14 Matching Annotations
- Jun 2023
gitlab.com gitlab.com
What we call the "super sidebar" will contain all the elements that pertain to moving around GitLab
There will no longer be a top bar
- Jun 2021
material-ui.com material-ui.com
Persistent navigation drawers can toggle open or closed. The drawer sits on the same surface elevation as the content. It is closed by default and opens by selecting the menu icon, and stays open until closed by the user. The state of the drawer is remembered from action to action and session to session. When the drawer is outside of the page grid and opens, the drawer forces other content to change size and adapt to the smaller viewport.
- Apr 2021
meta.stackexchange.com meta.stackexchange.com
If you belong to private Teams, Free or Basic, your Teams will be listed in the left navigation on all Stack Exchange sites. Currently, they appear only when you are visiting Stack Overflow. If you don’t belong to any teams, there will be a prompt to start a team, which can be minimized.
- Feb 2021
www.codewall.co.uk www.codewall.co.uk
Using details/summary for dropdown nav menu without requiring any JavaScript
in this post, we’ll look at how to use this as the basis for an accessible dropdown navigation element that can be opened equally well by keyboard users tabbing through the page, and mouse users hovering on the nav item
- Apr 2020
One thing is certain when it comes to navigation trends, users and designers seem to be fed up with completely hidden styles and demand options that work in similar formats on desktops and mobile devices. This might be one of the reasons a vertical pattern is trending.
The common theme is that many hamburger icons open into vertical sliding navigation.
One more word of advice when thinking about vertical navigation: Don’t be tempted to cram it too full of elements just to fill up the depth of a standard-resolution screen. White space is totally acceptable – and even highly recommended – as a design tool in this format.
Non-traditional navigation styles can be a fun way to break up some of the same old design patterns.
See the really creative/fun example image above.
- non-traditional
- alternative to mainstream way
- mobile-first
- app design: navigation
- app design: navigation: side navigation
- cross-platform
- visual design: white/empty space
- visual design: designing for different screen sizes
- creative
- mobile app
- focus: websites (not apps)
- avoid the need to rewrite for different contexts/platforms
- pretty visual design
- navigation: side navigation (vertical navigation)
- visual design: designing for small screens
- app design: navigation: location
- avoid duplication
uxmovement.com uxmovement.com
A left navigation is faster and more efficient for users to scan. In just three visual fixations, users scan six items in the left navigation compared to the three items scanned in the top navigation. The left navigation also facilitates a vertical scanning direction that is natural for people
A top navigation conserves more vertical page space than a left navigation. With a left navigation, the navigation links occupy the left column of your page. This shrinks and narrows the content area of your page, which means you will have less space for your content. A top navigation, however, uses minimal vertical space, which allows you to occupy the content area of your page with content only.