2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2023
    1. paper enforces single sequence and there's no room for digression it imposes a particular kind 00:01:03 of order in the very nature of the structure
      • quote
        • "paper enforces single sequence and there's no room for digression"
      • author
        • Ted Nelson
      • comment
        • Ted is alluding to the fact that our written text reflects SPOKEN text
        • Since spoken text is phonetic and produced by our vocal cords, and our vocal cords inherently only produce one sound at a time,
          • any written language that is built upon spoken language will reflect the same linear, sequential, temporal structure
        • with the advent of computing, and especially HTML, this becomes an UNNECESSARY LIMITATION
    2. in my teen ISM it seemed to me that paper was a prison
      • quote
        • "when I was a teen, it seemed to me that paper was a prison"
      • author
        • Ted Nelson