Smith ‘that when ye are assembled together ye shall instruct and edify each other, that ye may know … how to act upon the points of my law and commandment’ [D&C 43:8]. But knowing ‘how to act’ isn’t enough. The Lord in the next verse said, ‘Ye shall bind yourselves to act in all holiness before me’ [D&C 43:9]. This willingness to take action on what we have learned opens the doors for marvelous blessings” (“The Blessings of General Conference,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2005, 52).
some thoughts i have on this:
this commandment is reminiscent of what was instructed to the nephites in moroni 6:4-5. to break it down:
in verse 4, it is indicated that three things kept the nephites on the path of their covenant and enabled them to flourish:
a) they consistently remembered and nourished themselves with the word of god
b) they actively sought opportunities for prayer
c) they highly valued the virtues of christ
these three points encompass the holy habits then listed in verse 5:
a) gathering together frequently
b) fasting
c) praying, and
d) discussing the welfare of each other's souls
the commandment to instruct and edify one another when we gather, in its apparent form, refers to attending and participating in sunday school classes and other church gatherings. but as we prepare for the Lord's second coming, we are called to build zion here on earth first. to truly accomplish that, we should engage in church-like interaction beyond just the first day of the week.
we are meant to create a community of like-minded individuals who come together as one in christ (zion). this entails supporting one another even outside of church, continuing to hold each other's hands after attending the sacrament together
[[holy habits make the covenant path sustainable]]
“We must understand that we have got to act upon certain principles by which we can bind ourselves together as a people, to bind our feelings together that we may become one, and this never can be accomplished unless certain things are done, and things that require an exertion on our part. “How would you go to work to bind yourselves together? How would a man go to work to unite himself with his neighbor? If two men were associated together who had never been acquainted, how would they go to work to secure each other’s friendship, attachment and affection one towards another? Why something would have to be done, and that not by one party only, but would have to be done by one as well as by the other. It would not answer for one to do the business alone; it would not do for one to answer those feelings and do the work himself, but in order to become as one in their sentiments and affection—the action of both would be requisite” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Lorenzo Snow [2012] 198–99).
this sheds a light on how the church becomes a unified entity, encompassing not only shared objectives and principles, but also a profound sense of interconnectedness on an emotional level. [[emotions allow us to make decisions]]
elder d todd christofferson instructs that a sense of belonging arises not only from being a member of a group but also from the acts of service and sacrifices made for others
such a complex and tightly-knit community can only be established when it is driven by a higher purpose. when too much emphasis is placed on personal needs and comfort, it can impede the sense of belonging that arises from contributing to a cause greater than oneself
[[much of our belonging comes from our contributions]]
- May 2023
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
unity of science
process:explaining higher-level scientific phenomena science in theories through the entities and theories from the more fundamental science.
This lower the level the more material and less constructed the science. (Which makes physics actually one level, according to Bechter and Hamilton (2007))
also: theory of reduction
- Nov 2022
learn.unity.com learn.unity.com
[condition] ? [code to be run if condition is true] : [code to be run if condition is false];
Short IF
- Oct 2022
vionixstudio.com vionixstudio.com
Use code await Task.Delay(delay time in milli seconds).
Adding in delay using async await
- Mar 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
If humans, some humans, start making bad decisions and start destroying the institutions that kept the peace, then we will be back in the era of war with budgets, military budgets going to 20, 30, 40 percent. It can happen. It's in our hands.
An economic diversion of this scale would make it far more likely that humanity will not be able to prevent, but indeed accelerate planetary tipping points! Hence the urgency of this crisis for the climate movement. This implies that the climate movement and the antiwar movement must now synchronize resources and form a coherent, unified strategy
- Sep 2021
akkartik.name akkartik.name
use similar words but lead to very different priorities and actions
From Barack Obama's Dreams From My Father:
With our eyes closed, we muttered the same words, but in our hearts we each prayed to our own masters
- Apr 2021
Local file Local file
n Rebecca Elinich
The content of Elinich’s course on VR through UE and Unity is available on OER Commons.
What if UE4 and Unity assets were made available as OER?
- Mar 2021
learn.unity.com learn.unity.com
Unity UI
forum.unity.com forum.unity.com
This version will only be compatible with 2020.2 and 2021.1. Starting from 2021.2, new features will strictly be available from the core product, and won’t be supported by the packages.
在2021.1.0b8里面已经没有UI菜单了。而是在Windows菜单里多了UI Toolkit项目。
- Feb 2021
Considering Canonical has pulled resources from this project, the path for continued third-party development of Unity will not be easy. It is my hope that they are successful and can become another shining example of the power of forking, like the MATE project.
- Jan 2021
marksaroufim.substack.com marksaroufim.substack.com
Unity ML agents is a way for you to turn a video game into a Reinforcement Learning environment.
Unity ML agents is a great way to practice RNN
- Dec 2020
forum.unity.com forum.unity.com
For the time being, if you need 3D UI for your project, our recommendation is to use UGUI, which we're making sure will work well alongside UI Toolkit.
3D UI 还是建议 UGUI,可以跟UI Toolkit一起使用。
We're still committed at maintaining that technology as long as necessary for users to transition to UI Toolkit.
从Unity UI 转到 UI Toolkit
www.quora.com www.quora.com
Romans did a much more thorough job assimilating the peoples they conquered. Non-Romans could and did become citizens, even from very early times.
Many non-Greeks adopted Gteek lifestyles, language and habits after the age of Alexander, but the cross-pollination was more frequently cultural than political.
More of a focus on IDENTIFYING as greek, as opposed to being TOLD that you are now roman, etc.
more of a colonization concept than assimilation
dominating its neighbors and then assimilating them into its institutions
Rome, on the other hand, maintained a far more continuous tradition of governance with far fewer interruptions.
Greece was a very contentious place;
- Nov 2020
- Jun 2020
Knöchelmann, M. (2020, February 25) Open Humanities: Why Open Science in the Humanities is not Enough. Impact of Social Sciences. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2020/02/25/open-humanities-why-open-science-in-the-humanities-is-not-enough/
- is:blog
- science
- cooperation
- peer review
- open humanities
- open science
- scholarship
- unity
- research
- technology
- lang:en
- social challenge
blogs.bmj.com blogs.bmj.com
Sebastian Walsh: We are asking the wrong questions about easing lockdown. (2020, June 2). The BMJ. https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2020/06/02/sebastian-walsh-we-are-asking-the-wrong-questions-about-easing-lockdown/
- May 2020
secure.avaaz.org secure.avaaz.org
Avaaz. 10 Reasons to Love Humanity right now. https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/covid19_reasons_to_hope/
- Dec 2019
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
I term all transcendental ideas, in so far as they relate to the absolute totality in the synthesis of phenomena, cosmical conceptions; partly on account of this unconditioned totality, on which the conception of the world-whole is based—a conception, which is itself an idea—partly because they relate solely to the synthesis of phenomena—the empirical synthesis; while, on the other hand, the absolute totality in the synthesis of the conditions of all possible things gives rise to an ideal of pure reason, which is quite distinct from the cosmical conception, although it stands in relation with it. Hence, as the paralogisms of pure reason laid the foundation for a dialectical psychology, the antinomy of pure reason will present us with the transcendental principles of a pretended pure (rational) cosmology—not, however, to declare it valid and to appropriate it, but—as the very term of a conflict of reason sufficiently indicates, to present it as an idea which cannot be reconciled with phenomena and experience.
www.gradesaver.com www.gradesaver.com
'Then, thou must on similar grounds admit that unity and goodness are the same; for when the effects of things in their natural working differ not, their essence is one and the same.'
One and Good are the same
la.wikisource.org la.wikisource.org
Oportet igitur idem esse unum atque bonum simili ratione concedas; eadem namque substantia est eorum quorum naturaliter non est diuersus effectus.
Identity of Good and One, see also Plotinus
www.logicmuseum.com www.logicmuseum.com
Hanc autem pluralitatem consequitur ratio diversitatis, secundum quod manet in ea suae causae virtus, scilicet oppositionis entis et non entis. Ideo enim unum plurium diversum dicitur alteri comparatum, quia non est illud.
Plurality is the cause of diversity. But the first plurality is the division between Being and nonBeing. Plurality is thus based on nonBeing.
- Sep 2019
remacle.org remacle.org
μίαν φύσει αὐτὴν ἔφυσεν
l'unité est la condition de l'essence
- Jan 2019
www.perseus.tufts.edu www.perseus.tufts.edu
so "being " is used in various senses, but always with reference to one principle. For some things are said to "be" because they are substances; others because they are modifications of substance; others because they are a process towards substance, or destructions or privations or qualities of substance, or productive or generative of substance or of terms relating to substance, or negations of certain of these terms or of substance. (Hence we even say that not-being is not-being.)
Being is always one. Multiplicity is always to be reduced to unity.
- Dec 2018
www.forumromanum.org www.forumromanum.org
Iam ergo ostensum est quare factae sunt formae intellectibiles multae, et non est esse nisi unum, simplex, et quare factae sunt multae animae, quarum quaedam sunt fortiores aliis quibusdam, et esse earum est unum, simplex, in quo non est diversitas.
Multiplicity of things and unity of Being
Prima rerum creatarum est esse et non est ante ipsum creatum aliud.
Being is the first created thing.
en.wikisource.org en.wikisource.org
And if the unlike cannot be like, or the like unlike, then according to you, being could not be many; for this would involve an impossibility.
Being cannot be many
What is your meaning, Zeno? Do you maintain that if being is many, it must be both like and unlike, and that this is impossible, for neither can the like be unlike, nor the unlike like--is that your position?
one and multiple
- Nov 2018
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
3:31 — Particle Systems: withChildren parameter and other things
7:14 — Array-returing APIs (e.g. Mesh.vertices, Input.touches, GetComponents, RaycastAll)
9:07 — Camera.main [part 1]
9:32 — Choosing between collections (list, dictionary, hash-set)
15:43 — Use Instance ID as key for dictionaries
18:38 — Method inlining
23:29 — Unity UI
25:59 — Notable exception from Unity UI dirtying
28:00 — Slice up your Canvases! (and nest them)
30:48 — Disabling Pixel Perfect for scrolling UI
31:31 — Optimizing Scroll Rect in particular
32:24 — Disabling unneeded UI raycasting
33:58 — Not leaving Event Camera property blank
37:31 — Camera.main [part 2]
39:05 — Optiziming Layout (even when not using them!)
45:55 — Pooling UI in correct order
46:47 — Hiding Canvases correctly
48:03 — Not using Animators on UI (unless always changing already)
2:19 — string.Equals()
11:41 — Disabling NullCheck for individual method(s)
13:16 — Transforms and scene hierarchies
23:38 — Disabling Physics.SyncTransforms
25:54 — Audio
32:48 — Preferring legacy Animation over Animator/Mecanim
37:50 — Animator Layers
39:12 — Preferring Generic rig over Humanoid rig
41:23 — Pooling Animators using keepControllerStateOnDisable
larrycuban.wordpress.com larrycuban.wordpress.com
I see a professional teacher and engaged students rather than the tech driving the class forward.
This is a great observation by Alice in Pa, which embodies how I want technology to function in my classroom.
- Nov 2017
Ubuntu phones and laptops never became popular with hardware makers, carriers, or consumers, and software development seemed to be slowing down. While Unity 8 was shipping on phones and tablets, it has never been stable enough to become the default on the desktop, which uses Unity 7. Canonical's work on creating a new desktop display server, Mir, has also been slow.
primary factors.
- Sep 2017
www.mnemotext.com www.mnemotext.com
Large computer networks (and their associated users) may “wake up” as superhumanly intelligent entities.
The author refers to both the computer network and its user when he refers to them "waking up." This may be a prediction of a soon to be symbiotic relation to us and technology. We are already using technology to mange our social life, our infrastructure, and even our health with pacemaker. We are already living in a world where we are inseparable from technology, but will we one day be completely be inseparable?
- Dec 2016
gateway.ipfs.io gateway.ipfs.io
the great powers in this world will become far more like each other out of necessity. Their opposition to one another will become increasingly theoretical and less meaningful in reality, and they will find that they need each other a great deal. They are like a husband and wife who cannot leave each other and must learn to get along because they love each other. Russians love you; you love the Russians. But when you love someone and you do not communicate, you harbor hard feelings and you become estranged. Along with this, the developing nations in your world will have increasing power in the years to come, and this will complete the requirement for a global community.
new world order
- Sep 2016
millercenter.org millercenter.org
And these changes have been welcomed, even though there are still opponents to these policies. But still, many people on both sides of this debate have asked: Why now? Why now?
Obama used "common ground" to bring together all the oppositions that he may face when discussing the policies. By bringing in something that everyone has been thinking despite the differences they feel, Obama is able to create unity.
- Jan 2016
christmind.info christmind.infoAbout1
It is only the experience of Integrity, which you have when you are Knowing, that will promote the willing release of any desire to shift back to ignorance, to shift back to fear. You see, just because something is familiar does not mean it is actually desirable. It may feel comfortable, but it does not feel fulfilling, because it does not embrace fulfillment. It is not an experience of congruence or unity. That which is familiar does not provide peace—the Peace of your Being. And when you are feeling the Peace of your Being, as you are right now, it is obvious to you that the familiar does not include this experience.
christmind.info christmind.info
Again I am going to reiterate: Avoid thinking! If you want to have the stimulation of insight, don’t think. Listen! And listen to me. Then the amplifications which you expect to arrive at through thinking, but will not, will be present in the nature of the dialogue, the connection. Then the specifics that you would hope to arrive at through thinking will come as Knowing, and further substantiate the shift of weight of emphasis of attention to you, and thus disengage you further from the distorted self-perception that you have thought was really you. Again: If you want to understand, don’t think. Listen. Dialogue. Actively speak with me. Actively be with me. This is another way of saying, actively let me in, because to the degree that you let me in, you let yourself into your right Mind, and your full Sanity, and your full embrace of what is Really going on—Reality, the Kingdom of Heaven, the Movement of Creation, the experience of unity, integrity.
"Don't think, communicate with inner guidance,LISTEN, in this way Real Knowing can occur as it cannot come from the thinking mind.
christmind.info christmind.info
Our relationship is a unity, and our conversation, our experience of each other, is communion. That is taking things further than you can grasp at the moment. For the time being, the key point is that our conversations demonstrate for you the fact that you are with me from my point of view, which means from the Father’s point of view, rather than my being with you from your level of perception. I have not come to where you are in belief. I am speaking to you where we are in Reality. Therefore, again, our communication is a demonstration of the Fact of where you Are.
The conversations prove to Paul that he is actually in 4d.
- Feb 2015
sports.genius.com sports.genius.com
om all aspects of the sport