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  1. Jun 2024
    1. According to this law, nothing has independent, permanent, or absolute existence. Everything is part of a limitless web of interconnections and undergoes a continual process of transformation.

      for - definition - emptiness - interdependent origination - dependent arising - definition - interdependent origination - Francesca Fremantle

      definition - interdependent origination - According to this law (of interdependent origination), - nothing has - independent, - permanent, or - absolute - existence. - Everything is - part of a limitless web of interconnections and - undergoes a continual process of transformation. - Every appearance arises from - complex causes and - conditions, - and in turn combines with others to produce countless effects. - By interrupting the causal chain at certain key points, - the course of existence can be altered and - effects prevented by eliminating their causes.

      comment - This definition of interdependent origination is very closely related to that of - emptiness (shunyata) and - https://hyp.is/nyBf5CFTEe-wpwveR5kjtg/www.dalailama.com/news/2014/teaching-about-emptiness-and-dependent-arising-at-likir-ladakh - dependent arising - relationship between - dependent arising and - emptiness - from his Holiness, the Dalai Lama - https://hyp.is/nyBf5CFTEe-wpwveR5kjtg/www.dalailama.com/news/2014/teaching-about-emptiness-and-dependent-arising-at-likir-ladakh

      adjacency - between - emptiness - dependent arising - interdependent origination - Indyweb/Indranet - adjacency relationship - The Indyweb/Indranet is epistemologically designed to reflect this trilogy of intertwingled Buddhist ideas: - emptiness - interdependent origination - dependent arising - within the sphere of human thinking - The Indyweb/Indranet is designed as people-centered, - which means that individual human beings are the locus which their entire world of ideation - evolving moment by moment - can be captured to detect the evolutionary flow of ideation - The Deep Humanity praxis employs the term - "human INTERbeCOMing" to shift the frame of a person - from a noun / object - to a verb / evolutionary process - Ideas are intrinsically dependently arising - from other causes and conditions - which are the source ideas that inspired the new ones - The Indyweb/Indranet's people-centered provenance feature assures that - any idea generated by a person is ASSOCIATED to that person - and tracks the exact time of the occurrence of that idea - The other half of the Indyweb/Indranet is that it is INTERPERSONAL - allowing all people, - with their people-centered nexus of evolutionary ideas to - SHARE them with OTHER people - Hence, from looking at a record of our evolutionary history of ideas - we can see that we are psychologically fundamentally following interdependent origination - Ideas are in constant flux, giving rise to new ideas - in a continuous process of transformation

    1. Je Tsongkhapa’s text, ‘In Praise of Dependent Arising’ which emphasises the importance of both emptiness and dependent arising

      for - adjacency - emptiness - dependent arising - Je Tsongkhapa

      adjacency - between - emptiness - dependent arising - Je Tsongkhapa - adjacency relationship - (quote - see below) - His Holiness then announced his intention to give a transmission of Je Tsongkhapa’s text, - ‘In Praise of Dependent Arising’ - which emphasizes the importance of both - emptiness and - dependent arising. - He suggested that it would be good to recite the Heart Sutra followed by this text daily. - He said that - emptiness and - dependent arising - are complementary. - If - dependent arising makes you think of emptiness and - emptiness makes you think of dependent arising - at the same time, - you have a proper understanding of emptiness.

    2. Emptiness implies dependent arising.

      for - adjacency - emptiness - dependent arising