2 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2025
    1. 'When we asked people on the door what they would change about politics, a lot said “get rid of the migrants”. But we didn’t stop at that and move on, we kept asking to find out why people felt that way. ‘At the end of every conversation, it was always social or economic problems — people can’t pay their rent or can’t pay for their kids’ football club. What they’re really concerned about is the decline of their communities.’

      for - depolarizing politics - by listening - DH - depolarizing politics - LinkedIn post - depolarizing politics - to - article - how to win back working class by listening - https://hyp.is/9eRGVPmuEe-PDbs--ct4ow/tribunemag.co.uk/2025/03/neukolln-dreaming

  2. Nov 2024