- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - webcast - youtube - Amrit - Sandhu - Ex-Buddhist Monk reveals secret Tibetan Prophecy happening right now! Dr John Churchill Psy.D - adjacency - bodhisattva's universal vow of compassion - Deep Humanity individual / collective gestalt - Ernest Becker - Book - The birth and death of meaning - This adjacency is discussed more in the annotations
summary - A very good interview - Interdiscplinary presentation of psychology and Buddhist ideas - When he spoke about the relationship between the individual and the group, an epiphany of my own work on the Deep Humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt suddenly took on a greater depth - An adjacency revealed itself upon his words, between - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER
source - referral from @Gyuri
to - Karuna Mandala - - https://hyp.is/Ghid4JwcEe-PK7OOKz5Vig/www.karunamandala.org/directors-advisors
- buddhism and pyschology
- webcast - youtube - Amrit - Sandhu - Ex-Buddhist Monk reveals secret Tibetan Prophecy happening right now! Dr John Churchill Psy.D
- interview - John Churchill
- adjacency - bodhisattva's universal vow of compassion - Deep Humanity individual / collective gestalt - Ernest Becker - Book - The birth and death of meaning