- Feb 2025
srsergiorodriguez.github.io srsergiorodriguez.github.io
esta fascinación por el volumen y la velocidad nos puede hacer olvidar las decisiones y formas de trabajo subyacentes y las bases humanas y naturales de la computación.
Así como invisibilizar lo interesante local y que ocurre a pequeñas escalas de datos y computación.
- Apr 2020
h3rald.com h3rald.com
I have been considering blogging platforms long time ago. My criteria was different, but I care, as you do, about underlying tech stack, programming language and autonomy.
I have blogged about my blogging and these days I just use Markdeep with Fossil and Hypothesis for comments and annotations (as I'm doing here). I think this combination is working pretty fine for now and maybe I just automate the process here and there as needed.
By the way, I also like the self contained tech (I call them "pocket infrastructures": simple, self-contained, local first and extensible), but my exploration goes into dynamic languages and environments with Pharo (a Squeak fork) and I'm just putting Nim in my radar recently. I may try LittleStore. soon, as I see really aligned to my interests.