2 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
    1. Some 30% of the energy consumed in a net zero energy system in 2050 comes from low-emissions fuels and technologies that could benefit from the skills and resources of the oil and gas industry.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry - repurposing for clean energy

      • stats: oil and gas industry - repurposing for clean energy

        • only 30 % of the energy consumed in a clean energy future within 1.5 Deg C comes from low emission fuels and technologies that benefit from oil and gas industry resources
        • this leaves a huge deficit of 70 %.
      • question

        • How will the transition account for these human and technological resources?
    2. Oil and gas producers account for only 1% of total clean energy investment globally.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry - clean energy investments

      • comment

        • Inclusive transformation
          • Clearly, transforming the dirty fossil fuel industry into clean energy industry requires migrating as much of those 12 million dirty energy jobs as possible. We can't alienate the fossil fuel industry.
          • the barometer to measure this paradigm shift in fossil fuel industry narrative is their investment into clean energy. Over the years, majors have acted like politicians, promising significant clean energy investment, then backsliding. There is no more time for that.