6 Matching Annotations
- Oct 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
34:12 taxes are imposed by a government that is only payable in their currency and they make a law that puts you in jail if you do not pay their tax
- Apr 2022
github.com github.com
Instead read this gems brief source code completely before use OR copy the code straight into your codebase.
- having a deep understanding of something
- copy and paste programming
- software development: use of libraries vs. copying code into app project
- learning by reading the source
- read the source code
- software development: use of libraries: only use if you've read the source and understand how it works
- Feb 2021
devel.ringlet.net devel.ringlet.net
A “warning” signal is sent first, then, after a timeout, a “kill” signal, similar to the way init(8) operates on shutdown.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
if the process does not react on a normal kill, you may want to add an additional kill -9 a few seconds afterwards.
www.howtogeek.com www.howtogeek.com
We can ask timeout to try to stop the program using SIGTERM, and to only send in SIGKILL if SIGTERM didn’t work. To do this, we use the -k (kill after) option. The -k option requires a time value as a parameter.
- May 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org