2 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2023
      • for: Yuval Noah Harari, Hamas Israel war 2023, global liberal order, abused-abuser cycle, And not Or

      • summary

        • In this interview, Yuval Noah Harari offers insights on the trap that Hamas's brutality has set for the Israeli army and reflections on the abused-abuser cycle.
        • If Israeli government falls into that trap and inflicts unprecedented collateral damage, it will scupper the chance for peace for generations to come, and Hamas will have succeeded in its goal.
        • Harari identifies a key insight that could help create better empathy between warring parties, to recognize the abused-abuser cycle and how we can be both abused AND abuser at the same time
        • Harari reflects on the breakdown of the global liberal order, offering a simple yet insightful anthropological definition of the global liberal order showing how in spite of its many flaws, fundamentally is biologically humanistic at the core. What is needed is a way to decouple the harmful features the current form of it possesses
    1. I 00:47:39 haven't heard any suggestion from anywhere in the world uh for a better order than the besmed liberal order which is based again on the very basic 00:47:52 understanding that all humans share the the same basic experiences and therefore we all share some common interests that the pain of as it's 00:48:05 biological that pain and and and despair and sadness they are the same in Israelis and Palestinians in Russians in ukrainians and this simple realization is the basis for the liberal Glo Global 00:48:18 Order
      • global liberal order, common human denominators, CHD, adjacency, adjancency - global liberal order - common human denominators - Deep Humanity, Yuval Noah Harari

      • adjacency

        • between
          • global liberal order
          • common human denominators (CHD)
          • Deep Humanity
      • adjacency statement
        • Yuval raised an interesting perspective I've never thought about with respect to the global liberal order
        • He points out that the essence of the global liberal order is that all humans share fundamental features
        • This aligns with Deep Humanity's Common Human Denominators (CHD)
        • The name 'global liberal order' has come to have a polarizing impact (liberals vs conservatives).
        • As pointed out in other places, liberal and conservative polarization is inherently partial truths and unreal abstractions.
          • Most human beings are both liberal AND conservative
        • Given the intractability of the problem, humanity is insufficient to deal with it
          • Nonlinear, alternative ways may have better success, including Deep Humanity, that looks at the Common Human Denominators as the foundational layer we all share as humans