3 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2024
    1. we now realize the base pairs come to join each other up together as the system unravels and forms a new pair of DNA molecules well up to a point it does and that point is known to be accurate to about one in 10,000 base pairs now if you and I wrote an article and there was only one typo in a 10,000w article we'd be very pleased but this is nowhere near enough for a DNA sequence of three billion base pairs there would be half a million at least of Errors

      for - DNA replication accuracy - 1 in 10,000 - too high for successful replication - another higher level mechanism to correct for these errors - need a whole body for that - Denis Noble

  2. Nov 2021
  3. Feb 2021
    1. Please note that this is a higher-level debugging tool that does not confront you with a 200-lines stack trace the way Ruby does it, but pinpoints the exceptional code and locates the problem on a task level. This is possible due to you structuring code into higher abstractions, tasks and activities.