8 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2023
    1. They get points here and there. I think it incentivizes them more than if you had known points. It's one of those things. Extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation. It's a great debate to have but. Maybe having a little bit a little bit not 50% of their grade, but five. Something really small, I think is enough to get them to pay attention. Oh, this is part of the. Learning process as opposed to thinking. Okay. What is the grade? Oh, it's 50%. This okay. That's all Jeremy D.I need to pay attention to. Right. Start paying attention right before the Viranga P.midterm, because Nothing, right? Yeah. That's the downside. If you make the whole course grade because people will advocate for that, people will say, okay, the grade should be based on demonstrating learning, not activities, right. There's a school of thought that way. Okay. So if you do that, then midterms and the final is the whole grade. Essentially, maybe homework. Then that's when they are going to pay attention to it. Right. So they might pay attention when the homework is you. But they're largely going to be disengaged till midterm one shows up and go, oh, I have to study from interim one, but by that time. It's not one of those classes. You can't do that in physics. You can't just do it three Jeremy D.days Viranga P.before. I've Jeremy D.been there Viranga P.thinking I could do that. Jeremy D.Yeah. You can't do it with. I should have been Viranga P.going to lecture. Yeah. So I think it's one of those things where it's a tricky balance. But to say, look. You have to show up and if it helps here's 5% to help you come

      Why assign formative assessments/activities ahead of midterm, etc.

  2. Jan 2022
    1. address both the process of learning as well as the performance or outcome

      Assessment of process is commonly formative; while assessment of performance outcome is often summative, though formative assessments do look at performance outcomes too - from the perspective of informing improvement.

    1. Second, although we investigated the effects of formative feedback on students’ metacognitive skills when using feedback strategies with polling systems, we are not able to answer the question how feedback strategies affect student learning. Future research studies should provide understanding which mechanisms behind feedback strategies are responsible for affecting metacognition and must teachers get insight to design effective formative assessments to promote deeper learning.

  3. Jul 2020
    1. Defining Formative Assessment

      Yes! Formative assessment should not just be for grade's sake, but as an actual way to gauge student understanding and then to assess the next steps to take to get students to where you want them to be

  4. Jul 2019
    1. A variety of educational taxonomies have been adopted by districts and states nationwide. Examples of widely used taxonomies include but are not limited to Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives;23 [ 23] Bloom’s revised Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing;24 [ 24] Marzano and Kendell’s New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives;25 [ 25] and Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Levels.26 [ 26] Using educational taxonomies to facilitate the development and guide the organization of learning objectives can improve content appropriateness, assessment effectiveness, and efficiency in learning and teaching.

      Bloom's Taxonomy

    2. How you track student progress can make a difference in their learning and your teaching.

      I will have to develop my own assessment strategies - formative and summative.

  5. Nov 2017
    1. At the very least, the tool should allow for robust formative assessment, and should be capable of giving timely, helpful feedback to learners.

      The “at the very least” part makes it sound as though this were the easy part.

  6. Jun 2016
    1. Assessment and Classroom Learning

      Black, Paul, and Dylan Wiliam. 1998. “Assessment and Classroom Learning.” Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice 5 (1): 7–74.

      This is the original work in the area.

      Largely a literature review from 1988 through 1998.