- Jan 2025
Fundamentally, I think Web3 is mainly an exit strategy for privileged layers of society. First of all, people within capital will see the system is not doing well and they want to do arbitrage between nation-states.
for - quote - Web3 is mainly an exit (escape) strategy for privileged layers of society - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- Dec 2024
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
faced with the potential hostility of nation-states that are under the influence of extractive forces of trans-national finance, the local is no longer just the local, but a local that is also cosmo-local, and can mobilize counter-power.
for - quote - constructing Cosmo local as a counter power to the current dominating power of trans-national finance - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
quote - constructing Cosmo local as a counter power to the current dominating power of trans-national finance - (see below) - The idea here is a potential ‘entanglement’ between the local and the translocal level, - which creates new levels of strength and capacity for the local. · Hence, faced with the potential hostility of nation-states that are under the influence of extractive forces of trans-national finance, - the local is no longer just the local, but - a local that is also cosmo-local, and - can mobilize counter-power. - Faced with the potential hostility of nation-states - that are under the influence of extractive forces of trans-national finance, - the local is no longer just the local, - but a local that is also cosmo-local, and - can mobilize counter-power.
// This is a very important observation Local communities by themselves don't have the capacity to stand up against trans-national power, but uniting together gives local communities this capacity and a fighting chance
- A large network of people accessing an open knowledge commons increases the local information capacity of a community,
- compensating for the specific knowledge deficits of a community and enabling projects to co-create healthy, local,autonomous wellbeing culture and economy.
- A large network of people accessing an open knowledge commons increases the local information capacity of a community,
- Nov 2024
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
But surely, purely local commons, which have been under centuries of pressure in the capitalist order, are not enough to be such a counter-weight ? Indeed, they are not
for - quote - local commons - alone cannot solve the metacrisis / polycrisis - Michel Bauwens
quote - local commons - alone is insufficient to solve the metacrisis / polycrisis - Michel Bauwens - (see below) - But surely, purely local commons, - which have been under centuries of pressure in the capitalist order, - are not enough to be such a counter-weight ? - Indeed, they are not, if they have to face - not only the pressure of potentially hostile nation-states, and - the combined power of transnational capital. - They are a necessary - entropy can only be remedied at the local level, - but not sufficient condition for a return to ecological and social balance. - Too many aspects of the response to the meta-crisis still need planetary cooperation and coordination.
there is no longer a proper set of institutions that can restore the equilibrium in the new global world order: the Nation is no longer able to force the State to regulate the Market.
for - quote - the Nation (state) is no longer able to force the State to regulate the Market - Michel Bauwens - climate crisis - transnational capitalism escapes the regulation of nation states - example - COP conferences and climate change
for the first time in history, transnational capital could significantly escape the regulation of the nation-states, rendering the latter inoperative
for - quote - transnational capitalism escapes the regulation of nation states - Michel Bauwens - climate crisis - transnational capitalism escapes the regulation of nation states - example - COP conferences and climate change quote - transnational capitalism escapes the regulation of nation states - Michel Bauwens (see below) - The nation-state equilibrium started to be disrupted in the 1980s. - Neoliberalism is in fact, also a failed attempt at global regulation. - Several events, such as - the conservative counter-revolution of Thatcher and Reagan, - the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989-91, and - the failure of the first attempt at democratic coordination of the economy in Chile (Cybersyn), - contributed to the emergence of a new world order in which, for the first time in history, - transnational capital could significantly escape the regulation of the nation-states, rendering the latter inoperative. - This was of course done consciously and with the collaboration of neoliberal nation-states.
comment - This is why climate change agreements at the nation-state level, such as COP conferences, are such dismal failures - Trump was bought out by billionaires who wanted to maintain their status quo money-making-machines - In this sense, this is conservatism at work - Economic, fossil-fuel incumbents teamed up with Christian fundamentalists to make a last valiant attempt at preserving the old order - Unfortunately, if they succeed, it will definitely accelerate their demise as well as the entire biosphere
- quote - the Nation (state) is no longer able to force the State to regulate the Market - Michel Bauwens
- quote - transnational capitalism escapes the regulation of nation states - Michel Bauwens
- quote - local commons - alone cannot solve the metacrisis / polycrisis - Michel Bauwens
- climate crisis - transnational capitalism escapes the regulation of nation states - example - COP conferences and climate change
- Sep 2024
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
This industrial religion, evolving from monastic systems to modern enterprises, highlights the continuity between religious structures and capitalist production
for - quote - roots of industrial capitalism - found in medieval monasticism - Michel Bauwens on Pierre Musso - question - what was the impact of monasticism on modern capitalism? How did it become so pathological,?
- Jun 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I think that Noam chsky said exactly a year ago in New York Times around a year ago that generative AI is not any 00:18:37 intelligence it's just a plagiarism software that learned stealing human uh work transform it and sell it as much as possible as cheap as possible
for - AI music theft - citation - Noam Chomsky - quote - Noam Chomsky - AI as plagiarism on a grand scale
to - P2P Foundation - commons transition plan - Michel Bauwens - netarchical capitalism - predatory capitalism - https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Commons_Transition_Plan#Solving_the_value_crisis_through_a_social_knowledge_economy
- Dec 2023
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
The next step would be a convergence with the commons of physical production, the cosmo-local urban commons and p2p hardware companies, so that crypto governance becomes a mutual coordination infrastructure for more and more human citizens.
for: quote - ethereum - milestone - integration with physical production commons
- The next step would be a convergence with the commons of physical production, the cosmo-local urban commons and p2p hardware companies, so that crypto governance becomes a mutual coordination infrastructure for more and more human citizens
- author: Michel Bauwens
- date: 2023