3 Matching Annotations
- May 2022
Local file Local file
I had discovered somethingvery special
Notice the creation myth being born here? Does he really believe that no one has noticed this before?
What about all the handbook writers who encouraged commonplacing in the 1500s, much less their predecessors?
- Nov 2021
bbhosted.cuny.edu bbhosted.cuny.edu
Like Creation stories every where, cosmologies are a source of identity and orientation to the world. They tell us who we are. We are inevitably shaped by them no matter how distant they may be from our consciousness. One story leads to the generous embrace of the living world, the other to banish-ment. One woman is our ancestral gardener, a cocreator of the good green world that would be the home of her descendants. The other was an exile, just passing through an alien world on a rough road to her real home in heaven.
- Dec 2019
frankensteinvariorum.github.io frankensteinvariorum.github.io
German stories of ghosts,
These German ghost stories were translated into French for the book Mary, Percy, and Byron read during the summer; its French title was Fantasmagoria; ou Recueil d'Histoires, d'Apparitions, de Spectres, Revenans, Fantomes, etc., translated by Jean-Baptiste Benoit Eyries in 1812.