- Jun 2023
sr.ithaka.org sr.ithaka.org
no obvious examples of a mature data community in the humanities
If there are no examples of something in a population, then the problem is not the population, it is your assumption that it should be there.
Within theories of open research, the value of data sharing is rooted in the transparency it brings to the research process by allowing validation and reproducibility and the discoveries enabled by reuse of deposited data.[15] What validation and reproducibility means in most humanities contexts, which depend on interpretative rather than experimental methods, is unclear.[16] And thus far, as several of our interviewees pointed out, few humanists have the skills to ask new research questions of existing datasets.
I can;t believe that humanists are being attacked here for not knowing how to do reproducibility: it isn't an experimental field!
These models of community generated data and co-created knowledge production can help inform and shape dynamic, equitable, and process-oriented data sharing across the academic sector. They may also hold the key to articulating an ethics of reuse within the humanities that is also valuable to researchers in other fields and point the way towards a data humanism.
This is truly a minor subset of the Humanities endeavour -- and one that is widely used in other sectors (e.g. SS and STEM).
This issue brief will ultimately suggest that one key perspective that humanists can bring to larger debates about data sharing and open access research outputs is their uniquely well-developed infrastructure for the public sharing of knowledge creation, exemplified in the many public humanities initiatives that are a highly visible and vibrant part of humanities scholarship.
This sees public humanities as the infrastructure that applies to public sharing of data, but it ignores the scientific (non-public) infrastructure.
How might humanists adopt STEM-oriented norms around data sharing
This seems to be a fairly packed sentence. Why should they?
Notable among these barriers is that the dispersed network of domain repositories that the NSF and NIH, for example, have funded, has no analog in the humanities
Hardly seems the most important.
the “Nelson memo” requires all publications and supporting data produced with federal funds be made freely and publicly available without an embargo period and points towards future mandates that would require all data generated with federal funds (not just data associated with publications) to be made public.
This is the first problem: what does it mean. If I write a book on Middlemarch, what is my data? My notes? The quotations I use (note the non-exemption of publications only).
- Aug 2020
www.qp.alberta.ca www.qp.alberta.ca
Board to consider recommendations 19 A board must consider the recommendations of the general faculties council, if any, on matters of academic import prior to providing for (a) the support and maintenance of the university, (b) the betterment of existing buildings, (c) the construction of any new buildings the board considers necessary for the purposes of the university, (d) the furnishing and equipping of the existing and newly erected buildings, or (e) the establishment of faculties, schools, departments, chairs, programs of study and any other activities the board considers necessary or advantageous.
Board must consider recommendations of GFC on the support and maintenance of the University and a variety of other things.
- Jul 2020
mentalfloss.com mentalfloss.com
Around 1975, control of managing tapes went from the Engineering Department to the BBC Film Library, which was soon renamed the BBC Film and Television Library. There, archivists were not motivated by budget to keep programs shelved. At the same time, newspaper articles began to point out that the BBC had been rather mercenary in their approach to archival material. As the VHS revolution was just starting and people with home recording units were able to preserve programming, they found it unsatisfactory that the broadcaster itself wasn’t retaining content
Example of how librarians rather than engineering changes the attitude towards the preservation of archives.
- Feb 2020
d.lib.rochester.edu d.lib.rochester.edu
The beforn seyd creatur was mech comfortyd bothe in body and in sowle be this good mannys wordys and gretly strengthyd in hir feyth. And than sche was bodyn be owyr Lord for to gon to an ankres in the same cyté whych hyte Dame Jelyan. And so sche dede and schewyd hir the grace that God put in hir sowle of compunccyon, contricyon, swetnesse and devocyon, compassyon wyth holy meditacyon and hy contemplacyon, and ful many holy spechys and dalyawns that owyr Lord spak to hir sowle, and many wondirful revelacyons whech sche schewyd to the ankres to wetyn yf ther wer any deceyte in hem, for the ankres was expert in swech thyngys and good cownsel cowd gevyn. The ankres, heryng the mervelyows goodnes of owyr Lord, hyly thankyd God wyth al hir hert for hys visitacyon, cownselyng this creatur to be obedyent to the wyl of owyr Lord God and fulfyllyn wyth al hir mygthys whatevyr he put in hir sowle yf it wer not ageyn the worshep of God and profyte of hir evyn cristen, for, yf it wer, than it wer nowt the mevyng of a good spyryte but rathyr of an evyl spyrit. The Holy Gost mevyth nevyr a thing ageyn charité, and, yf he dede, he wer contraryows to hys owyn self, for he is al charité. Also he mevyth a sowle to al chastnesse, for chast levars be clepyd the temple of the Holy Gost, and the Holy Gost makyth a sowle stabyl and stedfast in the rygth feyth and the rygth beleve. And a dubbyl man in sowle is evyr unstabyl and unstedfast in al hys weys. He that is evyrmor dowtyng is lyke to the flood of the see, the whech is mevyd and born abowte wyth the wynd, and that man is not lyche to receyven the gyftys of God. What creatur that hath thes tokenys he muste stedfastlych belevyn that the Holy Gost dwellyth in hys sowle. And mech mor, whan God visyteth a creatur wyth terys of contrisyon, devosyon, er compassyon, he may and owyth to levyn that the Holy Gost is in hys sowle. Seynt Powyl seyth that the Holy Gost askyth for us wyth mornynggys and wepyngys unspekable, that is to seyn, he makyth us to askyn and preyn wyth mornynggys and wepyngys so plentyuowsly that the terys may not be nowmeryd. Ther may non evyl spyrit gevyn thes tokenys, for Jerom seyth that terys turmentyn mor the devylle than don the peynes of helle. God and the devyl ben evyrmor contraryows, and thei schal nevyr dwellyn togedyr in on place, and the devyl hath no powyr in a mannys sowle. Holy Wryt seyth that the sowle of a rytful man is the sete of God, and so I trust, syster, that ye ben. I prey God grawnt yow perseverawns. Settyth al yowr trust in God and feryth not the langage of the world, for the mor despyte, schame, and repref that ye have in the world the mor is yowr meryte in the sygth of God. Pacyens is necessary unto yow for in that schal ye kepyn yowr sowle." Mych was the holy dalyawns that the ankres and this creatur haddyn be comownyng in the lofe of owyr Lord Jhesu Crist many days that thei were togedyr.
Margery's meeting with Julian
- May 2019
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
I read
composi tion
man ner
- Feb 2019
qspace.library.queensu.ca qspace.library.queensu.ca
In a universe where a furnished bedsit [sic] on Isabella Street (comfortably far from the site of this taping) rented for $25 per week, $500 was serious money. That isn't my girlfriend, by the way, but another media-opportunist, someone who smelled CBC money and welded her unshowered hip to mine as soon as she saw the cameras. They paid her, too, though not as much, as she didn't have a speaking part. So there are multiple layers of irony, in this ancient footage. I'm not, in spite of what they say, from Vancouver; I'm from Virginia and rightly anxious not to be recognized as such. I'm thoroughly fed up with the particular Children's Crusade being examined here, and want nothing more than a ticket out of it. My love-beaded sweetheart is someone I only know well enough to cordially dislike.729
An anecdote that could be used.
There were hippies who clearly believed that their lifestyle could change society. I don’t know how they ever got that impression. They were ignoring reality. They were also, I would have said, innocent and naïve, ignorant children of fairly well-off middle-class society. To have been around, as they were, in those years when the most horrendous things were going on, to black people, to poor people of all kind... I mean, in the midst of all that, to think that by, I don’t know, by singing and just maintaining the attitude that everything is just going to be peaceful, man, and we’re just going to chill out, and be peaceful, and there is harmony, and there’s no room for this disharmony in our lives, and... well, excuse me! I mean, that was racist, if nothing else. There’s no other way I can explain it. This kind of escapism defined the hippies.
Another in is the idea that hippy politics is escapist vs why Sandy went to war.
- Dec 2018
ourarchive.otago.ac.nz ourarchive.otago.ac.nz
Fisher & Ury, 1981; Fisher et al.,1991; Menkel-Meadow, 1983,2006
Bibliography on why integrative bargaining is better than distributive
- Nov 2018
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
In most of the writing on higher education in recent years,these problems are treated in isolation. Curriculum reform andfinance and administration are commonly discussed by differentpeople, with different methods and assumptiOns and often withdifferent values; they are reported in different conferences andpublished in different journals for different audiences. Similarly,discussions of student unrest and disruptions in the universitiesmore often make reference to student po'tics and ideology thanto the changing relation of higher education to the occupationalstructures of advanced industrial societies. This essay will arguethat these problems can be understood better as different mani-festations of a related cluster of problems, and that they arise outof the transition from one phase to another in a broad pattern ofdevelopment of higher education, a transitionunder way inevery advanced societyfrom elite to mass higher education an
Trow comments on the fragmentation
- Oct 2018
www.econlib.org www.econlib.org
markets reward education with higher wages
Except not true of things like social work, teaching, and to a degree university research.
webapps.nserc.ca webapps.nserc.ca
Organization Information
Not required
- Aug 2018
www.sfu.ca www.sfu.ca
In 1989, Gamil Gharbi murdered 14 female engineering students at the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal. Gharbi (who had changed his name to Marc Lépine) was the son of a wife-beating Algerian immigrant to Canada who, after his father abandoned his mother, knew whom to blame for his personal problems: liberated women. Police incompetence allowed Gharbi the time to kill at leisure.
Wow. Not really a neutral tone!
www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca
1938 Handguns had to be re-registered every five years, starting in 1939. (Initially, certificates had been valid indefinitely). While guns did not require serial numbers, it became an offence to alter or deface numbers (S.C.1938, c.44). The mandatory 2-year minimum sentence provision was extended to include the possession of any type of firearm, not just handguns and concealable firearms, while committing an offence. The minimum age was raised from 12 to 14 years. The first 'minor's permit' was created to allow persons under 14 to have access to firearms.
1938 five year registration introduced; 1950 removed to indefinite.
1919-1920 A Criminal Code amendment required individuals to obtain a permit to possess a firearm, regardless of where the firearm was kept. These permits were available from a magistrate, a chief of police or the RCMP. British subjects did not need a permit for shotguns or rifles they already owned; they only needed one for newly acquired firearms. Permits were valid for one year within the issuing province. The Criminal Code did not provide for a central registry; records were maintained at the local level. 1921 A Criminal Code amendment repealed the requirement for everyone in possession of a firearm to have a permit. Instead, only 'aliens' needed a permit to possess firearms. (British subjects still needed a permit to carry pistols or handguns).
1919-1920 permit required except for already owned long guns; 1921, permit requirement rescinded.
- Jul 2018
www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca
What new ways of learning, particularly in higher education, will Canadians need to thrive in an evolving society and labour market? Canada, like many other countries, is at a tipping point in the way its education system, especially higher education, is conceptualized, structured and delivered in light of the knowledge and skills required for the 21st century. Debates are emerging in the research community and other sectors regarding the best way to deliver that learning. Subquestions: What knowledge, skills and delivery methods are required in order for the public education system to create an innovative, resilient and culturally rich society? What aspirations and expectations will a diverse and global citizenry bring to work environments, jobs and labour markets of the future? What conditions are needed for new models of research—particularly, co‑creation of knowledge with the public, private and/or not‑for‑profit sectors—to flourish? What roles will emerging and/or disruptive information and communication technologies play in learning for individuals, institutions and society? What role should individuals, institutions and governments play in promoting and supporting the life cycle of knowledge, including creation, accessibility, retention and mobilization, across sectors, both domestically and internationally? How can we harness Canada’s strength and innovation in the arts, digital media and cultural industries to build social, economic and cultural well‑being?
Our grant hits the first challenge area
wellcome.ac.uk wellcome.ac.uk
When readers are required to pay high prices, for accessing research outputs, they would be expected toabandon high-priced journals and substitute them from other sources, but readers are ‘protected’ fromthese price implications through the library system. The market is, in this respect, highly inefficient.
cf. Encyclopedia britannica
It is possible to separate the cost of submission, namely peer review costs for all articles both acceptedand rejected, from cost of publication in an author-pays system. It is feasible, to set up a price systemwhich levies a submission fee and a publication fee. In such a system all authors would pay for theirarticles to be peer reviewed. Those authors whose articles were accepted would then pay an additionalpublication fee. A submission fee of no more than $175 is a likely median figure and a publication chargeof around of $250–$750 might then be feasible. Undoubtedly some journals will fall outside this range.Very few are likely to do so. The total cost figures available in the literature and through discussion withpublishers indicate that this scale of costs is broadly realistic.
review and publication fees
On the basis of estimates of costs in the literature and the evidence from surveys and data made availablein preparing this report, it is possible to make some assertions about the range and proportion of costs ofSTM journal publishing
Estimate of first copy costs per journal
For electronic subscription journals the pattern of costs is the same. There is no cost of paper orconventional distribution costs. The cost of maintaining (or renting space on) an appropriate electronicsystem replaces conventional distribution costs. For journals in science, technology and medicine anelectronic version is now considered essential. Electronic journals are generally slightly cheaper thanpaper journals but the relative cost of paper and electronic journals varies according to the type of journaland its circulation. A cautious, and conservative, approach is to assume that the total costs of paper andelectronic articles of a given quality are broadly the same.
Costs of subscription journals
For paper subscription journals, fixed costs are editorial costs involved in the selection and review ofarticles, the manuscript management system, page and illustration preparation and copy editing/rewriting,plus fixed costs unrelated to articles but required by the journal, such as the provision of covers, editorialand news content. Variable costs are the cost of paper, subscription management, licensing, distribution(including postage, packing and shipping costs), sales and some marketing. In addition there areoverhead costs which would be borne even if the article or journal were not published. These coverpremises, some management costs, depreciation on plant and other company wide activities.
Costs of paper journals
books.google.com books.google.com
The tension between giving away your information to maximise its impact and protecting it to save your costs is the fundamental question of the internet economy.
Example of Hardback vs Paperback or, in Internet terms, immediate access vs delayed access.
However these are not equivalent. in the case of Hardback vs Paperback, the difference is that the product is different. A paperback is not a damaged hardback. In the case of delayed access, the issue is rent-taking. The person has constructed an artificial barrier to access in order to collect money.
Case of Encyclopedia Britannica: even libraries found Encarta better because cheaper.
doresearch.stanford.edu doresearch.stanford.edu
3. What is considered in the total cost of conducting research? Direct research costs include: salaries and fringe benefits for faculty, laboratory staff, students and postdoctoral candidates working on specific research projects, and a portion of graduate student tuition laboratory supplies, small research equipment (< $5,000), publication charges, and economy travel for conducting research or disseminating research results Full research costs include those often referred to as “facilities and administrative costs” or “indirect costs,” such as portions of: research facilities health and safety compliance and management utilities such as electricity, heat, lighting information technology infrastructure and services, libraries and library collections operating and maintaining the physical plant, e.g., building upkeep, campus security, ground care and custodial services departmental administration of grant / contract preparation and expenditure tracking central administrative granting / contracting costs (Stanford’s sponsored research administrative units that endorse sponsored project proposals, negotiate and accept awards, issue subawards, and establish financial accounts to meet sponsors’ reporting requirements) allowance for technical obsolescence of research facilities and equipment (>$5,000) disposal of hazardous waste University contributions include: research buildings and laboratories costs incurred above the 26% cap mandated by the federal government for the Administrative component of the Facilities and Administrative Cost. (Stanford contributes approximately $38 million/yr for federal and non-federal research). start-up funds for faculty that support early career research labs and activities research administration staff administrative and financial management tracking systems investment in physical and digital library collections and digital repository of research data and results university subsidies (mandatory cost sharing) required by some federal sponsors plus voluntary university contributions
Stanford's list of costs of research
truii.com truii.com
So I think this is excluding salaries.
- May 2018
working.usask.ca working.usask.ca
Starting salary for Professor and Librarianwith a maximum CDI count
Special salary for Professor at Maximum CDI count.
Professor, Librarian: Up to three Special Increases
Committee can recomend 3 Special increases
The Search Committee of the Department or non-departmentalized College shall make a recommendation of the appropriate rank and salary for a candidate. The salary recommendation shall be comprised of a CDI count and Special Increase count. The starting salary of the candidate shall not be less than the recommended salary and may not be more than 2 CDIs or Special Increases above the recommended salarywithout referral back to the Search Committee;
Dean can add two Special Increases to Department recommendation.
github.com github.com
Over the course of the pages above, readers will not have failed to notice, we move away from a focus on defining and identifying fake news based on its content. While such interest is certainly justified, we believe that attempts to classify and demarcate the terrain of associated phenomena should be grounded in empirical investigation of not just the features but also of the social lives of a variety of cases. We hope that such work will contribute to the development a more granular analytical, conceptual and theoretical vocabulary to describe the constellation of phenomena associated with the term.
Addressing Fake news by looking at social aspects
Firstly, from a political point of view many have expressed disappointment that techniques and tactics commonly used to tackle fake news have not lived up to expectations. Fact-checking and debunking, in particular, often do not succeed in preventing the circulation of hoaxes and rumors. On the contrary: they can inadvertently contribute to making them even more visible on the web. A better understanding of how fake news travels online can help to inform responses that are more attuned to the phenomena. Secondly, from a methodological point of view, as there is no “ontological” difference between fake and authentic news, studying fake news circulation can help us understand more about how other kinds of news travel.
This is very closely related to Deborah Lipstadt's point about Holocaust deniers.
Very interesting argument: there is no "ontological" difference between Fake News and authentic news
- Apr 2018
artsandscience.usask.ca artsandscience.usask.ca
- Feb 2018
dspace.ucalgary.ca dspace.ucalgary.ca
Gunner L.J. Doyle who was sentenced to death by shooting after being convicted of murdering Lance Corporal M.W. Lambert on 6 November 1943 near Campobasso Italy.
Capital case in Italy
In May 1945, long after the 1st Canadian Corpshad been transferred to North-West Europe, there wereninety-four deserters listed at large in Italy
94 deserters listed as missing in Italy after the army left for NW Europe.
Judging this intent was up to regimental officers or those in the military courts.
Judging the difference between AWL and desertion was the regimental officer's duty.
While six soldiers in Britain were hangeddue to sentences from British civil courts, British judges generally tended towards leniency.180
Six soliders were hanged in UK for crimes
Care must be taken to discriminate between offences due to youth, temper, sudden temptation or unaccustomedsurroundings, and those due to premeditated misconduct
King's regulations
- Jan 2018
www.uleth.ca www.uleth.ca
a matter not covered by the Handbook
Or otherwise allowed/required by law
Local file Local file
this is a page note
hive.utsc.utoronto.ca hive.utsc.utoronto.ca
Ourdepartments have worked to expand the research opportunities offered to senior students and also to introduce research and scholarship to students in their second year or even
Getting students involved in research
scholarly cohor
Cohort--like our programme.
The increases in the minimum average cut-offs for admissionhave had apositive impact on student success and retention; however, they also can serve as a barrier to non-traditionalapplicants, particularly from our immediate community. To address this, UTSC has partnered with Seneca to provide access to a post-secondary education with the possibility of eventual admission to universityfor these applicants.Specifically, UTSC signed an agreement with Seneca College in 2011 to begin a facilitated transfer admission program.10Thisprogram providesan opportunity for graduates of the 2-year Seneca Liberal Arts program to be admitted to UTSC with 6.0 advanced standing degree credits. In 2013 the agreement was expanded to include a newly developed Liberal Science program providing the same total of 6.0 transfer credits, including all four of the standard first year university natural science credits. Thus far the results of theseprogramshave been encouraging and we have begun some very positive discussions with our Scarborough-based colleagues at Centennial College to develop a similar partnership.
connection to college. Similar to the Alberta approach.
Moreover, UTSC students seem to progress towards degree completion at a relatively slow rate.For example, approximately 50% of students in the 2009 cohort completed at least 5.0 credits in each of their first and second years, and another 40% completed 3.0-4.5 credits over these years. For the 2012 entering cohorts approximately 43% completed at least 5.0 credits and another 46% completed 3.0-4.5 credits over these years.All these students would be full-time -most significantly for purposesof OSAP eligibility -but those who do not complete 5.0 credits every year wouldrequire more than fouryears to complete a 20.0 credit degree. The graduation statistics support this observation. For instance, only 36.3% of the 2009 entry cohort graduated within the traditional four years, but 70.1% did so within six years. This might be expected on a campus that has the highest proportion of OSAP-eligible students at the universityand where a large proportion of students also are working in the paid labour force. However,it is important to note that,for students who choose the minimum 60% course load to be eligible for OSAP rather than a 100% load, while their total tuition costs will not increase, the extra years required to complete a degree means extra non-tuition debt and delayed income. If we are to improve these outcomes,we must understand the much broader range of factors correlated withstudent success at
This seems to me to be a function of the type of student the University attracts--largely commuter. ?More heavily first generation?
Vision Stateme
Relatively weak vision statement
legionmagazine.com legionmagazine.com
M Test. The M Test–no one knows if the M stood for mental or McGill University
M-test used to test recruits
- Nov 2017
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Whereas, for example, in the year 1990 a paper in the humanities was cited 1.7times on average, the average citation rate in the natural sciences is 24.7citations per paper. If one compares the average citation rates of the various natural science disciplines, one again finds a bandwidth of a factor of about ten (http://thomsonreuters.com/essential-science-indicators/). The citation rates vary just as markedly between the sub-disciplines within the natural science disciplines(Neuhaus et al., 2009)
Huge variation between disciplines and between domains. Average citation per paper in the Humanities is 1.7; in the natural sciences 24.7.
Local file Local file
On the opposite side, error rates for fields in the humani-ties (history, other humanities and literature) were higher forreferences with a volume number than for those without avolume number.
HSS citations are frequently inaccurate
www.science-metrix.com www.science-metrix.com
Percentage of citations to journal articles in science Source: Larivière, Archambault, Gingras and Vignola-Gagné 2004
Journals are becoming less important in literary studies.
In order to shed light on the importance of journal articles, the Observatoire des sciences et des technologies (OST) produced a set of statistics that make it possible to gauge the importance of SSH communication media other than articles. Figure 1 provides statistics on citations from journal articles covered in the SCI, SSCI and AHCI databases. Its shows that, whereas 85% of citations in the natural sciences are to journal articles, less than 50% of SSH citations are to this publication medium.
less than 50% of citations in SSH articles is to other articles.
In order to benchmark national performances and identify Canada’s strengths in SSH, it is possible to use research articles published in journals representing disciplines where this medium of communication is popular, such as economics. For other disciplines, journal-based bibliometric analysis may be used with due caution and databases can be built in order to factor in other knowledge dissemination media. However, one must be wary of conducting comparative analyses of SSH disciplines without taking into account the effects of the knowledge dissemination media of each discipline on the bibliometric tools being used.
On the issue of cross-disciplinary comparisons even within the humanities.
- Oct 2017
Local file Local file
Brianna:I had a negative experience where, in my master’s, my supervisor encouraged me to submit one of my papers to a journal for publication. I just submitted the paper to a journal as a course paper without making any changes, not even changing the title page. The journal told me to re-submit with revisions, but I thought thatit was a rejection, and I stopped the process—it was intimidating. I thought being involved in a journal where I know some of the people and they won’t just get an online e-mail response from editors would be helpful
Misunderstanding revise and resubmit; misunderstanding the difference between a student paper and an article.
Woodend, Jon, Maisha M. Syeda, Britney M. Paris, Gina Ko, Konstantinos Chondros, Brianna Hilman, and Teresa Fowler. 2017. “HOW CAN GRADUATE STUDENTS CONTRIBUTE? REFLECTIONS ON CREATING A JOURNAL FOR AND BY GRADUATE STUDENTS.” In Selected Proceedings of the IDEAS Conference 2017 Leading Educational Change, 75. https://prism.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/52114/1/How%20can%20Graduate%20Students%20Contribute_%20Reflections%20on%20Creating%20a%20Journal%20for%20and%20by%20Graduate%20Students.pdf.
books.google.com books.google.com
p. 77 Description of Rochdale in 1967 (i.e. before the tower went up)
At the moment there are some 30 full-time members of the college, who come from all over North America and range from Ph.D.'s to high school dropouts. They are much younger than a cross-section of the university, but somewhat older than a cross-section of undergraduates. There are another 50-200 part-time participants, mostly students or teachers at degree-granting institutions in Toronto. We occupy six rented houses this year; next fall we'll move into an 18-storey building which is under construction at the corner of Huron and Bloor. It will house 850 residents, who will own and operate the building cooperatively; it will also become a focal point for the college's external members. It is up to each member to determine the extent, form, and content of his participation in the college's educational life--including, in a number of cases, none at all.
p. 75 Two interesting points about mismatch between university and students:
(1) Many of the students who are being processed have little inclination or capacity for the rigours of a liberal education. Fine. But I object to the game of pretending that they would be able to achieve liberal goals within the system we offer, if only they tried harder. That is simply not true, and it does bad things to their psyches to encourage them to believe it. It would be far more honest, and I should think more fruitful, to accept most university education as having different aims from the liberal. Once drop that pretence, in both rhetoric and practice, and you could begin meeting the great bulk of students where they actually are.
(2) Some students at least would be capable of an education far superior to the one the system enforces. They are being positively harmed by their university education, since they have to meet its demands before their liberal (and usually private) pursuit begins. (And before you ask, "Why can't the two coincide?" ask a good student how much of the university's instruction moves him toward the first-hand apprehension of his discipline's coherence and beauty.)
p.74 Summarises the place of the university/multiversity
(1) The multiversity is a place where great thought and great research are often possible.
(2) The multiversity is a place from which great contributions can often be made to society.
(3) The multiversity is a place in which the claims of institutional continuity and efficiency come to head-on collision with its educational aims; the latter are normally wiped off the map.
(4) The multiversity is a place in which the education of the vast majority ranges from the mediocre to the pernicious. This fact creates new educational norms, which become positive deterrents to the education of any who wish to go beyond the majority. It is for these students -- the bright ones, the original or independent ones, the ones who care deeply --that the university is such bad news. It is in the crazy position of obstructing their education.
(5) Education at the multiversity is post-secondary, encouraging the transfer of discrete units of information and theory, rather than liberal, encouraging the contemplation of energizing form in what a student comes to know. And the system of lectures, essays and exams, and the root assumptions of thousands of the university's members, canonize the post-secondary version of education. It is possible to go beyond it, but only by radically dissenting from the university. For the twenty-year-old who does not know what he is dissenting in favour of, this is either very isolating or very undermining.
Lee, Dennis. 1968. “Getting to Rochdale.” In The University Game, edited by Howard Adelman and Dennis Lee, 69–94. Toronto: Anansi. https://market.android.com/details?id=book-j7tYAAAAMAAJ.
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Oberlander, Sarah E., and Robert J. Spencer. 2006. “Graduate Students and the Culture of Authorship.” Ethics & Behavior 16 (3): 217–32. doi:10.1207/s15327019eb1603_3.
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Lotka, A. J. (1926). The frequency distribution of scientific productivity. Journal of the WashingtonAcademy of Sciences,16, 317–323
Early discussion of differential publication frequency
West, L. H. T., Hore, T., & Boon, P. K. (1980). Publication rates and productivity.Vestes,23,32–37
Emden, C. (1998). Establishing a ‘track record’: Research productivity and nursing academe.Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing,16(1), 29–33
Discusses the adequacy of writing training and support in PhD programmes.
McGrail, Matthew R., Claire M. Rickard, and Rebecca Jones. 2006. “Publish or Perish: A Systematic Review of Interventions to Increase Academic Publication Rates.” Higher Education Research & Development 25 (1): 19–35. doi:10.1080/07294360500453053.
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Nevertheless, McGrail, Rickard, and Jones (2006)report that, whilst a small minority of academics publish a great deal, publication outputs ingeneral are quite low
A few academics publish a lot; most publish very little. McGrail, Rickard, and Jones 2006.
Kamler, Barbara. 2008. “Rethinking Doctoral Publication Practices: Writing from and beyond the Thesis.” Studies in Higher Education 33 (3): 283–94. doi:10.1080/03075070802049236.
- Sep 2017
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The results were less clear, however, concerning the relative importance in writingof fact and interpretation. By this point in the course both ‘arts’ and ‘science’ studentsseemed to be aware that essays in the history of science involved the evaluation ofdifferent views. ‘Arts’ students, however, more often indicated that they had expecteda more factual course, preferred writing about facts than opinions and considered‘getting the facts down’ as the most important criterion. This orientation towardsfacts in the ‘arts’ students’ questionnaire responses appears surprising, given that intheir writing they were more likely than ‘science’ students to represent ideas as provi-sional and mediated rather than factual.This apparent discrepancy may perhaps be resolved by distinguishing betweenstudents’ perception of an issue as problematic and their actual performance withrespect to that issue. ‘Arts’ students’ views of the role of fact and interpretation mayindicate an awareness that the representation of reality is not straightforward and thatessays require a sophisticated discussion and evaluation of different points of view.They may deal more effectively with these issues precisely because they realise thatthey are problematic. Interviews with ‘science’ students suggested that they were notalways conscious of the significance of this type of discussion and might perceive it as‘waffle’ or ‘padding’.
very interesting. I don't find her account of the counter-intuitive part of the arts students interviews and surveys convincing though as there's no evidence (it sounds like an attempt to make the data fit hypothesis, frankly). But I do wonder if it isn't the fact that it is a History of Science course that we're talking about here. Maybe that makes them more focussed on facts?
Kuhn (1970, p. 167) commented that science education tends to elide the processthrough which knowledge has been constructed, whereas students of other subjectsare exposed to varying interpretations over time. As a result, he suggested, sciencestudents are blind to the history of their subject, seeing it only as unproblematicprogress. The interview data suggest that this is indeed a point of difference betweenthe ‘arts’ and ‘science’ students in this sample. While both of them tend to have adualistic view of science itself, the ‘arts’ students seem to be more at ease with arelativistic view of knowledge in history.
Kuhn on lack of training science students receive on how knowledge is constructed.
Seven of the ‘arts’ students described a process of this sort, compared with only twoof the ‘science’ students. There was, however, another approach to revision, involvingonly one revision cycle. This was mentioned by five interviewees, four of whom werefrom ‘science’ backgrounds. Um ... rewriting? No. I can probably, once I’ve got the, I’ve got the feel of it, it probablytakes me a couple of hours to write, and then, shuffling stuff around, ... it’ll probably takeme, I don’t know, a morning or something to do a fair draft of it. (Ewan, 2002, science)Only one ‘arts’ student mentioned using a single revision cycle, and he had originallygraduated in science before starting his OU arts study
science vs arts revision cycles: science students one draft; arts multiple moving things around.
Although some ‘science’ students reported similar problems, it was only ‘science’students who talked in terms of ‘padding out’ their answers in order to reach therequired length: I’m more this, get all the facts down, yes it’s only three hundred words, but that’s it in anutshell. And it’s a lot harder then to flower it up to say either five hundred words or athousand words. (Larry, 2002, science)I’m not used to waffling I think that’s the problem. A lot of the art students say oh I’vewritten too much, ... and I have the opposite problem I kind of write down what Ithink the answer’s and I’ve only got like 200 words and I have to pad it out. (Ruth,2003, science)The tendency for some ‘science’ students to write relatively short essays may berelated to their conceptions of knowledge. If it is seen as factual, then once the factshave been stated, the student might see the task as complete; as Larry said, ‘that’s itin a nutshell’. If knowledge is relativistic, however, then competing views are equallyworthy of consideration and greater elaboration is needed to make a case
how science students see "waffling"
While the ‘arts’ students frequently described a strug-gle to make their essay ‘flow’, the ‘science’ students did not talk about textual struc-ture as problematic
science students don't see structure as an issue; arts students do.
North, Sarah. 2005. “Different Values, Different Skills? A Comparison of Essay Writing by Students from Arts and Science Backgrounds.” Studies in Higher Education 30 (5): 517–33. doi:10.1080/03075070500249153.
Geisler (1994) and Russell and Yañez (2002) discuss a comparable situation in theUSA, where to fulfil general education requirements, undergraduates take a numberof disciplinary courses in fields which are not their major. They note the contradic-tions involved in conflating the aims of general education and disciplinary encultura-tion, with lecturers using a disciplinary discourse that is not only unfamiliar tostudents, but also seen as irrelevant to their individual aims and aspirations. Similarly,Moore (2000) discusses the tension between integration and disciplinarity in an inter-disciplinary foundation course in South Africa, voicing concerns that the attempt topromote generic competences risks undermining the disciplinary basis of academicperformance (p. 192).
research and bibliography on the mismatch between gen ed or breadth students and the rhetoric of instructors who are intending to socialise people in their field.
The distinction between hard and soft fieldsrelates to the extent to which knowledge is constructed on the basis of a frameworkof shared assumptions. The pure sciences (hard) typically maintain a degree ofinternal unity over aims, methods of investigation and evaluation criteria, which maycome to be seen as derived from reality itself, rather than constructed by disciplinaryconvention. The humanities and social sciences (soft), in contrast, tend to becharacterized by internal discord, encouraging a view of knowledge as a matter ofinterpretation.
disciplinary differences in the construction of knowledge
‘However’ is a textual theme with the function of indicating the relationship of theclause to the preceding text; ‘it is apparent’ is an interpersonal theme with the func-tion of indicating the writer’s stance towards the proposition that follows; ‘during thesecond half of the sixteenth century’ is an experiential theme providing informationabout circumstances surrounding the event or situation. In the discussion that followsI refer to these three types of non-subject theme as orienting themes. Unlike thesubject, none of them is grammatically compulsory and their use reflects a choicemade by the writer about how to frame the proposition presented within the clausecomplex.These orienting themes were consistently more common in the ‘arts’ students’essays, and the difference between the two groups was highly significant (t= 2.865,p < 0.006). ‘Arts’ students used on average 31.50 textual and 15.14 interpersonalelements in every 100 clause complexes, compared to 24.28 textual and 9.75 inter-personal elements for the ‘science’ group. They also tended to use more clausecomplexes containing an experiential orienting theme, although this difference wasnot significant. Since essays which used more orienting themes were also significantlymore likely to receive a higher mark (t= 2.336, p< 0.023), it is clearly worth investi-gating further the differing ways in which these were deployed by ‘arts’ and ‘science’students.
Very interesting. This agrees with my experience that Science students have a lot of trouble with signposting!
Research suggests that students majoring in hard fields with a high degree ofdisciplinary consensus are more likely to subscribe to beliefs in absolute knowledgethan those majoring in soft fields, and that these beliefs may be encouraged byaspects of the disciplinary context in which they work (Paulsen & Wells, 1998;Schommer-Aikins et al., 2003). Neumann (2001) reviews evidence of disciplinarydifferences in a number of aspects of teaching and learning, noting that soft disci-plines tend to emphasize critical thinking, oral and written expression, and analysisand synthesis of course content, while hard disciplines tend to emphasize skills indealing with facts and figures, with little writing required beyond the exposition ofexperimental results. In a large-scale undergraduate survey Entwistle and Tait(1995) found that students’ learning styles varied between different disciplines in linewith the demands of their course. Students of science and economics, for example,were more likely to use surface strategies, perhaps encouraged by assessmentpatterns that emphasized the reproduction of facts. In contrast, markers in historyand English were likely to penalize a reproducing orientation and a serialist (listing)style (Entwistle & Tait, 1995, p. 96).
How disciplinary differences affect approach to knowledge and grader expectations.
Such tutor comments suggest that ‘science’ students are less ready to criticallyevaluate source material, a feature that can be related to the tendency already notedin their writing to downplay the role of human interpretation in the construction ofknowledge
This whole section so agrees with my read on this! What an amazing bit of research to show specifically what the hunch was.
- Jun 2017
dhdebates.gc.cuny.edu dhdebates.gc.cuny.edu
Stephen Robertson. 2017. “The Differences between Digital Humanities and Digital History.” In Debates in the Digital Humanities. Accessed June 26. http://dhdebates.gc.cuny.edu/debates/text/76.
The audiences to which we are now seeking to explain our work are increasingly not only administrators and funding agencies whose broad remits echo the breadth of digital humanities, leaving us to elaborate only the digital
In singling out digital literary studies as a counterpoint, I seek to disrupt the recent tendency in both scholarly and popular discussion to equate that field with digital humanities.
DH has very commonly been associated with Literary studsies
mitpress.mit.edu mitpress.mit.edu
p. 75 We now believe that the introduction of "Digital Humanities" represents not only an administrative change, but also a change in the way electronic texts were consumed. The increasing use of the web by humanists in the mid 1990s transformed the field, as the Web provided a way of distributing and publishing electronic editions of texts. This may explain why less and <pb n="76">less of our discussion was about hardware and software and more and more was about services.</pb>
p. 70 In only a few years, Digital Humanities seems to have gone from a marginal field trying to gain respect to a favorite of university administrators. Digital humanists now need to define and justify what DH is to people who ask, rather than attempting to convince anyone willing to listen. It is difficult to pin down exactly when this transition happened.
p. 9 Since its inception, Digital Humanities has been committed to communities of practice; community has been in its fabric. Historically, it was a field that included service units that supported computing for humanities departments in universities and brought faculty members, staff members, programmers, and students together to run labs, manage servers, and develop tools.
Rockwell, Geoffrey, and Stéfan Sinclair. 2016. Hermeneutica: Computer-Assisted Interpretation in the Humanities. Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England: The MIT Press.
www.palgrave.com www.palgrave.com
p. 5 My questioning had thus brought me to conclude first that computing fits into scholarship as a rigorously disciplined means of implementing trial-and-error, second that its purpose is to help the scholar refine an inevitable mismatch between a representation and reality (as he or she conceives it) to the point at which the epistemological yield of the representation has been realized.
pp. 4-5 My evolving question had thus succeeded in becoming a very simple one with a very simple answer. It amounted merely to this: first to observe that people learn through an iterative trial-and-error process, then to ask what form this process takes for computing. We know that this process governs the mastery of skills such as riding a bicycle or soldering pipe-joints. If we look at scholarship as what scholars actually do, we can find trial-and-error in it as well, though without the sense of closure that mastery and performance of a practical skill entail. With intelligence, skill and practice, one gets good at interpreting poetry, but interpreting it is not a job that can be completed in the sense that <pb n="5"> can be (one hopes).</pb>
McCarty, Willard. 2005. Humanities Computing. Basingstoke [England]; New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
pp. 3-4 During most of that time, my thinking was driven by impatience with the discrepency between the potential of computing for scholarship, emerging clearly in the work of many individuals across the huamnities, and various misconstrructions or attempts to turn it aside. The latter I have come to characterize by two related strategies: with dismissal of any basis for humanities computing, on the grounds either of irrelevance, imprecision or trviiality of its problems or its lack of identifiable turf; or deferral of promised solutions to these problems, for which the sarcastic phrase 'Real Soon Now' has become proverbial... The central error of these strategies, I concluded, is <pb n="4">not the demand for relevance, for which some kind of response is reasonable. Nor is it the demand for patience: meaningful results take time. Rather the error lies in the concealed assumption that solving a problem is the end of the matter that generated it. As someone with an earlier background in programming and the arts and crafts, I was prepared to admit that problem-solving skills are required, for example to debug a program or charpen a chisel. Both both the arts and scholarship had taught me that when knowledge is the goal of work, the purpose of soving problems is to get harder, worthier ones.</pb>
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Nowadays, it would be hard to find a humanist who doesn't use a com- puter in some aspect of his work. The computing humanist has evolved into a scholar who not only uses the computer in his work, but also engages with the methodological and theoretical aspects of computer use in humanities disciplines. The ways in which technology is used by humanists has diversi- fied to span everything from word processor use and web page creation to the development and use of complex software systems for analysis of a broad range of data types, including not only literary and historical texts but also databases of humanities information, images, and sound. As a result, in recent years CHum has come to serve an increasingly wide array of disci- plines and research areas - English, History, New Media, Music, Corpus Linguistics, Comlutational Linguistics, and many others - and received top- notch submissions in all of them. For most of its history, the diversity of disciplines and methodologies represented in CHum's articles enabled cross- fertilization of ideas which was highly valued by the community. However, as computer use in the humanities has come to span an increasingly broad range of activities, and as computational methodologies evolve and become more sophisticated and specialized, it has become more and more difficult to retain that diversity and at the same time provide enough articles relevant to a particular area of interest. It seems, then, that the time has come to narrow the journal's focus in order to best serve its readers
On the narrowing of COmputing and the Humanities
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The digital humanities as a humanitiesproject
Svensson, Patrik. 2012. “The Digital Humanities as a Humanities Project.” Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 11 (1–2): 42–60. doi:10.1177/1474022211427367.
- May 2017
books.google.com books.google.com
p. 283 Ahhh. argues that it is the change of medium that priviledges the original in print culture, "hetereogeneity of the techniques used in successive segments"
p. 283 argues that manuscript copies are "facsimiles" and carry the "aura" of the original. This doesn't seem true to me at all!
p. 282 Argues that the marginal cost of production in manuscript culture is similar to digital in that the first copy is as expensive as the last "a situation to which we are actually returning now with digital copies" (but this is infact not true: the first copy contains all the costs in digital).
p. 280 discusses how we say that a performance of a play, for example, revives an original, but we don't say this about facsimiles of things.
279 Argues that print authors are famous because they are reproduced
Latour, Bruno, and Adam Lowe. 2011. “The Migration of the Aura, or How to Explore the Original through Its Facsimiles.” In Switching Codes: Thinking through Digital Technology in the Humanities and the Arts, edited by Thomas Bartscherer and Roderick Coover, 275–98. Chicago ; London: University of Chicago Press.
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What is clear, is that data are increasingly conceptualized as inherently valuable products of scientific research, rather than as components of the research process
Data is beginning to be seen as valuable rather than a left-hand component of the research process.
the vast majority of scientific data generated in the 20th century have only been accessed by small groups of experts; and few of those data, selected in relation to the inferences made, have been made publicly available in scientific journal
The vast majority of data is accessed only by the investigators
The real prize for society is not simply producing open data but facilitating open innovation. Open data enables a situation where the collective genius of thousands of researchers produces insights and analyses, inventions and understanding beyond what isolated individuals with their silos of data could produce.
Shadbolt on what open data means
- Apr 2017
books.google.com books.google.com
p. 1
Peer review is a mechanism, then, for quality control; It protects us from contamination by error and poor argument, and affords us truth or contributions to attaining truth.
Shatz, David. 2004. Peer Review: A Critical Inquiry. Issues in Academic Ethics. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield.
www.uleth.ca www.uleth.ca
Subject to the provisions of Article 2.22and principles of natural justice, all evidence considered during the Appeal process governed by this Article shall pertain to the review period considered by the original STP Committee or the Appeal process itself.
Hmm. We meant this to be about stopping new evidence, not about allowing the STP committee to arbitrarily prevent earlier material from being considered.
Efforts shall be made to evaluate the quality and originality of both publishedand unpublished scholarly work
The onus to evaluate is on the committee. If they don't have experts, then they need to rely on the experts.
scholarship as evidenced by the Member's depth and breadth of knowledge and general contributions to the research life of the University.
Contributions to the scholarly life of the institution count.
hat the quality and quantity of the candidate’s academic work relative to the criteria of Article 12.01merit the award of tenure.if the hearing is pursuant toArticle 19.04
No criteria that evidence be limited to the period in question.
(c)otherwise at the discretion of the Board after consultation with ULFA.
I think that this is now repealed in Bill 7
www.jstor.org.ezproxy.uleth.ca www.jstor.org.ezproxy.uleth.ca
to here
rers. The inter- dependence of form and content in other areas of study teaches us that tools are not neutral. Although tools may begin as external objects, in learning to master their use we internalize them (Ong, 1982, p. 81). Thus they become perceptual agents - "new technologies for thinking," as Alan Kay calls them (1991, p. 140) - whose charac- teristics affect how and what we know and do through them. According to the Torontonian scholars Harold Innis, Eric Havelock, Marshall McLuhan, and others, and more recently Walter Ong, "writing restructures consciousness."9 Dis- covering how this happens (e.g. with e-mail) is a formidable task, however, since the new per- ceptual agent is itself a product of the mind it affects, and that altered mind is what attempts to understand the agent that has chan
Willard discusses how email rewires the brain citing Ong, McLuhan, etc.
McCarty, Willard. 1992. “HUMANIST: Lessons from a Global Electronic Seminar.” Computers and the Humanities 26 (3): 205–22. http://www.jstor.org.ezproxy.uleth.ca/stable/30204468.
/home/dan/.mozilla/firefox/rwihx4ee.default/zotero/storage/N429K5U3/McCarty - 1992 - HUMANIST Lessons from a Global Electronic Seminar.pdf
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we consider the future of CMC as a medium for scholarly commu- nication by discussing factors that threaten to impede its development as well as its potential to create a new and more highly interactive form of scholarship. Although CMC offers great promise, its development cannot be taken for granted. Systematic and organized efforts are required to integrate the use of CMC into the communication practices of an academic community. We recom- mend that professional academic organizations begin to undertake such efforts now. We also argue that CMC can have a more substantial impact on scholarship than that achieved simply in facilitating interaction. This new medium offers the opportunity to realize the advantages of oral and written discourse simultaneously, producing a text with "dialogic" qualities. Generated in on- going computer-mediated exchange between scho- lars, a dialogic text allows us to re-appropriate and preserve some of the interactive, conversational qualities of knowledge production lost since the development of printed text.
on CMC as a completely new way of communicating
makes possible the production of an altogether new form of discourse that could be of consider- able scholarly value.
See lists as producing an entirely new form of discourse
Given the dramatic rate of diffusion and the intense levels of interest in these capabilities that we have witnessed in connection with our six years of experience with COMSERVE, it is our opinion that if established professional organizations do not move to incorporate computer-mediated com- munication, new CMC-based professional organ- izations may soon emerge•
Argue that if Scholarly Organisations do not set up lists, "new CMC-based professional organizations may soon emerge.
Harrison, Teresa M., and Timothy Stephen. 1992. “On-Line Disciplines: Computer-Mediated Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences.” Computers and the Humanities 26 (3): 181–93. doi:10.1007/BF00058616.
/home/dan/.mozilla/firefox/rwihx4ee.default/zotero/storage/QIUIZX7Q/Harrison and Stephen - 1992 - On-line disciplines Computer-mediated scholarship.pdf
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p. 13
Studied mailing lists just before the internet was opened to the publis in 1992 by the NSF.
p. 135 found only one instance of a list owner threatening to remove somebody from a list.
p. 125
many respondents tended to prefer moderated electronic mailing lists that are used for information purposes and not for holding discussions.
pp. 118-119 She's surprised by how little discussion took place on the lists. She'd expected it to be the main form but information exchange and requests for information were.
p. 115 middle of a long discussion about why she doesn't like the work lurker with its negative connotations. Compares it to a confernece
p. 103 discussion of medtext-l and its usefulness.
p. 101 about how prevalent metadiscussions were on the lists she covered.
This is the big thing that is missing now, I think. We don't really see that at all any more.
p. 99
About the usefulness of requests for information as a way of finding grey literature (anthropologist quoted on page).
p. 95
Only information exchange messages were cross posted.
p. 93
Information exchanges considered the most valuable. She finds them odd, because lists discourage advertising and these would have been ads in the print world.
Interesting question, actually. How did one do a call for papers before the internet?
p. 92 typology of messages
- Information exchange
- Requests for information
- Discussion
- Technical or error messages
pp. 86-87 most users, also HSS, have many years computing experience
p. 83
Discovers that part time faculty are plaing a considerable role in discussion lists
pp. 77-78 Interesting discussion of how to anonymise discussions. She is reporting full text, but hiding names and lists (no idea about full text search engines yet). When it came to flaming she describes the difference between print and online like this:
As I progressed with the data analysis I became increasingly concerned with reporting the results from the elctronic mail messages themselves. For example, an incident of "flaming," a potentially embarrassing incident for the person is "attacked" by others on the list, exists only temporarily in an electronic environment. The same incident becomes permanent if it is reported in print, therefore increasing the potential of harm for the individual.
pp. 75-76 Interestingly, she sees the asynchronous nature of email listservs to be a bug:
Another contributing problem is that people read their e-mail at different times, so a single message may be responded to over a period of days. This is an unfortunate characteristic of this form of computer mediated communication that can, as the above respondent observed, lead to confusion.
p. 56 (and 67[sic--it isn't there]) membership on mailing lists tends to be more stable in the spring semester than the fall
pp. 70-71
Interestingly, although most lists were from the sciences, the general science list was completely inactive: her guess is that the more specialised ones had taken over
p. 69
One mailing list stood out because it had thousands of messages a month.
didn't deal with "journal" or "digest"-format mailing lists
pp. 65-66 disciplinary differences between HSS and STEM in terms of breadth of focus:
In the categories of the social sciences and the humanities the electronic mailing list topics tended to have a broad focus, such as history of literature. The interdisciplinary category category also had this broad thematic quality. The sciences and communications were the only two categories where the electronic mailing lists had more specific content, such as "Bees in Biology" or "Computer Mediated Communication."
p. 62 e-journals made up on.y 1.27% of the total number of lists.
p. 59 "academia tends to nurture the individual idiosyncrasies of its members"
p. 57 Research questions
1) What were the different types of lists? 2) what form of social relationship developed through the medium 3) were they a community
pp. 42-43
There is an interesting question raised here about the notion of knowing someone, either in the real-world or on-line. A public-subscription electronic mailing list thus differs in two significant ways from privately maintained ones. First, on a privately maintained electronic mailing list, preexisting social hierarchies (e.g. student-professor, manager-employee) and relationships (e.g. like or dislike) probably exist because people may already know the others. Second the publicly-subscription electronic mailing list has to find mechanisms for establishing trust that are significantly different from traditional forms of trust building.
p. 42
Experiment by male psychologist to "experience female friendship"
p. 38
Interesting how much she harps on the push and pull. I don't think we really see news and lists as belonging to the same scope any more.
p. 37
Nice table discussing the different features of the different forms
p. 35 In the mid 1990s, SYSADMINs were encouraging people to avoid listservs because of these problems and use usenet instead.
pp. 31-32 problems with listserves relative to usenet groups
- more intense (sent messages)
- more user resources (in box full).
p. 28 history of LISTSERV
p. 26 USENET is where newsfeeds came from
p. 25 BITNET was the original location of LISTSERV technology
pp. 24-25 history of bitnet
p. 23 Description of the networks:
BITNET Internet Usenet
p. 21 call out to Bush 1945. McLuhan 1962, Naisbitt 1982 and Toffler 1980. Gibson Neuromancer.
pp. 19-20
What Peek sees as the main issues:
- Lists allow you to elide distance and get outside tower
- But open sharing invites others in
- should there be gatekeeping?
- calls them water-cooler discussions (as a potential weakness) compared to "important artifacts of the scholarly advancement of knowledge which need to be archived for the future"
Questions addressed:
- What are patterns and norms
- What scholarly/professional value is there in them?
p. 14
Forester 1991 asserted that "over $300 billion a year is now spent worldwide on computers and communication hardware and software, but it's doubtful whether more than 300 researchers around the world are studying the impact of all this spending on the economy and society at large" (preface, p. iv)
Not true any more!
p. 13
Overall much of the literature regarding electronic mailing lists has been either speculative or anecdotal in nature. In addition, as will be noted later, there has been a tencency to be overly optimistic in reporting the benefits of computer mediated communication. This lack of inquiry into the evolution of electronic mailing lists has left a crticial gap in the social history of academic culture.
p. 12 Heintz 1987 is not in bibliography. A search for the quote suggests it is the same as this: Heintz, Lisa. 1992. “Consequences of New Electronic Communications Technologies for Knowledge Transfer in Science: Policy Implications.” In Washington, DC Congress of the United States. Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) Contractor Report.
I can't find a full text though. Presumably because it is a contractor report, it isn't in either of the OTA archives:
p. 12 at the time she was writing, many respondents said they were the only members of their HSS departments with a computer and an internet connection.
pp. 9-10 what she saw as Being interesting about lists:
- Professor and UG could communicate as "virtual equals"
pp. 8-9 Important statement of potentially radical questions
Today;s scholars are no longer limited to print and conferences if they want to share their work with others. Electronic media liberate text from the technological limitations of paper and the costs of travel. By using computer mediated communication, scholars can communicate with their peers as they never could before. While this is an exciting time, the implications for scholarly communication, the evolition of the knowledge base, and learning behaviors and not yet known. It is important to questions how truly transforming or revliation the impact of computer mediarted communication was for scholarlship as it was beginning to rake root in the academic communitiy. The electronic mailing lists provided the first insight to how a worldwide communication forum could work... Will scholars merely view electronic mailing lists as a more speedy and cost-effective means to distribute information (such as calls for papers) that was traditionally disseminated in print? Or will electronic mailing lists and other forms of computer mediated communication ultimately transform scholarly behavior? Will the need to attend professional conferences cease because the same exchanges can be done via computer?
p. 8 Sees listservs as potentially bridiging this, but says that the implications are not yet known.
pp. 7-8
Journals were not real time interactive; conferences were, but they require financial resources.
pp. 6-7 Interesting history of Journal
Scholars have always had a need to communicate with other scholars. More than three hundred years ago, using the then new technology of the printing press, scholarly journals began. Journals were an exceptionally practical solution to the problem of the limited technolgogies of the time. ... For an individual before the seventeenth century the only practical form of communicating over significant distances was the personal letter. In comparison, scholarly journals allowed an individual to communicate more easily and exchange ideas with groups of others. These early journals were not seen as the final destination of a scholar's work; until this century, the monograph (book) was usually the final destination of a scholar's work. I find this distinction important because when a scholar today commits to be published in a journal, the product is usually considered finished and the scholar commits her or himself to the finality of the work. The journal article becomes the final piece offered to the public and to the fate of history.
p. 5
The origin of many of our big questions in Schol Comm (peer review, etc.) can be found in lists:
The origins of these questions began with the early electronic mailing lists.
p. 3
the electronic mailing lists I studied formed the basis of new ideas for the future of scholarly communication.
p. 3
Harrison and Stephen argue that computer networking wil result in the "reconfiguration of the academic world time and time again." [their pp. 3-4]
We contend that our age will witness the reconfiguration of the academic world against and again, we see the computer as a central player in this revolution. But it is not the computer alone to which we now attribute these dramatic effects upon the character and substance of the academic world. Instead, the technology that will be responsible for this largely unforeseen revolution in the practices, the structure, and the products of scholarship is the computer network (pp. 3-4)
It is too soon to make any definitive statements about how computer networking will ultimately recast the shape and structure of academic life... computer networking threatens to disrupt existing disciplinary social structures based on print technology, restructure traditional student-teacher relationships, and destabilize longstanding economic, legal, and professional interdependencies in the dissemination of academic research (p. 7).
p. 2
Originally wanted to study HSS and STEM but scientists didn't qulify. See chapter III
p. 2
Sees the list serv as fitting in a three-part typology:
Email: 1:1 Listserv: 1: many "Conputer conferencing": many to many
p. 1 Epigraph
I think that we are in the nascent stages of this. I think that this could be an extraordinarily effective tool for scholarly interchange around the world, as well as personal interchange. We have not yet figured out how to make it work the best possible way. What we are seeing on these discussions lists of [sic][sic] whatever that are, is a kind of groping through the dark to figure out what works and what doesn't work. I just see it in those lights and so I don't get upset about some things that go on. It will all work out one way or another." (history, Professor)
The dissertation also considers the implications for higher education and the extent to which electronic mailing lists may change scholarly behaviors.
Respondents reported varying degrees of social relationships formed with other participants on electronic mailing lists. These differences in experiences and expectations appeared to be related to the degree to which an individual felt in some way isolated from others, preferred communication styles, professional rank, and time constraints.
- implications for future practice.
- listserv
- humanities
- metadiscussion
- peek 1997
- disciplinary difference
- individual implications
- gray literature
- research questions
- Scholarly Communication
- futureism
- medtext-l
- implications for future practice
- social sciences
- Office of Technology Assessment
- computer history
- history of journal
- typology
- heintz 1992
- early internet
- Harrison and Stephen 1996
- membership patterns
- forester 1991
- heintz 1987
- community
www.jstor.org www.jstor.org
Conner, Patrick W. 1992. “Networking in the Humanities: Lessons from ANSAXNET.” Computers and the Humanities 26 (3): 195–204. doi:10.1007/BF00058617.
/home/dan/.mozilla/firefox/rwihx4ee.default/zotero/storage/KNFG9ZXR/Conner - 1992 - Networking in the humanities Lessons from ANSAXNE.pdf
download.springer.com download.springer.com
Erdt, Terrence. 1992. “Introductions, Telecommunications and the Scholar.” Computers and the Humanities 26 (3): 169–73. doi:10.1007/BF00058614.
/home/dan/.mozilla/firefox/rwihx4ee.default/zotero/storage/UCQDTMB4/Erdt - 1992 - Introductions, telecommunications and the scholar.pdf
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I want toconsider the mechanics of one of the processes of authentication, before turning to theobstacles that digital medieval projects face in bridging the divide that can separate cred-ible scholarship and the new technologies used to facilitate its creation. Consider thehybrid edition ofCædmon’s Hymn, edited by D.P. O’Donnell and published as a bookwith an accompanying CD in 2005.15Several years after publication, O’Donnell noted ofhis own edition that, despite the inclusion of substantial textual variants made possible bythe mixed digital⁄physical publication, he has ‘yet to see a citation that does not use aform found in the print edition’ (O’Donnell, 114). There are three important points tobe made here. One, in 7 years since publication, CDs have largely become obsolete, andthe future of optical media more generally is questionable. Two, textual variants are notfrequently cited – only very particular types of scholarship are concerned with exploringand discussing textual variants, whether as philological evidence or as literary texts ontheir own right. Scholars regularly discuss Langland’sPiers Plowman, a poem about whichcritics tend to be keenly aware of the state of the text in competing critical editions,without tracking back to the constituent readings made available through the editorialapparatus. Three, O’Donnell’s comments point to a practical difficulty, though one heattempted to resolve by encouraging citation of numbered paragraphs rather than print-bound page numbers: it is difficult to cite things in the hybrid digital⁄analog world thatdominates the present moment.
Discussion of my edition of Caedmon's Hymn
The digital social networks that have quickly become ubiquitous have made visiblemany of the patterns underlying existing academic personal and professional relationships,and the ways in which reputation and reliability circulate in these structures. Social andintellectual networks have long constituted the professional contexts of scholars, but digi-tal networks representing some subset of those contexts have exposed more of what takesplace at the margins of those networks.
Digital Social Networks, particularly Facebook and Twitter.
Makes an interesting point about homogenisation in Facebook and Twitter (i.e. people are a binary of friend or not friend, categories that collapse all different categories.
Interestingly, both Facebook and Twitter have taken steps to address this recently.
The venerableLISTSERV email lists such as mediev-l (founded in 1992) and other medieval-focusedlistservs are early instances of the digital democratization of scholarship, conducted as anasynchronous and geographically dispersed conversation.
Listservs and their relationship to Notes and Queries
From July 2008 to April 2012, Googleoffered a service called Google Knol, where a ‘knol’ is a basic ‘unit of knowledge’ asopposed, presumably, to a unit of information.4Users wrote ‘knols’ predicated upon theirown interests and expertise.
The "KNOL" a unit of knowledge: a Google experiment in crowd-sourcing knowledge
firstwant to consider the ways in which our increased online presence has exposed manyof the existing networks that ground the sources of academic and intellectual authority(reputation, credibility, reliability).
How online communities have changed the way humanists work.
Fisher, Matthew. 2012. “Authority, Interoperability, and Digital Medieval Scholarship.” Literature Compass 9 (12): 955–64. doi:10.1111/lic3.12018.
/home/dan/.mozilla/firefox/rwihx4ee.default/zotero/storage/PHS4P7D6/Fisher - 2012 - Authority, Interoperability, and Digital Medieval .pdf
www.qp.alberta.ca www.qp.alberta.ca
out the provisions that agreements are deemed to contain under sections 92 and 96;
Continuation of dispute settlement provisions 91 The provisions that were contained in an agreement pursuant to section 87(3)(b), (4)(e) or (5)(d) or the provisions of the regulations under section 92, as the case may be, apply to a difference arising between a board and an academic staff association during the period between the date of termination of an agreement and the date of entry into a new agreement as if the agreement had remained in effect. Model dispute settlement provisions 92 If an agreement concluded or renewed under section 87(1) does not contain provisions respecting the matters set out in section 87(3)(b), (4)(e) and (g), (5)(d) and (e) or (7), as the case may be, the agreement is deemed to contain the provisions set out in the regulations in respect of which the agreement is silent.
Status quo ante and arbitration are repealed
(2) No member of the academic staff is required to sign an agreement that has been entered into on the member’s behalf by the academic staff association.
Hmm. I never knew this. Repealed, however, by Bill 7.
Compulsory binding arbitration
Compulsory arbitration is repealed
87-89 are repealed
(3) A board shall, subject to any existing agreement, (a) determine the remuneration of academic staff members, (b) prescribe the duties of academic staff members, and (c) prescribe the term of employment and the terms and conditions of employment of academic staff members.
This affects 4.04.2 (c) of the Handbook:
(c)otherwise at the discretion of the Board after consultation with ULFA.
(2) The board of a public post-secondary institution other than Banff Centre may, after consultation with the academic staff association of the public post-secondary institution, do one or more of the following: (a) designate categories of employees as academic staff members of the public post-secondary institution; (b) designate individual employees as academic staff members of the public post-secondary institution; (c) change a designation made under clause (a) or (b) or under section 5(2) or 42(2).
Replaced with LRC language
hall do one or both of the following: (i) designate categories of employees as academic staff members of the public college or technical institute; (ii) designate individual employees as academic staff members of the public college or technical institute,
Whole article is repealed and replaced with this:
5) Section 42(2) is repealed and the following is substituted:
(2) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, the initial governing authority of a public college or technical institute
(a) shall, subject to section 58.6 of the Labour Relations Code, after consulting with the academic staff association and with any other bargaining agent representing employees of the public college or technical institute affected by the designation, do one or both of the following:<br> (i) designate categories of employees as academic staff members of the public college or technical institute;<br> (ii) designate individual employees as academic staff members of the public college or technical institute,
(b) shall prescribe procedures respecting the election of<br> (i) the first executive of the academic staff association at the public college or technical institute, and<br> (ii) the first councils of the student organizations at the public college or technical institute,
(c) may, subject to section 58.6 of the Labour Relations Code, change a designation made under this subsection after consulting with the academic staff association and with any other bargaining agent representing employees of the public college or technical institute affected by the change in designation.
(3) Subject to any existing agreement, a president may, in the president’s discretion, suspend from duty and privileges any member of the academic staff at the university and shall forthwith report the president’s action and the reasons for it
Amended to make our interpretation explicit:
(4)Section 22 is amended (a) in subsection (3) by striking out “existing agreement” and substituting “collective agreement”; (b) by adding the following after subsection (3): (4) In subsection (3), “collective agreement” includes an agreement between a board and an academic staff association that was made under section 87 before the repeal of section 87 and that is still in effect.
Section 58.6 of the LRA is introduced here now. Introduces duty to consult about designation
under this Act;
Replace with "in accordance with this act"
Local file Local file
A party to an agreement affected by this section may apply to the Board for a determination respecting the application of this section, and the Board’s decision is final and binding
Can take interpretation of extension and arbitration provisions to LRB
For greater certainty, nothing in this section prevents the parties from referring matters in dispute to voluntary arbitration under section 93.
We can decide to agree to arbitration
An agreement under section 87 or 96 of the Post-secondary Learning Act that operates for an unspecified term is deemed, despite section 129 of this Act, to provide for its operation for a term of 3 years beginning on the date the Bill to enact An Act to Enhance Post-secondary Academic Bargaining receives Royal Assent or for a shorter period agreed on by the parties.
Our handbook is probably has three years from date of royal assent if we want.
Unspecified agreements can go for another three years from royal assent
Effective on the day on which the Bill to enact An Act to Enhance Post-secondary Academic Bargaining receives first reading, a provision in an agreement under section 87 or 96 of the Post-secondary Learning Act that requires disputes that arise during the negotiation of a future agreement to be resolved by binding arbitration is unenforceable.
Arbitration language is now unenforceable
A person or bargaining agent affected by a designation or change in designation made under section 5(2), 42(2) or 60(2) of the Post-secondary Learning Act, or a failure to designate, may apply to the Labour Relations Board to decide whether a category of employees or individual employees are academic staff members.
We can appeal designation issues, including previous ones
This section applies whether a designation or change in designation or a failure to designate by the board of governors occurred before or after the coming into force of this section
Can appeal retroactively
(2) The academic staff association of a public post-secondary institution is deemed to be a trade union for the purposes of acting as bargaining agent for the public post-secondary institution’s academic staff members.
Faculty Associations are deemed trade unions
These divisions are:
- Employers’ Organizations
- Certification
- Voluntary recognition
- Modification of bargaining rights
- Revocation of bargaining rights
- General provisions on Certification and voluntary recognition
- Health, welfare and pension trusts