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  1. Aug 2024
    1. I think it's it's critical for us uh when for for for for people to realize that when we reimagine what the self is and take away take take us away from this this notion of a of a subst you know some kind of monatic substance and all that um it's different than what you said before which is uh that well it's you know every everything is equally illusory I mean there's there's nothing at that point well if it's that that's a deeply destabilizing concept for a lot of people

      for - question - what would Federic Faggin think of this? - question - multi-scale communication - question - are Tibetan Rainbow body and knowing time of death examples of multi-scale communications? question - what would Federic Faggin think of this? - He comes from an experiential perspective, not just an intellectual one.

      question - what would Federic Faggin think of this? - I don't think Michael Levin provides a satisfactory answer to this and this is related to the meaning crisis modernity finds itself in - when traditional religions no longer suffice, - but there is nothing in modernity that can fill the gap yet, if mortality salience is a big issue - I don't think an intellectual answer can meet the needs of people suffering in the meaning crisis, although it is necessary, it is not sufficient - I think they are after some kind of nonverbal, nondual transformative experience

      question - multi-scale communication - This is also a question about multi-scale communication - I've recently used a metaphor to compare - the unitary, monatic experience of consciousness to - an elected government - The trillions of cells "elect" consciousness" as the high level government to oversea them - but we seem to be in the situation of the government being out of touch with the citizens - At one time in our history, was it common to be able for - high level consciousness to communicate directly with - low level cells and subcellular structures? - If so, why has this practice disappeared and - how can we re-establish it?

      question - Are Tibetan Rainbow body and knowing time of death examples of multi-scale communications? - In some older spiritual traditions such as found in the East, it seems deep meditative practitioners are able to achieve a degree of communications with parts of their body that is unconventional and surprising to modern researchers - For example, Tibetan meditators report of having the abiity to predict the time of their death by recognizing subtle bodily, interoceptive signals - Rare instances also occur of the Rainbow Body, when great meditators in the Dzogchen tradition whose body at time of death can disappear in a body of light