14 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. Don't assume that because you opened up a pull request, that the author will accept it. There are many reasons that a maintainer might choose to not merge in your specific patch, many of which have nothing to do with you. If your patch isn't accepted, try to assume it's for a valid technical reason and not because the author hates you.
    2. Don't get upset, rejection is normal
  2. Jan 2024
      • for: SoNeC - SRG / TPF gamified rapid whole system change, SRG / TPF proposal

      • SRG / TPF project proposals for SONEC communities

        • Emerge candidates for a global 3rd political party with no money from special interests
        • Cosmolocal production network
        • Bootstrap local WEconomy via community owned cooperatives:
          • bioeconomy
            • concentrated organic produce production
            • agroforestry production
          • renewable energy
          • low cost desalinated water
        • Open citizen science project on local climate departure as proxy for economic impacts of climate change
        • Deep Humanity / BEing journeys
        • Gamified rapid whole system change via:
          • downscaled earth system boundaries and
          • doughnut economics
        • Cascading Social Tipping Point Theory
        • Youth afterschool climate activism clubs
        • Network of sustainable restaurants for meetings, talks and presentations
        • Local community economics to RELOCALIZE the economy
        • Jan 1, 2024 adders
          • Appeal to local north districts of cities
            • Wealth2Wellth program to show High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) living in wealthy local north communities climate change trends that are occurring in realtime to show present and near future sea level rise and forest fire impacts on their expensive beachfront and forest properties respectively
          • sister ward / sister city partnerships
            • create local north / south as well as global north / south partnerships for upliftment and
              • creating more wealth in local south communities as well as wellth
              • creating more wellth in local north communities
          • climate crisis / polycrisis education and motivational speaking from top thought leaders via global audience outreach to the SoNeC global network of youth and communty SoNeC hubs
            • many ordinary people do not realize the urgency of our situation or have become so jaded. Personal interaction with leading authorities can make a difference
  3. Jan 2022
    1. Moving forward I'd rather see {#await} being removed than adding more {#await}. But that's just from my experience and I'm sure there are use-cases for it.
  4. Jun 2021
  5. Mar 2021
  6. Nov 2020
    1. I'd like to go with an RFC-based governance model (similar to Rust, Ember or Swift) that looks something like this: new features go through a public RFC that describes the motivation for the change, a detailed implementation description, a description on how to document or teach the change (for kpm, that would roughly be focused around how it affected the usual workflows), any drawbacks or alternatives, and any open questions that should be addressed before merging. the change is discussed until all of the relevant arguments have been debated and the arguments are starting to become repetitive (they "reach a steady state") the RFC goes into "final comment period", allowing people who weren't paying close attention to every proposal to have a chance to weigh in with new arguments. assuming no new arguments are presented, the RFC is merged by consensus of the core team and the feature is implemented. All changes, regardless of their source, go through this process, giving active community members who aren't on the core team an opportunity to participate directly in the future direction of the project. (both because of proposals they submit and ones from the core team that they contribute to)
  7. Sep 2020
    1. Many changes, including bug fixes and documentation improvements can be implemented and reviewed via the normal GitHub pull request workflow. Some changes though are "substantial", and we ask that these be put through a bit of a design process and produce a consensus among the Yarn core team. The "RFC" (request for comments) process is intended to provide a consistent and controlled path for new features to enter the project.