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- Nov 2024
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between 1944 and 1971 the Americans had a surplus the money that they were making from the Surplus they were giving to Europe and Japan that was what's happening until up until 197 71 after that the Americans had a deficit which they used to suck into the United States the surplus of Germany of France of Japan and then China this is what kept capitalism alive
for - quote - American surplus monetary flows kept capitalism alive til now - Yanis Varoufakis
quote - American surplus monetary flows kept capitalism alive til now - Yanis Varoufakis - (see below) - Between 1944 and 1971 the Americans had a surplus - The money that they were making from the Surplus they were giving to Europe and Japan that was what's happening until up until 1971 -After that, the Americans had a deficit, - which they used to suck into the United States the surplus: - of Germany - of France - of Japan and then - of China - This is what kept capitalism alive