1 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
    1. in our modern way of thinking the dominant metaphors 01:10:43 are mechanical and in mechanical system is literally the case if you can make the system more efficient you get rid of waste so if you have parts that duplicate each other they're not needed you can get rid of one of them and 01:10:57 that's true for mechanical systems so that waste and mechanical systems can is something you can get rid of and decrease efficiency but in living human 01:11:08 and even biological systems duplication is not waste its resilience
      • for: key insight - modernity - inefficiency - biological system - resilience

      • key insight

        • in our modern way of thinking the dominant metaphors are mechanical
        • and in mechanical system is literally the case if you can make the system more efficient you get rid of waste
        • so if you have parts that duplicate each other they're not needed you can get rid of one of them
        • and that's true for mechanical systems so that waste and mechanical systems is something you can get rid of and decrease efficiency
        • but in living human and even biological systems duplication is not waste it's resilience
      • comment

        • aspectualization and situatedness