12 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2020
    1. // Make a HOC
      // This is not the only way to accomplish auto-save, but it does let us:
      // - Use built-in React lifecycle methods to listen for changes
      // - Maintain state of when we are submitting
      // - Render a message when submitting
      // - Pass in debounce and save props nicely
      export default props => (
        <FormSpy {...props} subscription={{ values: true }} component={AutoSave} />
  2. Dec 2019
  3. Nov 2019
    1. However, in this case you would lose the possibility to render something in between. You are strictly coupled to the higher-order component's render method. If you need to add something in between of the currency components, you would have to do it in the higher-order component. It would be quite similar as you have done it previously by rendering the currency components straight away in the Amount component. If using a render prop component instead, you would be flexible in your composition.
    2. For the sake of completeness, the following code demonstrates that the problem could be solved with a higher-order component (HOC) as well:
  4. Oct 2019
    1. We've extracted some key features into separate HOCs to keep the main library as small as possible
  5. Sep 2019
  6. Aug 2019