269 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2021
    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Barone, Paul et al. present a new computational method, named T-REX, to detect changes in immune cell populations from repeated cytometry measurements (before and after infection or treatment). The proposed method is designed to detect changes in rare and common cells with particular focus on the former. T-REX detects subpopulations of cells showing marked differences in abundance between the proportion of cells from different time points (before and after infection) from a single individual. The method relies of a dimensionality reduction step using UMAP followed by a K-nearest neighbor (KNN) search to identify cells that have a large fraction (>0.95) of neighbors from one time point, indicating expansion or shrinkage of certain cell populations. Areas in the UMAP with clustered expanding or shrinking neighborhoods are labeled as hotspots. Cells in these hotspots were further characterized and enriched markers were identified using MEM, a method published earlier by the same authors. T-REX was applied to a newly collected dataset of rhinovirus infection and three publicly available datasets of SARS-CoV-2 infections, melanoma immunotherapy and AML chemotherapy. The results are presented clearly and the authors discuss in details several examples in which the cells identified by T-REX have a phenotypic profile which align with previous knowledge, indicating the relevance of the results.


      • T-REX is based on a simple pipeline including UMAP and KNN. This is an advantage especially given the large number of cells collected. Further, the proposed approach has a key advantage since it allows the analysis of one sample at a time, which is practical if one wants to analyze a new sample. There is no need to rerun the analysis on an aggregate of a large number of samples.

      • The new rhinovirus dataset is of great value to the community.


      • The paper lacks a comparison to other methods for differential abundance testing. In particular, it is not clear how T-REX differs from the Differential abundance test proposed by Lun et al. (https://doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.4295). Similarly, there are no experiments or results to support the authors' initial claim that T-REX outperforms current clustering-based methods (SPADE, FLOWSOM, Phenograph,...etc.) in capturing changes in rare (<1%) cell populations.

      • T-REX relies on arbitrary cutoffs (0.95 and 0.5 %) to define expansion or shrinkage in the neighborhood of each cell (0.95 and 0.5 %) rather than a formal statistical test. These cut-offs were defined based on the ability to detect tetramer positive cells in one subject only. This greatly limits the generalizability of the method.

      • The authors do not motivate the use of UMAP prior to the KNN graph reconstruction. While UMAP is a clearly powerful method to visualize single cell data, the resulting embedding can potentially show distinct groups of points when the high dimensional manifold is more continuous. For this reason, KNN graphs are usually built using the high-dimensional data (or principal components).

      • Given that T-REX is mainly developed to detect changes in rare cell populations, the paper lacks an assessment of the method's sensitivity. For instance, cells were subsampled equally from each time point. An assessment of the effects of this subsampling step is necessary. In general, a guide to the users indicating the limitations of T-REX will be greatly helpful.

      • Given that the main aim of T-REX is to detect differences in rare cells, the rational to perform a separate analysis for CD4 positive cells is not clear. One would expect these differences to be identified also in the analysis performed using all cells.

      • The paper lacks a discussion on the effects of batch effects between the different time points on the performance of T-REX.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This is an important manuscript on COVID-19 convalescent plasma (CCP) that challenges the findings of the larger Mayo Clinic CCP study demonstrating a lack of efficacy. Their main findings are that there is a strong inverse correlation between CCP use and mortality for admitted patients in the USA. Overall this is a well written manuscript without any overt weaknesses.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this study, Alhussein and Smith provide two strong tests of competing hypotheses about motor planning under uncertainty: Averaging of multiple alternative plans (MA) versus optimization of motor performance (PO). In this first study, they used a force field adaptation paradigm to test this question, asking if observed intermediate movements between competing reach goals reflected the average of adapted plans to each goal, or a deliberate plan toward the middle direction. In the second experiment, they tested an obstacle avoidance task, asking if obstacle avoidance behaviors were averaged with respect to movements to non-obstructed targets, or modulated to afford optimal intermediate movements based on a commuted "safety margin." In both experiments the authors observed data consistent with the PO hypothesis, and contradictory of the MA hypothesis. The authors thus conclude that MA is not a feasible hypothesis concerning motor planning under uncertainty; rather, people appear to generate a single plan that is optimized for the task at hand.

      I am of two minds about this (very nice) study. On the one hand, I think it is probably the most elegant examination of the MA idea to date, and presents perhaps the strongest behavioral evidence (within a single study) against it. The methods are sound, the analysis is rigorous, and it is clearly written/presented. Moreover, it seems to stress-test the PO idea more than previous work. On the other hand, it is hard for me to see a high degree of novelty here, given recent studies on the same topic (e.g. Haith et al., 2015; Wong & Haith, 2017; Dekleva et al., 2018). That is, I think these would be more novel findings if the motor-averaging concept had not been very recently "wounded" multiple times.

      The authors dutifully cite these papers, and offer the following reasons that one of those particular studies fell short (I acknowledge that there may be other reasons that are not as explicitly stated): On line 628, it is argued that Wong & Haith (2017) allowed for across-condition (i.e., timing/spacing constraints) strategic adjustments, such as guessing the cued target location at the start of the trial. It is then stated that, "While this would indeed improve performance and could therefore be considered a type of performance-optimization, such strategic decision making does not provide information about the implicit neural processing involved in programming the motor output for the intermediate movements that are normally planned under uncertain conditions." I'm not quite sure the current paper does this either? For example, in Exp 1, if people deliberately strategize to simply plan towards the middle on 2-target trials and feedback-correct after the cue is revealed (there is no clear evidence against them doing this), what do the results necessarily say about "implicit neural processing?" If I deliberately plan to the intermediate direction, is it surprising that my responses would inherit the implicit FF adaption responses from the associated intermediate learning trials, especially in light of evidence for movement- and/or plan-based representations in motor adaptation (Castro et al., 2011; Hirashima & Nozacki, 2012; Day et al., 2016; Sheahan et a., 2016)?

      In that same vein, the Gallivan et al 2017 study is cited as evidence that intermediate movements are by nature implicit. First, it seems that this consideration would be necessarily task/design-dependent. Second, that original assumption rests on the idea that a 30˚ gradual visuomotor rotation would never reach explicit awareness or alter deliberate planning, an assumption which I'm not convinced is solid.

      The Haith et al., 2015 study does not receive the same attention as the 2017 study, though I imagine the critique would be similar. However, that study uses unpredictable target jumps and short preparation times which, in theory, should limit explicit planning while also getting at uncertainty. I think the authors could describe further reasons that that paper does not convince them about a PO mechanism.

      If the participants in Exp 2 were asked both "did you switch which side of the obstacle you went around" and "why did you do that [if yes to question 1]", what do the authors suppose they would say? It's possible that they would typically be aware of their decision to alter their plan (i.e., swoop around the other way) to optimize success. This is of course an empirical question. If true, it wouldn't hurt the authors' analysis in any way. However, I think it might de-tooth the complaint that e.g. the Wong & Haith study is too "explicit."

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This is a well-presented study on the development of the CNS in the octopus O. vulgaris. The aim of the study is to identify the origin of the neural progenitors of the brain. The authors provide an excellent gene expression study of conserved neural genes to identify the location of these progenitors. Furthermore, by cell lineage tracing, they confirm the results of a previous study by Koenig et al. showing that the progeny of neural progenitors generated in the so-called lateral lips, a region adjacent to the eyes, migrate to different brain areas. The neural precursor location in the brain can be correlated with their spatial origin from the neural progenitors in the lateral lips. The authors suggest that the spatial map of the lateral lips is conserved in cephalopods. Furthermore, they analyse the mitotic activity in the developing brain by Ov-pcna in situ hybridisation and anti-PH3 immunohistochemistry. The authors conclude that "grossly, the embryonic octopus brain does not contain dividing progenitor cells." Based on the cell lineage studies, the strong expression of neural genes in the lateral lip and the observed mitotic activity, the authors overall conclude that the lateral lips represent the neurogenic zone in the developing brain of the octopus, i.e. that the neural progenitors of the brain derive from this area. I agree with the authors that the lateral lips are neurogenic regions, however, it is also possible that neural progenitors do arise from other regions of the developing brain. Overall this is a valuable contribution to our knowledge of neurogenesis in deuterostomian invertebrates and in a wider context the evolution of neural developmental processes.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The manuscript of Oggenfuss et al presents a comprehensive analysis of TE insertion polymorphisms detected in the genome of ~300 isolates of the wheat fungus Zymoseptoria tritici. The article shows that numerous TE families generated thousands of polymorphic insertions and the authors propose that some of these insertions might potentially be linked to adaptation. They identified a recent burst of transposition in a rapidly expanding population, providing empirical evidence that drastic demographic process shape TE dynamics in nature. Last, they show that intra-specific variation in genome size can be accounted by variation in the number of polymorphic TE insertions, which recapitulate the well stablished association between TE content and genome size variation observed across the diversity of life forms.

      The article is well written, present novel as well as relevant results, and provide insights to our understanding of the role of TEs in microevolutionary processes. In addition, it provides an important amount of population genomic data that will serve as a resource. Thus, this manuscript is of potential interest to a broad audience on evolutionary and population genomics.

      My major concern is the lack of strong evidence supporting positive selection and/or functional relevance of the TE insertions detected. In particular, the selective sweep scans performed ignored other types of variants (such as SNPs and INDELs), preventing the identification of the actual targets of natural selection.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In "Assembly of higher-order SMN oligomers is essential for animal viability, requiring a motif exposed in TG zipper dimers," Gupta et al. present an impressive amount of data regarding the solution behavior of constructs of the protein SMN1 (or just SMN) from Homo sapiens, Drosophila melanogaster, and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Defects in the Hs protein are known to cause the neuromuscular disease "Spinal Muscular Atrophy" (SMA). They also present experiments in genetically modified organisms (fission yeast and fruit flies) to test their hypotheses. Bioinformatics are used to generate and refine hypotheses. The potential power of these complementary methods is substantial, if employed well.

      The main finding of these researchers is that the oligomerization potential of SMN and its disease-causing variants (usually in complex with the protein Gemin 2 or "G2") mostly correlates with phenotype severity. In humans, this is correlated with the Type of SMA (I/0 for severe disease, ranging to IV for a milder form), and in fruit flies and yeast, it is correlated with viability and, in some cases, animal behavior. The results are extended through the creation of a model that purports to show how higher-order SMN oligomers can form.


      The experiments appear to have been carried out competently. There is a virtual mountain of data presented in this paper, and, for the most part, they are summarized in a digestible fashion. The effort to correlate the biophysical solution data with observable phenotypes in human patients or genetically modified organisms is laudable, and it is done in a thoughtful fashion. The authors' structural intuition and savvy enables the generation of testable models that are explored in the paper. A plausible model for higher-order oligomers is presented.


      The most serious weakness of the paper is that the data cannot support the conclusion stated in the title, i.e. that multimerization of SMN is necessary for organismic viability. Instead, the data support an already-stated, decades-old conclusion (see their reference 21): that multimerization correlates with disease (viability). Even if the reader takes into account the new information about a multimerization interface that is separate from the dimerization one, the advance seems incremental.

      The large amount of data leads to numerous difficulties for the reader in the text:

      1) Complex biophysical measurements, due to space, are usually summarized by one or two words in tabular format.

      2) When these measurements are shown, there is no visual context for the reader to assess the pre-digested conclusions that are included in the figures. For example, all SEC-MALS data show a conclusion ("Tetramer-Octamer"), but there is no visual cue for the reader to know what the theoretical masses for these species are (so that the reader may draw an independent conclusion).

      In some cases, the conclusions reached in the paper are not clearly supported by the data or are self-contradictory. An example is the discussion of the residue H273 (human numbering). In Fig. 4B, the mutation H273R is said to have a wild-type "Oligomer Status". But in Fig. 5B, it is "Dimer-Tetramer+". The text says that H273R is "only partially impaired" in forming oligomers; the authors apparently mean the data presented in Fig. 5B but refer to the contradictory result in Fig. 4B. Another example centers on the discussion of the putative "dominant-negative" effect of some human missense mutations. But they do not point to any human data that support this contention (SMA-associated missense mutations are usually discovered in mixed heterozygotes have a deletion in the other copy of the Smn gene), but they cite data that suggest a more nuanced position regarding negative dominance would be appropriate.

      Finally, the paper suffers throughout from a lack of precision of language that undercuts its conclusions at numerous points. They continually rely on qualitative statements rather than hard, statistically rigorous facts, e.g. "more intimate," "a bit of a sequence outlier," "very modest."

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This study investigates the temporal orientation abilities of cerebellar degeneration and control subjects during an orientation discrimination task of visual stimuli with showed a contrast near threshold. Participants were queried to express their discrimination decision with a response only after a random delay following target offset, which decreases the motor preparation component of the task in the interval-based condition. CD subjects showed similar visual discrimination performance to controls when cued by a rhythmic set of stimuli but showed no benefit when the target interval was presented aperiodically. The authors interpret these findings as evidence supporting the notion that the cerebellum plays a role in interval based attentional orienting to proactively modulate perception. This is an elegantly simple experiment providing a novel observation in the field.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors use a synthetic light-controlled transcription factor (GAVPO) to test a model of bistable gene expression that is hypothesized to originate from positive feedback via local histone modifications by trans-activator recruitment of CBP/p300 to facilitate open chromatin, which facilitates GAVPO binding, etc... Their proposed model for the origin of bistability is important because it should apply to any trans-activator that recruits CBP/p300 to modify chromatin and active gene expression. The authors show that periodic modulation of light reduces the bimodal distribution at intermediate light-intensity levels to a unimodal distribution. This is an elegant demonstration of how GAVPO and different temporal patterns of light can reduce cell-to-cell variability in gene expression, if needed.


      The authors generate an impressive amount of single-cell data of gene expression and chromatin state (flow cytometry, single-cell sequencing, live-cell MS2-tagging) at different intensity levels. The periodic modulation of GAVPO activity by light is a practical demonstration of how to sculpt the gene expression output in useful ways. This may be a very useful tool for future biologists.


      The proposed model for bistability is not convincingly tested or supported by the existing data. Each reporter should exhibit a bistable response because the positive feedback is localized to the promoter via cis-effects on gene expression by local chromatin state/GAVPO binding. The authors show a bimodal distribution of gene expression in a population of cells, which is consistent with a bistable response in a single reporter gene. However, their strain has 9 independent reporters integrated into the genome. Thus, I would expect to see up to 10 peaks, not 2 peaks. Moreover, the mathematical model used to validate their observations does not model the total expression from 9 independent promoters, which is a critical omission given the cis-nature of the positive feedback loop. The fact that these 9 promoters generate 2 peaks at intermediate light intensity suggests that the GAVPO bistability likely originates from a trans-effect, i.e., either all 9 promoters are OFF or all 9 promoters are ON, not a cis-effect.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this report the authors characterize a mechanism that plays a role in inducing the rhythmic depolarizations that are observed in identified neurons that are part of the feeding CPG in Aplysia. The neurons studied (B63 neurons) are of interest because previous work has established that they play an important role in triggering cycles of motor activity. Further, previous work from this group has demonstrated that activity in the B63 neurons can be modified by operant conditioning.

      The authors present this study as though previous work had established that plateau potentials generated in the B63 neurons play an important role in driving network activity. For example, in line 102 they state "This essential role played by B63 is partly mediated by a bistable membrane property, which allows the sudden switching of the neuron's resting membrane potential to a depolarized plateau..." To support this statement, they reference Susswein et al. 2002, which does not support this statement. In the Susswein et al. study it is the B31/32 neurons that are modeled as having plateau properties.

      If previous work has not established the role of the B63 plateau potentials, the only data that speak to this issue are presumably in the current report. In this study the authors do provide data that indicate that the B63 neurons generate low amplitude oscillations that are not likely to depend on input from the electrically coupled neurons studied (notably B31). The authors also show that in some instances, these depolarizations do trigger plateau potentials in B63. It is, however, not clear that the B63 generated plateau potentials are then responsible for triggering network activity (e.g., as opposed to a situation where depolarizing input from B63 triggers plateau potentials in B31/32 and the depolarization in B31/32 drives the rest of the feeding circuit). For example, in Figs. 6A and Supplemental Fig. 4A it does not appear that the plateau depolarization in B63 is being transmitted to other electrically coupled neurons to any large extent.

      A clarification of this issue is important because it potentially impacts thinking concerning how 'decision making' is occurring. If decision making means induction of a motor program and this does not occur unless the depolarization in B63 is transmitted to B31/32, the process is more complicated than what the manuscript currently suggests.

      The title is misleading since there are no studies of behavior in this report.

      In part, interest in the mechanisms that drive spontaneous oscillatory activity in the B63 neurons stems from the overall context of this work. Namely the authors have previously established that oscillatory activity can be modified through associative learning. In the Sieling et al. 2014 study they demonstrate that two aspects of plasticity are accounted for by changes in synaptic properties and an effect on a leak current. For readers trying to understand this body of work as a whole, the Discussion should more clearly indicated how the results of the present study integrate with these previous findings.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Some Gram-negative bacteria synthesize acyl-homoserine lactone molecules, which are secreted into the environment and then transported into nearby bacteria, where they are detected by receptors. Different species make acyl-homoserine lactones that differ in chain length and oxidation state at the C-3 position. The manuscript by Wellington et al. reports an elegant and compelling investigation of the specificity determinants involved in quorum sensing, using a combination of bioinformatics and experimental approaches.

      Over the course of evolution, if an amino acid change occurs in one protein, then a compensating change can occur in a partner protein to restore/retain a functional interaction between the two. Analyses of evolutionarily covarying positions between two interacting proteins, or within a single protein, have long been used to identify positions that directly interact. Wellington et al. applied the same approach to two protein families (the synthases and receptors for acyl-homoserine lactones) to identify positions that are connected not by direct physical interaction between the two proteins but rather by interaction with the same acyl-homoserine lactone. The covariation analysis was made possible by the fortuitous case (and reasonable assumption) that genes encoding partner synthases and receptors are located close to one another within bacterial genomes.

      The covarying residues turn out to be in the active site of the synthase and the binding site of the receptor, in positions that directly interact with the acyl-homoserine lactone. The authors made a variety of single amino acid substitutions at positions with high covariation scores in the Pseudomonas aeruginosa LasI synthase and LasR receptor proteins. The mutant proteins exhibited altered synthetic and detection specificities for acyl-homoserine lactones. Altering three residues simultaneously resulted in substantial changes in specificity.

      This paper constitutes a proof of principle for an approach that could be used to investigate other families of proteins connected by interactions with small molecules (e.g. metabolic pathways). Furthermore, it suggests a path toward rational engineering of quorum sensing systems for synthetic biology, as well as specificity prediction for uncharacterized quorum sensing pathways based simply on the primary amino acid sequences of the synthase and receptor proteins.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The manuscript titled "The Shu complex prevents mutagenesis and cytotoxicity of single-strand specific alkylation lesions" investigates the biological function of the Shu complex in S. cerevisiae. The Shu complex, containing a DNA binding module comprised of the Csm2-Psy3 heterodimer, is conserved from budding yeast to man, and contributes to the defense against DNA damage caused by DNA alkylation. DNA alkylation occurs due to spontaneous reactions with metabolites and can be greatly increased by exogenous exposure to DNA alkylating agents. Therefore, it is an important question for how the Shu complex acts to detect and direct repair of alkylation damage. It has been well established that loss of the Shu complex sensitizes cells to alkylation damage, but the mechanism by which this complex locates sites of DNA damage and directs repair is not fully understood. This paper measures the methylation-induced mutation spectrum and uses genetic interactions to argue that the Shu complex may be involved in detecting and directing error-free repair of 3-methyl cytosine. This is a plausible hypothesis based on the body of previous work, however the evidence that Csm2-Psy3 directly detects 3-methyl cytosine sites is indirect. It would be highly significant if this complex recognizes many different structures, but future structural information is needed to understand how this could be possible.

      The strengths of the paper are in the use of whole genome sequencing to map mutation type and location in different genetic backgrounds and in the systematic testing for genetic interactions between csm2 and other DNA repair factors. It appears that the mutation spectra are very similar in the presence and absence of csm2, which suggests a broad role of the Shu complex in the cellular response to MMS.

      The impact of the work is that it could help to explain the cellular program for protection against DNA alkylating agents in budding yeast which has been a very valuable model eukaryotic organism, and raise new questions about how DNA alkylation repair pathways might function in humans that differ from yeast in important features such as in the presence of a direct repair pathway performed by ALKBH2 and ALKBH3.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors tackle an interesting question - whether the dentate gyrus is a locus of pathology in Scn1a+/- mice and uncover a strong phenotype - the granule cells of the dentate gyrus are over-activated and the EC to dentate pathway is prone to seizure genesis. In the discussion, they suggest that their results support the idea that the DG may be a common locus to several different types of epilepsy... an attractive hypothesis! There are several strengths of the paper. The team has done a nice job of presenting 'ground-truth' data that their measurements of dF/F across a large population of granule cells correlates with action potentials in these cells. As the authors point out, this is especially important when working in disease models in which the dF/F-action potential relationship may be altered. Throughout, the authors were also careful about considering the limitations of their various techniques and analyze the data in several ways to account for possible artifacts (e.g. ensuring that differences in activation are not arising because of slicing and consideration of kindling in later in vivo seizure threshold experiments). The experiments were well designed and appropriately interpreted.

      One of most intriguing results of the work is that PV interneurons in the DG of Scn1a+/- show only very minor impairments in young adult animals (they show more spike accommodation than in control animals). Rather, it seems that the GCs receive enhanced excitation from the entorhinal cortex. They perform a set of pharmacological experiments to prove that PV interneurons (and more generally inhibition) do not account for the difference in granule cell activation - however, here it would be useful to see the data summarized more consistently. It is difficult to interpret the pharmacological results (both of which are presented as changes in dF/F0) with respect to the initial findings of the manuscript (presented as estimated activation across the entire population). A beautiful aspect of this work is that it goes from cells to circuits to intact brain (in vivo). They nicely show that the heightened excitation from the EC to the DG is sufficient to drive seizures in the Scn1a+/- mice, and finally that since PVs are intact, they can be harnessed to balance out the over activation of GC via optogenetic stimulation of PVs.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The manuscript endeavors to explain the mechanism of action of a Gram-negative bacterial outer membrane (OM) TonB-dependent transporter (TBDT), that acquires metabolites (in this case vitamin B12) from the external environment. The authors use electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy to monitor the proximity of different parts of OM protein to one another during the binding of B12. Their data show that different conformations of the target protein occur during the binding of B12.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Inamdar et al. used biochemical and microscopy assays to investigate the role of I-BAR domain host proteins on HIV-1 assembly and release from HEK 293T and Jurkat cells. They show that siRNA knockdown of IRSp53, but not a similar I-BAR domain protein IRTKS, inhibits HIV-1 particle release from 293T cells after transfection of the HIV-1 provirus or HIV-1 Gag in cells. The authors then show that HIV-1 Gag associates with IRSp53 in the host cell membrane and cytoplasm, using biochemical assays and super resolution microscopy. In addition, IRSp53 is incorporated into HIV-1 particles along with other previously identified host proteins. Then using in vitro-derived membrane vesicles ("giant unilamellar vesicles" or GUVs), the authors indicate that HIV-1 Gag can associate with IRSp53, particularly on highly curved structures.

      The conclusions are largely supported data, with the virology and biochemical results being particularly strong, but the mechanistic studies in GUVs appear somewhat preliminary and are not entirely clear. The GUV experiments would benefit from better quantification of measurements and manipulation to simulate actual cellular scenarios. In addition, while it is appreciated that the HEK 293T cell line is convenient for biochemical and imaging studies, they are not biologically relevant HIV-1 target cells. While the authors present examples of reproducibility of their results in a CD4+ T cell line, these data are buried in the supplemental figures, whilst it would have been better to highlight them and perhaps include primary CD4+ T cells.

      1) Immortalized cell lines do not always recapitulate primary cells. It is unclear what the role of IRSp53 is in the membrane curvature of CD4+ T cells and whether expression levels and localization are consistent with Jurkat T cells.

      2) Description of some of the microscopy measurements could be improved. In lines 204-206 of the text and Figure S5, it is unclear how the localization of precision was determined to be approximately 16 nm for PALM-STORM. In Figure 4b, it is understood from the text (lines 252-256) that the red bars denote the Mander's coefficient for colocalization of the GFP-tagged proteins with Gag-mCherry (presumably the average of multiple experiments with standard deviations or errors of the mean, although this is not stated in the figure legend), it is unclear what the green bars are showing. Also, the histograms for IRSp53 and IRTKS colocalized with Gag look similar in Figure S10, suggesting that they are not different in Jurkat cells, but this is not addressed.

      3) GUVs are first referenced on page 7 after description of Figure 2, the significance of which is confusing to the reader. However, the actual experimental data are described on pages 12-13 and Figures 5 and S11. A better description of these structures would be warranted for an audience that is unfamiliar with them. In addition, the biologic concentrations of I-BAR proteins at cell membranes are not provided and it is unclear what conditions used in Figures 5 and S11 represent a "normal CD4+ T cell" situation. It appears that the advantage of this in vitro system is that different factors can be provided or removed to simulate different cellular scenarios. For example, relatively low IRSp53 concentrations may simulate siRNA knockdown experiments in Figure 1, which could recapitulate those results that less viral particles are released from the membrane. In addition, the authors state that HIV-1 Gag preferentially colocalizes with IRSp53 as the tips of the GUV tubular structures (Figure 5b,c), but this is not actually shown or quantified. Similar quantification as shown in Figure 1e could be performed to strengthen this argument.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Gentile, A. et al. generated snai1b mutant zebrafish embryos and showed that loss of Snai1b led to two mutant phenotypes in the heart: i) hearts with clear looping defects, ii) hearts without looping defects that displayed abnormal cardiomyocyte (CM) extrusion. The authors focused on the second class of mutants and found that loss of Snai1b led to reduction of N-cadherin at cell junctions and basal accumulation of phosphorylated myosin light chain and the α-18 epitope of α-catenin, indicative of mechanical activation. Bulk RNA-sequencing of isolated hearts revealed an upregulation of intermediate filament (IF) genes in Snai1b mutants, and of particular interest, the authors identified upregulation of the muscle-specific IF gene desmin b. Immunofluorescent imaging revealed that Desmin was not only upregulated in Snai1b mutants, but mis-localized away from cell junctions and accumulated at the basal side of extruding cells along with actomyosin machinery. Accordingly, CM-specific overexpression of Desmin was sufficient to promote cell extrusion.

      The presented work is particularly interesting because it identifies a new role for the Snai1b transcription factor in maintaining proper tissue structure, independent of its typical function in regulating epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). Overall, the experiments were well designed and controlled, and the data is clearly and logically presented. However, some of the findings could be explained by alternative hypotheses and other interesting aspects of the data were left unexplored.

      One hypothesis that was not sufficiently discussed is that loss of Snai1b may prevent cardiomyocytes from undergoing the EMT that is necessary for normal delamination and trabeculation, and thus cells are instead extruded away from the lumen to prevent overcrowding in the developing myocardium. In fact, the authors present evidence that EMT is blocked and acknowledge that extrusion is a known mechanism for preventing overcrowding. It would be interesting to see whether extrusion away from the lumen also occurs if EMT is blocked through other means.

      The authors show that extruding cells do not seem to be dead or dying, and that a small number of CMs do extrude in wild type embryos. This raises the intriguing possibility that some amount of CM extrusion is necessary for normal development and that these cells may give rise to epicardial or other cell types. Live-imaging and lineage-tracing studies would inform whether the extrusion observed in mutant embryos is an enhancement of a normal morphogenetic process or an additional abnormal response to loss of Snai1 function.

      One particularly interesting observation that was left unexplored was the identification of a second class of Snai1b mutants with defective heart looping. It isn't clear whether these embryos also display enhanced CM extrusion, or if there are other clearly aberrant cell behaviors. Furthermore, it would be very interesting to know whether there is any evidence that the defective looping is due to the same changes in cytoskeletal gene expression and protein organization observed in the class of Snai1b mutants that were detailed throughout the manuscript.

      The authors suggest that Snai1b regulates Desmin in two ways: 1) overall expression levels, and 2) post-translationally to control its localization at cell junctions. Although the first claim is sufficiently supported, the second claim lacks experimental evidence. An alternative explanation is that overexpression of Desmin in response to loss of Snai1b leads to mislocalization independent of an interaction with Snai1b. This point could be clarified by examining Desmin localization in the desmb overexpression system. In addition, assaying for co-IP of Snai1b and Desmin could demonstrate a direct interaction between the two and better support a role for Snai1 in regulating post-translational localization of Desmin.

      Although the authors convincingly show that Desmin accumulates with other contractile machinery at the basal side of extruding CMs in Snai1b muntants, additional evidence is needed to support a causal link between basal Desmin accumulation and extrusion. For instance, if knockdown or inhibition of Desmin prevents extrusion in the Snai1b mutants, the causal relationship would be much clearer.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This manuscript investigates the structure, electrophysiological and biological functions of a novel mechanosensitive channel from the parasitic protist Trypanosoma cruzi. The channel was identified bioinformatically as being significantly related in sequence to known mechanosensitive channels of the McsS superfamily. Studies on channel proteins in pathogenic protists such as trypanosomes are limited, and this investigation focuses on a previously unstudied mechanosensitive channel which is of potential interest to parasite biology, because trypanosomes are subjected to various mechanical stress forces during their life cycles.

      Analysis of the sequence of the TcMscS protein by bioinformatics and structural prediction concludes that it is relatively divergent from previously studied members of the family from other microorganisms. Of particular interest, the divergent C-terminal domain contains a proposed novel cytoplasmic gate that could filter solutes on the cytosolic side. These observations are predictive rather than data driven. The recombinant protein was expressed in E. coli giant spheroplasts and studied by cell-detached patch clamp electrophysiology. The authors have clearly demonstrated that the channel is activated by pressure steps and fluxes K+, Cl-, Ca2+, and they speculate that it may be able to transport osmolytes such as amino acids. Other well supported conclusions are that the channel is located primarily in the contractive vacuole complex (CVC) in insect vector stage epimastigotes, an organelle that expels water from the parasite, but it occupies a wider range of subcellular sites in infective metacyclic and bloodstream trypomastigotes, and it localizes primarily to the plasma membrane of amastigotes. Thus, the channel changes its location during the life cycle. A MscS knockout line was generated and demonstrably shown to have impaired cell volume regulatory responses when subjected to changes in extracellular osmolarity, decreased motility, reduced ability to transform into infective stages such as metacyclic trypomastigotes, amastigotes, and bloodstream trypomastigotes, and altered Ca2+ homeostasis. Hence, the biological impacts of this channel are broad and significant.

      A strength of the manuscript is that it is well-executed study and examines many aspects of channel function and biology. Precisely how the channel mediates the biological functions is less clear and will require future investigations. For instance, whether the channel has functions related to shear stresses encountered by the parasites when they enter host cells or extravasate through vasculature is currently rather speculative, albeit of considerable potential interest. How the channel mediates volume changes or affects motility is also unclear. In addition, the manuscript would benefit from some editing to make several points or interpretations clearer to the readers.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The sodium-coupled biogenic transporters DAT, NET and SERT, terminate the synaptic actions of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin, respectively. They belong to the family of Neurotransmitter:sodium:symporters. These transporters have very similar sequences and this is reflected at the structural level as judged by similarity of the crystal structures of the outward-facing conformations DAT and SERT. However, earlier functional studies indicated that transport by SERT is electroneutral because the charges sodium ions and substrate moving into the cell are compensated by the outward movement of potassium ions (or protons) to complete the transport cycle. On the other hand, DAT and NET are electrogenic. Moreover, potassium ions are not extruded by these transporters and the Authors set out to investigate if the electrogenicity is related to difference in potassium handling between SERT and the two other biogenic transporters. This was done by analyzing the role of intracellular cations and voltage on substrate transport by the three biogenic amine transporters. This was achieved by the simultaneous recording of uptake of the fluorescent substrate APP+ and the current induced by this process under voltage-clamp conditions by single HEK293 cells expressing the transporters. The Authors found that even though uptake by NET and DAT did not require internal potassium, these transporters could actually interact with internal potassium as judged by the voltage dependence of the so-called peak current. This voltage dependence was very steep in the absence of both sodium and potassium. However, in the presence of either cation this voltage dependence became less steep when either of these cations was present in the internal milieu, indicating that not only sodium but also potassium could bind from the inside. The same result was obtained with SERT. However, uptake by SERT was found to be much less dependent on the membrane voltage than that by DAT and NET and was stimulated by internal potassium, consistent with the proposed electroneutrality of the former. The observations indicate that the structural similarity of the three biogenic amine transporters is also reflected in their ability to bind potassium, even though this cation can translocate to the outside only in SERT.


      Development of a sophisticated technique to interrogate the mechanism of sodium coupled biogenic amine transport in single cells. Rigorous analysis of the data. Conclusions supported by the data. The methodology can be used to obtain novel insights into the mechanism of other transporters.


      The presentation could be made more "user friendly" by explaining in more detail what is happening as we go through the data. For instance, peak and steady state currents are shown already in Figure 1, but an (too brief) explanation is only provided when describing Figure 5. A schematic in the first part of the Results would be useful. Some information of on the structural background should be provided as well as a full description of the transport cycle, namely the number of sodium ions translocated per cycle and the argument why chloride remains bound to the transporter throughout the cycle. The control that in contrast to potassium, lithium is inert should be performed not only for DAT, but also for the two other transporters.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors developed an in vivo model of EBV's contribution to RA that recapitulates aspects of human disease. They examined the role of age-associated B cells and find that they are critical mediators of the viral-enhancement of arthritis.

      The manuscript is written in a well-structured form that facilitates the reading and following the incremental experimental setups. The manuscript is appropriate for publication after revisions.

      Some of the statistical measures did not show significant values while the author based several statements as if there is a difference (they rather used phrases as increased/fold change). Whether this is strong enough to support their statements is not clear.

      Overall, this report provides important insights regarding the association between latency, age-associated B cells, and the enhancement of RA in a mouse model. If these insights are translatable to RA immunology in humans is to be further investigated.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Proper sealing of the blood brain barrier (BBB) is essential for viability in many animals, including humans and Drosophila. In Li et al., the authors used Drosophila as a simple genetic system to define the signaling pathways that control BBB formation and maintenance. In Drosophila, the BBB is composed of a thin epithelial sheath of subperineural glia (SPG) that are connected by septate junctions. Previously, the authors found that the G protein-coupled receptor Moody is essential for BBB formation during embryogenesis, but the downstream signaling pathways that facilitate septate junction assembly were not known. Here, they performed a series of genetic screens and epistasis experiments to uncover that Moody and PKA antagonistic signaling drives BBB assembly and expansion throughout organismal development. In the present study, they show that loss of PKA signaling components results in a leaky BBB both during development, and during adulthood. They further show that these functions of PKA are dependent on downstream suppression of Rho and changes in cytoskeletal dynamics. Interestingly, overexpression of PKA also causes BBB permeability, indicating that PKA signaling levels must be tightly regulated for BBB integrity. The authors then use serial section TEM to visualize the intact SPG sheath for the first time at ultrastructural resolution, and show that overexpression of PKA results in an enlarged yet patchy septate junction, accounting for the leakiness. In sum, the authors show that the combined signaling of Moody (apically located) and PKA (basally located) shapes the cytoskeleton to drive efficient assembly and maintenance of septate junctions, and thus, the BBB.

      The conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by the data, but the study would be improved by some expanded analyses and descriptions of statistical assessment.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors have re-sequenced 310 quinoa accessions and carried out field phenotyping of the same set of accessions for two years in order to characterize genetic diversity and analyze the genetic basis of agronomically important traits.

      The main strength of the manuscript is that the authors have carefully characterized more than 300 quinoa accessions, achieving a sufficiently large population size for GWAS analysis with good statistical power. It is especially promising that the phenotypes all show high heritability. This indicates that the field phenotyping was of high quality and provides a good starting point for discovering relevant marker-trait associations. In addition, the authors provide convincing evidence for distinct population characteristics of highland and lowland quinoa, adding additional information compared to previous work (Maughan, 2012).

      The weak points are related to the genotype data and the conclusions drawn based on the GWAS analysis.

      1) An important issue is related to the relatively low depth of coverage (4-10x) that was used for re-sequencing. Across the accessions, there is a pronounced negative correlation between the mean sequencing depth and the heterozygosity level, indicating that heterozygotes are overcalled in individuals with low coverage. This also results in heterozygosity levels that are generally higher than expected for what is assumed to be mainly homozygous inbred lines.

      2) Another potential issue concerns SNPs called in repetitive regions. Among the significant GWAS SNPs identified, a very large proportion appears to be found in intergenic regions. While this does not rule out that some of them are genuinely important associations, it does suggest a potentially high level of noise in the GWAS results. In addition to the filtering already imposed, which includes a filter for mapping quality, the SNPs called in intergenic regions with unusually high coverage could be more closely examined to determine the extent of the issue. Masking repetitive genomic regions using RepeatMasker or similar programs could be useful.

      3) When the authors discuss their GWAS results, they frequently focus on cherry-picked candidate genes, although, in several cases, the top SNPs in the region in question are not found within these candidates. A more broad focus on all genes within the LD blocks, while still mentioning the candidate genes, would be more informative.

      4) The manuscript includes statements that a particular genotype "results in" some phenotypic outcome, although no causal relationship has been demonstrated. In general, there is a tendency to draw too strong conclusions based on the GWAS results.

      5) As this is primarily a resource paper, the authors should make the complete genotype and phenotype data as well as the layout of the field trials available. It would not be possible to reproduce the GWAS analysis based on the data included with the current version. They should also clarify how the quinoa accessions described will be made accessible to the community and provide all scripts used for data analysis through GitHub or a similar repository.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Cole and co-authors report the development of a novel immunofluorescence technique, where targets of interest are analysed over iterative cycles of staining-imaging-elution(stripping). This method allows for the multiplexed analysis of protein targets, well beyond the usual constraints of such technique (limited by availability of filters and non-overlapping wavelengths of fluorophores). The authors also present several applications of such technique, highlighting how the advantage of being able to record additional parameters (such as cell morphology) can be an advantage over more high-throughput methods such as spatial-resolved transcriptomics.

      The technique has been carefully tested. Staining for the same markers after several rounds of stripping/reprobing shows high concordance, indicating that the iterative treatment and staining of the same tissue section is not altering the detection of protein markers.

      The authors tested staining with a total of 18 antibodies, and suggest that this number can be increased arbitrarily, as the number of iterations is not limited. Further, they suggest that this technique can be applied to virtually any tissue. It is quite possible that this technique can be readily applied to any other tissue, as the only constraint seem to be the robustness of antibodies. The authors may include the suggestion that previous success of immunofluorescence on a particular tissue type could be a good indication for the success of the iterative staining.

      The proposed 4i method is quite interesting, has great potential and is likely to be of very wide interest.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This manuscript seeks to provide mechanistic insight into the role of GJA1-20k in mitochondrial changes that protect against ischemia-reperfusion damage. In previous studies, this group has shown that GJA1-20k protein increases in response to ischemic stress, localizes to mitochondria, promotes mitochondrial biogenesis, and mimics ischemic preconditioning protection in the heart. These changes did not coincide with changes in mitochondrial dynamics proteins, but the increase in GJA1-20k provides protection through an unknown mechanism. This makes it a potentially attractive therapeutic candidate for protection against ischemia.

      The evidence in this manuscript shows that mitochondrial size is affected by GJA1-20k, as over-expression of this fragment reduced mitochondrial area. The authors argue that this change in morphology is independent of Drp1 activity, and actin dynamics drive mitochondrial division. These ultrastructural changes coincide with cytoprotective effects during reperfusion following ischemic events by limiting ROS production.


      The data on ultrastructural changes is convincing, and GJA1-20k induced a decrease in mitochondrial size. The imaging looks good and quantification is helpful in the evaluating the impact of these changes.

      To complement the use of proposed Drp1 inhibitors, the authors use genetic knock-down (KD) of Drp1, and the KD looks robust. Still see some Drp1 colocalization on the mitochondria in the KD, but the levels are diminished.

      The decrease in ROS when HEK cells were treated with H2O2 is convincing. And this coincides with the decreased respiration capacity observed in the Seahorse analysis. This provides some mechanistic insight about a specific change in mitochondrial function that contributes to the protective effects observed.


      With the introduction of GJA1-20k, there is clearly a difference in mitochondrial size, and total mitochondrial content appears unaltered (i.e. Tom20 does not increase). Previously it was suggested that mitochondrial biogenesis was increased with increased levels of GJA1-20k. Is this a difference in the cellular model (HEK) and do the changes in cell culture accurately recapitulate the changes seen in animals? Having more mitochondrial mass despite decrease in the avg. size of these organelles may represent an important difference.

      Mdivi-1 is not a selective Drp1 inhibitor. It is a Complex I inhibitor, leading to unintended changes in mitochondrial dynamics in response to ETC stress. Rather than Mdivi-1, a dominant negative Drp1 mutant K38A could be overexpressed to see whether this prevents GJA1-20k-mediated fission. If it still goes through, then I agree that Drp1 is not involved at all.

      For the kinetics studies (see Fig 4), I think it is important to measure the timing of the actin recruitment and eventual fission when Drp1 is knocked down and/or when a DN mutant (K38A) is involved. Again, I do not trust the chemical inhibitor (Mdivi-1) data since this does not inhibit Drp1 activity.

      The assessment of the impact of ischemic stress with the heterozygous animal (M213L/WT) is hard to interpret. How reduced is the expression of GJA1-20k in these animals and how is mitochondrial function impacted based on Seahorse analysis? The mitochondrial morphology is not altered in these animals, so would mitochondrial function be largely unchanged as well? It is not clear how much GJA1-20k is needed to observe changes in mitochondrial shape and function, and comparisons with the homozygous mutant (M213L/M213L) are not the same, making it difficult to resolve the interpretation of these data.

      It is still unclear to me how GJA1-20k is affecting mitochondrial size and function. Based on previous papers, this peptide localizes to the surface of mitochondria, but it is not clear how, or whether, it directly facilitates actin recruitment. The interplay with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), which can nucleate actin at sites of mitochondrial fission, was not examined. If actin is driving membrane remodeling, is it mediated by ER crossover at these sites?

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Nguyen Lam Vuong et al performed a nested case control study of a multisite, multicountry prospective dengue study (IDAMS) to identify early biomarkers at day 1-3 of illness onset that predicts for severe dengue of ten biomarkers. Ten biomarkers from the inflammatory, immune or vascular pathways (VCAM-1,SDC-1, Ang-2, IL-8, IP-10, IL-1RA, sCD163, sTREM-1, ferritin, CRP) were chosen based on prior literature and understanding of dengue pathogenesis in severe disease. The biomarkers were measured at two time points: at enrollment (illness day 1-3) and after recovery(day 10-31 ). They find moderate-to strong positive correlations for some markers, particular IP-10 and IL-1RA, and IP-10 and VCAM-1, ( Spearman's rank correlation coefficients above 0.6). Interestingly, in their single modal analysis, they also find differences in biomarkers levels in children compared to adults, Associations between SDC-1 and IL-8 and the S/MD endpoint were stronger in adults than children, while the effects of IL-1RA and ferritin were stronger in children than adults. When global analysis was performed, only SDC-1 and IL-1RA were the most stable relative to the single models for both children and adults. And the the differences of the associations between children and adults were more marked, particularly for Ang-2, IL-8 and ferritin. When the biomarkers were combined, for children, the best subset that showed the clearest association with S/MD was the combination of the six markers IL-1RA, Ang-2, IL-8, ferritin, IP-10, and SDC-1 with an AIC of 465.9. For adults, the best subset included the seven markers SDC-1, IL-8, ferritin, sTREM-1, IL-1RA, IP-10, and sCD163 This manuscript certainly provides useful insight into the biomarkers that are involved in the early phase of dengue before onset of vascular leakage or severe dengue which is valuable as most previous publications mainly focused on measurement of these markers after onset of severe disease which was often too late for meaningful interpretation of the disease biology or of limited clinical utility. The conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by data, but some aspects of study and data analysis need to be clarified in order to improve understanding of the statistical methodology and readability.

      Major Strengths:

      • More than 7000 participants ( children and adults) in eight countries across Asia and Latin America were enrolled in the IDAMS study
      • Prospective and systematic blood sampling starting from day 1 of illness onset
      • Cases were laboratory confirmed via PCR or NS1 testing
      • Cases and control were fairly well- matched
      • Strong rationale for selection of host biomarkers


      • Three quarter of cases from one country
      • Serotype-1 biased

      Specific comments to address:

      1) For general ease of readership, it would greatly help if the authors can explain the choice of the statistical method used in the data analysis and perhaps briefly explain the model and how AIC should be interpreted in the main rather than the supplementary text).

      2) While this reviewer understands that the authors want to focus on host immune and inflammatory biomarkers but it would be helpful if NS1 and viremia data are also shown ( at least in supplementary data) if these have been found not to correlate with disease severity.

      3) It is Interesting to note that some biomarkers ( particularly the vascular markers) in severe group do not return to the same baseline as mild cases at convalescence even after >20 days. Whether such individuals already are at higher inflammatory state at baseline (pre-infection) as a result of underlying co-morbidities such as obesity or diabetes? Table 1 did not provide such information but would be interesting to show if there is any difference in health state in the 2 groups especially for obesity.

      4) It is rather confusing that the 2nd paragraph of discussion stated "Balancing model fit, robustness, and parsimony, we suggest the combination of five biomarkers IL-1RA, Ang-2, IL-8, ferritin, and IP-10 for children, and the combination of three biomarkers SDC-1, IL-8, and ferritin for adults to be used in practice."

      But the concluding paragraph went on to state "The best biomarker combination for children includes IL-1RA, Ang-2, IL-8, ferritin, IP-10, and SDC-1; for adults, SDC-1, IL-8, ferritin, sTREM-1, IL-1RA, IP-10, and sCD163 were selected." This should be clarified further.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this paper McPherson and Bandres investigated temporal and regional features of spontaneous neural activity in the spinal cord of anesthetized unconscious rats from multi-unit electrophysiological recordings of neuronal activity in the lumbar spinal cord. Spontaneous temporally correlated neural activity in the mammalian central nervous system during unconsciousness is a feature of supraspinal circuits, and recent studies from resting-state fMRI in the spinal cord of non-human primate and in the human spinal cord indicate that spontaneous activity in the absence of sensory stimulus-evoked activity and spontaneous motor output is also a basic property of spinal cord circuits. Here the authors sought to provide more direct evidence of robust and temporally correlated spontaneous neuronal activity in the in vivo mammalian spinal cord by applying correlation-based analyses of activity with single neuron resolution from multi-unit electrophysiological recordings simultaneously in several dorsal and ventral regions of a lumbar spinal cord segment. They successfully demonstrated robust spontaneous activity in these regions, and their correlation analyses of temporal features of this activity, to infer functional connectivity between spontaneously co-active neuronal units, suggests functional connectivity between sensory- and motor-dominant regions of the spinal cord, in addition to intraregional connectivity. This includes finding evidence for mono- and di-synaptic neuronal interactions as well as excitatory and some inhibitory interactions. Evidence is also presented that the spatiotemporal patterns of this spontaneous activity could not be explained theoretically by randomly spiking interconnected neurons, leading the authors to speculate that the spontaneous activity is intrinsic to the spinal cord and may reflect some type of replay of more structured experience-dependent patterns occurring during conscious behavior. The origins and functional significance of this temporally correlated spontaneous activity, however, remain to be determined.

      Strengths of the paper include: (1) Clearly presented descriptions of the authors' procedures for recordings of multi-unit electrophysiological activity with a dual-shank 32 channel microelectrode array positioned at lateral and medial regions of the lumbar hemi-cord. (2) Novel reconstructions of functional connectivity maps, from correlation-based analyses, which enabled some topological features of the activity correlations to be represented from microelectrode array geometry and location within the rat spinal cord. (3) Novel results at the single neuron level potentially indicating spontaneous functional connectivity between sensory and motor regions in the unconscious animal. (4) Appropriate discussion of important caveats associated with technical aspects of their correlation analyses including problems for inferring functional connectivity in the presence of polysynaptic connection pathways and shared synaptic inputs as well as limitations of detecting inhibitory connections via correlation-based approaches. (5) Insightful discussion of possible functions of persistent spontaneous connectivity during unconsciousness in the spinal cord including latent activity in spinal central pattern generators or ongoing activity of circuits involved in maintenance/regulation of physiological processes under anesthesia.

      Weaknesses of the experimental approach and for potential functional interpretations include (1) the need for more elaboration of technical details about how the temporal correlations of neuronal activity was performed, and (2) electrophysiological measurements were confined to a single lumbar spinal segment, so that origins of the spontaneous activity including interactions between spinal and supraspinal regions, interactions between various spinal segments, and contributions of sensory afferent feedback despite anesthesia, could not be established. While attributing the patterns of spontaneous activity found to reflect intrinsic spinal circuit activity, the authors did not fully explore possible contributions of sensory afferent feedback, for example, by employing local deafferentation.

      The results presented in general suggest spontaneous temporally correlated neural activity in the spinal cord during unconsciousness, consistent with the concept that such activity may be a general property of central nervous system circuits.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Wodeyar et al. suggest a new method for estimating the phase of oscillatory signals in real-time, based on a state-space objective. They test their approach in simulations and data and present evidence for higher accuracy compared to standard methods based on band-pass filtering. While I especially find the possibility of credible intervals highly interesting in this context, the relationship of credible intervals to an amplitude criterion threshold criterion, customary employed by standard approaches should be elucidated more, it's not clear to whether this practically results in very similar outcomes. In addition, it would be good to see clarifications on the underlying data generating process and physiological motivation for the provided simulations. It would increase accessibility of the manuscript, if the text would be more self-contained & more methodological details were included.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors effectively utilized Beta5T-iCre to specifically manipulate beta-catenin expression in TECs and definitively showed that careful control of beta-catenin within TECs is needed for the proper development of TEC microenvironments critical for T cell development.


      1) The methods used allowed the authors to effectively targeted TECs while avoiding extrathymic side effects of manipulating beta-catenin in ways that impacted skin or other tissues leading to abortive development or improper separation of the thymus and parathyroid.

      2) The results showed that beta-catenin GOF specifically in TECs results in thymic dysplasia and loss of thymic T cell development.

      3) The results from the analysis of beta-catenin LOF indicate that beta-catenin in TECs is not essential for the generation of functional TECs that support T cell development but the loss of beta-catenin in TECs results in the reduction in the number of cTECs, which leads to the reduction in the number of thymocytes during the postnatal period.

      4) The results demonstrated that GOF of beta-catenin in TECs results in trans-differentiation of TECs into terminally differentiated keratinocytes.


      The fact that beta5T expression is restricted primarily to cTECs suggests that the models used may not accurately capture the impacts of gain of function and loss of function of beta-catenin to mTECs and the maintenance of the medulla in postnatal mice. Given that beta5T-expressing cells have been shown to give rise to both cTECs and mTECs during fetal development the models may more closely demonstrate the importance of fine-tuning beta-catenin expression during fetal development while missing impacts on postnatal mTECs.

      The authors achieved their aims and the results strongly support their conclusions.

      The work clearly demonstrates the importance of proper regulation of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in the development and maintenance of TEC microenvironments and should lead to more interest in defining the specific Wnts and Frizzleds that are important in the development and postnatal maintenance of specific TEC subsets. This work will be important in identifying clinical strategies to counteract thymic involution and the subsequent loss of T cell function.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Xiang and Bartel explores the molecular coupling of poly(A) tail length and translational efficiency (TE) in frog oocytes and various mammalian cell lines. From their experiments they draw several broad conclusions. Firstly, it is that limiting amounts of PABPC in frog oocytes is the basis for coupling between poly(A) tail length and TE. Secondly, in mammalian somatic cell lines PABPC contributes little to TE and transcript with TUT4 and TUT7-mediated uridylation promoting degradation of transcript with short poly(A) tails. Overall, the experimental design is excellent. The conclusions drawn from the frog oocytes are strongly supported by the data provided whereas the cell line studies are more open to interpretation due to the drastic consequences of PABPC depletion.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Ma et al investigate the effect of racial and ethnic differences in SARS-CoV-2 infection risk on the herd immunity threshold of each group. Using New York City and Long Island as model settings, they construct a race/ethnicity-structured SEIR model. Differential risk between racial and ethnic groups was parameterized by fitting each model to local seroprevalence data stratified demographically. The authors find that when herd immunity is reached, cumulative incidence varies by more than two fold between ethnic groups, at approximately 75% of Hispanics or Latinos and only 30% of non-Hispanic Whites.

      This result was robust to changing assumptions about the source of racial and ethnic disparities. The authors considered differences in disease susceptibility, exposure levels, as well as a census-driven model of assortative mixing. These results show the fundamentally inequitable outcome of achieving herd immunity in an unmitigated epidemic.

      The authors have only considered an unmitigated epidemic, without any social distancing, quarantine, masking, or vaccination. If herd immunity is achieved via one of these methods, particularly vaccination, the disparities may be mitigated somewhat but still exist. This will be an important question for epidemiologists and public health officials to consider throughout the vaccine rollout.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this work, Chattaraj and colleagues utilize simulation models to study collective behaviors of molecules with multiple binding sites (multivalency). When the concentrations are low, the molecules do not bind to each other frequently, and they are called free. On the other hand, if the concentrations increase, they start to bind and eventually form a wide network of molecules connected by molecular binding. This transition can be considered as a model for liquid-liquid phase separation. Their major claim is that the solubility product, a simple product of the concentrations of the free molecules, can be used as a proxy to the phase separation threshold (known as the saturation concentration). They observed in various simulation conditions that as the total concentration of molecules increases, the solubility product first increases but eventually converges to a certain value, and the value is consistent over different simulation conditions. The value is the upper limit of the solubility product, after which the molecules start to form a molecular network.

      After establishing the model, they tested systems with different valences. Higher valency leads to reduction of the threshold (and phase separation occurs at lower concentrations). The theory was also valid for systems with non-equal valences (e.g. pentavalent A + trivalent B). They applied their models to a three-component system, and found that the results qualitatively explain the published experimental patterns. Lastly, using off-lattice coarse-grained simulations, they show that the linker flexibility and the spacing of binding sites are important determinants of the threshold, which confirms the findings from other computational and experimental works.

      The authors successfully defend their claim by using different types of simulations, and their methods to crosscheck the physical validity of their models may be useful for other simulation works. For example, the authors checked if increasing the number of molecules and reducing the system size give the same results for equal concentrations. Also, they employed two different methods (so-called FTC and CMC in the manuscript) to determine the threshold concentrations. However, the conclusions are not easily transferable to real biopolymer systems, since it is hard to determine the valences (and binding affinities) of biopolymers such as intrinsically disordered proteins.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This study sought to identify essential features of ESCRT-III subunits, with a focus on the yeast proteins Vps2 and Vps24, in order to reveal the required features of both subunits. The combined genetic and biochemical studies solidified the model that essential functions of ESCRT-III polymers - spiral formation, lateral association, and binding of Vps4 - are mostly distributed between different subunits (with some redundancy) and can be engineered into a single polypeptide. This study also sheds light on the long-standing and initially surprising finding that ESCRT-dependent budding of HIV does not require CHMP3 (Vps24), presumably because the distribution of distinct functions between different ESCRT-III subunits is not absolute.

      Inspired by earlier studies, the ability of overexpression of one ESCRT-III subunit to compensate for deletion of another subunit was explored using sorting assays. The demonstration of partial rescue inspired a mutagenesis approach that identified three residues that cluster on one face of a helix that enhanced rescue, and therefore confer functionality that in wt is primarily provided in the deleted subunits, which in this case is binding to Snf7. Extension of this analysis by protein engineering further demonstrated that the essential role of recruiting the Vps4 ATPase is normally performed by Vps2 but can be transferred to Vps24 by substitution of residues near the ESCRT-III subunit C-terminus. Similarly, it is shown that sequences that alter the propensity for bending of a helix at a point where open and closed ESCRT-III subunits differ in conformation contributed to the ability of Vps24 to substitute for deletion of Vps2, presumably by conferring the ability to adopt the open, activated conformation as well as the closed conformation.

      I don't have concerns about design or technical aspects of the experimental approach.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Maltese et al performed 2p imaging of both dSPNs and iSPNs at the same time, while focusing on correlates of forward locomotion. The modulation of dSPN ensembles in response to DA agonism or antagonism was mostly consistent with classic models, although they also observed an 'inverted U-shape' response to D1R agonsists. In addition, they found distinct modulation of dSPN and iSPN ensembles in DA-intact and Parkinsonian mice.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Mark and colleagues set out to examine the relationship between neuronal targeting and connectivity and the developmental history of neurons. Specifically, the authors examine if, how and to what extent hemilineage identity combined with temporal birth order can explain neuronal connectivity. To this end they use the fly larval nerve cord with its EM-level resolution of connectivity and prior knowledge about hemilineage identity and birth order as a model.

      General comments:

      The manuscript represents a comprehensive, thorough and deep analysis of the system. The descriptive elements are outstanding, and the analysis of how Notch activity correlates with hemilineage targeting is of great interest. While understanding the relationship between connectivity diagrams and developmental history, including the role of Notch signaling, is not new, the scale of the analysis presented here is key because it allows - in principle - the drawing of general conclusions. The main "weakness" of the manuscript is not in the work itself but rather some of the key conclusions drawn from the data which often somewhat beyond what the data alone would support, especially in terms of the developmental mechanisms involved in establishing connectivity. With one partial exception (Notch gain of function experiments), the work essentially represents (very important) correlation analysis between the various parameters. While the authors are of course free to interpret their data as per their own views and biases, they do need to either tone down their, often categorical, statements and soften their conclusions, or perform further analysis to examine whether some of the stronger conclusions they draw are justified.

      Specific comments:

      1) Figure 1; page 3: The authors refer to the "striking" similarity between EM reconstructions and GFP filled clones and yet there are clear differences in some of the clones in the extent and localization of arborization. This may be in part technical but almost certainly also reflects inter individual differences in single neuron morphology. Since EM reconstructions presumably come for, one animal, the use of GFP clones allows the authors to map the degree of variation between clones and it would be interesting for them to show this.

      2) Figures 2 and 4; pages 3-5: Along the same lines as above, the authors make categorical statements about the mapping of arbors to dorsal and ventral regions of the nerve cord and correlate that to hemilineage identity. Again, there is clear mixing in almost all neuroblast lineages, that seems to range from 15-30% as a rough estimate, and perhaps a bit more dorsally than ventrally, which the authors do not comment on (except to say it's "mostly non-overlapping"). This is a pity because they obviously have the tools to do so quantitatively and the information is already there in their data.

      3) The analysis of Notch activity in hemilineages is excellent and very interesting, as is the new tool they develop. However, the analysis lacks loss of Notch function data and where and when Notch signaling is required to segregate the connectivity space (i.e. in neurons or in precursors such as Nbs and GMCs). Is this a binary fate specification mechanism or lateral inhibition among competing neurons? What about Notch activity manipulation in single neurons? If the authors wish to draw strong conclusions about the role of Notch in segregating target space and its relation to hemilineage identity, these experiments are essential. Alternatively, drawing subtler conclusions and acknowledging these caveats would be very welcome.

      4) Figure 7; Page 7: The authors state that 75% of hemilineage neurons correlated by temporal identity are separated by 2 synapses or less, suggesting greater connectivity than expected. How are these data normalized? What is the expected connectivity between neurons that are less related along these two developmental axes?

      5) Figure 8; page 7 and discussion: The authors conclude that the combination between temporal identity and hemilineage identity predicts connectivity beyond what would be predicted by spatial proximity alone. This conclusion is problematic at least two levels. First, practically what really matters for proximity is proximity during the time in development when synapses are forming between neuronal pairs, not proximity at the end in the final pattern. Second, conceptually, opposing spatio-temporal mechanisms with proximity-based bias for connectivity makes no sense because that's exactly what spatio-temporal mechanisms achieve: getting neurons to the same space at the same time so connectivity can happen. At any rate, drawing strong conclusions about where and when neurons meet to form (or not form) synapses requires live imaging and absent that authors should refrain from making such a string statement about what their excellent correlative dataset means.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript Lituma and colleagues investigate a potential role for presynaptic NMDARs at hippocampal mossy fiber (MF) synapses in regulating synaptic transmission. The combined use of electron microscopy, electrophysiology, optogenetics, calcium imaging, and genetic manipulations expertly employed by the authors yields high quality compelling evidence that presynaptic NMDARs can participate in activity dependent short term facilitation of release onto postsynaptic CA3 pyramid and mossy cell targets but not onto inhibitory interneurons. Moreover, presynaptic NMDAR activation is demonstrated to be particularly effective in promoting BDNF release from MF boutons. The investigation is well designed with a clear hypothesis, appropriate methodological considerations, and logical flow yielding results that fully support he authors conclusions. The manuscript fills an important gap in our understanding of MF regulation by unambiguously confirming a functional role for presynaptic NMDARs that were first described anatomically at MF terminals nearly 30 years ago. Combined with a handful of other studies describing presynaptic NMDARs at various central synapses this study expands the role of NMDARs as critical players in synaptic plasticity on both sides of the cleft.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The current experiment tests whether the attentional blink is affected by higher-order regularity based on rhythmic organization of contextual features (pitch, color, or motion). The results show that this is indeed the case: the AB effect is smaller when two targets appeared in two adjacent cycles (between-cycle condition) than within the same cycle defined by the background sounds. Experiment 2 shows that this also holds for temporal regularities in the visual domain and Experiment 3 for motion. Additional EEG analysis indicated that the findings obtained can be explained by cortical entrainment to the higher-order contextual structure. Critically feature-based structure of contextual rhythms at 2.5 Hz was correlated with the strength of the attentional modulation effect.

      This is an intriguing and exciting finding. It is a clever and innovative approach to reduce the attention blink by presenting a rhythmic higher-order regularity. It is convincing that this pulling out of the AB is driven by cortical entrainment. Overall, the paper is clear, well written and provides adequate control conditions. There is a lot to like about this paper. Yet, there are particular concerns that need to be addressed. Below I outline these concerns:

      1) The most pressing concern is the behavioral data. We have to ensure that we are dealing here with a attentional blink. The way the data is presented is not the typical way this is done. Typically in AB designs one see the T2 performance when T1 is ignored relative to when T1 has to be detected. This data is not provided. I am not sure whether this data is collected but if so the reader should see this.

      2) Also, there is only one lag tested. The ensure that we are dealing here with a true AB I would like to see that more than one lag is tested. In the ideal situation a full AB curve should be presented that includes several lags. This should be done for at least for one of the experiments. It would be informative as we can see how cortical entrainment affects the whole AB curve.

      3) Also, there is no data regarding T1 performance. It is important to show that this the better performance for T2 is not due to worse performance in detecting T1. So also please provide this data.

      4) The authors identify the oscillatory characteristics of EEG signals in response to stimulus rhythms, by examined the FFT spectral peaks by subtracting the mean power of two nearest neighboring frequencies from the power at the stimulus frequency. I am not familiar with this procedure and would like to see some justification for using this technique

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Previously published work had shown that small clusters of N protein can be observed at the newly forming interface between pIIa and pIIb and that these clusters are the source of nuclear N intracellular domain (NICD) following N activation by its ligand Delta (Dl). In this manuscript the authors have used live imaging of fluorescently tagged proteins to study the contribution of several regulators of apical-basal cell polarity and of N signaling to the formation of these N clusters. Their analysis revealed differences in the localization of polarity and junction markers between the SOP daughters and surrounding epithelial cells, confirming that the pIIa/pIIb interface has special features different from epidermal epithelial cells. They found that the polarity regulator Bazooka (Baz), the homolog of mammalian Par3, colocalizes with N in the clusters and is required for efficient cluster formation. Two other polarity regulators, Crumbs (Crb) and atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) do not colocalize with N and Baz in the clusters but are found in intracellular vesicles in pIIa and pIIb, in contrast to the surrounding epithelial cells where they localize at the apical plasma membrane. Two regulators of N signaling, Neuralized (Neur) and Sanpodo (Spdo) also localize in the clusters together with N and Baz, whereas the N ligand Dl and the negative regulator of N signaling, Numb (Nb) are not detectable in the clusters.

      To test the functional contribution of the proteins mentioned above to formation of the clusters at the pIIa/pIIb interface, the function of the corresponding genes was eliminated by mutation, RNA interference, or ubiquitin-mediated degradation (degradFP). The authors found that Baz and Spdo are required for efficient cluster formation, while Neur, Dl and Nb are negative regulators of cluster formation. In the absence of these three proteins, N clusters are more frequent and show brighter fluorescence signals.

      The data also confirm the intimate connection between N signaling and cell polarity. Nonethless, the data do not reveal a novel mechanism but rather describe a cell-biological phenomenon in greater detail than before. Thus, the data are certainly of great interest to specialists in the field, but it is less clear whether they will have a greater impact in the general cell biology or signaling community.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary of goals:

      In the moth Helicoverpa armigera the authors examined whether projection neurons from different antennal lobe tracts encoding sex-pheromone components with different valence occupy distinct projection areas in the protocerebrum of the midbrain.

      Strengths and weaknesses of methods and results:

      Methods chosen are adequate and state of the art. In vivo calcium imaging allowed for more easy imaging of a population of neurons, in search for statistically significant responses to pheromone components of different concentrations, quality, and valence. The main, general drawbacks of calcium imaging is the lower temporal resolution that does not allow for detection of single action potentials at the scale of few ms and the inability of fine spatial resolution of projection patterns of single neurons. This was compensated for by excellent intracellular recordings of single antennal lobe projection neurons, stainings of single cells, and embedding in the 3D standardized H. armigera brain. The data a very carefully analyzed with adequate analysis software and adequate statistical analysis and the most relevant results are shown in very good Figures. I also very much appreciate all of the supplementary figures. I do not see any relevant weakness in the methods and the respective results. However, as outlined in detail in the reply to the authors, the wording of the manuscript can be improved, to make it clearer and understandable without the need to read previous publications.

      Everybody working with odors knows about the difficulty to precisely control and measure the exact molar concentration of odorants applied. But since the authors showed in previous publications that they take great care to control odor stimuli they should include also in the Material and Methods of this publication more details about concentration of the respective odor stimuli or mixtures employed.

      Did they achieve their aims? Do data support conclusions?

      Yes, the data support their conclusions as clearly shown in their excellent recordings, their excellent combination of physiological and morphological analysis, as well as their thorough statistical analysis.

      Discussion of the likely impact of the work on the field, utility of methods:

      This is an excellent, synergistic collaboration of different international experts in insect olfaction. It is still under-estimated how important the combination of single cell analysis in intracellular recordings with neural network analysis via calcium imaging is. Schemes of frequency encoding versus temporal encoding can only be deciphered with a clever combination of these techniques. This manuscript adds important insights into information processing of olfactory stimuli of antagonistic valence. It starts to become clear that in different sensory systems valence of aversive versus attractive sensory stimuli is processed in parallel pathways. Most likely antagonistic pathways connected to different neuronal units in premotor areas of the midbrain, connecting to parallel de- and ascending pathways of central pattern generators in the thorax. In addition, the current work provides relevant new information about processing of pheromone information in the different antennal lobe tracts in another important species. Thus, we may be one step closer to the future manipulation of sexual reproduction of specific insect pests.

      Context for others for interpretations:

      Sympatric heliothine moths use the same sex-pheromone components but at different concentration ratios, allowing for distinction of species that do not inter-mate. Thus, understanding how pheromone components at defined concentrations with opposite valence are processed in the brain to guide aversive or attractive behavioral interactions is relevant not only for determining principles of higher-order olfactory processing, but also to understand evolution of new species.

    1. Reviewer 3 (Public Review):

      In this work, the authors study the role of Adgrg6 in spine alignment. Using a battery of tissue-specific Cre deleter lines, they show that Adgrg6 activity in intervertebral disc (IVD), ligament and tendon cells is necessary to prevent spine misalignment. The finding that the phenotype appears around postnatal day 20 associates it with the human disorder adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. The authors show reduction in the phosphorylation of CREB in cartilage cells from Adgrg6 KO spine, suggesting a molecular entry point into this regulatory mechanism. Additionally, loss-of-function of Adgrg6 leads to a postnatal phenotype, indicating that its activity is important already in the embryo. Finally, they show involvement of Adgrg6 in regulating mechanical properties of tendons.

      It would have been interesting to see if there is early indication for abnormality before the onset of scoliosis by showing histology and gene expression in cartilage, tendon and IVD of P10 mice.

      Overall, it is an interesting and important paper, but it would have benefited from better organisation of the Results section.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors have have convincingly demonstrated that modifying residues in the KDEL signal peptide and/or receptor can have a dramatic effect on retrograde targeting and their binding affinities. At a simplistic level, the structure of the electrostatic surface of the KDEL is very positively charged and then transitions into a negatively charged surface. The transition point from negative to positive charge is exactly at the level of the -4 position. As such, a bunch of arginine residues in the receptor progressively engage the signal until its locked in place by salt-bridges (E-117/D50) to the "K/H/R"-residue. In addition, pi-cation interactions between a tryptophan residue and the "K/H/R"- residue in the -4 position are important. To validate and quantify interactions, crystal structures have been solved with the HDEL and RDEL peptides and computational studies have analysed the pi-cation interactions. Moreover, differences are discussed between the tighter (HDEL) vs. weaker (KDEL) binding peptides in context with the differences in pH between the Golgi and ER.


      The authors build upon their previous crystal structure of the KDEL receptor and the Newstead and Barr groups team up to provide a strong scientific approach combining structure-function analysis with trafficking and cell biology to yield important molecular insights into the recognition of ER-retention signals by the KDEL receptor. This paper is technically strong and well-written in most parts. They are able to build a connection between the variation of ER-retention signals "K/H-DEL" binding affinities with their pH dependancies and the natural abundance of ER proteins.


      The authors have not made detailed pH dependent profiles for the "R"-DEL retention signal. This is an important comparative control, because unlike lysine and histidine, arginine has a very high pKa and will therefore always remain protonated. The authors refer to the "acidic" Golgi versus the neutral pH of the ER. However, it would be more correct to refer to the mildy acidic Golgi vs neutral pH of the ER and give the pH values of 7.4 for ER and pH 6.2 for the Golgi lumen. This sets up the scientific question to be more nuanced, as its only a pH difference of around 0.5 to 1.0 pH units. The authors have not included the computational estimates for the pKa values of the "K/R/H"-DEL residues nor the comparative pH dependence of KDEL and RDEL binding affinities, which is needed to properly asses the influence of differences in pH between Golgi and ER organelles and functional significance of the RDEL variant in particular.

  2. Apr 2021
    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      It is generally thought that the cerebellum is primarily involved in the short-timescale control of movements, while motor cortex is involved in motor planning. The present paper follows classic studies in primates and a recent study in mouse that investigated the role of cortico-cerebellar loops in motor control. To date, studies in both species applied perturbations to the cerebellum to then study changes in cortical activity. For example, it has been long known that cooling deep cerebellar nucleus produces changes in the responses of motor cortex neurons in primate (e.g., Meyer-Lohmann et al., 1975). Further, Gao and colleagues' recent paper (Nature 2018) used optogenetics to perturb responses in the deep cerebellar nucleus before licking movements. The authors of this 2018 nature paper conclude that persistent neural dynamics are maintained during voluntary movements by connectivity in within this cortico-cerebellar loop.

      The experiments are well performed, and the results are logically organized and presented. However, a main concern is that the authors have not well justified that these experiments prove a conceptual advance. The conclusions appear to be largely consistent with those of prior work, both regarding changes in the responses of motor cortex neurons, and resultant (subtle) changes in behavior (i.e., altered arm kinematics). The impact of the paper would be improved if the authors adapted a more precise style of reporting the novelty of their results throughout.

      Major concerns:

      1) The experiments are well performed, and the results are logically organized and presented. However, a main concern is that the authors have not well justified that these experiments prove a conceptual advance. As noted above, prior studies have probed the role of cortico-cerebellar loops by applying perturbations to cerebellar activity (cerebellar cortex and/or deep cerebellar nuclei) and quantifying changes in cortical activity prior to and during movement. The main novelty of the present study is that the authors perturbed the loop at a different locus, namely in the pontine nuclei (PN) which send projections to the cerebellum rather than directly to the cerebellum. The rationale for why this specific perturbation provides a conceptual advance to the field was not adequately motivated.

      The authors do clearly review prior literature showing that perturbation of cortico-cerebellar projections impacts the rest of the loop and behavior, they also well explain the application of their exciting new tool to specifically target PN neurons with their optogenetic stimulation. Yet, the authors do not motivate why it is important to specifically perturb the pontine nuclei (PN) to gain new insights into the role of "cortico-cerebellar loops" nor do they provide any reason to expect a difference in changes in loop dynamics for perturbations applied versus to the DCN. Indeed, the conclusions appear to be largely consistent with those of prior work, both regarding changes in the responses of motor cortex neurons, and resultant (subtle) changes in behavior (i.e., altered arm kinematics). Generally, these results are similar to those previously reported in primate DCN cooling experiments characterizing changes in hand movement in in a voluntary tracking task (e.g., Brooks et al., 1973; Conrad and Brooks 1974).

      2) The description of the connectivity of the loop illustrated in Figure 1 is straightforward. Motor cortex recipient PN neurons project to PN neurons, which then project directly to the cerebellar cortex and deep cerebellar nuclei, etc. Thus, the effect of any perturbation to PN neurons should be realized rapidly within neurons in the cerebellar cortex and deep cerebellar nuclei if they are part of this direct loop. However, onset latencies for the effect of the perturbations are not documented for these experiments (Figs 3&6 in the test/reaching conditions, and associated text). Similarly, latencies are not reported for the onset of changes in motor cortex neuron responses to PN perturbations in either condition (Figs 4&7 in the test/reaching conditions, and associated text). The only reference I could find to latencies specified the that required to reach the peak firing rate - not latency of the change. Specifically: "these were stereotypical, mostly consisting of transient excitation (Fig. 4B, left; median time of firing rate peak 120 ms)" - 120ms seems very long for the loop in Fig 1. It would be useful to know the latency between optogenetic stimulation in PN and changes in PN firing rate. And then the question is at what latency are the neurons in subsequent nodes altered? Quantification of latencies of the effects that are observes in the different nodes of the cortico-cerebellar loops would strengthen the authors' conclusion that they are actually studying the direct loop in Figure 1 which would then make the study's conclusions more compelling.

      3) Overall, there was often a sharp incongruity between the complexity of many of the findings described in results and accompanying figures and the short summary conclusion provided for the Results. Here is one of many examples (bottom of page 5), where the authors conclude "These results demonstrate that the cortico-cerebellar loop does not drive reaching, but fine-tunes the behavior to enable precise and accurate movement." Yet, what the results above describe is considerable heterogeneity and variability across animals and cases. These conclusion should be more aligned with/ justified by the author's description of their actual results.

      4) A related issue is the disconnection between description and summary, in the description of Figure 6- 8. The emphasis on correlation, yet the authors' main point here seems to be that there are changes in the activity in cortex and DCN induced by the PN stimulation during movement explain the changes in hand trajectory. For example, Figure 6D and its implications are not effectively described in the text.

      5) Finally, the authors conclude that changes in the activity in cortex and DCN induced by the PN stimulation during movement explain the subtle deviations in hand trajectory and conclude that the cortico-cerebellar loop is responsible for fine-tuning movement parameters (bottom pf page 5 and top of page 8). However, i) the statement that this pathway fine-tunes motion is not justified by the analysis, and ii) the novelty is not made clear relative to prior work that has investigated cortico-cerebellar loop (beyond the experimental difference in perturbation site).

      Overall, the text that follows in the discussion presented the findings in a far more clear and compelling way than much of the text in the Abstract, Introduction and Results "perturbing cortico-cerebellar communication did not block movement execution: animals were typically able to generate the basic motor pattern during optogenetic stimulation of the PN, and neural activity in cortex and cerebellum largely recapitulated the firing patterns observed during normal movement. Instead, PN perturbation altered arm kinematics, decreasing the precision and accuracy of the reach, and perturbation-induced shifts in neural activity explained these behavioral effects." The paper would be improved if the authors adapted this more precise style of reporting throughout.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this article, Odermatt and colleagues report a detailed and quantitative description of the growth in dry mass and volume of single fission yeast cells. They first propose a new method for dry mass measurement and calibrate it. They then use this method to show that, while growth in dry mass shows a rather steady exponential trend, growth in volume changes with the cell cycle stage, depending on the rate of cell tip elongation, which results in changes in cell density. They then use various methods to arrest cells at various stages in the cell cycle, demonstrating that, for each cell cycle stage, the change in density is due to a specific growth rate which does not necessarily matches the growth in dry mass. All these experiments are very convincing. They close the article with two observations which are a bit harder to understand: first they show that there is an internal gradient of density, which corresponds to a difference in the rate of growth of both tips of the cell, and which is maintained on long timescales; second, they show that the differences in densities between the two ends of the cell lead, after the formation of the septum, to a difference in pressure which can be indirectly visualized from the bending of the septum - the denser side having a higher pressure, the septum is bent towards the lower density side.

      Overall, the article provides one of the very few available quantitative description of growth from single cell measurements, and shows for the first time that density variations can arise from an uncoupling between volume growth and dry mass growth, which does not seem to be compensated for. I think that this particular finding is significant enough to make this article broadly interesting for the cell biology community, as it concerns a very fundamental aspect of cell physiology.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Alghoul et. al are attempting to decipher the molecular mechanisms of Hox a3 and a11 TIE elements to inhibit cap-dependent translation. It is known that both TIEs possess an upstream Open Reading Frame (uORF) that is critical. Here they seek to understand the exact molecular mechanism used for inhibition. They were able to show that both a3 and a11 are regulated by different mechanisms to ensure the inhibition of ca-dependent translation. They found that the translation inhibitory mechanism mediated by TIE a3 requires the presence of the translation initiation factor eIF2D. However, the mechanism mediated by TIE a11 contains three elements that enable a highly efficient inhibition of cap-dependent translation, these are: an upstream start codon (uAUG), followed by a stop codon, and a long stable hairpin. These findings show that these TIE elements of Hox mRNAs enable regulatory control between canonical translation and non-canonical translation Internal Ribosome Entry Site (IRES) translation.

      The authors use a vast amount of different sophisticated techniques to prove the molecular mechanism of inhibition conferred by the TIE elements. They start by cloning the regions upstream of the beta-globin 5'UTR in a RLuc vector and sequentially deleting regions to identify the region that confers inhibition. By using chemical modification probing, they confirm RNA secondary structure and identify regions of interest that might be responsible for inhibition. Then they focus of each element separately. In TIE a3, they identified an uORF that requires eIF2D for this process. They used MS analysis to identify the binding partners of the two elements and they further confirmed by silencing eIF2D that the inhibition doesn't occur in its absence. They further corroborated this finding by mutating an A-rich sequence found upstream of the uAUG that determines specificity of eIF2D binding. In the a11 case, they use toe-printing and mutagenesis to determine that a 'start-stop' sequence is located upstream of a highly stable stem loop structure which stalls the 80S ribosome and thereby inhibits cap-dependent translation of Hox a11 main ORF.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Samineni et al. provide a beautiful insight into the mouse circuitries of itching in the Central Amygdala, a region of the brain that has apart from its role in pain, received ample attention for its role in feeding and freezing/escape to threat behavior. The manuscript provides an impressive amount experimental evidence, combining activity dependent gene expression with expression of genetically encoded calcium indicators, fluorescent proteins, optogenetic and chemogenetic tools, fiberoptometry and behavioral readouts. With these they identify a subpopulation of GABAergic neurons in the central amygdala that are activated by neck-applied chloroquine-induced itch (as witnessed by the presence of specific scratching in the neck). They show how their specific optogenetic reactivation (in the absence of chloroquine) induces 1). (non-directed all over the body) scratching 2). Real-time place aversion, and reduced spending in open arm of elevated zero maze. And they show how specific chemogenetic inhibition in the presence of chloroquine reduces scratching and real-time place aversion . They then go further to show by fluorescence axonal projections of these neurons in the vPAG and how optogenetic activation of these projections in the vPAG also induces (non-directed) scratching behavior. Finally they identify the genetic blueprint of these neurons with FACS. The experiments all well performed and provide convincing evidence for the implication of neurons in the CeA in sensitivity to itch and activity of scratching. It stands out for a rich combination of diverse state of the art technical approaches that are appropriate applied to answer the questions at hand.

      In its completeness, the manuscript raises an important number of open questions in the field, and I would like to encourage the authors to identify these more clearly in their discussion, as they could set out a pathway along which this field may develop further.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This study is quite directly a follow-up study of the recent work of Corbett-Detig et al (2015) and the commentary by Coop (2016) which aimed to understand the relation between population size and diversity, and the degree to which the shape of the relation could be explained by the action of linked selection. The analysis here scales up the sample size for a large-scale focus on comparative analyses of animals, and introduces the application of phylogenetic correction to control for relatedness.

      As the most comprehensive analysis of its type to date, and with the addition of phylogenetic correction, this work's strength primarily lies in confirming the conclusions laid out in the commentary by Coop, notably that linked selection is unable to fully explain the narrowness of the diversity across species with orders of magnitude variation in population sizes. Through an explicit model-fitting of the effects of linked selection, the main conclusions are essentially that Lewontin's Paradox remains unexplained. The Introduction and discussion provide a very nice accounting of the range of possible explanations. I also appreciated the connection of the population size inferences to IUCN status.

      I wasn't so convinced that the assessment of phylogenetic inertia (Lambda>0) really provides a way to assess Lynch's argument that coalescent times are too short to have a phylogenetic effect. For reasons outlined by the author in the discussion, it could well be that any phylogenetic inertia signal is due to inertia of life history traits correlated with effective population size rather than with diversity itself. The discussion raises this important point, but I think leaves us with the difficulty of really assessing how important that phylogenetic correction really is: if diversity has no direct phylogenetic non-independence, I am a bit unsure how much we have learned through this analysis alone (i.e. what is lambda telling us), without an explicit assessment of how often divergence times may actually truly be on the same order as coalescent times.

      That said, I think it's a very open question whether diversity actually has phylogenetic independence because of short split times relative to effective population sizes. The author mentions the possible effect of large Ne on causing this to be violated; but I also wondered whether many of the small Nc species are still retaining a fair bit of ancestral polymorphism, further homogenizing diversity levels.

      Overall a number of possible explanations (such as the effect of variable selected site densities, and variable recombination) were raised, and rather quickly rejected as 'unlikely to explain the qualitative patterns'. In a number of cases these statements were fairly brief, and I wondered whether in aggregate how likely a combination of these COULD explain the patterns. Looking at Figure 5B, it seems like the major effect of phylogeny (or correlated life history) is also apparent for the discrepancy between observed and predicted diversity- Chordates seem to have the largest discrepancy. With that in mind, I do wonder whether some feature of genome structure in Cordates, including a combination of the effects discussed in the paper that could account for the discrepancy (e.g. the effects of variable recombination rates/genome size and functional densities, variation in mutation rates, etc.) could collectively account for the paradox, even though individually the author rules them out as being able to explain the 'qualitative pattern'. Could the genome structure of chordates lead to a major difference in linked selection that's unaccounted for here?

      Mei et al (2018) (American Journal of Botany, Volume 105, Issue 1, p1-124) argued that species with larger genomes have greater 'functional space', implying a greater deleterious mutation rate in species with larger genomes. This could potentially be a factor driving those Chordates with intermediate Nc values furthest below the predicted line?

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In the paper by Victorino et al., the authors describe the role for transcription factor HIF1a in NK cells during MCMV infection. They clearly demonstrate that HIF1a-deficiency results in impaired viral control, with a major effect visible in the impacted expansion of MCMV-specific NK cells. The paper brings novelty to the field as the role of HIF1a has not been addressed in NK cells in the course of viral infection.

      The conclusions of the paper are mostly well supported by the data however there are still some aspects of the study that need clarification and extension.

      i) It remains unclear what induces HIF1a expression during MCMV infection.

      ii) The authors could speculate on the mechanisms of how HIF1a promotes repression of Bim during MCMV infection?

      iii) The lack of expression of HIF1a glycolytic genes in HIF1a-deficient NK cells may not be surprising but it is very clear and convincing and supports the idea that HIF1a promotes survival of cells by promoting glycolysis. However, the study would benefit with a formal proof of this metabolic adaptation in the context of MCMV infection.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Rosenberg and colleagues provide a thorough and comprehensive paper on an aging-associated biological phenomenon: greying. They are the first to show that pigment production can be switched of and on within one growth phase of the human hair follicle and that meaningful omics can be performed on pigmented versus non-pigmented hair and sections of hair. In addition, they provide evidence that greying episodes can be linked to stressfull periods in life. Overall, the authors describe a new method for the assessment of effects of stress and life style factors as well as biological strains on aging that can be used as outcomes in real world studies as well as randomized controlled therapeutic studies.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Tarashansky et al., builds on this group's recently developed self-assembling manifold algorithm to develop methods for aligning cells of the same type across distantly related species using single cell gene expression data. The new method, SAMap, considers homologous genes in a novel way that takes into account paralog substitutions through gene expression correlations and the method further considers cell neighborhood relationships within and between species. Together, and through iterative analysis, these innovations maximally utilize the single cell data compared with only considering 1:1 orthologous genes and direct transcriptional correlations of cell types. Importantly (based on assumptions about cell type evolution), this method can identify homologous cell types based on shared neighbors, even if gene expression has diverged. The authors first apply SAMap to identify homologous cell types between developing zebrafish and xenopus at the whole organism level. SAMap captures nearly all homologous cell types, even with 1:1 orthologs using the mutual nearest neighbors approach whereas other top-in-field methods do poorly at this large evolutionary distance. SAMap also identifies 565 examples of candidate paralog substitution based on closer expression correlation of paralogs than orthrologs. The authors further extend these comparisons to flatworms and trematodes, and then to further include sponge, Hydra, and mouse. One fascinating result is that Spongilla choanocytes and apopylar cells show homology to the neuronal family, supporting recent predictions.

      Overall, I find this approach extremely powerful and likely to be widely used in the study of cell type evolution and separately in the study of gene neofunctionalization. The validation among known homologs in distant vertebrates and benchmarking is convincing. My only major comment is that the authors could try a "leave one cluster out" analysis in the zebrafish xenopus comparison to ensure that the method does not overfit when a homologous cell type is absent.

      Minor comments:

      I am confused about how the homologous zebrafish and xenopus secretory cells with different developmental origins fit into the evolutionary cell type model. Could the foxa1 grhl cells that differ in their germ layer cells represent homology via horizontal transmission of a shared secretory gene network and convergent function rather than identity by descent and hierarchical diversification of a shared developmental gene regulatory network?

      Are there any differences in the properties of genes that are deeply conserved in metazoan cell types (e.g., Fox, Csrp families in contractile cells) vs. genes that are more lineage restricted (e.g., mef2) - for example are the more conserved genes more central in regulatory networks within a species and thus more constrained?

      Why did heart, germline, and olfactory placode cells not cluster in the xenopus atlas - these seem like conserved populations, or was this due to sampling / staging?

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this study, Ide et al present a comprehensive analysis of single cell transcriptomic changes in the kidney in response to mild and recoverable injury compared to severe and persistent injury after renal ischemia reperfusion in an effort to identify cellular pathways that promote maladaptive repair. The analysis of their transcriptomic data identify pathways that persist in severe injury, confirming findings identified by other groups including induction of cell populations involved in the repair response after injury (SOX9-expressing cells), cellular interactions (tubular-derived chemokines/cytokines to monocyte/macrophage receptors), and cellular pathways (Gpx4-glutathione) that are important to prevent ferroptosis, a major pathway known to drive cell death in renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. Global deletion Gpx4 has been shown by others to drive ferroptotic cell death in renal ischemia-reperfusion. Ide et al use a genetic model of Sox9-specific deletion of Gpx4 to show that deletion of Gpx4 specifically in Sox9-expressing cells is sufficient to enhance ferroptotic cell death and maladaptive repair.


      The strengths of this manuscript include the generation of a large dataset of scRNA-Seq in mild versus severe ischemic kidney injury at several time points as well as validation with qPCR and immunostaining of a subset of pathways and cellular injury markers identified in their scRNA-Seq analyses. Cellular differentiation and developmental pathways activated in the course of injury and repair in the adult kidney were also analyzed in relation to publicly available neonatal kidney scRNA-Seq data. Additional correlation of identified pathways and cellular injury markers were further supported by analyses of previously published scRNA-Seq data from human kidney biopsy samples from normal controls and non-rejection acute kidney injury allografts.


      Data presented in the manuscript confirms previously published known findings and does not present a novel observation or pathway. Additional discussion should be included to acknowledge and explain the assumptions and limitations of the scRNA-Seq analyses, particularly the RNA velocity and pseudo time trajectory analyses, which are mathematical models based on assumptions of gene expression similarity to impute cellular transition states.

      The conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by data, but some aspects of the immunostaining need to be clarified. In particular the variability of VCAM1 staining across figures especially in the control contralateral kidney and the difference between SOX9 immunostaining as compared to the Sox9-TdTomato reporter.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Signal peptidase is an essential enzyme involved in protein transport and secretion of all organisms. This contribution analyses the function of the non-essential subunit Spc1 of the yeast signal peptidase. The result suggests that Spc1 binds and recognizes hydrophobic membrane anchor sequences that should not be cleaved by the signal peptidase. Numerous variations of the signal peptides from CPY and Sps2 were tested for their cleavage and glycosylation in the presence or absence of Spc1. The authors conclude that the hydrophobicity and length are the main determinants to allow the cleavage.

      The provided data are technically perfect and in a good, logical order. However, in contrast to their claim, no real internal membrane anchor sequence was tested. It also remains unclear whether the Sps2 protein has to remain in the ER as an uncleaved protein.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Sorrentino et al. utilise Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and diffusion MRI tractography to investigate the mapping between the structure and function of the human brain and any constrains imposed from this coupling. Their work builds upon a growing number of studies that use functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to provide evidence of structure shaping neural functioning. In this case, the authors utilise the fine temporal resolution of MEG to explore the propagation of the neural signal and investigate how this can be linked to a structural connectome derived from deterministic diffusion MRI tractography. Following critical dynamics analysis pipelines, they identified neuronal avalanches in the MEG data and showed that their spread is more likely between pairs of grey matter regions with increased structural connectivity strengths, quantified by the streamline count among them. This result provides new evidence on how the structural architecture of the human brain can influence intrinsic neural dynamics and suggests a potential mechanism, based on scale invariant properties in space and time, for similar previous findings based on the slower temporal scales of fMRI.

      The analyses presented are clear and concise. They highlight an efficient and clever way to combine MEG and diffusion data, maximising the benefits of both modalities, to explore structure-function associations. The authors have tested a number of different configurations, using multiple connectome mapping pipelines, atlases, as well as a replication sample from the Human Connectome Project and the results were robust both at the individual and the group level, which is reassuring and impressive.

      Given the short report format of the manuscript, it is understandable that some additional information and results were described very briefly or omitted altogether. However, there are a few points that, I think, if discussed (even succinctly) could improve the strength of the presented evidence and increase the manuscript's impact to the field. For example:

      Given that the foundations for all subsequent functional analyses are the time bin length and the branching parameter, it would be useful to have a couple of graphs showing their relationship. i.e. a graph showing the association between bin size and σ, for a wider range of bins (in addition to 1, 3, and 5 that are reported). Is bin size 3 the only bin size that σ = 1 and if not, how does this affect the rest of the results (especially the transition matrix). A second interesting graph dealing with avalanche dynamics would be to show the avalanche size distributions for a single subject and the group, for different bin lengths, highlighting whether they are following a power law, indicator of critical dynamics, and briefly discussing their power law exponents, α.

      The correlation between the structural connectivity and randomised transition matrices still seems relatively high. It'd be of interest for the authors to provide a brief interpretation of this, along with a justification for keeping the spatial structure unchanged during their randomisation routine.

      As the different size of parcels in the atlases can have an effect for both structural and functional analyses, it would be of interest to know if the authors controlled for that and how.

      Given the varying SNR that the AAL parcels will have due to their location, it could be of interest to present some information about the avalanches' spatial distribution (i.e. but not limited to a whole-brain map, where each parcel's intensity could correspond to the number of times it goes supra-threshold on average). This could highlight any issues where avalanches involve some parcels more (or less) than others due to challenges in recording and localising their activity.

      In addition to the above challenges with MEG, deterministic tractography analyses also present limitations on how accurately they can describe the underlying structural connectome. i.e. issues with crossing fibres (of varying degree among parcels due to their location), spurious tracts, and invalid, non-biologically plausible connections. A brief mention of these challenges both for MEG and DWI and how they might affect and impose limitations on the manuscript's results would be beneficial.

      Finally, values in the scatter plots in Figure 2 are probably mean centered? For visualisation purposes it might be better if they were not, as it seems a bit odd to have negative values or numbers higher than 1 for structural connectivity and transition probabilities. Also, there seems to be lots of ROI pairs with 0 structural connectivity but high transition probabilities, which might justify a brief mention in the manuscript and an interpretation.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors use a pooled GWAS approach combined with a case-control sampling of pairs of apparently drought-damaged and apparently healthy European beech trees in standing populations, to identify locations across the beech genome that may be associated with drought resistance.

      Major strengths:

      • The paired case-control design allows the authors to draw conclusions from standing trees in forests, where the observed phenotypes, though more difficult to interpret, are more relevant than phenotypes observed for tree seedlings under controlled conditions.

      • The paired design avoids many possible complicating factors (conflating influences on the genotype-phenotype relationship). The authors also for example include an important control analysis showing that the genome similarity is comparable among the different groupings, indicating that there are no large and systematic demographic differences among the different groupings. This is not surprising because the trees were taken entirely from a small area in Hessen, Germany.

      • Although the limited geographic coverage itself is not a strength, it does show that genetic differences in stress tolerance or resilience can be detected locally. It is these local differences among trees that may cross-breed that represent the adaptive potential in populations.

      • The genome-wide analysis is conducted to high standards, combining a pool-seq approach pooling individuals from climatic regions and observable stress (e.g. South-stress, South-healthy, North-stress, North-healthy) with high coverage resequencing (20x) of 100 individuals and an analysis of likely linkage among SNPs which significantly varied by stress status.

      • The dataset and the authors' analysis could be a very valuable resource to support ongoing work in forest genetics and climate change, including added value from future monitoring of the same tree populations. The authors point out some of these uses at the end of their Discussion.

      Major weaknesses:

      • The opportunistic use of trees in natural environments (not trees planted for the experiment) is nevertheless a challenge for clear interpretation of the phenotype. The authors aim to identify phenotypes specific to drought stress, which is a complex stress that causes many nonspecific stress responses. They address this by measuring other traits of chosen trees and showing that dried leaves and leaf loss differ, but measures of tree size, canopy closer, and competition do not differ between their drought-stressed and non-stressed classes. Of course there are other causes of dried leaves and leaf loss that cannot be fully excluded from these observations, such as differential damage from insects or pathogens. The authors state that they only chose trees "free from obvious mechanical damage, fungal infestations or other signs of illness", but did not score these phenotypes, measure any correlates, or otherwise record any information regarding these possible confounding factors. It would be more convincing if they had longer-term monitoring data for these trees showing that such differences became apparent after major recent drought events (2018) and were not apparent before these events, if they had other direct measures of water availability and status in the selected trees at relevant timepoints, or if they had measured other more specific indicators of drought stress such as abscisic acid levels at a relevant time point. The authors present long-term climate data from the study area, but no corresponding tree phenotype data to go along with it. This should be addressed.

      • Related to this: the gene candidates (Table S2) include many that are implicated in stress responses, several of these being drought stress responses. In almost all cases these are genes involved in hormonal signaling, protein regulation, growth and development, which are certainly involved in drought responses but are hardly specific to such responses; and there is one involved in spermine synthesis. This plausible involvement, but lack of specificity, is consistent with the gentle gradient of allele frequency changes, and contributions to phenotype prediction, shown in Figs 4 and 5.

      • Also related: the sampling is not representative of the range of Fagus sylvatica. This is most problematic because the genomic locations found to be significant in this association study might not be significant indicators of plant damage in a more diverse dataset. In the worst case, it could be that these trees are so similar in their adaptation to stress, that only small differences in growth and development and environmental signaling can be identified, which each may have a very minor influence; in contrast, if a comparative study were done including more marginal populations which face more frequent drought (while accounting for demographic differences), genes which are generally more important for a robust drought stress response might be identified. This should be discussed with reference to existing literature.

      • The authors do not report the proximity of their pairs (unless I missed this), rather that these were "mutually the closest neighbors with contrasting damage status". Although they do have GPS coordinates for each tree, they do not report how the exact locations were determined and under what conditions, and thus we do not know how precise or accurate these coordinates are. GPS coordinates taken under a leaf-on canopy with a handheld device are likely to have an uncertainty of 10 m and an unknown offset which will differ for each tree due to multipath reflection, so these coordinates cannot be used to judge the relative position of trees in the same population. This can be ameliorated with aerial coordinates, or with a well-anchored reference point in the open combined with a surveying approach to map the trees in reference to this coordinate, but it is not clear if the authors did this. This should be clarified and if necessary, remedied as it is also crucial to the value of the authors' dataset, e.g. for future monitoring of these trees to test predictions.

      • The analysis is rigorous and relevant and suggests important hypotheses regarding the drought resistance or resilience of European beech. However, these hypotheses are neither very precisely articulated, nor tested in this study.

      Did the authors achieve their aims?

      The authors are able to predict membership of an individual in the healthy versus damaged group based on its genotype at significant loci with near 100% accuracy. This does not indicate whether the groupings themselves (healthy versus damaged) are good indicators of tolerance or resilience under drought stress, which may be better supported by other data as well as future monitoring as discussed above, but does support that the GWAS is rigorous.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Van der Plas et al established a mass-spectrometry based work flow for the analysis of peptidome in wound fluids. They found that wound fluids contained a higher degree of peptides as compared to plasma which is expected because of proteolytic events in wound fluids. Authors identified unique peptide patterns in healing and non-healing (infected) wounds and nicely discuss many of the identified peptides/peptide patterns and their likely roles in innate immunity, healing etc. The established methodology seems to be robust and yields interesting insights into proteolytically generated peptides in wound fluids. Authors speculate that assessing the peptidome of wounds would result in the identification of potential biomarkers for wound healing and infection.

      The manuscript is the first that determines the peptidome in wound fluids using an unbiased technology. However, the results gained are largely confirmative or "as expected" because others have previously reported an increase in peptides number in wound fluids due to proteolytic activity. Also the same group recently published a related paper without discussing it. The main novelty of the manuscript is thus more of technological interest, as long as the translational perspective (diagnostic approach) has not been demonstrated.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Meier et al. used electroencephalography (EEG) to test the mechanism underlying a well-known phenomenon where stress induces subjects to behave in a more habitual way during decision-making, as opposed to using a more deliberative goal-directed strategy. The authors tested two groups of human subjects who were randomly assigned to a stress manipulation or a similar control manipulation. These participants then carried out a reinforcement learning task where they had to choose between two alternative responses to a stimulus. On some blocks the value of one response would be 'devalued' such that the alternative action would be more appropriate. Participants who went through the stress manipulation were more likely to persist with an action that previously yielded a high reward outcome even when this response had been devalued - indicative of a failure in goal-directed decision-making. Critically, the authors associated responses and outcomes with stimuli that were decodable from EEG signals, making it possible to evaluate whether participants were prospectively considering the correct response or outcome prior to committing a response or receiving feedback. Meier et al. find that, over time, the stressed participants came to prospectively represent the coming response more and the outcome less, while the control group showed reduced prospective representation of the response. The degree of this change toward greater representation of responses versus outcomes across participants was also correlated with a more habit-based decision strategy in devaluation trials.

      Overall, this is a well-designed and sophisticated study that makes an important contribution to our understanding of the mechanism by which stress promotes more habit-like behavior, with broad implications for our understanding of how maladaptive behaviors might be formed in many clinical conditions. The conclusions are well supported by the data and confidence in the results is bolstered by several additional control measurements. However, I would have appreciated more effort to link this work to other related literature, as well as some more detail in some parts of the methods and additional control analyses to rule out alternative explanations for some of the main results of interest.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The paper has some novel insights implicating DR4 expression in oxaliplatin-resistant CRC as potentially a therapeutic vulnerability. The paper includes ex vivo treatment of oxaliplatin-resistant CRC CTCs with TRAIL liposomes and implication of DR4 localization of lipid rafts. The paper suggests that TRAIL pathway therapeutics may be helpful for oxaliplatin-resistance CRC. Such therapeutics have been tested in the past to treat CRC (TRAIL/Dulanermin in combination with FOLFIRI) but TRAIL development was discontinued due to lack of adequate patient responses. Currently TRAIL agonist antibodies are in various clinical trials including in combination with chemotherapy for CRC. While the findings are interesting, there are several major concerns with regard to data interpretation and experimental rigor. Based on limited data in the manuscript, the upregulation of DR4 does not appear to be a general mechanism associated with oxaliplatin resistance in CRC. The authors have not rigorously tested the role of DR4 in the sensitization to TRAIL. Similarly, the effect of resveratrol has not been rigorously attributed to DR4. Some data implicates DR5 in the sensitization (Supplementary Figure 6) but in the end the authors emphasize DR4. There could be other mechanisms involved.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This paper describes the oscillatory activity of the habenula using local field potentials, both within the region and, through the use of MEG, in connection to the prefrontal cortex. The characteristics of this activity were found to vary with the emotional valence but not with arousal. Sheding light on this is relevant, because the habenula is a promising target for deep brain stimulation.

      In general, because I am not much on top of the literature on the habenula, I find difficult to judge about the novelty and the impact of this study. What I can say is that I do find the paper is well-written and very clear; and the methods, although quite basic (which is not bad), are sound and rigourous.

      On the less positive side, even though I am aware that in this type of studies it is difficult to have high N, the very low N in this case makes me worry about the robustness and replicability of the results. I'm sure I have missed it and it's specified somewhere, but why is N different for the different figures? Is it because only 8 people had MEG? The number of trials seems also a somewhat low. Therefore, I feel the authors perhaps need to make an effort to make up for the short number of subjects in order to add confidence to the results. I would strongly recommend to bootstrap the statistical analysis and extract non-parametric confidence intervals instead of showing parametric standard errors whenever is appropriate. When doing that, it must be taken into account that each two of the habenula belong to the same person; i.e. one bootstraps the subjects not the habenula.

      Related to this point, the results in Figure 6 seem quite noisy, because interactions (i.e. coherence) are harder to estimate and N is low. For example, I have to make an effort of optimism to believe that Fig 6A is not just noise, and the result in Fig 6C is also a bit weak and perhaps driven by the blue point at the bottom. My read is that the authors didn't do permutation testing here, and just a parametric linear-mixed effect testing. I believe the authors should embed this into permutation testing to make sure that the extremes are not driving the current p-value.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this study, Hao et al. developed an automatized operant box to perform decision-making tasks and optogenetic perturbations without requiring the experimenter's manipulation. For this aim, mice learn to head-fix and to perform a task by themselves. The optogenetic experiment using red-shifted opsins allows manipulation of circuits without the need of an implanted optical fiber. The automation of behavioral tasks in home cages (isolated rodents or in groups) is an intense area of research in neuroscience. The possibility of coupling home cage behavioral analysis with optogenetic manipulation and with complex tasks that require precise positioning of the animal for controlled stimulations (vibrating stimulation, visual .....) is thus of great interest and I commend the authors for their comprehensive dissection of the automated behavioral training setup. Some clarification, reporting of additional behavioral measures and refinement of analyses could improve the impact of this work.

      1) The first part of the paper nicely describes the experimental procedure to automate such a complex task. The procedure is very well described, the important points (e.g. the possibility for the animal to disengage...) are properly highlighted, and the online site allows to download the plans and 3D descriptions of the tools and the procedures. The authors compare task learning in automated versus manual training and show that there are overall very few differences. Whisker trimming reduces performance, indicating that animal used information to make the choice. This part of the work is already impressive. Apart from that, the authors do not consider in their description what could be an essential aspect of experiments in a home-cage, i.e the control of the motivation to perform the task. Mice perform the task (here, engage in the head fixation to obtained reward) when they wish and thus, compared with the manual training, there is no explicit control of the animal motivation. This could have consequence on i) the inter-fixation intervals that become an element of the decision and ii) questioned whether the commitment to the task is always motivated by drinking, or whether there is also a commitment to explore, or to check... This could impact the success in the task (e.g. if the animal is not motivated by water, it can explore...). Adding data analyses (information about the daily water consumption, are the inter-fixation intervals correlated with the success or failure in the last trial ...) and even short discussion or introduction of these aspects (see for example Timberlake et al, JEAB 1987 or Rowland et al 2008, Physiol behavior for distinction between close and open economies paradigm) could strengthened the behavioral description.

      2) In the second part of the work, the authors focus on the description of choice behavior. To characterize it, the authors used a logistic model to predict choices. They suggest that at the beginning of the task the animals biased their current choice by their last choice (parameter A1) and that once the task is learned they alternate according to the current stimulation (parameters S0). The model was a logistic function of the weighted sum of several behavioral and task variables and has 19 parameters (the ß parameters). If the animal only used these two informations, can a model that only takes into account A1 and S0 reproduce the data? If not, this certainly indicates that other informations (even distributed) are necessary; and also indicates individual strategies. Finally, analyses are made by considering trials as a discrete chain (trial n, n+1...). However, the self-head-fixed methodology causes the trials to be organized with more or less time between successive trials depending on motivation (see above). Again, do the authors note differences in performance according to the timing between trials? Could it be a variable in the model?

      3) The third part described optogenetic manipulations. It is clear that group sizes are small. Nevertheless, if the objective was to show that the method works, the results are convincing. Some experimental details and in particular the choice of the statistical procedure need clarification.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this paper, the authors develop a method and device to use electrophysiology recording arrays in freely moving rodents. Such methods will empower more researchers to use these recording devices in their labs and ultimately save significant time and resources in developing such methods on their own.

      The strengths of this paper are its very clear explanation of the protocol (in both writing, images, and a video) and the device that they developed. With the detailed instructions provided here, other researchers will readily be able to adapt this protocol in their own labs. The device is reproducible using common 3D printing services and can be easily modified thanks to its CAD format. There are a few areas in which the written protocol could be improved, but these will be easy to address. Overall, the way that the authors have presented their protocols with such clarity and detail should serve as a precedent for future papers like this.

      However, this paper is lacking transparency around several aspects: how often the use of this device is successful, with what kinds of recording devices it can be used, and how animals behave with the device implanted. The manuscript would be significantly strengthened by a clear explanation of how many neurons can be recorded with which probes, and the stability of these recordings over time. It would be beneficial for experimenters planning on using these devices to know which recording probes can be used as well as the chances of successfully recovering the probe. Lastly, there is limited description of how animals manage the weight of the entire device after implantation. Describing this with more detail would be very useful to researchers who wish to use these devices for freely moving behaviors that require quick, unimpeded movement.

      Ultimately, this paper will provide an easily adaptable method for other researchers to use in their labs. This will save other researchers significant time and will enable more efficient and reproducible freely moving electrophysiology experiments.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In the manuscript, "Integrative transcriptomic analysis of tissue-specific metabolic crosstalk after myrocardial infarction" by Arif et al., the authors describe analyses of transcriptomes of +/- myocardial infarction (MI) mice. The study is useful and reports interesting results. These results could be of interest to further develop cellular insight in effects and treatments for MI. However, I do not find any methodological advances here. The manuscript appears to be a repository of transcriptomics analyses. All the techniques used have been tried and applied to other scientific problems. The authors have presented differential expression analysis, followed by GSEA, and then they perform different network analyses - co-expression networks, reporter analyses, multi-tissue model, etc.

      My main issues are that the authors do too many different analyses but neither of them get sufficient light in the paper. Also no other independent quantitative evidence is shown in support of results of their analyses. Further, validation was done the same way the pipeline was built. This makes their results comes across as circular. For e.g. when validating metabolic models of cells built using transcriptomic data, CRISPR-Cas9 essentiality screens are used. Here, they basically repeated the same analyses on the same transcriptome from a different experiment it appears.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors tested HIV-1 DNA and RNA levels in two large cohorts of ART-treated HIV-1 patient to evaluate possible differences in HIV-1 reservoir cell markers between NNRTI- and PI-based ART regimens, this question is relevant since millions of people living with HIV are currently receiving HIV treatment with these agents. Their major finding is that NNRTI-based treatment is associated with reduced cell-associated HIV-1 RNA and DNA levels; this finding is not entirely novel and well in line with a number of previous observations. The strengths of the study are the large clinical cohorts for which detailed clinical and demographical data are available. The analysis of HIV-1 DNA and RNA is informative, but the assays used do not distinguish between replication-competent and defective proviral species; this is appropriately identified as a limitation of this work. The authors do not address possible immunological consequences of higher HIV DNA levels in PI-treated patients - is this associated with higher levels of inflammatory markers? In addition, it is possible that higher levels of cell-associated HIV-1 RNA may stimulate cell-intrinsic innate (type I IFN-mediated) immunity in PI-treated patients - an aspect that the authors do not address. In the absence of such additional immunological data, it is difficult to assess the true significance and importance of the described observations.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this study the authors provide a quantitative assessment of the dense microtubule network in dendrites of mammalian neurons. They used 2D and 3D STED as well as Expansion Microscopy to resolve single tubules in the soma and in dendrites. Also, they marked specifically for microtubules specific modifications such as tyrosination and acetylation, which tend to be associated with dynamic and stable tubules respectively.

      I believe the authors achieved very interesting findings, which includes that 1-acetylated microtubules accumulate in the core of the dendritic shaft, surrounded by a shell of tyrosinated microtubules 2- a rigorous quantification of the tyrosination and acetylation levels at the single tube level reveal that the two modifications are anti-correlated and define two distinct microtubule subsets 3-in dendrites the absolute number of acetylated and tyrosinated microtubules is 65-75% and ~20-30% of all microtubules.

      My overall impression is that the choice of methods suits well the study and the image analysis performed is very robust throughout the paper supporting their major findings.

      The fact that they use different methods, both in terms of imaging (2D STED, 3D STED and Expansion) and analysis, and arrive at the same conclusion regarding for example the percentage of dynamic and stable microtubules is very reassuring that they are quantifying relevant numbers in their analysis.

      Overall, I also appreciate how openly they provide their analysis scripts and thorough explanations on the analysis they do and how to use their pipelines, which makes it much easier to check the code and ascertain that it performs as described.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      About 30 million years ago the ancestors of Old World primates lost the ability to produce the glycan a-gal due to the fixation of several loss-of-function mutations in the GGTA1 gene. The evolutionary advantage of such loss remains elusive. The current study builds upon previous work by the authors showing (i) that the presence of a-gal expressing bacteria in ggta1 deficient mice led to production of antibodies capable of clearance of malaria-causing plasmodia carrying a-gal (Yilmaz et al., 2014), and (ii) that ggta1 deficiency is associated with increased resistance to sepsis via the enhancement of IgG effector function (Sigh et al., 2021). Here they expand on these findings to show that ggta1 deletion in mice is associated with altered composition of the gut microbiome due to the action of IgA targeting of a-Gal expressing bacteria. In addition, they show that the absence of a-gal results in a microbiome that is less pathogenic (i.e., less likely to induce sepsis in their experimental model). Although some aspects of the work are not very novel (e.g., the fact that ggta1 is associated with a remodeled microbiome had already been shown in their previous publications) the work does provide additional insights into the pleiotropic role of ggta1 in immune function, susceptibility to sepsis, and eventual fitness advantage. The work is extremely well done and all conclusions are supported by solid data. Indeed, I felt that the authors were reading my mind every step of the way. Each time I questioned one of the conclusions the next paragraph would address that exact concern. There are, however, a few points that I think would deserve additional clarification.

      1 - I was a little surprised that they found no difference in the microbiome of F2 mice between a-gal deficient and wild-type mice. Although I understand that this might be due to antibodies received by the mom, the fact that the divergence in only seen in F3 to F5 would also be compatible with drift and not necessarily a genotype-driven phenotype. Are the microbiome differences detected in F3-F5 overlapping to those observed at F0? If the original differences were controlled by host genetics - the hypothesis being tested - we would expect to see some convergent (at least at the level of specific taxa)

      2 - I was really surprised that ggta1 deficient mice lacking a functional adaptive immune system (Figure S8) were equally resistant to systemic infection with the cecal inoculum isolated from ggta1 deficient mice. In the previous work they show that the increases resistance to sepsis comes from increases effector function of IgG. If that is the case, how come mice not having an adaptive system (hence no IgG) are equally protected? Is the pathogenicity of the microbiome of ggta1 deficient mice that reduced? It seems unlikely. More generally, I would like to have seen a better discussion about how these new findings connect to their past work. In the context of increased resistance to sepsis what seems to be more important - the remodeling of the microbiome by IgA or the increased effector function of IgG?

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Orofacial actions show exquisite coordination among many muscles, yet the pools of motor neurons exciting each of these muscles is specific to that muscle. The coordination of activity across muscles therefore relies on circuits of premotor neurons that excite the motor neurons. Work by the authors and others has produced major progress in delineating these complex premotor circuits. Recent work using transsynaptic viral tracing has overcome limitations associated with traditional retrograde tracing methods, such as a lack of adequate specificity. However, these transsynaptic viral methods have been unsuccessful in animals older than approximately postnatal day 8 (P8). This is a problem because circuits continue to develop far beyond P8 in mice. Here, the authors overcome this limitation by introducing a novel viral transsynaptic tracing method that can be applied in adult mice.

      The authors apply their method to trace premotor circuits for whisking, licking, and jaw movements. They align their anatomical data to the Allen Mouse Brain Common Coordinate Framework and make it available with the manuscript, greatly facilitating its quantitative use by other laboratories. The authors find premotor circuits in adult mice that are almost entirely consistent with results from younger mice, with some important exceptions that they highlight and discuss. The authors quantify overlap of premotor circuits for whisking, licking and jaw movements and discuss the implications of interactions among these circuits.

      The experiments and analysis are carefully performed, and the results put into proper context. Overall, this is a straightforward and valuable contribution to our knowledge of the premotor circuits that coordinate orofacial behaviors. It will be of wide interest to neuroscientists.


      -The methods applied in neonatal mice (Takatoh et al. 2013; Stanek et al. 2014), while obviously different, are similar enough that it may be worth including discussion of any possible ways that differences between the neonatal and adult results could be due to methods, rather than age. I defer to the authors about whether such discussion is worthwhile, but readers may benefit from knowing what was considered.

      -Spatial correlation in Figure 5C. To interpret this properly it's important to know the degree of smoothing. I could not find this in the relevant methods section describing the kernel density estimation or elsewhere.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Diboun et al used a case-control study design to identify DNA methylation sites and regions that differ between individuals with Paget's Disease of Bone (PDB) and controls. Cases were identified from an ongoing PDB clinical trial. Spouses of cases were used as controls. Candidate methylation sites were identified in a discovery set and then tested in a validation set to confirm association with PDB. Meta-analysis was used to combine effects from the discovery and validation sets. A machine learning approach was then used to prioritize candidates and build a prediction model capable of differentiating PDB cases from controls. The model was associated with high level of accuracy (AUC >0.90) in the discovery and validation sets.

      A major strength of the study is the collection of a large population of individuals with a rare bone disease. Epigenetic features are appealing for building prediction models as they may represent interplay between genetics and environment. Using this approach, the authors built a prediction model with a high level of accuracy. The results advance our understanding of the etiology of PDB.

      Overall, the primary conclusions are generally well supported. However, there are several aspects of the paper that will require additional clarification.

      I commend the authors for using a split sample cross validation approach to maximize experimental rigor. However, this approach is distinct from a true external replication. Given that the 'training' and the 'test' sets come from the same overall population, we expect the 'replication' results to be optimistic relative to results from a true, external replication population. Given the absence of a suitable external replication population due the unique nature of the disease, this limitation is acceptable. However, I expect the authors to discuss the potential limitations of this approach in their discussion section and I encourage the authors to refer to the 'replication' set as a 'cross-validation' set to more appropriately convey their experimental approach to the broader scientific community.

      The authors look for functional validation using the BIOS qTL database. This reference provides valuable information about functional role of methylation in gene expression in whole blood (eQTM). We know that eQTMs are tissue specific. Do the authors have any evidence whether the methylation plays a similar role in bone tissue?

      The authors report the markers from their 'best set' for prediction have potential functional relevance. The potential clinical relevance, however, requires additional context. The data were obtained after onset of PDB. The potential for reverse causation cannot be overlooked. Do the authors have any evidence that the methylation markers precede clinical diagnosis? Appropriate temporality is an essential requisite for an effective clinical prediction model.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors compared how semantic information is encoded as a function of time between a recurrent neural network trained to link visual and verbal representations of objects and in the ventral anterior temporal lobe of humans (ECOG recordings). The strategy is to decode between 'living' and 'nonliving' objects and test/train at different timepoints to examine how dynamic the underlying code is. The observation is that coding is dynamic in both the neural network as well as the neural data as shown by decoders not generalizing to all other timepoints and by some units contributing with different sign to decoders trained at different timepoints. These findings are well in line with extensive evidence for a dynamic neural code as seen in numerous experiments (Stokes et al. 2013, King&Dehaene 2014).

      Strengths of this paper include a direct model to data comparison with the same analysis strategy, a model capable of generating a dynamic code, and the usage of rare intracranial recordings from humans. Weaknesses: While the model driven examination of recordings is a major strength, the data analysis does only provide limited support for the major claim of a 'distributed and dynamic semantic code' - it isn't clear that the code is semantic and the claims of dynamics and anatomical distribution are not quantitative.

      Major issues:

      1) Claims re a 'semantic code'. The ECOG analysis shows that decoding 'living from 'nonliving' during viewing of images exhibits a dynamic code, with some electrodes coding to early decodability and some to later, and with some contributing with different signs. It is a far stretch to conclude from this that this shows evidence for a 'dynamic semantic code'. No work is done to show that this representation is semantic- in fact this kind of single categorical distinction could probably be done also based on purely visual signals (such as in higher levels of a network such as VGG or higher visual cortex recordings). In contrast the model has rich structure across numerous semantic distinctions.

      2) Missing quantification of model-data comparison. These conclusions aren't supported by quantitative analysis. This includes importantly statements regarding anatomical location (Fig 4E), ressemblenes in dynamic coding patterns ('overlapping waves' Fig 4C-D), and presence of electrodes that 'switch sign'. These key conclusions seem to be derived purely by graphical inspection, which is not appropriate.

      3) ECOG recordings analysis. Raw LFP voltage was used as the feature (if I interpreted the methods correctly, see below). This does not seem like an appropriate way to decode from ECOG signals given the claims that are made due to sensitivity to large deflections (evoked potentials). Analysis of different frequency bands, power, phase etc would be necessary to substantiate these claims. As it stands, a simpler interpretation of the findings is that the early onset evoked activity (ERPs) gives rise to clusters 1-4, and more sustained deflections to the other clusters. This could also give rise to sign changes as ERPs change sign.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In PD, pathological neuronal activity along the cortico-basal ganglia network notably consists in the emergence of abnormal synchronized oscillatory activity. Nevertheless, synchronous oscillatory activity is not necessarily pathological and also serve crucial cognitive functions in the brain. Moreover, the effect of dopaminergic medication on oscillatory network connectivity occurring in PD are still poorly understood. To clarify these issues, Sharma and colleagues simultaneously-recorded MEG-STN LFP signals in PD patients and characterized the effect of dopamine (ON and OFF dopaminergic medication) on oscillatory whole-brain networks (including the STN) in a time-resolved manner. Here, they identified three physiologically interpretable spectral connectivity patterns and found that cortico-cortical, cortico-STN, and STN-STN networks were differentially modulated by dopaminergic medication.


      1) Both the methodological and experimental approaches used are thoughtful and rigorous.

      a) The use of an innovative data-driven machine learning approach (by employing a hidden Markov model), rather than hand-crafted analyses, to identify physiologically interpretable spectral connectivity patterns (i.e., distinct networks/states) is undeniably an added value. In doing so, the results are not biased by the human expertise and subjectivity, which make them even more solid.

      b) So far, the recurrent oscillatory patterns of transient network connectivity within and between the cortex and the STN reported in PD was evaluated/assessed to specific cortico-STN spectral connectivity. Conversely, whole-brain MEG studies in PD patients did not account for cortico-STN and STN-STN connectivity. Here, the authors studied, for the first time, the whole-brain connectivity including the STN (whole brain-STN approach) and therefore provide new evidence of the brain connectivity reported in PD, as well as new information regarding the effect of dopaminergic medication on the recurrent oscillatory patterns of transient network connectivity within and between the cortex and the STN reported in PD.

      2) Studying the temporal properties of the recurrent oscillatory patterns of transient network connectivity both ON and OFF medication is extremely important and provide interesting and crucial information in order to delineated pathological versus physiologically-relevant spectral brain connectivity in PD.


      1) In this study, the authors implied that the ON dopaminergic medication state correspond to a physiological state. However, as correctly mentioned in the limitations of the study, they did not have (for obvious reasons) a control/healthy group. Moreover, no one can exclude the emergence of compensatory and/or plasticity mechanisms in the brain of the PD patients related to the duration of the disease and/or the history of the chronic dopamine-replacement therapy (DRT). Duration of the disease and DRT history should be therefore considered when characterizing the recurrent oscillatory patterns of transient network connectivity within and between the cortex and the STN reported in PD, as well as when examining the effect of the dopaminergic medication on the functioning of these specific networks.

      2) Here, the authors recorded LFPs in the STN activity. LFP represents sub-threshold (e.g., synaptic input) activity at best (Buzsaki et al., 2012; Logothetis, 2003). Recent studies demonstrated that mono-polar, but also bi-polar, BG LFPs are largely contaminated by volume conductance of cortical electroencephalogram (EEG) activity even when re-referenced (Lalla et al., 2017; Marmor et al., 2017). Therefore, it is likely that STN LFPs do not accurately reflect local cellular activity. In this study, the authors examined and measured coherence between cortical areas and STN. However, they cannot guarantee that STN signals were not contaminated by volume conducted signals from the cortex.

      3) The methods and data processing are rigorous but also very sophisticated which make the perception of the results in terms of oscillatory activity and neural synchronization difficult.

      4) Previous studies have shown that abnormal oscillations within the STN of PD patients are limited to its dorsolateral/motor region, thus dividing the STN into a dorsolateral oscillatory/motor region and ventromedial non-oscillatory/non-motor region (Kuhn et al. 2005; Moran et al. 2008; Zaidel et al. 2009, 2010; Seifreid et al. 2012; Lourens et al. 2013, Deffains et al., 2014). However, the authors do not provide clear information about the location of the LFP recordings within the STN.

      Overall, the methods and analysis strategy are innovative and rigorously conducted. However, there are still defects/flaws in the methodological approach which should be corrected in order to guarantee that the results reported in this study support authors' claims and conclusions. The paper will be of particular interest for neuroscientists and clinical community interesting in the PD pathophysiology and the development of new therapeutic approaches aiming at restoring normal cortico-basal ganglia activity.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Jenny I. Aguilar et. al. present a manuscript that methodically investigates the behavioral, structural, functional, and physiological consequences of a Cys substitution at R445 in the human dopamine transporter. Parkinson's disease is a common progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. In most patients, the underlying cause their disease is unknown, but some genetic forms of Parkinsonism have been identified. In this manuscript, the authors investigate the effect of a mutation in the gene that encodes the dopamine transporter that was identified in a patient with infantile Parkinsonism-Dystonia. Using a Drosophila model and an abundance of tools, the data show that the mutation produces: 1) a reduction in spontaneous motor activity, movement vigor, compromised flight initiation, and impaired coordinated movements; 2) a decrease in dopamine content and the number of tyrosine hydroxylase containing neurons in fly brain; 3) a decrease in amphetamine-induced dopamine efflux and dopamine uptake; 4) altered dopamine transporter structure leading to increased probability of open conformations on both sides of the transporter; 5) a reduction in dopamine transporter surface expression and transport capacity. Chloroquine, used as means to limit dopamine transporter lysosomal degradation, increased the ratio of mature to immature dopamine transporter and improved flight initiation. So why does a decrease in dopamine reuptake promote a dopamine-deficient Parkinson phenotype? The Authors conclude that an overall reduction in dopamine transporter would deplete dopamine stores by promoting excessive extracellular dopamine. The decrease in vesicular release would be further exacerbated by DA stimulation of presynaptic dopamine-D2 receptors on dopamine axons. This rather novel counterintuitive hypothesis appears to be supported by the outcome of this investigation. Overall, the study may highlight the mechanism underlying a rare type of Parkinsonism that can affect children as well as adults.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In the manuscript entitled "Probe the effect of clustering on EphA2 receptor signaling efficiency by subcellular control of ligand-receptor mobility" by Chen and colleagues, the authors develop an innovative method to directly evaluate the effect of membrane receptor clustering on signaling. Using a fabrication system in which they are able to produce neighboring mobile and immobile substrates, the authors studied the effects of EphA2 receptor mobility in Grb2:SOS and Nck:N-WASP signaling pathways. The authors found that EphA2 clustering enhances signal transduction and results in increased dwell-time of signaling molecules on membranes, analogous to what has been observed in vitro with LAT and nephrin signaling clusters.

      This manuscript is well-constructed and provides the reader with an innovative tool to directly evaluate clustered vs. non-clustered receptor in a cellular context. The images present are well-analyzed and provide clear data that support many of the authors conclusions. Importantly, the data presented here directly shows the importance of Eph2A receptor clustering in a cellular context. However, this work and the conclusions regarding distinct physiochemical properties of clusters would be strengthened by direct comparisons of substrate:receptor densities and signaling molecules. This work offers new insight into Eph2A signaling mechanisms as well as new techniques that can be used to study numerous receptor tyrosine kinase signaling pathways. As such, this study will be of interest to a wide variety of readers who study membrane-associated signaling and phase separation.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Hutcherson and Tusche investigate the role of the DLPFC in normative behavior. Challenging some standard accounts, they propose that the DLPFC response track a value-based evidence accumulation process. This claim is supported by qualitative computational simulations - of a an attribute-based neural drift diffusion model aka anDDM), and a model-based reanalysis of three fMRI studies.

      Overall, I find the theoretical proposal quite convincing: the model makes sense, and seem to account pretty well for the behavioral data (choices and reaction times) in several experiments and decision contexts. Yet, the computational model (anDDM) seems close to the one previously used in (Tusche and Hutcherson, 2018). I am really sympathetic to the authors' approach (testing a well formulated computational theory on several datasets), and to the proposition that DLPFC's role in decision making might be actually much more "downstream" (i.e. response selection stage) than usually assumed. In that respect, this paper could have a nice impact in the field of neuroeconomics/decision neuroscience. I am, however, less convinced by the second step of the demonstration - i.e. the translation of the model in terms of brain activity and the neuroimaging analyses.

      My main concern is that, although I am quite convinced that the anDDM accounts well for behavior, I find very unclear what the predicted activity (the sum of neural activation across the two pools over the decision time) accounts for - or could be confounded with. In short, the predicted activity seems to closely correspond to - and correlate with - a linear transformation of %choice and/or RT (see Figure 2 and Figure S1) . This raises several important questions/concerns.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Meyer, Benjamin et al. identified the enzyme involved in the transfer of the second GlcNAC residue on the nascent oligosaccharide in protein N-glycosylation of the thermophilic Crenarchaeon Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Although N-glycosylation is well-known in Euryarchaeota, the enzymes involved in this process, their substrates, and the mechanisms followed to produce the mature glycan are still elusive in Crenarchaeota, a phylum belonging to TACK archaeal superphylum, which contains also Thaumarchaeota, Aigarchaeota, and Korarchaeota. The authors, by screening the data banks with the sequences of the bacterial MurG and yeast ALg13/Alg14, which catalyze the transfer of GlcNAC in N-glycosylation, identified a gene, named saci1262 and alg24 showing very low identity. The authors characterized in deep the product of this gene with a very complete approach. Firstly, the authors could demonstrate by molecular modelling that Alg24 enzyme shows a 3D structure similar to those of MurG and Alg13/Alg14, and catalytic residues similar to the latter enzyme. The functional characterization was very complete, showing that alg24 is essential in vivo, and that the recombinant Alg24 specifically uses UDP-GlcNAC and lipid-GlcNAc as donor and acceptors substrates, respectively. In addition, the enzyme was thermophilic, did not require metals for catalysis, and followed an 'inverting' reaction mechanism in which the anomeric configuration of the product is the opposite to that of the substrate. Experiments of site-directed mutagenesis demonstrated that His14 is essential for catalysis as predicted by sequence multialignments and inspection of the 3D models, while the role of Glu114, also invariant, remained obscure. Then, the phylogenetic analysis of Alg13/Alg14 on TACK archaeal superphylum, showed that Alg24 are widespread among Archaea, suggesting that N-glycosylation in Eukaryotes was inherited by an archaeal ancient ancestor. This observation fostered the hypothesis that the first eukaryotic cell originated from Asgard superphylum.


      The main question of the work, which is the enzyme involved in the first crucial step of protein glycosylation in Archaea? is of general interest in glycobiology. Although this process, in the past believed a peculiarity of Eukaryotes, has been well studied in Euryarchaeota, it is almost unknown in TACK superphylum that, being considered the closest to the Last Eukaryotic Common Ancestor, is a very interesting matter of study. The work shows several strengths:

      1) The authors unequivocally demonstrated that Alg24 is the enzyme catalyzing the transfer of the second GlcNAc unit on the nascent oligosaccharide, thereby completing the puzzle of the first step of N-glycosylation, for which only AlgH enzyme was known so far.

      2) The approach used to identify Alg24, the choice of the model system, the characterization of the enzyme are absolutely excellent and set a new standard to study N-glycosylation in Archaea.

      3) The identification and characterization of a novel Glycosyl Transferase is of great importance in glycobiology. GTs are elusive enzyme, difficult to purify, due to their instability and association to membranes, and to characterize because of their extreme specificity for donor and acceptor substrates. In addition, GT enzymatic assays use very expensive substrates and very laborious procedures. For this reason, characterized GT are by far less common than, for instance, glycoside hydrolases. This study is a milestone for glycobiology. GTs from thermophilic microorganisms could be interesting subject studies in general. Thermostable GT could be more easy to purify and characterize if compared to their mesophilic counterparts.

      4) The knock-out in vivo of alg24 gene, was possible because S. acidocaldarius model system is one of the few Crenarchaea for which reliable molecular genetics tools can be used. These experiments, confirmed that N-glycosylation is essential in Crenarchaeota as previously shown for AlgH and AlgB.


      There are not many weaknesses in this work.

      1) How the characterization of Alg24 is directly connected to the evidence that N-glycosylation in Eukaryotes was inherited from an ancestral archaeal cell should be better explained.

      2) The novelty of the presence of Alg13/14 and Alg24 homologues in TACK superphylum shown in this paper should be commented in comparison with the available literature.

      3) The Cover Art should be revised. The 'take home message' is not clear and the phylogenetic interdependencies of the different superphyla are a bit confusing.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Evolution is a historical phenomenon that plays out over time through the complex interaction of the stochastic processes of mutation and genetic drift and the deterministic process of natural selection. Biology has seen a vibrant debate over the last few decades over what this means for the repeatability of evolution, and to what degree evolutionary outcomes are shaped by the combination of necessity, chance, and historical contingency. This debate has led to intense empirical study of these factors in evolution. Reconstruction and examination of functional protein evolution has been one of the cleverest and most interesting systems used in this study. Here, the authors seek to examine the roles of chance, contingency, and necessity in the evolution of protein-protein interactions (PPI) between BCL-2 family proteins and their coregulators. They specifically look at the evolution of specific interaction between BCL-2 and BID and the more generalized interaction between MCL-1 and coregulators BID and NOXA. They authors reconstructed the last common ancestor protein of BCL-2 and MCL-1 and a series of intermediates along their respective lines of descent. They then used a very clever Phage Assisted Continuous Evolution (PACE) system to subject replicates from each time point to selection for different PPIs and examined variation in sequence variation. By looking at evolution in replicates from different time points, they were able to disentangle the effects of chance, contingency, and necessity. They found that necessity played little role in protein evolution, with little predictability between replicates of single time points and among those from multiple time points, indicating that there was no single pathway through sequence space to the selected function. They did, however, find strong and synergistic effects of chance and contingency. They did tests to demonstrate that the effects of contingency were due to epistatic interactions that affect the viability of particular historical paths. Chance, meanwhile, had effects because multiple mutations could lead down paths to the selected function. The authors conclude that history and chance must be considered when attempting to understand protein function evolution, and that the sequences of proteins with given functions reflect do not reflect necessary pathways or constrained endpoints, but particular and idiosyncratic histories. Moreover, they suggest that contingency may need to be considered as a fundamental aspect of the evolutionary process, along with mutation, drift, and selection.

      Altogether, this is a wonderful and interesting manuscript that makes a substantial and material contribution to our understanding of how history and chance affect evolution. It even speaks to the nature of more fine-grained protein sequence evolution relative to neutral and adaptationist theories. The amount of work and thought that went into the research is nothing less than astonishing. Every time I found myself wondering, "but did they check this...", I found that they, in fact, did in the next section. The work is solid, and the results are robust. I do not see anything that concerns me in the nitty gritty of the actual scientific work. I do, however, think that the authors should engage the work that philosophers of science have done in the last decade or so to better develop our conceptual understanding of contingency and reconsider the meaning of their findings in light of that work.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors have applied a comprehensive bioinformatics analysis to 31,910 prokaryotic genomes and found evidence for extracytosolic flavin transferases ("ApbE") in approximately 50% of the genomes. Moreover, they have analyzed associated gene clusters resulting in the hypothesis that five protein classes are involved in transmembrane electron transfer. Furthermore, the authors postulate that these protein classes are subject to flavinylation by ApbEs. Although the exact biochemical role of these five classes of protein remains unknown, the authors hypothesize that they might be involved in iron assimilation and respiration, at least in some cases. In this context, the authors also identified multi-flavinylated proteins and propose that these might exert a similar role as multi-heme cytochromes, for example under iron depletion; in other words, multi-flavinylated systems might replace multi-heme cytochromes if iron is limiting.

      Strength & weaknesses

      As is evident from the summary, the basis of the article is the bioinformatic analysis of prokaryotic genomes leading to a number of interesting hypotheses with regard to transmembrane electron transport of hitherto uncharacterized protein complexes. Thus, the proposed functions of the potentially flavinylated membrane complexes will stimulate biochemical studies to characterize the suggested involvement of flavinylated protein complexes in prokaryotes. I would consider this as the main strength of the paper that it has generated multiple challenging hypotheses to follow up experimentally.

      As mentioned by the authors, about 50% of the prokaryotic genomes analyzed harbor targets for flavinylation/and the FMN transferase. However, no discussion and not even a hint is provided what these 50% of prokaryotes have in common and what distinguishes this group from the other (50%) prokaryotes. Is it lifestyle (environment), energy production, ...?

      On the other hand, the presented study leaves many issues unmentioned creating the (false) impression that all it takes to transport electrons across the membrane is a series of hemes and/or flavins along the way. For example, in the discussion of the very interesting hypothesis that flavinylation might replace multi-heme cytochromes under iron deficiency, discussed on page 20 (last para), the authors mention that "flavins possess two-electron transferring properties (ref. 46)" in contrast to the heme system. If this were true than the switch from heme to flavin would also imply that the electron transport itself would have to change from one- electron to two-electron transport. It is unclear that this would be compatible with all other components of the electron transport system. On the other hand, flavins can also - under certain circumstances and in certain environments - carry out one-electron transfer processes, e. g. DNA-photolyases, flavodoxins, etc. Thus, it is conceivable that the flavins operating in the suggested systems in prokaryotes also perform one-electron transport, similar to the operating mode of heme cytochromes. It is clear that we currently lack the biochemical/physical information to know what is really going on, but at least it should be discussed more thoroughly. Equally, several other aspects of the (multi-)flavinylation should be addressed:

      • What is known about the environment of the flavin(s)? - Is the flavin embedded in a protein matrix or freely accessible, in other words does it "behave" like a "free" flavin?

      • How does the binding of the flavin affect the redox potential (this is very important in order to understand the direction of electron transport).

      • In contrast to other covalent flavin attachments, the flavinylation addressed in the current work is reversible. Is anything known about the removal of flavins from the protein complexes in question?

      • Are there any enzymes that carry out de-flavinylation? If so, how are they regulated?

      • Connected to the last bullet point: Is the reversibility of flavinylation used for the overall regulation of electron transport?

      I assume that most of the questions cannot be satisfactorily answered yet, but I think these issues should at least be addressed in the discussion in order to stress the need for further in depths biochemical studies that target the obvious complexity of these systems.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Mutations in DHCR7, a key enzyme in cholestrol biosysnthesis have been shown to result in Smith-Lemili-Opitz syndrome. However, the mechanism by which loss of this enzyme alters brain development has not been resolved.

      In this study, the authors demonstrate that DHCR7 depletion results in depletion of cholestrol in the brain and also the accumulation of the substrate 7 dehydrocholestrol. These observations are conserved in both the brain of DHCR7 knockout mice as well as patient derived iPSC differentiated in vitro.

      The authors present evidence that the developmental defects in the brain are a consequence of accelerated differentiation of NSC into neural cells. These defects could be recapitulated by the addition of 7DHC metabolites on wild type cells.

      Throughout the manuscript, the authors demonstrate that their findings are conserved between DHC7 k/o mice and patient derived iPSC for SLO syndrome.

      To explain the mechanism underlying the cellular phenotypes described, authors propose that the accumulated 7DHC metabolites bind to and activate the glucocorticoid receptor leading to transcriptional activity.

      Overall this paper attempts to provide a comprehensive mechanistic explanation for the neurodevelopmental phenotype arising from the loss of a lipid metabolizing enzyme.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The regulation of the calcium pump SERCA by phospholamban has been studied extensively over many years as this system has become a focus of many biophysical approaches to study the interplay between protein dynamics, the biological function of calcium transport, and its regulation via protein-protein interactions, all of which are occurring within the environment of the sarcoplasmic membrane of heart muscle.

      The authors themselves have a long track record with working on this system and the specific focus here is on the detailed mechanism of how phosphorylation of phospholamban leads to a release of its inhibitory function when bound to SERCA. Much effort has been spent on this question in the past, and the field has progressed over the years by deriving increasingly detailed structural models for SERCA-phospholamban interactions. There is now a structure from crystallography showing the interaction of the phospholamban TM domain with the SERCA TM helices and there is additional data from various biophysical methods that partially describe the conformational ensemble of the extramembrane N-terminal region of phospholamban and its interaction with SERCA. Some of that insight has distinguished between phosphorylated and unphosphorylated phospholamban, but despite much data and many simulation efforts, the exact mechanism for how phosphorylation of phospholamban alters its interaction with SERCA and thereby modulates its inhibitory functions has so far not been clearly described. This is the main goal of the present work.

      There is new experimental data presented here from oriented-sample solid-state NMR experiments with the main finding of orientational shifts of the phospholamban TM helix upon binding to SERCA and upon phosphorylation. Taking advantage of this data, the main part of the study is concerned with results from computer simulations that were restrained by experimental data to develop conformational ensembles of the SERCA-phospholamban complex with and without phosphorylated phospholamban. From that, new mechanistic hypotheses are developed. While the direction of the work proposed here is promising, there are concerns about the overall approach and - as a consequence - the significance of the reported findings:

      1) A main concern is the treatment of the extramembrane portion of phospholamban, which includes the serine that is being phosphorylated to relieve the inhibitory effect. Previous studies have described a helical conformation for the N-terminal segment that may be in equilibrium with a less-ordered/less-helical structure upon binding to SERCA. It is largely still not clear, however, how exactly that part of phospholamban would interact with SERCA. The idea put forth here is that a largely disordered conformation would interact with SERCA. That may be so, but it is unclear how much of that is a direct result of experimental constraints and how much could simply be a consequence of inadequate sampling. It seems that helical conformations for the N-terminal segment of phospholamban were not considered, while there is not enough discussion of why such conformations would be ruled out based on the experimental data.

      2) The simulations are probably too short to fully explore the full conformational landscape of a (partially) disordered N-terminal phospholamban and it is unclear how much the experimental constraints are really limiting the conformational space in that region.

      3) It is not completely clear how the present work relates to the crystal structure of the SERCA-phospholamban complex. Why were the starting structures for the SERCA-phospholamban complex initially taken from the available crystal structure (at least with respect to the TM domain of phospholamban) but then subsequently refined using much lower-resolution cross-linking data before initiating the simualtions? Is the crystal structure in significant disagreement with other experimental data considered here? More discussion and explanation is needed.

      4) The main focus of the analysis of the simulation results is on the impact of phosphorylated phospholamban on the conformational sampling of SERCA. That is the key step for developing new mechanistic hypotheses. However, given that the SERCA-phospholamban complex is very large and flexible and based on the results presented, it appears that the length of the simulations may not be sufficient to fully characterize the shift in the conformational ensemble of SERCA as a function of phospholamban phosphorylation. At the minimum, some time of convergence analysis is needed to establish confidence that the difference in conformational ensembles shown most prominently in Figure 2 are indeed significant. Moreover, related to Figure 2, it is unclear whether the projection of the conformational sampling onto just two principal coordinates is sufficient for a full characterization of the conformational dynamics. It is also unclear whether the principal coordinates are the same when projecting the sampling for PLN and pPLN, if not, the comparison between the two would be further complicated.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Using a combination of powerful approaches authors demonstrate large variability in the number of release sites at hippocampal excitatory synapses onto fast spiking interneurons in slices. High resolution studies of individual synapses showed highly variable amounts of Munc13-1within the AZs that have the same number of release sites. The authors further revealed a synapse size-independent variability in the number of Munc13-1 clusters per AZ and in the Munc13-1 content of individual clusters. There results support the presence of multiple independent release sites and provide insight into molecular heterogeneity of release sites.

      This is a high quality study using most advanced techniques available to study molecular determinants of AZ organization. In addition to some technical issues, my main concern is conceptual: this work, although of very good quality overall, is rather incremental because it largely confirms several previous studies showing a large variability in the number of release sites per AZ in small central synapses, the association between Munc-13 and release site properties, and variability in Munc-13 content. Surprisingly only one of the three of these previous studies have been cited or discussed. My second concern is that the paper could be written more clearly - there are multiple terms used to refer to the same concepts making it difficult to follow and there is some conceptual logical fallacy in the way the results are discussed.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This is an interesting paper combining several impressive techniques to argue that synaptically released glutamate is allowed to diffuse to and activate receptors at much greater distance than previously thought. iGluSnFR recordings show that glutamate released from single vesicles activates the indicator with a spatial spread (length constant) of 1.2 um, substantially farther than previous estimates based on the time course of glutamate clearance by glial transporters (PMC6725141). Similar parameters are observed with spontaneous and evoked events, large or small, or when glutamate is released via 2P uncaging. Further uncaging experiments show that both AMPARs and especially NMDARs are activated a substantial distance. AMPARs, previously thought to be recruited only within active synapses, are activated with a spatial length constant that compares quite closely with the average distance between synapses in the hippocampus. More heroic experiments and some geometric calculations show that this behavior enables neighboring synapses to interact supralinearly. The results suggest that "crosstalk" between neighboring synapses may be substantially more common than previously thought.

      The experiments in this paper appear carefully performed and are analyzed thoroughly. Despite all of the quantitative rigor and careful thought, however, the authors fail to reconcile convincingly their results with what we know about neuropil structure and the laws of diffusion. There are very good data in the literature regarding the extracellular volume fraction and geometric tortuosity of the neuropil, the diffusion characteristics of glutamate and the time course of glutamate uptake. These data more or less demand that synaptically released glutamate is diluted over a much smaller spatial range than that suggested here. In the Discussion, the authors suggest that this discrepancy might reflect a simplified view of the neuropil as an isotropic diffusion medium (PMC6763864, PMC6792642, PMC6725141), whereas a more realistic network of sheets and tunnels (PMC3540825) might prolong the extracellular lifetime of neurotransmitter. I like this idea in principle, but there is no quantitative support in the paper for the claim - in fact, it seems at odds with the authors' very nice demonstration that diffusion appears to be similar in all directions (Figure 3B). I don't necessarily think a solution is within the scope of this single paper, but I would suggest that the authors acknowledge the present lack of a compelling explanation.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Bifurcation between topological loading and loop extrusion is determined by DNA passing through the N-gate. For loop extrusion to occur processively, this decision needs to be made only once at the beginning. However, the authors also argue that Scc2 dissociation between rounds of ATPase cycles is required for symmetric loop extrusion. In combination, the model requires that N-gate opening is allowed only at the very beginning and cannot occur during loop extrusion, even when the cohesion loader is released. The authors should state whether this interpretation is correct and feasible given the structural data.

      Loop extrusion has never been observed using yeast cohesin. It will be important to learn how the authors reconcile their model and the lack of experimental demonstration of loop extrusion in a reconstituted system.

      The discrepancy in speed and the measured ATPase rate is not discussed. In vitro, loop extrusion rates are about 1000 bp per second and in vivo measurements of gamma-H2AX spreading from a double strand break, ~150kbp per min according to PMID: 32527834, which was proposed to be caused by loop extrusion (PMID: 33597753), also matches that in vitro rate. But the authors model accounts for only about 100 bp extrusion per ATPase cycle whereas the average ATPase rate is 1 per second. They do mention that the model requires 9 ATP hydrolyzed per second but do not make an attempt to explain the discrepancy.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The manuscript entitled "Biosynthesis system of Synechan, a sulfated exopolysaccharide, in the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803" is a scientifically sound manuscript and is of interest for a broad scientific audience. It provides interesting and valuable new insights and many experiments were performed. However, there are some points which must be addressed to make the manuscript more consistent and easier to grasp.

      • Title: I would suggest to change the title, since Biosynthesis system is not a common term.
      • Abstract: Cyanbobacteria are not unique in having sulphated polysaccharides. What is about Carrageenan's and also exopolysaccharides from Porphyridium strains (see current publications on that). If it means that amongst bacteria the cyanobacteria are the only ones, this should be clearly stated.
      • Would avoid to use may utilize the polysaccharides... Please be more specific or delete this.
      • Lane 32: Can really every bacterium produce several EPS? This should be carefully evaluated.
      • Lane 34: The applications named are very broad and not specific, what are the real applications there?
      • Lane 49: again uniquely?
      • Lane 56: the sulphated polysaccharides are used for colony and biofilm... This sentence must be rephrased and corrected.
      • Lane 84: bubbling culture etc. I can´t find any detailed explanation on the cultivation systems, what is essential for the methods part. Please add volume, light source and principle of illumination (inside outside etc.). Please rephrase the sentence that the light was generated by fluorescent lamps.... They were used for illumination.
      • Lane 97: GTs can not be screened by disruption, it is their function what is screened.
      • Figure: would suggest to use A) instead of A,
      • Table S1: What does Importance mean in the table, would suggest to change that towards a more specific value/information
      • Lane 232: to see the transcriptome... this should be rephrased
      • The description of the different EPS is a bit confusing, since it is only described that the WT contains several sugars, which are then given in table 1. The deletion strain shows a different composition. This should be explained a bit straighter. Why is ribose given in table 1, if there is no ribose observed? In general, the whole manuscript needs correction of the English language to make it clearer in some aspects. Also, the structure of the manuscript might be reworked a bit, since it is a bit confusing in some parts. Especially the effect of the different deletions should be given clearly and straight. Also, the complexity of the manuscript will be easier to grasp by some rearrangements of the results. The current complexity might come from having all supplement figures already in the manuscript, but it also comes from sometimes complex sentences, as well as jumping a bit in between the topics. But finally, this is a really valuable and interesting study.
    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this work, the authors used in vitro binding and liposome fusion assays to study how Sec17 and Sec18 regulate SNARE-driven fusion. In previous studies, it was found that deletion of the C-terminal layers of the Qc SNARE involved in yeast vacuole fusion blocks fusion but the inhibition can be partially bypassed by addition of Sec17 and Sec18. This work extended the finding and showed that Sec17 and Sec18 can even restore fusion when two Q SNAREs are C-terminally truncated and the third chain bears point mutations. The authors conclude that HOPS and membrane anchored Rabs first promote the tethering of vacuole membranes. Subsequently, HOPS promotes membrane docking - the initial assembly of the SNAREs, likely through the SM protein in the HOPS complex. Then Sec17 and Sec18 kick in to activate the zippering of membrane-proximal regions of SNAREs. This function seems to require interactions of Sec17 with HOPS. The findings are unexpected and raise important questions.

    1. Reviewer #3:

      The prevalent treatment options for LSCC are limited in efficacy. Through genetic inactivation of Usp28 in a novel lung cancer mouse model, and chemical inhibition of Usp28 in induced LSCC in mice and human LSCC xenograft tumors, the authors demonstrated the specific dependency of LSCC (but not LADC) on the protein deubiquitinase Usp28. The authors also showed that loss of Usp28 by either means leads to depletion of the oncoproteins c-Myc, p63 and c-Jun in LSCC. Finally, the authors described a novel small molecule that is specific for Usp25/28 among a group of assessed deubiquitinases. Based on these results, the authors suggested chemically targeting USP28 as a potential therapeutic option for human LSCC patients.

      Strengths: The presentation of the work is clear, concise and easily readable. The data presented largely supports the authors' conclusions on the role of USP28 in LSCC tumorigenesis and that inhibition of USP28 is a viable therapeutic option for LSCC treatment. The generation of the KFCU mice model that can give rise to both LADC and LSCC concurrently is interesting and presents a valuable tool for the wider cancer community.

      Weakness: The manuscript can benefit from a deeper analysis of the relationship between FBW7 and USP28 in patient cohorts. A comparison of the activity/efficacy of FT206 to existing USP28 inhibitors will also be helpful.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This paper demonstrates the additional utility that can be extracted from short-read genome resources such as the genomes from the 1000 Genomes Project by leveraging variant discovery in long-read platforms. These genotyped variants can be used for eQTL studies, or to identify potential signatures of selection. Thus, low-coverage population-scale sequencing datasets such as the 1000 Genomes data can still be of use when coupled with other datasets.

      One of the challenges I have with this manuscript however is clearly understanding the novel aspects of the reported results in the context of previous work in this field. Initially, it is unclear how many of the genotyped variants are already in the 1000 Gnomes dataset, this should be clearly reported. Comparisons of LD to nearby SNPs does not take into account that the SV discovery in the 1000-genomes project was done separately from the SNP calling. Thus, while it is suggested as presented that most of these variants were previously intractable, this is insufficiently explored. Additionally, discussion of low LD with SVs is well documented in 1KG and elsewhere. Subsequently, the eQTL analyses are "broadly consistent" with previously reported eQTL analyses from both the 1000 genomes project and GTEx, but no direct comparison is performed. If the overall goal is to point out that using additional datasets can identify new variants that can be genotyped, it is important to perform comparisons to other population-scale datasets such as HGDP and SGDP (Almarri et al Cell, Hseih et al Science, etc). In these cases, higher coverage sequencing allowed discovery of variants which could then be genotyped, similar to this paper's assertion that long-read sequencing provided a new discovery set for subsequent genotyping. Indeed, the two highly stratified variants selected for follow up are reported in gnomAD. The paper mostly focusses on the identification of highly stratified loci. Again, comparison to previously reported highly stratified loci (1KG, Sudmant et al 2015, and Almarri 2020, Hseih et al) is necessary here.

      Furthermore, while the analyses of the IGH hapotype are clearly presented and interesting, as noted in the manuscript, these have already been identified. The authors mention that this locus was already identified but suggest it was "not further examined," due to "stringent filtering" however this locus was reported as one of 11 "high frequency introgressed regions" thus this description seems to mischaracterize Browning et al's recognition of the importance of this locus. The strongest part of the manuscript is the ABC modelling of the IGH haplotype elucidating the putatively extremely strong selective signatures at this locus. More focus on these results and the importance of following up and fully understanding such loci would benefit the manuscript. Broadly, this paper is well written and clearly presented however would be very much strengthened by placing it more broadly in the context of previous work and focusing more on the novel modelling analyses of specific loci that are performed.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The article by Sprenger et al. uses the power of yeast genetics to generate mutants of the ESCRT-III subunits, and study their impact on the formation of a functional ESCRT-III complex. By using functional FP tags of subunits Snf7, Vps2 and Vps24, and of the CPS cargo, they essentially follow recruitment of subunits to the vacuolar membrane, formation of Class E compartments and sorting of CPS as readouts of the endosomal ESCRT-III function. They found that recruitment of Vps2, Vps24 and Snf7 is unaffected by deletions of other subunits (Did2, Ist1, Vps60), supporting the view that Vps2-Vps24 and Snf7 form an initial subcomplex.

      To decipher molecular interactions between Vps2-Vps24 and Snf7 subunits, they use point mutants to replace well-chosen hydrophobic residues in two subunits by cysteines, and cross-link them to probe the interactions of those residues in the functional case. They also change hydrophobic residue pairs into charged residue pairs to replace the hydrophobic interaction by an electrostatic interaction, and restore functionality (only when both mutants were used).

      Overall, it is an elegant study, with very clear and well executed experiments, and which give strong support to a so far hypothetical architecture of the Vps2-Vps24-Snf7 as a double-strand filament, one of which is Snf7 only, and the other is an alternative repeat of Vps2 and Vps24.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Takaine et. al. leveraged their QUEEN ATP biosensor to ask an interesting and important question: how and why cells maintain high and stable ATP concentrations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

      The strength of their approach is to obtain single-cell quantification of ATP concentration over time. They use the technology to demonstrate the importance of the AMP kinase, and two other proteins involved in ATP synthesis/homeostasis (the adenylate kinase, ADK1, and the transcription factor, BAS1) in the maintenance of stable and high levels of ATP.

      The main novelty of their findings with respect to ATP homeostasis is the detection of sudden, transient decreases in ATP concentration in mutants. The main claim in the title and abstract of the paper is that "High and stable ATP levels prevent aberrant intracellular protein aggregation". In our opinion, the data do not yet support this claim.

      Essential issues:

      1) The most important missing experiment, which would be required to support the title, is to image both ATP levels and protein aggregation events in the same cell. The current dataset shows that the mutants under study have both decreased ATP levels and suggest that these levels are less stable, and finally that complete ATP depletion leads to protein aggregation, but it is not possible to extrapolate these observations to the current conclusions.

      2) The second most important issue is a lack of statistics with respect to spontaneous drops in ATP concentration. A couple of examples are shown, but it should be possible to obtain data for hundreds of cells. Do the examples in figure 2 represent 90% of cells? 1% of cells? 1/1000? We need to be given a more complete sense of the penetrance of these effects.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Cellular quiescence, the reversible exit from the cell cycle, is essential for long-term cell survival. One feature of quiescent cells is transcription inactivation and this paper examines gene reactivation during quiescence exit and the accompanying changes to chromatin structure. Using a variety of genome-wide analyses, including 4tU-seq, ChIP-seq, and MNase-seq, the authors show that transcription occurs within minutes of quiescence exit, and for most genes, the initial rate of transcription exceeds that of normal cycling cells. Moreover, this work shows that gene repression during quiescence, and activation upon quiescence exit, are associated with distinct chromatin organization, particularly over promoters. Finally, the authors uncover a role for the RSC chromatin-remodeling complex in establishing a chromatin organization that facilitates normal gene expression during quiescence exit. To support the above findings, the authors generated an impressive amount of sequencing datasets that robustly support their findings and will undoubtedly be of great use to many yeast transcription researchers. Although more transparent and consistent bioinformatic analyses of these data would better communicate the findings, this work enhances our understanding of gene expression changes during the transition between key cell states and thus will be of interest to a broad spectrum of readers ranging from molecular to developmental biologists.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, authors seek to resolve conflicting models for corepressor function using the elegant synthetic auxin response system. Auxin signaling is governed by a de-repression paradigm and is ideally suited to interrogate co-repressor function - in this case, the TOPLESS (TPL) co-repressor. Several contradicting models have been put forward for the mechanism of TPL-mediated gene repression, ranging from a requirement for protein oligomerization for activity, interaction with distinct partners, and even which regions of the protein are required for repressive activity. Leydon et al use the yeast-based synthetic auxin response system to interrogate these models using a single reporter locus, allowing for straight-forward examination of TPL function.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors aim to elucidate the evolutionary history of the paired NLRs Pik-1/Pik-2 in rice. They ask two primary questions:

      (1) When (in evolutionary history) did the paired Pik-1/Pik-2 locus arise and when was the integrated domain integrated into the locus?

      (2) Has the binding affinity of the integrated domain changed over evolutionary time?

      The authors convincingly demonstrate that the integrated domain is undergoing positive selection, that its integration is ancient (~15MYA) and that inferred ancient alleles bind modern AVR-PikD with poor affinity. The subsequent biochemistry experiments and structural analyses identify which residues are important for interactions with AVR-PikD and which allelic combinations induce autoimmunity.

      The biochemical work, while interesting in and of itself for identifying the interacting residues and interactions between domains, was less informative about the evolution of the NLR-effector interaction, and most of the work did not advance our understanding of the questions listed above. The most emphasized biochemistry finding was that of reduced binding affinity of ancestral Pik-1 integrated domain. Specifically, the authors demonstrate that modern AVR-PikD has poor affinity with the ancient Pik-1 integrated domain. From this result the authors infer that ancestral Pik-1 likely bound a different effector. But it was not clear how the authors ruled out binding to an ancient AVR-PikD? I was confused as to why the authors excluded this possibility. Perhaps the authors contend that the absence of the Avr-PikD in other modern blast lineages indicates Avr-PikD is unique to modern rice-infecting M. oryzae. But this modern absence does not preclude Avr-PikD in the ancestral population. Furthermore, changes in binding over time would be the effective null hypothesis in the scenario of coevolving NLR and effector. Their finding seems consistent with expectations of coevolution, a phenomenon that has been widely reported in interactions between NLRs and effectors. The novelty in this manuscript stems from the synthesis of molecular evolution analysis with ancestral state reconstruction and testing.

      Overall this manuscript is exemplary in its integration of biochemical and evolutionary analyses to study plant-pathogen coevolution. While the findings are unsurprising, future emulation of this type of data integration will likely lead to significant insight into the coevolution of plants and their pathogens.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors present a high-resolution single-cell transcriptomic atlas of the pancreatic ductal tree. Using a DBA+ lectin sorting strategy murine pancreatic duct, intrapancreatic bile duct, and pancreatobiliary cells were isolated and subjected to scRNA-seq. Computational analysis of the datasets unveiled important heterogeneity within the pancreatic ductal tree and identified unique cellular states. Furthermore, the authors compared these clusters to previously reported mouse and human pancreatic duct populations and focused on the functional properties of selected duct genes, including Spp1, Anxa3 and Geminin. Overall, the results presented here suggest distinct functional roles for subpopulations of duct cells in maintenance of duct cell identity and implication in chronic pancreatic inflammation. Finally, such detailed analysis of the pancreatic duct tree is relevant also in the context of cancer biology and might help elucidating the transition from pancreatitis to pancreatic cancer and/or different predisposition to cancer.

      The study is very well done, with careful controls and well-designed experiments.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The new models proposed here provide some potentially useful alternatives to estimating the generation time, serial interval, and the relative infectiousness of pre-symptomatic infections. The framing of the paper seems very focused on improving fits to the transmission pair data, however, and I think it would be more impactful to consider the implications of poor estimation of pre-symptomatic transmission and the generation time. I think this shift in focus could also help strengthen the narrative of the paper, which wavers between focusing on model fitting and the importance of implications for contact tracing.

      I was a bit lost in the application of the models to the contact tracing example. The definition of the contact elicitation window (lines 142-144), where identification of contacts would occur up to x days prior to contact symptom onset, makes sense theoretically in this model comparison setting, but it is hard to translate these findings to real-world application. Are there any implications that could be useful for informing contact elicitation strategy (e.g., for how many days after time of infection or symptom onset could contact tracing have a measurable benefit in preventing onward transmissions?)

      Lines 147-151: Given that the impact on onward transmission events is so dependent on the contact tracing assumptions, I would recommend stating the assumptions explicitly here, reporting the results in relative terms as compared to a single model, or both.

      How different are the variable infectiousness model results from parameter estimates from the original studies that reported the transmission pairs data?

      Can the authors comment on the plausibility of the infectiousness distribution in their new proposed models? While better model fitting certainly provides a measurable improvement to leveraging existing data, I'm not aware of studies that support the discontinuous assumptions about infectiousness made here.

      Assuming alpha means the same thing across the models, why is the 95% credible interval so large for the Feretti model? In general, the model parameters should be more clearly explained for this model.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Volatile anesthetics (VA) are thought to cause developmental defects in newborns and the authors previously studied the metabolic consequences of VA on newborn mice. Surprisingly, they found VA exposure rapidly and dramatically dropped circulating levels of the ketone beta-hydoxybutyrate (BHB). Newborn mice use ketones as energetic substrates (compared to glucose in weaned animals) so perturbing ketone metabolism could underpin some of the detrimental side-effects of VA. Therefore, the authors sought to determine why VA cause this drop in ketone availability in newborns.

      The authors first found that multiple VAs rapidly (half maximal effect occurs in ~10min) and at subanesthetic doses decrease BHB levels from ~2mM to <1mM in newborn but not in older (older than P19) mice. Extended VA exposure (>60min) also caused a decrease in circulating glucose. BHB levels could be rescued by IP injection prior to anesthesia. Why do VAs cause this effect? Ketones are known to be produced by fatty acid oxidation in the liver. The authors therefore indirectly assessed fatty acid oxidation by measuring levels of acylcarnitines (an intermediate metabolite in fatty acid oxidation) in newborn livers after VA treatment and found lower levels of acylcarnitines consistent with lower levels of fatty acid oxidation in the liver upon VA treatment. Pharmacologically inhibiting fatty acid oxidation could also drop BHB levels in newborn plasma as well. Thus, the authors provide compelling evidence that VA exposure blocks fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis in the liver of newborns and this underlies the drop in BHB in the circulation.

      The authors next asked why VAs decreased fatty acid oxidation. VAs are thought to inhibit the electron transport chain (ETC) which would cause redox imbalances (particularly in the NAD/NADH ratio) that could lead to altered TCA cycle metabolic activity that could potentially impact fatty acid oxidation. The authors therefore indirectly tested this hypothesis by measuring TCA cycle intermediates and did by VA exposure altered newborn liver levels of several TCA cycle metabolites including citrate. Citrate is metabolized by the enzyme ACLY to generate cytosolic Ac-CoA which is used by the enzyme ACC to produce malonyl-CoA, an intermediate in lipid synthesis. Malonyl-CoA is also known to inhibit the production of acylcarnitines and fatty acid oxidation. Therefore, the higher levels of citrate in VA exposed livers prompted the authors to determine if VA exposure specifically in neonates increased malonyl-CoA and if this blocked fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis. The authors measured malonyl-CoA in newborn livers and observed an increased upon VA exposure. ACC inhibitions have been developed and the authors found that ACC inhibition (which presumably would prevent malonyl-CoA formation) could partially rescue the drop in BHB brought on by VA exposure in newborns. Thus, this study delineates how altered fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis in the liver underlies the drop in BHB elicited upon VA exposure and opens the door to future studies determining if the drop in BHB contributes to newborn sensitivity to VAs and future studies elucidating exactly how VA exposure alters the TCA cycle and citrate metabolism to block fatty acid oxidation.

  3. Mar 2021
    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Zilova et al. investigate cell differentiation in aggregates made from cells of early medaka and zebrafish embryos upon culture in defined media. Using reporter lines and immunostaining, they find evidence for retinal differentiation and morphogenesis in these aggregates, the extent of which depends on the size of the aggregates. This dependence of patterning and morphogenesis on aggregate size indicates that these processes are at least partially controlled by cell-cell interactions in the population. The authors also perform experiments with cells from genetic mutants that indicate similar genetic control of retinal morphogenesis in aggregates and intact fish embryos.

      This work is a nice example of morphogenesis of differentiated cell types upon dissociation and re-aggregation of early embryonic cells. The similar behaviour of aggregates from evolutionarily distant species reported in the manuscript underscores the generality of the findings. Organoid formation from teleost cells recapitulates species-specific timescales and is therefore faster than organoid generation from mammalian cells which constitutes a potential technical advantage of this system. The major advance of this work lies in providing a clear example that organoids consisting of early neural and retinal cells can be formed in non-mammalian species. Such an approach can open up new avenues for describing basic principles of cell differentiation and pattern formation during embryogenesis, and can thereby be useful to the community.

      While the reported observations are highly interesting, the level of quantitative analysis currently does not fully support all of the author's interpretations and conclusions.

      1) The authors variably interpret their observations as the result of self-assembly or self-organization. At the moment, the data does not allow distinguishing whether the observed phenomena result from cells following largely cell-autonomous differentiation paths and come together through cell sorting, or whether dissociation and aggregation generates a condition that leads to (spatially restricted) retinal differentiation in cells that would not normally adopt this fate. I would say that the first scenario is consistent with self-assembly, while the second one is more self-organized in the sense that the new cell-cell interactions resulting from the aggregation result in emergent cellular behaviours. A first step to distinguish between these possibilities would be to quantitatively demonstrate that aggregation biases cell differentiation towards neural and retinal fates at the expense of other cell types, compared to the intact embryo. The examples shown in Figure 2 and 3d seem to indicate an overrepresentation of neural cells, but it would be good to see a quantitative comparison to the embryo.

      2) The authors use the term "primary embryonic stem cells" for the early embryonic cells that they aggregate. I find this problematic as some cells in this population may already have lineage bias and not have true multi-lineage potential. I also understand there is a difference between the cells that are used in this study and the teleost embryonic stem cells referenced in lines 49 and 50, in the sense that the latter were established as true self-renewing cell lines. But correct me if I have missed something here.

      3) The authors claim that their system is highly reproducible. Unfortunately, they do not give an indication of the success rate of aggregate formation in figure 1. Figure 4 shows the most complex patterns, but I realize that there is quite a bit of variability in between the aggregates - they are just as likely to have one or two Rx2-expressing areas (panel b). I also could not find information how many aggregates show the patterns in panels e and f, and from how many aggregates the data in panels g - i has been collected.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In the manuscript, "Dynamic persistence of UPEC intracellular bacterial communities in a human bladder-chip model of urinary tract infection" by Sharma, et al., the authors develop a bladder-on-chip model and provide evidence that this is a useful model for mimicking in vivo infections. The focus is on intracellular infection structures created by uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) seen in experimental mice infections and "real" human infections; such structures have been most extensively characterized in mouse models for obvious reasons. The authors focus on three key aspects: development of a structure known as an intracellular bacterial community (IBC), the neutrophil response to infecting UPEC, and the bacterial response to antibiotic treatment. There is a minor point about the ability to apply mechanical stretch to the model to mimic bladder filling and voiding.

      In my assessment, key strengths of this work are:

      1) Integration of both epithelial and vascular endothelial cell types, allowing for multiple fluid spaces and studies of neutrophil migration

      2) Ability to apply mechanical stretch to the entire system to mimic changes in bladder volume

      3) Extensive microscopic characterization of the model (a key feature enabled by this system) including live microscopy, immunostaining, and electron microscopy

      I believe there is one key underlying issue with this paper: as a report on the technical development of a new system / device / technique, the authors have what amounts to a very strong hypothesis, namely that their new system is a good model for the in vivo infection. This leads to a general bias in both the presentation and, in my opinion, the interpretation of the data, to make the system sound "as good as possible". Key manifestations of this bias and overinterpretation include:

      1) The immediate interpretation of all intracellular structures as IBCs.

      2) The immediate interpretation of all data in Figure 2 as neutrophil swarms and NETs.

      3) Some odd behaviors in response to ampicillin, which should not penetrate host cells and has been shown using the same cell types to not affect intracellular UPEC.

      4) The claim that a 10% linear change in dimension is "physiologically relevant" and "a significant proportion" of that seen in vivo.

      To clarify point 1 (which applies as well to point 2), IBC is an abbreviation for "intracellular bacterial community", and these were first described in mice. There has been very sparing molecular characterization of IBCs, which makes a morphological classification very tricky - I believe the field generally thinks that IBCs refer to a specific structure that is formed (at least) in mice and humans in vivo. Somewhat similar structures have been seen previously in vitro but rightfully are more carefully described with different terms or as "structures resembling IBCs". I think similar care needs to be taken with this model as well.

      Overall, the authors have done quite a complete job in characterizing their model and have good data to argue for a morphological similarity to key steps that have been previously described to happen in vivo. I believe they get ahead of themselves both in data interpretation and in the writing of the manuscript, which leads to some oddness where it seems the authors begin to talk as if their model has already been validated. This occurs throughout the manuscript in the use of the IBC abbreviation and also largely in the section on neutrophil responses (in particular swarms and NETs). There are occasional sentences where the appropriate care is taken (i.e. that the data is being collected to argue that the structures seen are indeed NETs), but this is interspersed with writing that is assuming the point is already proven (for example, see lines 286 (appropriate) and 287-289 (not); and 471-476 (appropriate), 477-479 (not), 481-483 (appropriate)).

      Regarding the ampicillin data, the odd behaviors are:

      1) Apparent elimination of intracellular UPEC (particularly for large collections)

      2) Apparent indifference for some intracellular UPEC (they continue to grow)

      3) Ampicillin is generally thought to not cross host membranes, and in Blango & Mulvey 2010 it does not affect UPEC harbored within 5637 cells. The authors collect #1 and #2 under "dynamic heterogeneity" and then claim in the discussion that they can "realistically model antibiotic treatment regimens". Given these discrepancies listed above, I do not believe they can yet support this claim.

      Finally, the ability to apply mechanical stretch is only used in one pilot experiment at the end, producing a suggestive result (that UPEC burden increases when a duty cycle of stretching and relaxing is used). This is a key advantange of their model that gets a proportionately larger share of attention in the introduction and discussion. It also may provide an explanation for the ability of ampicillin to enter the host cells, or to access intracellular bacteria (through vesicular uptake during contraction, as UPEC themselves are thought to do).

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      By means of in vitro reconstitution, the authors find that the microtubule associated protein Sjögren's Syndrome Nuclear Autoantigen 1 (SSNA1), know to form fibrils binding longitudinally along microtubules, modulates microtubule instability by reducing dynamicity and inducing rescues, prevents catastrophes in absence of free tubulin or in presence of the tubulin-sequestering protein stathmin, inhibits microtubule severing of spastin and detects spastin-induced damage sites. SSNA1, thus, is revealed as a very potent microtubule stabilizing factor.

      The reconstitution of microtubule dynamics is sound and well performed, and the parameters of dynamicity are thoroughly analyzed. The observed intensity of SSNA1 fluorescence demonstrates that the proteins do not bind uniformly along microtubules. Consequently, the rates of microtubule dynamics are not affected globally. Instead the observed rates are affected at different times for individual microtubules and, importantly, directly correlate with locally accumulating SSNA1. The authors thus validly conclude that nucleotide state recognition is not the primary mechanism of SSNA1 localization and activity. Clues towards the mechanism of SSNA1 activity are provided by the observation that SSNA1 detects spastin-induced damage sites, indicating that SSNA1 binds to partial, open microtubule structures and then stabilizes them, which is consistent with cryo-electron-tomograms available in the literature. To me it is not clear, however, if SSNA1 localize-to and act-on distinct sites of microtubule damage exclusively, or if these sites rather serve as positions of initiation or nucleation of cooperative SSNA1 binding, which the kymographs and movies seem to suggest.

      The presented observations nicely explain how the microtubule severing enzyme spastin, which directly interacts with SSNA1 and thus recruits it to the very sites of immediate damage, promotes regrowth of microtubules and increases their number and mass in vivo. The manuscript would benefit from further investigation-into and quantifications-of the "progressive accumulation" of SSNA1 on the dynamic microtubules, which, thus far are presented only by way of representational example.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Magnusson et al., do an excellent job of defining how the repeated separator sequence of Wild Type Cas12a CRISPR arrays impacts the relative efficacy of downstream crRNAs in engineered delivery systems. High-GC content, particularly near the 3' end of the separator sequence appears to be critically important for the processing of a downstream crRNA. The authors demonstrated naturally occurring separators from 3 Cas12a species also display reduced GC content. The authors use this important new information to construct a synthetic small separator DNA sequence which can enhance CRISPR/Cas12a-based gene regulation in human cells. The manuscript will be a great resource for the synthetic biology field as it shows an optimization to a tool that will enable improved multi-gene transcriptional regulation.


      • The authors do an excellent job in citing appropriate references to support the rationale behind their hypotheses.
      • The experiments and results support the authors' conclusions (e.g., showing the relationship between secondary structure and GC content in the spacers).
      • The controls used for the experiments were appropriate (e.g., using full-length natural separator vs single G or 1 to 4 A/T nucleotides as synthetic separators).
      • The manuscript does a great job assessing several reasons why the synthetic separator might work in the discussion section, cites the relevant literature on what has been done and restates their results to argument in favor or against these reasons.
      • This paper will be very useful for research groups in the genome editing and synthetic biology fields. The data presented (specially the data concerning the activation of several genes) can be used as a comparison point for other labs comparing different CRISPR-based transcriptional regulators and the spacers used for targeting.
      • This paper also provides optimization to a tool that will be useful for regulating several endogenous genes at once in human cells thus helping researchers studying pathways or other functional relationships between several genes.

      Opportunities for Improvement:

      • The authors have performed all the experiments using LbCas12a as a model and have conclusively proven that the synSeparator enhances the performance of Cas12a based gene activation. Is this phenomenon will be same for other Cas12a proteins (such as AsCas12a)? The authors should perform some experiments to test the universality of the concept. Ideally, this would be done in HEK293T cells and one other human cell type.
    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      As the authors lay out, there are a number of theoretical perspectives that expect that male features that are sexually dimorphic and, hence, vary in their levels of "masculinity" (or perhaps less sex-anchored, vary along a male-female dimension) within human males, to have been under sexual selection historically (if not now), which may in part explain their sexual dimorphism. The target article examines associations between a number of such traits that have been examined-bodily strength and muscularity, facial masculinity, vocal pitch, 2nd to 4th digit ratio (2D:4D), height, and testosterone levels-with measures of mating "success" (e.g., sexual partner number) and reproductive outcomes (e.g., reproductive success). With traits keyed such that more positive values reflect greater "maleness," virtually all associations with putative fitness components were found to be positive, though not all associations had confidence intervals that do not cross the zero-point (i.e., not all are "significant").

      The strongest associations were with body masculinity. Specific measures included strength, body shape, and muscle or non-fat body mass (though the associations are not broken down by indicator type). In the mating domain, the overall correlation was .13 (.14 in the behavior domain, perhaps most related to mating "success"). In the reproductive domain, the mean correlation was .14, and .16 in high fertility samples (a subset of which may represent natural fertility populations). Especially when strength (e.g., grip strength) was used as the measure of body masculinity, these associations are likely underestimated, due to imperfect validity of the masculinity/muscularity indicator.

      Associations with voice pitch were, on average, nearly identical to those involving body masculinity: .13 overall in the mating domain and .14 overall in the reproductive domain. But due to smaller sample size, the confidence interval around the correlation in the reproductive domain included zero.

      The next grouping of traits, in terms of strength of association, contains facial masculinity and testosterone levels. There, associations were .09 and .08 in the mating domain and .09 and .04 in the reproductive domain, respectively. Once again, not all confidence intervals were exclusively above zero.

      Associations with both 2D:4D and height were weaker: .03 and .06 in the mating domain and .07 and .01 in the reproductive domain, respectively.

      I offer a few observations.

      First, the meta-analysis, to my mind, offers some interesting data. We need to be aware of its limitations. Many samples are drawn from WEIRD populations (Henrich et al., 2010). It remains unclear to what extent fertility and reproductive success in these samples, even when drawn from high fertility populations, reflect processes that would have operated in ancestral human groups. It makes sense that some of these features may well have been variably associated with fitness components in ancestral populations, but potential key moderator variables (e.g., pathogen prevalence, level of paternal provisioning, level of intergroup violence, degree of female choice [vs. arranged marriages]) may not be available to examination here. To the extent moderation exists, mean levels in this meta-analysis are less meaningful (though not meaningless), as we do not know whether the distribution of moderators in this sample of samples is representative of populations of interest. (E.g., due to advances in modern medicine, these samples may be much healthier than ancestral populations in which these features were subject to selection.) And that is just a partial list of caveats we need to keep in mind. Nonetheless, with those limitations kept in mind, these findings are interesting to reflect upon.

      Second, the associations of course do not tell us what processes drive them. They are correlations. Indeed, we do not know whether the traits themselves were directly implicated in the processes leading to their associations with fitness outcomes. (2D:4D surely wasn't-it's a marker of other causal variables-but its associations are among the weakest seen here.) It makes some sense that the stronger the associations, the more likely the trait in question was directly causally implicated in these processes. And again, that may be particularly true of body masculinity, as associations with it may be underestimated due to fallible indicator validity. But even then, we cannot rule out other mediating traits. Perhaps more muscular men exhibit greater confidence and gain leadership roles more readily than less muscular men, giving them an edge in intrasexual competition or intersexual choice due to associated behavior or status. Or maybe they ultimately gain greater control of resources, giving them advantages in competition for mates or provisioning of offspring. This is not to deny that muscularity may well have been (and be) under sexual selection; but it may have been selected along with other traits rather than the direct target of selection itself.

      Third, then, we do not know what intrasexual or intersexual selection processes may have been involved historically, even if these traits have directly been under sexual selection. To what extent are these associations due to advantages in intrasexual competition? To what extent might they be due to female preferences and choice? Naturally, as the authors note, these processes are not mutually exclusive. After all, in lekking species, males compete with one another for a symbolic spatial position, which, because it represents the outcome of the competition, leads to mating success via female choice. Still, we might be interested in knowing what processes led to the associations found, and how they speak to sexual selection and mating processes in humans.

      Once again, however, the associations reported are interesting to reflect upon. And they could, either directly or indirectly (by stimulating additional research), lead to better answers to issues raised above. One key outcome that relatively little data currently speak to, for instance, is mortality rate of offspring. As the authors note, men who are more successful with respect to mating effort may invest lower amounts of parental investment in offspring. In theory, then, their greater offspring number could be offset to an extent by lower survival rates. In the relatively few data the authors aggregated from the literature, that was not clearly the case. But more data may be needed, especially with respect to the strongest predictors of mating success, and especially in more traditional societies.

      Paternal investment in offspring, however, need not pay off just in terms of offspring survival rates; paternal provisioning may permit greater rates of reproduction via shortening of interbirth intervals in traditional societies. The data here show that, at least with respect to body masculinity, more masculine men have greater mating success and greater reproductive success. Yet the data do not necessarily tell us that the female partners of these men have greater reproductive success. More masculine men's rates of offspring production could be spread over more female mates than that of less masculine men. Knowing whether female partners of more masculine men benefit reproductively by mating with masculine men is pertinent to addressing whether the reproductive success of masculine men has been mediated, in part, by female mate choice.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This manuscript sheds new light on the regulation and function of a signaling network comprised of the adaptor molecules Cas and BCAR3. The data presented in the manuscript are generated through rigorous experimentation, frequently with the use of multiple approaches to arrive at the stated conclusions.

      Minor concerns:

      1) Figure 3e. The authors state that "SOCS6 binds BCAR3 and Cas independently" (bottom of page 7). However, while they show that the EE BCAR3 mutant binds to SOCS6 under conditions when it does not bind to Cas, they do not show the reciprocal interaction in this paper. Their previous paper (J Cell Sci 2014) suggests that SOCS6 binding to Cas may be independent of BCAR3 but neither that paper nor the current manuscript explicitly examine that. Unless there is direct evidence that SOCS6 can bind to Cas in the absence of BCAR3, perhaps it would be more accurate for the authors to limit their conclusion by saying that "SOCS6 binds to BCAR3 independently of Cas."

      2) Figure 8a and c. Without showing a Western blot to address total pools of phosphorylated Cas, it is not clear whether the depletion in pY165 is targeted to the pool of Cas present in adhesions or to a diminution in phosphorylation of the total pool of Cas in the cell. At a minimum, the authors would need to clarify that phosphorylation at Y165 of Cas in the pool of Cas that is localized to adhesions is reduced in the presence of Y117F, R177K, or the EE mutant of BCAR3.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors use high-resolution live imaging to investigate how progenitor cells travel through an embryo to a distant site for differentiation and organ formation. The test case is the movement of dorsal forerunner cells (DFCs) in the zebrafish embryo, which give rise to a transient organ called Kupffer's vesicle that functions to establish the left-right body axis. DFCs are derived from enveloping layer (EVL) cells ~5 hours post-fertilization (hpf) and then move towards the vegetal pole of the embryo. They ultimately end up in the tailbud where they differentiate into epithelial cells to form Kupffer's vesicle between 10-11 hpf. Live imaging convincingly shows that EVL cells undergo apical constriction and delaminate from the EVL layer to form DFCs. Some DFCs remain connected to the EVL via ZO-1 enriched tight junction-like apical attachments. The authors propose that spreading of the EVL layer 'drags' the underlying DFCs towards the vegetal pole via these apical attachments. Supporting this model, EVL and DFCs co-migrate with the same speed and directionality, and perturbation of an actomyosin ring network in the yolk syncytial layer (YSL) disrupts movement of both EVL and DFCs. Between 8-9 hpf DFCs detach and are uncoupled from the EVL. The authors show that E-cadherin is necessary for DFC-DFC adhesion, and additional imaging experiments show that DFCs can extend long protrusions that 'capture' detached DFCs to facilitate clustering. Taken together, these data suggest an interesting drag mechanism for guiding progenitor cell movements, however the results presented do not fully demonstrate this mechanism, and alternative mechanisms were not thoroughly tested.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors study the leaf transcriptomes of males and females in 10 species of Leucadendron and infer genes expressed significantly differently between males and females (sex-biased genes, hereafter SBGs). Most SBGs in Leucadendron leaves evolved recently, suggesting that SBGs turnover (evolution and reversion) is very high because the genus is ancestrally dioecious since >10My. Using species in which the genes orthologous to SBGs are not sex-biased, the authors show that SBGs have high rates of expression evolution already before becoming SBGs. This suggests that most SBGs evolved under drift and the majority of SBGE (sex-biased gene expression) is evolving neutrally. This is confirmed by the estimated small proportion of SBGs evolving under adaptation (about 20% of SBGs have 5 fold higher expression divergence compared to polymorphism divergence, a mark of relatively recent adaptation). Also, SBGs are more tissue specific (less pleiotropic). Finally, the percentage of SBG is not correlated to the intensity of morphological dimorphism. All these findings go against the classical view that SBGE is driven by sex-specific selection for sexual dimorphism.

      The analyses are very cautious with well designed controls and randomizations.

      The results support well the conclusions.

      This study puts forward the role of drift in sex-biased gene expression, offering a new interpretation of this common evolutionary phenomenon.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This analysis focuses on funding success for a set of NIH R01-mechanism grant applications submitted between 2011 and 2015, with a focus only on those which had white and Black Principal Investigators (PIs). It is presented as a follow-up to the previously published paper from Hoppe and colleagues in 2019, uses the same population of applications and relies on the same analysis of application text to cluster these applications by topic. The authors set out to determine how success rates associated with the application's proposed topic may be determined by the success rates associated with the Institute or Center within the NIH to which the application had been assigned for potential funding. This is a critical and important investigation that is of high potential impact. The scholarship of the Introduction and Discussion, however, fails to convey this to the reader. There are many recent publications in the academic literature that address why a disparity of funding to AA/B investigators, and a disparity of funding of topics that are of interest to AA/B investigators, are such critical matters for the NIH to identify and redress. Similarly, the Discussion and Conclusions sections do not suggest any specific actions that may be recommended by these findings, which is an unfortunate oversight that limits the likely impact of this work.

      The significance of this work is limited by a number of methodological choices that are unexplained or have not been justified and therefore appear to be somewhat arbitrary. While it can be necessary to draw category lines in an investigation of this type, it is necessary to provide some indication of what would happen to the support for the central conclusions if other choices had been made. This includes the exclusion of multi-PI applications if the Black PI was not the contact PI, the definition of AA/B-preferred ICs as the top quartile (particularly given the distribution of success rates within this quartile), the definition of AA/B-preferred topics as the 15 word clusters that accounted for only half of the AA/B applications, and the ensuing inclusion of only 27% of the AA/B applications. Arbitrary choices to use only a subset of the data raise questions about what the conclusions would be if the entire dataset of grants assigned across all of the ICs, and on all of the topics, was used.

      A fundamental limitation to this manuscript is that the authors are relying on an indirect logic of analysis instead of simply reporting the success rates for applications with AA/B and white PIs within each IC. The primary outcome deployed in support of the central conclusion is a reduction of the regression coefficient for the contribution of PI race to award success and an elimination of statistically significant contribution of research topic preferred by AA/B applicants to the award success once IC success was partialed out. The former analysis is interpreted in imprecise terms instead of simply reporting what magnitude of effect on the white/Black success rate gap is being described. And the latter analysis appears to show a continued significant effect of PI race on award success even when the IC success rate is included. The much more intuitive question of whether award rates for white and AA/B applicants differ within each IC has not been addressed with direct data but the probit model outcome suggests it is still significantly different. This gives the impression that the authors have conducted an unnecessarily complex analysis and thereby missed the forest for the trees- i.e. even when accounting for IC award rates there is still a significant influence of PI race.

      The manuscript is further limited by atheism omission of any discussion of how and why a given grant is assigned to a particular IC (this is exacerbated by incorrect phrasing suggesting the applicant "submits an application to" a specific IC) and any discussion of the amount of the NIH budget that is assigned to a given IC and how that impacts the success rate. This is, at the least, necessary explanatory context for the investigation.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors use a combination of fluorescent and electron microscopy to visualize the trafficking of HIV-1 viral particles during infection. The goal was to determine the components of nuclear HIV-1 virions during infection, and specifically to determine the degree to which reverse transcribed DNA in the nucleus associates with capsid protein and other fluorescent markers of infectious virions, such as fluorescently labeled integrase, which is increasingly used by many labs to track HIV-1 particles in the nucleus. The strengths of the manuscript lie in the imaging approaches used to quantitatively measure colocalization between viral DNA, CA and IN during infection, which are rigorous and well executed. Tomograms of high pressure frozen/plastic substituted samples showing apparently intact capsid cores at and within the nucleus are the most significant outcomes of the study and represent a significant technical achievement. These images provide some of the most compelling evidence to date that cores an enter the nucleus intact, despite previous studies suggesting that capsid disassembly occurs in the cytoplasm or at the nuclear pore.

      The weaknesses of the manuscript lie in the use of HeLa based target cells in all but one of the figures. Although the results in primary cells are generally consistent with the results observed in HeLa cells, differences between HeLa and primary cells have been noted in other studies, and the manuscript would have been significantly improved with more extensive use of primary cells throughout. Additionally, the numerous other recent recent studies that have demonstrated that reverse transcription and uncoating complete in the nucleus, including works from the Pathak, Diaz-Griffero, Di Nunzio, Dash and Campbell labs, among others, reduce the potential impact of these studies. The Di Nunzio lab, in particular, has recently published a nearly identical system for labeling the reverse transcribed HIV-1 genome during infection. However, differences in approach prevented that study from being able to conclude that intact capsids exist in the nucleus (or made such conclusions open to alternative interpretations). In contrast, the CLEM-ET studies in this manuscript unambiguously show intact cores in the nucleus, and this is an advance for the field, in addition to being a substantial technical achievement. Nevertheless, the prior studies in this area, published last year, do impact the novelty of the observations made in this manuscript.

      In the aggregate, this manuscript adds to a growing body of work suggesting that models of HIV-1 infection that have dominated the field for years should be reconsidered. As recently as 2 years ago, the idea that even a small amount of CA protein remained associated with the viral replication complex in the nucleus was somewhat heretical. While old models die hard, and some in the field are likely to debate how "intact" the capsid cores observed in this manuscript actually are, the idea that intact or nearly intact cores can enter the nucleus is increasingly difficult to deny in light of data provided here. This raises questions regarding how the HIV-1 core, which exceeds the generally accepted size limitation of nuclear pore complexes by 50%, based on the width of a capsid core, can enter the nuclear environment in an intact or nearly intact state (an issue that is addressed in the recent (and cited) Zila et al. bioRxiv paper, but not here).

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This manuscript by Koiwai et al. described the single-cell RNA-seq analysis of shrimp hemocytes and was submitted as a Resource Paper in eLife. In this study, they identified 9 cell types in shrimp hemocytes based on their transcriptional profiles and identified markers for each subpopulation. They predicted different immune roles among these subpopulations from differentially expressed immune-related genes. They also identified cell growth factors that might play important roles in hemocyte differentiation. This study helps to understand the immune system of shrimp and maybe useful for improving the control of the pathogen infections. The analysis of the data and interpretation is overall good but there are also some concerns:

      1) The number of UMI and genes detected per cell after mapping to the in-house reference genome does not appear to be presented, and the similarities or differences between the three replicated samples are not discussed, as well as the low number of genes detected per cell (~300 in this study) .

      2) The correlation between the morphology and the expression of marker genes demonstrated in Figure 6 is questionable. Cells of the same size could express totally different genes. On the other hand, cells that are different in size can express nearly identical genes. The evidence presented in this manuscript is not enough to support a correlation between cell size and gene expression. Therefore, the author would either need to provide more evidence to support this correlation, or not make such correlation.

      3) There are many spindle-shaped cells in Figure 6B, but none of them appeared in Figure 6C and D after sorting, and the reason for this is unclear.

      4) The hemocyte differentiation model in Figure 7 is not supported by any experimental data.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Lamers et al wanted to characterise the previously reported adaptation of SARS-CoV-2 to non-human (Vero) cells. Vero cells are commonly used by laboratories to grow experimental stocks of some viruses as these cells permit high titres of many viruses, they lack the ability to produce type I interferons (cytokines which could interfere with downstream assays), and their non-human nature means soluble factors in virus stocks are less likely to impact experiments in human cells. However, a number of reports have recently been published describing that growth of SARS-CoV-2 in Vero cells leads to loss of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein multibasic cleavage site (MBCS). This apparent adaptation to the Vero cell-line leads to a virus compromised in its ability to enter, and therefore replicate in, human cells, meaning that experimental results obtained in human cells using the Vero-adapted SARS-CoV-2 may not fully reflect the situation occurring with authentic SARS-CoV-2. It is therefore important for the research community to understand SARS-CoV-2 adaptation to laboratory cell-lines/conditions and to have propagation methods that are suitable for maintaining the authenticity of clinical virus isolates.

      The major finding of Lamers et al in this manuscript is that human cell-lines (e.g. Calu-3) and primary human organoid systems can be used to propagate clinical isolates of SARS-CoV-2 to high titres without the acquisition of 'laboratory adaptations'. To get to this finding, the authors carefully study the adaptation of a representative SARS-CoV-2 isolate in Vero cells, monitoring plaque size phenotypes and performing whole-genome deep sequencing to identify adaptive variants that appear in the viral Spike gene. These variants (including newly-described substitutions as well as deletions around the MBCS) are validated for their impact on viral infectivity in human and Vero cells using pseudovirus assays, fusion assays, and western blot assays, and their role in affecting the entry route of SARS-CoV-2 is dissected using pathway-specific inhibitors (such as camostat and E64D) and cell-lines with/without TMPRSS2 (an important protease for Spike cleavage). Importantly, using these assays and tools, the authors can make solid and well-reasoned arguments as to why SARS-CoV-2 adapts to Vero cells, and thus why certain culture conditions and cell substrates lead to a loss of SARS-CoV-2 genetic stability. Using similar tools, this also allows the authors to carefully study whether any adaptations occur when SARS-CoV-2 stocks are passaged in human cell substrates (such as Calu-3 or primary human organoids), and study culture conditions in Veros (such as expression of TMPRSS2) that prevent changes in SARS-CoV-2.

      The data in this manuscript are thorough and well-presented. Importantly, the conclusions are strongly supported by the data, particularly the overall take-home message that human cell substrates can be used to efficiently propagate SARS-CoV-2 isolates without introducing cell culture adaptations. However, beyond this simple message, the manuscript also provides new mechanistic insights into the reasons for such viral adaptations in the Vero cell system, and identifies previously undescribed adaptations in the MBCS region that will be valuable for other researchers to take note of. The authors also describe a methodological workflow to produce SARS-CoV-2 in human cells that highlights a buffer-exchange step to remove potentially interfering human cytokines/debris, and which will be useful for other researchers.

      Overall, the manuscript makes a clear and important contribution to the SARS-CoV-2 field and will be of interest to active researchers who are studying this virus experimentally.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In some species, supporting cells (SCs) of the cochlea can replace hair cells and thus restore hearing. In the mouse, neonatal SCs can also produce hair cells; however, this property is lost during early postnatal life. This study sought to test whether forced expression of two transcription factors normally associated with OHC development, Atoh1 and Ifzh2, can induce adult mammalian supporting cells to take OHC-like properties. Using Cre-dependent expression in mice, the authors showed that co-expression of Atoh1 and Izfh2 could induce a small number of adult SCs to express the OHC-specific gene, Prestin. This conversion was significantly enhanced when existing OHCs were ablated, in this case using a Prestin-DTR mouse model generated by the authors. A detailed phenotypic analysis combined with single cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) supports the idea that Atoh1/Izfh2 can partially convert adult SCs into OHC-like cells. However, the conversion is not complete, with immature bundles and a gene signature that resembles P1 OHCs (and sometimes E16 OHCs) more than P7/P30 OHCs or P60 SCs. Accordingly, the new OHCs are not sufficient to restore hearing in the Prestin-DTR mouse model. Together, these data encourage optimism that adult SCs can be steered along the OHC path, though clearly more manipulations will be needed to produce mature, functional OHCs.

      The main weakness of the study is the scRNA-seq analysis, which depends on very small sample sizes. Suggestions to improve upon the analysis are listed under Specific Recommendations.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Pettmann et al. aimed at significantly improving the accuracy of SPR-based measurements of low affinity TCR-pMHC interactions by including a 100% binding control (injecting of a conformation-specific HLA-antibody) in the surface plasmon resonance protocol. Interpolating with the information of saturated pMHC binding on the chip The authors arrive at KDs for low affinity binders that are significantly higher than the previously reported constants. If correct, this has considerable ramifications for the interpretations of the results obtained from functional assays measuring the T cell response towards pMHCs featured in a titrated fashion. Unlike what was put forward by earlier reports, the authors conclude that the discriminatory power of TCRs is far from perfect, as T cells still respond to low affinity pMHC-ligands without a sharp affinity threshold. This is also because they managed to detect T cells responding to even ultra-low affinity ligands if provided in sufficient numbers.

      The body of work convinces in several regards:

      (i) It is exceedingly well thought out and introduces a quality of analytical strength that is absent in most of the literature published thus far on this topic.

      (ii) At the same time theoretical arguments are bolstered by a large body of experimental "wet" work, which combines a synthetic approach with cellular immunology and which appears overall well executed.

      (iii) The data lead to hypotheses in the field of T cell antigen recognition in general and in the theatre of autoimmunity, cancer and infectious diseases.

      There are a few aspects that may limit the impact of the study. I have listed them below:

      (i) The study does not provide kinetic data for the low affinity ligand-TCR binding but rather argues from the position of affinities as determined via Bmax. This limits somewhat the robustness of the statements made with regard to kinetic proofreading.

      (ii) Thresholds for readouts were arbitrarily chosen (e.g. 15% activation). It appears such choices were based on system behavior (with the largest differences observed among the groups) but may have implications for the drawn conclusions.

      In summary, the work presented contributes to demystifying the link between TCR-engagement and (membrane proximal) signaling. It also provides a fresh perspective on the potential of TCR-cossreactivity.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Sun et al have assembled, modified, and applied a series of existing gene editing tools to tissue-derived human fetal lung organoids in a workflow they have termed "Organoid Easytag". Using approaches that have previously been applied in iPSCs and other cell models in some cases including organoids, the authors demonstrate: 1) endogenous loci can be targeted with fluorochromes to generate reporter lines; 2) the same approach can be applied to genes not expressed at baseline in combination with an excisable, constitutively active promoter to simplify identification of targeted clones; 3) that a gene of interest could be knocked-out by replacing the coding sequence with a fluorescent reporter; 4) that knockdown or overexpression can be achieved via inducible CRISPR interference (CRISPRi) or activation (CRISPRa). In the case of CRISPRi, the authors alter existing technology to lessen unwanted leaky expression of dCas9-KRAB. While these tools have previously been applied in other models, their assembly and demonstrated application to tissue-derived organoids here could facilitate their use in tissue-derived organoids by other groups.

      Limitations of the study include:

      1) is demonstrated application of these technologies to a limited set of gene targets;

      2) a lack of detail demonstrating the efficiency and/or kinetics of the approaches demonstrated.

      While access to human fetal lung organoids is likely not available to many or most researchers, it is probable that the principles applied here could carry over to other organoid models.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Moncla et al. investigated the transmission of mumps virus in Washington, USA during an outbreak in 2016-2017. They sequenced viral genomes from infected individuals in Washington and elsewhere within the United States and used phylogenetic approaches to understand the origins and patterns of spread exhibited by the virus during the outbreak. They observe a large fraction of cases in individuals who are part of the Marshallese community, and identify a link to a similar outbreak in the Marshallese community in Arkansas. They develop a method for determining the role of the Marshallese community in the Washington outbreak that is robust to sampling bias and size. This method is well thought-out and presented and demonstrates that the outbreak in Washington state was sustained by transmission within this particular community. This paper provides a thoughtful approach to dealing with sampling issues that are often overlooked in phylogenetic studies. By consulting with a public health professional from within the affected (Marshallese) community, the authors are able to contextualize their results and demonstrate the underlying issues that may have contributed to mumps spread within the state.

      Working with public health advocates from affected communities is exceptionally important for long term public health impact, and this paper sets an example that should be followed by others in the pathogen genomics field. The methodology used to determine mumps transmission patterns in Washington is sound and the conclusions are well explained. However, some additional context on the issues and potential pitfalls of source-sink analyses based on phylogenetic inference would help improve this already solid paper. Specifically:

      1) The authors seem to assume a somewhat random sample throughout Washington state. They state that given a low sampling proportion they do not expect to have captured infection pairs, which seems reasonable. However, they then go onto assume that their sample is primarily comprised of samples from long, successful transmission chains. This is a reasonable assumption if there is no major difference in accessibility of samples from long transmission chains and shorter ones (for example, decreased access to healthcare). Could this impact the assumption of sampling primarily from long transmission chains? It seems from the data collected in this outbreak that this was not the case for mumps in Washington but addressing this assumption clearly (and potential ways to interrogate it) could make their methodology more applicable to other pathogen studies.

      2) There are many examples of phylogenetic analyses that have led to conclusions about pathogen sources and sinks that were later shown to be wrong because of oversampling or other sampling biases. The authors address unequal sampling between clades, but additional contextualization of the problem and how this approach is different may help strengthen the methodology presented in the paper.

      3) The authors present compelling evidence that the mumps outbreak in Washington state was sustained by the Marshallese community, and state that mumps did not transmit efficiently among the general Washington populace. That said, there were several other mumps outbreaks in the United States in the same 2016-2017 time period. Was there something different about Washington state that prevented mumps transmission outside of the Marshallese community? Were there no other close-knit communities (universities, prisons, other cultural communities, etc.) affected? It just seems surprising that the Marshallese community was the only community sustaining transmission at a time where many different types of communities were affected across the United States.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors investigated pupillary response looking at the changes corresponding to perceptual events (spontaneous or physical changes) and contrasting them with requirements of over reporting (changes were reported or ignored). They demonstrate that the former is associated with a rapid constriction and re-dilation, whereas the latter shows an opposite effect with dilation being followed by re-constriction. The particular strength of the work is in no-report conditions using on OKN-based inference about timing of perceptual events that allowed for this dissociation to be observed, whereas manual report conditions allowed for a direct comparison with prior work. The analysis and control experiments are very thorough showing that reported results are unlikely to be explained other factors such as saccades or blinks.

      The study makes a significant contribution but proposing a no-report paradigm for identifying perceptual events that should work for any multistable display. The fairly rapid pupil constriction event could provide an easy to detect and temporally reliable marker of perceptual switches, expanding ways the multistability data is collected. The same approach could also be useful for no-report studies of visual awareness in general.

      The ability to decompose pupillary response into two components - perception and over manual response - will also be useful for studying neural correlates of spontaneous perceptual switches, as it could help to better understand switch-time activity in various frontal and parietal regions. Here, also some regions are associated with active response, whereas other with perception, distinction that could be potentially better understood based on the idea that only the former involves noradrenaline-affected processing. My main worry methodologically is the under and overestimation of mean switch rate via OKN (figure 1C). OKN estimates are all within .4-.8 range, whereas for self-report rates differ from 0.2 to over 1. Further analysis would be helpful. I think it would be helpful if the authors elaborated on what kind of switches went unreported (or, conversely, what kind of events led to false alarms): switches before very short dominance phases (could be to fast to report via key presses), to return transitions, etc.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Opsin proteins are ancient light-sensitive molecules found in photoreceptor cells throughout the animal kingdom. Recent discoveries including those made in the current paper have revealed that besides r-opsins, some classes of photoreceptor cell also express genes that are found in mechanosensory cells, and that r-opsins have both light-dependent and light-independent effects on mechanical force transduction or motion. A question remains as to whether or not: 1) a protosensory cell of animals existed which contained both photoreceptor and mechanoreceptor-like features and, 2) whether the original function of opsin included light-dependent mechanosensory features? The authors consider three competing hypotheses for the cellular evolution of photoreceptor and mechanosensory function. Two of the hypotheses envision either photo- or mechanosensory function for opsins evolving first, the third imagines them evolving simultaneously. The authors note that the majority of what we know about rhabdomeric opsins comes from studying the eye photoreceptors of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. But might this kind of photoreceptor have functions that are derived compared to the ancestral photoreceptor cell? To investigate this question, the authors turn to the non-model system, Platynereis dumerilii, which has both head and non-head photoreceptors. Here the authors use 1) a fluorescent cell sorting method to perform RNA profiling of eye and trunk photoreceptor cells of a mutant marine worm and find evidence of co-expression of photo- and mechanosensory genes in photoreceptor cells. They also compare the genes that are expressed in Platyneris photoreceptors with genes expressed in Drosophila JO (hearing organ in flies), Zebrafish lateral lines and mouse IEH (inner ear hair) cells, and again they find some commonly-expressed genes. 2) The authors use cell culture to express the opsin, demonstrate that it interacts with G-alphaq, and that it's peak sensitivity is in the blue range. 3) They use in situ hybridization to validate the RNA-seq and detect select enriched transcripts in the photoreceptor tissues. 4) They use a new method, which should be widely useful to other researchers, to detect undulation behavior of the opsin mutant vs. wildtype worms and show that the mutant worm behavior is perturbed in altered light cycles. Taken together, the authors suggest that an ancient light-dependent function of opsin was linked to mechanosensation and that light-independent mechanosensory functions of opsins evolved secondarily. The interpretation is somewhat reasonable given the available data but does not yet entirely rule out other possibilities (see below).

      This paper is a tour-de-force and a really impressive collection of experiments which examines the function of r-opsin in Platyneris. There's lots of innovation here from the use of fluorescent cell sorting and cell-specific RNA-Seq on a non-model system to the deep-learning based approach to examining behavior. Overall, the authors' interpretation of their data seems reasonable however I do believe a even stronger case could be made that what we are talking about is shared ancestry vs. recent recruitment if the authors made phylogenetic trees of the numerous TRE genes that are enriched between Drosophila JO and mouse IEH cells. If a significant number of these genes were true orthologs vs. paralogs across all three species then this would provide stronger evidence of an ancient light-dependent mechanosensory function for r-opsin. GO enrichment terms, while intriguing and suggestive, don't go far enough into the weeds. Also, I think the estimate of there being only 12 genes involved in making a photoreceptor cell able to detect light is probably an underestimate, as this ignores, for example, the understudied molecular machinery required for chromophore metabolism and transport. At the very least, the work should help inspire vigorous debate between vision and auditory neuroscience communities (which do not usually converse with one another) to more carefully consider the ways in which their systems overlap and why.

    1. Reviewer #3:

      The authors hypothesized lower GABA levels in older adults would influence cortico-cortical phase relationships more than cortico-muscular phase relationships during performance of a bimanual motor task. To this end, they evaluated the mediating role of endogenous bilateral sensorimotor cortex GABA content in relation to behavioral performance and patterns of interhemispheric and cortico-muscular electrophysiological phase coherence during a bimanual motor control task. The central finding was that the mediating influence of right M1 GABA on the relationship between cortico-cortical electrophysiology and behavior diverged between the younger and older groups, with lower endogenous GABA concentrations potentially benefitting bimanual motor performance in young adults and hindering performance in older adults. The result was specific to right M1 GABA, raising questions about hemispheric asymmetry, and behavioral performance differed substantially between groups, possibly influencing the sensitivity of the analyses of the electrophysiological phase relationships. Moreover, several earlier studies suggest endogenous M1 GABA content relates to cortico-muscular excitability measurements, other than phase synchrony, and it is unclear what distinguishes phase synchrony from these other measurements. The behavioral, MRS, and electrophysiological methods employed are fairly well-established and are combined in a novel manner. The Bayesian moderated mediation analysis represents a new approach to evaluating relationships between these measures under the moderating influence of age. The central questions concerning the roles of cortical endogenous GABA in bimanual control, and in age-related changes in motor control more generally, are important for determining the neural computations underlying flexible and precise behavior.

      1) The total number of finger taps within the 2000 ms transition epoch likely differed between groups and could influence the ISPC measures. It would be helpful to rule out this possibility by examining relationships between ISPC measures and the total number of taps.

      2) The differences between right and left M1 are somewhat surprising and merit further attention, particularly given the cortico-cortical ISPC results. The interpretation provided in the discussion (lines 607-618) is not particularly satisfying since this asymmetry is a critical feature of a key result. Can the authors leverage their own data to provide further insight into why RM1 GABA+ may be more likely to exhibit a relationship than LM1 GABA+? Would analyzing the behavioral data separately for the left and right hands provide further insight? Does the non-dominant hand lag behind the dominant hand, and/or is it more susceptible to errors?

      3) There were some general issues concerning the GABA+ data:

      a. Figure 2a suggests an interaction in the pattern of variance in the GABA+ data between the Young and Older groups for the LM1 and RM1 voxels. Is this interaction in variance significant, and if so, what might this mean for the M1 GABA+ results? Specifically, Young show greater variance for LM1, and Older show greater variance for RM1. Also, Young appear to show considerably lower variance for RM1 than LM1. However, the data in Figure 2 supplement 2 suggest that variance in the Young is similar between LM1 and RM1. Do these numbers accurately reflect the data depicted in Figure 2a?

      b. It would be helpful to show the difference spectra in Figure 2 supplement 1b with separate plots for Young and Older.

      c. Figure 2, supplement 1a: Was the LM1 voxel more dorsal and medial than the RM1 voxel?

      4) The authors interpret the decrease in failure and increase in error rate across the task in the Older group as an indication of a loss of precision over time. Alternatively, might this pattern also arise because these participants are becoming faster at correcting their errors (i.e. within 2000 ms), avoiding trials from being categorized as a failure? More generally speaking, it would be helpful if the authors provided additional information about the cumulative error rate trials and what behavior looked like on these trials.

      5) The authors should provide further justification for the assignment of age as the moderator and GABA+ as the mediator in their statistical model. Conceptually, it seems these factors could be reversed.

      6) Several studies have established relationships between transcranial magnetic stimulation measures of cortico-muscular excitability and endogenous GABA+ content in the dominant M1. The manuscript would benefit from further discussion of the relationship of the phase connectivity measurements used here in comparison to these other previous studies.

      7) It is not clear that data or analysis code are available.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This study provides a concept of circuit organization of a pathway from the brainstem to the primary somatosensory (S1) and motor (M1) cortices through the thalamus to control the hand/forelimb movements. Previous studies reveal detailed circuit organization of ascending somatosensory pathways in the whisker system. In contrast, much less is known about circuit organization of another ascending pathway controlling the hand/forelimb movements, although it is known that there are some similarities and differences between two different somatosensory systems.

      This paper revealed detailed circuit organization of the ascending pathways including the lemnisco-cortical and corticocortical pathways to control the hand/forelimb movements. The strength of this study is to use a variety of sophisticated techniques, such as optogenetics, trans-synaptic viruses, both anterograde and retrograde viruses, mouse genetics, and electrophysiology, to map the neural circuits in details. The circuit was revealed by electrophysiology together with optogenetics, which is very convincing. In addition, the detailed circuit organization revealed by this study will provide an important information for future behavioral studies. The weakness is the limitation of trans-synaptic viruses. For example, pseudorabies viruses move between multiple neurons, so to interpret the results may be complicated. Although behavioral analyses have not been performed in this study, it is beyond the scope of this study and future study will follow up the behavioral analyses.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Böhm et. al. aim to understand how precise kinetochore assembly is tied to cell cycle progression in budding yeast. In this work, the authors identify CDK phosphorylation sites concentrated in the N-terminus of Ame1, a protein of the COMA complex, and set out to characterize the role these phosphorylation sites may play protein function at the kinetochore. Although phospho-null Ame1 does not affect cell viability, expressing an Ame1 mutant that lacks the phosphorylated domain results in cell death. Interestingly, overexpression of the phospho-null Ame1 mutant accumulates to a higher level than the wild type protein leading the authors to hypothesize that these phosphorylation sites function as phosphodegrons in the Ame1 protein. Through molecular modeling and genetic analysis, the authors determine that Ame1 is a substrate of the SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase and is likely recognized by the Cdc4 F box protein. The authors go on to convincingly show that phosphorylation of what is referred to as the "CDC4 phosphodegron domain" is phosphorylated in a step-wise manner that is cell cycle dependent and that the phosphorylated Ame1 protein specifically is degraded in mitosis. In addition to Ame1 phosphorylation, the authors show that Ame1 degradation depends on whether Ame1 is bound to the Mtw1c (binding prevents degradation), which only happens at a fully assembled kinetochore. Based on these observations, the authors propose a model in which the phosphodegron motif functions to degrade any molecules of the COMA complex that are not incorporated into the kinetochore and in this way prevents kinetochore assembly at ectopic regions of the chromosome.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Computational models, provide a way to understand emergent network function, and at their best provide a canvas for experimentalists to probe hypotheses regarding function. In this manuscript, Bui and colleagues provide a set of iterative models to describe the locomotor development of larval zebrafish at key developmental stages. These include coil, double coil, and swimming behavior that leads to 'beat-and-glide' behavior. During development, the model steadily moves from gap junction mediated connectivity to more complex synaptic-based network models. In my opinion, this is a very interesting foundation that can be used as a catalyst for future research for experimentalists or to develop more involved models. Like any model it is possible to be critical of the assumptions made. But I expect that it will not be static and be revised over the years. It is important to realize that these sets of models are unique in that they strive to provide models for motor control of a single species across development. The zebrafish is an excellent example since genetic models are widely used, development is swift, and there is active research to understand the physiology of locomotion.

      Strengths and weaknesses:

      The key strength of this manuscript is the detailing of a set of related models detailing the motor output of the larval zebrafish across key stages of development. The models should form a basis for future research. It also a first of its kind - I don't know of similar models focusing on development of locomotor function. The main weakness is the reliance on assumptions of model connectivity. But I suggest that if the model is treated as a basis for the community to refine and validate it will be incredibly useful.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this revised manuscript (Oon and Prehoda), the authors performed additional live-imaging experiments and recorded aPKC and actin dynamics simultaneously in larval neuroblasts. They also provide evidence that aPKC polarization is lost upon F-actin disruption by Latrunculin A treatment. These are great improvements. The pulsatile dynamics of actin and myosin II showed in the manuscript are compelling. Images presented in this manuscript are of high-quality and impressive.

      However, the pulsatile apical myosin network in delaminating neuroblasts in Drosophila embryos was reported previously (An Y. et al., Development, 2017). This important and relevant paper should be cited in the introduction of the current manuscript. Therefore, the finding on the pulsatile actomyosin in larval brain neuroblasts reported in this manuscript is not a total novel discovery. Another major concern is that Lat-A did not specifically disrupt actomyosin pulsatile movements, as it generally disrupts the F-actin network. So these experiments only strengthened the link between the F-actin network and Par polarity (which was already demonstrated in Kono et al., 2019; Oon 22 and Prehoda, 2019). Low doses of Cytochalasin D are known to disrupt myosin pulses still allowing the assembly of the actomyosin network (Mason et al., Nature Cell Biology 2014). The author should treat neuroblasts with low doses of CytoD to only disrupt actomyosin pulses, not the entire F-actin network, and examine the effect on Par polarity. It is also worthwhile to knockdown sqh to disrupt apical pulsatile actin dynamics. Besides, most of the concerns previously raised by the reviewer were not addressed in the revised manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this study, Tang and colleague report that the multikinase inhibitor YKL-05-099 increases bone formation and decreases bone resorption in hypogonadal female mice with mechanisms that are likely to involve inhibition of SIKs and CSFR1, respectively. The authors also report that postnatal mice with inducible, global deletion of SIK2 and SIK3 show an increase of bone mass that is associated to both an augmentation of bone formation and bone resorption.

      The paper provides novel and interesting information with potentially highly relevant translational implications. The quality of the data is outstanding and most of the authors' conclusions are supported by the data as shown.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The proposed model is a variation on existing probabilistic fitness landscapes with a number of novel ingredients that are crucial for explaining the observed patterns. The model successfully accounts for the experimental results and makes new predictions, some of which are confirmed by the analysis of existing data. It also provides a coherent picture of the dynamics of adaptation that matches experimental observations. Overall, this is a conceptually deep and potentially highly influential study.

      I see only one major issue that requires clarification. This concerns the distinction between the directed mutation scheme (leading to Eqs.(3,4) in the main text) and the symmetric version (Eqs.(5,6)).

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Yang et al. build on earlier studies from the Zheng lab and show in tissues that (i) the Hedgehog (Hh) co-receptor Ihog mediates homophilic interactions that enable cytoneme bundling and (ii) that Ihog-Hh interactions are stronger than and displace Ihog-Ihog interactions during signaling, consistent with biochemical and cell-based studies of relative affinities of Ihog for itself or Hh. These studies are bolstered by modeling and experiments showing co-localization of Dally and Dlp, which presumably supply the heparan sulfate chains needed to promotes homo- and hetero-philic interactions involving Ihog. I found the studies convincing, interesting, and an important extension of biochemical/cellular work on Ihog to tissue behavior.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors aimed to develop a 2D image analysis workflow that performs bacterial cell segmentation in densely crowded colonies, for brightfield, fluorescence, and phase contrast images. The resulting workflow achieves this aim and is termed "MiSiC" by the authors.

      I think this tool achieves high-quality single-cell segmentations in dense bacterial colonies for rod-shaped bacteria, based on inspection of the examples that are shown. However, without a quantification of the segmentation accuracy (e.g. Jaccard coefficient vs. intersection over union, false positive detection, false negative detection, etc), it is difficult to pass a final judgement on the quality of the segmentation that is achieved by MiSiC.

      A particular strength of the MiSiC workflow arises from the image preprocessing into the "Shape Index Map" images (before the neural network analysis). These shape index maps are similar for images that are obtained by phase contrast, brightfield, and fluorescence microscopy. Therefore, the neural network trained with shape index maps can apparently be used to analyze images acquired with at least the above three imaging modalities. It would be important for the authors to unambiguously state whether really only a single network is used for all three types of image input, and whether MiSiC would perform better if three separate networks would be trained.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors sought to show how the segments of influenza viruses co-evolve in different lineages. They use phylogenetic analysis of a subset of the complete genomes of H3N2 or the two H1N1 lineages (pre and post 2009), and use a method - Robinson-Foulds distance analysis - to determine the relationships between the evolutionary patterns of each segment, and find some that are non-random.

      1) The phylogenetic analysis used leaves out sequences that do not resolve well in the phylogenic analysis, with the goal of achieving higher bootstrap values. It is difficult to understand how that gives the most accurate picture of the associations - those sequences represent real evolutionary intermediates, and their inclusion should not alter the relationships between the more distantly related sequences. It seems that this creates an incomplete picture that artificially emphasizes differences among the clades for each segment analyzed?

      2) It is not clear what the significance is of finding that sequences that share branching patterns in the phylogeny, and how that informs our understanding of the likelihood of genetic segments having some functional connection. What mechanism is being suggested - is this a proxy for the gene segments having been present in the same viruses - thereby revealing the favored gene segment combinations? Is there some association suggested between the RNA sequences of the different segments? The frequently evoked HA:NA associations may not be a directly relevant model as those are thought to relate to the balance of sialic acid binding and cleavage associated with mutations focused around the receptor binding site and active site, length of NA stalk, and the HA stalk - does that show up in the overall phylogeny of the HA and NA segments? Is there co-evolution of the polymerase gene segments, or has that been revealed in previous studies, as is suggested?

      The mechanisms underlying the genomic segment associations described here are not clear. By definition they would be related to the evolution of the entire RNA segment sequence, since that is being analyzed - (1) is this because of a shared function (seems unlikely but perhaps pointing to a new activity), or is it (2) because of some RNA sequence-associated function (inter-segment hybridization, common association of RNA with some cellular or viral protein)? (3) Related to specific functions in RNA packaging - please tell us whether the current RNA packaging models inform about a possible process. Is there a known packaging assembly process based on RNA sequences, where the association leads to co-transport and packaging - in that case the co-evolution should be more strongly seen in the region involved in that function and not elsewhere? The apparent increased association in the cytoplasm of the subset of genes examined for the single virus looks mainly in the cytoplasm close to the nucleus - suggesting function (2) and/or (3)?.

      It is difficult to figure out how the data found correlates with the known data on reassortment efficiency or mechanisms of systems for RNA segment selection for packaging or transport - if that is not obvious, maybe you can suggest processes that might be involved.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This is a well-executed study with interesting and novel findings. The main strength is the combined use of well-executed flow cytometry studies in human patients with MI and in vitro experiments to suggest a role for immature neutrophils in infarction. The main weakness is the descriptive/associative nature of the data. What is lacking is in vivo experimentation documenting the proposed pro-inflammatory role of immature neutrophils. This limits the conclusions. The following specific concerns are raised:


      1.In some cases, conclusions are not supported by robust data. For example, the authors conclude that CD14+HLA-DRneg/lo monocytes play a crucial role in post-infarction inflammation based exclusively on in vitro experiments. Moreover, conclusions regarding the pro-inflammatory role of immature neutrophils are based on in vitro data and associative studies.

      2.Immature neutrophils have a short lifespan. Information on the fate of immature neutrophils in the infarct is lacking. The in vivo mouse model may be ideal to address whether immature neutrophils undergo apoptosis or mature within the infarct environment

      3.The rationale for selective assessment of specific genes and for the specific neutrophil-lymphocyte co-culture system is unclear. In neutrophils, the basis for selective assessment of some specific genes (MMP9, IL1R1, IL1R2, STAT3 etc), vs. other inflammatory genes known to be expressed at high levels by neutrophils is not explained. Similarly, the rationale for the experiment examining interactions of CD10neg neutrophils with T cells is not clear. Considering the effects of neutrophils on macrophage phenotype and on cardiomyocytes, study of interactions with other cell types may have made more sense.

      4.The concept of CMV seropositivity is suddenly introduced without a clear rationale. The data show infiltration of the infarcted heart with immature neutrophils and CD14+HLA-DRneg monocytes. One would have anticipated more experiments investigating the (proposed) role of these cells in the post-infarction inflammatory response, rather than comparison of CMV+ vs negative patients.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This paper from He, Y. et al examines how PKC-theta in activated T cells controls RanBP2 nuclear pore subcomplex formation and nuclear translocation of NFkB, NFAT and AP1 family transcription factors. He, Y et al systematically pull apart a molecular mechanism showing that: 1) T cell receptor-activated PKC-theta localises to the nuclear envelope and associates with RanGAP1, 2) PKC-theta deficiency reduces nuclear localisation of import proteins and AP1-family transcription factors in mature mouse T cells and Jurkat cell line, but not primary mouse thymocytes 3) RanGAP1 is phosphorylated by PKC-theta and that phosphorylation of RanGAP1 on Ser504/Ser506 facilitates RanGAP1 sumoylation and is needed for association with other RanBP2 complex components and 4) that wildtype but not Ser504/506 mutant RanGAP1 can rescue nuclear translocation of transcription factors in RanGAP1 knockdown cells.

      A key strength of this work is that, for many key results, multiple methods for validating findings are used e.g. immunoblots of subcellular fractionation + confocal microscopy to show failure of c-Jun into the nucleus in Prkcq-/- mature T cells (Fig 3 G-H). Furthermore, although the majority of the molecular work takes advantage of the more tractable Jurkat cell line for dissection of molecular mechanism, a number of key points are validated in primary mouse or human T cells such as PKC-theta dependent TCR induced association of RanGAP1 with the nuclear pore (Fig 3D-E) and multiple methods of gene deletion were used e.g. siRNA, knockout mouse model and stable CRISPR deletion. The validation of a functionally meaningful phospho-site on the RanGAP1 protein is valuable for further understanding the biology of this protein.

      Immune receptor control of nuclear transport machinery has not been extensively studied but, as is highlighted by this study, is increasingly being understood as an important step in immune receptor control of transcription factor function. The molecular mechanism that is uncovered here is novel and interesting to the immunological community as it links TCR signalling to an indirect mechanism for regulating localisation of multiple key transcription factors for the T cell immune response.

      There are some concerns listed below. Addressing these concerns would add clarity to the manuscript and support some stated or implied conclusions.

      1) The data on the role of PKC-theta driven RanBP2 subcomplex translocation of AP1 transcription factors is largely limited to within 15 min of T cell activation. The broad statements of the paper e.g. line 427 - "PKC-theta plays an indispensable role in NPC assembly" imply that PKC-theta is essential for this process during long-term T cell receptor activation; however, whether PKC-theta deletion has long term impact on nuclear translocation after these first 15 minutes is not established. The demonstration that the RanGAP1 mutant is not able to induce IL-2 production over 24 hrs (Fig 6D) does support the model that a longer-term requirement for RanGAP1 phosphorylation on Ser504/506 is important for translocation and functional AP1 transcriptional outcomes in this system, but from the data presented it does not necessarily follow that PKC-theta is the only regulator of this beyond the 15 min of activation shown here. It is well established that AP1 transcription factors increase in expression for multiple hours after T cell activation and if PKC-theta deletion impact is not long lasting this could mean PKC-theta is important for the kinetics of AP1 translocation but not necessarily for final functional outcome after a longer period of stimulation as is implied here.

      2) It has been shown in the published literature the impact of PKC theta deletion on in vivo immune responses has been varied, with studies showing clearance of murine Listeria, LCMV, HSV. The manuscript currently lacks discussion around how the formation of a largely functional immune response in these contexts fits in with the strong defect in nuclear translocation of multiple important T cell transcription factors that they show here.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This manuscript characterizes the additive genetic variance-covariance of behavioural traits and cortisol level in a captive Trinidadian guppy population, in particular to test for the genetic integration of behavioural and physiological stress responses.

      The experimental design, trait definitions and statistical analyses appear appropriate. The main weakness of the study is a lack of clarity on the definition of genetic integration and the statistical ways to characterize, confirm or reject genetic integration (in particular, what defines and how to test for a "single major axis of genetic variation"?).

      The additive genetic variation-covariation is correctly estimated. The presence of additive genetic correlations and the eigen decomposition of G seem to support genetic integration, but the lack of clear predictions makes the the conclusion not completely clear. Another minor conclusion, that "correlation selection in the past has likely shaped the multivariate stress response" is not directly supported by the results as the argument ignores the possible role of other evolutionary forces (in particular mutational input which is likely to be pleitropic for behaviour and hormone levels).

      The nature of genetic (co)variation in behaviour and physiology is poorly known because most quantitative genetic studies of behavioural and physiological traits are still univariate, while it is clear that selection and evolution are better understood as multivariate processes. In addition to presenting some fresh results on the topic, this manuscript provides a mutivariate framework that could be applied in other populations. In particular, eigen decomposition of genetic variance-covariance matrices is not new but its application to the study of stress response integration is original and promising. As the authors mention, such methods could help improve health and welfare in captive animal populations via indirect artificial selection against stress, which is quite an original and stimulating idea.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Calcium-permeable AMPA receptors (CP-AMPARs) have been shown to have important roles in modulating many aspects of neuronal function. They are distinguished from calcium-impermeable AMPARs (CI-AMPARs) by a property known as inward rectification and block by relatively selective polyamine compounds; this relative lack of selectivity has led to caveats in the interpretations of the roles of CP-AMPARs. The authors here demonstrate that complete block of CP-AMPARs, with no apparent effect on CI-AMPARs, can be achieved by intracellular application of the polyamine NASPM. Importantly, the authors provide evidence that this block is apparently not affected by the presence of auxiliary subunits, one of the key caveats regarding prior interpretations of the effects of polyamines and the roles of CP-AMPARs. The authors hypothesize that this new approach, use of intracellular NASPM, can provide greater clarity regarding the role of CP-AMPARs in future.

      The approach is sound, the experiments are performed appropriately, the data provided is robust, the presentation is clear, the analyses including statistics are appropriate, the immediate interpretations are therefore fully supported, and the overall manuscript outstanding. The authors appropriately used both a heterologous expression system as well as in vitro neuronal preparation to address their hypotheses. The use of intracellular NASPM to unambiguously distinguish CP-AMPARs from CI-AMPARs has the potential to be transformative in future interpretations about the role of CP-AMPARs, so these findings are very relevant and highly impactful to the field.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Gill et al. presents an extensive analysis of information/data collected as part of a pertussis vaccine study conducted in Zambia (the basis for an earlier publication, Gill et al., CID 2016). As part of the initial study, the investigators collected serial NP samples from mother/infant pairs at sequential follow-up clinic visits and analyzed them by PCR for the presence of IS481 and, in some cases, ptxS1. The results from these assays were evaluated in conjunction with clinical information on potential manifestations of respiratory illness in the infants and mothers. The authors found important patterns of PCR Ct values, which might not have been considered positive on a single sample PCR from a single patient PCR in a US clinical microbiology lab. Together, however, representing a collection of serial samples from study subjects, they strongly support the proposal that asymptomatic infections occurred in these study subjects. The authors used multiple approaches, including determining a mathematical "Evidence For Infection" or EFI to analyze the data from individual subjects and infant/mother pairs. From the collective data and analytical approaches, the authors provide a compelling case for infections with B. pertussis that are not associated with significant clinical symptoms. This possibility has certainly been considered previously, but not possible to address in the absence of the enormous amount of quantitative data and analysis provided from this prospective study. Another important point made from these data is that PCR Ct values can be useful in other than an all-or-nothing (positive or negative) decision, as is done appropriately with single patient samples submitted to clinical microbiology labs for PCR analysis.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In the manuscript entitled "Allosteric communication in Class A 1 b-lactamases occurs via cooperative 2 coupling of loop dynamics", Galdadas et al. aim to use a combination of nonequilibrium and equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations to identify allosteric effects and communication pathways in TEM-1 and KPC-2. They claimed that their simulations revealed pathways of communication where the propagation of signal occurs through cooperative coupling of loop dynamics. This study is highly relevant to the field as allosteric regulation is believed to be a major signal transduction pathway in several drug-targeted proteins. A better understanding of these regulations could increase the efficacy and specificity of drugs.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The paper by Eyal Ben-David and colleagues reports an elegant single cell experiment in a genetic outcross of C. elegans to show where specific genetic regulation of gene expression could be seen at the level of individual cells. This is the first, to my knowledge, genetic mapping experiment at the single cell level in a complex organism. One neat trick was use the transcript sequencing data for genotyping each individual cell. Another above-and-beyond-the-call-of-duty feature was the permutation tests to set FDR levels, which ended up being similar to Benjamini-Hochberg.

      There is complex single cell processing to analyse this data. It could be more clear how complex this analysis is: quite complex models are used to both (a) cluster the cells into cell types across each individual and (b) model the resulting eQTLs. (c) somewhat more routinely, a HMM is used to gentoype but from the single cell transcript data, which is cute. Personally I think more should be made in the main text of the methods, highlighting the complexity of the models (there is at least one parameter this reviewer did not understand why was in the model!). However, a variety of bulk to single cell or single cell to previous experiment data shows that they seem to have discovered correct eQTLs.

      A particular focus was on single cell neuronal eQTLs; this plays to the unique "named cell" aspect of C. elegans and this dataset, and did not disappoint. they found a fair number and one that they highlighted had the (rare) antagonistic effect between cell lines, something much discussed or theorised might exist in some cell types - here it is in all its glory. Backing up this was evidence that the single cell neuronal QTL data cannot be seen by "pan neuronal" analysis.

      Overall this is an excellent paper; it clarifies much of which has been theorised or discussed, while in many ways (in my view) hiding its methodological sophistication in the main text.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This paper presents an extensive study on providing a large dataset CEM500K, pre-trained models for electron microscopy data. This dataset is provided by the authors as an unlabeled dataset for supporting generalization problems like transfer learning.


      — The motivation problem is well defined as the lack of large and, importantly, diverse training datasets of supervised DL segmentation models for cellular EM data.

      — A large and comprehensive dataset, CEM500K, including both 2D and 3D images is designed by the authors to overcome this issue.

      — The experimental results present the efficiency and prominent role of this dataset in training DL.


      — Some of the claims have not been well supported by proofs/references/examples. As an example, the following claim "The homogeneity of such datasets often means that they are ineffective for training DL models to accurately segment images from unseen experiments" would be more valuable if some examples are provided by the authors.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors studied how cholinergic neurons in the medial septum contribute to the acquisition of spatial memory. The question that is addressed is that of the requirement for the appropriate timing of cholinergic neurotransmission in memory formation. The main finding is that in mice optogenetic stimulation of cholinergic neurons in the medial septum slowed acquisition of a spatial memory task when the stimulation was applied at the goal location, but not during navigation toward the goal location. Stimulation at the goal location also reduced the rate of hippocampal sharp-wave ripples (SWRs), which the authors point to as a possible explanation of the observed learning deficit.

      The task-phase specific manipulation of the MS cholinergic neurons is a good and appropriate approach. The effect on learning in the Y-maze task after goal location specific stimulation is both clear and convincing. The lack of a behavioral effect with navigation-only stimulation may be due to ACh levels already being high during this task phase (as the authors suggest). It would have been nice if the authors had also used inhibition to address the importance of timing of ACh neuromodulation.

      The authors used prolonged excitatory optogenetic stimulation that lasted anywhere from several seconds (e.g. at goal without reward or running towards goal) to over 30 seconds (e.g. at goal with reward). There are several potential issues with this stimulation protocol:

      — From Figure 1B, it appears that the light-induced increase of mean spike frequency is sustained for quite some time after the light is turned off. The sustained activity will make the manipulation in the behavioral task less temporally specific (and thus less task-phase specific). To assess the possible impact of the sustained activation on the findings in the paper, it should be quantified (i.e. duration of sustained activity, dependence on duration of prior light stimulation) - ideally in awake animals (i.e. under the same conditions as the behavioral experiments). Supporting data to better support this conclusion could be provided in a later study (with a link provided to this study), with this caveat appropriately discussed here.

      — Prolonged light stimulation could lead to non-specific side-effects. Importantly, the authors controlled for this by performing the same light-stimulation protocol in animals that did not express ChR2. Although non-specific effects of light stimulation were found for theta power, the effects on learning and SWR rate at the goal location could not be explained by non-specific light effects. These data add confidence to the main findings. Still, the number of control animals is low (n=2) and increasing the sample size would make these control experiments more robust. This potential caveat should be mentioned.

      — Because the time that animals spent at the goal location is much longer than the travel time to the goal location, the behavioral difference between the "navigation" and "goal" groups could be due to the duration of optical stimulation. The authors point out that the "throughout" group has overall the longest stimulation duration, but an "intermediate" behavioral performance, which would suggest that stimulation duration is not the determining factor.

      Unfortunately, the statistical analysis that the authors performed is inconclusive (i.e. the throughout group is not different from either "navigation" or "goal" groups). However, if duration is an important factor, the hypothesis would be that days-to-criterion for "throughout" condition is larger than "goal" condition (i.e. H0: throughout<=goal and H1: throughout>goal). Authors could test this directly (rather than H0: throughout=goal and H1: throughout≠goal). Bayes Factor analysis could help to assess the confidence in H0 rather than concluding that there is a lack of evidence due to low sampling.

      Even so, the authors' argument could be weakened if long-term stimulation has reduced efficacy (as suggested by the authors on page 18). To exclude this possibility, changes in the long-term stimulation efficacy should be quantified, e.g. by quantifying the stability of light-induced firing of ACh neurons with the same stimulation protocol as used in awake animals, and/or by checking whether the stimulation-induced reduction of SWR rate gets smaller across trials within a day. Supporting data to better support this conclusion could be provided in a later study (with a link provided to this study), with this caveat appropriately discussed here.

      The main novelty of the study is that specific stimulation of cholinergic neurons in the medial septum when animals reach the goal location results in a learning deficit. The reduction of SWRs upon cholinergic stimulation was shown before, but the authors now show that this reduction coincides with and may provide an explanation of the delayed learning. However, the link between the effect of the stimulation on SWRs and the behavioral deficit is indirect and not extremely convincing. This caveat should be discussed and conclusions tempered accordingly. Specific points related to this that should be discussed are described below.

      — First, the analysis of SWR rate is performed in a separate set of experiments as in which the behavioral effect is assessed. This makes it difficult to more directly relate the change of SWR rate to the learning deficit.

      — Second, the reduction of SWR rate is not absolute and SWRs are still present at lower rate. The data in Figure 4E indicate that for some animals the average SWR rate with stimulation is higher than for other animals without stimulation.

      — Third, the Y-maze task used by the authors tests the acquisition of spatial reference memory and bears similarities to the inbound phase of the continuous spatial alternation task in 3-arm mazes. In Jadhav et al. (2012), the inbound phase was not sensitive to selective SWR disruption. These prior data would be an argument against a causative role of the reduction of SWR rate in the observed behavioral deficit.

      — Fourth, while the authors briefly discuss other possible causes (e.g. effects on plasticity), they do not appear to consider non-hippocampal contributions or possible interference with reward-related dopamine signaling.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In the paper entitled "Stress Resets Transgenerational Small RNA Inheritance" Houri-Ze'evi L, Teichman G et al examine the interaction between multiple heritable phenotypes by knocking down a heritable GFP reporter and examining its interaction with other stresses, such as starvation and high temperature, which cause transgenerationally heritable phenotypes. They demonstrate that exposing worms to stresses inhibits the transgenerational silencing of the GFP reporter strain they use. They further demonstrate that deletion of genes involved in the MAPK pathway, the skn-1 transcription factor and the putative H3K9 methyltranferase met-2 eliminate the differential response in the F1 and F2 generations after exposure to stress and the GFP reporter silencing. They also sequence the small RNAs in the P0 and F1 generation with and without the added stresses.

      All in all, the authors have expanded the mechanistic understanding of how heritable small RNAs are influenced by environmental conditions. I think that the conservation of several of the known regulators of epigenetic inheritance appearing in this study reflects how the regulators of non-genetic inheritance are beginning to converge on a few central pathways. The bit about MET-2 is still a bit premature as it's link to SKN-1 and regulated small RNAs is not completely fleshed out here, but I'm sure future studies will help delineate how this putative methyltransferase is communicating with SKN-1 on a more mechanistic level. Future studies examining how and why the MAPK pathway is so critical in this inheritance paradigm will be interesting.

    1. Reviewer #3:

      The authors present the algorithm clearly by comparing it to the most popular SMLM clustering algorithms and showing its robustness in varying density SMLM data, which is a big problem in the field. The presented experimental test on 3D LAMP-1 SMLM data also contributes to the robustness of the paper.

      While reading the manuscript, I missed a comparison with another graph-based SMLM clustering algorithm published previously by Khater et al. in relation to accuracy and computation speed, which is particularly important to demonstrate the advantages of StormGraph. The approach should also be included in Table 1. I also think that a direct comparison in terms of accuracy and computation speed is crucial.

      During the review process, a similar paper has been posted to bioRxiv dated 22. December, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.12.22.423931v1.full so the authors could not be aware of this work; however, it would be nice if the authors could comment on this work.

    1. Reviewer #3:

      The use of frequency tagging to analyze continuous processing at phonemic, word, phrasal and sentence-levels offers a unique insight into neural locking at higher-levels. While the approach is novel, there are major concerns regarding the technical details and interpretation of results to support phrase-level responses to structured speech distractors.

      Major concerns:

      1) Is the peak at 1Hz real and can it be attributed solely to the structured distractor?

      • The study did not comment on the spectral profile of the "attended" speech, and how much low modulation energy is actually attributed to the prosodic structure of attended sentences? To what extent does the interplay of the attended utterance and distractor shape the modulation dynamics of the stimulus (even dichotically)?

      • How is the ITPC normalized? Figure 2 speaks of a normalization but it is not clear how? The peak at 1Hz appears extremely weak and no more significant (visually) than other peaks - say around 3Hz and also 2.5Hz in the case of non-structured speech? Can the authors report on the regions in modulation space that showed any significant deviations? What about the effect size of the 1Hz peak relative to these other regions?

      • It is hard to understand where the noise floor in this analysis - this floor will rotate with the permutation test analysis performed in the analysis of the ITPC and may not be fully accounted for. This issue depends on what the chosen normalization procedure is. The same interpretation put forth by the author regarding a lack of a 0.5Hz peak due to noise still raises the question of interpreting the observed 1Hz peak?

      2) Control of attention during task performance

      • The authors present a very elegant analysis of possible alternative accounts of the results, but they acknowledge that possible attention switches, even if irregular, could result in accumulated information that could emerge as a small neurally-locked response at the phrase-level? As indicated by the authors, the entire experimental design to fully control for such switches is a real feat. That being said, additional analyses could shed some light on variations of attentional state and their effect on observed results. For instance, analysis of behavioral data across different trials (wouldn't be conclusive, but could be informative)

      • This issue is further compounded by the fact that a rather similar study (Ding et al.) did not report any phrasal-level processing, though there are design differences. The authors suggest differences in attentional load as a possible explanation and provide a very appealing account or reinterpretation of the literature based on a continuous model of processing based on task demands. While theoretically interesting, it is not clear whether any of the current data supports such an account. Again, maybe a correlation between neural responses and behavioral performance in specific trials could shed some light or strengthen this claim.

      Additional comments:

      • What is the statistic shown for the behavioral results? Is this for the multiple choice question? Then what is the t-test on?

      • Beyond inter-trial phase coherence, can the authors comment on actual power-locked responses at the same corresponding rates?

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Filipowicz and Aballay present a nice story that characterizes a new learned behavioral phenotype prompted by intestinal distention during infection with the bacterial pathogen E. faecalis. The authors show that distention of the anterior portion of the intestine by E. faecalis induces an aversive behavioral response. Importantly, the authors show that this aversive learning response is controlled by multiple sets of neurons, including some that express the GPCR NPR-1 and others that express the ion channels TAX-2/4. The authors nicely showed that TAX-2 expression in ASE neurons was sufficient for pathogen avoidance, but not other chemosensory neurons. Next the authors examined the mechanism of aversive learning following ingestion of E. faecalis, showing that AWB and AWC neurons are required. Finally, the authors show that two proteins that could be mechanoreceptors in the intestine (GON2 and GTL-2) are required for pathogen avoidance. Together these data characterize important mechanisms of pathogen avoidance and an aversive learning response.

      I have one issue for the authors to consider. The title of the manuscript emphasizes the role of TRPM channels in mediating the learned pathogen avoidance response. Demonstrating that the site of action of the TRPM channels is the intestine could further strengthen this exciting finding.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors have developed a new culture method to expand adult lung cells in vitro as 3-D organoids. This culture system is different from previous organoid cultures which include either bronchiolar, or alveolar, lineages. Rather, the authors attempted to preserve both lineages over long-term passaging. The 3-D cultured organoids can be dissociated and re-plated as 2D monolayers, which can be either cultured immersed in medium or in air-liquid interface (ALI) conditions, exhibiting a different bias towards alveolar and airway lung cell types respectively. The 2D monolayer cultures can be infected by COVID-19 virus and showed a progressive increase in virus load, which was distinct from iPSC- derived alveolar type 2 (AT2) cell and bronchiolar epithelial cell culture control infections. Through bioinformatics analysis, the authors were able to show that their monolayer cultures acquired similar immune response features to an in vivo COVID infection dataset, indicating that this culture system may be suitable for modeling COVID infection in vitro. It is particularly interesting that the bioinformatics analyses suggested that this adult human lung organoid system, with both airway and alveolar phenotypes, showed greater resemblance to the transcriptional immune response of severely COVID-infected lungs than either cultured cell type alone. This aspect of the manuscript strongly suggests that the authors' approach of developing a mixed lung organoid model is an extremely good one.

      However, the data presented in figures 2 and 3 cast serious doubts over the long-term reproducibility of the organoid system. That individual organoids contain both airway and alveolar lineages has not yet been convincingly demonstrated (Fig 2). In addition, bulk RNAseq experiments illustrate that the overall cell composition of the cultures drifts significantly during long-term passaging (Fig 3). Due to this variability, the organoids' ability to act as a suitable model for viral infections that would be amenable to drug screening approaches is also questionable.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The paper presents results of a serological survey done on 10,000+ employees and workers associated with CSIR labs in India during August-September 2020. The survey finds 10.14% seropositively. In addition, correlations are drawn between seropositivity and biological and lifestyle factors. A follow up study is also done on a subset of employees found seropositive and antibodies are found to survive even after six months in most.

      Strengths: This is a one of the two surveys with a pan-India footprint, making it a valuable addition to understanding of Covid-19 pandemic evolution in the country. It also finds good inverse correlation between seropositivity and (i) blood group O, (ii) vegetarian diet, (iii) smoking, and (iv) use of private transport. While (iv) is obvious, (ii) and (iii) are a little surprising. It suggests a deeper study is required to understand the reasons behind it.

      Weaknesses: While it is a pan-India survey, the population is not quite representative of general population of the country. CSIR labs are mostly in cities, and most of the employees use private transport. So the results cannot be generalized to the country as a whole. Restricting to people using public transport would be a better representation, although it still would not be fully representative.

      The data collection and analysis are done meticulously, and provide some new insights into differential impact of Covid-19 virus on people.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The article by Hesse, Owenier et al entitled "Single-cell transcriptomics 1 defines heterogeneity of epicardial cells and fibroblasts within the infarcted heart" will be of interest to the readers of heart regeneration, as it helps in understanding how epicardial cells contribute to heart regeneration following myocardial Infarction. Hesse, Owenier et al. investigate the role of epicardial stromal cells(EpiSC) after arterial ligation induced myocardial infarction (MI) in mouse. They perform single-cell RNASeq (scRNASeq) on isolated, FAC sorted, epicardial stromal cells, activated cardiac stromal cells (aCSC) from infarcted hearts and control cardiac stromal cells (CSC). The authors find 11 cell clusters of EpiSC. They confirmed the spatial localization of the different clusters by in situ hybridization and performed Gene ontology studies to understand the biological processes affected by those clusters. They found that those clusters fall into three major functional groups, as follows: 1) Wt1 expressing and cardiogenic factor expressing, 2) chemokine expressing and HOX genes expressing and 3) cardiogenic factor expressing. Interestingly there are two identified groups which express different cardiogenic factors 1) Wt1 positive with cardiogenic factors MESP1, WNT11, ISL11, TBX5, GATA 4,5,6 and the other group 3) Wt1-with Nkx2.5, BMP2 and BMP4. Authors show that multiple clusters are enriched in Hif1a, Hif1a related genes and glycolysis related genes which are known to be downstream of Wt1 cells. To further understand the hierarchical development of the EpiSC cells, the authors performed pseudo time-series analysis using RNA Velocity analysis on Wt1 reporter mice and find three different groups. Interestingly Wt1+ cells did not convert into other cell types. They further performed ligand receptor analysis to find interactions between different cell types. The authors implemented scRNAseq for aCSC and find cell clusters ECM rich cells, fibroblasts, interferon expressing cells, and cycling fibroblasts/myofibroblasts. They further compared the transcriptional profiles of EpiSC with the aCSC. They found gene sets, which are specific for EpiSC, and genes that are specific for aCSCs. Specifically, they found that Hif1a, glycolysis responsive genes, and cardiac contractile proteins were highly expressed in EpiSCs. Furthermore, the authors showed that the transcriptional profile of EpiSC, aCSC and CSC are different.

      These data add an important knowledgebase to the understanding of the transcriptional landscape of the Epicardial stromal cells and would help identifying specific pathways/transcriptional genes which are activated during myocardial infarction.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The differences in signaling and responses in the three different T cell receptor transgenics are shown by several different means. These include Nur77 and CD5 expression as markers for the strength of signaling, the frequency of calcium fluxes and length of signaling-induced pauses in movement, using 2 photon microscopy of thymic slices (comparing selecting and non-selecting thymus), time course of induction of markers of positive selection signaling, the time course of "arrival" of CD8 single positive cells and CCR7+ cells in the post-natal thymus, and a time course of development of SP thymocytes after injection of EdU. Each of these methods is fairly convincing on its own, but added up, they are very convincing.

      The only issues that I could take issue with are about how we define self-reactivity. Because it is not feasible to measure the affinities for self peptides on MHC (due to low affinity and the fact that we mostly don't know what they are), the authors have to rely on surrogate markers, the upregulation of CD69 and of Nur77. These are widely accepted in the field, so they are as good a surrogate as is possible at this time.

      Similarly, 3 transgenic strains are taken as examples of high, medium and low self-reactivity. Two of the strains are positively selected on H2Kb, one on Db, one on Ld. Therefore, the experiments cannot be genetically controlled in the same manner. On balance, I accept that there aren't too many other ways to do the experiment, and that all the main points are supported by other types of experiment.

      The most interesting aspect of the work consists of analysis of gene expression by RNASeq from cells from each of the three TCR transgenic mice from early positive selection, late positive selection, and mature CD8 SP. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the more strongly self-reactive cells showed increased expression of genes involved in protein translation, RNA processing, etc. However, genes associated with lower self-reactivity were enriched for lots of different ion channels. These included calcium, potassium, sodium and chloride channels. One of these was Scn4b, part of a voltage gated sodium channel previously shown by Paul Allen's lab to be involved in positive selection. These types of genes were associated with the stage of development before selection, and were retained through selection in the weakly self-reactive thymocytes. Other ion channel genes that typically came on at the end of selection were also upregulated earlier in the lower self-reactivity cells, and may be involved in allowing long-term signaling for these cells to undergo the whole positive selection program.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors present here a very interesting and thorough systems biology study of S. cerevisiae involving 22 steady state conditions with different growth rates and nitrogen sources. Proteomics and transcriptomics data, as well as intracellular amino acid concentrations, are gathered in a study that, if only for the sheer amount of data, is quite unique.

      The authors use differential expression analysis, clustering algorithms and correlations to divide the genes and proteins studied into a small number of groups whose behaviour can be generally categorized. For a starter there is a small group (~10%) that map to central carbon metabolism and seems to be regulated by cues not covered in this study (growth rate and metabolic parameters involving amino acid and nucleotide availability). The rest of genes (90%) seem to have their transcript and protein levels heavily determined by growth rate and/or amino acid metabolism. For different growth rates, the expression of these genes and corresponding proteins seemed to be very correlated, and dependent on the availability of translation and transcription machinery (RNA polymerase and ribosomes). For different nitrogen sources, gene expression seemed dependent on amino acid and nucleotide availability.

      These general rules are insightful and can provide a much more informative way to analyze multiomics data sets, by e.g. accounting for expected over/under expressions due to growth rate changes. Indeed, the authors attempt this for two cases: a distantly related yeast (S. pombe) and a human cancer cell model. While they are able to show that most transcript variation for S. pombe seems to be due to growth rate changes, the rest of the inferences do not seem very informative.

      In general, while the findings are interesting and seemed to be mainly supported by the evidence, the manuscript is complicated to read. Evidence is scattered throughout the manuscript and needs to be gathered and compiled by the reader to check the results. Some of the writing is remiss: Figures 6A and 6C have the same caption and different graphs. It is also not clear how the differential expression calculations in Figure 1C were done: what are the two conditions being compared? Figure 7 encapsulates what is learnt from this paper but needs a more informative caption describing the full metabolic lesson learnt.

      In summary, the data presented here is a golden data set that will make a great contribution to science, the general rules are interesting and seemed to be supported by the data, but to be more useful to readers the writing of the paper could be made clearer.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The combination of Cre and Flp recombinase dependent system is powerful in manipulating specific intersectional neurons and has been successfully used in many systems. However, the system cannot express target genes sufficiently in some neurons, e.g., the LepRbVMH neurons. This paper solved this problem by developing a novel AAVs system, in which two AAVs were used, the "Driver" AAV permits Flp dependent expression of tTA, and the "Payload" AAV permits TRE-driven and Cre dependent expression of target gene. Because there two AAVs used, it is also expected to increase the capacity to incorporate more transgenes into the AAV system. The novel system to manipulate the intersectional neurons described in this work is an important addition to the current tools. It should be an excellent resource for the neuroscience community.

      This paper is nicely written and compared the previous intersectional approach of AAV-EF1α-Con/Fon-hChR2(H134R)-EYFP with their novel tTARGIT approach in labelling LepRbVMH neurons. The data convincingly demonstrated that the tTARGIT system can label many more cells. Small caveats include the author co-injected AAV-hSYN-Flex(Lox)-hM3Dq-mCherry as an injection site marker with AAV-EF1α-Con/Fon-hChR2(H134R)-EYFP, the serotypes of these AAVs were not reported. It is well known that different serotypes of AAVs infect different types of neurons with a different efficiency. Furthermore, the combination of the different AAV might affect each other's infection, leading to low expression of one type of AAV. The titres of AAVs also make a big difference to many AAVs, which were not reported in this paper. These information are important for other investigators if they would adopt the tTARGIT system in their own research.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Miskolci et al have investigated if it is possible to measure the natural fluorescence of two important co-enzymes (NADH/NADPH and FAD) in living cells to determine their metabolic status. This tests the hypothesis that changes to the relative ratio of NADH/NADPH to FAD+ reflect a shift between glycolytic and oxidative phosphorylation in living macrophages. To investigate this they have used 2-photon FLIM to measure intensity and fluorescence lifetime of NAD/NADPH and FAD+ in mouse macrophages in vitro and zebrafish macrophages in vivo in a tail injury model. By comparing their measures of NAD(P)H and FAD+ from macrophages responding to different injury or infection cues and comparing this to a maRker of inflammation (TNF-alpha) they argue that there is a reduced redox state indicative of glycolytic metabolism in pro-inflammatory macrophages.

      The adoption of label free imaging techniques to measure metabolic processes in cells in vivo is a valuable and important development that, although not novel to this work, will help researchers to probe cell biology in situ. FLIM using time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) allows an accurate and robust measure of the relative state of a molecule that shows changes in its fluorescent lifetime as a consequence of changing chemical state. Although Stringari et al (doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-03359-8) were the first to describe the utility of wavelength mixing FLIM for measuring NAD(P)H and FAD+ levels in zebrafish, they did not focus on macrophages which is the focus of this work.

      The results from this work are interesting, as they argue that it is possible to determine cell metabolism in cells within living animals without a need to use a genetically encoded sensor and they argue that pro-inflammatory macrophages in zebrafish appear to have a lower redox state, which may reflect a more glycolytic metabolism. This assumption is not tested but rather inferred based on the measures of fluorescence intensity and lifetime of endogenous NADH/NADPH and FAD coupled with a small metabolic sampling of injured tissue. This lack of corroboration for a the supposed difference in metabolism between pro-inflammatory and non-inflammatory macrophages is a weakness of the paper and makes it hard to accept the conclusion that the redox state may reflect different metabolic profiles. A biosensor for NADH/NADPH (iNap) has been demonstrated to be a sensitive tool for measuring NADPH concentration in vivo in zebrafish during the injury response (Tao et al (doi: 10.1038/nmeth.4306) and it would be intriguing to know how similar the response is of this biosensor to the label free measurements described using FLIM. This is additionally relevant as the authors also note that in mouse macrophages cultured in vitro, they observe an opposite redox response which is well supported by the literature and a variety of different methods. Why the zebrafish macrophages should show a different redox state to mouse macrophages is not clear and an alternative explanation is that the measures used do not directly reflect the metabolic profile of the cells. One further caveat to the chosen method of using fluorescence lifetime to measure the redox state of NADH/NADPH is that lifetime of NADH is affected by which proteins it is bound to. This is not accounted for in the method used for calculating the redox ratio used for defining the redox state and could potentially alter the interpretations of relative NADH/NADPH levels in a cell. The authors acknowledge this, but do not consider whether this would affect the conclusions they arrive at from their measures of NAD(P)H intensity and fluorescence lifetime in macrophages.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This analysis is enormous in scope. That said, approximately half the glomeruli were either truncated or had very fragmented ALRNs. The authors may wish to reserve use of the term "full" in the title ("....a full olfactory connectome") until a subsequent paper.

      ALRN-ALRN connectivity seems very interesting. It would be helpful to provide more information about this in the text (line 148 or so). The information in Fig. 3D is hard for non-specialists to interpret. Does the connectivity show any patterns? Is it stereotyped? Do the connections make functional sense?

      One intriguing finding is the "shortcuts" between the olfactory and motor systems that could be used for behaviors that are hard-wired or require fast responses. These may be particularly relevant to thermosensory and hygrosensory input, but can the authors say anything about what kind of olfactory information flows through these shortcuts? For example, the ALRNs that respond to wasp odorants have been identified. Please note that most readers do not know what kind of odorants project to individual glomeruli, e.g. "DC4" .

      Fig. 8C It's hard to know how confident to be of the neurotransmitter assignments here. It would be helpful to provide in the text a statement about what assumptions these assignments are based on. In the same vein, line 380 refers to "a neurotransmitter prediction pipeline". Some kind of reference should be provided here.

      line 522 "This suggests that thermo/hygrosensation might employ labeled lines whereas olfaction uses population coding to affect motor output." This brings up the question of whether very narrowly tuned ORNs such as the one signaling geosmin show any differences in connectivity from broadly tuned ORNs.

      lines 94-96 Graph traversal model. Some more discussion of this model and its underlying assumptions would be helpful. Are the results influenced by the lack of some of the glomeruli from the dataset?

      Fig. 7D Can the authors provide more discussion of the possible functional significance of the two uPN types?

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Schrieber et al. studied the effects of biparental inbreeding in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia, focusing specifically on traits important for floral attractiveness and pollinator attraction. These traits are especially important for dioecious species with separate sexes as they are obligate outcrossers. The authors find that inbreeding mostly decreases floral attractiveness, but that this effect tended to be stronger in the female flowers, which the authors suspect to result from the trade-off with larger investment in the sexual functions in the female plants. The authors then go on to couple the changes in visual and olfactory floral traits to pollinator attraction which allows them to conclude or at least speculate that differences in pollinator behavior are mostly driven by the changes in olfactory traits. The study is robust in its broad and well-balanced sampling of populations, rigorous and in large part meticulously documented experimental designs and linking of the effects on mechanisms to ecological function. The hypothesis are clearly stated and the study is able to address them mostly convincingly. However, some of the aspects of the decisions the authors made and possible caveats need to be addressed and elaborated on.

      A major caveat, in my opinion, is that while the authors find stronger effects of inbreeding on pollinator visitation rates in the plants from the North American (Na) origin, these plants were tested in an environment that was foreign to them, which could have important consequences for the results of this study. This is specifically because the main pollinator Hadena bicruris moth is completely absent from the populations in Na, and yet, was the main pollinator observed in the pollinator attraction experiment. As this pollinator is also a seed predator, the Na populations are released from the selection pressure to avoid attracting the females of this species and thus risking the loss of seeds and fitness. In fact, some of the results suggest that the release from the specialist pollinator and seed predator in Na has led to increase in the attractiveness of the female flowers based on the higher number of flowers visited in the outcrossed females compared to outcrossed males in the plant from the Na origin and the similar, though not statistically significant, pattern in the olfactory cue. While ideally this pollinator attraction experiment should be repeated within the local range of the Na plants, this is of course is not feasible. Instead I suggest the problem should be addressed in the discussion explicitly and its consequences for the interpretation of the results should be considered.

      The incorporation of the VOC data in the actual manuscript was quite limited and I found the reasoning for picking only the three lilac aldehydes (in addition to the Shannon diversity index) for the univariate statistical tests insufficient. How much more efficient was the effect of the lilac aldehydes compared to the other 17 compounds deemed important in the previous study? While the data on this one aldehyde matches the pollinator attraction results, having one compound out of 70 (or out of 20 if only considering the ones identified important for the main pollinator) seems, perhaps, fortuitous lest there is a good reason for focusing on these particular compounds.

      Sampling time of VOCs is reported ambiguously. Was it from 21:00 to 17:00 the next day or in fact from 9pm to 5AM (instead of 5 pm as reported)? Please be more specific in the text as this is quite important. If sampling tubes were left in place during the daytime, some of the compounds could have evaporated due to heating of the tubes in the summer. It would also be important to mention whether all of the headspace VOCs were sampled on the same day and whether there could be variation in i.e. temperature.

      Considering the experimental setup for the pollinator attraction observations and the pooling of the data at the block level (which I think is the right choice) it seems possible the authors were more likely to get a result where pollinator behavior matches the long-distance cue, the VOCs. Short-distance cues such a subtle difference in flower size would perhaps not be distinguished with the current setup. I would be interested to know if the authors agree, and if so, mention this in the discussion.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Using high fat diet (HFD)-fed male mice and a variety of experimental approaches, the authors demonstrated the efficacy of xanthohumol (XN) and tetrahydro-xanthohumol (TXN) in attenuating weight gain and hepatic steatosis independently of calorie intake and identify inhibition of PPARγ as a mechanism. A strength of the study design was the incorporation of the test compounds into isocaloric, ingredient matched high-fat diet (HFD) formations and inclusion of a LFD control group. A weakness of the study, although minor, is that the dose of compound consumed will vary between mice and from day-to-day depending on how much food each animal consumes. The lower dose of XN (LXN, given as 30 mg/kg of diet) was found ineffective compared to the higher dose of XN (HZN, 60 mg/kg of diet) and TXN (30 mg/kg of diet) was most effective in attenuating weight gain and reversing HFD-induced liver steatosis. TXN almost completely suppressed hepatic lipid vacuole accumulation and showed greatest reduction in liver mass relative to body weight. TXN increased fasting plasma triglycerides compared to all other groups, but explanation is uncertain. Fecal excretion of TAG between groups was similar and therefore could not explain the decreased weight gain or improved liver phenotypes in XN- or TXN-treated groups. Whole body energy metabolism suggested that XN and TXN supplemented mice were more physically active then HFD-fed mice. HXN and TXN supplemented mice showed less accumulation of subcutaneous and mesenteric fat mass, but these groups had somewhat higher levels of epididymal fat mass.

      After 16 weeks on diets, RNAseq performed on murine liver tissues. Compared to HFD group, TXN group had 295 differentially expressed genes (DEGs), HXN group had 6 DEGs, and LFD group had 212 DEGs. TXN supplementation upregulated 6 and down regulated 25 KEGG pathways. SVM was used to identify signature genes that significantly differentiated HFD and TXN group transcriptomes. Of 13 identified genes, 8 showed significant, differential hepatic expression between TXN and HFD groups. Of these 8 genes, 3 genes (Ucp2, Cidec, Mogat1) were identified as known target genes of PPARγ with roles in lipid metabolism. qPCR of liver tissues was used to verify these RNAseq results.

      XN or TXN were shown to inhibit murine preadipocyte 3T3-L1 differentiation and adipogenesis and lipid accumulation in a dose dependent manner. In a second dose escalating experiment, TXN or XN were shown to block the ability of rosiglitazone (RGZ), a PPARγ agonist, to promote adipogenesis of 3T3-L1. These data suggested that XN and TXN may interfere or compete with binding of RGZ to the PPARγ receptor. qPCR of 3T3-L1 cells confirmed that TXN or XN could inhibit gene expression of RGZ-induced PPARγ target genes (Cd36, Fabp4, Mogat1, Cidec, Plin4, Fgf21) and further supported the hypothesis that TXN and XN are PPARγ antagonists. To further test this idea the authors performed a competitive PPARγ TR-FRET binding assay and showed that XN and TXN could displace a labelled pan-PPARγ ligand in a dose-dependent manner. Finally, molecular docking experiments confirmed the putative binding pose and position of XN/TXN and estimated the relative binding affinities of various ligands for PPARγ. XN and TXN may serve as scaffolds for the development of more potent therapeutics in structure-activity relationship (SAR) studies. Overall, this work contributes compelling preclinical data to support future clinical investigations to determine dosing, efficacy, and safety of XN and TXN as therapeutics for diet-induced NAFLD.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The manuscript "HPF1 and nucleosomes mediate a dramatic switch in activity of PARP1 from polymerase to Hydrolase" by Rudolph et al. studies the effect of HPF1 on the steps of the catalytic reaction of PARP1. They use various PARP1 activators i.e. free DNA and varied forms of core nucleosomes to quantify reaction rates in the presence and absence of HPF1, using several assays. The main point of the manuscript is the observation that in the presence of HPF1, PARP1 is converted to an NAD+ hydrolase, which releases free ADPr, instead of its normal activity to produce ADPr polymers. The PARP1 hydrolase activity has been described previously, but they now show that HPF1 increases it substantially under the conditions that they tested. The authors also describe their independent identification of HPF1 residue E284 as a residue that is essential for Ser modification, confirming previous structural and biochemical work from Ivan Ahel's group. Although the assays are well performed and controlled and yield important quantitative information that was missing in the field, the main result of the hydrolase activity of PARP1 is hard to reconcile with current knowledge of HPF1 effects in cell-based experiments.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The goal of this study was to test the hypothesis that the calcium-activated TRPM4 channel regulates left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy which occurs after pressure overload. The authors use the transaortic constriction model (TAC) which represents a common and well-validated model of LV hypertrophy and of heart failure. Typical LV pressure overload models range from relatively mild constriction using a 25 gauge needle to more severe constriction with a 27 gauge needle. In this study the authors demonstrate that two weeks of pressure overload with a 25 gauge needle in mice produces LV hypertrophy, increased fibrosis, and a pattern of fetal gene re-expression which marks the pathological hypertrophy phenotype. This phenotype precedes overt cardiac dysfunction, in the sense that the functional measures the authors used did not worsen after two weeks in TAC mice, compared to sham-treated controls. These results reproduce prior observations in this model.

      The authors next apply the 2 week TAC model to previously-generated mice with cardiac myocyte-restricted deletion of the TRPM4 channel. They demonstrate that deletion of TRPM4 generates a protective response, in that despite the same degree of pressure overload, the TRPM4 cardiac myocyte-specific deletion mice develop less LV hypertrophy, less LV fibrosis, and less fetal gene re-expression. Thus the authors successfully demonstrate that deletion of TRPM4 reduces pressure overload-induced LV hypertrophy. This suggests that TRPM4 normally promotes pathological LV hypertrophy after pressure overload.

      While this work convincingly demonstrates that TRPM4 deletion from the cardiac myocyte leads to reduced pressure overload-induced LV hypertrophy, the study does not prove the intracellular signaling mechanisms which mediate this effect. The authors' model is that: 1) neurohormonal signals for pressure overload predominantly induce LV hypertrophy through a calcineurin pathway leading to nuclear import of NFAT; and 2) mechanical stretch (such as induced by TAC) predominantly acts through the intracellular kinase CaMKII which then phosphorylates histone deacetylase 4, thus promoting HDAC4 nuclear import. The study does not prove whether any of these signaling components are necessary or sufficient for the effects of TRPM4 on LV hypertrophy in vivo.

      As a whole this work will be of interest to the larger scientific community for several reasons. First, in response to a different model of pathologic LV hypertrophy, the angiotensin II infusion model, the TRPM4 cardiac myocyte deletion mice actually develop increased, rather than decreased, LV hypertrophy. Thus the combined observations that TRPM4 deletion suppresses pressure overload LV hypertrophy by TAC, but augments neurohormonal hypertrophy by angiotensin administration support the important concept that different stimuli of hypertrophy likely act through and are regulated by different signaling pathways. Second, as a membrane associated ion channel, TRPM4 might be a potential drug target especially in patients with pressure overload-induced pathological hypertrophy.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This manuscript is well written and presents several new mouse models including animals with brown fat specific deletion of multiple genes of interest to assess whether they may function in a common pathway. The authors draw on their existing expertise in mitochondrial biology to provide new information regarding the role of OPA1 and mitochondrial dynamics in brown fat function. Weaknesses of this study include a relative lack of mechanistic insights and incomplete characterization of whole-body energy expenditure data from the multiple models reported here.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This study implements a secondary analysis of data collected as part of a randomized control trial of malaria vector control interventions in Malawi. The key outputs are statistical associations between two metrics of malaria transmission: P. falciparum parasite prevalence (PfPR) and P. falciparum entomological inoculation rate (PfEIR). There is a rich history of studies investigating this association, spanning a range of approaches: (i) meta-analyses (e.g. Smith et al Nature 2005); (ii) local epidemiological analyses (e.g. Beier et al. AJTMH 1999); (iii) large-scale geo-spatial mapping (e.g. Malaria Atlas Project); and (iv) mathematical transmission models (e.g. Griffin et al Nature Comms 2014). This paper promises to add to this literature using spatio-temporal modelling.

      I was excited by the abstract, and especially by the ambitious questions posed in the introduction (lines 112-117). However, upon reading the manuscript I was left a bit underwhelmed, as the results didn't have much to say in terms of either the spatial or temporal aspects of this relationship. Rather the best-fit model was simply a logit linear model between PfPR and PfEIR with a one month lag.

      Major comments:

      1) Spatial aspect of association. Geostatistical models are challenging to fit, but I have confidence in the authors' ability to do so. Rather, the authors have not demonstrated the extra value of using this approach. Indeed, no spatial results are presented in the manuscript, apart from estimates of model parameters in the appendix which will be uninterpretable to most readers. Points of interest would include, what does a hot spot look like? What does the overlap between different types of hotspot look like? What is the degree of spatial correlation? I appreciate some of this is provided in the separate online animation, but there's no interpretation of what we're seeing.

      2) Temporal aspect of association. The association between PfEIR and PfPR is clearly a temporally complex one as demonstrated by the data in Figure 2. I don't think this complexity has been fully accounted for, beyond simple time lags. For example, I'm quite skeptical of the following result:

      "From the estimated relationship for children, a decrease in PfEIR from 1 ib/person/month to 0.001 ib/person/month is associated with a reduction in PfPR from 37.2% to 20.7% on average (i.e., a 44.5% decrease in PfPR). When transmission has been driven almost to zero, PfPR remains consistently high in children."

      This is a 1000-fold reduction in PfEIR associated with a 44.5% decrease in PfPR. I find this hard to believe, and don't think such a generalizable statement should be made. Rather these are dynamic quantities that vary with each other, and with the time scale over which they are measured.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Strengths: It is clear through this manuscript that the authors intend for this to be a useful approach for as many fields as possible. While previous technical approaches to maximize the capture of members of microbiomes fail to translate to other environments or hosts, the authors demonstrate the utility of hamPCR by testing it in a number of other systems. The diagrams presented (particularly in Figure 3) nicely convey the steps in the protocol with expected sample outcomes to further facilitate the ability of other researchers to employ hamPCR.

      Weaknesses: The challenge of demonstrating the widespread utility in other systems is creating and maintaining biologically-driven narrative. While this is not necessary if the goal is to simply show that a techniques works, it does help to highlight the importance of implementing a new method and increase the likelihood that it will be adopted by other researchers.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This is a tools paper that describes an open source software package, BonVision, which aims to provide a non-programmer-friendly interface for configuring and presenting 2D as well as 3D visual stimuli to experimental subjects. A major design emphasis of the software is to allow users to define visual stimuli at a high level independent of the actual rendering physical devices, which can range from monitors to curved projection surfaces, binocular displays, and also augmented reality setups where the position of the subject relative to the display surfaces can vary and needs to be adjusted for. The package provides a number of semi-automated software calibration tools to significantly simplify the experimental job of setting up different rigs to faithfully present the intended stimuli, and is capable of running at hardware-limited speeds comparable to and in some conditions better than existing packages such as Psychtoolbox and PsychoPy.

      Major comments:

      While much of the classic literature on visual systems studies have utilized egocentrically defined ("2D") stimuli, it seems logical to project that present and future research will extend to not only 3D objects but also 3D environments where subjects can control their virtual locations and viewing perspectives. A single software package that easily supports both modalities can therefore be of particular interest to neuroscientists who wish to study brain function in 3D viewing conditions while also referencing findings to canonical 2D stimulus responses. Although other software packages exist that are specialized for each of the individual functionalities of BonVision, I think that the unifying nature of the package is appealing for reasons of reducing user training and experimental setup time costs, especially with the semi-automated calibration tools provided as part of the package. The provisions of documentation, demo experiments, and performance benchmarks are all highly welcome and one would hope that with community interest and contributions, this could make BonVision very friendly to entry by new users.

      Given that one function of this manuscript is to describe the software in enough detail for users to judge whether it would be suited to their purposes, I feel that the writing should be fleshed out to be more precise and detailed about what the algorithms and functionalities are. This includes not shying away from stating limitations -- which as I see it, is just the reality of no tool being universal, but because of that is one of the most important information to be transmitted to potential users. My following comments point out various directions in which I think the manuscript can be improved.

      The biggest point of confusion for me was whether the 3D environment functionality of BonVision is the same as that provided by virtual spatial environment packages such as ViRMEn and gaming engines such as Unity. In the latter software, the virtual environment is specified by geometrically laying out the shape of the traversable world and locations of objects in it. The subject then essentially controls an avatar in this virtual world that can move and turn, and the software engine computes the effects of this movement (i.e. without any additional user code) then renders what the avatar should see onto a display device. I cannot figure out if this is how BonVision also works. My confusion can probably be cured by some additional description of what exactly the user has to do to specify the placement of 3D objects. From the text on cube mapping (lines 43 and onwards), I guessed that perhaps objects should be specified by their vectorial displacement from the subject, but I have very little confidence in my guess and also cannot locate this information either in the Methods or the software website. For Figure 5F it is mentioned that BonVision can be used to implement running down a virtual corridor for a mouse, so if some description can be provided of what the user has to do to implement this and what is done by the software package, that may address my confusion. If BonVision is indeed not a full 3D spatial engine, it would be important to mention these design/intent differences in the introduction as well as Supplementary Table 1.

      More generally, it would be useful to provide an overview of what the closed-loop rendering procedure is, perhaps including a Figure (different from Supplementary Figure 2, which seems to be regarding workflow but not the software platform structure). For example, I imagine that after the user-specified texture/object resources have been loaded, then some engine runs a continual loop where it somehow decides the current scene. As a user, I would want to know what this loop is and how I can control it. For example, can I induce changes in the presented stimuli as a function of time, whether this time-dependence has to be prespecified before runtime, or can I add some code that triggers events based on the specific history of what the subject has done in the experiment, and so forth. The ability to log experiment events, including any viewpoint changes in 3D scenes, is also critical, and most experimenters who intend to use it for neurophysiological recordings would want to know how the visual display information can be synchronized with their neurophysiological recording instrumental clocks. In sum, I would like to see a section added to the text to provide a high-level summary of how the package runs an experiment loop, explaining customizable vs. non-customizable (without directly editing the open source code) parts, and guide the user through the available experiment control and data logging options.

      Having some experience myself with the tedium (and human-dependent quality) of having to adjust either the experimental hardware or write custom software to calibrate display devices, I found the semi-automated calibration capabilities of BonVision to be a strong selling point. However I did not manage to really understand what these procedures are from the text and Figure 2C-F. In particular, I'm not sure what I have to do as a user to provide the information required by the calibration software (surely it is not the pieces of paper in Fig. 2C and 2E..?). If for example, the subject is a mouse head-fixed on a ball as in Figure 1E, do I have to somehow take a photo from the vantage of the mouse's head to provide to the system? What about the augmented reality rig where the subject is free to move? How can the calibration tool work with a single 2D snapshot of the rig when e.g. projection surfaces can be arbitrarily curved (e.g. toroidal and not spherical, or conical, or even more distorted for whatever reasons)? Do head-mounted displays require calibration, and if so how is this done? If the authors feel all this to be too technical to include in the main text, then the information can be provided in the Methods. I would however vote for this as being a major and important aspect of the software that should be given air time.

      As the hardware-limited speed of BonVision is also an important feature, I wonder if the same ~2 frame latency holds also for the augmented reality rendering where the software has to run both pose tracking (DeepLabCut) as well as compute whole-scene changes before the next render. It would be beneficial to provide more information about which directions BonVision can be stressed before frame-dropping, which may perhaps be different for the different types of display options (2D vs. 3D, and the various display device types). Does the software maintain as strictly as possible the user-specified timing of events by dropping frames, or can it run into a situation where lags can accumulate? This type of technical information would seem critical to some experiments where timings of stimuli have to be carefully controlled, and regardless one would usually want to have the actual display times logged as previously mentioned. Some discussion of how a user might keep track of actual lags in their own setups would be appreciated.

      On the augmented reality mode, I am a little puzzled by the layout of Figure 3 and the attendant video, and I wonder if this is the best way to showcase this functionality. In particular, I'm not entirely sure what the main scene display is although it looks like some kind of software rendering — perhaps of what things might look like inside an actual rig looking in from the top? One way to make this Figure and Movie easier to grasp is to have the scene display be the different panels that would actually be rendered on each physical panel of the experiment box. The inset image of the rig should then have the projection turned on, so that the reader can judge what an actual experiment looks like. Right now it seems for some reason that the walls of the rig in the inset of the movie remain blank except for some lighting shadows. I don't know if this is intentional.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The main findings are that loss of the Piezo1 protein in keratinocytes accelerate migration and wound healing, while genetic and pharmacological manipulations known to increase currents carried by Piezo1 slow migration and wound healing. The channels are shown to accumulate and cluster at the trailing edge of single migrating cells and at the wound margin during in vitro studies of wound healing. These findings demonstrate that Piezo1 mechanosensitive channels are not required for keratinocyte migration or wound healing, but rather function as essential regulators of the speed of both migration and would healing. Further, the findings suggest that increased flux through Piezo1 channels slows migration and wound healing. These channels are found to cluster in migrating cells and at wound margins. The conclusions are well-supported by the presented data and the authors' composition does an outstanding job of recognizing the limits of what has been learned and what remains uncertain.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Slavetinsky and colleagues investigated the capability of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) against MprF, a critical protein of S. aureus, to act as re-sensitizing factors towards resistance strains and as supporting factors for S. aureus killing by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes.

      They created 8 mAbs against four different loops of MprF and showed that they were able to bind MprF-expressing S. aureus strains. Two of the mAbs led to significant reduction of S. aureus survival upon exposure with nisin (i.e. a cationic antimicrobial against towards which MprF normally confers resistance). The authors focused on the mAb against loop 7 and showed that it reduced survivals also against two other antimicrobials and, most important, it restored Daptomycin killing of a resistant strain. Moreover, although this mAb did not increase phagocytosis by leukocites, it decreased the survival of the phagocytized S. aureus cells, most likely by rendering them sensitive towards the cationic antimicrobial peptides.

      In parallel, the authors used this mAb to revise the ambiguous location of loop 7 of MprF. They employed two different experiment settings and concluded that this loop might have some degree of mobility in the membrane, which also explain the ambiguity of its location in previous studies. By showing that the mAb against loop 7 act by inhibiting the flippase activity of MprF while leaving the synthase activity intact, they speculated that the mobility of loop 7 might play an important role for LysPG translocation process.

      The data support the conclusion of the manuscript and show how promising monoclonal antibody are against staphylococcal infections.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In the present study, the authors have shown that Nkx2-1 depleted BRAFV600E driven mouse tumors show higher p-ERK activation. MAPK inhibition in these tumors leads to a cellular shift towards the gastric stem and progenitor lineage. The authors have provided detailed mechanistic insights on how MAPK inhibition influences lineage specifiers and oncogenic signaling pathways to form invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma. All experiments are carefully performed and entails advanced research methodologies such as organoid culture systems, novel genetically engineered mouse models and single cell RNA seq. The manuscript is well written, the research findings are logically interpreted and presented. Taken together, all major scientific claims are well supported by the data and offers major technical advancements for the development of precision medicine.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this work, Schuster et al. have explored the requirement of the short stumpy morphological form of the African trypanosome, Trypanosoma brucei, for the completion of the parasite lifecycle. Heretofore, short stumpy form parasites, which have been proposed to be pre-adapted for life in the tsetse fly insect vector, were considered an essential stage in the transitions from mammalian blood forms to insect-infective stages. These parasites do not divide and are generated in a density-dependent manner from the rapidly dividing long slender blood form. The quiescent short stumpy forms have been shown in vitro to undergo differentiation into insect-infective forms in response to a diversity of environmental cues and stress, supporting their position as the lifecycle stage that initiates colonization of the fly midgut.

      The findings presented in this work call into question the longstanding notion that short stumpy parasites play a central role in the lifecycle. Notably, the authors have found that long slender forms are as competent as short stumpy parasites to infect flies. This observation may solve a major conundrum raised when short stumpy forms are considered essential intermediates in disease transmission. That is, how is the parasite successfully transmitted to tsetse flies when the flies only ingest very small bloodmeals from hosts with parasitemia too low to trigger density dependent stumpy form development?

      The authors perform an extensive analysis of parasites isolated from infected flies and compare fly infections established using different numbers of short stumpy and slender parasites. This effort includes dissection of a variety of fly tissues and scoring parasites for expression of key developmental markers. Interestingly, the data indicate that the long slender parasites activate pathways described from short stumpy parasites to complete differentiation; however, unlike the stumpy forms that are arrested in the cell cycle, the parasites continue to proliferate. Overall, the process of differentiation to the insect stage is not identical for the long slender and short stumpy forms, as expression of key markers (PAD1 and EP1) occurs more quickly when short stumpy forms are used in fly infection studies while, unlike the long slender forms, they are delayed in return to the normal cell cycle.

      The conclusions of the paper are supported by the presented data and the discussion further develops the case that long slender forms may be key to parasite transmission to the vector. The work is based on using the standard model African trypanosome subspecies that infects rodents and not a trypanosome species that infects humans. This does not, however, diminish the potential impact of the work, as the rodent parasites are the field standard (and molecular tools have primarily been developed in that background). In addition to finding that long slender forms are competent for lifecycle completion, which could ultimately require amendment of medical school textbook lifecycles, this work also raises important questions about the role of the short stumpy form in parasite biology. The authors speculate the short stumpy forms may serve to control population size in a quorum sensing-dependent-fashion. While this notion conflicts with observations presented from human infections where blood parasite levels are very low, it remains unresolved what cues environments like the skin and other tissues present to the parasite, and how these may influence short stumpy differentiation.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Developing animals must couple information about external and internal conditions with developmental programs to adapt to changing environments. In animals ranging from flies to mammals, growth and developmental progression is controlled by a neuroendocrine system that integrates environmental and developmental cues. In mammals, this system involves the reproductive axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, HPG). In the fruit fly Drosophila, neurosecretory cells that project onto the ring gland, a composite endocrine organ that houses the corpora cardiaca (CC), the corpus allatum (CA), and the prothoracic gland (PG), serves analogous functions. Characterizing the neurosecretory cells that project to the ring gland and the inputs they receive is therefore key to a deeper understanding of how the neuroendocrine system receives and processes information about external and internal conditions, and in response, adjusts growth and development. Building on the electron-microscopic reconstruction of the Drosophila L1 larval brain, the authors perform a comprehensive analysis of the neurosecretory cells that target the larval ring gland and the neurons that form synaptic contacts with these neurosecretory cells. This work is truly impressive on its own, and more than that it will also be extremely important for the future characterization of inputs received by the neuroendocrine system to modulate its activity, thus coupling development with environmental conditions. The work is well-written, and I have no doubt that it will be of great value to the field.

  4. Feb 2021
    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      It is established that Kinase suppressor of Ras 1 (KSR1) contributes to the oncogenic actions of Ras by promoting ERK activation. However, the downstream actions of this pathway are poorly understood. Here Rao et al. demonstrate that this KSR1-dependent pathway increases translation of Epithelial-Stromal Interaction-1 (EPSTI1) mRNA and expression of EPSTI1 protein. This is significant because EPSTI1 drives aspects of EMT, including expression of ZEB1, SLUG, and N-Cadherin. The analysis is thorough and includes both loss-of-function and gain-of-function studies. Overall, the conclusions of this study are convincing and advance our understanding of cancer development.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors have studied preclinical models of human small cell lung cancer (SCLC) using characterized SCLC cell lines that have been manipulated to conditionally express mutant EGFR (L858R) or KRAS (G12V) alleles and then assessing their morphology in cell culture, expression of neuroendocrine differentiation markers and transcription factors, and main signaling pathways such as the MAPK pathway. They focus on this because activation of ERK and the MAPK pathways are seen in nearly all non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs) including those with EGFR or KRAS mutations but mutations in these driver oncogenes or active ERK and MAPK pathway are essentially never found in SCLCs. In addition, chromatin modifications are assessed after manipulations and functional genomics targeting and pharmacologic inhibition of various components of the MAPK pathway are tested to see their effect on NE expression. Because of the known clinical phenomenon of transformation to SCLC like tumors by lung adenocarcinomas with EGFR mutations that become resistant to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors, findings from the SCLC studies were applied to try to experimentally generate such LUAD to SCLC transformation. Overall, they found that activation of ERK/MAPK pathway by oncogenic mutations led to loss of NE differentiation and that the "ERK-CBP/p300-ETS axis promotes a lineage shift between neuroendocrine and non-neuroendocrine lung cancer phenotypes". They conclude: "In summary, we provide the first reported biological rationale for why alterations in MAPK pathway are rarely found in SCLC and describe the molecular underpinnings of how the central node in this pathway, ERK2, suppresses the NE differentiation program. " The authors conclusions and claims are justified by the experiments and data they present and they provide a mechanistic basis of what happens with MAPK/ERK activation in SCLC, why one does not find MAPK/ERK activation in SCLC, or the presence of related oncogenic driver mutations such as mutant KRAS or EGFR.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Advances in understanding the biochemical and cellular mechanism of neuronal damage are investigated here and are to be appreciated. The strength of this work on SARM1 is its success in establishing that a concentration-dependent phase change activates the enzyme to degrade NAD, an essential component of neuronal integrity. Cellular significance is demonstrated in C. elegans neuronal damage triggered by citrate. Weaknesses are that high citrate is required for SARM1 effects but low citrate is used in the C. elegans model without establishing concentration dependence in the C. elegans system. The progression on neuronal damage from enzyme activation to neuronal damage in C. elegans is missing the quantitation of NAD change. A strength of the work is to provide a solid stepping-stone to permit the next steps in cementing the biochemical pathways of initiating cellular damage to neurons.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this article, Gregory Grecco and colleagues developed a novel translational mouse model of prenatal methadone exposure (PME) that closely resembles the opioid exposure experienced by pregnant women living with opioid use disorder and treated with methadone maintenance pharmacotherapy. The article delineates the impact of prenatal methadone exposure on physical development and motor behavior of the next generation male and female progeny. The authors also relied on a combination of electrophysiological, immunohistochemical and volumetric MRI imaging approaches to investigate the mechanisms underlying PME-derived phenotypes in male and female offspring. Overall, PME produced changes in motor function, motor coordination and growth in progeny. These phenotypes were accompanied by changes in the electrophysiological properties and density of neurons in the primary motor cortex of offspring raised by opioid-exposed dams.

      One of the stated goals by the authors was to develop a mouse model that closely mirrored exposure and dosing regimens in clinical populations living with opioid use disorder in order to increase the translational value of the findings outlined in this report. One of the strengths of the article is the experimental design and the longitudinal nature of the studies. The dams were first treated with oxycodone, a commonly abused pain killer to mimic this condition in patients living with SUD. 5 days prior to mating, the animals were switched to methadone to model maintenance pharmacotherapy that is commonly used in SUD patients. The doses of oxycodone and methadone were carefully selected to mimic as closely as possible the suspected exposure experienced by pregnant women and their unborn offspring. The authors demonstrated that the concentrations of methadone and related metabolites were present in the plasma, brain and placentas of dams and offspring in the opioid-treated group during gestation, parturition and up to one week after birth. Another strength of the study was the fact that the authors convincingly demonstrated a lack of change in maternal behavior in the opioid-treated dams, which could have been a major confounding factor. The dams exposed to oxycodone and methadone did develop dependence to opioids as expected, however the amount and nature of maternal care delivered to their offspring was not affected by oxycodone and methadone exposure. This critical finding enabled the authors to delve further into the biological underpinnings of the observed phenotypes. The offspring produced by opioid-exposed dams showed some phenotypes consistent with neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS) in humans, including hyperthermia and twitches or jerks. Together, these findings demonstrate that the authors were successful in creating a novel model of prenatal opioid use and methadone maintenance in mice.

      Overall, both males and females produced by opioid-treated dams had lower body weight and length during development and through adolescence. Bone volume was also lower in PME offspring compared to controls at 1 week of age, an effect that dissipated by adolescence in PME progeny. Locomotor activity was reduced at P1 and increased at P7 and P21. Interestingly, ultra sonic vocalization emitted by pups when separated from their mothers, was highest for PME females compared to all groups and this increase in calls also coincided with increased activity. PME offspring also had delays in demonstrated coordinated motor behaviors such as acquisition of surface righting, forelimb grasp and cliff aversion during the early stages of development. Prepulse inhibition, a measure of sensorimotor gating was not disrupted by PME.

      At the anatomical level, the largest impact of PME was found in the primary motor region of the cortex, where cell density was reduced particularly in the upper cortical layers. Next, the authors probed the properties of cells and circuits in primary motor cortex and found reduced firing rates in response to injected currents in PME animals compared to controls. The input resistance of these cells was also diminished in the PME group. Together, these findings suggest that the number of cells may be reduced by PME in primary motor cortex and that the remaining neurons are not able to fire as effectively, resulting in blunted transmission within this brain region. Lastly, the authors stimulated local synaptic inputs to M1 using glutamate uncaging and found that the neural circuits connecting the top layers of M1 to layer 5 are enhanced in PME animals.

      Overall, the authors identified some electrophysiological correlates of altered motor function and coordination produced by a novel prenatal opioid exposure model and regimen. This article had several strengths highlighted above but also included some areas of potential improvement. The authors included both sexes in many of their analyses but it is not always clear when the sex of the offspring were combined in the analyses and/or whether sex was always included as a factor in the many endpoints described in the paper. The authors acknowledge some of the limitations of their model in better understanding OUD in pregnant women. Including the caveat that many women do not switch to maintenance therapy prior to conception would be worth mentioning. Moreover the use of buprenorphine has increased in recent years and methadone is not the only maintenance therapy available. Lastly, the electrophysiological recordings do not exactly coincide with some of the overt phenotypes reported: at P21, the PME animals are hyperactive but the time window does not match with the coordination deficits reported. Overall, these minor weaknesses detracted only slightly from the overall impact and value of the reported findings.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this work Farber and colleagues describe the generation of Fus(EGFP-plin2) and Fus(plin3-RFP) two knock-in zebrafish lines that alllow to study perilipins and lipid droplet biology in vivo at whole animal level. These lines could be important tools to understand how lipid droplet dynamics are affected by different genetic and physiological manipulations.

      The article is well written and the work is carries out with a good methodological approach and the results support their conclusions. The weakness is the lack of originality since it does not really go behind the current knowledge in the field. Most of the data are a detailed description of zebrafish lines but I doubt that could be interested to a broad audience.

      It also lacks novelty since the work does not add anything compared to what is already known regarding peripilin 2 and 3. I think this manuscript should be submitted to a more specialized journal on lipid metabolism or to a technical "zebrafish" journal.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors set out to determine the role of interleukin (IL)-33 in the host immune response to the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. They achieve this using a mouse model of infection and a range of genetically modified mice to systematically prove the pathway involved.

      A major strength of the study is the use of strategic immune cell/factor-deficient mice in combination with recombinant proteins in vivo. This may be further strengthened by future studies that test the impact off inhibitory antibodies against the primary factor of interest, IL-33. This would allow for a loss and gain of function approach, supporting the exisiting in vivo data with recombinant mouse IL-33.

      Overall, the approach taken achieves the goal of the study. The manuscript is well written and systematically addresses the steps in the pathway that are required to mount an effective IL-33-mediate immune response to T. gondii.

      The likely impact of this work are new knowledge of the function of IL-33 in response to infection and the interaction between different components of the immune system to achieve a balanced, context dependent response. The study does not highlight new methods or technical advances, but does provide important new information on immune responses to infection.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This paper examines the role of neutrophils, inflammatory immune cells, in disease caused by genital herpes virus infection. The experiments describe a role for type I interferon stimulation of neutrophils later in the infection that drives inflammation. Blockade of interferon, and to a lesser degree, IL-18 ameliorated disease. This study should be of interest to immunologists and virologists.

      This study sought to examine the role of neutrophils in pathology during mucosal HSV-2 infection in a mouse model. The data presented in this manuscript suggest that late or sustained IFN-I signals act on neutrophils to drive inflammation and pathology in genital herpes infection. The authors show that while depletion of neutrophils from mice does not impact viral clearance or recruitment of other immune cells to the infected tissue, it did reduce inflammation in the mucosa and genital skin. Single cell sequencing of immune cells from the infected mucosa revealed increased expression of interferon stimulated genes (ISGs) in neutrophils and myeloid cells in HSV-2 infected mice. Treatment of anti-IFNAR antibodies or neutrophil-specific IFNAR1 conditional knockout mice decreased disease and IL-18 levels. Blocking IL-18 also reduced disease, although these data show that other signals are likely to also be involved. It is interesting that viral titers and anti-viral immune responses were unaffected by IFNAR or IL-18 blockade when this treatment was started 3-4 days after infection, because data shown here (for IFN-I) and by others in published studies (for IFN-I or IL-18) have shown that loss of IFN-I or IL-18 prior to infection is detrimental.

      These data are interesting and show pathways (namely IFN-I and IL-18) that could be blocked to limit disease. While this suggests that IL-18 blockade might be an effective treatment for genital inflammation caused by HSV-2 infection, the utility of IL-18 blockade is still unclear, because the magnitude of the effect in this mouse model was less than IFNAR blockade. Additionally, further experiments, such as conditional loss of IL-18 in neutrophils, would be required to better define the role and source(s) of IL-18 that drive disease in this model.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Mutations in Naa10 are known to be causative in Ogden syndrome, a genetic disorder associated with infantile death. The paper by Kweon et al describes a series of experiments using mouse models of Naa10, an x-linked gene with the function of a major acetyltranferase in a complex accounting for 40-50% of acetylation of all proteins. The lack of complete embryonic lethality in the Naa10 hemizygous mice, leads the authors discover a paralogous mouse gene Naa12. The authors further demonstrate that Naa12 can compensate for Naa10 loss of function and that null mutations in both genes lead to complete embryonic lethality.

      Genetic experiments described in this paper involve 2 distinct knockouts of the Naa10 in mice. The resulting hemizygous male mice displayed a variety of developmental defects, and while hemizygous males were underrepresented at birth, some surviving mice experienced early neonatal lethality while a proportion of the hemizygous mice survived to adulthood. Severely affected animals exhibited a variety of development abnormalities but importantly, no major reductions in the acetylation patterns were observed. A similar spectrum of phenotypes were reported in 2017 in a separate paper by Lee et al. The lack of complete embryonic lethality in Naa10 hemizygous males led to the hypothesis that a compensatory gene in mice may exist. The authors then identified the autosomal Naa12 gene in mice. This is a major finding of the paper. Naa12 and Naa10 share 80% sequence identity. The authors continued on to generate a Naa12 knockout mouse that in combination with the Naa10 knockout mice, demonstrate complete embryonic lethality to support the hypothesis that Naa12 is a function homolog to Naa10 in mice. This is strong evidence supporting the functional compensation of Naa12. The authors provided a thorough account of the variety of development abnormalities in the Naa10 hemizygous mice at all stages of development, noting changes in bodyweight, hydrocephaly and significant cardiac defects, pigmentation, skeletal and reproductive abnormalities. The variation and heterogeneity ranged from severe embryonic abnormalities through to milder phenotypes in surviving adults. Importantly, the authors identified several phenotypes in the mice that upon further analysis, we also not in the patients with an assumption of incomplete penetrance.

      This reviewer finds this paper to be an important finding worthy of publication. The experiments were well powered and the genetic crosses thoroughly examined. The discussion was thoughtful and considered mechanisms of compensation between Naa10 and Naa12 based on the observed experiments.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this study from the Selimi lab, Gónzalez-Calvo and colleagues investigate the role of the uncharacterized complement family protein SUSD4. SUSD4 is expressed at the time of cerebellar synaptogenesis and localizes to dendritic spines of Purkinje cells. Susd4 KO mice show impaired motor learning, a cerebellum-dependent task. Susd4 KO mice display impaired LTD and facilitated LTP at parallel fiber (PF)-Purkinje cell (PC) synapses, indicating altered synaptic plasticity in the absence of Susd4. Climbing fiber (CF)-Purkinje cell synapses show largely normal basal transmission, with the exception of larger quantal EPSCs. Immunohistochemical analysis shows a small decrease in the proportion of CF/PC synapses lacking GluA2. As their data indicates a role for SUSD4 in regulation of postsynaptic GluA2 content at cerebellar synapses, they next explored the molecular mechanism by which SUSD4 might do so. Activity-dependent degradation of GluA2 does not occur in the absence of SUSD4. Affinity purification of proteins associated with recombinant SUSD4 identifies ubiquitin ligases as well as several proteins involved in AMPAR turnover. Finally, the authors show that SUSD4 can bind GluA2 in HEK cells, and that SUSD4 can bind the ubiquitin ligase NEDD4, but that these two interactions are not dependent on each other.

      This study provides novel insight in the uncharacterized role of SUSD4 and provides a detailed and well-performed analysis of the Susd4 loss of function phenotype in the cerebellar circuit. The exact mechanism by which SUSD4 affects GluA2 levels remains unclear. However, their findings provide leads for further functional follow-up studies of SUSD4.

      Specific comments:

      1) Localization of SUSD4. The authors demonstrate localization to spines in distal PC dendrites (Fig. 1C). Does SUSD4 also localize to CF/PC synapses? This is important to establish given the phenotype of increased quantal EPSCs and decreased proportion of synapses without GluA2 at the CF/PC synapse.

      2) Figure 4B: There seems to be considerably less surface GluA2 in Susd4 KO cerebellar slices. Is the difference in surface GluA2 between WT and KO significant? Although the mean reduction in surface GluA2 in Susd4 KO following cLTD is similar to WT, the difference with control is not significant. This should be pointed out in the text because it can not be definitively concluded that endocytosis of GluA2 is not altered in Susd4 KO on the basis of this experiment.

      3) Figure 4D: The colocalization of SUSD4 with GluA2 is difficult to see in this image. An inset with higher zoom could help. Quantification of colocalization using e.g. Manders coefficient would help.

      4) Figure 5B: The negative control used here, PVRL3alpha, lacks an HA tag. This therefore does not control for non-specific interactions of highly overexpressed membrane proteins in co-transfected HEK cells. The authors should use an HA-tagged membrane protein as a control here to demonstrate that the interaction of SUSD4 and GluA2 is specific for SUSD4.

      5) Figure 5D: The level of GluA2 recovered in the IP appears normalized to HA-SUSD4. This does not control for the variations in GluA2 input levels shown in Fig. S11. Statements on amounts of GluA2 recovered for various SUSD4 mutants should be adjusted to take this into account.

      6) Line 357: binding of SUSD4=is likely meant to be binding of NEDD4.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Bridget A. Matikainen-Ankney et al. discuss the newest generation of their open-source Feeding Experimentation Device (FED3) platform capable of detailed tracking of food pellet intake and dual nose-poke operant behavioral testing. This platform provides a complete solution for these types of studies and includes all necessary open-source hardware, firmware, visualization code, and Arduino and Python libraries for user customization of experiments and analysis. FED3 has a rechargeable battery life of around one week and can operate without any external wires, logging data onto an on-board SD card and allowing for flexible placement in a rodent's home-cage. The platform also includes an on-board display for showing current experimental parameters/data and a variable voltage digital output for synchronizing the system with other external devices such as an optogenetic simulation system. The authors show multiple applications of the FED3 platform including detailed food intake tracking, fixed-ratio operant behavior experiments, and optogenetic self-stimulation. Importantly, they also highlight the ability to do studies across multiple, remote laboratories by leveraging the standardization of such a food intake platform.


      The FED3 platform is well thought out and clearly builds off the authors' experience designing and working with their previous generation systems. The specific open-source approach taken by the authors include, not just openly providing design files but, building an understandable and open ecosystem of tools and libraries for laboratories to customize the platform to fit a broad range of experiments. By including data visualization tools and a Python library for working with FED3 data, the authors effectively lower the technical entry point for using such a platform and streamline the process of implanting the system in one's own experiments. The paper provides strong evidence of the FED3's capabilities and relevance of data generated across a range of use cases. There is compelling evidence of the usefulness of developing an open standard for food intake tracking, allowing for multi-site studies and across-laboratory comparisons. Finally, the system is significantly more affordable than other commercial options, lowering the economic barrier for implementing food intake tracking and operant behavior experiments.


      While this paper presents a very useful, customizable, and flexible approach to food intake and operant behavior studies, certain aspects of the device could be better described in the paper. This is only a minor weakness as all hardware and code is openly available online, allowing for a more detailed understanding of the system beyond what is presented in the paper. It would be helpful to identify the major electronics components on the custom printed circuit board to aid in customization of the system. It would also be useful to provide more details as to the mechanical mechanism used to deliver food pellets and the optical beam breaks for detecting nose-pokes and food pellets.

      Some potential limitations of the system include the inability to detect food pellet hoarding, lack of wireless option to access and configure the system, limited battery life, complications when using granular bedding, and no way to identify individual mice. The authors identify and discuss these limitations within the paper which is appreciated.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this study, van Dorp et al. provide new insights into the structure of the C-terminus of STIM1 in the quiescent as well as the active state. By using extensive smFRET and protein crosslinking techniques, the authors substantially advanced our understanding of STIM1 cytosolic domains orientation and revealed inter- and intramolecular interactions within a STIM1 dimer. Structures have been derived for both STIM1 resting and activated state. Altogether, this study substantially contributes to a mechanistic and structural understanding of the STIM1 activation process, and it paths the way for the comprehensive dynamic resolution of conformational transitions from the inactive to the fully active state.

      The single molecule studies represent a very elegant approach to derive novel details on STIM1 structure and dynamics. Utilization of these developed smFRET protein probes of ctSTIM1 in the interaction with Orai1, either reconstituted or even in living cells, would be phantastic, but certainly experimentally challenging based on the low fluorescent background required to resolve single molecule FRET.

    1. Reviewer #3:

      In this paper Werkhoven et al. ask a fundamental question in behavioral neuroscience - what is the structure of co-varying behaviors among individuals within populations. While questions in the context of inter-individual behavioral differences have been studied across organisms, this work represents a highly novel and comprehensive analysis of the behavioral structure of inter-individual variation in the fly, and the underlying biological mechanism that may shape this structure of covariation. In particular, for their experiments they combined a set of behavioral tests (some of them were explored in previous studies) to a 13-day long behavioral paradigm that tested single individuals in a highly controlled and precise way. Through clever analysis the authors interestingly showed strong correlations only between a small set of behaviors, indicating that most of the behaviors that they tested do not co-vary, exhibiting many dimensions of inter-individual variation in the data. They further used perturbations of neuronal circuits and showed that temperature and circuit perturbations can change dependencies among sets of behaviors. In a different set of experiments where they integrated gene-expression data (from the brains of single individuals), they showed that some of the genes are correlated with individual-specific parameters of behaviors. Interestingly, through comparison of inbred and outbred population they demonstrated that also outbred populations are showing relatively low covariance of behaviors across individuals.

      Overall, the data in the paper indicate that surprisingly, even for a 'simple' organism, there are many dimensions of inter-individual variation, e.g. many specific characters that can change among individuals in a non-dependent way. The ability of the authors to precisely measure such dependencies in such a highly robust and precise way allowed their investigation of the underlying processes that may generate this variation. The results in this study are highly interesting and novel. They uncover a general picture of the structure of behavioral variation among individuals and open many avenues for further analyses of the underlying neuronal and molecular mechanisms that control variation in sets of behaviors. Furthermore, the methods that were developed in this paper can be of great use by other researches in the field.

      However, while the key claims of the manuscript are well supported by the data and analyses methods, some aspects of data analysis need to be clarified or extended:

      • It is not clear what the motivation is for using the 'Effective dimensionality spectrum' analysis presented in the paper and how it significantly adds to existing methods of clustering that are relying directly on the correlation/distance matrix (some of them were used in this study).

      • While it is clear that the distilled behavioral covariation matrix has many independent dimensions (as the authors indicated, most of the a-priori PCs are not strongly correlated), the number of 'significant' Pcs was not calculated directly for the distilled matrix, and t-SNE analysis is presented only for the original covariation matrix (1L).

      • It is possible that some of the behaviors that covary across individuals in the high temporal resolution assay and also tend to be associated over time within an individual, may indicate sequences of behavior on longer time-scales (than the timescales in which parameters are quantified).

      • Further analyses are needed for extending the detection of correlations between variation in gene-expression data and the independent behavioral measures in the covariance matrix.

    1. Reviewer #3:

      The authors propose a new method of focused ultrasound (FUS) neuromodulation namely amplitude modulated FUS that they propose can differentially affect inhibitory and excitatory cells depending upon the intensity employed. Parameter selection is an issue for this field and the introduction of new methods for efficacious modulation are highly desirable. However, this paper does not explicitly test AM FUS against existing forms of FUS thus lending no evidence to its efficacy. While the differential effects are interesting in themselves, we gain no insight if AM FUS is the critical factor leading to this.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      By applying modern viral tracing methods, this paper described in detail extensive input-output connections of Gad1Cre+, VgatCre+, or Ntsr1Cre+ IntA projection neurons.

      Because diverse neurons are intermingled in a small region, it is generally challenging to isolate specific excitatory or inhibitory neurons and their circuits in the cerebellar nucleus.

      The authors focused on IntA of CN and demonstrated that 1) both inhibitory (Gad1Cre+ and/or VgatCre+) and excitatory (Ntsr1Cre+) neurons comprise extensive input-output connections with many extracerebellar regions, and 2) inhibitory circuits are functionally distinct from excitatory circuits on the basis of projection targets. This work could provide insights into diversity of inhibitory IntA neurons, and thus could be an interesting addition to the field's expanding efforts to identify cell types of CN, their input-output connections, and their functions.

      However, interpreting the data is difficult because of technical challenges. Critically, the main conclusion could be compromised by experimental artifacts, which need better characterization. In addition, the text could be revised to make it more accessible to a broad audience.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Sando et al. describes experiments directed at unraveling how latrophilins (Lphns) orchestrate synapse formation. Lphns are a unique family of adhesion molecules harboring extensive extracellular N-terminal domains with several known interacting motifs coupled to the classical 7 transmembrane architecture of G-protein coupled receptors. In recently published work from the Sudhof group, Lphns were shown to play a surprising postsynaptic role in synapse formation onto CA1 pyramidal neurons with Lphn2 and 3 important for perforant path and Schaffer collateral synapse formation respectively (Sando et al., Anderson et al). However, it remains unclear whether G-protein signaling through Lphns is important for their role as synapse organizers.

      To address this issue, the authors use conditional knockout/rescue approaches to convincingly demonstrate an essential role of the GPCR domain of Lphns 2 and 3 both in vitro and in vivo. Replacing the intracellular 3rd loop of the GPCR domain (which is essential for G-protein activation) of either Lphn2 or 3 fails to rescue reduced synapse number in the knockout background (nor does deleting the entire GPCR domain). Thus it appears that cell adhesion properties alone are not sufficient for Lphn-mediated synapse formation. The experiments appear to be robust and convincing and the conceptual advance of Lphn-mediated GPCR signaling during synapse formation is substantial. I have a few specific points outlined below, but overall the authors use a nice combination of imaging, electrophysiology and rabies virus-based synaptic connectivity measurements to support their conclusions. Naturally, I'd like to know more details about the signaling requirement (e.g. how is Lphn signaling spatially compartmentalized compared to other GPCRs present, which G-protein(s) Lphns couple to, how/when/whether GPCR signaling is regulated by ligand engagement etc.) but these questions seem better suited to a separate study.

    1. Reviewer #3:

      This is an interesting manuscript in which the authors have investigated the effect of intracellular injection of oligomeric beta-amyloid into hippocampal neurons both in cultures and adult animals. They find that starting from 500 pM, intracellular injection of oligomeric beta-amyloid rapidly increases the frequency of synaptic currents and higher concentrations potentiate the AMPA receptor-mediated current. Both effects were PKC-dependent. Furthermore, they find that following PKC activation there is release of NO which in turn increases release of neurotransmitter not only in the nearby pre-synaptic site, but also in neighboring cells. This suggests that intracellular injections of oligomeric beta-amyloid into the postsynaptic neuron can increase network excitability at a distance. The effect on neuronal excitability would involve AMPA-driven synaptic activity without altering membrane intrinsic properties. The conclusions are sound. However, there are two main aspects of the observed phenomenon that have not been taken adequately into account, or have been avoided by the authors. The authors have not investigated the effects of application of oligomeric beta-amyloid into the extracellular space and the presynaptic neurons, two other compartments of the synapse. They might have performed experiments comparing findings from experiments with intracellular injections of oligomeric beta-amyloid into the post-synaptic neurons, with effects of extracellular application and those of injections into the presynaptic neuron.

      Additional minor concerns are related to the following issues:

      a) The raw data on Figure 3 suggest that not only excitatory transmission is affected but also inhibitory transmission is somewhat modified. Measurement of the charge might be misleading.

      b) This reviewer is not clear on the meaning of the following sentence in the discussion "Contrary to previously published data using extracellular Aβ or with more chronic application models [45-50], we did not find any synaptic deficits". The current work shows synaptic changes!

      c) There is a mistake in the numbering of figures in the discussion. The paper has no figure 11. When referring to figure 10, they must mean something else.

      d) The model on Figure 10 needs work. The authors should explain what various elements of the drawing mean, or better label them directly on the figure.

    1. Reviewer #3:

      Huss et al. describe a phage genome engineering technology that they call ORACLE. This technique uses recombineering of a phage target gene with a variant library to identify both gain and loss of function mutations. The beauty of this method and what makes it superior to other techniques is that it dramatically limits loss of mutants that are less fit during the initial round of library generation. Thus, the pool of variants is vast and is reduced in bias toward more fit species based on the host used for initial library amplification. They use the model coliphage T7 as a proof of principle and show that several previously unidentified residues in the T7 tail fiber play critical roles in both loss and gain of function for phage infectivity and they also identify residues that are major drivers of altered host tropism. Lastly, they apply this library to a pathogenic UTI associated strain of E. coli which is normally resistant to wild type T7 infection and identify tail variants of T7 that can now infect this strain, highlighting the applicability of this method toward the discovery of engineered phages that could be used therapeutically. Altogether this is an important advancement in phage engineering that shows potential promise for future phage therapies.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors herein have nicely dissected the role of RNF43 in WNT5A signaling in mammalian cells, with a focus in the context of melanoma. They show that RNF43 inhibits WNT5A activity by ubiquitinating and thereby marking for proteasomal degradation multiple proteins involved in WNT5A signal transduction (i.e., VANGL2). The authors have performed the study in a thorough manner.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      P2X2 receptor channels do not have a canonical voltage-sensor, yet they display profound voltage-dependence especially when activated by physiologically relevant low ATP concentrations. Understanding the mechanisms of this voltage dependence is not an easy undertaking because there are neither similar proteins as precedent nor clear indications from available structures. In this manuscript, Andriani and Kubo incorporated Anap into 96 residues (separately) in P2X2 receptor channels and performed a comprehensive scanning using voltage-clamp fluorometry technique to probe structural changes during ATP- and voltage-dependent gating. Out of the 96 residues, the authors only observed voltage-dependent fluorescence intensity (F) changes at A337 and I341 in the TM2 domain. The changes are fast and linear, consistent with them being electrochromic effect. When an additional mutant K308R is introduced, the authors were able to detect a small slow and voltage-dependent F change at A337, which could potentially result from structural rearrangements at this position. With a P2X2 model built upon the hP2X3 open state structure, they also proposed that A337 interacts with F44 in TM1, and this interaction is important for activation. The amount of work involved in this study is impressive. The data presented are of good quality. Most conclusions drawn from the results are reasonable and backed with good evidence.

      Overall, the identification of a converged electric field around A337 and I341 is new and intriguing. Previously reported functional results and available high resolution P2X receptor structures all suggest that residues A337 and I341 are facing TM1 and they are accessible to Ag+ when mutated to Cys. It is conceivable that the "voltage-sensor" in P2X2 receptor channels involve ion filled crevices between TM1 and TM2 in the membrane. This work is of great value for understanding how membrane proteins sense voltages.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors describe a method for fitting a simple, separable function of contrast and cone excitation to a set of fMRI data generated from large, unstructured chromatic flicker stimuli that drive the L- and M- cone photoreceptors across a range of amplitudes and ratios. The function is of the form of a scaled ellipse – hereafter referred to as a 'Quadratic Color Model' (QCM). The QCM fits 6 parameters (ellipse orientation, ellipse elongation, and 4 parameters from a non-linear, saturating (Naka-Rushton) contrast response curve. The QCM fits the dataset well and the authors compare it (favorably) to a 40-parameter GLM that fits each separate combination of chromatic direction and contrast separately.

      The authors note three things that 'did not have to be true' (and which are therefore interesting):

      1) The data are well-fit by a separable ellipse+contrast transducer - consistent with the idea that the underlying neuronal computations that process these stimuli combine relatively independent L-M and L+M contrast.

      2) The short axis of the QCM tends to align with the L-M cone contrast directing (indicating that this direction is one of maximum sensitivity and the L+M direction (long axis) is least sensitive. This finding is qualitatively consistent with psychophysical measurements of chromatic sensitivity.

      3) Fit parameters do not change much across the cortical surface – and in particular they are relatively constant with respect to eccentricity.

      This is a technically solid paper – the data processing pipeline is meticulous, stimuli are tightly-calibrated (the ability to apply cone-isolating stimuli to fovea and periphery simultaneously is an impressive application of the 56-primary stimulus generator) and the authors have been careful to measure their stimuli before and after each experimental session. I have a few technical questions but I am completely satisfied that the authors are measuring what they think they are measuring.

      The analysis, similarly, is exemplary in many ways. Robust fitting procedures are used and model performance and generalizablility are evaluated with a leave-run-out and leave-session-out cross validation procedures. Bootstrapped confidence intervals are generated for all fits and analysis code is available online.

      The paper is also useful: it summarises a lot of (similar) previous findings in the fMRI color literature going back to the late 90s and points out that they can, in general, be represented with far fewer parameters than conditions. My main concerns are:

      1) Underlying mechanisms: The QCM is a convenient parameterization of low spatial-frequency, high temporal-frequency L-M responses. It will be a useful tool for future color vision researchers but I do not feel that I am learning very much that is new about human color vision. The choice to fit an ellipse to these data must have been motivated at least in part by inspection. It works in this case (possibly because of the particular combination of spatial and temporal frequencies that are probed) but it is not clear that this is a generic parametric model of human color responses in V1. Even very early fMRI data from stimuli with non-zero spatial frequency (for example, Engel, Zhang and Wandell '97) show response envelopes that are ellipse-like but which might well also have additional 'orthogonal' lobes or other oddities at some temporal frequencies.

      2) Model comparison: The 40-parameter GLM model provides a 'best possible' linear fit and gives a sense of the noisiness of the data but it feels a little like a strawman. It is possible to reduce the dimensionality of the fit significantly with the QCM but was it ever really plausible that the visual system would generate separate, independent responses for each combination of color direction and contrast? I suspect that given the fact that the response data are not saturating, it would be possible to replace the Naka-Rushton part of the model with a simple power function, reducing the parameter space even further. It would be more interesting to use the data to compare actual models of color processing in retina/V1 and, potentially, beyond V1.

      3) Link to perception. As the authors note, there is a rich history of psychophysics in this domain. The stimuli they choose are also, I think, well suited to modelling in the sense that they are likely to drive a very limited class of chromatic cells in V1 (those with almost no spatial frequency tuning). It is a shame therefore that no corresponding psychophysical data are presented to link physiology to perception. The issue is particularly acute because the stimulus differs from those typically used in more recent psychophysical experiments: it flickers relatively quickly and it has no spatial structure. It may, however, be more similar to the types of stimuli used prior to the advent of color CRTs : Maxwellian view systems that presented a single spot of light.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Myotonia congenita is a heritable disorder of muscle fiber excitability in which a severe reduction of the resting chloride conductance (gCl, CLCN1 mutations) produces susceptibility to involuntary after-contractions and transient weakness. Fifty years ago, Bryant, Adrian and colleagues showed that loss of > 50% of gCl is sufficient to cause myotonic bursts of after-discharges. Much less is known about the mechanistic basis for the transient weakness (several seconds, up to 1 minute) that occurs with initial contractions after rest. This study elegantly confirms what has long been suspected; that sustained depolarization of the resting potential is the basis for the transient weakness. The experimental approach employed several new techniques to achieve this demonstration. First, the use of repeated in situ contraction tests every 4 sec (Fig. 1) clearly shows the coincidence of myotonia and transient weakness, both of which exhibit warm-up. This animal model for the transient weakness in a low gCl state was essential for the success of this study. Secondly, the remarkably stable measurements of membrane potential (Vm), without the need to apply a holding current to achieve the normal resting potential (Figure 2) is necessary to convincingly demonstrate the plateau depolarizations are a consequence of the myotonic condition, and not a stimulation artifact. Moreover, a severe reduction of fiber excitability was directly demonstrated by application of brief current pulses during the plateau depolarization (Figure 2E). Third, the authors have used the ncDHPR mouse (non-conducting CaV1.1) to show the Ca current has some role in prolonging the duration of the plateau. This is an important contribution because the sluggish, low-amplitude Ca current in skeletal muscle has not previously been implicated in the pathogenesis of myotonia. Finally, the authors built upon their recent work showing ranolazine suppresses myotonia in low gCl muscle to also show this drug abolishes the plateau potential. Taken together, this excellent study provides the most definitive experimental evidence to date for the mechanistic basis of transient weakness in myotonia congenita and also suggests ranolazine may be beneficial for prophylactic management.

      Major Points:

      1) The major experimental limitation that prevented prior studies from establishing the mechanism for the transiently reduced excitability and weakness in MC was the concern that plateau depolarizations frequently occur as an artifact in studies of skeletal muscle membrane potential (e.g. secondary to leakage current from electrode impalement or failure to completely suppress contraction with motion-induced damage). The authors are to be commended for including many records of Vm (absolutely necessary for this publication) and for explicitly stating that a holding current was not applied to maintain Vrest. The confidence of these observation could be further increased by addressing these questions:

      — Were recordings excluded from the analysis if the plateau potential was not followed by a subsequent return to Vrest? Was a criterion used to define successful return to the resting potential?

      — If fibers that failed to repolarize were excluded, was this a frequent or a rare event, and importantly, was the likelihood of failure different for control versus myotonic fibers?

      2) The data clearly show a large variance for the duration of the plateau potential (e.g. horizontal extent of data in Figure 3B), which is interesting and may provide additional insights on the balance of currents that contribute to this phenomenon. The authors also point out that the distribution was skewed toward briefer plateau periods for the 9-AC model than the adr mouse. It is suggested this difference may be a consequence of life-long reduced gCl in adr mice with some chronic compensation versus the acute block of ClC-1 in the 9-AC model. What about the possibility that the reduction of gCl is more severe in the adr fibers than in 9-AC treated animals? A residual Cl current could foreshorten the duration of the plateau potential. Another question with regard to the variable duration of the plateau potential is a "duration of 0". In other words, as shown in Fig 3C, how frequently was the absence of a PP encountered?

      3) The possibility that activity-dependent accumulation of myoplasmic Ca may contribute to the PP is suggested (page 9 line 175), but this is not further commented upon in the Discussion. Namely, is the reduction of PP duration in ncDHPR fibers proposed to be a consequence of less inward charge movement or of less myoplasmic Ca accumulation (i.e. is it a balance of ionic currents or an intracellular signaling factor)? Moreover, with regard to an activity-dependent process that influences the likelihood and/or duration of the PP, the authors quantify the "mean firing rate" and the "mean membrane potential", both quantified during the preceding myotonic burst. Both of these factors may contribute to an activity-dependent process, but another factor has been omitted; namely the duration of the antecedent myotonic run. It would be interesting to test whether the duration of the myotonic burst had an influence on the PP.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Lee et al. report results from an fMRI experiment with repeated viewings of a single movie clip, finding that different brain regions come to anticipate events to different degrees. The findings are brief but a potentially very interesting contribution to the literature on prediction in the brain, as they use rich movie stimuli. This literature has been limited as it has typically focused on fixed short timescales of possible anticipation, with many repetitions of static visual stimuli, leading to only one possible time scale of anticipation. In contrast, the current video design allows the authors to look in theory for multiple timescales of anticipation spanning simple sensory prediction across seconds to complex social dynamics across tens of seconds.

      The authors applied a Hidden Markov Model to multivoxel fMRI data acquired across six viewings of a 90 second movie. They fit a small set of components with the goal of capturing the different sequentially-experienced events that make up the clip. The authors report clusters of regions across the brain that shift in their HMM-identified events from the first viewing of the movie through the (average of the) remaining 5 viewings. In particular, more posterior regions show a shift (or 'anticipation') on the order of a few seconds, while more anterior regions show a shift on the order of ~10 seconds. These identified regions are then investigated in a second way, to see how the HMM-identified events correspond to subjective event segmentation given by a separate set of human participants. These data are a re-analysis of previously published data, presenting a new set of results and highlighting how open sharing of imaging data can have great benefits. There are a few important statistical issues that the authors should address in a revision in order to fully support their arguments.

      1) The authors report different timescales of anticipation across what may be a hierarchy of brain regions. However, do these timescales change significantly across regions? The paper rests in part on these differences, but the analyses do not yet actually test for any change. For this, there are multiple methods the authors could employ, but it would be necessary to do more than fit a linear model to the already-reported list of (non-independently-sorted) regions.

      2) The description of the statistical methods is unclear at critical points, which leads to questions about the strength of the results. The authors applied the HMM to group-averaged fMRI data to find the neural events. Then they run statistical tests on the difference in the area-under-the-curve (AUC) results from first to other viewings. It seems like they employ bootstrap testing using the group data? Perhaps it got lost, but the methods described here about resampling participants do not seem to make sense if all participants contributed to the results. Following this, they note that they used a q < 0.05 threshold after applying FDR for the resulting searchlight clusters, but based on their initial statement about the AUC tests, this is actually one-tailed? Is the actual threshold for all these clusters q < 0.10? That would be quite a lenient threshold and it would be hard to support using it. The authors should clarify how these statistics are computed.

      3) Regarding the relationship to annotated transitions, the reported difference in correlations at zero lag don't tell the story that the authors wish they tell, and as such it does not appear that they support the paper. While it is interesting to see that the correlation at zero lag in the initial viewing is often positive in the independently identified clusters, the fact that there is a drop in correlation on repeated viewings doesn't, in itself, mean that there has been a shift in the temporal relationship between the neural and annotated events. A drop in correlation could also occur if there was just no longer any correlation between the neural and annotated events at any lag due to noisy measurements, or even if, for example, the comparison wasn't to repeated viewings but to a totally different clip. The authors want to say something about the shift in in the waveform/peak, but they need to apply a different method to be able to make this argument.

      4) Imaging methods with faster temporal resolution could reveal even earlier reactivation, or replay, of the movies, that would be relatively invisible with fMRI, and the authors do not discuss relevant recent work. E.g. Michelmann et al. 2019 (Nat Hum Beh) and Wimmer et al. 2020 (Nat Neuro) are quite relevant citations from MEG. Michelmann et al. utilize similar methods and results very similar to the current findings, while Wimmer et al. use a similar 'story' structure with only one viewing (followed by cued retrieval) and find a very high degree of temporal compression. The authors vaguely mention faster timescale methods in the discussion, but it would be important to discuss these existing results, and the relative benefits of these methods versus the benefits and limitations of fMRI. It would be interesting and puzzling if there were multiple neural timescales revealed by different imaging methods.

      5) The original fMRI experiment contained three conditions, while the current results only examine one of these conditions. Why weren't the results from the two scrambled clip conditions in the original experiment reported? Presumably there were no effects observed, but given that the original report focused on a change in response over time in a scrambled video where the scrambled order was preserved across repetitions, and the current report also focuses on changes across viewings, it would be important to describe reasons for not expecting similar results to these new ones in the scrambled condition.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In a previous study, the authors had shown that germline tumors that accumulate in the C. elegans gonad because of the lack the RNA binding translational repressor GLD-1, have an increased propensity to differentiate and express somatic proteins in response to ER stress induced by tunicamycin or the absence of the TRK kinase protein tfg-1 (a process the authors call GED). Using this as a model, here, the authors investigate the mechanisms by which the abnormal nuclei accumulate in the tumorous gonad of glp-1 animals by manipulating genes in the soma and germline.

      The key message of this paper is, then, the identification of neurons and neuromodulators that suppress or enhance this accumulation of abnormal germline cells in the glp-1 germline. While the results of this analysis could potentially provide an interesting advance, the validity of the many of the conclusions are difficult to evaluate because of limitations posed by the experimental methods and ambiguity in defining the GED.


      A key issue is the identity of the abnormal germline cells that accumulate in glp-1 gonads. Modulation of the neuronal circuits examined (FLP-6, serotonin, cholinergic) change the germline, alter ovulation rates, modulate somatic gonad contraction rates etc. in wild-type animals. The effects of these circuits on a glp-1 germline are not known, but some of the same effects are likely to continue even if germ cells turned tumorous. Therefore, how neurons and neuromodulators alter the accumulation of abnormal cells in the gonad may or may not be surprising or novel, based on what is actually happening to these cells (the phenotype scored as GED). However, this is unclear as all the abnormal effects on the germline are assessed using DAPI at some steady state. Therefore, GED (ectopic differentiation) needs to be better demonstrated separate from the simple accumulation of abnormal nuclei, which could happen for a number of different reasons.


      One strength of this paper is the identification of the neuropeptide FLP-6 as a suppressor of GED and a possible RIDD target. However, there is insufficient analysis conducted to fully support this claim.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This is a very interesting and well conducted study that addresses a question of crucial importance and will make a very valuable contribution to the literature. The question of the vulnerability of newly generated oligodendrocytes in an inflamed environment has not previously been examined with anything like the sophistication of the current series of experiments. The paper is excellent and the data convincing. I only have a few relatively minor issues that the authors might want to consider.

      The first results section on sephin1 in EAE is a little confusing. If I have understood the rationale correctly, it is to activate the ISR to protect oligodendrocytes, newly generated from OPCs, in the face of a hostile inflammatory environment. If that is correct, then perhaps this could be explained more explicitly, and the concluding sentence re-worded so as not to give the impression that sephin-1 is able to enhance remyelination (which I realise is not what is stated but is the conclusion that might be drawn).

      The effect of the BZA-sephin combination of g ratio of remyelinated axons is very interesting. This could, of course, be because the process is accelerated with this combination rather than enhanced given that g ratios in the CC will eventually return to normal after cuprizone induced demyelination (eg Stidworthy et al., Brain Pathology 2003). This could perhaps be addressed in the discussion.

      The authors could make the point in the discussion that regenerative medicines are very unlikely to be given in the absence of effective drug-mediated suppression of aggrieved inflammation.

    1. Reviewer #3:

      In this manuscript, the authors investigated roles of PSD95 in the hippocampus for contextual fear extinction. The authors showed that PSD95 levels in the spine and density of PSD-95-positive spines in the dorsal CA1 (dCA1) are changed following contextual fear conditioning and extinction learning. Interestingly, overexpression of PSD95-S73A mutant or chemogenetic inhibition of dCA1 impairs only the second extinction learning at 24 hrs following the first extinction learning. Importantly, these manipulations also blocked the changes of PSD95-positive spines following the first extinction learning. These observations suggest that phosphorylation of PSD95 at S73 in the dCA1 of hippocampus contributes to contextual fear extinction. This manuscript suggests the importance of PSD95 phosphorylation in the hippocampus in some aspects of mechanisms of contextual fear extinction at the molecular and spine levels. However, the title, abstract and conclusions do not well reflect observations and experimental designs in this manuscript. I have several concerns as follows.

      Major concerns:

      1) The authors used viral overexpression of PSD-95 S73A mutant that may function as a dominant negative mutant, but not knock in mutation. Therefore, the function of phosphorylation of PSD 95 at S73 on spine morphology and contextual fear extinction have been not yet investigated well. The experimental design in this manuscript made limitations to understand behavioral results. It is better to use knock-in mutation strategy than overexpression of the mutant. Alternatively, the authors can examine the phosphorylation levels of PSD95 following contextual fear conditioning and extinction learning and/or function of this mutant at the molecular and cellular levels using biochemistry/molecular biology/cell culture.

      2) Overexpression of S73A or chemogenetic inhibition of CA1 impaired additional extinction learning. These observations are interesting. However, the authors have not well characterized these findings at the behavioral levels. In other words, the authors should clarify the effects of these manipulations on contextual fear extinction at the behavioral levels. According to abundant knowledge of fear memory extinction, the behavioral results in this manuscript raised a lot of questions to understand the impact of those genetic manipulations on "contextual fear extinction". How about effects on extended extinction learning (60 min), additional 30 min extinction learning at the same day after first extinction training, spontaneous recovery, renewal, and reinstatement? Some answers of these questions will help to understand behavioral observations in this study and enable us to identify roles of PSD95 and its phosphorylation in extinction of contextual fear memory. It is also important to examine PSD95-positive spines just after the additional extinction learning to understand behavioral observations.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In the article "Widespread premature transcription termination of Arabidopsis thaliana NLR genes by the spen protein FPA", the authors describe the function of FPA as a mediator of premature cleavage and polyadenylation of transcripts. They also focused their study on NLR-encoding transcripts, as that was their most novel observation, describing an additional layer of control.

      In general, the article is well written and clear. The experimental design is good, they didn't seem to over-interpret the results, the controls were solid, and the nanopore data were quite informative for their work. It is rather descriptive, but the results will be helpful for those working on NLRs, and demonstrate the utility of bulk long-read transcript data. The authors were able to string together a number of descriptive observations or vignettes into an informative paper. Overall, it is solid science.

      One minor complaint is that the authors don't focus on NLRs starting on line 436, and then they have extensive results on NLRs; by the time I got to the discussion, I'd forgotten about the early focus on the M6A. While the first part of the article is necessary, I would suggest a more concise results section to give the paper more focus on the NLR control (since that is emphasized in the abstract and the title of the manuscript).

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The manuscript of Anchimiuk and colleagues investigates the mechanism of translocation of Bacillus subtilis SMC-ScpAB, a well characterized bacterial condensin. First, the authors use several SMC constructs where the coil-coiled region has been extended and /or the hinge exchanged and test what are the effects on growth and on the organization of the chromosome. They find highly altered conformations for most of the mutants. Particularly, these altered SMCs are unable to bridge two arms in the presence of the naturally-occurring parS sequences. Interestingly, they are partially able to restore arm pairing if a single parS sequence is provided.

      Next, the authors used Chipseq to compare the binding pattern of wildtype SMC and SMC-CC425 (a mutant with an extended coil coiled region and a different hinge). They observe that the binding of wt-SMC is only midly affected by removal of most parS sequences, whilst that of the mutant is highly affected. In time-lapse experiments where ParB is depleted and then re-expressed, the authors show that in a strain with a single parS wt-SMC loads in the origin region and then redistributes over the chromosome while the mutant can only partially achieve redistribution and to a large extent remains concentrated on the origin region.

      The authors then use wt-SMC and investigate how the conformation of the chromosome changes with two different parS sites located in different positions. They observe that each parS site is able to produce arm-pairing. They observe a decrease in the strength of arm pairing when both parS sites are present.

      Finally, the authors increase the expression level of wt-SMC, and observe decreased levels of arm-pairing in the presence of all the naturally-occurring parS sites. More normal levels of arm-pairing are observed when only one parS is present, despite the higher wt-SMC levels. When two parS sites are introduced, more complex structures appear in the contact map.

      These observations are new, interesting and intriguing. However, there are multiple possible interpretations, models and mechanism that are not discerned by the data presently presented in the manuscript.

      At times, there seem to be inconsistencies in their interpretation of results, and at times the models proposed do not seem well supported by data.

      Finally, the presentation of previous models and results from the literature could be improved.

      Major issues:

      In Fig. 1 the authors make several mutant SMC constructs with larger or shorter arms and different hinges and use Hi-C to explore the changes in 3D chromosome organization. Is it not clear to me why the arc is still visible in the mutants, nor what happens to the overall organization of the chromosome in the mutants? Is chromosome choreography normal?

      In Fig. 1C the authors show that strains with parS-359 only display a secondary diagonal and conclude "chromosome arm alignment was comparable to wild-type". A quantification of the degree of pairing for each mutant normalized by the wild-type is necessary to evaluate the degree of pairing and its dependence on genomic distance to the origin.

      In Fig. 2, the authors use HiC and chip-seq to quantify the effects of changes in SMC arm length on chromosome organization and SMC genomic distributions. It would be important to verify that the expression levels of these SMC mutants are the same as wt, as as they show in Fig. 4 changes in protein levels can change also 3D chromosome organization.

      In Fig. 2C, what is the distribution of SMC at t0? Showing this result would support their claim that SMC can load in absence of ParB.

      In Fig. 2C it is claimed that SMC-CC425 moves at a slower rate than WT. Can the authors provide a quantification?

      In Fig. 2, the authors focused on one of the mutants with longer SMC arms (CC425) and performed HiC and Chip-seq in time-lapse after induction of ParB in a ParB-depleted culture. These experiments clearly establish that SMC-CC425 can redistribute from the origin and can achieve arm pairing but to a lesser extent than the WT. The authors speculate that a slower translocation rate and/or a faster dissociation rate explain the experiments. However, other possibilities exist: for instance that the mutant SMC is defective at passing through road-blocks (highly expressed genomic regions, e.g rRNA sites) or at managing collisions with RNAP/ DNAP/ other SMCs, it makes different higher-order complexes than wt-SMC, etc. This could could be due to the change in the length of the SMC, or to the use of a hinge/coiled-coil region different from that of the wt-SMC. Thus, I am not convinced that the text explores all the possible models or that the data shown discerns between any of them.

      In Fig. 3B, the authors show that use of two parS-opt sites at -304kb and -9kb lead to the formation of two secondary diagonals. They argue that these can be rationalized in terms of the diagonals formed by the strains harboring single parS-opt (either -9kb or -304kb). However, I cannot see how these can happen at the same time! If a cells makes arm pairing from -9kb then it cannot make it from -304kb right? I do not understand either how the authors can conclude from these experiments that ParS may act as unloading sites for SMC. Again, the authors are speculating over mechanisms that are not really tested.

      If parS sites triggered the unloading of SMCs, then one would assume that ~5-6 natural parS sites in the origin region are unloading the SMC complexes loaded at other parS sites? This makes little sense to me, or there is something I clearly do not understand in their explanations.

      In their text, the authors explain that "A small but noticeable fraction of SMC complexes however managed to translocate towards and beyond other parS sites apparently mostly unhindered". I am confused as to where is the evidence supporting this statement. I do not think the ensemble Hi-C experiments provided in Fig. 3 can provide conclusive evidence for this.

      The authors often hypothesize on a mechanism, but then assume this mechanism is correct. For instance, the disruption in the secondary diagonals in Fig. 3B when experiments are performed with two parS sites are initially hypothesized to be due to roadblocks (e.g with highly transcribed regions) or to collisions between SMCs loaded at different parS sites. These possibilities cannot be discerned from their data. However, the authors then assume that collisions is what is going on (e.g. paragraph in lines 274-284). I think they should provide evidence on what is producing the changes in the secondary diagonals in mutants with two ParS sites.

      Why is the ChIP-seq profile for a strain with all the natural parS sites and for a strain with only parS-9kb the same? even with the same peaks at the same locations? Does this mean that SMC peaks do not require the presence of parS? But, then SMCs do not load equally well in all naturally occurring parS sites? This is then in contradiction to their assumption that parS cannot be selectively loaded?

      Do we really know that it is a single SMC ring that is responsible for translocation? The authors assume so in their models and interpretations, but if it were not the case it could drastically modify the mechanisms proposed. For instance, SMC may be able to load on a ParS site without pairing arms (i.e. only one dsDNA strand going through the SMC ring).

      In Fig. 2C-D it is shown that a large fraction of wildtype SMC and SMC-CC425 accumulate at the origin region at early time points (Fig. 2C) however this does not seem to lead to an increased Hi-C signal in the origin region (compare early time points to the final t60). Also, despite small amounts of wt-SMC in the chromosome at the latter time points, the intensity of the secondary diagonal is very strong. Why is this? These results would be consistent with many SMCs loading at the origin region but only a fraction of them being responsible for arm-pairing. Is this not in contradiction to their assumption that SMCs pair two dsDNA arms when they load?

      The authors state that: "If SMC-CC425 indeed fails to juxtapose chromosome arms due to over-enrichment in the replication origin region, collisions may be rare in wild-type cells because of a high chromosome residence time and a limited pool of soluble SMC complexes, resulting in a small flux of SMC onto the chromosome. If so, artificially increasing the flux of SMC should lead to defects in chromosome organization with multiple parS sites but not with a single parS site (assuming that most SMC is loaded at parS sites)". However, this assumption seems inconsistent with their results in Fig. 2 that show that the peaks of SMC do not change upon removal of most parS sites.

      I am a bit confused about the interpretation of the results in Fig. 4D. The authors talk about 'loop contacts' and point to the secondary diagonal (yellow ellipses). But these are not loop contacts, but rather contacts between arms that have surpassed the two parS sequences, right? Also, it is not clear what they mean by paired-loop contacts (red ellipse). Do they mean contacts between the two loops originating at parS-359 and parS-334? If this where the case, then it means SMCs are bridging more than two dsDNA segments? Or that there are multimers of SMC linking together? Or that and SMC can circle one arm from one loop and another from the other...? But in this case, how can it load? For me it is very unclear what these experiments really mean. The explanations provided by the authors seem again highly hypothetical.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors of this manuscript combine electrophysiological recordings, anatomical reconstructions and simulations to characterize synapses between neurogliaform interneurons (NGFCs) and pyramidal cells in somatosensory cortex. The main novel finding is a difference in summation of GABAA versus GABAB receptor-mediated IPSPs, with a linear summation of metabotropic IPSPs in contrast to the expected sublinear summation of ionotropic GABAA IPSPs. The authors also provide a number of structural and functional details about the parameters of GABAergic transmission from NGFCs to support a simulation suggesting that sublinear summation of GABAB IPSPs results from recruitment of dendritic shaft GABAB receptors that are efficiently coupled to GIRK channels.

      I appreciate the topic and the quality of the approach, but there are underlying assumptions that leave room to question some conclusions. I also have a general concern that the authors have not experimentally addressed mechanisms underlying the linear summation of GABAB IPSPs, reducing the significance of this most interesting finding.

      1) The main novel result of broad interest is supported by nice triple recording data showing linear summation of GABAB IPSPs (Figure 4), but I was surprised this result was not explored in more depth.

      2) To assess the effective radius of NGFC volume transmission, the authors apply quantal analysis to determine the number of functional release sites to compare with structural analysis of presynaptic boutons at various distances from PC dendrites. This is a powerful approach for analyzing the structure-function relationship of conventional synapses but I am concerned about the robustness of the results (used in subsequent simulations) when applied here because it is unclear whether volume transmission satisfies the assumptions required for quantal analysis. For example, if volume transmission is similar to spillover transmission in that it involves pooling of neurotransmitter between release sites, then the quantal amplitude may not be independent of release probability. Many relevant issues are mentioned in the discussion but some relevant assumptions about QA are not justified.

      3) The authors might re-think the lack of GABA transporters in the model since the presence and characteristics of GATs will have a large effect on the spread of GABA in the extracellular space.

      4) I'm not convinced that the repetitive stimulation protocol of a single presynaptic cell shown (Figure 5) is relevant for understanding summation of converging inputs (Figure 4), particularly in light of the strong use-dependent depression of GABA release from NGFCs. It is also likely that shunting inhibition contributes to sublinear summation to a greater extent during repetitive stimulation than summation from presynaptic cells that may target different dendritic domains. The authors claim that HCN channels do not affect integration of GABAB IPSPs but one would not expect HCN channel activation from the small hyperpolarization from a relatively depolarized holding potential.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In zebrafish embryo development the surface epithelium, the enveloping layer (EVL), proliferates and migrates along with the yolk sac during epiboly. This process requires the simultaneous proliferation and migration of cells, which must undergo cell shape changes. Co-ordination of these processes is regulated by proliferation, whereby cell number and shape perturb tissue-scale forces necessary for epiboly. This paper investigates explicitly the importance of successful cytokinesis, through abscission of cytokinetic bridges, on regulating these forces and epiboly progression. They show that Rab25, a GTPase belonging to the Rab11 subfamily, regulates abscission through endomembrane trafficking in the EVL. Through their detailed analysis of cellular-level phenotypes, including qualitative and quantitative approaches, this paper presents convincing evidence for this novel role of Rab25. The authors should be congratulated on excellent time-lapse movies of cytokinesis in early zebrafish development.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Turner et al. employs a transcriptome-wide approach to study the effects of mutants of the 3'-end processing machinery and the anti-cancer drug cordycepin (3' deoxyadenosine) on alternative poly(A) site selection in budding yeast to better understand alternative polyadenylation (APA) mechanism(s). In particular, poly(A) test sequencing (PAT-seq), a 3'-end focused deep sequencing technique, is employed to determine cleavage/poly(A) site choice in seven mutants of the core 3'-end processing machinery – three cleavage factor IA (CFIA) mutants (rna14-1, pcf11-2, clp1-pm), one cleavage factor IB (CFIB) mutant (nab4-1), and three cleavage and polyadenylation factor (CPF) mutants (ysh1-13, fip1-1, pap1-1). Six of the 3'-end processing factor mutants exhibit increased distal poly(A) site usage and lengthening of 3'-UTRs, with rna14-1 and pcf11-2 showing the greatest effect, but clp1-pm exhibiting little effect. Notably, 3511/7091 genomic annotations (49.5%) have two or more poly(A) sites and 422 genes have significantly changed poly(A) sites in all the 3'-end processing factors mutants except clp1-pm. APA is also examined in 41 genes in a full spectrum of 3'-end processing mutants (22) using a multiplexed poly(A) test (mPAT) method and most of the mutants alter poly(A) site choice, with a predominant shift to distal site usage. In addition, APA analysis of cells treated with cordycepin using PAT-seq indicates that cordycepin alters poly(A) site choice in 1959 genes, with predominant distal cleavage site usage and lengthening of 3'-UTRs. Cordycepin is also shown to increase nucleotide abundance. Interestingly, impairment of transcription elongation, using mycophenolic acid (MPA), which reduces GTP levels, or an RNA polymerase II mutant, rpb1-H1085Y, in cells treated with cordycepin promotes proximal poly(A) site usage and shorter 3'-UTRs, reversing the effects of cordycepin. Finally, comparison of genes altered in APA by cordycepin to a dataset of yeast nucleosome occupancy suggests that 3'-end nucleosome positioning and length of intergenic regions in convergent genes correlates with cordycepin responsiveness. The data presented in the paper suggest a kinetic model for cleavage/poly(A) site selection in yeast that involves a balance between the concentration/availability of the cleavage and polyadenylation machinery and transcription elongation rate.

      The strengths of the study include the generation of transcriptome-wide datasets for poly(A) site usage in numerous mutants of evolutionarily conserved, essential cleavage and polyadenylation factors using the PAT-seq method. In addition, the study indicates that almost 50% of the annotated genes in budding yeast exhibit alternative polyadenylation. The study also indicates that impairment of numerous 3'-end processing factors, irrespective of subcomplex, predominantly causes an increase in distal poly(A) site usage and lengthening of 3'-UTRs. Interestingly, the study also suggests that the choice of poly(A) site is regulated by the availability of cleavage and polyadenylation factors and transcription elongation. Finally, the study shows that anticancer drug cordycepin causes transcriptome-wide changes in alternative polyadenylation, predominantly elevating distal poly(A) site usage.

      The weaknesses of the study revolve around basing some conclusions solely on the transcriptome-wide data without additional small-scale experiments. In addition, the effects of 3'-end processing mutants and cordycepin on alternative polyadenylation have been examined in two different strain backgrounds, which could impact direct comparisons of the data. The proposed kinetic model for cleavage site choice in yeast seems only to be tested in cells treated with cordycepin.

      Overall, the authors achieved their aims of providing greater insight into the mechanism of alternative polyadenylation and its links to transcription and more understanding of the biological effects of cordycepin in cells. At present, most of the conclusions are supported by the results, but some conclusions require additional experiments.

      This study will be of enormous interest to the RNA processing field and to the wider community, especially given that alternative polyadenylation regulates so many aspects of mRNA function, the 3'-end processing factors studied are evolutionary conserved, and cordycepin is an anti-cancer agent.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Microstimulation of the somatosensory cortex is a very promising approach to restore sensory feedback in disabled people. Hughes and colleagues performed cortical microstimulation experiments in a spinal cord injured subject to characterize the relationship between the stimulation parameters (frequency and amplitude) and the perceived sensation (type and intensity). This type of experiment is very important to better understand the potentials and limits of this approach. The results achieved by the authors are very interesting and can represent a first step towards the development of more effective and personalized approaches to restore sensory feedback. These results need to be confirmed with additional subjects and during closed-loop experiments.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Hallast and coworkers identify a potentially novel complex Y chromosome structural rearrangement that is associated with male infertility in a carefully phenotyped European cohort. The authors interrogate the Y chromosome AFZc region in 1190 Estonian idiopathic male infertility cases of varying severity and 1134 controls (healthy young men or proven fathers). They replicate partial AFZc deletions and replicate a known gr/gr deletion association with comparable effect sizes. After conditioning on gr/gr deletion status, they identify an association with secondary b2/b4 duplications on case status, but with no accompanying observed effect on andrological sub-phenotypes.

      The authors identify multiple non-syntenic DAZ/CDY1 deletion patterns that are consistent with a large inversion followed by deletion. The authors further infer that this putative inversion is fixed in a Y chromosome sub-lineage. Based on population haplotype frequency estimates they infer that a surprisingly large number of individuals harbouring the r2/r3 inversion have a subsequent deletion. They show through detailed phenotyping shows that r2/r3 inversion+deletion cases in their cohort have more severe disease.


      1) Despite being a very common disease, idiopathic infertility is severely understudied, due in large part to difficulties in sample acquisition. More generally, sex chromosome genetic associations for common disease as a whole are understudied owing to their structural complexity and other technical issues. The authors should be applauded for attempting to overcome these challenges.

      2) The putative finding of a large-effect common variant conferring risk to a common genetic disease is of great interest. The authors leverage the advantages of a logistically coherent health care system. The level of phenotypic detail of andrological parameters in both cases and controls is impressive and aid in biological interpretation of the genetic findings. For example, the distinction between azoo- versus oligozoo-spermia shed light on a potential meiotic disease aetiology. The endocrine values add important context.

      3) The authors imply that the combination of the inversion+deletion risk allele favours a meiotic failure disease aetiology as opposed to a gene dosage aetiology. This is a potentially disruptive finding.


      1) The authors do not replicate their association, raising the possibility of a false positive finding.

      2) The study is underpowered to reliably detect variants of small effect, and underpowered in general. This is a common challenge in reproductive genetics.

      3) The logical inferences (as opposed to direct measurement) made by the authors are elegant but add substantial uncertainty to the findings. Most notably, cytogenetic or long-read sequencing based validation of the inversion genotype would strengthen confidence in the study considerably.

      If the genetic association is robust and the allele frequency estimates are well calibrated, the implications of this work are considerable. The locus could become a genetic biomarker for infertility. The locus could potentially account for a huge amount of variance in polygenic risk associated with infertility. The findings also raise a fascinating evolutionary conundrum as to how an allele associated with such an evolutionarily destructive phenotype could occur at such high frequencies. The authors briefly raise the possibility of age-dependent effects, but with extremely sparse data.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      These authors report the identification of the function of a genetic determinant (dev1, formerly ydcO ) carried by the ICEBs1 element that increases fitness of the host strain by delaying the entry into the normal developmental pathway leading to biofilm formation and ultimately sporulation, such that the subpopulation expressing the product of dev1 increases in a mixed pool. An interesting novel aspect of the dev1 system is that it is co-regulated with ICEBs1 conjugation, and thus is only activated when the host strain is a minority of a mixed population; in this scenario the Dev1+ subpopulation is essentially cheating on the Dev-. Since expression of the Dev1 phenotype in an entire population would likely cause a crash, the ICE- population density-dependent regulation ensures that the fitness advantage disappears before the crash can occur. I think that the gene is interesting and this report adds a significant aspect to our understanding of the biology and evolution of ICE elements. Overall I am positive about this paper.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In "KLF10 integrates circadian timing and sugar signaling to coordinate hepatic metabolism", Anthony Ruberto and colleagues characterize the role of the transcription factor KLF10 in circadian transcription and the transcriptional and physiological responses to hexose sugars in mouse hepatocytes. They confirm earlier reports that Klf10 is expressed rhythmically in mouse liver, with peak expression at ZT9. They show that Klf10 expression is induced by glucose and fructose and that hepatocyte-specific deletion of Klf10 exacerbates hyperglycemic and hepatosteatotic responses to 8 weeks of elevated sugar consumption. They use RNA sequencing and ChIP sequencing to define the complement of Klf10 target genes in hepatocytes and how they are regulated by glucose and fructose. Together their data support a model in which KLF10 limits the transcriptional induction of rate-limiting enzymes involved in gluconeogenesis and lipogenesis in response to elevated sugar consumption, thus mitigating the pathophysiological impact of high sugar diets. The experiments are mostly well designed, presented, and interpreted but several points require additional investigation and/or clarification. While the current manuscript suggests an integration of circadian timing and sugar signaling by KLF10, additional experiments to establish how some of the molecular and physiological effects are modulated by time of day are needed to better support that claim.


      This study uses a combination of genetic, biochemical, and physiological approaches to investigate the hepatocyte-specific function of the transcription factor KLF10. Deletion of KLF10 specifically in hepatocytes distinguishes this study from other related work. Further, the characterization of global daily gene expression patterns in mouse liver is well designed and analyzed and establishes that hepatocyte-specific deletion of Klf10 remodels daily rhythms of gene expression in the liver. The combination of that analysis with ChIP sequencing provides powerful evidence to establish the hepatocyte-specific KLF10-dependent transcriptome and highlights its targeting of rate-limiting enzymes in lipogenic pathways. Together, the molecular and physiological analyses in this study provide compelling evidence that KLF10 plays a protective role in the context of excessive sugar consumption by limiting lipogenic gene expression pathways and thereby suppressing hepatic steatosis.


      In its present form, this study does not thoroughly connect the in vitro and in vivo findings and misses the opportunity to fully characterize the role of KLF10 in circadian regulation of lipogenesis in response to excessive sugar consumption in vivo. It is unclear whether the concentrations of glucose and fructose used to stimulate primary hepatocytes are similar to those experienced in response to the dietary stimulus in vivo and there is no examination of the impact of sucrose on Klf10 expression or downstream gene expression. This omission complicates the interpretation of the response to the combined sugar stimulus in vivo, especially in light of a recent report that KLF10 deletion protects against hepatosteatosis caused by consumption of a high sucrose diet. It also does not examine how time of day influences KLF10-dependent gene regulation in response to sugar consumption. Without these analyses, it falls short of connecting the circadian and sugar-response pathways through KLF10.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors sought to directly compare manipulations of different signaling pathways for their ability to induce cell cycle activation and proliferation in cardiomyocytes from various species and maturation levels. The manipulation consisted of peristent lentiviral expression of beta catenin, cyclin D2, rat Erbb2, human Erbb2, and Yap8SA.

      A major strength of this study is that it shows that most of above expressions appeared to induce negative feed-back responses at the post-transcriptional level to limit protein overexpression, illustrating how difficult it is to manipulate cardiomyocyte proliferation. By contrast, human Erbb2 did induce prominent proliferative effects in both rat and human cardiomyocytes. However, this finding has been shown before. The novelty here is limited to interspecies differences of the effects of Erbb2 overexpression. Multiple studies in oncology have shown that Erbb2 overexpression increases cell proliferation and is sufficient to induce cancer growth. It has also been shown that transient overexpression of Erbb2 in vivo in the heart results in dedifferentiation and proliferation of cardiomyocytes. The observation that Erbb2 overexpression induces cardiomyocyte dedifferentiation alongside mitosis is not unexpected; in general, stimuli that induce cardiomyocyte proliferation also induce cardiomyocyte dedifferentiation and sarcomere disassembly.

      In this study, in a 3D model of rat neonatal cardiobundles Erbb2 overexpression also led to formation of a necrotic core. It also led to loss of sarcomeres and contractile force and tissue stiffening. These effects appeared to be mediated by mTOR-independent, Erk-dependent mechanisms. Although experiments in this study are of a high technical level, and results interesting, the likely impact of this work is minor. Indeed, the overall picture of Erbb2-induced pathologic hypertrophy is likely related to the applied methodologies, i.e., a persistent as opposed to temporally controlled Erbb2 overexpression and the use of an avascular 3D model lacking the cellular complexity of the intact heart.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of optimized tools to generate precise C to T point mutations in zebrafish F0 embryos. The demonstrate germline transmission and an associated mutation for one mutation. There is sufficient data for members of the community to consider adopting these tools to generate mutation in their own laboratories

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This is a well written and elegant study from a collaboration of groups carrying out models based on high resolution imaging. I think the study also serves as a prime example for where modeling and simulation bring added value in the sense that the insights revealed in the study would not likely be gained through other methods.

      1) As the authors point out, clinical studies have revealed that the fibrotic burden in ESUS patients is similar to those with aFib. The question is why then, do so few ESUS patients exhibit clinically detectable arrhythmias with long-term monitoring. The authors hypothesize and their data support the notion that while the substrate is prime for pro-arrhythmia in ESUS patients, a lack of triggering events may explain the differences between the two groups.

      2) I think the authors could go further in describing why this is surprising. Generally, severe fibrosis is thought to potentially serve as a means or mechanism for pro-arrhythmic triggers. This is because damage to cardiac tissue typically results in calcium dysregulation. When calcium overload occurs in isolated fibrotic tissue areas, or depolarization of the resting membrane potential due to localized ischemia allows for ectopic peacemaking, we might expect that the diseased/fibrotic tissue is itself the source of arrhythmia generation. I think the novel finding here is that this notion may be a simplification, and the sources of arrhythmia generation may be more complex and may need to come from outside the areas of fibrosis. I think this is a big deal.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Sheng et al. have demonstrated that Langerhans cells (LCs) do not exit the skin both under steady-state conditions and after skin sensitization, using newly generated DC-SIGN DT mice and others. In addition, through a combined use of genetic fate mapping and novel inducible LC ablating mouse models, they show that the originally described lymph node LC fraction is actually an independent LClike cell population that originates from the dermis, not from the epidermis. Moreover, these LClike cells, which are replaced over time by bone marrow-derived counterparts, are characterized by their slow turnover rate and trafficking to the LN. This study contains novel and important findings. This reviewer has several comments on the manuscript.

      Major comments:

      1) The functional roles of LClike cells remains unclear, especially in the relationship with conventional LCs. Thus far it has been considered that LCs play essential roles in OVA-induced atopic dermatitis like models. But it remain unclear whether conventional LC s or LC like cells play important roles.

      2) The authors stated that a fraction of CD11bhiF4/80hi cells co-expressed CD326 and CD207 are detected in the dermis (Fig. 1b, upper panel), which is likely to be derived from the epidermis. But it remains unclear whether this subset is just a contamination through the separation process or a truly migratory one from the epidermis. The authors can demonstrate clear localization of LCs in the epidermis, LClike cells, and LCs in the dermis.

      3) Related to the above question, the authors claim that LCs can emigrate from the epidermis to the dermis. Given that LCs can emigrate from the epidermis to the dermis by transmigrating through the basement membrane, why LCs cannot migrate into the lymphatic vessels. LCs are known to express CCR7 highly that is important for migrating into the lymph nodes from the skin. What is the functional (APC, migration, etc) difference between LCs and LClike cells?

      4) I agree that the novel subset exists as CD207+CD326+ LClike cells in the dermis, which is different from conventional LC. But the term, "LC-independent" CD207+CD326+ LClike cells, which the authors used often through the manuscript, is a bit confusing, because it is not totally clear whether LClike cells are completely independent of LCs or not. It would be informative if the authors can demonstrate whether LClike cells contain bierbeck granules (this is also a hallmark of LCs) or not, since bierbeck granule-positive cells were detected in the LN (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/4758275).

      5) The authors can discuss the relationship between LClike cells and short lived LCs that were previously described (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23159228).

      6) Where do LClike cells locate by FACS plots analysis using CD11b and CD103?

    1. Reviewer #3:

      Labelling strategies for electron microscopy have so far lacked the ability to clearly visualise genetically expressed probes such as GFP for light microscopy. Building on previous studies by the group of Ellisman, the Parton group have made significant adaptations and improvements to the system. Especially addressing the issue of diffusion of the DAB precipitate and the low visibility of it by silver enhancing the particles is a key step forward. The authors have tested their system in a wide variety of EM workflows and show that it works.

      The quantification part of the manuscript is to me potentially the most interesting part. Quantitation of proteins at physiological levels at the ultrastructural level would be a significant achievement. This part is a bit under represented although there are some issues with that. The silver enhanced particles on the added external standard appear to be larger than the ones inside. Does that result in lower detection?

      Overall, this is a manuscript that is very clearly written and very easy to follow for non-experts.

    1. Reviewer #3:

      This paper is primarily about modeling the ERK pathway during the induction of synaptic plasticity. This pathway has been previously modeled, and this is cited in the paper. The main addition here is the addition of the effect of SynGap which is necessary in some form of LTP. This is a very detailed study, and what it seems to primarily show is that the ERK pathway favored spaced vs. massed stimulation protocols. This is a very detailed paper, but no conceptually new ideas are presented here. The paper adds to an existing foundation, but fails to make the case that this is a very significant addition. What is the significant consequence at a higher level of these added details?

      The ERK pathway is just one component of a much larger set of pathways that control synaptic plasticity, how much do we learn from studying this pathway in isolation? Also, the paper cites the importance of this pathway to L-LTP, is it the induction phase of L-LTP? It seems so because ppRRK decays in less than an hour. How then does this pathway contribute to the maintenance of L-LTP? These processes, such as a possible upregulation of protein synthesis, are not part of this model either.

      This paper studies in detail different pathways that influence ERK activation in synapses. This is a very detailed study, but how many details do we actually know? For a detailed paper though it seems that many of the details are missing. Is there a detailed diagram of reactions, or set of equations for all these reactions? Some coefficients are named in figure 1, and this might be sufficient for a schematic description of the model in the paper, however there must be somewhere a detailed description of all reactions. How many species are there here, how many coefficients? How are coefficient values known? How many coefficients are directly estimated? The paper does carry out an extensive robustness analysis, though it is not well explained.

      What are the major takeaways from this paper, and what experiments could test this model?

      To summarize, the paper is very detailed, carefully constructed and executed, but it fails to convince that the problem it addresses is very significant, and it makes no conceptual breakthroughs.

  5. Jan 2021
    1. Reviewer #3:

      In this manuscript, the authors utilize single-cell/single-nucleus RNA-sequencing to perform a comparative analysis of the cellular composition of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) in mice, non-human primates, and humans. This topic is important for a number of reasons, including (1) the dLGN is a critical center of visual processing about which we know relatively little; (2) the dLGN has emerged as a widely used experimental model of neural circuit development; and (3) in general, the integration of cross-species data at the transcriptomic level is important for identifying conserved mechanisms of brain function that may shed light upon neurological disease states. By employing a relatively deep RNA-sequencing approach (Smart-Seq) the authors identify major excitatory and inhibitory dLGN cell types within each species. While the multiple inhibitory neuron subtypes were relatively similar across species, excitatory neurons displayed major differences particularly between mouse and both primate classes. The authors identified four major excitatory cell types in primate and human dLGN corresponding with known functional heterogeneity that places these neurons into magnocellular, parvocellular, and koniocellular populations. Interestingly, koniocellular neurons could be broken into two distinct subtypes. Somewhat surprisingly, the authors noted a lack of excitatory neuron diversity in the mouse, despite prior evidence suggesting these neurons can have different morphological and physiological features. Yet, although all excitatory neurons in the mouse clustered together, there were subtle differences in excitatory neurons in the mouse that aligned with different regions of mouse dLGN (shell vs core), suggesting that excitatory neuron heterogeneity may still exist along a more subtle continuum. Consistently, neurons in the shell region in mouse dLGN more strongly resembled koniocellular neurons in primates versus the core region, suggesting some level of conservation between excitatory neuron identity across species. While the study is largely descriptive, the authors are creative in their use of bioinformatics to uncover particularly interesting observations that the transcriptomic analysis yielded, and the paper is very interesting because of that. The major weakness of the paper is a paucity of robust FISH analyses to quantitatively validate the transcriptomic findings in all species. Overall, it is my opinion that this work is very important and that, at a broader level, it may help to define the relationship between transcriptomic cell type, functional/physiological cell type, and anatomical cell type within a brain region that is critical for visual function and that has emerged as a fascinating model of neural circuit development in the mouse.


      The Smart-Seq transcriptomic technique chosen is appropriate to address the authors' questions.

      The data were generated rigorously and subjected to an in-depth quality control pipeline prior to analysis. As a result, the quality of the transcriptomic data is high.

      The paper includes a detailed, transparent description of the approach taken in the Results and Methods. The authors point out caveats and weaknesses - and how they were addressed - throughout the text.

      The inclusion of tissue from thalamic nuclei surrounding the dLGN as a way to control for the unintentional inclusion of non-dLGN tissue in the experimental dissection was well-designed and effective.

      Despite a couple of exceptions, the authors do an excellent job of placing their findings within the context of what is already known about dLGN cell types across different species, and how these cell types function differently in physiological, morphological, and anatomical terms.

      The study is descriptive in nature but the authors do a nice job of laying out several interesting findings, such as the observation that GABAergic neurons are more conserved across species than relay neurons, with mouse neurons being particularly distinct. Another fascinating observation is that shell-located neurons in mouse dLGN are transcriptomically related to koniocellular neurons suggesting the possibility of a close relationship between thalamocortical connectivity and molecular identity across species.


      The characterization of gene expression patterns through sequencing-based transcriptomics has emerged as a powerful tool for dissecting the brain, but it is important to couple such approaches with techniques like fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to verify sequencing results in a histological context. While here the authors show 3 - 4 validations of mouse genes that seem to be restricted to or excluded from the shell versus the core dLGN regions (Figures 4G and S4E), the conclusions of the study would be better supported by a more extensive and rigorous analysis of cell-type-specific gene expression within all species described.

      It is not entirely clear from the manuscript how the authors dissected the shell from the core region of the dLGN, given these regions are not as clearly distinct as the dLGN lamina in other species. One possibility would be to take advantage of the fact that the shell receives input from specific RGCs that can be targeted genetically by crossing a Cre driver to the TdTomato line, but I do not believe that that is what was done here. I also noted that the authors use ventral LGN (vLGN) as one of their controls for the precision of their micro-dissections, but given that the vLGN does not directly contact the dLGN, this had me wondering exactly how cleanly the shell and core regions of the mouse dLGN were isolated.

      On lines 101 - 103, the authors state "...differentially expressed genes between donors were related to neuronal signaling and connectivity and not to metabolic or activity-dependent effects." Table S2 is cited, but the columns are not labeled such that a common reader could interpret them and confirm the statement in the text. Moreover, the text does not state how the authors made the determination that these differentially expressed genes are not related to "activity-dependent effects".

    1. Reviewer #3:

      In this study, Michaluk et al. explored the membrane dynamics of the main glial glutamate transporter GLT1 in hippocampal astrocytes, which was previously shown to shape synaptic transmission through regulating extracellular levels of glutamate and whose dysfunction may lead to pathologic conditions. Their results underscore the importance of the GLT1 C-terminus in the membrane turnover as well as in the activity-dependent lateral diffusion of the transporter at the plasma membrane.

      To access GLT1 dynamics, the authors generated and imaged a pH-sensitive fluorescent analogue of the GLT1a isoform, namely GLT1-SEP, which fluoresces when exposed to the extracellular space but not in low pH intracellular compartments. By performing Fluorescent Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP) in astrocytes from cell cultures, they show that about 75% of GLT1-SEP dwell at the cell membrane with a lifetime of about 22 s. Super-resolution dSTORM imaging further revealed that surface GLT1 distributes in clusters showing a spatial correlation with PSD-95 synaptic marker. In astrocytes from cell cultures or brain slices, the authors were able to monitor lateral diffusion of GLT1-SEP at the plasma membrane with FRAP; they recapitulated previous findings based on single molecule tracking experiments and showed that 25% of surface GLT1-SEP remains immobile (or slowly mobile) and that this immobile fraction decreases upon elevated network activity. Interestingly, deleting the C-terminus of GLT1-SEP does not alter much the intracellular fraction of GLT1-SEP, the fraction of immobile GLT1-SEP at the membrane or its ability to organize in clusters under basal conditions. However, GLT1-SEP lacking the C-terminus show a higher turnover at the membrane under basal conditions and surface GLT1-SEP clusters are not associated with synaptic markers anymore. Finally, removing the GLT1 C-terminus blocks the increase in the mobile fraction that is normally observed upon elevating neuronal activity.


      While previous studies have unveiled a role for the lateral diffusion of GLT1 in controlling the recruitment of GLT1 near active synapses, the present study uses powerful optical approaches and analysis tools that allow for the monitoring of both lateral mobility and the exchange between membrane and intracellular fractions of GLT1. Furthermore, important and original information is provided about the nanoscale organization of GLT1 transporter at proximity of synapses and the fact that this organization depends on the C-terminal domain of GLT1. The results unveil an important role for membrane turnover as a possible 'redeployment' route for the immobile fraction of GLT1 at the plasma membrane.


      1) Although overexpressed GLT1-SEP displays a similar expression pattern as endogenous GLT1 (assessed through dSTORM experiments), the expression level of GLT1-SEP relative to endogenous GLT1 has not been addressed by the authors. In particular, whether overexpressing GLT1-SEP impacts glutamate uptake currents and whether this could affect membrane turnover has not been measured.

      2) The authors did not test the impact of neuronal activity on membrane turnover or surface distribution of GLT1-SEP, like they did for lateral mobility. This would be important to provide support for the 'redeployment route' hypothesis that the authors propose.

      3) The FRAP data in organotypic slices looking at the effect of deleting GLT1 C-terminus, blocking mGluRs or buffering Ca2+ with BAPTA on GLT1 lateral mobility (Figure 5C-G) is not very convincing. The trend for lower immobile fraction upon 4AP compared to control is maintained across conditions. The lack of statistical difference between control and 4AP in Fig. 5D, 5E and 5F might come from the smaller n number (n = 30-48) compared to the control condition (n = 72) and/or higher variability.

      4) The importance of GLT1 membrane turnover for controlling glutamate spillover ('extrasynaptic glutamate escape) and synaptic transmission/plasticity is missing.

      5) While providing new information about the turnover of the GLT1a isoform, this study does not provide information about other GLT1 isoforms, in particular GLT1b, which contain unique C-terminal domains and which could thus display different membrane and lateral diffusion dynamics. The authors should justify why they focused on this specific isoform.

    1. Reviewer #3:

      One example of this problem is in the estimation of cancer risk. The risk is estimated on the basis of body size and lifespan. However, that lifespan is itself phylogenetically estimated from body size at least for the non-extant species. It is not clear to me from the manuscript whether all lifespans are so estimated, or whether observations are used for the lifespan of the extant species. If the latter, caution is indicated, because lifespan data are highly uneven and often given as observed maximal lifespans, which can be misleading if taken from, for instance, zoo specimens. In either case, the manuscript needs to more clearly emphasize that these are statistically-predicted risks, not measured risks.

      At a larger scale, the authors have done their best with a dataset that suffers from a couple of problems. First, all of the extant very large-bodied animals form a single clade, with the hyrax as the sole small-bodied member of that clade. And since the titanohyrax is extinct, among the extant organisms (an available large-bodies species with genomes) there is then a true large-bodied clade of the sirenia and elephants and relatives. I understand that other evolutionary data make it clear that these represent two (three including titanohyrax) independent transitions to large-body sizes. But with only the modern or nearly modern genomes to work with, I am not sure that the duplication inference procedures and their coupling to the body size analysis statistically represents more than a single observation (e.g., a default of a single transition to large size along the tethytheria branch).

      Similarly, the authors observe what appears to be a number of independent duplications of tumor suppressors in African and Asian elephants: duplications that are lacking in many of the ancient genomes considered. I know that the authors used rigorous statistical methods to correct for the fragmented nature of these ancient genomes, but it is very hard not to wonder if some of the data in Figure 4 is really not an artifact of using ancient genomes, where detecting recent gene duplications may be very difficult (several of the Asian and African elephant duplications in Figure 4 appear to be of the same genes). If these events are truly independent and not genome assembly/annotation artifacts, there is then an alternative hypothesis to propose. Thus, are the authors suggesting that there is a rapid turnover in the duplication of tumor suppressors, such that all elephants have such duplicates, but the particular duplications have short life spans and differ from species to species?

      Finally, it would be nice to see a few more comments on the manatee genome and why it does (or doesn't) show the expected patterns for the genome evolution in the face of the evolution of larger body sizes.

      I would also note that Figure 3 and 4 would benefit from greatly expanded captions: I do not fully understand what is being illustrated in, for instance, Figure 3B-why are certain dots connected with lines? Intersections between what in the y-axis label?

    1. Reviewer #3:

      Behaviours that are instrumental for producing reward can be either goal-directed or, after repeated practice, habitual. Tasks that dissociate these types of learning, notably outcome devaluation, are tricky to implement for studying intravenous drug delivery although there is great interest to understand the role of habits in controlling drug use and addiction and so this paper is important in that regard. This article takes a new approach analyzing response latencies to infer the types of decision-making process that underlies a reward-seeking behaviour. Goal-directed behaviours are argued to involve evaluation of the outcome of responding and/or deliberation between choices both of which should take time, and slow responding relative to an efficient but inflexible habit. So I think this approach is quite interesting. The paper is well written and the predictions are clear.

      My main issue in evaluating the current article is that while different predictions are made about when response latency should be relatively fast or slow, since the article is framed in terms of dissociating goal-directed and habitual processes, I feel there should be some independent evaluation of whether the target behaviour is in fact goal-directed or habitual. The authors rely on the amount of training as extended training has been shown to promote habitual control. However, exactly how much training is needed and how other parameters (type of reward, schedules of reinforcement, choice or single outcome) affect when habitual control may emerge varies widely in the literature and I don't think we can take for granted that after a certain amount of training responding will be habitual without testing that.

      It is also important to consider alternative explanations for differences in response latency. A behaviour that is well-practiced might well be expected to become more efficient and faster. This need not be due to habit formation. The authors acknowledge the possibility that responding could be at floor but don't really discuss it or whether it might apply more to the saccharin response.

    1. Reviewer #3:

      Mathsyaraja and collaborators analyzed the role of the MAX-Gene associated protein, referred to as MAG, in mouse models and human cell lines and organoids of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. MAG is a repressor, a MYC antagonist that opposes its transcriptional activity. It has TBX and bHLH domains. They found that MGA loss by shRNA or CRIPSR accelerated tumor development in vivo in the KP mouse models. Using RNA-Seq, the authors showed that MGA loss leads to the de-repression of the atypical/non-canonical PRC1.6 polycomb complex, E2F and MYC targets as well as increased invasion. ChiP-Seq/cut and run as well as proteomics, revealed that MGA, E2F6 and L3MBTL2 co-occupy thousands of promoters and that MGA interacts with E2F6, and many core members of PRC1.6. Finally, they mapped the DUF domain as required to bind the PRC1.6 complex and bring it to promoters.

      Overall, the experiments are well executed, the paper clearly written and the conclusions justified by the data.

      The new data in the present report are the in vivo data in the mouse models, the role of MGA in repressing invasion, in increasing IFN signaling and the anti-tumor response, and the identification of the DUF domain required for binding to the PRC1.6 complex.

      However, a lot of the data presented in the manuscript are not novel and were previously published. A recent Molecular Cancer Research paper by Llabata and collaborators published in April 2020 (referred to in the text) has already identified the same MGA interactors by Mass Spectrometry and the same binding sites by ChIP-Seq using human lung adenocarcinoma cell lines. Llabata et al. found that MGA interacts with the non-canonical PCGF6-PRC1 complex (named PRC1.6) that includes L3MBTL2 and that the complex also contains MAX and E2F6 but not MYC. They clearly show that MAG binds to and represses genes that are bound and activated by MYC convincingly showing that MYC and MGA have opposite functions. This unfortunately tempers the enthusiasm of the reviewer.

    1. Reviewer #3:

      This manuscript presents its two main results in Figure 3:

      In response to a non-hydrolysable glucose analogue, E. coli cells show...

      (1) Increase in fluorescence intensity of motors with labelled stator proteins, (2) Increase in speed of motor rotation and swimming

      Sufficient controls are described to rule out possible indirect explanations of this effect, via buffer refreshment, metabolism of glucose, proton motive force (Fig 3D) and rotation direction (Fig 4F), and by contrast the effect is demonstrated to depend upon the chemotaxis receptor for glucose (Fig 4B) and the phosphotransferase system (Fig 4D), which is supports the chemotaxis system. These results are interpreted as evidence for a direct effect of the chemotaxis system upon the number of independent stator units, and thereby upon motor and swimming speeds.

      This is a novel finding, and with better statistics (more repeats of fluorescence experiments) and better presentation of the findings (see below), the paper would be an important contribution to the field of bacterial chemotaxis. However, especially without presenting nor postulating a mechanism for the proposed direct effect, the paper might be more suitable for a more specialist journal.

    1. Reviewer #3:

      This study by Pipitone et al. combines SBF-SEM microscopy with quantitative proteomics and lipidomics to explore chloroplast differentiation. Authors describe that chloroplast biogenesis occurs in a first phase of structure establishment with thylakoid biogenesis, followed by a second phase of chloroplast division. The images and 3D reconstructions are beautiful, the quantitative data are novel, and their integration offers a new perspective into the seedling de-etiolation process, a model system for physiological and molecular studies. However, in my opinion some aspects need to be better explained and significantly improved.

      • In lines 276-282, the authors write: "After 8h of illumination (T8), we observed decreased abundance of only one protein (the photoreceptor cryptochrome 2, consistent with its photolabile property) and increased levels of only three proteins, which belonged to the chlorophyll a/b binding proteins category involved in photoprotection (AT1G44575 = PsbS; AT4G10340= Lhcb5; AT1G15820= Lhcb6". This is striking, as many well studied proteins change in abundance during the first hours of de-etiolation. Actually, looking into the data set with the quantification data for the ~5,000 proteins, it appears that many proteins do show significant changes between T0 and T8. For example PORA and ELIP, changes that are also reflected in figure 6A.

      • Related to the above, well known proteins for example phyA and HY5, that undergo drastic changes in abundance when etiolated seedlings are first exposed to light, do not show changes in T4,T8 and T12 relative to T0 in the proteomics data set. This raises questions about the proteomic approach (sensitivity of the method?) or the experimental setup. Could authors please comment on this? I feel that validation of the proteomics approach is critical, especially taking into account the central conclusion that "the first 12h of illumination saw very few significant changes in protein abundance".

      • Lines 570-572: A reference is needed. Also, it is mentioned that PSII appears later than PSI, which does not seem to match the observation that PSII proteins appear earlier than PSI, or that the surface area occupied at early time points by PSII is greater than the one occupied by PSI. Please check.

      • Are the calculations of thylakoid surface expansion over time consistent with previous available data using tomography? Please include.

      • In the introduction, authors could include mention of the massive transcriptional reprogramming that takes place during de-etiolation. In addition, I think that comparison of the proteomics data with the transcriptomic changes during de-etiolation (well described in the literature) would allow further understanding of the distinct phases proposed. For the chloroplast proteins already present in the dark, how does this correlate with expression of the corresponding genes?

    1. Reviewer #3:

      The present manuscript focuses on a subpopulation of layer 5 neurons in medial and lateral entorhinal cortex and its functional connections to target neurons in layers 2, 3 and 5. The authors show a difference in LVb-to-LVa connectivity between MEC and LEC. The results suggest that the entorhinal output circuit via LVb-to-LVa is present primarily in LEC.

      The work relies on and is made possible by a newly described transgenic mouse (TG) where LVb neurons can be labeled and stimulated with light. The authors showed that these neurons are largely co-labeled with PCP4, a marker for LVb. They compared the apical dendritic extent from TG labeled cells (LVb) and Nac retrogradely labeled cells (LVa) in medial and lateral EC. The intrinsic electrophysiological properties of LVa and LVb neurons were measured and used for PCA showing segregation according to sublayer and region. The axonal distribution and translaminar local connections of LVb neurons form the TG mice were then examined. Cells were recorded in vitro and filled with biocytin, both from MEC and LEC, with multiple cells in the same slice, documented with high quality images. The study of the LVb translaminar connectivity via a direct comparison of postsynaptic responses in neurons in different layers in the same slice is the gold standard for this type of functional connectivity analysis. There is also an investigation of mixed excitatory-inhibitory postsynaptic response sequences, and evidence for a dorso-ventral gradient in LVb-to-LVa connectivity in MEC is given.

      The study combines TG mice, immunolabeling, retrograde labeling, morphological analysis and in vitro electrophysiology with optogenetic photo-stimulation. While it builds on already published work by the same group and others, by comparing the local target neurons of LVb in MEC and in LEC, the manuscript provides a unique contribution to the literature on the laminar circuit organization in the Entorhinal Cortex. In view of the central position of this area in the hippocampal memory systems of the rodent brain, these results are of interest to a broader neuroscience audience. It is also a nice example of a bottom-up approach, where data on the entorhinal translaminar connectivity may influence and constrain theories of hippocampal-cortical processing.

      Major Comments:

      1) Almost all TG labelled neurons are positive for PCP4 but not so vice versa, only 45.9 and 30.P% of PCP4 + neurons in LEC and MEC are labeled in the TG mouse (page 5) leaving open the possibility that the TG mouse labels a (specific?) subset of LVb neurons. Did you test whether TG labeled LVb cells co-localize with Ctip2 ?

      2) The direct comparison of translaminar connectivity of LVb neurons is very convincing. But if your main conclusion (title) concerns the difference of LVb-to-LVa connectivity between MEC and LEC, it would have been more appropriate to test that in the same slice. While the data strongly support conclusions on the laminar differences of LVb connectivity, the evidence for differences in LVb-to-LVa connectivity between MEC and LEC is a bit weaker and more indirect.

      3) Postsynaptic responses (in mV) in LEC are about twice as high in amplitude as in MEC (Fig. 4E vs Fig 5E), across all layers. Please discuss possible reasons, and possible impact on the circuit function. Is the probability to initiate action potentials higher in LEC ?

      4) Give the onset latencies of postsynaptic excitatory potentials induced by LVb photostimulation. Are latencies monosynaptic? Or also polysynaptic? Ideally this could be tested by applying a cocktail of TTX-4-AP.

      5) Figure 4 S3, Fig 5 S2. Analysis of inhibition. What is the cut-off criteria to say inhibition is present or not? It might be more appropriate to give the I/E ratio.

    1. Reviewer #3:

      The glypicans Dally and Dlp have important roles in morphogen signaling, and this work is of particular interest for me because it significantly advances our understanding of the multiple roles they appear to have in signal processing, signal presentation and signal reception. It is unfortunate that most of the literature has presented results and phenotypes in simplistic or simple-minded ways that do not recognize the different roles or the glypicans, or do not take experimental approaches that might distinguish them. This work of the Guerrero lab is an exception, as it is an important contribution to understanding these different roles, especially given the additional complexity introduced by the role of cytonemes. If its thoroughness and in-depth analysis are typical of work from this lab, so is the challenging presentation that makes understanding it so difficult. My recommendation to the authors is to clearly describe the different roles that have been attributed to the glypicans and for every experiment they present, clearly articulate how the results might implicate or distinguish any or several of them.

      Although the figures are excellent, the manuscript is not well-written and would benefit from a rewrite.

    1. Reviewer #3:

      Overall the manuscript is a valuable contribution and represents an important advance using the model that the authors have recently established in Doro et al. 2019.

      I have however a few suggestions for improvement, that I present below.

      Suggestions to strengthen the manuscript:

      1) Fig. 1 diagram is very useful. However, it would be very informative if the diagram could be followed by a representative quantification. For example, when injecting 200 T. carassii, what % of larvae is classified in the two infection categories? Could the authors also further discuss the % of T. low larvae where no parasites were observed during the clinical scoring? Have these larvae (or some of them) cleared the infection completely? Shouldn't they be classified/followed on their own?

      2) Fig. 2: Is the clinical scoring predictive of early death onset (or likelihood of death)? To show this, the authors could, for example, divide the T. car 200 survival curve into 2 separate curves, based on the clinical scoring at day 4-5.

      3) In Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 and related text, the authors describe their results as "macrophage proliferation" and "neutrophil proliferation". I would encourage them to avoid these terms and rephrase these sections. Normally "macrophage proliferation" is used to refer to resident tissue macrophages that occasionally are seen to divide/proliferate. To my knowledge, neutrophil proliferation in a similar manner has not been described. Most likely what the authors describe is myelopoiesis (in agreement, the authors also indicate that Edu staining most commonly is seen in hematopoietic tissues) and the EdU staining in mature macrophages/neutrophils is the result of a (recent) cell division of a hematopoietic progenitor cell. The authors do not have evidence that the terminally-differentiated cells (macrophages and neutrophils) are actually "proliferating". In lack of a more specific mechanistic insight, I would encourage the use of much broader terms, such as "increased production/number of macrophages/neutrophils" rather than "macrophage/neutrophil proliferation", throughout.

      4) The authors observe several very interesting phenotypes that they report in Fig. 7, 8, 9 & 10. The frequency of these phenotypes (association with infection and with each other) however is not quantified and tested statistically. In particular:

      • The authors report that macrophages, but not neutrophils, infiltrate in the cardinal vein, although both cell populations are accumulating on the outer side of the vasculature during infection. Can the authors quantify and test statistically these phenomena, i.e. by counting cells inside the vessel and associated (externally) with the vessel in the PVP, T. car-low and T. car-high groups? Also, do neutrophils ever interact with trypanosomes in other sections of the vasculature, if not in the cardinal vein? Do trypanosomes ever escape from the circulation and interact with neutrophils elsewhere?

      • The authors report that foamy macrophages occur inside the vasculature and are exclusive to high-infected larvae. Can the authors show some quantifications of these associations and perform statistical tests (i.e. count foamy/non-foamy mpeg+ cells inside/outside the vessels in the PVP, T. car-low and T. car-high groups)? Also, macrophages do not phagocytose T. carassii, but foamy macrophages are seen in the context of other (intracellular) Trypanosoma infection. Are macrophages here perhaps scavenging dead Trypanosoma from the circulation, and is this leading to the foamy macrophage phenotype? Trypanosomes are also leading to hemolysis and this could lead to increased phagocytosis of red blood cell debris by macrophages. Could this be linked to the foamy appearance? How specific is BODIPY, to distinguish cholesterol (typical of foamy macrophages), vs lipids derived by phagocytosis of cell debris (i.e. high in membrane phospholipids?)

      • The authors report that foamy macrophages occurring in T. car-infected larvae are characterised by a strong proinflammatory profile and are all il1beta and all tnfa positive. Significant differences are observed in the inflammatory response of macrophages in high- and low-infected individuals and in their susceptibility to infection. Can the authors quantify and test statistically these observations? For example, can the authors show that foamy macrophages are indeed more frequently il1b positive/tnfa positive than neighbouring non-foamy mpeg+ cells?

      • The authors report that a strong inflammatory profile is associated with the occurrence of foamy macrophages. However, it is not clear how widely spread the inflammation is and only images of macrophages and endothelial cells in the cardinal vein are shown. Moreover, only tnfa and il1b are assessed (using transgenic reporters). The authors also mention that they observe a mild inflammatory response in low-infected individuals and that this is strongly associated with control of parasitaemia and survival to the infection. Can they confirm strong vs mild inflammatory profiles and different association with survival in the 2 infection categories and PVP control with a panel of qRT-PCR for several inflammatory markers (i.e. il1beta, tnfa and other relevant cytokines and chemokines)?

    1. Reviewer #3:

      Park et al. present an analysis of how structural connectomes (estimated with diffusion MRI) change from childhood to young adulthood. To characterize the changes, they embed each connectome into a 3-dimensional space using nonlinear dimensionality reduction (and alignment to a template sample), and then perform a range of analyses of the statistics derived from this space (notably, distances to the template centroid, 'eccentricity'). The paper is well written, the data are fantastic, and the analyses are interesting, but I have a range of methodological concerns.

      1) Interpretability and Lack of Comparison The authors claim repeatedly that they are "capitalizing on advanced manifold learning techniques". One could imagine an infinite number of papers that take a dataset, use a technique to extract a metric, X (e.g., eccentricity), and then write about the changes in X with some property of interest, Y (e.g., age). Given this set of papers (and the non-independence between the set of possible Xs), the reader ought to be most interested in those Xs that provide the best performance and simplest interpretation, with other papers being redundant. Thus, a nuanced approach to presenting a paper like this is to demonstrate that the metric used represents an advance over alternative, simpler-to-compute, or clearer-to-interpret metrics that already exist. In this paper, however, the authors do not demonstrate the benefits of their particular choice of applying a specific nonlinear dimensionality reduction method using 3 dimensions alignment to a template manifold and then computing an eccentricity metric. For example:

      i) Is the nonlinearity required (e.g., does it outperform PCA or MDS)?

      ii) Is there something special about picking 3 dimensions to do the eccentricity calculation? Is dimensionality reduction required at all (e.g., would you get similar results by computing eccentricity in the full-dimensional space?)

      iii) Does it outperform basic connectome measures (e.g., the simple ones the authors compute)?

      There is a clear down-side of how opaque the approach is (and thus difficult to interpret relative to, say, connectivity degree), so one would hope for a correspondingly strong boost in performance. The authors could also do more to develop some intuition for the idea of a low-dimensional connection-pattern-similarity-space, and how to interpret taking Euclidean distances within such a space.

      2) Developmental Enrichment Analysis Both in the main text and in the Methods, this is described as "genes were fed into a developmental enrichment analysis". Can some explanation be provided as to what happens between the "feeding in" and what comes out? Without clearly described methods, it is impossible to interpret or critique this component of the paper. If the methodological details are opaque, then the significance of the results could be tested numerically relative to some randomized null inputs being 'fed in' to demonstrate specificity of the tested phenotype.

      3) IQ prediction The predictions seem to be very poor (equality lines, y = x, should be drawn in Fig. 5, to show what perfect predictions would look like; linear regressions are not helpful for a prediction task, and are deceptive of the appropriate MAE computation). The authors do not perform any comparisons in this section (even to a real baseline model like predicted_IQ = mean(training_set_IQ)). They also do not perform statistical tests (or quote p-values), but nevertheless make a range of claims, including of "significant prediction" or "prediction accuracy was improved", "reemphasize the benefits of incorporating subcortical nodes", etc. All of these claims should be tested relative to rigorous statistics, and comparisons to appropriate baseline/benchmark approaches.

      4) Group Connectome Given how much the paper relies on estimating a group structural connectome, it should be visualized and characterized. For example, a basic analysis of the distribution of edge weights and degree, especially as edge weights can vary over orders of magnitude and high weights (more likely to be short distances) may therefore unduly dominate some of the low-dimensional components). The authors may also consider testing robustness performed to alternative ways of estimating the connectome [e.g., Oldham et al. NeuroImage 222, 117252 (2020)] and its group-level summary [e.g., Roberts et al. NeuroImage 145, 1-42 (2016)].

      5) Individual Alignment The paper relies on individuals being successfully aligned to the template manifold. Accordingly, some analysis should be performed quantifying how well individuals could be mapped. Presumably some subjects fit very well onto the template, whereas others do not. Is there something interesting about the poorly aligned subjects? Do your results improve when excluding them?