8 Matching Annotations
- Oct 2023
typeshare.co typeshare.co
- Sep 2023
fortune.com fortune.com
- Mar 2023
www.quantamagazine.org www.quantamagazine.org
But the researchers quickly realized that a model’s complexity wasn’t the only driving factor. Some unexpected abilities could be coaxed out of smaller models with fewer parameters — or trained on smaller data sets — if the data was of sufficiently high quality. In addition, how a query was worded influenced the accuracy of the model’s response.
Influence of data quality and better prompts
Models with fewer parameters show better abilities when they trained with better data and had a quality prompt. Improvements to the prompt, including "chain-of-the-thought reasoning" where the model can explain how it reached an answer, improved the results of BIG-bench testing.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
prompt engineer. His role involves creating and refining the text prompts people type into the AI in hopes of coaxing from it the optimal result. Unlike traditional coders, prompt engineers program in prose, sending commands written in plain text to the AI systems, which then do the actual work.
Summary of prompt engineer work
- Feb 2023
wordcraft-writers-workshop.appspot.com wordcraft-writers-workshop.appspot.com
Wordcraft Writers Workshop by Andy Coenen - PAIR, Daphne Ippolito - Brain Research Ann Yuan - PAIR, Sehmon Burnam - Magenta
cross reference: ChatGPT
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Including a prompt prefix in the chain-of-thought style encourages the model to generatefollow-on sequences in the same style, which isto say comprising a series of explicit reasoningsteps that lead to the final answer. This abilityto learn a general pattern from a few examples ina prompt prefix, and to complete sequences in away that conforms to that pattern, is sometimescalled in-context learning or few-shot prompt-ing. Chain-of-thought prompting showcases thisemergent property of large language model at itsmost striking.
Emulating deductive reasoning with prompt engineering
I think "emulating deductive reasoning" is the correct shorthand here.
Dialogue is just one application of LLMs thatcan be facilitated by the judicious use of promptprefixes. In a similar way, LLMs can be adaptedto perform numerous tasks without further train-ing (Brown et al., 2020). This has led to a wholenew category of AI research, namely prompt en-gineering, which will remain relevant until wehave better models of the relationship betweenwhat we say and what we want.
Prompt engineering
In the background, the LLM is invisiblyprompted with a prefix along the following lines.
Pre-work to make the LLM conversational