3 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2023
    1. Humans today are the descendants of those men who managed to dominate their opponents in war.
      • for: evolution, evolution - war, descendants - war
      • paraphrase
        • Genetic analyses of human Y chromosomes (which are passed directly from fathers to sons) reveal that
          • groups of men who succeeded on the battlefield replaced the losing groups of men in the gene pool.
        • In other words, the coalitions of men who were successful in warfare not only survived
          • but reproduced with local women and passed on their genes.
        • Success on the battlefield was thus highly consequential.
        • Humans today are the descendants of those men who managed to dominate their opponents in war. -comment
        • wow!
    2. Estimates indicate that nearly 20–30% of our male ancestors died in intergroup conflicts.
      • for: stats, quote, stats - homophobia - war, quote - homophobia - war, evolution - homophobia, homophobia - war
      • quote
      • stats
        • estimates indicate that nearly 20-30% of our male ancestors died in intergroup conflicts
      • comment
        • wow!